目次 国民健康保険の制度 国民健康保険の届出にはマイナンバー ( 個人番号

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1 杉並区 国民健康保険のご案内 2016 年度版 Suginami City National Health Insurance Guide (Fiscal Year 2016) 杉并区 国民健康保险指南 2016 年度版 스기나미구 국민건강보험 안내 2016 년도판 国民健康保険加入者のみなさまへ この冊子は 外国人の杉並区国民健康保険加入者のみなさんに 国民健康保険制度のし くみや手続きなどについて 理解していただくために作成したものです お手元においてご 活用ください To All National Health Insurance Members This brochure was created so that all foreign residents of Suginami City who are members of National Health Insurance can understand the structure and procedures of the National Health Insurance system. Please keep it in a convenient place for easy reference. 致国民健康保险加入者各位 本手册是为加入杉并区国民健康保险 国保 的外国人 有便于理解国民健康保险制度和 手续等而编写的 敬请利用 국민건강보험 가입자 여러분께 이 책자는 외국인의 스기나미구 국민건강보험 국보 가입자 여러분의 국민건강보험제도의 구조와 수속 등에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 작성한 것입니다. 가까운 곳에 두시고 활용해 주시기 바랍니다. suginami-kokuho-guide_ indd 2 16/06/10 19:47

2 目次 国民健康保険の制度 国民健康保険の届出にはマイナンバー ( 個人番号 ) の記載が必要となります 国民健康保険加入資格要件 国民健康保険の届出 保険証 国民健康保険高齢受給者証 保険料 保険料の納めかた 国民健康保険の給付 保養施設のご案内 特定健診 特定保健指導のご案内 後期高齢者医療制度 介護保険制度 Contents National Health Insurance System Record of My Number (individual number) will be required for registeration Eligibility Requirements Notifications National Health Insurance Card National Health Insurance Elderly Beneficiary Certificate Insurance Premium How to Pay Your Premium Insurance Benefits Resort Facilities Special Health Checkups and Special Health Guidance Latter-term Elderly Medical Care System Nursing Care Insurance System 管理係 国民健康保険の窓口案内 区役所東棟 2 階 ( 代表 ) 国保資格係電話 : ( 直通 ) National Health Insurance Section 2 nd Floor, East Wing, City Office Tel: (main switchboard) Management Subsection Qualification Assessment Subsection Tel: (direct line) 1 国民健康保険事業の PR 2 国民健康保険事業の財政 3 国民健康保険保養施設の申し込み 案内など 4 特定健診 特定保健指導 ( 保健事業担当 ) 1 国民健康保険の加入 脱退の手続き 2 保険証の交付 3 保険料額の問い合わせ 4 保険料の減免の相談 1 Public Relations on National Health Insurance 2 National Health Insurance Budget 3 Applying for Use of National Health Insurance-Designated Resort Facilities/Related Guidelines 4 Special Health Checkups and Special Health Guidance (Health Services Subsection) 1 Procedures for enrolling in or withdrawing from National Health Insurance 2 Issue of National Health Insurance Card 3 Inquiries on insurance premiums 4 Consultation on reduction of/ exemption from insurance premiums 国保給付係電話 : ( 直通 ) 1 療養費 葬祭費の支給 出産育児一時金の支給 貸付 2 一部負担金の減額 免除の相談 3 高額療養費の支給 貸付 4 国民健康保険特定疾病の認定申請 国保収納係 ( 相談 ) 電話 : ( 直通 ) ( 相談 ) 電話 : ( 直通 ) ( 口座 ) 電話 : ( 直通 ) 1 保険料の徴収 2 保険料口座振替の手続き 3 督促 催告保険料の納付相談 4 保険料還付金の支払 National Health Insurance Benefits Subsection Tel: (direct line) 1 Coverage of medical/funeral expenses and provision or loan of lump-sum childbirth/child-rearing allowance. 2 Consultation on reduction of/exemption from payment for treatment at medical facilities 3 Provision of loans for high medical expenses 4 Handling requests for recognition of National Health Insurance designated illness National Health Insurance Premium Collection Subsection (Consultation) Tel: (direct line) (Consultation) Tel: (direct line) (Accounts) Tel: (direct line) 1 Premium collection 2 Procedures for automatic transfer of insurance premium 3 Consultation on premium payment scheduling 4 Payment of insurance premium refunds 杉並区役所の代表電話 ( ) から各係への問い合わせもできます *You can also ask the main switchboard of the Suginami City Office (Tel: ) to connect you to the appropriate subsection.

