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4 総記 事典 百科事典 スポーツ 運動 パフォーマンス心理学百科事典全 2 巻 Acevedo, Edmund O. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. 2 vols pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) <654-1> ISBN hard set 52,140 セイジ版監視 安全保障 プライバシー百科事典全 3 巻 Arrigo, Bruce A. (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy. 3 vols pp (Sage, UK) <630-1> ISBN hard set 66,946 女性と犯罪百科事典全 3 巻 Bernat, Frances P. / Frailing, K. / Gelsthorpe, L. et al. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. 3 vols. (The Wiley Series of Encyclopedias in Criminology and Criminal Justice) 1600 pp (Wiley-Blackwell, UK) <653-1> ISBN cloth set 74,195 アメリカの宗教百科事典全 3 巻 Corrigan, John (ed. in chief), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Religion in America. 3 vols pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) <647-1> ISBN hard set 78,540 R. ホッブス他編メディア リテラシー国際百科事典全 2 巻 Hobbs, Renee / Mihailidis, P. (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy. 2 vols. (Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication) 1650 pp (Wiley-Blackwell, UK) < > ISBN hard set 65,604 Organized around the major subject areas of media literacy history and theoretical foundations; community, democracy, and policy; identity and health; the news; media effects, children, family, and youth; literacy, technology, and education; digital media and learning B.G. ナイト編心理学とエイジング百科事典全 3 巻 Knight, Bob G. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Psychology and Aging. 3 vols pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) < > ISBN hard set 78,540 セイジ版犯罪学事典第 4 版 McLaughlin, Eugene / Muncie, J. (eds.), The SAGE Dictionary of Criminology. 4th ed. 800 pp (Sage, UK) < > ISBN hard 16,933 ISBN paper 5, マスメディアと社会国際百科事典全 5 巻 Merskin, Debra L. (ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. 5 vols pp (Sage, UK) < > ISBN hard set 148,659 フロイト事典 -フロイトの概念の包括的案内 Valls, Jose Luis, Freudian Dictionary: A Comprehensive Guide to Freudian Concepts. 370 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 20,674 ISBN paper 7,873 石油産業歴史事典第 2 版 Vassiliou, Marius S., Historical Dictionary of the Petroleum Industry. 2nd ed. (Historical Dictionaries of Professions and Industries) 670 pp (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <646-11> ISBN cloth 22,649 その他の参考図書 アカデミック ライティングを習得する Samuels, Boba / Garbati, J., Mastering Academic Writing. 240 pp (Sage, UK) <620-29> ISBN hard 11,814 ISBN paper 3,935 Townsend, Keith / Saunders, M. N. K. (eds.), How to Keep Your Research Project on Track: Insights from When Things Go Wrong. 224 pp (E. Elgar, UK) ISBN hard 15,752 ISBN paper 5,306 地図 年表 持続可能な開発目標地図 2018 年版世界開発指標から Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018: From World Development Indicators. (The World Bank Atlas) 76 pp (World Bank, US) <644-27> ISBN paper 4,348 書誌 出版史 19 世紀の定期刊行物の研究 Easley, Alexis / King, A. / Morton, J. (eds.), Researching the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press: Case Studies. 220 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,

5 総記 初期アメリカ共和国のニューヨークにおける出版取引 Smith, Steven Carl, An Empire of Print: The New York Publishing Trade in the Early American Republic. (Penn State Series in the History of the Book) 288 pp. (Pennsylvania State U. Pr., US) <640-17> ISBN cloth 13,193 ISBN paper 3,953 図書館情報学 図書館コレクションの組織化 Hoffman, Gretchen L., Organizing Library Collections: Theory and Practice. 460 pp (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <653-19> ISBN cloth 19,525 ISBN paper 8,591 Ivins, Tammy / Pemberton, A., How to Write and Get Published: A Practical Guide for Librarians. (Practical Guides for Librarians) 114 pp (Rowman & Littlefield, US) ISBN paper 10,153 Silveira, Diana, Library Technology Planning for Today and Tomorrow: A LITA Guide. (LITA Guides) 192 pp (Rowman & Littlefield, US) ISBN cloth 12,183 ISBN paper 5,935 社会科学理論 方法論 質的調査 -テーマ 語り 技術に基づく視点- 第 2 版 Butler-Kisber, Lynn, Qualitative Inquiry: Thematic, Narrative and Arts-Based Perspectives. 2nd ed. 208 pp (Sage, UK) <644-43> ISBN hard 17,524 ISBN paper 6,101 Denzin, Norman K., Performance Autoethnography: Critical Pedagogy and the Politics of Culture. 2nd ed. 296 pp (Routledge, UK) ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 8,070 G.R. ギブズ著 質的データの分析 第 2 版 Gibbs, Graham R., Analyzing Qualitative Data. 2nd ed. (The SAGE Qualitative Research Kit) 232 pp (Sage, UK) <647-30> ISBN paper 5,117 システマティック レビューと調査全 4 巻 Gough, David / Oliver, S. / Thomas, J. (eds.), Systematic Reviews and Research. 4 vols. (Fundamentals of Applied Research) 1360 pp (Sage, UK) <638-40> ISBN hard set 107,844 質的データ分析第 2 版 Harding, Jamie, Qualitative Data Analysis: From Start to Finish. 2nd ed. 336 pp (Sage, UK) <647-32> ISBN hard 17,524 ISBN paper 5, 映像民族誌の解釈 Ali, Erkan, Interpreting Visual Ethnography: Texts, Photos and the Construction of Sociological Meanings. 190 pp. (Routledge, UK) <644-42> ISBN hard 24,612 ISBN paper 7,283 M. ベヴィア他著解釈社会科学 Bevir, Mark / Blakely, J., Interpretive Social Science: An Anti-Naturalist Approach. 224 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 11,704 ISBN paper 4,180 Set out to make the most comprehensive case yet for an 'interpretive' or hermeneutic approach to the social sciences, offeing a full-blown alternative to the behavioralism, institutionalism, rational choice, and other quasi-scientific approaches that dominate the study of human behavior 社会調査設計第 3 版 Blaikie, Norman / Priest, J., Designing Social Research: The Logic of Anticipation. 