CONTENTS CANADA CHINA INDIA INDONESIA KOREA RUSSIA TAIWAN USA VIETNAM バンクーバーアイランド 大 学 3 Vancouver Island University 吉 林 華 橋 外 国 語 学 院 4 Jilin Huaqiao

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1 2015 CUC SUMMER PROGRAM STUDENT MAGAZINE 2015 千 葉 商 科 大 学 サマープログラム 平 成 27 年 7 月 12 日 ~7 月 26 日 1

2 CONTENTS CANADA CHINA INDIA INDONESIA KOREA RUSSIA TAIWAN USA VIETNAM バンクーバーアイランド 大 学 3 Vancouver Island University 吉 林 華 橋 外 国 語 学 院 4 Jilin Huaqiao University of Foreign Languages 上 海 立 信 会 計 学 院 7 Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce 天 津 外 国 語 大 学 12 Tianjin Foreign Studies University サー パダンパット シンハニア 大 学 16 Sir Padampat Singhania University 北 スマトラ 大 学 20 University of Sumatera Utara 全 南 国 立 大 学 校 24 Chonnam National University 漢 陽 大 学 校 25 Hanyang University モスクワ 大 学 27 Moscow State University 国 立 台 北 商 業 大 学 29 National Taipei University of Business 国 立 中 正 大 学 31 National Chung Cheng University ハワイ 大 学 33 University of Hawaii ネブラスカ 大 学 オマハ 校 千 葉 商 科 大 学 サマープログラム University of Nebraska Omaha ウォッシュバン 大 学 39 Washburn University 平 成 26 年 7 月 14 日 ~7 月 25 日 べトナム 国 家 大 学 40 Vietnam National University 2

3 CANADA バンクーバーアイランド 大 学 Vancouver Island University Riley Williamson My time at CUC was a very memorable experience. I met lots of new people and made tons of new friends! Being home now I really miss the beautiful campus and friendly people at CUC. All the places CUC took me were really cool and fun, but it never mattered where we went it was always unique. Even the convenience store close to campus was culturally different and really interesting haha :) The staff was very nice and helpful, one day I got sick and a CUC staff took me to the on campus clinic and they made me feel better in no time! One thing that took some getting used to in Japan was the weather, it is so hot and humid there. In Canada it is normally very dry and a hot day on Vancouver island is 25 Celsius and that's with wind, so my body wasn't used to it. My time at the CUC program has made me realize that I really want to spend more time in Japan and one day I hope to come a visit the friends I made! 3

4 CHINA 吉 林 華 橋 外 国 語 学 院 Jilin Huaqiao University of Foreign Languages Zhe Wang This is the first time for me to went to Japan. And my course is Japanese course but finally i found that my Japanese level is not enough for writing a passage. As a result, I wrote this passage into English. The time when I arrived at the airport, I was surprised because I was in Japan right now.and in the airport I ate my first Japanese food called sushi.and I think is was very different form the Chinese sushi shop which is not very good.after the first meal, we went to school. On the way to school, the only thing I want to said is the setting sun was of great beauty. At the very first days of Japanese course I can understood the things that our teacher were teaching.but in the last days there were something that I couldn't understand. Fortunately our teacher can spoke English either. So in the last day, If I have something that I couldn t understand, I could ask our teacher in English. The most interesting things in courses was the breakfast and the lunch. I have taken some pictures of them. 4

5 And about the food, although it was very good and of great health, what I want to say was that the contains of the food was always not enough for me to eat...maybe just because I am always in an hunger condition.i do love the chicken,we may call it in Japanese as とりにく とってもおいしい The most exciting things were the activities in the afternoon. While we were doing such activities,we learned and we played and it was really exciting.and the welcome party was the first time for me to attend such party and do the presentation in front so many people in two language. And that was the welcome party.i have some other activities such as the せんそうじ 5

6 Japan is a country that I always want to go,from the junior high till the university,and now I am in Chiba to write this feeling. It is really fascistic experience for me to go to here. It is unbelievable.taking the train, walking in the street, seeing the people walking around you, feeling the experience the city giving to you. Especially in the night, when the surrounding went into silence, you had a great chance to put yourself into the street which were very exciting. And the last thing I want to is really really good for me to have such chance to join the CUC,to meet everyone in my dreaming country.this Trip,This CUC program will and shell be the most precious experience in my life. That s all, Thank you. 6

7 CHINA 上 海 立 信 会 計 学 院 Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce Zhiying Xu/Xiaoying Zhang/Shunyang Pei/Ychi Zhang/Yifan Zhang Hi, we are from Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce. It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to participate in 2015 CUC summer program, during which time, We have had really wonderful 2 weeks here. We want to extend our sincere gratitude to CUC, all faculties and supporters. Thank you very much. 今 回 の 短 期 訪 問 旅 行 はいい 思 い 出 になった いろいろ 以 前 全 然 体 験 したことがない 活 動 をしました 浴 衣 でファッションをして 心 細 くなっても 恥 ずかしくなっても 嬉 しかった 花 火 大 会 のとき 涼 しい 風 に 吹 かれ 緩 やかな 波 を 見 て 空 と 川 の 青 さに 包 まれて ストレスが 一 気 に 解 散 した 千 葉 の 伝 統 的 建 物 を 見 て 穏 やかでのんびりとした 雰 囲 気 に 染 みて 美 味 しいものをいっぱい 食 べて 秋 葉 原 とかで 買 い 物 して 満 喫 した そして 授 業 で 日 本 の 経 済 と 美 術 を 習 って プレゼンもして チームワークを 鍛 えて 内 気 な 自 分 に 立 ち 向 かった なんか 強 いて 自 分 の 弱 気 を 乗 り 越 えたという 感 じで 今 考 えてみる とありがたいチャンスだと 思 います 最 後 に サーポーターがいろいろ 面 倒 を 見 てくれて 本 当 にありが 7

