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1 Gel Shift Assay Systems No. TB110J E3050 E3300 I. 2 II. 2 III. A. 3 B. 3 IV. A. 4 B. 4 V. A. 5 B. HeLa Nuclear Extract DNA 6 C. AP2 Extract DNA 7 D. DNA- 7 VI. VII. VIII. IX X. A. 14 B. 14 C. 15 XI. 16 Tel 1

2 I. (electrophoretic mobility shift)dna (1) DNA -DNA DNA( 2) ( ) 32 PDNA DNA DNA DNA DNA Gel Shift Assay Systems AP2(AP2 Extract)AP2 AP2 SP1 Consensus Oligo Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 20HeLa Nuclear Extract 52 (X.B 3) DNA II. Gel Shift Assay Core System E µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 100u T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (PNK) 100µl T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 10X Buffer 200µl Gel Shift Binding 5X Buffer 20µl AP2 Extract 35pmol AP2 Consensus Oligo (1.75pmol/µl) 35pmol SP1 Consensus Oligo (1.75pmol/µl) 1 Protocol Gel Shift Assay System E3300 Gel Shift Assay Core System 35pmol AP1 Consensus Oligo (1.75pmol/µl) 35pmol OCT1 Consensus Oligo (1.75pmol/µl) 35pmol CREB Consensus Oligo (1.75pmol/µl) 35pmol NF- B Consensus Oligo (1.75pmol/µl) 35pmol TFIID Consensus Oligo (1.75pmol/µl) 1 Protocol : HeLa Nuclear Extract AP2 Extract Tel 2

3 III. (X.A) [ - 32 P]ATP (3,000Ci/mmol at 10mCi/ml) 0.5M EDTA TE 0.5M Na2HPO4 (ph 6.8) Whatman DE81 2.3cm circular filters Nuclease-Free Water (P1193) A. 1. Consensus Oligonucleotide (1.75pmol/µl) 2µl T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 10X Buffer 1µl [ - 32 P] ATP (3,000Ci/mmol at 10mCi/ml) 1µl Nuclease-Free Water 5µl T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (5 10u/µl) 1µl 10µl M EDTA 1µl 4. 89µl TE IV : : 1:1 10µl2.2µl ATP B. 1. 1µl (III.A) 4Whatman DE81 2.3cm circular filters ml 0.5M Na2HPO4 (ph 6.8) 5 2 RI = cpm 100 cpm 5'50%RI 30% 30% 10~100fmol5,000~20,000cpm Tel 3

4 IV. (X.A) G-25 (5M 1M) 100% TE DNA (18mer) DNA A. TEG-25 (1) B. 1. 1/45MIII.A % -70 C ,000 g DNA 100µl 1M DNA100µl TE 1µl -20 Gel Shift Assay Tel 4

5 V. DNA ( DNA)( ph ) (ph ) (2) (X.A) 4% ( 1 ) Nuclease-Free Water (P1193) gel loading 10 TBE 0.5 A. V.BV.C()Novex 6% DNA retardation 10 12cm 0.75mm 4% DNA- 1 (SDS) 1. (20ml) 4% 60:1 : TBE ml 37.5:1 / (40%,w/v) 1.25 ml 40% (w/v) 0.75 ml 80% 625 µl dh2o 16.2 ml TEMED* 10 µl 10% APS** 150 µl *N,N,N N,-tetramethyl-ethylenediamine **ammonium persulfate (dh2o 10% in distilled water) : 60:1 40:1 (1) (1~2 ) Tel 5

6 B. HeLa Nuclear Extract DNA SP1 HeLa Nuclear ExtractSP #1 ( ) 7µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 0µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 9µl #2 ( ) 5µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 2µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 9µl #3 ( ) 4µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 2µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 1µl (1.75pmol) ( SP1 Consensus Oligo) 9µl #4 ( ) 4µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 2µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 1µl (1.75pmol) ( AP2 Consensus Oligo) 9µl µl 32 P SP1 Consensus Oligo : 4. 1µl gel loading 10 V.D : gel loading DNA gel loading Tel 6