3rd ed. 312 pp (Polity Pr., UK) <654-36> ISBN hard 13,268 ISBN paper 5, Hopson, Rodney / Cram, F. (eds.), Tackling Wicked Problems in Complex Ecologies: The Role of Evaluation. (Stanford Business Books) 280 pp (Stanford U. Pr., US) ISBN paper 8,591 テキストマイニング入門 Ignatow, Gabe / Mihalcea, R., An Introduction to Text Mining: Research Design, Data Collection, and Analysis. 384 pp (Sage, UK) <639-60> ISBN paper 9,449 線形 一般化線形モデルにおける相互作用効果 Kaufman, Robert L., Interaction Effects in Linear and Generalized Linear Models: Examples and Applications Using Stata. (Advanced Quantitative Techniques in the Social Sciences Series) 618 pp (Sage, UK) <648-42> ISBN hard 12,601 社会科学におけるデータ解析のためのRの活用 Li, Quan, Using R for Data Analysis in Social Sciences: A Research Project-Oriented Approach. 368 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) <644-51> ISBN hard 13,068 ISBN paper 5,

6 総記 社会科学 ヘルスケア 社会ケアにおける調査の設計と実施 Mcsweeney, Fiona / Williams, D. (eds.), Designing and Conducting Research in Social Science, Health and Social Care. 272 pp (Routledge, UK) <649-45> ISBN hard 23,628 Muller, Jerry Z., The Tyranny of Metrics. 224 pp (Princeton U. Pr., US) <642-44> ISBN cloth 3,293 Filled with examples from education, medicine, business and finance, government, the police and military, and philanthropy and foreign aid, the book shows why the seemingly irresistible pressure to quantify performance distorts, distracts, and depresses, whether by encouraging "gaming the stats" or "teaching to the test" 38 マックス ヴェーバー全集第 I 部 第 7 巻社会科学の論理と方法 - 著作 1900~07 年 Weber, Max, Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe. Abt. I/Bd. 7: Zur Logik und Methodik der Sozialwissenschaften: Schriften Hrsg. von G. Wagner. XV, 774 S (Mohr, GW) <646-43> ISBN Bezug d. Gesamtwerks Hbld. 61,209 Einzelpreis Hbld. 70,587 ISBN Bezug d. Gesamtwerks Ln. 50,979 Einzelpreis Ln. 59, ビッグデータ入門 Sarangi, Saswat / Sharma, P., Big Data: A Beginner's Introduction. 164 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 6, 社会調査 -アプローチと基礎第 6 版 Straits, Bruce C. / Singleton, R. A., Jr., Social Research: Approaches and Fundamentals. Int'l 6th ed. 624 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) <644-54> ISBN paper 15, 調査を測定する Sugimoto, Cassidy R. / Larivière, V., Measuring Research: What Everyone Needs to Know. (What Everyone Needs to Know) 160 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) <642-48> ISBN hard 9,768 ISBN paper 2, Wassermann, Johan / Drake, M. / Dreyer, J. et al. (eds.), Teaching Social Sciences: Intermediate and Senior Phases. 192 pp (Oxford U. Pr., SA) ISBN paper 3,935 個人全集 37 マックス ヴェーバー全集第 I 部 第 12 巻理解社会学と価値判断の自由 1908~17 年 Weber, Max, Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe. Abt. I/Bd. 12: Verstehende Soziologie und Werturteilsfreiheit. Schriften und Reden Hrsg. von J. Weiß. XV, 650 S (Mohr, GW) <620-55a> ISBN Bezug d. Gesamtwerks Hbld. 50,127 Hbld. 56,947 ISBN Bezug d. Gesamtwerks Ln. 39,044 Ln. 45,

7 哲学 社会思想 宗教 社会思想史 古代 中世哲学 C.J. ベリー著ヒューム アダム スミス スコットランド啓蒙思想研究 Berry, Christopher J., Essays on Hume, Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment. (Edinburgh Studies in Scottish Philosophy) 304 pp. (Edinburgh U. Pr., UK) <644-64> ISBN hard 16,736 ISBN paper 5,904 Collects 15 classic essays, some of which are difficult to find, & includes a further 3 new pieces written specially for this book 習慣の隠された影響 -ヒュームの 人間本性論 Garfield, Jay L., The Concealed Influence of Custom: Hume's Treatise from the Inside Out. 320 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) <654-70> ISBN hard 9,768 猪口孝他著地球立法政治の展開 -ジャン=ジャック ルソーとジョン ロックを地球規模で考える- Inoguchi, Takashi / Le, Lien Thi Quynh, The Development of Global Legislative Politics: Rousseau and Locke Writ Global. (Trust 3) 300 pp (Springer, GW) < > ISBN hard 14,490 クラレンドン版 J. ロック全集文学的 歴史的著作 Locke, John, Literary and Historical Writings. Ed. by J. R. Milton. (The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke) 360 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <646-47> ISBN hard 12,540 ヒュームの道徳哲学と現代心理学 Reed, Philip A. / Vitz, R. (eds.), Hume's Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Psychology. (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy) 392 pp (Routledge, UK) <645-32> ISBN hard 23, プラトン ハンドブック第 2 版 Fine, Gail, The Oxford Handbook of Plato. 2nd ed. (Oxford Handbooks) 752 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) <652-76> ISBN hard 19,800 アリストテレスの質料 形相 運動の原因 Henry, Devin, Aristotle on Matter, Form, and Moving Causes: The Hylomorphic Theory of Substantial Generation. 252 pp (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <652-62> ISBN hard 12,540 哲学史第 6 巻 : 人文主義とルネサンスの哲学 Leinkauf, Thomas, Geschichte der Philosophie. Band VI: Die Philosophie des Humanismus und der Renaissance. 592 S (Beck, GW) <652-64> ISBN Kart. 7,502 近代哲学 哲学史 モナドロジー Dunham, Jeremy / Phemister, P. (eds.), Monadologies. 220 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 Published as a special issue of 'British Journal for the History of Philosophy' カントによる無関心の問題 - 美感的判断力の批判 研究- Fan, Dahan, Die Problematik der Interesselosigkeit bei Kant: Eine Studie zur "Kritik der ästhetischen Urteilskraft". (Kantstudien-Ergänzungshefte 200) 160 S (de Gruyter, GW) <645-86> ISBN Geb. 13,631 バウムガルテンとカントの形而上学 Fugate, Courtney D. / Hymers, J. (eds.), Baumgarten and Kant on Metaphysics. 256 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 8, 性格と因果関係 -ヒュームの行為の哲学 Sandis, Constantine, Character and Causation: Hume's Philosophy of Action. 160 pp (Routledge, UK) <642-59> ISBN hard 23,628 ヒュームの解決した問題 -メタ帰納法の最適性 Schurz, Gerhard, Hume's Problem Solved: The Optimality of Meta-Induction. 320 pp (MIT Pr., US) <654-71> ISBN cloth 9, ヘーゲル全集第 26 巻 第 4 分冊法哲学講義 - 補遺 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Vorlesungen über die Philosophie des Rechts IV: Anhang. Hrsg. von K. Grotsch. (Gesammelte Werke 26.4) 432 S (F. Meiner, GW) < > ISBN Ln. 50,