8 とう 日 常 生 活 の 各 部 分 から 土 日 付 き 合 ってくれることまで サーポーターと 一 緒 に 話 したり 笑 った り 疲 れたりする 場 面 はすぐ 目 に 浮 かぶように 印 象 深 いです シャイな 私 はいつもどう 答 えたらいいの か 迷 って 結 局 黙 ったが そんな 不 器 用 な 私 にいつも 親 切 してくれて ありがとう 上 海 に 来 たらぜひ 連 絡 してください 今 回 は 日 本 人 の 礼 儀 正 しさと 規 則 だしさが 感 じた 人 との 付 き 合 いを 大 切 にして 素 直 にコミュニケーションすることが 重 要 だとわかりました この 経 験 を 忘 れないように 将 来 就 職 活 動 に 生 かすように 日 本 語 が 上 手 になるように 頑 張 りたい 一 緒 にもっと 素 晴 らしい 未 来 に 行 こう! Study CUC provided us two different kinds of courses. One was about The Arts and Material Culture and the other was Japanese Financial Market. From them, we had a better understanding about Japanese culture and we could apply what we had learnt into practical use. 8

9 Food We really enjoyed awesome Japanese food such as Sushi, Takoyaki, Taiyaki and so forth. So yummy~ Food in CUC cafeteria is also highly recommended(by the way, the newly-built cafeteria is really neat and beautiful). Just enjoy it! Cultural experience fabulous? Well-prepared activities never let us down. Yukata Experience was the most impressive one. Do we look 9

10 We also visited Aircraft Maintenance Center at Haneda airport where we saw the maintenance workers daily missions and cosplayed flight crew. 10

11 We visited Furin(wind-chimes) factory and painted a Furin by ourselves. It was really difficult for us to paint at the back of the glass. この 二 週 間 CUC から 学 習 したのは 本 当 に 多 いと 思 います 教 師 たちもサポーターたちも みんながと ても 親 切 です クラスメイトの 皆 も 優 れたから いろいろなことを 教 えて 頂 くのは ほんどうにありが とうございます 個 人 として 最 も 興 味 のある 授 業 は 福 澤 先 生 とアレン 先 生 のクラスです 福 澤 先 生 の 授 業 に たくさん 知 らない 金 融 知 識 を 教 えいただき とても 勉 強 になりました アレン 先 生 の 授 業 に 平 安 時 代 の 美 術 とか 江 戸 時 代 の 美 術 とか 日 本 の 芸 術 の 美 しさを 認 識 するのは 自 分 の 知 識 もどんどん 広 くなると 思 います それに いろいろな 素 晴 らしい 活 動 があります 花 火 大 会 も 風 鈴 工 場 の 見 学 も すごく 面 白 い 活 動 です 自 分 の 目 で 美 しいことを 記 録 し 自 分 の 手 で 面 白 いことを 作 り 出 すのは 珍 しい 経 験 です 最 後 は もう 一 度 CUC の 皆 へ 心 からの ありがとうございます! を 言 いたいんです 今 度 の 夏 休 みの 短 期 訪 問 は 絶 対 忘 れられないと 思 います 11

12 CHINA 天 津 外 国 語 大 学 Tianjin Foreign Studies University Jinjie Zhang/Qin Gong/Shirui Zhang Fabulous Experience at Chiba University of Commerce 12

13 今 度 千 葉 商 科 大 学 へお 招 きいただき 福 澤 先 生 の 日 本 金 融 資 本 市 場 史 アレン 先 生 の 日 本 芸 術 と 物 質 文 化 の 授 業 を 受 け 日 系 企 業 ( 日 本 銀 行 JAL 羽 田 整 備 工 場 等 )を 見 学 し 世 界 中 での 有 名 な 観 光 地 ( 東 京 タワー スカイツリー 浅 草 銀 座 ディスニーランド 等 ) を 参 観 し めっちゃ 懐 かしい 活 動 である 土 曜 日 ディスニーランド&ディスニーシー 13

14 CUC のサポーター(キョウ ゲンテイ)の 案 内 で 私 たちはディスニーランドとディスニーシーに 行 って 遊 んだ 非 常 に 楽 しかった そして キョウさんと 良 い 友 達 になって もし 帰 国 すれば 私 たちは 必 ずキョウさんと CUC の 先 生 サポーターを 懐 かしむことがある 火 曜 日 浴 衣 体 験 先 生 と 生 徒 の 協 力 で 伝 統 的 な 浴 衣 を 着 た 初 めて 異 国 風 の 着 物 を 身 につけたので 我 々は 気 持 ちが 高 ぶった 最 後 浴 衣 ファッションシューにおいて 私 たちは 特 殊 な 表 演 式 でモデルを 完 成 した 月 曜 日 江 戸 東 京 博 物 館 14

