Page 2 代わるかわる to take the place of (u-v, intrans-verb) 時代じだい period, era (n) 世代せだい generation, age (n) 代金だいきん price, payment, cost, the bill (n) 以低住体作

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1 Page 1 不世主乗事京仕代 negative, non- 不足ふそく insufficiency, shortage (na-adj,n) 不安ふあん anxiety, uneasiness (na-adj,n) 不当ふとう injustice, unfair (na-adj,n) 不全ふぜん partial, incomplete (na-adj,n) 不動ふどう immobility, motionless (na-adj,n) world, generation, society, public 世界せかい world, society (n) 世代せだい generation, age (n) 世話せわ looking after, help (n, p-suru) 世話人せわにん manager, sponsor, agent (n) main, principle 主おも main, principal, important (na-adj,n) 主人しゅじん master, landlord, husband, employer (n) 主食しゅしょく staple food (n) 主語しゅご subject (n, gram) 持ち主もちぬし owner, proprietor (n) to ride, to board, to get on 乗るのる to ride, to board, to get on (u-v) 乗せるのせる to give a ride, to let (one) take part (u-v) 乗員じょういん crew (n) 乗り場のりば place for boarding vehicles (n) 乗り物のりもの vehicle (n) matter, thing, fact 仕事しごと work, occupation (no-adj, n) 火事かじ fire (n) 食事しょくじ meal (n, p-suru) 行事ぎょうじ event, function (n) 出来事できごと incident, affair, event (n) capital 東京とうきょう Tokyo - Capital of Japan (place) 京子きょうこ kyoko (name) 京都きょうと kyoto (place) 上京じょうきょう heading to the capital (n, p-suru) attend, do 仕えるつかえる to serve, to work for (ru-v) 仕事しごと work, occupation (no-adj, n) 仕事場しごとば place where one works (n) 仕上げるしあげる to finish up, to complete (ru-v, trans-verb) age, generation, substitute

2 Page 2 代わるかわる to take the place of (u-v, intrans-verb) 時代じだい period, era (n) 世代せだい generation, age (n) 代金だいきん price, payment, cost, the bill (n) 以低住体作使便 by means of 以上いじょう more than, over, this is all (n) 以下いか less than, below, under (n) 以内いない within, inside of (n, n-suf) 以外いがい with the exception of (n) short, humble 低いひくい short, low, humble (adj) 低音ていおん low tone, bass (n) 低下ていか fall, decline, deterioration (n, p-suru) 高低こうてい high and low, rise and fall (n) 低地ていち lowland, plain, low ground (n) live, dwell, reside 住むすむ to reside, to live in (u-v) 住所じゅうしょ address (eg house), residence (n) 安住あんじゅう living peaceably (n, p-suru) body, object, reality 体からだ body, health (n) 本体ほんたい substance, real form (n) 死体したい corpse (n) 人体じんたい human body (n) 正体しょうたい natural shape, true character (n) make, create 作るつくる to make, to create (u-v) 作家さっか author, writer (n) 工作こうさく work, handicraft (n) 作り話つくりはなし fiction, made-up story, myth (n) 作り上げるつくりあげる to make up, to fabricate (ru-v) to use 使うつかう to use (u-v) 使い方つかいかた way to use something (n) 天使てんし angel (n) 使者ししゃ messenger (n) convenience, post 便びん mail, post (n) 不便ふべん inconvenience (na-adj) 小便しょうべん urine (n, col) 大便だいべん feces, excrement (n)

3 Page 3 借働元兄光写冬切 borrow, rent 借りるかりる to borrow (ru-v) 借金しゃっきん debt, loan, liabilities (n) 借り物かりもの borrowed thing (n) work 働くはたらく to work, to labour (u-v) 働き者はたらきもの hardworker, hard working person (n) 働き口はたらきぐち position, opening (n) beginning, origin 元々もともと originally, by nature, from the start (adv, no-adj) 元気げんき health, spirit (na-adj) 耳元みみもと close to the ear (n) 地元じもと local (n) 元日がんじつ new year's day (n) elder brother お兄さんおにいさん (someone else's) elder brother (n) 兄あに (your own) elder brother (n) 父兄ふけい guardians, parents and older brothers (n) ray, light 光ひかり light (n) 光るひかる to shine, to be bright (u-v) 電光でんこう lightning (n) 月光げっこう moonlight (n) 日光にっこう sunlight, Nikko (place name) (n) copy, describe 写すうつす to copy, to duplicate (u-v) 写しうつし copy, fax, transcript (n) 写真しゃしん photograph (n) 生き写しいきうつし lifelike, exact resemblance (n) 写真屋しゃしんや photo studio, photographer (n) winter 冬ふゆ winter (n) 冬場ふゆば winter season (n) 冬物ふゆもの winter clothing (n) 冬日ふゆび the winter sun (n) cut, be sharp 切るきる to cut, to chop (ru-v) 大切たいせつ important, valuable (na-adj, n) 切手きって postage stamp (n) 親切しんせつ kind, gentle (na-adj, n)

