18 C ( ) hello world.c 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 3 main() 4 { 5 printf("hello World\n"); 6 } [ ] [ ] #include <stdio.h> % cc hello_world.c %./a.o

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1 18 C ( ) hello world.c 5 printf("hello World\n"); 6 } [ ] [ ] #include <stdio.h> % cc hello_world.c %./a.out Hello World [a.out ] % cc hello_world.c -o hello_world [ ( ) ] (K&R 4.1.1) #include "filename" #include <filename> cc -l ( math.h, K&R B4) % cc filename.c -lm 1. temperature1.c ( ) main() 3 { 4 int fahr, celsius; 5 int lower, upper, step; 6 lower = 0; 8 upper = 300; 9 step = 0; 10 fahr = lower; 11 while (fahr <= upper) { 1 celsius = 5 * (fahr-3) / 9; 13 printf("%d\t%d\n", fahr, celsius); 14 fahr = fahr + step; 15 } 16 } [] \n, \t tab, \b, \", \\ 1

2 temperature.c ( ) 5 float fahr, celsius; 6 int lower, upper, step; 8 lower = 0; 9 upper = 300; 10 step = 0; 11 1 fahr = lower; 13 while (fahr <= upper) { 14 celsius = (5.0 /9.0) * (fahr-3) ; 15 printf("%3.0f %6.1f\n", fahr, celsius); 16 fahr = fahr + step; 1 } 18 } [printf ] (K&R p.308, B-) %d 10 %6d 10 6 %f %6f 6 %.f %6.f %o 8 %x 16 %c %s %p %% % 6 [ ] fahr += step; (K&R.10, p.61) sizes.c () main() 3 { 4 printf("char %d\n", sizeof(char)); 5 printf("int %d\n", sizeof(int)); 6 printf("float %d\n", sizeof(float)); printf("double %d\n", sizeof(double)); 8 printf("long double %d\n\n", sizeof(long double)); 9 10 printf("short %d\n", sizeof(short)); 11 printf("long %d\n", sizeof(long)); 1 printf("long long int %d\n", sizeof(long long int)); 13 } [ ] char int short long float double

3 (K&R., p.44) char signed char unsigned char short unsigned short int unsigned int long unsigned long float double long double signed char unsigned char signed short, short int, signed short int unsigned short int signed signed int unsigned signed long, long int, signed long int unsigned long int 1.3 For for.c (For ) 5 int fahr; 6 for (fahr = 0; fahr <= 300; fahr = fahr + 0) printf("%3d %6.1f\n", fahr, (5.0 /9.0) * (fahr-3) ); 8 } do { } while( ); 1.4 symbolic constant.c ( ) 3 #define LOWER 0 4 #define UPPER #define STEP 0 6 main() 8 { 9 int fahr; 10 for (fahr = LOWER; fahr <= UPPER; fahr = fahr + STEP) 11 printf("%3d %6.1f\n", fahr, (5.0 /9.0) * (fahr-3) ); 1 } 1.5 getchar(), putchar() 3

4 1.5.1 copyfile1.c ( 1 ) 5 int c; 6 c = getchar(); 8 while (c!= EOF){ 9 putchar(c); 10 c = getchar(); 11 } 1 } copyfile.c ( ) c char int EOF : End Of File 5 int c; 6 while ((c = getchar())!= EOF) 8 putchar(c); 9 } 1.5. countletters1.c ( 1 ) 5 long nc; 6 nc = 0; 8 while (getchar()!= EOF) 9 ++nc; 10 printf("%ld\n", nc); 11 } countletters.c ( ) 5 double nc; 6 nc = 0; 8 for (nc = 0; getchar()!= EOF; ++nc) 9 ; 10 printf("%.0f\n", nc); 11 } 4