3 目录 国民健康保险制度 国民健康保险的申请, 需要记录个人号码 国民健康保险的加入资格条件 国民健康保险的申请办法 保险 国民健康保险高龄领取者证书 保险费 保险费的缴纳方法 国民健康保险的支付 疗养设施的介绍 特定体检与特定保健指导的介绍 后期高龄者医疗制度 看护保险制度 목차 국민건강보험제도 국민건강보험의신고에는마이넘버 ( 개인번호 ) 의기재가필요합니다 국민건강보험가입자격요건 국민건강보험신고 보험증 국민건강보험고령수급자증 보험료 보험료납부방법 국민건강보험의급부 보양시설안내 특정건강검진ㆍ특정보건지도안내 후기고령자의료제도 개호보험제도 国民健康保险经办单位说明 区役所东楼 2 楼 电话 : ( 总机 ) 국민건강보험창구안내 구청동쪽건물 2 층 전화 : ( 대표 ) 管理系 国保资格系电话 : ( 直拨 ) 관리계 국보자격계전화 : ( 직통 ) 1 国民健康保险事业的统筹 宣传 2 国民健康保险事业的财政 3 国民健康保险事业疗养设施的申请, 介绍等 4 特别体检与特别保健指导 ( 保健业务负责人 ) 1 国民健康保险加入 脱离手续 2 保险证的交付 3 保险费的咨询 4 保险费减免商谈 1 국민건강보험사업의 PR 2 국민건강보험사업의재정 3 국민건강보험보양시설의신청및안내등 4 특정건강검진 특정보건지도 ( 보험사업담당 ) 1 국민건강보험의가입 탈퇴수속 2 보험증교부 3 보험료액의문의 4 보험료의감면상담 国保给付系电话 : ( 直拨 ) 1 疗养费, 丧葬费的支付, 分娩育儿补助的支付 贷款 2 部分负担金额减免商谈 3 高额疗养费的支付, 贷款 4 国民健康保险特定疾病的认定申请 国保收纳系 ( 商谈 ) 电话 : ( 直拨 ) ( 商谈 ) 电话 : ( 直拨 ) ( 账号 ) 电话 : ( 直拨 ) 1 保险费的缴纳 2 保险费账户转账手续 3 督促催告保险费缴纳商谈 4 保险费偿还支付 국보급부계전화 : ( 직통 ) 1 요양비, 장례비의지급, 출산육아일시금의지급 대부 2 일부부담금의감액 면제상담 3 고액요양비의지급, 대부 4 국민건강보험특정질병의인정신청 국보수납계 ( 상담 ) 전화 : ( 직통 ) ( 상담 ) 전화 : ( 직통 ) ( 계좌 ) 전화 : ( 직통 ) 1 보험료의징수 2 보험료계좌이체수속 3 독촉 최고보험료의납부상담 4 보험료환부금지불 也可从杉并区役所总机 ( ) 向各主管咨询 스기나미구청대표전화 ( ) 로각담당계에문의할수있습니다.

4 などからの補助国民健康保険制度のしくみ 国民健康保険の制度 National Health Insurance System 日本の社会保障に 社会保険 の制度があります この社会保険は お勤め先の健康保険 と 地域を単位とする国民健康保険 に大別されます 杉並区に住民票があり 国民健康保険の加入要件がある方は 国民健康保険に必ず加入しなければなりません 国民健康保険は 病気やケガなどの不測の事態によって医療のサポートが必要になる時に備えて 被保険者 ( 以降加入者と言います ) がそれぞれの収入に応じてお金 ( 保険料 ) を出し合い 医療にかかるときの費用などを補助しようという助け合いの制度です 加入者は 保険料を納める義務を負い そのかわりに 病気やケガをしたときには 健康保険で治療を受ける権利があります Japan s social security system includes a health insurance system. This health insurance system is broadly divided into company-based (corporate) health insurance and regionally-based National Health Insurance. Everyone who has a Resident Record in Suginami City and who is eligible for health insurance must join one of these health insurance schemes. The National Health Insurance is a system of mutual aid that assists the cost of medical care, in preparation for when the support of medical care may be required by unforeseen circumstances such as illness or injury. The insured (hereinafter referred to as member ) pays money (premium) depending on the income of each. The member is required to pay insurance premiums, in exchange for which he/she has the right to obtain medical care for illness or injuries under this health insurance system. 国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 加入の届出をし 保険料を納める 保険証を交付する 国保険者 ( 杉並区 ) Structure of the National Health Insurance System Member (The Insured) Notify enrollment and pay insurance premium Issue Insurance Card Insurer (Suginami City) Assistance from the national government 医療費 ( 自己負担分 ) を支払う 診療をする 国保連合会を通じて医療費を支払う 審査結果を報告する Pay the medical bills (Self-pay minutes) Offer medical care Pay the medical bills through National Health Insurance Organization Report the examination results 医療機関 医療費を請求する 国保連合会 Medical Institutions Claim medical expenses National Health Insurance Organization 1

5 ()나라로부터의보조国民健康保险 国家等的援助( 스기나미구 ) 国民健康保险制度 국민건강보험제도 日本的社会保障中有 社会保险 制度 该社会保险可分为 工作单位健康保险 和 以地域为单位的国民健康保险 两大类 凡是住民票在杉并区 符合加入国民健康保险条件者, 必须加入国民健康保险 国民健康保险, 是在生病或受伤等不测情况下需要医疗支援时, 被保险者 ( 以下称 加入者 ) 根据各自的收入情况相互出款 ( 保险费 ), 辅助就医所需费用的互助制度 加入者有缴纳保险费的义务, 与此同时, 生病或受伤时, 有权使用健康保险进行治疗 일본의사회보장에 사회보험 제도가있습니다. 이사회보험은 직장건강보험 과 지역단위의국민건강보험 으로크게구분할수있습니다. 스기나미구에주민표가있고국민건강보험의가입요건이있는분은국민건강보험에반드시가입하지않으면안됩니다. 국민건강보험은질병이나부상등불의의사고발생시의료지원이필요할때를대비하여피보험자 ( 이하 가입자 라고함 ) 의수입에따라적정한금액 ( 보험료 ) 을서로모아서의료혜택을받을때그비용을보조하기위한상호부조제도입니다. 가입자는보험료를납부할의무를지며, 그대가로질병이나부상을당했을때건강보험으로치료를받을수있는권리를보장받습니다. 国民健康保险制度的结构 국민건강보험제도의구조 支付医疗费 ( 本人负担份额 ) 加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 医疗机构 进行诊疗 提出加入申请, 交纳保险费 交付保险证 收取医疗费 险联合会支付医疗费다通过国民健康保 保险者 ( 杉并区 ) 联合会 报告审查结果 의료비를지불자기부담분국보가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 의료기관 진료를함가입신청을하고보험료를납부한다보험증을교부한다 국보연합회를통하여의료비를지불 의료비를청구한다 보험자 국보연합회 심사결과를보고한2