7 C. AP2 Extract DNA #1 ( ) 7µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 0µl AP2 Extract 9µl #2 ( ) 6µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 1µl AP2 Extract 9µl #3 ( ) 5µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 1µl AP2 Extract 1µl (1.75pmol) ( AP2 Consensus Oligo) 9µl #4 ( ) 5µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 1µl AP2 Extract 1µl (1.75pmol) ( SP1 Consensus Oligo) 9µl µl 32 P AP2 Consensus Oligo : 4. 1µl gel loading 10 D D. DNA- 1. 4%0.5 TBE 350V 10 Novex 6% DNA retardation 4% 0.5 TBE 350V 6% DNA retardation 0.5 TBE250~350V bromophenol blue Whatman 3MM filter paper -701X : AP2 SP1 Consensus Oligos DNA (2) Tel 7

8 VI DNA 2HeLa 2. HeLa Nuclear Extracts AP1 ( ) 1 AP2 CREB 1 2 NF- B OCT1 SP1 TFIID * TFIID * NF- B VII. V AP1: (c-jun) NF- B: 0.01mg/ml poly(di-dc) poly(di-dc) (3) ( AP2) poly(di-dc) poly(di-dc)dtt 5mM binding buffer c-jun in vitro DNA Gel Shift Binding 1 Buffer 1~2 fpu (footprinting units) (p49 p50) 10mM HEPES (ph 7.9) 50mM KCl 0.1mM EDTA 2.5mM DTT 10% glycerol 0.05% NP pmol NF- B Consensus Oligo 20µl ng25 C 30 gel loading -DNA Novex 6% TBE0.5% TBE300V 15 Tel 8

9 VII µg 100% DNA 1:1 5:1 Binding buffer 32 P DNA 2 DNA Zn Mg DNA- DNA DNA 4 TGE (1) gel loading bromophenol blue DNA loading poly(di-dc) poly(di-dc) DNA TFIIDpoly(dG-dC) poly(dg-dc) calf thymus DNA DNA -- (4) poly(di-dc) poly(di-dc) 0.1µg 2-3µg 50~100ng Tel 9

10 DNA binding buffer DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA (AT) 4 binding buffer DNA (1) DNApoly(dI-dC) poly(di-dc) DNA DNA DNase Tel 10

11 ammonium persulfate solution( 1 ) TBE 10~15V/cm DNA ( TBP)(30~35V/cm) ( NF- B ) Binding buffer DNA- Tel 11

12 extract + AP2 oligo + cold AP2 oligo + AP2 oligo and noncompetitor 1. AP2 AP21 2 ( 32 PAP2) 3 32 PAP2 AP2( ) 4 32 PAP2 TFIID() DNAV Tel 12

13 IX. 1. Ausubel, F.M. et al. (1989) In: Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons, New York. 2. Andersen, R.D. et al. (1990) Metal-dependent binding of a nuclear factor to the rat metallothionein-i promoter. Nucl. Acids Res. 18, Lin, B. (1992) Gel shift analysis with human recombinant AP1 (c-jun): The effect of poly d(i-c) on specific complex formation. Promega Notes 37, Fried, M.G. and Crothers, D.M. (1984) Kinetics and mechanism in the reaction of gene regulatory proteins with DNA. J. Mol. Biol.172, Briggs, M.R. et al.(1986) Purification and biochemical characterization of the promoter-specific transcription factor, Sp1. Science 234, Lee, W., Mitchell, P. and Tjian, R. (1987) Purified transcription factor AP-1 inter-acts with TPA-inducible enhancer elements. Cell 49, Williams, T. et al.(1988) Cloning and expression of AP-2, a cell-type-specific transcription factor that activates inducible enhancer elements. Genes and Development 2, Lenardo, M.J. and Baltimore, D. (1989) NF-kappa B: a pleiotropic mediator of inducible and tissuespecific gene control. Cell 58, O Neill, E.A. et al. (1988) Transcription factor OTF-1 is functionally identical to the DNA replication factor NF-III. Science 241, Roesler, W.J., Vandenbark, G.R. and Hanson, R.W. (1988) Cyclic AMP and the induction of eukaryotic gene transcription. J. Biol. Chem. 263, Locker, J. and Buzard, G. (1990) A dictionary of transcription control sequences. J. DNA Sequencing and Mapping 1, 3. Tel 13