15 今 日 江 戸 東 京 博 物 館 を 参 観 し たいへん 光 栄 である 江 戸 時 代 から 現 在 までの 流 れを 知 ると 同 時 に 津 怪 三 味 線 と 尺 八 を 聞 いた そんな 伝 統 風 の 音 楽 には 情 趣 が 尽 きない It is the most unforgettable memory in my school-life, I love CUC's teachers and those warm-hearted supporters. I regard CUC's dining room as the best students' dining room I have ever met! I hope that one day I could go back to CUC to study with our teachers and students again. Thank you for designing this project! And also we sincerely invite CUC members to pay a visit, come to study in Tianjin, and to start your exploration of Chinese culture. Looking forward to seeing you again! 15

16 INDIA サー パダンパット シンハニア 大 学 Sir Padampat Singhania University Yamini Singh Baghel/Akshita Kothari/Sanjana Jaiswal/Shauryaa Purohit Shubhank Sharma/Mitali Sen Living away from home on the other side of the world, has impacted us in ways that will stick with us for life. Since being in Japan we got to learn a lot of things. Particularly to find out the deeper truth and common features that bind all humans despite apparent differences. The whole experience has been just so amazing. We were given a chance to interact with CUC students as well as other participants of 2015 CUC Summer Program. SPSU students demonstrated their keenness to make friends by presenting the highest number of signatures of introductions they completed. Almost every SPSU student collected over 40 signatures while very few from other colleges could get to the figure of 40. The first day ended with a welcome party organized for us. People here are very welcoming and we could make ourselves feel at home on the very first day. The student supporters are very polite and helpful. The second day, we visited the famous Imperial Palace and The Bank of Japan. We were fascinated by the beauty this country has to offer and also were astonished to see the mechanism used to collect and distribute the currency at the Central Bank of Japan. At the end we were presented with lovely tokens of crushed notes. They indeed will be one of the greatest memories of this program. And then to our astoundment, on the third day The International Center organized a sports competition followed by a small quiz round. We were thrilled to be a part of this competition, once again we were reminded of how important teamwork is to perform a task efficiently. Winning and losing are a part of life, but the most important point was that we participated. At the end of these activities we met some lovely high school students from Chiba, who were equally excited to meet us as we were. Although we couldn t speak or understand Japanese very well but, we could feel a connect with them and also tried to communicate with our actions expressing how delighted we 16

17 were to have met them. Japan has certainly filled my journey with a lot of curiosity, because with every visit to a new place, it just gets better with a step forward. The fourth day, we were in a state of euphoria because the next place we were going to visit was the Japan Airlines. When we entered the JAL premises we were amazed to see the small museum with a lot of interesting facts about the JAL. We also got a chance to dress up as pilots or flight attendants which took our happiness to the next level. The fifth day, we visited the famous Asakusa temple. Being from a traditionally rich country India, we were delighted to visit the temple because it s a part of who we are and where we come from. Also, we went to the the tallest tower in the world The SkyTree. The weekends were given us free to visit the places of our choices. We were accompanied by the student supporters who helped us with the transportation and also helped us know the famous places to visit. One of which was the Disney Sea, every kid in his childhood wishes to visit the Disneyland. It was a dream come true for each one of us. Our journey would have been incomplete without this day. The eighth day, we visited the Edo-Tokyo Museum. We had discussed about the history of Japan in our previous lectures of Prof. Sarah Allen. Having the knowledge of the history beforehand, we could then relate it to the presentations at the museum. It was an experience of its own kind. The ninth day, we came across the traditions of Japan The Yukata Experience. Each one of us was given a kimono to wear. And each one of us was looking beautiful in it. We thank The Chiba University of Commerce for giving us this opportunity of experiencing their tradition. 17

18 The tenth day, was a creative one. We were taken to a furin factory, where we saw how a furin was manufactured and also got a chance to paint our own furins. Each one of us was so focused to paint their furin creatively. The eleventh day, we visited the cup noodles museum. We got to make our very own kind of a cup noodles. At first, we painted the cups and then we chose our very choice of ingredients. And we can t wait to try them once we reach our country. I would also like take this opportunity to thank Prof. Sarah Allen who made us aware about The Arts and Culture of Japan and Prof. Fukuzawa who gave us the details of the History of Japanese Financial Markets. The beginning of every day with your lectures filled us with knowledge each day. Also, at the end of the program we gave presentations on both the subjects according to our understanding of it. It really helped us to gain insights of these subjects. And we can t wait to pass on all of my new knowledge. 18

19 Being here and experiencing a different culture, a different lifestyle and a different language has made a lot of impact on each one of our lives. We have made some new lifelong friendships not only with the student supporters but also the fellow exchange students. Once again I thank The Chiba university of Commerce for giving us the opportunity of being a part of this wonderful exchange program. The staff members for being so supportive and helpful and the student supporters for being there for us whenever we needed them. We re going back with a lot of knowledge and good memories. 19