8 哲学 社会思想 宗教 ヘーゲル全集第 27 巻 第 2 分冊 1824/25 年の冬学期の講義補遺 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Vorlesungen über die Philosophie des Weltgeschichte: Nachschriften zum Kolleg des Wintersemesters 1824/25. Hrsg. von W. Jaeschke u. a. (Gesammelte Werke 27.2) 319 S (F. Meiner, GW) < > ISBN Ln. 33,759 カント 当為は可能を含意する PAPの原則 幸福 Kahn, Samuel, Kant, Ought Implies Can, the Principle of Alternate Possibilities, and Happiness. 306 pp (Lexington Books, US) < > ISBN cloth 14,839 カントと論理学 - 歴史的 哲学的再構築 Lu-Adler, Huaping, Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction. 280 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) <646-91> ISBN hard 9,768 イギリス理想主義 - 言語 美学 感情 Tyler, Colin / Connelly, J. (eds.), British Idealism: Language, Aesthetics and Emotions. 172 pp (Routledge, UK) <648-97> ISBN hard 23,628 Published as a special issue of 'British Journal of the History of Philosophy' 現代哲学 英訳 A. バディウ他著公益の政治学のために Badiou, Alain / Engelmann, P., For a Politics of the Common Good. Tr. by W. Hoban. 140 pp (Polity Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 7,029 ISBN paper 2, 政治哲学の要点は何か? Floyd, Jonathan, What's the Point of Political Philosophy? 160 pp (Polity Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 9,363 ISBN paper 3,115 L. ウィトゲンシュタイン Hollingworth, Miles, Ludwig Wittgenstein. 368 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) < > ISBN hard 4,613 思考と存在 Kimhi, Irad, Thinking and Being. 126 pp (Harvard U. Pr., US) < > ISBN cloth 6,239 ウィトゲンシュタインの哲学の方法としての論理学 Kuusela, Oskari, Wittgenstein on Logic as the Method of Philosophy: Re-examining the Roots and Development of Analytic Philosophy. 320 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 9,196 人新世における持続可能性 - 再生可能技術に関する哲学的論考 - Lally, Róisín (ed.), Sustainability in the Anthropocene: Philosophical Essays on Renewable Technologies. (Postphenomenology and the Philosophy of Technology) 258 pp (Lexington Books, US) < > ISBN cloth 14,839 B. ラッセル必携 Wahl, Russell (ed.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Bertrand Russell. (Bloomsbury Companions) 320 pp (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) < > ISBN hard 27, 英訳 A. バディウ他著政治学の賞賛 Badiou, Alain / Lancelin, A., In Praise of Politics. Tr. by S. Spitzer. 120 pp (Polity Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 7,029 ISBN paper 2, 山口一郎著異文化現象学に向けた研究 Yamaguchi, Ichiro, Genese der Zeit aus dem Du: Untersuchungen zur interkulturellen Phänomenologie. (Welten der Philosophie 18) 448 S (K. Alber, GW) < > ISBN Geb. 6, Crépon, Marc, Murderous Consent: On the Accommodation of Violent Death. Tr. by M. Loriaux et al. (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) 224 pp (Fordham U. Pr., US) ISBN cloth 17,182 ISBN paper 4,998 デューイ ハンドブック Fesmire, Steven (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Dewey. (Oxford Handbooks) 824 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) < > ISBN hard 19, 世紀のドイツ哲学 -ヴェーバーからハイデガーまで- Young, Julian, German Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Weber to Heidegger. 320 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 5,

9 哲学 社会思想 宗教 科学論 科学史 いかにケンブリッジ哲学協会が近代科学を形成したか Gibson, Susannah, The Spirit of Inquiry: How One Extraordinary Society Shaped modern Science. 384 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 4,180 Celebrates the 200th anniversary of the remarkable Cambridge Philosophical Society 進化 生物学 社会ハンドブック Hopcroft, Rosemary L. (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Evolution, Biology, and Society. (Oxford Handbooks) 688 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) < > ISBN hard 19,800 近現代宇宙論の歴史ハンドブック Kragh, Helge / Longair, M. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Modern Cosmology. (Oxford Handbooks in Physics) 560 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 18,392 Wolpert, Lewis / Tickle, C. / Martinez Arias, A., Principles of Development. 6th ed. 728 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) ISBN paper 8, 韓立新著パリ草稿研究 -マルクスの転換点 Han, Lixin, Studies of the Paris Manuscripts: The Turning Point of Marx. 351 pp (Springer, GW) < > ISBN hard 13,637 英訳 M. ハインリッヒ著 K. マルクスと近代社会の誕生 -マルクスの生涯とその著作の展開- 第 1 巻 Heinrich, Michael, Karl Marx and the Birth of Modern Society: The Life of Marx and the Development of His Work. Volume I: Tr. by A. Locascio. 464 pp (Monthly Review, US) < > ISBN cloth 5,310 グラムシとフーコー - 再評価 Kreps, David (ed.), Gramsci and Foucault: A Reassessment. 185 pp. (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 14,767 ISBN paper 6,495 マルクス 今日の資本主義 我々ができること Kreymann, Lena / Rodermund, P. (Hrsg.), Eine Welt zu gewinnen: Marx, der Kapitalismus von heute und was wir tun können. (Neue Kleine Bibliothek 259) 200 S (PapyRossa, GW) < > ISBN Brosch. 1, フランクフルト学派 フランクフルト学派の批判理論ハンドブック全 3 巻 Best, Beverley / Bonefeld, W. / O'Kane, C. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. 