14 X. A. gel loading 10X buffer 250mM Tris-HCl (ph 7.5) 0.2% bromophenol blue 40% glycerol Gel Shift Binding 5X Buffer 20% glycerol 5mM MgCl2 2.5mM EDTA 2.5mM DTT 250mM NaCl 50mM Tris-HCl (ph 7.5) 0.25mg/ml poly(di-dc) poly(di-dc) T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 10X Buffer 700mM Tris-HCl (ph 7.6) 100mM MgCl2 50mM DTT TBE 10X buffer (1L) g Tris base ~55g boric acid 7.44g disodium EDTA 2H2O 800ml boric acid ph ph boric acid TE buffer 10mM Tris-HCl (ph 8.0) 1mM EDTA B. 3. ( ) SP1 (5) AP1 (c-jun) (6) AP2 (7) NF- B (8) OCT1 (9) 5 - ATT CGA TCG GGG CGG GGC GAG C TAA GCT AGC CCC GCC CCG CTC G CGC TTG ATG AGT CAG CCG GAA GCG AAC TAC TCA GTC GGC CTT GAT CGA ACT GAC CGC CCG CGG CCC GT CTA GCT TGA CTG GCG GGC GCC GGG C A AGT TGA GGG GAC TTT CCC AGG C TCA ACT CCC CTG AAA GGG TCC G TGT CGA ATG CAA ATC ACT AGA A ACA GCT TAC GTT TAG TGA TCT T -5 DNA 3 Zn O-glycosylated AP1 c-fos DNA TPA camp AP2 B B OCT 1 2 POU POU CREB (10) TFIID (11) 5 - AGA GAT TGC CTG ACG TCA GAG AGC TAG TCT CTA ACG GAC TGC AGT CTC TCG ATC GCA GAG CAT ATA AGG TGA GGT AGG A CGT CTC GTA TAT TCC ACT CCA TCC T -5 camp c-jun DNA TATA DNA TFIIDARNAII Tel 14

15 C. Gel Shift Binding 5 Buffer 5 200µl E3581 Core Footprinting System 50 E3730 Nuclease-Free Water 50ml(2 25ml) P1193 rhap1 (c-jun) 50fpu E3061 rhnf- B (p49) 50gsu E3820 rhnf- B (p50) 50gsu E3770 fpu = footprint unit; gsu = gel shift unit. HeLaScribe Nuclear Extract, Gel Shift Assay Grade 3 40µl E3521 AP1 Oligonucleotide 175pmol E pmol E3202 AP2 Oligonucleotide 175pmol E pmol E3212 TFIID Oligonucleotide 175pmol E pmol E3222 SP1 Oligonucleotide 175pmol E pmol E3232 OCT1 Oligonucleotide 175pmol E pmol E3242 CREB Oligonucleotide 175pmol E pmol E3282 NF- B Oligonucleotide 175pmol E pmol E3292 Tel 15

16 XI. Gel Shift Assay Systems: Gel Shift Assay System( IIIV) ( III.A) 1. Consensus Oligonucleotide (1.75pmol/µl) 2µl T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 10X Buffer 1µl [ - 32 P]ATP (3,000Ci/mmol at 10mCi/ml) 1µl Nuclease-Free Water 5µl T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (5 10u/µl) 1µl 10µl C µl 0.5M EDTA 4. 89µl TE(IV) HeLa Nuclear Extract DNA (Section V.B) 1. SP1 2 4 #1 ( ) #2 ( ) 7µl Nuclease-Free Water 5µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5X Buffer 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5X Buffer 0µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 2µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 9µl 9µl #3 ( ) #4 ( ) 4µl Nuclease-Free Water 4µl Nuclease-Free Water 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5X Buffer 2µl Gel Shift Binding 5X Buffer 2µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 2µl HeLa Nuclear Extract 1µl 1µl (1.75pmol) (SP1 Consensus (1.75pmol) (AP2 Consensus Oligo) Oligo) 9µl 9µl µl 32 PSP µl gel loading 10X AP2 Extract AP2 Concensus Oligo AP2 Consensus Oligo 1µl AP2 Extract2µl HeLa Extract gel loading Tel 16

17 XI. Gel Shift Assay Systems: ( V.D) 1. 4% TBE 350V 100.5X TBE Vbromophenol blue X Tel 17



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