20 INDONESIA 北 スマトラ 大 学 University of Sumatera Utara Zafira Nurulfitri Tarigan/Hereta Sylviana Inger/Siti Fatimah Hanum We will tell you about our 2 weeks experience in CUC Summer Program at Chiba University Of Commerce. There are 3 of us that join this program. Our leader is Zafira Nurulfitri Tarigan and the other members are Hereta Sylviana Inger and Siti Fathimah Hanum. The day we arrived at Narita Tokyo International Airport was on Sunday, 12 th July Toshi and Sakura are the supporter that wait for us at the airport on that day. The next day, we were having our first class with Prof. Ellen about Japanese Material & Arts and Prof. Fukuzawa about Financial Markets in Japan. In the afternoon, we ve done the tour of Chiba University and after the tour we went through the opening party at the 7 th floor Main Building. 20

21 On Tuesday, we went to Imperial Palace and The Bank of Japan. We also went to Japanese Airlines Maintenance Center in Haneda. We were excited to join the trip. We went through the Hangar inside the building. Asakusa and Sky Tree were our destination on Friday. We were seeing the Sensoji Shrine which is one the biggest shrine in Japan. 21

22 We have free days on weekend (Saturday & Sunday). On Saturday, we went to Harajuku, Shibuya and Odaiba. In Harajuku, we went to Takeshita Street to watch cosplay but we re not lucky enough because we can t see it. We were accompany our supporter (Teddy, Yoshika, and Keiju). On Sunday, we went to Ueno and Ikebukuro with Henery and Takuro. In Ueno, we went to Tokyo National Science Museum and we visit Sunshine City to watch an aquarium in Ikebukuro. It s such a lovely journey. We also saw the Shibamata Fireworks but it s 20km from the university so we watched the fireworks at the riverside near the university. Unfortunately, the fireworks is far away from what we were expected before. Thank God, the scenery is much more beautiful than the fireworks itself. 22

23 The next day, we visit Factory of Furin (Wind-chimes) and we also learn how to make the windbell and how to pain inside it. The last trip from this program is visiting The Museum of Cupnoodles. We really enjoyed to make our own cupnoodles because we can create our favorite flavor and toppings that we want. 23

24 KOREA 全 南 国 立 大 学 校 Chonnam National University Juchang Lee/Deayean Na/Seojeong Jang Eungyu Kim/You Jeong Na こんにちは 全 南 大 学 からきた 金 恩 圭 と 申 します 私 は 今 回 のサマープログラムに 参 加 する 前 に 多 くの 心 配 を 抱 えていました 初 めて 触 れ 合 う 外 国 での 授 業 についていけるかどうか 生 きてきた 環 境 がまったく 違 う 外 国 の 人 と 仲 良 くなれるかどうか 不 安 で した しかし 国 際 センターやサポーターの 皆 様 が 日 本 の 文 化 を 教 えてくれたり 迷 わないようにコン ビニへ 行 くときも 一 緒 についてきてくれたり 外 国 人 と 話 すときも 通 訳 として 参 加 してくださいました 午 後 の 文 化 体 験 では 日 本 のことをもっと 詳 しく 理 解 するきっかけになりました 日 本 銀 行 では 日 本 の 最 新 の 技 術 により 偽 札 が 出 回 りにくい 理 由 を 知 ることができましたし 江 戸 東 京 博 物 館 では 日 本 人 の 昔 の 生 活 についてとても 勉 強 になりました 最 後 に 皆 様 の 協 力 によって 無 事 サマープログラムを 終 了 したことに 感 謝 しています 後 で 本 国 に 戻 っ てから 後 輩 に CUC のサマープログラムのいい 点 を 紹 介 しようと 思 っています 24

25 KOREA 漢 陽 大 学 校 Hanyang University Kangbin Lee/Hyunsuh Lee/Yeeun Kim Jingak Kim/Jihyun Cha 毎 日 毎 日 大 学 で 美 味 しいものを 食 べました サポータ 友 だちも 一 緒 に 話 をしながら 幸 せな 食 事 の 時 間 になりました 25

26 私 たちは 大 学 の 見 学 はもちろん 世 界 各 国 の 生 徒 たちと 一 緒 に 日 本 企 業 訪 問 スポーツ 大 会 浴 衣 の 体 験 など おもしろいものを 経 験 しました そうやって 毎 日 新 しい 経 験 をして たのしい 勉 強 ができました 午 前 中 の 授 業 で 日 本 の 経 済 と 美 術 に 対 して 専 門 的 な 教 授 たちの 授 業 が 受 けることができ 理 論 的 な 勉 強 とともに 日 本 の 大 学 の 講 座 を 直 接 経 験 することができました この 経 験 は 今 後 日 本 留 学 や 交 換 学 生 に 挑 むきっかけを 得 ることができまし た また 午 後 のプログラムで 日 本 の 経 済 と 文 化 に 関 する 勉 強 を 企 業 見 学 などを 通 して 楽 しく 学 ぶ 事 ができ ました 日 本 銀 行 で 日 本 経 済 の 発 達 に 銀 行 がどの 役 割 をしたのかが 良 く 理 解 できました また 整 備 工 場 博 物 館 など 興 味 深 い 貴 重 な 体 験 ができました 最 後 に 自 由 時 間 と パーティで 日 本 といろんな 国 の 学 生 たちと 交 流 し 友 だちになれたことが 一 番 大 事 な 経 験 だったと 思 います サポーターの 皆 さんがいろいろ 面 倒 をみてくれてこのプログラムがもっと 楽 しくなったように 思 えます 日 本 の 言 語 と 文 化 を 学 生 としてこれより 有 益 な 経 験 はないと 思 います この 度 千 葉 商 科 大 学 のサマー プログラムに 参 加 させて 頂 いてありがとうございました 26