5 1.5.3 countlines.c ( ) 5 int c, nl; 6 nl = 0; 8 while ((c = getchar())!= EOF) 9 if (c == \n ) 10 ++nl; 11 printf("%d\n", nl); 1 } wc.c () 3 #define IN 1 4 #define OUT main() { 8 int c, nl, nw, nc, state; 9 10 state = OUT; 11 nl = nw = nc = 0; 1 while((c = getchar())!= EOF) { 13 ++nc; 14 if (c == \n ) 15 ++nl; 16 if (c == c == \n c== \t ) 1 state = OUT; 18 else if (state == OUT) { 19 state = IN; 0 ++nw; 1 } } 3 printf("%d %d %d\n", nl, nw, nc); 4 } OUT 空白文字 空白以外の文字 IN 空白文字空白以外の文字 isspace() (K&R B, p.31) 5

6 1.6 countdigits.c () 5 int c, i, nwhite, nother; 6 int ndigit[10]; 8 nwhite = nother = 0; 9 for (i = 0 ; i < 10; ++i) 10 ndigit[i] = 0; 11 1 while((c = getchar())!= EOF) 13 if (c >= 0 && c <= 9 ) 14 ++ndigit[c- 0 ]; 15 else if (c == c == \n c == \t ) 16 ++nwhite; 1 else 18 ++nother; 19 0 printf("digits ="); 1 for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) printf(" %d", ndigit[i]); 3 printf(", white space = %d, other = %d\n", 4 nwhite, nother); 5 } int ndigit[10] ndigit[0] ndigit[9] c- 0 : c 0 0 c bool.c main() 3 { 4 int result; 5 6 printf("%d\n", 3 <= 5); printf("%d\n",!(3 <= 5)); 8 9 result = 5 == 5; 10 printf("%d\n", result); 11 } K&R p.5, p.54 K&R p.54, if, while, for 6

7 sum.c main() 3 { 4 int d, sum = 0; 5 6 for(;;) { if (scanf("%d", &d)!= 1) 8 break; 9 printf("%d\n", d); 10 sum += d; 11 } 1 printf("sum %d\n", sum); 13 } scanf() ( ) continue (for while ) switch 1. cc -Wall (++ --) cc -Wall (Warning ) warning1.c 1 main() { 3 int i; 4 printf("end\n"); 5 } warning.c 3 int main() 5 printf("end\n"); 6 return 0; } % cc -Wall warning1.c warning1.c:: warning: return type defaults to int warning1.c: In function main : warning1.c:4: warning: implicit declaration of function printf warning1.c:3: warning: unused variable i warning1.c:5: warning: control reaches end of non-void function % cc -Wall warning.c %./a.out end %

8 . (K&R 1., 1.10) function1.c (K&R 1.) int power(int m, int n); 3 4 int main() 5 { 6 int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) 8 printf("%d %d %d\n", i, power(,i), power(-3,i)); 9 return 0; 10 } 11 int power(int base, int n) 1 { 13 int p; 14 for (p = 1; n > 0; --n) 15 p = p * base; 16 return p; 1 } function.c void power(int m, int n); 3 int result; 4 int main() 5 { 6 int i; extern int result; 8 for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) 9 { 10 power(, i); 11 printf("%d %d", i, result); 1 power(-3, i); 13 printf(" %d\n", result); 14 } 15 return 0; 16 } 1 void power(int base, int n) 18 { 19 int p; 0 for (p = 1; n > 0; --n) 1 p = p * base; result = p; 3 return ; 4 } int power(int, int); main 0 () exit() void extern 8