6 国民健康保険の届出にはマイナンバー ( 個人番号 ) の記載が必要となります Record of My Number (individual number) will be required for registration for the National Health Insurance Program マイナンバー制度の利用開始に伴い 届出のときは 世帯主及び該当者のマイナンバーカード ( 個人番号カード ) または通知カードとあわせて ご本人であることが確認できるものをお持ちください 本人確認できるものとは 運転免許証 日本国発行のパスポート ( 在留資格が特定活動の方は 指定書 も必要 ) 在留カードまたは特定永住者証明書のいずれか 各種届出や申請される方 ( 窓口に来られる方 ) によって必要な書類が異なります 詳しくは担当窓口にお問い合わせください なお 各手続きの際にマイナンバーの記入ができない場合でも 手続きを行うことはできます As the new My Number system (individual number) has launched in FY2016, you will be required to bring my number card or notice card to verify your identity for registration. Valid identity verifications are Driving License, Japanese passport (if you have a status of residence in Japan, certificate of designation will also be required), residency card, and permanent resident certificate. Required documents will vary depending on the various registration applications. For more details, please contact the person in charge. Procedures can be completed without the entry of My Number. 国民健康保険加入資格要件 国保資格係 Eligibility Qualification Qualification Assessment Subsection 杉並区に住民票のある方は 国民健康保険に加入しなければなりません ただし 次に該当する方は加入することができません 1 お勤め先の健康保険など 他の日本の公的健康保険に加入している方 2 他の日本の公的健康保険に扶養家族として加入できる方 3 生活保護を受けている方 4 75 歳以上の方 5 在留資格が 特定活動 で 医療受診目的で滞在される方とその付き添い目的の方 Foreign residents who have a Resident Record in Suginami City must enroll in the National Health Insurance Program. However, those that fall into one or more of the following categories cannot join: 1 If you are a member of another Japanese public health insurance system, such as company health insurance. 2 If you can join another Japanese public health insurance system as a dependent. 3 If you are receiving welfare payments. 4 If you are 75 years or older. 5 If your visa status is designated activities and you are staying in Japan for the purpose of receiving medical treatment or you are in Japan to accompany such person. 3

7 国民健康保险的申请, 需要记录个人号码 국민건강보험의신고에는마이넘버 ( 개인번호 ) 의기재가필요합니다 随着个人号码制度的利用开始, 申请时, 请携带户主以及该当者的个人号码或者通知卡, 以便确认其本人 确认本人的东西指的是 驾驶证, 日本发行的护照 ( 在留资格属于特定活动者还需要 指定书 ), 在留卡或者特定永住者证的任其一种 根据各种申请和申请者 ( 到窗口的人 ), 需要的资料也不同 详情请咨询窗口负责人 此外, 办理各种手续时, 若无法登记个人号码也可以办理手续 마이넘버제도의이용개시에수반해, 신고때는세대주및해당자의마이넘버카드 ( 개인번호카드 ) 또는통지카드와아울러본인확인할수있는것을가져와주세요. 본인확인할수있는것이란 운전면허증, 일본발행의패스포트 ( 재류자격이특정활동은 지정서 도필요 ), 재류카드또는특정영주자증명서중하나 각종신고나신청을하시는분 ( 창구에오시는분 ) 에따라서필요한서류가다릅니다. 자세한것은담당창구에문의해주세요. 덧붙여각수속시에마이넘버의기입을할수없는경우에도수속을실시할수있습니다. 国民健康保险的加入资格条件 国保资格系 국민건강보험가입자격요건 국보자격계 住民票在杉并区者, 必须加入国民健康保险 但是, 属于以下条件者不能加入该保险 1 加入了工作单位提供的保险等其他日本公共健康保险者 2 作为扶养家属可以加入其他公共健康保险者 3 接受生活保护者 4 75 岁以上者 5 在留资格为 特定活动, 以医疗受诊目的滞在者 스기나미구에주민표가있는분은국민건강보험에가입하지않으면안됩니다. 단, 다음에해당하는분은가입할수없습니다. 1 직장의건강보험등다른일본의공적건강보험에가입하고계신분 2 다른일본의공적건강보험에부양가족으로서가입할수있는분 3 생활보호를받고계신분 4 75 세이상인분 5 재류자격이 특정활동 으로의료수진을목적으로체재하는분과그보호를목적으로하는분 4