4 Page 4 不親切ふしんせつ unkindness, unfriendliness (na-adj, n) 別力勉動区医去 separate, another, extra 別べつ another, particular (na-adj, n) 別にべつに (not) particularly, nothing (adv) 別々にべつべつに separately, individually (adv) 特別とくべつ special (na-adj, n) 別れるわかれる to be divided, to part from (ru-v) power, strength 力ちから force, strength, energy (n) 電力でんりょく electric power (n) 全力ぜんりょく all one's power 力持ちちからもち muscle man, strong man (n) 有力者ゆうりょくしゃ influential person (n) exertion 勉強べんきょう study, diligence (n, p-suru) 勉学べんがく study, pursuit of knowledge (n) 不勉強ふべんきょう idleness, lack of application (n) move, motion, change 動くうごく to move (u-v) 動物どうぶつ animal (n) 自動じどう automatic, self-motion (n) 手動しゅどう manual (n) 不動ふどう immobility, motionless (n) section, area, zone 区く ward, district, section (n) 区別くべつ distinction, differentiation, classification (n, p-suru) 区間くかん section (of track etc) (n, n-suf) 区切るくぎる to punctate, to cut off, to put an end to (u-v, trans-verb) 区々まちまち (1) several, various, (2) trivial (na-adj, no-adj, n) doctor, medicine 医者いしゃ doctor (medical) (n) 医学いがく medical science, medicine (n) 医大いだい medical university, medical school (n) 医院いいん doctor's office (surgery), clinic (n) 医薬品いやくひん medical supplies (n) leave, gone, past 死去しきょ death (n) 去るさる to leave, to go away (u-v) 去年きょねん last year (expr) 去来きょらい coming and going (n) 連れ去るつれさる to take away (u-v)

5 Page 5 台合同味品員問回 stand, pedestal, counter for machines/vehicles 台だい stand, rack (n) 台風たいふう typhoon (n) 台所だいどころ kitchen (n) 高台たかだい elevation, high ground (n) 一台いちだい one machine, one vehicle (counter) fit, suit, join 合うあう to fit, to suit, to match (u-v) 試合しあい match, tournament (n) 会合かいごう meeting (n) 合理ごうり rational, consistent (na-adj, n) 似合うにあう to suit, to match (u-v) same, agree, equal 同じおなじ same, similar (na-adj, n) 同時どうじ simultaneously, concurrent, same time (no-adj, n) 同然どうぜん similar to, natural, just (na-adj, n) 同意どうい agreement, consent, approval (n, p-suru) 同じようおなじよう similarly (na-adj) flavour, taste 味あじ taste, flavour (na-adj, n) 意味いみ meaning, significance (n, p-suru) 地味じみ plain, simple (na-adj, n) 持ち味もちあじ inherent flavour, distinctive characteristic, (n) 味わうあじわう to taste, to savour, to relish (u-v) goods, refinement, dignity 品物しなもの goods, article, thing 部品ぶひん parts, accessories (n) 上品じょうひん refined, elegant, polished (na-adj, n) 品名ひんめい product name (n) 手品てじな trick, magic, juggling (n) employee, member 店員てんいん shop assistant, employee (n) 工員こういん factory worker (n) 楽員がくいん band member (n) 駅員さんえきいんさん station attendant (n) 工作員こうさくいん crafstman, handicraft worker (n) question, ask, problem 問題もんだい problem, question (n) 不問ふもん ignorance (n) 自問じもん asking oneself (n, p-suru) -times, round, counter for occurrences