9 .3 (K&R 1.9) string.c 3 int main() 5 char word[]="hello"; 6 int length, i; 8 /* char word[] = { H, e, l, l, o, \0 }; 9 char word[6] = { H, e, l, l, o, \0 }; 10 char word[6] = "Hello"; */ 11 1 length = sizeof("hello"); 13 printf("sizeof(\"hello\") = %d\n",length); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) 16 printf("word[%d] = %c (%d)\n", i, word[i], word[i]); 1 18 printf("%s\n", word); 19 return 0; 0 } sizeof("hello") = 6 word[0] = H () word[1] = e (101) word[] = l (108) word[3] = l (108) word[4] = o (111) word[5] = ^@ (0) Hello char word[] = Hello ; word H e l l o 0 \0.4 (K&R.8) increment.c 3 int main() 5 int i; 6 i = 5; while (--i) 8 printf("%d ", i); 9 printf("\n"); i = 5; 1 while (i--) 13 printf("%d ", i); 14 printf("\n"); 15 return 0; 16 }

10 strcat.c (K&R.8, p.59) #define MAXLINE void mystrcat(char s[], char t[]); 5 6 int main() { 8 char former[maxline] = "Hello"; 9 char latter[] = " World!"; printf("%s + %s\n", former, latter); 1 mystrcat(former, latter); 13 printf("%s\n", former); 14 return 0; 15 } 16 1 void mystrcat(char s[], char t[]) 18 { 19 int i, j; 0 1 i = j = 0; while (s[i]!= \0 ) 3 i++; 4 while ((s[i++] = t[j++])!= \0 ) 5 ; 6 } Hello + World! Hello World! 10

11 .5 (K&R 5) pointer1.c (K&R 5.1, p.114) 3 int main() 5 int x =1, y=, z[3] = {, 1, 0}; 6 int *ip; 8 ip = &x; 9 y = *ip; 10 *ip = 0; 11 ip = & z[0]; 1 13 printf(" x = %d, y = %d, z = {%d,%d,%d}\n", 14 x, y, z[0], z[1], z[]); 15 printf(" &x = %p\n", &x); 16 printf(" &y = %p\n", &y); 1 printf(" z = %p\n", z); 18 printf(" &z[0] = %p\n", &z[0]); 19 printf(" &ip = %p\n", &ip); 0 printf(" z[0] = %d\n", z[0]); 1 printf(" ip = %p \n", ip); return 0; 3 } x = 0, y = 1, z = {,1,0} &x = 0xbffffbbc &y = 0xbffffbb8 z = 0xbffffba0 &z[0] = 0xbffffba0 &ip = 0xbffffb9c z[0] = ip = 0xbffffba0 bffffb90 bffffba0 94 a4 98 ip=&z[0]; a8 ac z[0] z[1] z[] z bffffbb0 b4 b8 y 9c ip ip=&x; bc x pointer.c 3 int main() 5 int z[3] = {, 1, 0}; 6 int i, *ip; 8 ip = z; 9 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) 10 printf("z[%d] = %d, *(z+%d) = %d, %d\n", 11 i, z[i], i, *(z + i), *ip++); 1 return 0; 13 } z[0] =, *(z+0) =, z[1] = 1, *(z+1) = 1, 1 z[] = 0, *(z+) = 0, 0 z[] = {, 1, 0}; z[i] *(z+i) (K&R p.10) *ip++ (*ip)++ *ip++ *(ip++) 11

12 pointer3.c 3 int main() 5 char word[] = "Hello"; 6 char *letter; 8 for (letter = word; *letter; letter++) 9 putchar(*letter); 10 putchar( \n ); 11 return 0; 1 } Hello ( \0 ) 0.6 swap.c (K&R 5.) 3 void swap(int *m, int *n); 4 5 int main() 6 { int a, b; 8 9 a = 10; b = 5; 10 printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b); 11 swap(&a, &b); 1 printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b); 13 return 0; 14 } void swap(int *px, int *py) 1 { 18 int temp; 19 0 temp = *px; 1 *px = *py; *py = temp; 3 } a = 10, b = 5 a = 5, b = 10 a: b: px: py: 1