3 vols pp (Sage, UK) < > ISBN hard set 78,760 J. ハーバーマス著哲学史全 2 巻 Habermas, Jürgen, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie. 2 Bde S (Suhrkamp, GW) < > ISBN Ln. Zus. 16,709 ISBN Brosch. zus. 9,889 Bd. 1: Die okzidentale Konstellation von Glauben und WissenBd. 2: Vernünftige Freiheit. Spuren des Diskurses über Glauben und Wissen G. フープマン他編マルクスの 資本論 - 終わらせられないプロジェクト?- van der Linden, Marcel / Hubmann, G. (eds.), Marx's Capital: An Unfinishable Project? (Historical Materialism Book Series 159) 306 pp (Brill, NE) < > ISBN hard 23,017 倫理学 食料の倫理学ハンドブック Barnhill, Anne / Budolfson, M. / Doggett, T. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Food Ethics. (Oxford Handbooks) 824 pp. (Oxford U. Pr., US) < > ISBN hard 19,800 ISBN paper 6, マルクス主義哲学 T. カーヴァー著マルクス Carver, Terrell, Marx. (Classic Thinkers) 204 pp (Polity Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 11,363 ISBN paper 4,061 Gives us a fresh overview of Marx's ideas by framing them within concepts that remain topical and alive today, from class struggle and progress to democracy and exploitation 心理学から道徳性へ- 倫理的自然主義研究 Deigh, John, From Psychology to Morality: Essays in Ethical Naturalism. 296 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) < > ISBN hard 11,220 医療における倫理 - 哲学的入門 Di Nucci, Ezio, Ethics in Healthcare: A Philosophical Introduction. 152 pp (Rowman & Littlefield International, US) < > ISBN cloth 19,681 ISBN paper 6,

10 哲学 社会思想 宗教 倫理学と愛着 -いかに道徳的判断を下すか Govrin, Aner, Ethics and Attachment: How We Make Moral Judgements. (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis) 248 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 5,904 好奇心の道徳心理学 Inan, Ilhan / Watson, L. / Whitcomb, D. et al. (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Curiosity. (Moral Psychology of the Emotions) 416 pp (Rowman & Littlefield International, US) < > ISBN cloth 21, 道徳的知識の消失 Willard, Dallas, The Disappearance of Moral Knowledge. Ed. by S. L. Porter et al pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 25,597 倫理的経験 - 現象学 Zapien, Nicolle / Ferrarello, S., Ethical Experience: A Phenomenology. 256 pp (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) < > ISBN hard 13,783 ISBN paper 4,329 宗教 ロボットのための倫理 Leben, Derek, Ethics for Robots: How to Design a Moral Algorithm. 208 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 6,889 心 言語 道徳性 -M.Platts 記念論集 Ortiz-Millán, Gustavo / Cruz Parcero, J. A. (eds.), Mind, Language and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Platts. (Routledge Festschrifts in Philosophy) 196 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 感謝の道徳心理学 Roberts, Robert / Telech, D. (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Gratitude. (Moral Psychology of the Emotions) 384 pp (Rowman & Littlefield International, US) < > ISBN cloth 21,087 カントとパーフィット- 道徳の基礎 Sarkar, Husain, Kant and Parfit: The Groundwork of Morals. (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory) 392 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 24,612 J.P.Sterba 著倫理学とは何か? Sterba, James P., What Is Ethics? (What Is Philosophy?) 200 pp (Polity Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 10,144 ISBN paper 3,115 環境倫理第 3 版 Traer, Robert, Doing Environmental Ethics. 3rd ed. 420 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 6, ハラール食品 - 歴史 Armanios, Febe / Ergene, B., Halal Food: A History. 352 pp. (Oxford U. Pr., US) < > ISBN hard 3,953 ISBN :5 paper 3,293 中国における現代の宗教 Arthur, Shawn, Contemporary Religions in China. (Religions in Focus) 336 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 5,904 Babie, Paul / Trainor, Michael, Neoliberalism and the Biblical Voice: Owning and Consuming. (Routledge Studies in Religion 60) 248 pp. (Routledge, UK) ISBN hard 22,643 ISBN paper 7,283 Balkaran, Raj, The Goddess and the King in Indian Myth: Ring Composition, Royal Power and the Dharmic Double Helix. (Routledge Hindu Studies Series) 208 pp (Routledge, UK) ISBN hard 23,628 Brittain, Christopher Craig / McKinnon, A., The Anglican Communion at a Crossroads: The Crises of a Global Church. 272 pp (Pennsylvania State U. Pr., US) ISBN cloth 13,193 ISBN paper 3,953 修道院制入門 Davis, Stephen J., Monasticism: A Very Short Introduction. (Very Short Introductions 546) 144 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN paper 1,628 Compares the different religious traditions of monasticism especially Buddhism, Christianity, & Jainism and also non-traditional communities

11 哲学 社会思想 宗教 中央アジアのスーフィズム -スーフィーの伝統への新視点 15~21 世紀 - DeWeese, Devin / Gross, J.-A. (eds.), Sufism in Central Asia: New Perspectives on Sufi Traditions, 15th 21st Centuries. (Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 8: Central Asia 25) 300 pp (Brill, NE) < > ISBN hard 17,902 現代米国の宗教と科学の間の論争を見直す Evans, John H., Morals Not Knowledge: Recasting the Contemporary U.S. Conflict between Religion and Science. 210 pp (U. California Pr., US) < > ISBN paper 5,458 アメリカにおけるアフリカ系ユダヤ人 Haynes, Bruce D., The Soul of Judaism: Jews of African Descent in America. (Religion, Race, and Ethnicity) 272 pp (New York U. Pr., US) ISBN cloth 6,248 聖人伝とラテン キリスト教の歴史 500~1500 年 Herrick, Samantha Kahn (ed.), Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, (Reading Medieval Sources 4) 2019 (Brill, NE) < > ISBN hard 34,952 宗教改革と寛容の実際 - 近世におけるオランダ宗教史 - Kaplan, Benjamin J., Reformation and the Practice of Toleration: Dutch Religious History in the Early Modern Era. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History) 332 pp (Brill, NE) < > ISBN hard 21, グローバルなキリスト教史全 3 巻 Schjorring, Jens Holger / Hjelm, N. A. (eds.), History of Global Christianity. 