6 Page 6 回かい counter for occurrences (n) 回るまわる to turn, to revolve, to visit several places (u-v) 何回なんかい how many times? (n) 乗り回すのりまわす to ride/drive around (n, n-suf) 図地堂場声売夏 map, drawing, plan 図ず drawing, picture, illustration (n, n-suf) 地図ちず map (n) 意図いと intention, aim, design (n) 合図あいず sign, signal (n, p-suru) 図書館としょかん library (n) ground, earth 地ち earth (n, n-suf) 地下ちか basement, underground (n) 地図ちず map (n) 地味じみ plain, simple (na-adj, n) 地名ちめい place name (n) public chamber, hall 堂どう temple, shrin, hall (n, n-suf, n-pref) 堂々どうどう magnificent, impressive (na-adj, n) 会堂かいどう church, chapel (n) 本堂ほんどう main temple building (n) location, place 場ば place (n) 立場たちば standpoint, position, situation (n) 工場こうじょう factory, plant, mill (n) 広場ひろば plaza (n) 式場しきじょう place of ceremony (eg wedding) voice, sound 声こえ voice (n) 声楽せいがく vocal music (n) 小声こごえ soft voice, whisper (n) 話し声はなしごえ speaking voice (n) 金切り声かなきりごえ shrill voice, piercing cry, scream (n) sell 売るうる to sell (u-v) 発売はつばい sale (n, p-suru) 売り出すうりだす to market, to put on sale (u-v) 売り場うりば place where things are sold, counter (n) 売り物うりもの article for sale, For Sale (n) summer 夏なつ summer (n) 夏休みなつやすみ summer holiday (n)

7 Page 7 夏時間なつじかん summer time, daylight savings time (n) 夏場なつば summertime (n) 夕夜太好妹姉始字 evening 夕べゆうべ evening (n) 七夕たなばた Star Festival (n) 夕方ゆうがた evening (n) 夕飯ゆうはん evening meal (n) night, evening 夜よる evening (n) 今夜こんや tonight, this evening (n) 夜学やがく night school, evening classes (n) 夜空よぞら night sky (n) thick, plump 太いふとい thick (adj) 太るふとる to be on the heavy side (u-v) 太字ふとじ bold type, thick characters (n) 先太さきぶと thicker towards the end, club-shaped (na-adj, n) like something, pleasing 好きすき to like (na-adj, n) 好意こうい good will, favour (n) 好むこのむ to like, to prefer (u-v) 好色こうしょく lust, sensuality, lewdness (na-adj, n) 好都合こうつごう convenient, favourable (na-adj, n) younger sister 妹いもうと younger sister (n) 姉妹しまい sisters (n) 妹川いもがわ Imogawa (location) 姉妹会社しまいがいしゃ sister companies (n) 姉妹都市しまいとし sister cities (n) elder sister 姉あね (your own) older sister (n) 姉妹しまい sisters (n) お姉さんおねえさん (someone elses) older sister (n) commence, begin 始めるはじめる to start, to begin (ru-v, trans-verb) 年始ねんし new year (n) 始業しぎょう start work, commencement, opening (n) 始終しじゅう continuously, from beginning to end (adv, n) character, letter, word

8 Page 8 字じ character, letter, word (n) 漢字かんじ kanji, chinese characters (n) 赤字あかじ deficit, in the red (n) 名字みょうじ surname, family name (n) ローマ字ロマー字 romanization, romaji (n) 室家寒屋工市帰 room, apartment 室しつ room (n, n-suf) 教室きょうしつ classroom (n) 室内しつない in the room (n) house, home 家いえ house, one's home (n) 家族かぞく family (n) 作家さっか writer, author (n) 画家がか painter, artist (n) 家事かじ housework, chores (n) cold 寒いさむい cold (weather) (adj) 寒がりさむがり senstive to cold (na-adj, n) 悪寒おかん chill, shakes (n) house, roof, shop 小屋こや hut, cabin, shed (n) 屋上おくじょう rooftop (n) 料理屋りょうりや restaurant (n) 屋外おくがい outdoors (n) 屋内おくない indoors (n) craft, construction 工場こうじょう factory, workshop (n) 人工じんこう artificial, man-made (n) 工学こうがく engineering (n) 木工もっこう woodworking, woodworker (n) 工員こういん factory worker (n) city, town 市し city, town (n-suf) 市民しみん citizen, townspeople (n) 市内しない within a city (n) 市部しぶ urban areas (n) return 帰るかえる to return, to go back, to go home (u-v) 帰すかえす to send back (u-v) お帰りおかえり return, welcome (expression)