27 RUSSIA モスクワ 大 学 Moscow State University Alina Smirnova/Alexandra Gatina/Alexandra Ivanova Margarita Sedletskaia/Yulia Ignatenko CUC SUMMER PROGRAM We arrived to Japan on the 12 th of July and had amazing two weeks there! Our supporters took care of us. They picked us up in the Narita Airport and took us to our dormitory at CUC campus. Part 1: Study in Japan We were taking part in English program. It included courses called Japanese culture and Japanese finance. Both of them are specially linked with our majors. Actually, at the beginning, we all feel a little bit difficult. It really took us a long time to be accustomed to it. What surprises us a lot is that we have to do group work together with friends from different countries. However, with the help and the cooperation of our partners, it goes very well on each presentation. After finishing that, all of us feel a sense of achievement. Finally, all groups made really interesting presentations upon very different 27

28 topics, such as The history of Japanese beer or The connection between Japanese culture and the culture of my country. However, the main idea we have learnt is that no matter what difficulties we have suffered from, we can get over together. Thank you for these courses here, we improved a lot about knowledge and our communication skills. Also, we are very grateful for an opportunity to use and improve our English Part 2: Japanese culture It is very interesting to visit some sights in Japan. For example, Asakusa which is extremely popular for its temples. It was one of the first places we visited. Then we visited JAL Engineering Co.,Ltd. Aircraft where we were shown around. It is our first time to visit foreign airline company that we know a lot about aircraft manufacture. Then we did some visits to Bank of Japan and Edo-Tokyo Museum where we also enjoyed an exciting period. On the weekend, we went to the Disney Sea, the Sky Tree, Akihabara, Shinjuku and Yokohama with some supporters. Apart from this, we have seen the fireworks at night. All of these are great and impressed. It is greatly appreciated that the supporters spent the whole weekends with us. We felt very impressed for that. We also had fantastic time during Yukata experience! A yukata is a Japanese garment, a casual summer kimono usually made of cotton or synthetic fabric, and unlined. Like other forms of traditional Japanese clothing, yukata are made with straight seams and wide sleeves. This kind of clothes was very unusual for us, but we found it very beautiful and very feminine. We are very grateful for these amazing two weeks and hope to see you again! 28

29 TAIWAN 国 立 台 北 商 業 大 学 National Taipei University of Business Chia Jung Tsao/Yu Lun Chang/Ya Chun Yu こんにちは 私 は 台 北 商 業 大 学 の 張 と 申 します!この 二 週 間 は 本 当 に 楽 しかったです このサマープロ グラムも 残 すところあと 三 日 になり 寂 しい 気 持 ちでいっぱいです ここでいっぱい 友 達 を 作 りました 国 の 限 界 を 越 えてみんな 楽 しんでた 日 本 の 経 済 や 美 術 も 勉 強 した 毎 日 楽 しく 日 本 大 学 学 校 生 活 をす ごしました この 夏 は 最 高 の 思 い 出 をできました!みんなと 出 会 えて 本 当 によかったです! 本 当 にあり がとうございました Japan is a place that we all really wanted to come again. Thanks for CUC provide us this fabulous opportunity for us to meet so many international friends and also experience lots of Japanese culture. There are lots of things that is so different than what I have thought before. Japan is famous for its longevity life country around the world. So I thought here would eat a lot of vegetable and fruits. But I found that, Japanese people eat a lot of meat. It s really a cool thing I have discovered during this trip. Japanese always drink ice-cold water. It is really different than what I have thought before. 29

30 The Art class and the Economic class also gave us lots of different kind of thought about Japanese culture, history and economics. Afternoon activities, we visited a lot of different places, museums and companies in Japan, also gave us a lot of impressions. Japanese university dormitory life is really unique for us. These summer was really memorable. Thank all of the teachers, staffs and supports gave us unforgettable experience in Japan. この 二 週 間 でたくさんの 場 所 を 訪 れて たくさんの 楽 しい 思 い 出 を 作 ることができました その 中 でも 最 初 の 土 曜 日 に 行 った 高 尾 山 が 一 番 印 象 に 残 っています その 日 は 小 雨 だったので 暑 くなかったで す しかし 雲 のせいで 富 士 山 が 見 えなかったのが 残 念 でした 頂 上 ではおみくじを 引 き 吉 がでまし た とても 嬉 しかったです 下 山 のときは リフトを 使 って 降 りました 高 いところは 少 し 苦 手 なので 怖 かったですが 初 めてリフトに 乗 ったので 新 鮮 な 気 持 ちでとても 楽 しかったです また 寮 でみん なと 集 まってたくさん 会 話 をしている 時 間 はとても 幸 せでした さびしなぁ 30

