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1 確 認 テスト#1 L1( 短 縮 形 )&L2( 否 定 ) 1. 意 味 : 次 の 表 現 の 意 味 を 下 欄 の 表 現 から 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい [2 10=20 点 ] (1) colleague/ (2) My apologies./ (3) over one s head/ (4) I don t mind if I do./ (5) last-minute/ (6) op-ed/ (7) confusion/ (8) hesitate/ (9) to slack off/ (10) repentance (a) beyond one s comprehension/ (b) deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like / (c) I d love to./ (d) lack of clearness or distinctness / (e) to be lazy in your work/ (f) I m very sorry./ (g) a person somebody works with, especially in a professional or skilled job / (h) just before a deadline; at the last minute/ (i) to be slow in doing something, or pause while doing or saying something, often because of uncertainty or reluctance / (j) a newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features signed articles expressing personal opinions 2. 聞 き 取 り: CD を 聞 いて カッコを 英 単 語 一 語 で 埋 めなさい [2 5=10 点 ] I know how much you are all looking forward to meeting the author tonight and having her read from and autograph copies of her latest novel, Bridge to Tomorrow. But unfortunately, Ms. Elway called earlier this afternoon to inform us that she is under the ( weather ) and is going to have to cancel tonight s ( appearance ). We ( sincerely ) apologize and promise to re-schedule Ms. Elway s reading as soon as she s feeling better. But you don t have to go home ( disappointed ), because Jane Oliphant, local children s author and television personality, has agreed to pinch-hit for Ms. Elway tonight and read from her just-published ( autobiography ), A Reading Life. Everyone, please welcome Jane Oliphant. 3. 文 法 : 空 欄 に 単 語 を 入 れて 文 を 完 成 させなさい [2 10=20 点 ] (1) 去 年 はほとんど 雨 がなかった We (h )(l ) rain last summer. (2) ピーターはめったに 朝 食 をとらない Peter (s )(e ) breakfast. (3) ジェニーは 今 日 の 遅 刻 に 対 する 言 い 訳 は 何 もない Jane has (n )(e ) for being late today. (4) 我 々は 必 要 としていたほどの 情 報 は 得 られなかった We got (l ) information (t ) we needed. (5) ベスは 昨 夜 もっと 早 く 帰 宅 しなかったことを 悔 やんでいる Beth regrets (n ) (r ) home earlier last night.

2 確 認 テスト#2 L3(イディオムの 音 )&L4( 接 続 詞 ) 1. 意 味 : 次 の 表 現 の 意 味 を 下 欄 の 表 現 から 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい [2 10=20 点 ] (1) to pull out/ (2) expecting/ (3) car pool/ (4) anniversary/ (5) credit terms/ (6) connection/ (7) telecommuting/ (8) traffic congestion/ (9) transfer/ (10) trolley car (a) an arrangement among a group of automobile owners by which each owner in turn drives the others or their children to and from a designated place/ (b) an occasion when passengers change from one vehicle to another/ (c) working at home by using a computer terminal electronically linked to one's place of employment/ (d) a ticket that allows a passenger to change from one vehicle to another on a journey, or the place where this is done/ (e) to leave or depart/ (f) a date that is observed on an annual basis because it is the same date as an important event in a past year/ (g) overcrowding of street cars / (h) a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity/ (i) the conditions under which credit will be extended to a customer/ (j) pregnant 2. 聞 き 取 り: CD を 聞 いて カッコに 適 当 な 語 を 書 き 入 れなさい [2 5=10 点 ] All this week New York City is (1 ) the 100th anniversary of the opening of its subway system. On October 27, 1904, the city s first subway line carried 150,000 people along its 9-mile (2 9-mile ). The fare was just five cents. Construction of the subway took nearly four years to complete, and was faced with huge engineering (3 difficult ). A mass of subsurface structures, including sewer, water and gas mains and electric cables, made the tunneling operation slow and delicate. Construction was also interrupted by several accidents and frequent (4 strikes ) strikes. Today, the subway is nearly 850 miles long and transports a (5 rage ) average of 4.5 million passengers. A subway ride costs $ 文 法 : 空 欄 に 単 語 を 入 れて 文 を 完 成 させなさい [2 10=20 点 ] (1) 私 の 兄 は 私 が 彼 の 車 を 今 日 使 いたいかどうか 私 に 尋 ねた My brother (a ) me (i ) I wanted to use his car today. (2) 道 路 は 大 変 混 雑 していたが 私 は 時 間 通 り 会 社 に 到 着 した (A ) the traffic was very (c ), I reached the office on time. (3) 眠 らないようにしなさい そうしないと 降 車 駅 を 乗 り 過 ごしてしまうよ Don t fall asleep, (o ) you ll (m ) your stop. (4) 確 かに 車 は 便 利 だが 危 険 でもある It is (t ) that cars are convenient, (b ) they are dangerous, too. (5) 彼 は 若 いが とても 容 易 に 運 転 テストに 合 格 した (Y ) (a ) he is, he passed the driver s test quite easily.