9 Page 9 持ち帰りもちかえり takeout (ie food) (n) 広度建引弟弱強 wide, broad, spacious 広いひろい spacious, wide (adj) 広めるひろめる to broaden, to propogate (ru-v) 広場ひろば plaza (n) 広大こうだい huge, very large (na-adj) degrees, occurrence 何度なんど how many times? how often? (n) 度ど counter for occurrences (n n-suf) 度合いどあい extent, degree (n) 強度きょうど strength, intensity (na-adj) 一度にいちどに all at once (adv) build 建物たてもの building (n) 建てるたてる to build, to construct (ru-v) 建前たてまえ official stance, public position (n) pull, tug, quote, refer to 引くひく to pull (u-v) 引き出すひきだす to pull out, to withdraw (u-v) 引き出しひきだし drawer (n) 引用いによう quotation, citation (n) 手引書てびきしょ handbook, manual, guide (n) younger brother 弟おとうと younger brother (n) 子弟してい younger people (n) 弟妹ていまい younger brother and sister (n) 兄弟きょうだい siblings (n) weak, frail 弱いよわい weak, frail, delicate (adj) 弱者じゃくしゃ the weak (n) 弱みよわみ weakness (n) 弱虫よわむし weakling, coward (n) 弱気よわき timid, faint-hearted (na-adj) strong 強いつよい strong (adj) 強まるつよまる to get strong (u-v) 勉強べんきょう study, diligence 強気つよき firm, strong (na-adj) 強引ごういん overbearing, coercive, pushy (nad-adj) wait

10 Page 10 待心思急悪意所持 待つまつ to wait (u-v) 待合まちあい meeting place (n) 待ち合わせまちあわせ appointment (n) 心待ちこころまち anticipation, expectation (n) heart, mind, spirit 心こころ heart, mind, spirit (n) 安心あんしん relief, peace of mind (na-adj) 心理学しんりがく psychology (n) 心中しんちゅう in one's heart, true motives (n) 心地ここち feeling, sensation, mood (n) think 思うおもう to think, to feel (u-v) 思いおもい thought (n) 思い上がるおもいあがる to be conceited (u-v) 思い出すおもいだす to recall, to remember (u-v) 思わずおもわず spontaneous, unintentional (adverb) hurry, sudden 急きゅう urgent, sudden, steep (na-adj, n) 急ぐいそぐ to hurry, to rush (u-v) 急行きゅうこう express train (n) 急死きゅうし sudden death (n, p-suru) bad, evil, wrong 悪いわるい bad, inferior (adj) 最悪さいあく the worst (na-adj, n) 悪質あくしつ bad quality (na-adj, n) 悪さわるさ badness (n) idea, mind, thought 意味いみ meaning (n, p-suru) 意見いけん opinion, view (n) 注意ちゅうい caution, being careful (n, p-suru) 意外いがい unexpected, surprising (na-adj, n) 民意みんい popular will (n) place 所ところ place (n) 場所ばしょ place, location (n) 研究所けんきゅうじょ research place, laboratory (n) 住所じゅうしょ address, residence (n) 高所こうしょ heights, high altitude (n) hold, have 持つもつ to have, to hold, to carry (u-v) 気持ちきもち feeling, sensation, mood (n)

11 Page 11 持ち出すもちだす to take out (u-v) 持ち味もちあじ inherent flavour, distinctive characteristic (n) 持ち帰るもちかえる to carry back/home, to take out (food) (u-v) 教文料方旅族早 teach, faith 教えるおしえる to teach, to inform (u-v) 教えおしえ teaching, lesson (n) 文教ぶんきょう education (n) sentence, literature, decoration 文ぶん sentence (n) 文学ぶんがく literature (n) 文書ぶんしょ document, writings, paperwork, records (n) 注文ちゅうもん order, request (n, p-suru) 文学者ぶんがくしゃ literary person (n) fee, materials 料理りょうり cooking, cuisine (n, p-suru) 料金りょうきん fee, charge (n) 料理屋りょうりや restaurant (n) 試料しりょう sample, test piece (n) direction, person, alternative 方かた (1) person, (2) way of doing (n-suf) 考え方かんがえかた way of thinking (n) 見方みかた viewpoint (n) 味方みかた friend, person on side (n) trip, travel 旅たび travel, trip, journey (n, p-suru) 旅行りょこう travel, trip (n, p-suru) 旅館りょかん Japanese-style hotel (n) 旅人たびびと traveller (n) 旅先たびさき destination, goal (n) tribe, family 家族かぞく family, members of family (n) 民族みんぞく people, race (n) 水族館すいぞくかん aquarium (n) 王族おうぞく royalty (n) early, fast 早いはやい early (adj) 早めるはやめる to quicken, to expedite (ru-v) 早口はやくち fast talking (n) 早起きはやおき early rising (n) bright, light