31 TAIWAN 国 立 中 正 大 学 National Chung Cheng University Yu Chuan Lin/Chih Chun Yang/ Yu Ting Tsai The class in CUC summer program is very awesome. It makes us understand the economy of Japan and the Japanese culture. Teacher Fukuzawa not only tells us the economy situation in Japan but also tells us the economy concept. Teacher Allen introduces Japanese culture with many pictures. Also, the presentation with group members from different countries, it was unique experience for all of us. We not only learn more about the Japanese culture, but also access how Japanese culture influences the abroad culture. The connection of world is out of our imagination. In the class, the knowledge stimulates our thought, broaden the capacity, create more interesting idea. Besides learning the Japanese culture in class, the international center of CUC also arranges various traditional culture experience, and famous landscapes to visit, we experienced many Japanese cultures. Such as eat at student restaurant, visit Bank of Japan, look around Japan airlines corporation, Edo Tokyo Museum, Asakusa, Yukata experience, sports competition. All of these are interesting. Visiting the JAL Engineering aircrafts maintenance center in airport Haneda was the first time for us to see the airplane so close, the aircrafts just around you about 500 meters taking off and landing. That was extremely well. Another impressive activity is Yukata experience. It was very wonderful to wear the Yukata and watch fire work at River Edogawa. After finishing dinner at CUC restaurant, we can choose anywhere we want to go. To my surprise, the CUC supports all are nice to take us to the destination, every night and weekend are full of laugh and happiness. So far, we have been to Shinjuku, Ginza, Disneyland, Japanese traditional Izakaya, Tokyo Tower..etc., we can real experience the daily life of Japanese students usually do. 31

32 Every movement, every activity, and every traveling all can make us feel like a little baby being curious about the Japanese culture and the people in Japan. The summer program is much more interesting than we imagined that at first. Thanks the teachers and supporters of 2015 CUC summer program for making us explore the world, meet its people, and cultivate my mind and worldview through talking all students for different countries. The international summer learning program at CUC is a great opportunity for knowing more about the world. We use language as a key to open the door of Japanese culture, civilization, and the Japanese people. We really feel extremely pleasure to take part in these activities and experience Japanese culture. 32

33 USA ハワイ 大 学 University of Hawaii Eric Welch/Alan Morita/Kaci Weight Eric Welch Being my second time in time in Japan, I was very excited to be back. I missed the culture very much and all the little things that make Japan Japan. I thought that nothing could beat my first time here, but I was wrong. The CUC experience was much more immersive than I ever expected it to be. I did in fact expect the immersion into Japanese language and culture, but did not expect getting to know and learn from people from so many other cultures aside from Japanese. I learned so much about each student s own culture and personality, and this wide perspective that I experienced truly made me a more worldly and knowledgeable person. I was excited each day to travel the Tokyo area with all my new friends, and in doing so, made many new friends, none of whom I will ever forget. Together, we struggled through our classes and presentations, yet we went to amazing new places every day, getting a true Japanese experience. Our school trips to the Bank of Japan, the Haneda Airport, Asakusa, the surprise walk to Skytree, and the furin wind-chime factory, along with the other activities, were full of unforgettable memories. On certain nights, the CUC students would take us to places like Akihabara and Tokyo Tower. I was also fortunate to have my first Disney-experience in many years at Tokyo Disney on the weekend, along with Harajuku and Shibuya. The fact that many options were available for the weekends was a very good aspect of the program. I will go back to Hawai`i with a heavy heart, as I am for a second time torn away from this beautiful land and the Japanese people. More than anything, I will miss the experiences I shared with all my wonderful new International friends. The airplane ride home will be a long sad ride, knowing that I may never see most of their faces in person again. I am very thankful for the friends I met, and the times we had, and to be in Japan again. This experience was truly once in a lifetime. 33

34 Kaci Weight My CUC Experience About a year ago I brought a passport in hopes of it serving as a motivation that would take me on an overseas adventure. Fast forward to a year later, I never imagined that I`d finally be taking that journey to Japan for an exchange program. Within the weeks leading up to my departure I was excited, but I`m not gonna lie I was just as nervous. It would be my first time off U.S. soil and my Japanese was nowhere near good. The first couple of days in Japan, were surreal. It hadn`t hit me that I would be over 4,000 miles away from home in a completely different country. However all the worries I arrived with quickly disappeared as I got settled into this new environment. Sure there was a bit of a culture shock at first. Okay there was a pretty huge culture shock. The food was a bit different from my norm, there were vending machines literally everywhere you could imagine and how am I even supposed to use the hole in the ground they call a toilet?! Theses were the first few differences I slowly came to notice about Japan. But it was those weird differences amongst many that made coming to a new country so exhilarating. But above all those things, the amount of warmth and welcome I felt from the students was probably the highlight of my experience here. I could go on explaining the amount of fun and memories I`ve made with all of the students and people part of the program but that wouldn`t do it any justice. There was a point in time during this trip that I 34

35 was in a room one night talking with some of the other girls and each one of us were from a different country. Some spoke other languages, but we were still all managed to converse with each other and bond. It was at that point that I realized how special it was. That I was so thankful to have an experience that I could do exactly that. Throughout this trip, I`ve done and seen more of Japan than I ever thought I would. Traveling exposes you to so many different walks of life and I m beyond grateful for that experience. The faculty and students were so gracious and welcoming which made me feel at ease in no time. Its bittersweet having to leave. I`ve gotten to know so many people during just 2 weeks and have made life long friends along the way. I don t want to leave, but I`ll be back. Thank you CUC for such an amazing and memorable experience that I`ll never forget. 35