8 国民健康保険の届出 国保資格係 Notification Qualification Qualification Assessment Subsection 次のようなときには 必ず 14 日以内に手続きをしてください 届出が遅れた場合においても保険料は資格取得月にさかのぼってかかりますので ご注意ください You are required to file the notification within 14 days under any of the following circumstances. Please note that if you enroll in the program subsequent to the allotted 14 days, you will still have to pay the premium starting the first month that you quality. 1. 国民健康保険への加入 1 杉並区に転入したとき住民票の届出をされる際に 国民健康保険の加入 も同時にお願いします 2お勤め先の健康保険など 他の日本の公的健康保険を脱退したとき健康保険資格喪失証明書と身分証明書 ( 在留カードなど ) をお持ちください 3 他の日本の公的健康保険の被扶養者でなくなったとき健康保険資格喪失証明書と身分証明書 ( 在留カードなど ) をお持ちください 4 生活保護を受けなくなったとき保護廃止決定通知書と身分証明書 ( 在留カードなど ) をお持ちください 5 子供が生まれたとき 在留資格が 特定活動 となっている方は パスポートもお持ちください < 受付時間と受付場所 > 1の場合 区民課区民係 区民事務所 2~5の場合平日 午前 8 時半 ~ 午後 5 時 国保資格係 区民事務所 水曜日 午後 5 時 ~ 午後 7 時 区民事務所 土曜日 ( 第 のみ ) 午前 9 時 ~ 午後 5 時 区民課区民係 土曜日 ( 第 2 4 のみ ) 午前 9 時 ~ 午後 5 時 区民事務所 1. Enrolling in the National Health Insurance 1 If you move into Suginami City, enroll in National Health Insurance at the same time that you file notice for Resident Record purposes. 2 If you withdraw from another type of Japanese public health insurance, such as company health insurance: Bring your personal identification (such as Residence Card) and verification that you are no longer enrolled in public health insurance. 3 If you are no longer a member of another Japanese public health insurance system: Bring an ID card (such as a Residence Card) and verification that you are no longer enrolled in the public health insurance. 4 If you stop receiving social welfare payments: Bring an ID card (such as a Residence Card) and the certificate that verifies your ineligibility for social assistance payments. 5 If a child is born. Please bring your passport with you if your visa status is designated activities. <Business Hours and Office Locations> In the case of 1 at the Residents Affairs Subsection of the Residents Section or Residents Offices. In the case of 2 ~ 5 Weekdays 8:30 a.m.~5:00 p.m. at the Qualification Assessment Subsection or Residents Offices. Wednesdays 5:00 p.m.~7:00 p.m. at Residents Offices. 1 st, 3 rd, and 5 th Saturdays, 9:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m. at the Residents Affairs Subsection of the Residents Section. 2 nd and 4 th Saturdays, 9:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m. at Residents Offices. 5

9 国民健康保险的申请办法 国保资格系 국민건강보험신고 국보자격계 下述情况时, 请务必在 14 日以内办理手续 请注意, 如推迟申报, 保险费将追溯到取得资格月份进行计算 다음과같은경우에는반드시 14 일이내에수속을밟아주시기바랍니다. 신고가늦어진경우에도보험료는자격을취득한달로소급해서청구되므로주의해주시기바랍니다. 1. 加入国民健康保险 1 迁入杉并区或在住民票在该区时将同时被要求 加入国民健康保险 2 退出工作单位等其他日本公共健康保险时请持身份证 ( 在留卡等 ) 健康保险资格丧失证明书 3 不再是日本其他公共健康保险的被扶养者时请持身份证 ( 在留卡等 ) 健康保险资格丧失证明书 4 不再受到生活保护时请持身份证 ( 在留卡等 ) 保护废止決定通知书 5 有孩子出生时 在留资格为 特定活动 的人也请携带护照 < 受理时间与受理场地 > 1 的情形由区民课区民系 区民事务所受理 2~5 的情形 平时 从 8:30 到 17:00 由国保资格系 区民事务所受理 星期三 从 17:00 到 19:00 由区民事务所受理 星期六 ( 第 周 ) 从 9:00 到 17:00 由区民课区民系受理 星期六 ( 第 2 4 周 ) 从 9:00 到 17:00 由区民事务所受理 1. 국민건강보험의가입 1 스기나미구로전입했을때주민표신고시에 국민건강보험가입 도동시에부탁드립니다. 2 직장의건강보험등다른일본의공적건강보험을탈퇴했을때건강보험자격상실증명서와신분증명서 ( 재류카드등 ) 를지참해주십시오. 3 다른일본의공적건강보험의피부양자에서제외되었을때건강보험자격상실증명서와신분증명서 ( 재류카드등 ) 를지참해주십시오. 4 생활보호를받지않게되었을때보호폐지결정통지서와신분증명서 ( 재류카드등 ) 를지참해주십시오. 5 아이가태어났을때 재류자격이 특정활동 으로되어있는분은여권도지참해주십시오. <접수시간과접수장소> 1의경우구민과구민계, 구민사무소 2~5의경우 평일 오전 8 시반~오후 5시 국보자격계, 구민사무소 수요일 오후 5 시~오후 7 시 구민사무소 토요일 ( 제 1 3 5) 오전 9 시~오후 5 시 구민과구민계 토요일 ( 제 2 4) 오전 9 시~오후 5 시 구민사무소 6