3 vols pp (Brill, NE) < > ISBN hard set 85,079 Trace the history of the global shift experienced by Christianity between the 16th century and the present day: the first volume deals with the European state of affairs from the 16th until the 18th century, the second volume focuses on the 19th century, and the third volume discusses the history and role of Christianity in the 20th century 責任あるグローバル化のための道徳的圧力 - 人新世の時代の宗教外交 - Steiner, Sherrie, Moral Pressure for Responsible Globalization: Religious Diplomacy in the Age of the Anthropocene. (International Studies in Religion and Society 30) 384 pp (Brill, NE) < > ISBN hard 19,778 Tennent, James Emerson, Christianity in Ceylon: Its Introduction and Progress under the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British and American Missions with an Historical Sketch of the Brahmanical and Buddhist Superstitions. (Cambridge Library Collection South Asian History) 384 pp (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) ISBN paper 4,177 イエズス会士ハンドブック Zupanov, Ines G. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Jesuits. (Oxford Handbooks) 1152 pp (Oxford U. Pr., US) < > ISBN hard 23, 日本の仏教哲学必携 Kopf, Gereon (ed.), Dao Companion to Japanese Buddhist Philosophythe. (Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy 8) 575 pp (Springer, NE) < > ISBN hard 30, 仏教研究の方法 -R.K.Payne 記念論集 Mitchell, Scott A. / Quli, N. F. (eds.), Methods in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honor of Richard K. Payne. 248 pp (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) < > ISBN hard 16, ジェンダーに基づいた暴力 移民 人権における宗教 Nyangweso, Mary / Olupona, J. K. (eds.), Religion in Gender-Based Violence, Immigration, and Human Rights. (Routledge Studies in Religion) 330 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,

12 経済学 経済思想史 経済学史 シュンペーターの資本主義 社会主義 民主主義 -21 世紀のアジェンダ- Burlamaqui, Leonardo / Kattel, R. (eds.), Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: A Twenty First Century Agenda. (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics 218) 336 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 スラッファとレオンティエフ再考 - 循環経済の数理的方法 モデル- Emmenegger, Jean-François / Chable, D. / Nour Eldin, H. A. et al., Sraffa and Leontief Revisited: Mathematical Methods and Models of a Circular Economy. 512 pp (de Gruyter, GW) < > ISBN hard 22,156 ラテンアメリカの貨幣思想 - 独創性の探求の2 世紀 - Fiorito, Luca / Scheall, S. / Suprinyak, C. E. (eds.), Including a Symposium on Latin American Monetary Thought: Two Centuries in Search of Originality. (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 36C) 196 pp (Emerald, UK) < > ISBN hard 18,898 R. ハイルブローナー生誕 100 周年記念シンポジウム Fiorito, Luca / Scheall, S. / Suprinyak, C. E. (eds.), Including a Symposium on Robert Heilbroner at 100. (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 37, Pt. C) 243 pp (Emerald, UK) < > ISBN hard 15,620 井上琢智編集 解説校訂版 W. スタンレー ジェヴォンズ選集全 2 巻 Jevons, W. Stanley, Selected Works in Variorum Editions. 2 vols. Edited & Annotated by Takutoshi Inoue. 780 pp (Edition Synapse, JA) < > ISBN hard set 85,800 フリー キャッシュ 資本蓄積 不平等 Medlen, Craig Allan, Free Cash, Capital Accumulation and Inequality. (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy 245) 216 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 Revisits Kalecki's free cash construction at the macro and global level and explores the various causes and effects of free cash on the economy 国家と経済の関係 - 国民国家の規制の独占の弱体化に直面したW. オイケンのオルド自由主義 Scherer, Jakob Friedrich, Das Verhältnis von Staat und Ökonomie: Walter Euckens Ordoliberalismus im Angesicht der Schwächung des nationalstaatlichen Regulierungsmonopols. (Philosophische Schriften 95) 189 S (Duncker, GW) < > ISBN Brosch. 11,917 千賀重義 藤本正富 田淵太一編リカードウと国際貿易 Senga, Shigeyoshi / Fujimoto, Masatomi / Tabuchi, Taichi (eds.), Ricardo and International Trade. (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics 195) 276 pp. (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 22,643 ISBN paper 6,889 井上琢智編経済学史研究と日本 - 田中敏弘 ( 関西学院大学名誉教授 ) 英文論文集 Tanaka, Toshihiro, Japan and the Study of the History of Economic Thought: Collected English Essays. Ed. by Takutoshi Inoue. 280 pp (Edition Synapse, JA) < > ISBN hard 15,180 スポーツ経済学への歴史的視点 Wilson, John K. / Pomfret, R. (eds.), Historical Perspectives on Sports Economics: Lessons from the Field. (New Horizons in the Economics of Sport) 224 pp (E. Elgar, UK) < > ISBN hard 16,736 経済理論 メディア管理と経済学ハンドブック第 2 版 Albarran, Alan / Mierzejewska, B. / Jung, J. (eds.), Handbook of Media Management and Economics. 2nd ed. (Media Management and Economics Series) 612 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 37,411 ISBN paper 15,752 P.J. ベットケ他編比較経済制度 Aligica, Paul Dragos / Boettke, P. J. (eds.), Comparative Economic Systems. (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics 346) 741 pp (E. Elgar, UK) < > ISBN hard 54,738 Andreff, Wladimir, An Economic Roadmap to the Dark Side of Sport. Volume I: Sport Manipulations. (Palgrave Pivots in Sports Economics) 161 pp (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) ISBN hard 8,