36 USA ネブラスカ 大 学 オマハ 校 University of Nebraska Omaha Katherine Slump/Breanna Terry/Christine Koesters/Steven Sleder Katherine Slump Going abroad, I didn t exactly know what to expect. I have been out of the United States before, but never as far as Japan. I have to admit, I wasn t prepped for what I was getting myself into. When landing at Narita International Airport, it hit me that I was no longer in a realm of familiarity- nowhere near it actually. After collecting my bags I remember feeling very intimidated by everything going on. However, when I saw our CUC supporters- smiles on their faces- I knew I was in good hands. The CUC Experience has changed my life in ways I never thought possible. I have never been around such thoughtful and kind people. I feel so fortunate to have been apart of a program that immerses students in the Japanese culture. I have met friends I will remember forever. I can honestly say I will leave Japan with a whole new mindset and perspective on what the world has to offer. Breannna Terry I did a lot of research before even going to Japan, but even so I was still pleasantly surprised by many things. For instance, I knew about the multitude of toilets before I came here, but it was still a challenge to use them for the very first time. Actually, I was more surprised by the large number of Western style toilets that were available for use. Additionally, I was also surprised by the squatting toilet that was raised above the floor and the fact that there was toilet paper in all of the bathrooms, even with the bidet toilets. Since I am talking about the bathroom, I d also like to comment that I was surprised by the public baths found throughout the dorms. I knew there were public baths in Japan, but I didn t know that I would be able to experience one every day in the dormitories. When I came here, it was a bit awkward and embarrassing, but now I can add that to my life experiences. One thing that I love about Japan is the art, especially in Harajuku and Akihabara. (I haven t been to Akihabara yet, but I m sure that there is even more art than there is in Harajuku, since it is anime central.) What I have seen has been awesome. There have been billboards and wall paintings with anime characters on them. There have been posters for anime movie adds on the trains, on buildings outside walls, and on giant posters on skyscrapers. Since I haven t been to Akihabara yet, I am looking forward to even more art there. When I say the word art this time, I am also referring to manga, anime, and souvenirs I am looking forward to spending a good 36

37 chunk of my money on. What makes it even more awesome is the fact that we don t have any of that in America. We don t even have anime movies shown in theaters, with the exception of some dubbed Dragonball Z movies, since it is so popular in the United States. My favorite thing I have done on this trip so far is karaoke. There s nothing like singing loudly to an even louder playing song that you know and love. There s also nothing like jumping up and down to an awesome beat in a tiny room filled with 10 people. It was by far my favorite thing I did on this trip and I hope I get the opportunity to do it again. Another great thing about it was that we came back and kept the party going with dancing and music in the dorms. I was so tired that I had to sit down while everyone kept dancing. That night was so much fun, especially since it was the first time in a really long time that I got up the courage to dance and the first time ever that I got up the courage to sing with a group of people. None of that would have been fun though, without all the people I met on this trip. What made everything great were the people from all the other countries I met here. I met people from Taiwan, India, Vietnam, China, Russia, America, and, of course, Japan. Getting to talk to them was the best. I actually became more social just from being thrown into this new environment. I ve realized, like the teacher from India said, that you can communicate with anyone with a few basic words and a friendly, respectful smile. I ve also more experienced than realized, that everyone is similar and that it doesn t matter what country you are from or any differences you have that country. We are all human and can put aside those differences and each other just as we would anyone else from our own country. I ve made a lot of new friends and I hope that I can keep in touch with them, maybe even visit them in their own countries. I especially hope I can meet some of the friends I ve made in Japan again as I plan to come back. Lastly, I hope I can use the social skills I ve exploited again here on this trip in the United States to push my life forward to where I want to go in life. 37

38 Christine Koesters Since I have come to CUC I have had so many great experiences. From the very beginning of this study abroad I was warmly welcomed by the CUC teachers and students. Since then, I everyone has continued to be incredibly kind and helpful to me. This was my first time to visit CUC, so I really didn t know what to expect at first. I was surprised with how much there is to do and see in this area, and with what a beautiful city and university campus this is. Actually, I have been to Japan once before, but this is my first time to see so much of Chiba and Tokyo. I m so grateful to CUC for organizing this program and giving me a chance to see and experience so many great parts of Japanese culture. I loved going on the afternoon trips, and my favorite was the Edo Tokyo museum. It was great to learn so much about the rich history of this country, and see many things that we learned about in class. I ve made many friends through talking to the other exchange students, and CUC university students. It s going to be sad to say goodbye to this University and to my new friends, but I m so glad that I could have this opportunity. Thank you very much. 38