10 2. 国民健康保険の脱退 2. Withdrawing from the National Health Insurance 1 杉並区外へ転出するとき住民票の 転出届 をされる際に国民健康保険証をお持ちください 2 出国するとき ( 再入国許可をとって 一時帰国する場合を除きます ) a. 再入国許可なしの場合住民票の 転出届 をされる際に国民健康保険証をお持ちください 海外への転出届をされると 出国日の翌日から国民健康保険証は無効になります 注意 : 無効になった保険証を使った場合は 杉並区が支払った医療費は全額本人に返していただくことになります b. 再入国許可ありの場合原則として海外への旅行者扱いとし 国民健康保険資格喪失の対象にはなりません 杉並区に住民票がある限り被保険者です 海外での診察分も日本の保険適用範囲内であれば 後日申請により 保険給付することができます 3 お勤め先の健康保険など 他の日本の公的健康保険に加入したとき ( その被扶養者になったとき ) 加入した会社の健康保険証と 国民健康保険証をお持ちください 学生保険や私企業の経営する医療保険は私的健康保険ですから これらの健康保険に加入したという理由では 国民健康保険をやめることはできません 4 生活保護を受けたとき保護開始決定通知書 国民健康保険証をお持ちください 5 後期高齢者医療制度に加入したとき喪失の届出は必要ありません < 受付時間と受付場所 > 1の場合 区民課区民係 区民事務所 2~5の場合平日 午前 8 時半 ~ 午後 5 時 国保資格係 区民課区民係 区民事務所 水曜日 午後 5 時 ~ 午後 7 時 区民事務所 土曜日 ( 第 のみ ) 午前 9 時 ~ 午後 5 時 区民課区民係 土曜日 ( 第 2 4 のみ ) 午前 9 時 ~ 午後 5 時 区民事務所 1 When you move out of Suginami City: Please bring your National Health Insurance card when reporting a change of address for your resident card. 2 When you depart from Japan (excluding temporary return to your home country with reentry permit). a. If you do not have a reentry permit: Please return your National Health Insurance card when reporting a change of address for your resident card. If moving out of Japan, your National Health Insurance card will automatically become invalid from the day after you depart from Japan. Note:You will be billed for the full cost of all medical services paid for by the city if you use an invalid National Health Insurance card. b.if you hold a reentry permit: In principle, you are treated as an overseas traveler and do not lose your eligibility with the National Health Insurance Program. You qualify for the National Health Insurance Program as long as you have a Resident Record in Suginami City. Also, you may apply for benefits for medical services received outside of Japan after the date of service, and can receive compensation for those benefits as long as the said medical services are within the scope of coverage offered in Japan. 3 If you join another Japanese public health insurance system, such as company health insurance (or when you become a dependent): Bring proof of health insurance coverage under the new plan and your National Health Insurance card. *As student insurance and medical insurance are private health insurances, enrollment in such insurance plans nonetheless does not allow you to withdraw from National Health Insurance. 4 If you are on welfare: Bring the notification certificate stipulating the commencement of welfare and your National Health Insurance Card. 5 If you are enrolled in the Latter Term Elderly Medical Care Program: You do not need to file any notification with the City. <Business Hours and Office Locations> In the case of 1 at the Residents Affairs Subsection of the Residents Section or Residents Offices. In the case of 2 ~ 5 Weekdays 8:30 a.m.~5:00 p.m. at the Qualification Assessment Subsection, the Residents Affairs Subsection of the Residents Section or Residents Offices. Wednesdays 5:00 p.m.~7:00 p.m. at Residents Offices. 1 st, 3 rd, and 5 th Saturdays, 9:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m. at the Residents Affairs Subsection of the Residents Section. 2 nd and 4 th Saturdays, 9:00 a.m.~5:00 p.m. at Residents Offices. 7

11 2. 退出国民健康保险 2. 국민건강보험의탈퇴 1 迁出杉并区办理住民票的 迁出申报 时, 请持国民健康保险证 2 出国时 ( 拥有再入国许可, 临时回国情况除外 ) a. 没有再入国许可的情况办理住民票的 迁出申报 时, 请持国民健康保险证 办理迁至海外的 迁出申报 后, 从出国的第二天起, 国民健康保险证也随之失效 注意 : 如果发现使用无效的保险证, 将请本人全额返还杉并区支付的医疗费 b. 有再入国许可的情况下原则上按照到国外旅行对待, 不成为丧失国民健康保险资格的对象 只要住民票在杉并区就是被保险者 3 加入工作单位提供的保险等等和日本其他公共健康保险时 ( 成为其被扶养者时 ) 持有加入的公司的健康保险证等国民健康保险证 学生保险及私人企业经营的医疗保险属于私人健康保险, 因此, 不能以加入这些健康保险为理由退出国民健康保险 4 受到生活保护时请持保护开始决定通知书 国民健康保险证 5 当加入后期高龄者医疗制度时无需提交丧失报告 < 受理时间与受理地点 > 1 的情形由区民课区民系 区民事务所受理 2~5 的情形 平时 从 8:30 到 17:00 由国保资格系 区民课区民系 区民事务所受理 星期三 从 17:00 到 19:00 由区民事务所受理 星期六 ( 第 周 ) 从 9:00 到 17:00 由区民课区民系受理 星期六 ( 第 2 4 周 ) 从 9:00 到 17:00 由区民事务所受理 1 스기나미구외로전출할때주민표의전출신고를할때국민건강보험증을지참해주십시오. 2 출국할때 ( 재입국허가를받고일시귀국하는경우는제외합니다 ) a. 재입국허가를받지않은경우주민표의전출신고를할때국민건강보험증을지참해주십시오. 해외로의전출신고를하게되면, 출국한다음날부터국민건강보험증이무효가됩니다. 주의 : 무효가된보험증을사용한경우, 스기나미구가지불한의료비전액을본인으로부터반환받게됩니다. b. 재입국허가를받은경우원칙적으로해외여행자로취급하며, 국민건강보험자격상실의대상이되지않습니다. 스기나미구에주민표가있는한피보험자입니다. 해외에서의진찰분도일본의보험적용범위내이면차후신청에의해보험급부를받을수있습니다. 3 직장의건강보험등다른일본의공적건강보험에가입했을때 ( 그피부양자가되었을때 ) 가입한회사의건강보험증과국민건강보험증을지참해주십시오. 학생보험이나사기업에서경영하는의료보험은사적건강보험이므로, 이러한건강보험에가입했다는이유로는국민건강보험을탈퇴할수없습니다. 4 생활보호를받았을때보호개시결정통지서, 국민건강보험증을지참해주십시오 5 후기고령자의료제도에가입했을때상실신고를할필요가없습니다 <접수시간과접수장소> 1의경우구민과구민계, 구민사무소. 2~5의경우 평일 오전 8 시반~오후 5 시 국보자격계, 구민과구민계, 구민사무소 수요일 오후 5 시~오후 7 시 구민사무소 토요일 ( 제 1 3 5) 오전 9 시~오후 5시 구민과구민계 토요일 ( 제 2 4) 오전 9 시~오후 5 시 구민사무소 8