13 pointer4.c 3 int main(){ 4 char str[] = "test"; 5 int seq[] = {4, 6, 4, 9}; 6 char *c; int *s; 8 c = str; s = seq; 9 10 printf("%c at %p\n", *c, c); c++; 11 printf("%c at %p\n", *c, c); c++; 1 printf("%c at %p\n", *c, c); c++; 13 printf("%c at %p\n\n", *c, c); printf("%1d at %p\n", *s, s); s++; 16 printf("%1d at %p\n", *s, s); s++; 1 printf("%1d at %p\n", *s, s); s++; 18 printf("%1d at %p\n\n", *s, s); 19 0 c = str; printf("%c at %p\n", *c, c); 1 c = str + 1; printf("%c at %p\n", *c, c); c = str + ; printf("%c at %p\n", *c, c); 3 c = str + 3; printf("%c at %p\n\n", *c, c); 4 5 s = seq; printf("%1d at %p\n", *s, s); 6 s = seq + 1; printf("%1d at %p\n", *s, s); s = seq + ; printf("%1d at %p\n", *s, s); 8 s = seq + 3; printf("%1d at %p\n", *s, s); 9 30 return 0; 31 } t at 0xbffffbb0 e at 0xbffffbb1 s at 0xbffffbb t at 0xbffffbb3 ( ) str++ 4 at 0xbffffba0 6 at 0xbffffba4 4 at 0xbffffba8 9 at 0xbffffbac t at 0xbffffbb0 e at 0xbffffbb1 s at 0xbffffbb t at 0xbffffbb3 4 at 0xbffffba0 6 at 0xbffffba4 4 at 0xbffffba8 9 at 0xbffffbac 13

14 pointer5.c 3 int main(){ 4 int seq[], *ip, tmp; 5 6 seq[0] = 5; seq[1] = 10; ip = seq; tmp = 0; printf("ip:%p, tmp:%d, seq[0]:%d, seq[1]:%d\n", 8 ip, tmp, seq[0], seq[1]); 9 10 seq[0] = 5; seq[1] = 10; ip = seq; tmp = 0; 11 tmp = ++*ip; 1 printf("ip:%p, tmp:%d, seq[0]:%d, seq[1]:%d\n", 13 ip, tmp, seq[0], seq[1]); seq[0] = 5; seq[1] = 10; ip = seq; tmp = 0; 16 tmp = *++ip; 1 printf("ip:%p, tmp:%d, seq[0]:%d, seq[1]:%d\n", 18 ip, tmp, seq[0], seq[1]); 19 0 seq[0] = 5; seq[1] = 10; ip = seq; tmp = 0; 1 tmp = *ip++; printf("ip:%p, tmp:%d, seq[0]:%d, seq[1]:%d\n", 3 ip, tmp, seq[0], seq[1]); 4 5 seq[0] = 5; seq[1] = 10; ip = seq; tmp = 0; 6 tmp = *(ip++); printf("ip:%p, tmp:%d, seq[0]:%d, seq[1]:%d\n", 8 ip, tmp, seq[0], seq[1]); 9 return 0; 30 } tmp = (*ip)++; ip:0xbffffbc0, tmp:0, seq[0]:5, seq[1]:10 ip:0xbffffbc0, tmp:6, seq[0]:6, seq[1]:10 ip:0xbffffbc4, tmp:10, seq[0]:5, seq[1]:10 ip:0xbffffbc4, tmp:5, seq[0]:5, seq[1]:10 ip:0xbffffbc4, tmp:5, seq[0]:5, seq[1]:10 tmp = ++*ip tmp = *++ip tmp = *ip++ tmp = *(ip++) 14

[1] #include<stdio.h> main() { printf("hello, world."); return 0; } (G1) int long int float ± ±

[1] #include<stdio.h> main() { printf(hello, world.); return 0; } (G1) int long int float ± ± [1] #include printf("hello, world."); (G1) int -32768 32767 long int -2147483648 2147483647 float ±3.4 10 38 ±3.4 10 38 double ±1.7 10 308 ±1.7 10 308 char [2] #include int a, b, c, d,

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