13 経済学 C. アントネッリ著内生的イノベーションの進化的複雑系 Antonelli, Cristiano, The Evolutionary Complexity of Endogenous Innovation: The Engines of the Creative Response. 304 pp (E. Elgar, UK) < > ISBN hard 16,736 プログラミング アプローチと経済学の終焉第 1 巻 Archibugi, Franco, The Programming Approach and the Demise of Economics. Volume I: A Revival of Myrdal, Frisch, Tinbergen, Johansen and Leontief. 443 pp (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) < > ISBN hard 20,457 プログラミング アプローチと経済学の終焉第 2 巻 Archibugi, Franco, The Programming Approach and the Demise of Economics. Volume II: Selected Testimonies on the Epistemological 'Overturning' of Economic Theory and Policy. 440 pp (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) < > ISBN hard 17, P. デ グラウエ他著行動経済学 - 理論と政策 De Grauwe, Paul / Ji, Yuemei, Behavioural Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy. 256 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 5,852 Fortran を用いたコンピュータ経済学入門 Fehr, Hans / Kindermann, F., Introduction to Computational Economics Using Fortran. 552 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 13,208 ISBN paper 6,184 ガバナンスと規制 Grima, Simon / Marano, P. (eds.), Governance and Regulations: Contemporary Issues. (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis 99) 288 pp (Emerald, UK) < > ISBN hard 20,616 イスラーム経済学 金融の現代的視点 Gundogdu, Ahmet Suayb, A Modern Perspective of Islamic Economics and Finance. (Emerald Points) 186 pp (Emerald, UK) < > ISBN paper 9, プログラミング アプローチと経済学の終焉第 3 巻 Archibugi, Franco, The Programming Approach and the Demise of Economics. Volume III: The Planning Accounting Framework (PAF). 295 pp (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) < > ISBN hard 17,047 A.B. アトキンソン著世界中の貧困の測定 Atkinson, Anthony B., Measuring Poverty around the World. Ed. by J. Micklewright et al. 408 pp (Princeton U. Pr., US) < > ISBN cloth 3, 実験経済学と文化 Gunnthorsdottir, Anna / Norton, D. A. (eds.), Experimental Economics and Culture. (Research in Experimental Economics 20) 271 pp (Emerald, UK) < > ISBN hard 20,616 経済社会学入門第 2 版 Hass, Jeffrey K., Economic Sociology: An Introduction. 2nd ed. 288 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 6, 人的資本と経済成長 - 健康 教育 人口変動の影響 - Bucci, Alberto / Prettner, K. / Prskawetz, A. (eds.), Human Capital and Economic Growth: The Impact of Health, Education and Demographic Change. 349 pp (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) < > ISBN hard 18,752 Dasgupta, Indraneel / Mitra, M. (eds.), Deprivation, Inequality and Polarization: Essays in Honour of Satya Ranjan Chakravarty. (Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well- Being) 220 pp (Springer, GW) ISBN hard 22,162 Offers a collection of original, state-of-the-art essays addressing various aspects of the economic analysis of inequality, deprivation, poverty measurement and social polarization, at both the theoretical and empirical level G.M. ホジソン著社会主義は実現可能か? Hodgson, Geoffrey M., Is Socialism Feasible?: Towards an Alternative Future. 288 pp (E. Elgar, UK) < > ISBN hard 16,736 ISBN paper 4,912 続 夕日のガンマン の経済学 - 秘密 欲望 後手有利性 - Holler, Manfred J., The Economics of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Secrets, Desires, and Second- Mover Advantages. (The Graz Schumpeter Lectures) 296 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 高等教育における生産性 Hoxby, Caroline M. / Strange, K. (eds.), Productivity in Higher Education. (NBER Conference Report) 392 pp (U. Chicago Pr., US) < > ISBN cloth 17,

14 経済学 新序文付 A.B. クルーガー著 テロの経済学- 人はなぜテロリストになるのか 10 周年記念版 Krueger, Alan B., What Makes a Terrorist: Economics and the Roots of Terrorism. 10th anniversary ed. With a new intro. by the author. 320 pp. (Princeton U. Pr., US) < > ISBN cloth 3,689 ISBN paper 2, 世紀の不平等と資本主義 -ピケティ マルクス 他- Langman, Lauren / Smith, D. A. (eds.), Twenty- First Century Inequality & Capitalism: Piketty, Marx and Beyond. (Studies in Critical Social Sciences 116) 390 pp (Brill, NE) < > ISBN hard 21,994 Most chapters critique Piketty from the perspective of critical theory, global political economy or public sociology, drawing on the work of Karl Marx or the Marxist tradition 公共財の経済学への新アプローチ Laudal, Thomas, A New Approach to the Economics of Public Goods. (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 112 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 8, D.N. マクロスキー著経済学に関する著述第 3 版 McCloskey, Deirdre N., Economical Writing: Thirty-Five Rules for Clear and Persuasive Prose. 3rd ed. (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) 176 pp (U. Chicago Pr., US) < > ISBN paper 1,848 英訳 T. ピケティ著資本とイデオロギー Piketty, Thomas, Capital and Ideology. Tr. by A. Goldhammer pp (Belknap Pr., US) < > ISBN cloth 6,239 T. ピケティ著資本とイデオロギー Piketty, Thomas, Capital et idéologie. (Les livres du nouveau monde) 1232 p (Seuil, FR) < > ISBN broché 4,262 Contents: Les régimes inégalitaires dans l'histoire / Les sociétés esclavagistes et coloniales / La grande transfomation du XXe siècle / Les dimensions du conflit politique Rizos, Vasileios / Behrens, A. / Drabik, E. et al., The Role of Business in the Circular Economy: Markets, Processes and Enabling Policies. 112 pp (Centre for European Policy Studies, BE) ISBN paper 3, T. ローソン著社会的現実の本質 - 社会的存在論の諸問題 - Lawson, Tony, The Nature of Social Reality: Issues in Social Ontology. (Economics as Social Theory 49) 304 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,628 ISBN paper 6,889 技術を超えたイノベーション Lechevalier, Sebastien (ed.), Innovation beyond Technology: Science for Society and Interdisciplinary Approaches. (Creative Economy) 324 pp (Springer, GW) < > ISBN hard 18,752 P.H. リンダート著福祉国家 - 実績と脅威 Lindert, Peter H., Welfare States: Achievements and Threats. (Elements in Public Economics) 75 pp (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN paper 2,508 市場の失敗全 3 巻 Martin, Stephen (ed.), Market Failure. 