12 Page 12 明映春昼 明るいあかるい bright, cheerful (adj) 説明せつめい explanation (n, p-suru) 不明ふめい unknown, ambiguous (na-adj, n) 明日あした tomorrow (n) 発明はつめい invention (n, p-suru) reflect, reflection, projection 映画えいが movie, film (n) 映るうつる to be reflected, to harmonize with (u-v) 映画館えいがかん movie theatre, cinema (n) 映えるはえる to shine, to look attractive, to look pretty (ru-v) spring 春はる spring (n) 春休みはるやすみ spring vacation (n) daytime, noon 昼食ちゅうしょく lunch, midday meal (n) 暑暗曜有服 hot 暑いあつい hot (adj) 暑さあつさ heat (n) 暑中しょちゅう mid-summer (n) darkness, disappear 暗いくらい dark, gloomy (adj) 真っ暗まっくら total darkness, pitch dark (nad-adj, n) 暗にあんに implicitly (adv) weekday 曜日ようび day of week (n) 木曜日もくようび thursday (n) 火曜日かようび tuesday (n) 水曜日すいようび wednesday (n) possess, have, exist 有名ゆうめい famous (na-adj) 有用ゆうよう useful, helpful (na-adj) 有事ゆうじ emergency (n) clothing 服ふく clothes (n) 洋服ようふく western clothes (n)

13 Page 13 朝村林森業楽歌止 morning, period 朝あさ morning (n) 毎朝まいあさ every morning (n) 朝日あさひ morning sun (n) 朝食ちょうしょく breakfast (formal) (n) 朝ご飯あさご飯 breakfast (n) town, village 村むら village (n) 山村さんそん mountain village (n) 村人むらびと villager (n) forest 林はやし woods, forest (n) 森林しんりん forest (n) 林業りんぎょう forestry (n) forest, woods 森もり forest (n) 森林しんりん forest (n) business, performance 業者ぎょうしゃ trader 工業こうぎょう manufacturing industry (n) 休業きゅうぎょう closed (store), shutdown (n) 開業かいぎょう opening of business (n) music, comfort, ease 楽らく comfort, ease (na-adj, n, n-suf) 音楽おんがく music (n) 楽しむたのしむ to enjoy 楽しいたのしい enjoyable, fun (adj) song, sing 歌うた song, poetry (n) 歌ううたう to sing (u-v) 歌手かしゅ singer (n) 国歌こっか national anthem (n) 歌声うたごえ singing voice (n) stop, halt 中止ちゅうし suspension, stoppage, interruption (n, p-suru) 止めるとめる to stop (something) (ru-v) 止まるとまる to remain, to stay (u-v) 休止きゅうし pause, rest (n, p-suru) 止むやむ to cease, to stop, be over (u-v, intrans verb)

14 Page 14 正歩死民池注洋洗 correct, justice, righteous 正しいただしい correct, truthful, righteous (adj) 正月しょうがつ New Year's Day, the first month (n) 正すただす to correct, to amend (u-v) 正体しょうたい natural shape, one's true character (n) 正道せいどう the right path, path of righteousness (n) walk, counter for steps 歩くあるく to walk (u-v) 進歩しんぽ to progress, to develop (n, p-suru) 牛歩ぎゅうほ snail's pace, slow progress (n) 初歩しょほ rudiments, elements, ABC's of... (n) death, die 死ぬしぬ to die (u-v) 死人しにん corpse, dead person (n) 死語しご dead language, obsolete word (n) 病死びょうし natural death (n, p-suru) 安楽死あんらくし euthanasia (n) people, nation, subjects 民たみ nation, people (n) 民間みんかん private, unofficial, civilian (no-adj, n) 民族みんぞく people, race, nation (n) 民家みんか private house (n) 民主みんしゅ democratic, head of nation (n) pond, pool, reservoir 池いけ pond (n) 電池でんち battery (n) pour, concentrate 注ぐそそぐ to pour, to fill, to feed (a fire) (u-v) 注文ちゅうもん order, request (n, p-suru) 注意ちゅうい attention, being careful (n, p-suru) 注進ちゅうしん information (n, p-suru) ocean, western style 海洋かいよう ocean (n) 西洋せいよう west, western countries (n) 洋風ようふう western style (na-adj) 洋食ようしょく western style meal (n) wash 洗うあらう to wash (u-v) 洗濯せんたく washing, laundry (n) 手洗いてあらい washroom, lavatory (n)