12 3. その他の届出 3. Other Notifications 1 国民健康保険証を紛失したとき身分証明書 ( 在留カードなど ) をお持ちになり 国保資格係か 区民事務所までお越しください 外出先で保険証を落とされた場合は 警察への届出をお願いします 有効期間の短い保険証の方 資格証明書の方は国保資格係にお越しください 2 杉並区外の介護保険施設 障害者施設 児童福祉施設などに入所したとき手続きの内容によってお持ちいただくものが異なりますので あらかじめ国保資格係にお問い合わせください 3 在留期間や在留資格などの変更が必要になったとき必ず入国管理局へ届出をして 在留カードの裏面に 有効な在留期間や在留資格の記載を受けてください この届出をしないと 国民健康保険の資格を喪失する場合があります 1 If you lose your National Health Insurance Card Please bring an ID card (such as Residence Card) to the Qualification Assessment Subsection or Residents Office. If you lose your health insurance card outside your home, please also notify the police. *Please come to the Qualification Assessment Subsection if you have short term health insurance, or if you hold the Qualification Certificate. 2 When you enroll in nursing care facilities, facilities for disabled persons, welfare facilities for children, and others outside Suginami City. Please contact the Qualification Assessment Subsection first as the required items needed may vary depending on the type of procedure(s). 3 If your period of stay in Japan or status of residence requires change Please file notification to the Immigration Bureau and have your valid period of stay or status of residence written down on the back of your Residence Card. Failure to do so may result in loss of eligibility for National Health Insurance. 9

13 3. 其他申报 3. 기타신고 1 丢失国民健康保险证时请持身份证 ( 在留卡等 ) 前往国保资格系或是区民事务所办理相关手续 出门时遗失了保险证时, 请到警察局备案 持保险证或资格证明书之有效期短的人, 请到国保资格系咨询 2 进入杉并区外的看护保险设施 伤残者设施 儿童福利设施等时根据手续内容所需要的提交材料也有所不同, 请事先向国保资格系窗口问询 3 有必要变更在留期间及在留资格等时请务必到入国管理局申报, 并请其在留卡的背面记录有效的在留期间或在留资格 如果不申报, 就会丧失国民健康保险资格 1 국민건강보험증을분실했을때신분증명서 ( 재류카드등 ) 를지참하시고, 국보자격계나구민사무소를찾아주십시오. 외출처에서보험증을분실한경우에는경찰에신고해주시기바랍니다. 유효기간이짧은보험증을소지한분, 자격증명서를소지한분은국보자격계를방문해주십시오. 2 스기나미구외의개호보험시설, 장애인시설, 아동복지시설등에입소했을때수속내용에따라지참하는서류가달라지므로사전에국보자격계에문의하시기바랍니다. 3 재류기간이나재류자격등의변경이필요하게되었을때반드시입국관리국에신고하여재류카드의뒷면에유효한재류기간과재류자격을기재받으시기바랍니다. 이신고를하지않으면국민건강보험자격을상실하는경우가있습니다. 10