3 vols. (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics) 1939 pp (E. Elgar, UK) < > ISBN hard set 156, 経済的合理性の倫理 Rüfer, Nils, Die Ethik der ökonomischen Rationalität. (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften 573) 353 S (Duncker, GW) < > ISBN Brosch. 17,032 ラウトレッジ版信頼必携 Searle, Rosalind H. / Nienaber, A.-M. I. / Sitkin, S. B. (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Trust. (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 588 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 37,411 R.J. シラー著語りの経済学 Shiller, Robert J., Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events. 384 pp (Princeton U. Pr., US) < > ISBN cloth 3,689 Argues that studying popular stories that affect individual and collective economic behavior what he calls "narrative economics" has the potential to vastly improve our ability to predict, prepare for, and lessen the damage of financial crises, recessions, depressions, and other major economic events 所得再分配の単純モデル Simonovits, Andras, Simple Models of Income Redistribution. 262 pp (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) < > ISBN hard 20,

15 経済学 156 ジョセフ スティグリッツ選集第 3 巻 : ミクロ経済学を再考する Stiglitz, Joseph E., Selected Works of Joseph E. Stiglitz: Rethinking Microeconomics. Vol. III pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 20, G.M. ホジソン著進化経済学 -その本質と将来 Hodgson, Geoffrey M., Evolutionary Economics: Its Nature and Future. (Elements in Evolutionary Economics) 75 pp (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN paper 2, R. サグデン著行動経済学者の市場擁護論 Sugden, Robert, The Community of Advantage: A Behavioural Economist's Defence of the Market. 384 pp (Oxford U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 4,180 Veggeland, Noralv (ed.), Keynesian Policies: A New Deal in the European Narrative: Employment, Equality and Sustainability. (Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives) 244 pp (Nova Science Pub., US) ISBN hard 24,992 Provide extensive analyses and examples of earlier and contemporary shifting pressure from external environments, showing how the Keynesianism ideology has been modified over time 高等教育の経済学全 4 巻 Wyness, Gill (ed.), Economics of Higher Education: Major Themes in Education. 4 vols. (Major Themes in Education) 1600 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard set 174,256 山田鋭夫著現代資本主義と市民社会 - 日本の経験 Yamada, Toshio, Contemporary Capitalism and Civil Society: The Japanese Experience. (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science 14) 226 pp (Springer, GW) < > ISBN hard 18,752 Analyze contemporary capitalism both in Japan and in the world economy by using the theoretical framework of the French régulation theory and by revisiting the theory of civil society in postwar Japan 倫理 意味 市場社会 Zsolnai, László, Ethics, Meaning, and Market Society. (Routledge Focus on Business and Management) 84 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 9,252 進化経済学 藤本隆宏 生稲史彦編産業の競争力と設計の進化 Fujimoto, Takahiro / Ikuine, Fumihiko (eds.), Industrial Competitiveness and Design Evolution. (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science 12) 290 pp., 10 color & 30 b/w illus (Springer, JA) < > ISBN hard 19, 井上寛康著共同特許 - 共同研究 開発のための分析ツール Inoue, Hiroyasu, Co-patenting: An Analytic Tool for Cooperative Research and Development. (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science 21) vi, 194 pp., 40 color illus (Springer, JA) < > ISBN hard 17,047 Comprehensively analyzes patents from the EU, Japan, & the USA, which directly signify collaborations between companies or inventors, within the methodology of network science 法と開発 - 制度派的批判 Stephen, Frank H., Law and Development: An Institutional Critique. (Advances in New Institutional Analysis) 224 pp (E. Elgar, UK) ISBN hard 13,783 マルクス経済学 S. アミン著現代の帝国主義 独占金融資本 マルクスの価値法則 Amin, Samir, Modern Imperialism, Monopoly Finance Capital, and Marx's Law of Value. 280 pp (Monthly Review, US) < > ISBN cloth 14,839 ISBN paper 4,529 知識 階級 経済学 - 保証なきマルクス主義 Burczak, Theodore / Garnett, R. / McIntyre, R. (eds.), Knowledge, Class and Economics: Marxism without Guarantees. (Economics as Social Theory) 514 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 20,674 ISBN paper 7,676 不平等と民主主義的平等主義 - マルクスの経済他 及びその他の論考 - Harvey, Mark / Geras, N., Inequality and Democratic Egalitarianism: Marx's Economy and Beyond and Other Essays. 152 pp. (Manchester U. Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 15,752 ISBN paper 3,

16 経済学 新序文 注釈付き K. マルクス著 資本論 第一部 Marx, Karl, Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Erster Band. Mit einer Einleitung und einem Kommentar hrsg. von M. Quante. (Philosophische Bibliothek 612) 1024 S (F. Meiner, GW) < > ISBN Ln. 11,594 Diese Studienausgabe bietet den Text der Erstausgabe mit den wichtigen Änderungen der zweiten Auflage, die Marx noch selbst besorgte 経済学テキストブック N.G. マンキュー著 マンキュー経済学 グラフィック版第 1 巻 : 経済学の十大原理 Mankiw, N. Gregory, Principles of Economics. Volume One: The Ten Principles of Economics. Graphic ed. 294 pp (Cengage Learning Asia, SI) < > ISBN paper 3,190 ゲーム理論 G. シェイファー V. ウォフク著確率と金融のためのゲーム理論の基礎 Shafer, Glenn / Vovk, V., Game-Theoretic Foundations for Probability and Finance. (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) 448 pp (Wiley, US) < > ISBN hard 17, ノンパラメトリック推定における欠測 修正データ Efromovich, Sam, Missing and Modified Data in Nonparametric Estimation: With R Examples. (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability 156) 443 pp (Chapman & Hall / CRC, US) < > ISBN hard 15,749 経済学における制御システムと数理的方法 -V.M.Veliov 記念論集 - Feichtinger, Gustav / Kovacevic, R. M. / Tragler, G. (eds.), Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics: Essays in Honor of Vladimir M. Veliov. (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 687) 439 pp (Springer, GW) < > ISBN paper 17,047 社会科学 行動科学のための統計的方法 Flora, David B., Statistical Methods for the Social and Behavioural Sciences: A Model-Based Approach. 