15 Page 15 洗車せんしゃ car wash (n) 海 漢 sea, ocean 海うみ sea, beach (n) 海外かいがい overseas, abroad (n) 海鳥うみどり sea bird (n) 北海道ほっかいどう hokkaido (most northern of 4 main islands of Japan) (place) china 漢字かんじ chinese character (n) 牛物特犬理産 cow 牛うし cow (n) 牛肉ぎゅうにく beef (n) 牛歩ぎゅうほ snail's pace (n) 和牛わぎゅう Japanese beef cow (n) 水牛すいぎゅう water buffalo (n) thing, object, matter 物もの thing, object (n) 建物たてもの building (n) 物語ものがたり tale, legend, story (n) 買い物かいもの shopping (n, p-suru) 動物どうぶつ animal (n) special 特別とくべつ special (na-adj, adv) 特にとくに particularly, especially (adv) 特集とくしゅう special feature, special edition (n) 特急とっきゅう limited express train (n) dog 犬いぬ dog (n) 野犬やけん stray dog (n) logic, reason, justice 理り reason (n) 料理りょうり cooking, cuisine (n, p-suru) 物理ぶつり physics (n) 地理ちり geography (n) 真理しんり truth (n) products, give birth 産業さんぎょう industry (n) 不動産ふどうさん real estate (n)

16 Page 16 産むうむ to give birth, to produce (u-v) 用田町画界病発県 use, employ, utilise 用よう task, business, use (n) 信用しんよう confidence 起用きよう appointment, promotion (n) 用地ようち site (n) 用紙ようし blank form (n) rice field, rice paddy 田た rice field (n) 新田しんでん a new rice field (n) town, village, town 町まち town, street, road (n) 町中まちなか downtown (n) brush stroke, picture 映画えいが movie, film (n) 計画けいかく plan, schedule (n) 画家がか painter, artist (n) 映画館えいがかん cinema, movie theatre (n) 区画くかく division, section (n) world 世界せかい world (n) 学界がっかい academic world (n) 外界がいかい physical world, the externals (n) ill, sick 病院びょういん hospital (n) 病気びょうき sick (n) 病死びょうし (dying a) natural death (n,p-suru) 病人びょうにん sick person (n) departure, emit, disclose 発表はっぴょう announcement, publication (n,p-suru) 発言はつげん proposal, speech (n) 発はつ counter for gunshots (n-suf) 出発しゅっぱつ departure (n,p-suru) 発見はっけん discovery, detection (n,p-suru) prefecture 県けん prefecture (n) 県内けんない within the prefecture (n) 県外けんがい outside the prefecture (n)

17 Page 17 真着知短研私秋究 true, reality 写真しゃしん photograph (n) 真中まんなか centre, mid-way (n) 真理しんり truth (n) 真っ白まっしろ pure white (na-adj,n) arrive, wear 着るきる to wear (ru-v) 着くつく to arrive (u-v) 着物きもの kimono (Japanese-style dress) (n) 下着したぎ underwear (n) know, wisdom 知るしる to know (ru-v) 知恵ちえ wisdom, wit 知らせるしらせる to notice, to advise (ru-v) 知らせしらせ notice (n) 人見知りひとみしり shyness (n) short, fault, defect 短いみじかい short (adj) 短気たんき short temper (n) polish, sharpen, study 研究けんきゅう research (n,p-suru) 研究者けんきゅうしゃ researcher (n) 研ぐとぐ to sharpen, to grind (u-v) private, I, me 私わたし Me, I (n) 私学しがく private school (n) 私服しふく plain clothes (n) 私見しけん personal opinion (n) autumn 秋あき autumn (n) 秋風あきかぜ autumn breeze (n) 春秋しゅんじゅう spring and autumn (n) research, study 研究けんきゅう research, study (n, p-suru) 学究がっきゅう scholar (n) 究明きゅうめい scientific investigation (n) 研究員けんきゅういん researcher (n) solution, answer