3 確 認 テスト#3 L5( 消 える 音 )&L6(5 文 型 ) 1. 意 味 : 次 の 表 現 の 意 味 を 下 欄 の 表 現 から 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい [2 10=20 点 ] (1) persecution/ (2) down payment/ (3) heavy-duty/ (4) rat race/ (5) to get along/ (6) immigrant/ (7) fee/ (8) to downshift/ (9) prosperity/ (10) decade (a) describes clothing, machinery or equipment that is stronger than usual so that it can be used a lot, especially in difficult conditions/ (b) fierce competition to maintain or improve one's position in the workplace or social life/ (c) a fixed charge for a privilege or for professional services/ (d) a period of ten years / (e) to move from a highly paid but stressful job to one that makes it possible to improve quality of life in other respects/ (f) a person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another / (g) an economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment / (h) the subjecting of a race or group of people to cruel or unfair treatment, e.g. because of their ethnic origin or religious beliefs/ (i) to manage or fare with reasonable success / (j) a part of the full price of something paid at the time it is bought, with the remaining part to be paid later 2. 聞 き 取 り: 英 文 を 聞 いて カッコを 英 単 語 一 語 で 埋 めなさい [2 5=10 点 ] (1) Does the rent ( ) cable TV and the Internet? Yes, and all ( ), too. (2) Buying makes a ( ) ( ) sense than renting. (3) These days, you ( ) ( ) as much as you think. (4) All the rooms have been ( ) ( ). (5) The kitchen has new ( ) and ( ). 3. 文 法 : 空 欄 に 単 語 を 入 れて 文 を 完 成 させなさい [2 10=20 点 ] (1) 問 題 は 誰 がこの 家 を 改 修 するかだ The (q ) is who will (r ) this house. (2) メグは 自 分 の 家 をとても 快 適 なものにしている Meg keeps her house (n ) and (c ). (3) その 不 動 産 屋 は 我 々に 立 派 な 家 を 見 つけてくれると 約 束 した The agent (p ) to find a wonderful house ( ) us. (4) お 願 いをしてもいいですか May I ask a (f ) ( ) you? (5) ロバートは 私 に 引 越 し 用 のトラックを 貸 してくれた Robert (l ) his truck ( ) me for the move.

4 確 認 テスト#4 L7(Holidays 1)&L8(Holidays 2) 1. 意 味 : 次 の 表 現 の 意 味 を 下 欄 の 表 現 から 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい [2 10=20 点 ] (1) stroller/ (2) New Year s resolution/ (3) psychiatrist/ (4) Independence Day/ (5) deity/ (6) ethnic heritage/ (7) legislation/ (8) Veterans Day/ (9) commemoration/ (10) Memorial Day (a) a doctor trained in the treatment of people with psychiatric disorders / (b) a four-wheeled, often collapsible, chair-like carriage in which small children are pushed / (c) May 30, observed in the United States in commemoration of those members of the armed forces killed in war / (d) a law or a body of laws enacted / (e) a ceremony or religious service to honor the memory of a person or an event / (f) a legal holiday honoring former members of the armed forces in the United States, November 11. / (g) a god, goddess, or other being regarded as divine / (h) a decision to do or stop doing something, made or announced at the New Year, which is traditionally considered a time for a fresh start / (i) something that is passed down from preceding generations in a particular group of people sharing a common and distinctive culture / (j) July 4, celebrated in the United States to commemorate the adoption in 1776 of the Declaration of Independence 2. 聞 き 取 り: 英 文 を 聞 いて カッコを 英 単 語 一 語 で 埋 めなさい [2 5=10 点 ] (1) ( )( ) have something else besides turkey this year? (2) How about going ( ) ( ) ride? (3) It ( ) ( ) Thanksgiving without turkey. (4) Never ( ) ( ) it? (5) Buy Nothing Day was ( ) in Canada in ( ). (1) 上 司 がテネリフェ 島 から 戻 ってくる 前 に 報 告 書 を 仕 上 げた 方 がいいよ You should finish your report before your boss ( ) ( ) from Tenerife. (2) ジルはめったに 社 員 旅 行 に 参 加 しない Jill rarely ( ) ( ) her company excursions. (3) 子 供 たちを 励 ましてより 良 い 読 み 手 にする 読 書 コンテスト ( 名 詞 句 ) reading contests that will ( ) your children to ( ) better readers (4) ヘブライ 語 では ハヌカ は 献 身 を 意 味 する In ( ), the word Hanukkah means ( ). (5) 蝋 燭 は 毎 晩 ともされる Candles ( ) ( ) each night.