480 pp (Sage, UK) < > ISBN hard 19,690 ISBN paper 7,873 応用回帰へのR 必携第 3 版 Fox, John / Weisberg, S., An R Companion to Applied Regression. 3rd ed. 608 pp (Sage, UK) < > ISBN paper 11, 谷本潤著社会物理学を伴う進化ゲーム - 交通流量と伝染病の分析 - Tanimoto, Jun, Evolutionary Games with Sociophysics: Analysis of Traffic Flow and Epidemics. (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science 17) 221 pp (Springer, GW) < > ISBN hard 18,752 数理経済 計量経済 統計学 Rにおける応用を伴うアンサンブル分類法 Alfaro, Esteban / Gámez, M. / García, N., Ensemble Classification Methods with Applications in R. 300 pp (Wiley, US) < > ISBN hard 19, Jeliazkov, Ivan / Tobias, J. (eds.), Topics in Identification, Limited Dependent Variables, Partial Observability, Experimentation, and Flexible Modelling. (Advances in Econometrics 40, Pt. B) 290 pp (Emerald, UK) < > ISBN hard 16,401 ノンパラメトリック ファイナンス Klemelä, Jussi, Nonparametric Finance. (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) 744 pp (Wiley, US) < > ISBN hard 21,868 Knox, Steven W., Machine Learning: A Concise Introduction. (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) 328 pp (Wiley, US) ISBN hard 15, 統計学入門第 2 版 Carlson, Kieth A. / Winquist, J. R., An Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach. 2nd ed. 627 pp (Sage, UK) < > ISBN paper 14, ロバスト統計学 - 理論と方法第 2 版 Maronna, Ricardo A. / Martin, R. D. / Yohai, V. J. et al., Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods (with R). 2nd ed. (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) 480 pp (Wiley, US) < > ISBN hard 17, リサンプリングとRによる数理統計学第 2 版 Chihara, Laura M. / Hesterberg, T. C., Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R. 2nd ed. 560 pp (Wiley, US) < > ISBN hard 22, 基礎的統計的推論 Paolella, Marc S., Fundamental Statistical Inference: A Computational Approach. (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) 664 pp (Wiley, US) < > ISBN hard 17,

17 経済学 応用統計学 -Rを用いた理論と問題解決 Rasch, Dieter, Applied Statistics: Theory and Problem Solutions with R. 472 pp (Wiley, US) < > ISBN hard 15,620 確率 決定 ゲーム-Rを用いた入門 Rodríguez, Abel / Mendes, B., Probability, Decisions and Games: A Gentle Introduction Using R. 240 pp (Wiley, US) < > ISBN paper 7,801 統計ポートフォリオ推定 Taniguchi, Masanobu / Shiraishi, Hiroshi / Hirukawa, Junichi et al., Statistical Portfolio Estimation. 377 pp (Chapman & Hall / CRC, US) < > ISBN hard 19,690 ベイズ統計学の数学的理論 Watanabe, Sumio, Mathematical Theory of Bayesian Statistics. (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability) 350 pp (Chapman & Hall / CRC, US) < > ISBN hard 25,597 経済政策 経済事情全般 成長と開発の補完的ルーツ - 米国 韓国 トルコの比較分析 - Akan, Taner, The Complementary Roots of Growth and Development: Comparative Analysis of the United States, South Korea, and Turkey. (Palgrave Pivot) 175 pp (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) < > ISBN hard 9,375 政治経済と社会言語学 Block, David, Political Economy and Sociolinguistics: Neoliberalism, Inequality and Social Class. 256 pp (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) < > ISBN hard 15,752 ISBN paper 5,117 C. クラウチ著ギグ エコノミーは普及するか Crouch, Colin, Will the Gig Economy Prevail? (The Future of Capitalism) 140 pp (Polity Pr., UK) < > ISBN hard 7,029 ISBN paper 2,021 貧困の終焉 -グローバルな視点における不平等と成長- Edward, Peter / Sumner, A., The End of Poverty: Inequality and Growth in Global Perspective. (Palgrave Pivot) 89 pp (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) < > ISBN hard 8, 戦略的産業 大学パートナーシップ Frolund, Lars / Riedel, M. F. (eds.), Strategic Industry-University Partnerships: Success-Factors from Innovative Companies. 230 pp (Academic Pr., US) < > ISBN soft 11,706 Gould, David Michael, Critical Connections: Promoting Economic Growth and Resilience in Europe and Central Asia. (Europe and Central Asia Studies) 309 pp (World Bank, US) ISBN paper 5,800 創造産業のフロンティア Jones, Candace / Maoret, M. (eds.), Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics. (Research in the Sociology of Organizations 55) 290 pp (Emerald, UK) < > ISBN hard 18,898 南東欧 中欧における経済 金融 ビジネス Karasavvoglou, Anastasios / Goic, S. / Polichronidou, P. et al. (eds.), Economy, Finance and Business in Southeastern and Central Europe: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries in the Changing World (EBEEC) in Split, Croatia, (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) 909 pp (Springer, GW) < > ISBN hard 34,097 諸国民の富の変化 2018 年 Lange, Glenn-Marie / Carey, K. / Carey, K. (eds.), The Changing Wealth of Nations 2018: Building a Sustainable Future. 233 pp (World Bank, US) < > ISBN paper 5,800 D. バニスター他編持続可能な開発の次は何か 年の我々の共通の将来 - Meadowcroft, James / Banister, D. / Holden, E. et al. (eds.), What Next for Sustainable Development?: Our Common Future at Thirty. 352 pp (E. Elgar, UK) < > ISBN hard 20,674 ISBN paper 4,922 持続可能性のためのメタ ガバナンス - 持続可能な開発目標実現のための枠組み- Meuleman, Louis, Metagovernance for Sustainability: A Framework for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development) 320 pp (Routledge, UK) < > ISBN hard 23,

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