14 保険証 国保資格係 National Health Insurance Card Qualification Assessment Subsection 保険証は 杉並区の国民健康保険に加入していることを証明するもので 一人に一枚ずつのカード様式の保険証をお渡ししています 医療機関などで受診する際は 窓口で必ず保険証を提示してください 保険証や保険料額の通知は郵便で世帯主宛てにお送りします ポストにお名前が出ていないと郵便が届きませんので お名前の表示と 郵便局への届出をお願いします 郵便物は世帯主が国民健康保険に加入していない場合でも世帯主宛てになります [ 注意事項 ] 1 内容を確かめて 保険証を受け取ったら 住所 氏名 生年月日などに間違いがないかどうかよく確かめてください 2 訂正するときは 氏名などに間違いがある場合や 内容に変更があったときは必ず届け出てください 自分で書き直すと無効になります 3 国民健康保険の資格がなくなったら お勤め先の健康保険など 他の日本の公的健康保険に加入したり 区外へ転出した後は 杉並区の保険証は使えません 使った場合は 区で負担した医療費は返していただくことになります 4 有効期間が過ぎたら 保険証に記入してある有効期間が過ぎると その保険証は無効となります 有効期間の切れた保険証はご自身で破棄するか 国保資格係にお返しください 5 不正使用すると 保険証を他人に貸したり 他人の保険証を使うと 法律により罰せられます 6 紛失 破損したときは 再交付手続きをしてください 新しい保険証を交付します 外出先で保険証を落とされた場合は 警察への届出をお願いします 有効期間の短い保険証の方 資格証明書の方は国保資格係にお越しください Your National Insurance card certifies that you are enrolled in the National Health Insurance Program of Suginami City. One card is issued to each person. To receive medical care at medical facilities, please remember that you need to present your insurance card. National Health Insurance Cards and Notices of Insurance Premium Amounts are sent by post to the head of the household. Please display your name on the mailbox and notify the post office that you reside at the given address; otherwise mail will be returned if your name does not appear on your mailbox. Note that even if the head of the household is not enrolled in the National Health Insurance, mail is sent to the head of the household. [Precautions] 1 Check the content: When you receive your National Health Insurance card, check to make sure that the information such as your address, name, date of birth, etc. is recorded correctly. 2 Recording changes: If your name or other personal information is recorded incorrectly, or if there has been a change in the details on the card, be sure to notify the National Health Insurance Section. Your card will become invalid if you make any corrections yourself. 3 If you are no longer eligible: If you have enrolled in another Japanese public health insurance system, such as company health insurance, or moved out of Suginami City, you may not use the health insurance card issued by Suginami City. If you use the card, you will be required to reimburse Suginami City for any fees paid using the card. 4 If your card has expired: The National Health Insurance Card is invalid after the expiration date noted on the card. You can either dispose of it by yourself, or return it to the Qualification Assessment Subsection. 5 If your card is used improperly: It is illegal to lend your National Health Insurance Card to another person or to use another person s National Health Insurance Card. If you do so, you will be punished under the law. 6 If you lose or damage your card: Please arrange to have your card re-issued. If you lose your health insurance card outside your home, please also notify the police. *Please come to the Qualification Assessment Subsection at City Office if you have Short Term Health Insurance or the Qualification Certificate. 11

15 保险证 国保资格系 보험증 국보자격계 保险证是证明您加入了杉并区的国民健康保险, 每人交付一张卡片式的保险证 到医疗机构等就医时, 在窗口请务必出示保险证 保险证和保险费通知将以邮寄方式寄给户主 邮箱上没有姓名时, 邮件将被退回, 因此请务必在邮箱上标示您的姓名 即使户主没有加入国民健康保险, 邮件的收件伴人仍是寄给户主 [ 注意事项 ] 1 确认内容 收到保险证后, 请确认姓名 出生年月日等有无出入 2 订正时 姓名等若有出入或内容有所变动时, 请务必申报 自己改写一概无效 3 丧失国民健康保险资格时 加入工作单位提供的保险等等和日本其他公家健康保险, 或迁出区外后, 杉并区的保险证不能继续使用 如果使用了, 则要退还由区里负担的医疗费 4 过期时 保险证上所记载的有效期过期后, 保险证就会失效 请自行销毁保险证或交回国民保险资格系 5 不正当使用时 如果把保险证借给他人, 或者使用他人之保险证的话, 将受到法律制裁 6 丢失 破损时 请办理再发行手续 发行新的保险证 出门时遗失了保险证时, 请到警察局备案 持保险证或资格证明书之有效期短的人, 请到国保资格系咨询 보험증은스기나미구의국민건강보험에가입해있다는사실을증명하는것으로, 1 인당 1 장씩카드양식의보험증을교부하고있습니다. 의료기관등에서진찰을받으실때는창구에서반드시보험증을제시해주십시오. 보험증이나보험료액의통지는우편으로세대주앞으로발송합니다. 우편함에이름이없으면우편물이배달되지않으므로이름을표시하시고우체국에신고해주시기바랍니다. 우편물은세대주가국민건강보험에가입하지않은경우에도세대주앞으로발송됩니다. [ 주의사항 ] 1내용을확인해주십시오. 보험증을수령하시면, 주소 이름 생년월일등에틀림이없는지잘확인해주십시오. 2정정이필요할때는이름등에잘못된표기가있는경우나내용에변경이발생한경우에는반드시신고해주십시오. 본인이정정하면무효가됩니다. 3국민건강보험의자격이상실되면직장의건강보험등일본의다른공적건강보험에가입하거나구외로전출한뒤에는스기나미구의보험증을사용할수없습니다. 사용한경우에는구에서부담한의료비를반환하시게됩니다. 4유효기간이경과하면보험증에기입되어있는유효기간이지나면그보험증은무효가됩니다. 유효기간이만료된보험증은본인이직접파기하거나국보자격계에반납해주십시오. 5부정사용시에는보험증을타인에게빌려주거나타인의보험증을사용하면법률에의해처벌을받습니다. 6분실, 파손시에는재교부수속을밟아주십시오. 새로운보험증을교부합니다. 외출처에서보험증을분실한경우에는경찰에신고해주시기바랍니다. 유효기간이짧은보험증을소지한분, 자격증명서를소지한분은국보자격계를방문해주십시오. 12