5 確 認 テスト#5 L9(Weather 1)&L10(Weather 2) (1) scorching/ (2) You re telling me./ (3) to think twice/ (4) intermittent / (5) freezing point/ (6) physicist/ (7) drizzle/ (8) scale/ (9) to pull over/ (10) precipitation (a) something that you say to emphasize that you agree with something someone has just complained about because you have experienced it yourself/ (b) light steady rain/ (c) to drive a vehicle to the side of a road and stop/ (d) occurring at irregular intervals/ (e) the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time/ (f) a scientist who specializes in the scientific study of matter, energy, force, and motion, and the way they relate to each other/ (g) to consider something very carefully/ (h) any of the small flat bony or horny overlapping plates that cover the bodies of fish and some reptiles and mammals/ (i) the temperature at which a liquid solidifies/ (j) extremely hot (1) How hot is it ( ) to get today? Not as hot as yesterday, thank ( ). (2) James, you re ( ) ( ). (3) What is the weather ( ) in Pretoria? --- It s ( ). (4) I had to bicycle all the ( ) home in a ( ). (5) The roads are already ( ) with ice, and chains are ( ). (1) 気 温 は 6 日 連 続 で 摂 氏 35 度 まで 上 昇 した The temperature ( ) to 35 six days in a ( ). (2) 彼 らは 2 年 前 から 水 不 足 に 悩 まされている They ( ) ( ) suffering from a water shortage since two years ago. (3) 二 日 酔 いの 人 [ 名 詞 句 ] a person who is ( ) ( ) (4) 暗 くて 不 気 味 な [ 形 容 詞 句 ] dark and ( )-( ) (5) 長 年 にわたってよく 風 雪 に 耐 えてきた 古 い 家 [ 名 詞 句 ] an old house that has ( ) well ( ) the years

6 確 認 テスト#6 L11(Shopping 1)&L12(Shopping 2) (1) apiece / (2) consumer advocate/ (3) haggler/ (4) mean business / (5) cheapskate/ (6) doldrums / (7) sell-by date/ (8) That was that./ (9) whichever comes first / (10) pharmacy (a) a person who is dedicated to protecting and promoting the welfare and rights of consumers / (b) to or for each one / (c) a sluggish state in which no development or improvement occurs / (d) an expression that shows that something has ended / (e) a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold / (f) any of which that comes earlier than all the others/ (g) to be serious and determined about something / (h) a date displayed on food and pharmaceutical products, after which they should not be sold / (i) somebody regarded as ungenerous / (j) a person who argues over something such as a price or contract in order to reach an agreement (1) Shall we do our shopping downtown or at the ( )? Parking downtown is such a ( ). (2) ( ) or plastic, ( )? (3) ( ) for you. I wish more shoppers ( ). (4) I m going to have to ( ) ( ) your credit card. (5) You can pay ( ) ( ) if you like. (1) ジェーンは 宝 くじに 当 たったと 言 ったが それはうそだとわかった Jane said she won the ( ), ( ) turned out to be a lie. (2) 常 連 客 のお 一 人 であるベイカーさんは すべてのスタッフの 名 前 を 知 っている Mr. Baker, ( ) is our of our regular customers, knows all our staff ( ) name. (3) 店 から 出 る 際 にレジ 係 にお 聞 きください just ask your ( ) on your ( ) out of the store (4) これらの 丈 夫 なバッグはすぐに 元 が 取 れる These heavy-( ) bags soon pay for ( ). (5) 私 は 彼 に 返 金 し カメラを 調 べたが 結 局 それは 電 池 がないことがわかっただけだった I gave him a ( ) and checked the camera out, only ( ) find that it didn t have a battery.