18 Page 18 答紙終習考者肉自色 答えこたえ answer (n) 問答もんどう questions and answers (n) 口答えくちごたえ retort (n,p-suru) paper 紙かみ paper (n) 手紙てがみ letter (n) 用紙ようし blank form, answer sheet (n) end, finish 終わるおわる to fininsh, to close (n) 終わりおわり the end (n) 始終しじゅう from beginning to end (n) learn 習うならう to learn (u-v) 教習きょうしゅう training, instruction (n) 見習うみならう to follow another's example (u-v) consider, think over 考えるかんがえる to think, to consider (u-v) 考えかんがえ thought, idea (n) 考え方かんがえかた way of thinking (n) somone, person 者もの person (n) 業者ぎょうしゃ trader, merchant (n) 死者ししゃ casualty, deceased (person) (n) 医者いしゃ doctor (n) 科学者かがくしゃ scientist (n) meat 肉にく meat (n) 牛肉ぎゅうにく beef (n) 肉親にくしん blood relative (n) 肉屋にくや butcher (n) oneself 自分じぶん oneself (n) 自動じどう automatic (na-adj, n) 自転車じてんしゃ bicycle (n) 自国じこく one's home country (n) colour 色いろ colour (n)

19 Page 19 特色とくしょく characteristic (n) 黄色きいろ yellow (na-adj,n) 色々いろいろ various (na-adj,n,adv) 英茶菜薬親計試説 England, english 英語えいご the English language (n) 英文えいぶん sentence in English (n) 英明えいめい intelligent, wise, bright (na-adj,n) 英知えいち intelligence (n) tea お茶おちゃ (green) tea (n) 茶色ちゃいろ brown (n) 茶道さどう Tea Ceremony vegetable, greens 野菜やさい vegetables (n) 白菜はくさい Chinese cabbage, white rape (n) 菜食さいしょく vegetable diet (n) medicine 薬くすり medicine, pharmaceuticals (n) 火薬かやく gun powder (n) 薬学やくがく study of pharmacy (n) parent, relative, intimacy 親おや parents (n) 両親りょうしん parents (n) 親しいしたしい intimate, close (eg friend) (adj) 親切しんせつ kindness, gentleness (na-adj,n) 親友しんゆう close friend (n) plot, plan, scheme, measure 計画けいかく plan, project, program (n) 時計とけい watch, clock (n) 計るはかる to measure (u-v) 計り知れないはかりしれない immeasurable, inestimable (adj,expr) test, try, attempt 試合しあい match (n) 試験しけん exam, test (n) 試みこころみ trial, experiment (n) 試食ししょく sampling food (n) rumour, opinion, theory 説明せつめい explanation (n,p-suru)

20 Page 20 小説しょうせつ novel, short story (n) 説せつ theory (n,n-suf) 学説がくせつ theory (n) 貸質赤走起転軽近 lend 貸すかす to lend (u-v) 貸しかし loan substance, quality, matter 質しつ quality (n) 質問しつもん question, inquiry (n) 水質すいしつ water quality (n) 悪質あくしつ bad quality, malignant (na-adj,n) red 赤いあかい red (n) 赤ちゃんあかちゃん baby (n) 赤道せきどう equator (n) run 走るはしる to run (u-v) 走り書きはしりがき scribble (n) wake, get up 起きるおきる to wake up (ru-v) 起こるおこる to occur, to happen (u-v) revolve, turn around, change 転じるてんじる to turn, to shift (ru-v) 自転車じてんしゃ bicycle (n) 転ぶころぶ to fall down, to fall over (u-v) 転売てんばい resale (n) light, unimportant 軽いかるい light, non-serious (adj) 手軽てがる easy, simple, informal (na-adj, n) 気軽きがる cheerful, lighthearted (na-adj, n) 軽々かるがる lightly, easily (adv) 軽口かるくち talkative, loose-lipped (na-adj, n) near 近いちかい near, close by (adj) 近所きんじょ neighbourhood (n) 近道ちかみち shortcut, short way (n)