39 USA ウォッシュバン 大 学 Washburn University Jerad Nolte/Brianna Madden/Adam Patterson Where do we eve start. Our experience here at CUC has been the best experience for us. Everyone in the international department and the CUC supporters were so kind and helpful. In general though the Japanese people are very polite and tend to keep to their own when in public. Brianna said, I was really impressed with the organization of all the activities we did. I got to buy so many things, see many places and enjoyed every activity. Jerad said, My favorite experience would have to be dressing up in a Yukata and watching the fireworks on my birthday. The students threw me a surprise party which meant a lot to me, as I have never had one. Adan said, I enjoyed the company visits and the art history class. I look forward to returning home to present what I have learned here. We all were glade for the chance to make so many friends, and we all hope to keep in touch with those many precious friends. We want to thank all the people that helped make our dreams a reality; family, friends, Washburn University, and the CUC 2015 Summer Program! 39

40 VIETNAM ベトナム 国 家 大 学 Vietnam National University Hoang Tuong Vi/Nguyen Bich Ngoc From many years ago, Japanese culture has merged into Vietnam through comic books and cartoons, going along with almost Vietnamese people in their childhood. Over years, Vietnamese generations, and also us, are familiar with a blue robot cat Doraemon or a cute Solomon. Since going to University of Economics and Business, we have learnt a lot about Japanese economy as well as the important role in the development of Vietnam. The Chiba University of Commerce Summer Program had provided us a meaningful time to experience Japanese art and culture and also learn an overall knowledge of Japanese financial market. The program was also a place of diversed cultures from 15 universities in many countries, which helps us broaden our networking and learn from many international fellows. Right after landing in Japan, we could feel the kindly welcome from Chiba University of Commerce staffs and students. Participating in this program, we were able to immerse ourself in real Japanese environment by learning arts and material culture coupled with various activities. The things we liked most is that our support students always took us everywhere we wanted to go to ensure that we would experience a great time in Japan. They were really kind, thoughtful and extremely friendly. Through campus tour, we realized how caring the unversity does from advanced facilities and the considerations of staffs towards their students. Thank to the knowledge of early Buddism and Shinto learnt in art and culture class, tour of Asakusa made us comprehend understanding why Japnanese culture honor their saints and the meaning of architectures. This trip also made a close knit relationship between us and other students. 40

41 Yukata expeience was one of our memorable day in Japan. Trying on traditional custom, seeing the beauty of these clothes, we could feel the spirit of Japanese people and also feel like as if we were truly Japanese. On the other hand, in the Japanese financial market class, the professor taught us about Japanese economy and why Japan becomes one of the most highest developed countries nowadays. Presentations and discussions in every lectures not only sparked our curiousity but also made the lectures more interesting. Thanks to visiting Bank of 41

42 Japan and Japan Airline, we understood how Japanese banks operate the financial flows and how aircarft was made to serve high quality services. This knowledge improves our mind into the possibility of the world market, making meaningful contribution to our background on the way of futher career. Although two weeks is not an enough time to know everything about Japan, Chiba University of Commerce has given us much more than we expected and just only watched movies or documentaries. Thank you Chiba University of Commerce so much! 42

43 Message from International Center I am delighted that the 5th CUC Summer Program was another resounding success. This year, we had 52 participants from 15 universities, with two accompanying professors. From the first welcome to the last farewell, we could see the bonding process both inside and outside the classrooms. It was wonderful to see the students forming friendships which we hope will endure the test of time and form a basis of true mutual understanding and goodwill. Congratulations and many happy returns to all participants. We hope your introduction to Japan was a happy one, and we look forward to seeing many of you return to Japan on private visits. Be sure to look us up here at CUC when you do and keep us posted on your whereabouts, achievements, and adventures! Yuri Takahashi, International Center Director 2015 CUC サマープログラムに 参 加 していただいた 学 生 の 皆 さんに 改 めて 感 謝 を 申 し 上 げます 7 月 夏 の 始 まりに 皆 さんと 出 会 えて 本 学 の 学 生 も 教 職 員 も 素 晴 らしい 時 間 を 過 ごすことができました 皆 さんにとっ ても 日 本 での 2 週 間 が 素 晴 らしいものになったのであれば 私 たちもうれしい 限 りです 今 回 生 まれた 友 情 や 関 係 が 今 後 も 続 いていくことを 願 っています 日 本 に 来 た 時 は 是 非 本 学 にお 立 ち 寄 りください いつでも 歓 迎 いたします 千 葉 商 科 大 学 国 際 センターオフィス 課 長 土 井 博 之 43

44 2015 CUC Summer Program 2015 CUC Summer Program Date Morning Afternoon 7/12 Sun Arrive at CUC Orientation 7/13 Mon Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Campus Tour Welcome Party 7/14 Tue Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Visit Bank of Japan and Tour of Imperial Palace 7/15 Wed Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Sports Competition 7/16 Thu Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Visit JAL Engineering Co.,Ltd. Aircraft Maintenance Center, Haneda 7/17 Fri Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Tour of Asakusa 7/18 Sat Free Free 7/19 Sun Free Free 7/20 Mon Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Tour of Edo-Tokyo Museum 7/21 Tue Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Guidance for the Graduate School Entrance Examination Yukata Experience Shibamata Fireworks 7/22 Wed Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Japanese Cultural Experience (Tour of Edo-Furin studio and try painting Furin, a kind of wind-bell) 7/23 Thu Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Visit of Cupnoodles Museum 7/24 Fri Prof. Allen Prof. Fukuzawa Japan: The Arts and Material Culture History of Japanese Financial Markets Farewell Party 7/25 Sat Free Free 7/26 Sun Departure from CUC 44

45 45

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