7 確 認 テスト#7 L13(Holding a Party 1)&L14(Holding a Party 2) (1) latest addition / (2) Very funny./ (3) to go well with/ (4) spouse/ (5) baby shower/ (6) wedding shower / (7) reunion/ (8) rambunctious./ (9) be rained out / (10) get-together (a) to harmonize; be compatible; be suited with / (b) an informal and usually small social gathering / (c) noisy, very active, and hard to control, usually as a result of excitement or youthful energy / (d) to cause, by raining, the cancellation or postponement of a sports event, performance, or the like/ (e) a party thrown in honor to celebrate the bride and groom, a.k.a. bridal shower / (f) a gathering of relatives, friends, or associates at regular intervals or after separation/ (g) a sarcastic expression used to imply that it is outrageous / (h) a party given by the women friends of somebody who is pregnant, at which she is given presents for the baby / (i) somebody's husband or wife / (j) something added most recently to what you already have (1) Have you ( ) a restaurant that can ( ) as many as 150 people? (2) I had ( ) ( ) of drinks. (3) They say he no ( ) ( ) nearly as much. (4) It is ( ) ( ) cheddar cheese. (5) This cheese is usually ( ) ( ) red wine. (1) キャシーは 夫 にパーティーのあと 皿 洗 いをしてもらった (wash 以 外 の 動 詞 を 使 うこと) Cathy ( ) her husband to ( ) the dishes after the party. (2) 私 はパーティーが 始 まる 前 にマイクを 直 させた I ( ) the microphone ( ) before the party began. (3) 私 はメグが 台 所 を 走 り 回 って パーティー 用 のスナックを 作 っているのを 見 た I saw Meg ( ) around the kitchen ( ) snacks for the party. (4) 何 かが 台 所 で 燃 えている 臭 いがする I ( ) something ( ) in the kitchen. (5) 私 は 客 の 何 人 かが 庭 で 歌 っているのを 聞 いた I ( ) some guests ( ) in the garden.

8 確 認 テスト#8 L15(Renting1)&L16(Renting 2) (1) overdue / (2) appropriate/ (3) calamity / (4) nominal (e.g. a nominal fee)/ (5) checkout (e.g. checkout counter) / (6) legendary / (7) brochure / (8) blockbuster/ (9) premium/ (10) secondhand (a) a disastrous situation or event / (b) itemization and collection of amounts due for purchases/ (c) described or commemorated in a legend / (d) a booklet or pamphlet that contains descriptive information or advertising / (e) previously used or owned by another / (f) delayed beyond an appointed time/ (g) a sum of money or bonus paid in addition to a regular price, salary, or other amount / (h) something, such as a film or book, that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales. / (i) suitable for the occasion or circumstances / (j) representing very little cost when compared with the actual value received (1) ( ) long before Madagascar comes ( ) on DVD? (2) Would you like to ( ) your membership ( )? (3) Has it ( ) ( ) already? (4) The DVDs and CDs were ( ) two days ( ). (5) Hip-Hop has a ( ) ( ) per day per DVD. (1) あなたの 息 子 は 直 ちに 手 術 を 受 けなければならない It is ( ) that your son ( ) surgery immediately. (2) もしあなたの 電 話 番 号 を 知 っていたら 電 話 していたのになあ ( ) ( ) known your phone number, I would have called you. (3) もし 試 験 に 失 敗 するようなことになっても がっかりしないでください ( ) you ( ) fail the exam, don t be disappointed. (4) 店 は 私 が 借 りた DVD を 直 ちに 返 すようにと 要 求 した The shop requested that I ( ) ( ) the DVD I had rented. (5) そのゲームにはいくらかの 性 的 に 露 骨 な 内 容 も 含 まれていた The game also has some sexually ( ) ( ).