21 Page 21 送通進運遠都重野 send 送るおくる to send, to see off (person) (u-v) 先送りさきおくり postpone (n) 送電そうでん electric supply (n) 送別そうべつ farewell, send off (n) pass through, commute 通うかよう to commute, to go back and forth (u-v) 通るとおる to pass by, to walk along (u-v) 通いかよい coming and going, commuting (n) 通すとおす to let pass, to overlook (u-v) 通信社つうしんしゃ newsagency (n) advance, proceed, progress 進むすすむ to make progress (u-v) 進歩しんぽ progress, development (n, p-suru) transport, progress, luck, fate 運うん fortune, luck, ( 運がいい =to have good luck) (n) 運ぶはこぶ to transport (u-v) 運動うんどう exercise (n, p-suru) 運転うんてん driving, motion (n, p-suru) distant, far 遠いとおい far, distant (adj) 遠足えんそく trip, hike, picnic (n) 遠まわしとおまわし indirect (roundabout) expression (na-adj) 遠心力えんしんりょく centrifugal force (n) metropolis, capital 都みやこ capital (n) 京都きょうと Kyoto (city) (n) 都会とかい city (n) heavy, pile up 重いおもい heavy (adj) 重ねるかさねる to pile up, to heap (u-v) 重大じゅうだい serious, important, grave (na-adj,n) 体重たいじゅう one's body weight (n) 重さおもさ weight (n) plains, field, civilian life 野菜やさい vegetable (n) 野生やせい wild (n) 野鳥やちょう (wild) bird 野外やがい suburbs, outskirts (n)

22 Page 22 銀 門 開 silver 銀行ぎんこう bank (n) 銀色ぎんいろ silver (n) 水銀すいぎん mercury (n) gates 門もん gate (n) 門下もんか one's pupil or follower (n) 門外漢もんがいかん amateur, outsider, layman (n) 入門にゅうもん primer, manual (n) open, unseal 開くあく to open (u-v) 院集青音頭 institution, school 病院びょういん hospital (n) 学院がくいん institute, academy (n) 大学院だいがくいん graduate school (n) 入院にゅういん hospital admission (n,p-suru) gather, meet, congregate 集めるあつめる to gather, to assemble (ru-v, trans-verb) 集まるあつまる to gather, to assemble (u-v, intrans-verb) 集中しゅうちゅう concentration (n, p-suru) 集しゅう collection (n) blue, green 青あお blue (n) 青空あおぞら blue sky (n) sound, noise 音楽おんがく music (n) 音おと sound (n) 音質おんしつ tone quality (n) 足音あしおと sound of footsteps (n) 物音ものおと sounds (n) head, chief, top 頭あたま head (n) 題 topic, subject 問題もんだい problem, question (n) 宿題しゅくだい homework (n)

23 Page 23 顔風飯館首験鳥黒 face, expression 顔かお face (person) (n) 笑顔えがお smiling face (n) 顔色かおいろ complexion, expression (n) 新顔しんがお newcomer, new face (n) wind, manner 風かぜ wind (n) 台風たいふう typhoon (n) 洋風ようふう western style (na-adj) 風習ふうしゅう custom (n) food 赤飯せきはん red rice (n) 夕飯ゆうはん evening meal (n) ご飯ごはん meal, rice (n) 朝ご飯あさごはん breakfast (n) large building, palace 図書館としょかん library (n) 旅館りょかん Japanese-style inn (n) 映画館えいがかん cinema, movie theatre (n) 本館ほんかん main building (n) neck 首くび neck (n) 足首あしくび ankle (n) 手首てくび wrist (n) 自首じしゅ to surrender, to give oneself up (n,p-suru) verify, test 試験しけん test, exam (n) 体験たいけん personal experience (n,p-suru) bird 鳥とり bird (n) 小鳥ことり small bird (n) 野鳥やちょう wild bird (n) 一石二鳥いっせきにちょう two birds with one stone (expr) black 黒くろ black (n) 黒字くろじ to be in the black (n) 白黒しろくろ black and white (n) 黒っぽいくろっぽい dark, blackish (adj)

24 Page 24 Have a question? Ask at the JLPT Study Forum by Peter van der Woude URL: Updated: 29-May-2010 Comments and/or corrections welcome

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