9 確 認 テスト#9 L17(Smoking&Drinking1)&L18(Smoking&Drinking 2) (1) to ruin / (2) figure/ (3) statistics/ (4) pharmaceutical/ (5) once and for all / (6) social withdrawal / (7) naive/ (8) moderate/ (9) peer/ (10) consumption (a) involved in or related to the manufacture, preparation, dispensing, or sale of drugs used in medicine / (b) in a conclusive way/ (c) to spoil something so severely that it cannot be restored / (d) a pattern of behavior, observed in schizophrenia and depression, that is characterized by a pathological retreat from interpersonal contact and social involvement and that leads to self-preoccupation/ (e) the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating) / (f) a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status/ (g) not excessive or extreme / (h) having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous / (i) an amount represented in a numerical symbol / (j) a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis and interpretation of numerical data in terms of samples and populations (1) Have you managed to ( ) smoking yet? No, but I m ( ) to ten cigarettes a day. (2) This beer ( ) ( ). (3) All Unity Airlines flights ( ) you completely ( ) environment. (4) Smoking anywhere on the aircraft is ( ) ( ). (5) Anyone ( ) smoking will be ( ) a federal law. (1) 外 出 するのは 家 にいるより 健 康 的 だ Going outdoors is ( ) than ( ) at home. (2) アルコール 飲 料 はソフトドリンクより 高 価 だ Alcoholic ( ) are more ( ) than soft drinks. (3) 喫 煙 の 影 響 はあなたが 想 像 しているより 悪 い The ( ) of smoking are ( ) than you imagine. (4) ここはこの 町 で 二 番 目 に 大 きなスポーツバーです This is the ( ) ( ) sports bar in this city. (5) これはこの 値 段 では 断 然 最 高 のワインだと 思 う I believe this is ( ) ( ) the best wine for the price.

10 確 認 テスト#10 L19(Health&Medicine1)&L20(Health&Medicine 2) (1) kidney / (2) infection / (3) confidential / (4) round the clock/ (5) abortion / (6) nutrition/ (7) obesity / (8) symptom / (9) liver / (10) hilarious (a) day and night, without stopping / (b) the process of absorbing nutrients from food and processing them in the body in order to keep healthy or to grow / (c) something wrong with your body or mind which shows that you have a particular illness / (d) extremely or unhealthily fat or overweight/ (e) extremely amusing and causing a lot of laughter: / (f) a large organ in your body that produces bile and cleans your blood / (g) one of the two organs in your lower back that separate waste products from your blood and make urine / (h) secret, often in a formal, business or military situation / (i) a medical operation to end a pregnancy so that the baby is not born alive / (j) a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus (1) Are you ( ) any ( ) at the moment? (2) I m afraid you have Type II ( ). What ( ) does that mean? (3) You ll have to change your ( ) and get more ( ). (4) The ( ) system protects our bodies from ( ). (5) The body can ( ) antibodies against outside ( ). (1) それを 拾 っていただけませんか? Would you pick ( ) ( ) for me? (2) この 加 湿 器 は 壊 れている 私 たちは 新 しいのを 買 う 必 要 がある This humidifier is broken. We need to by ( ) new ( ). (3) メアリーは 怪 我 をした (was injured 以 外 の 表 現 を 使 うこと) Mary ( ) ( ). (4) ニューヨークの 医 者 の 数 はシカゴのより 大 きい The number of doctors in New York is larger ( ) ( ) in Chicago. (5) 手 術 室 は 現 在 使 用 中 です 我 々はそこに 入 ってはいけないことになっている The operating rooms are in use right now. We re not supposed to ( ) ( ).

11 確 認 テスト#11 L21(Appliances1)&L22(Appliances 2) (1) conventional / (2) microwave/ (3) thermos/ (4) warranty/ (5) frig / (6) cradle/ (7) renovate / (8) compactor / (9) efficient / (10) gadget (a) kitchen appliance that cooks food by passing an electromagnetic wave through it; heat results from the absorption of energy by the water molecules in the food / (b) a small bed for a baby, with rockers and enclosing sides / (c) performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort / (d) a guarantee on purchased goods that they are of the quality represented and will be replaced or repaired if found to be faulty/ (e) an appliance that crushes and compresses trash into small convenient bundles / (f) a small device or machine with a particular purpose / (g) an appliance or cabinet for storing food or other substances at a low temperature / (h) to bring something such as a building back to a former better state by means of repairs, redecoration, or remodeling / (i) using well-established methods or styles; ordinary; commonplace/ (j) a vacuum bottle or similar container lined with an insulating material to keep liquids hot or cold (1) It looks as if it s going on for another ( )( ) hours. (2) There s a ( )( ) leftover lasagna in the freezer. (3) Just ( )( ) in the oven. (4) There s some lettuce and other ( ) in the ( ). (5) Make yourself a ( )( ). (1) 私 の 新 しいコンピューターはこの 古 いプリンターと 互 換 性 がない My new computer is not ( )( ) this old printer. (2) あなたのオーブンは 壊 れているに 違 いない フィルターを 定 期 的 に 空 にするようにしなさい Your oven must be ( ). Make sure you empty the filter ( ). (3) 第 3 に カビが 生 えていたり 腐 っていたりした 食 物 を 捨 てなさい Third, throw away any food that is ( ) or spoiled. 第 7 に 温 度 調 節 ノブをあなたが 好 む 温 度 に 設 定 しなさい Seventh, turn the temperature control knob to the ( ) temperature. (4) 1 年 間 完 全 保 障 または 無 条 件 で 代 金 を 払 い 戻 します Fully ( ) for one year or your money back no questions ( ) (5) わかりやすい 説 明 書 と 床 洗 浄 のコツ Easy-to-( ) instructions and floor cleaning ( ).

12 確 認 テスト#12 L23(Making a Speech 1)&L24(Making a Speech 2) (1) prioritize / (2) poverty / (3) donation / (4) respective / (5) mandatory / (6) poise / (7) anecdote / (8) podium / (9) monotonous / (10) on behalf of (a) a gift or contribution, especially a sum of money given to a charity / (b) calm self-assured dignity, especially in dealing with social situations / (c) as a representative of or a proxy for / (d) uninteresting or boring as a result of being repetitive and unvaried / (e) varying according to each of the people or things concerned / (f) a short personal account of an incident or event / (g) to order things according to their importance or urgency / (h) needing to be done, followed, or complied with, usually because of an official requirement / (i) a small raised platform that the conductor of an orchestra, a lecturer, or somebody giving a speech can stand on / (j) the state of not having enough money to take care of basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing (1) The boy is ( )( ) with the woman. (2) ( ) I just read my paper from my ( )? (3) No, you ( )( ) stand and speak from memory. (4) I m not sure if I should say it in front of his ( )( ). (5) Our goal is not only to provide the best-( )( ) on the road. (1) 昼 食 会 がまもなく 始 まります The ( ) is (a ) to begin. (2) 副 大 統 領 が 代 わりに 演 説 をすることになっている The vice president ( )( ) make a speech instead. (3) 飛 行 機 は 10 分 後 に 着 陸 します The airplane is ( )( ) ten minutes. (4) もし 明 日 雨 が 降 れば エミリーの 演 説 会 に 出 席 しない I won t attend Emily s speech if ( )( ) tomorrow. (5) いつの 日 か 必 ず 困 難 に 打 ち 勝 つことができると 私 は 楽 観 的 に 考 えている I remain ( ) that one day we shall ( ).

C. S2 X D. E.. (1) X S1 10 S2 X+S1 3 X+S S1S2 X+S1+S2 X S1 X+S S X+S2 X A. S1 2 a. b. c. d. e. 2

C. S2 X D. E.. (1) X S1 10 S2 X+S1 3 X+S S1S2 X+S1+S2 X S1 X+S S X+S2 X A. S1 2 a. b. c. d. e. 2 I. 200 2 II. ( 2001) 30 1992 Do X for S2 because S1(is not desirable) XS S2 A. S1 S2 B. S S2 S2 X 1 C. S2 X D. E.. (1) X 12 15 S1 10 S2 X+S1 3 X+S2 4 13 S1S2 X+S1+S2 X S1 X+S2. 2. 3.. S X+S2 X A. S1 2

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