16 国民健康保険高齢受給者証 国保資格係 National Health Insurance Elderly Beneficiary Certificate Qualification Assessment Subsection 満 70 歳になった翌月 (1 日生まれの方はその月 ) から 一部負担金の割合を示す 国民健康保険高齢受給者証 を保険証とあわせてお使いいただきます 医療機関を受診の際は両方を提示してください 一部負担金の割合や 負担割合の判定基準については 国保資格係におたずねください You will be able to use your National Health Insurance Elderly Beneficiary Certificate starting the month following your 70 th birthday (for those born on the 1 st of any month, it will be sent during that month), along with your National Health Insurance Card. To receive care at medical institutions, please present both the National Health Insurance Card and the Elderly Beneficiary Certificate. Regarding the percentages of the personally-borne amount and percentage criteria, please contact the Qualification Assessment Subsection. 13

17 国民健康保险高龄领取者证书 国保资格系 국민건강보험고령수급자증 국보자격계 满 70 岁后的第二个月 (1 日出生者为当月 ) 起, 可以将显示负担部分金额比例的 国民健康保险高龄领取者证 和国民健康保险证一起使用 到医疗机构接受治疗时, 请同时出示两证 关于需负担部分金额的比例及负担比例判定标准, 请咨询国保资格系 만 70 세가된다음달 (1 일에태어나신분은그달 ) 부터일부부담금의비율를나타내는 국민건강보험고령수급자증 을보험증과함께사용하시게됩니다. 의료기관에서진찰을받을때에는양쪽다제시해주십시오. 일부부담금의비율이나부담비율의판정기준에대해서는국보자격계로문의해주시기바랍니다. 14

18 保険料 国保資格係 Insurance Premium Qualification Assessment Subsection 国民健康保険に加入された方は 所得に応じた保険料を納めていただきます 保険料は世帯ごとに計算されます 保険料額通知書と納付書が郵便で届きましたら 決められた額を納期限までに忘れずに納めてください 1. 納付義務者保険料の納付義務者は世帯主です そのため 世帯主が国民健康保険に加入していなくても 国民健康保険の郵便物の宛名は世帯主となります ただし 保険料は 国民健康保険加入者を対象として計算しています 2. 保険料はいつから保険料は 国民健康保険の資格取得の月分からかかります ( 最長 2 年間 ) 国民健康保険の資格取得日は加入の届出をした日ではなく 杉並区の区民になった日や 社会保険の資格喪失日などです また 加入者の増減があったときは 保険料も変わります 海外転出により加入資格がなくなり 脱退するときは 出国前に未納保険料の納入相談をお願いします 3. 保険料の通知保険料は前年の所得状況が判明する 6 月に決定し 同月中旬頃に国民健康保険料額通知書を世帯主宛にお送りします 年度途中で加入した方がいる世帯には 加入の届出の翌月に通知書を送付します 郵便ポストには必ずお名前を入れておいてください また 決定後に保険料が変更になった場合などは 随時 保険料額通知書をお送りします 4. 保険料の計算方法保険料は 4 月から翌年 3 月までを一年度とし 加入者ごとに賦課標準額 ( 前年の所得の金額など ) を基礎にして医療分保険料 後期高齢者支援金分保険料 介護分保険料 (40 歳 ~64 歳までの方 ) をそれぞれ計算します それらの合算額を 世帯を単位に賦課しています ( 計算方式は ページに掲載 ) People who join the National Health Insurance system are required to pay premiums based on their income. Premiums are determined on a household-basis. Once you receive the Insurance Premium Amount and Payment Notice by mail, please remember to pay the amount by the stated deadline. 1. Person Responsible for Payment The person responsible for paying the premium is the head of household. Therefore, all National Health Insurance-related mail will be addressed to the head of the household even if he/she is not a member of this system. In such a case, the premium amount will be calculated based on only those members of the household who are insured. 2. Payment Premiums are calculated from the month when you become eligible for the National Health Insurance (on a maximum period of two years). This is not from the day on which you file for participation in the program, but rather from the day on which you become a resident of Suginami City, or the day on which you lose eligibility for social insurance. Additionally, premiums change when the number of persons insured changes. Please make consultation regarding unpaid premiums when you withdraw from the National Health Insurance before leaving if you lose eligibility such as by moving out of the country. 3. Insurance Premium Notification Premiums are calculated based on your previous year s income, which becomes available in June.Notice regarding the amount of your National Health Insurance premiums is mailed in mid-june to the head of household. A notice will be sent to individuals who enrolled in the middle of the fiscal year upon notification of their enrollment. Please make sure that your name is on your mailbox. If the price of the National Health Insurance changes, a notice will be sent immediately. 4. Premium Calculation Method Insurance premiums are the overall sum of individually calculated Medical Insurance Premium, Latter-stage Elderly Assistance Insurance Premium, and Long-term Care Insurance Premium (aged 40 ~ 64) from the fiscal year (April to the following March). These premiums are based on the assessment level (income level, etc. of previous year) for each subscriber, and the total sum of these premiums is charged to a household as a unit (calculation formulas are shown on pages 17 and 19.) 15

19 保险费 国保资格系 보험료 국보자격계 加入国民健康保险者, 应按照收入缴纳保险费 保险费以家庭为单位计算 收到保险费额通知书及缴纳书之后, 请不要忘记在缴纳期限内缴纳规定的金额 1. 具有缴纳义务者缴纳保险费的义务者为户主 即使户主没有加入国民健康保险, 国民健康保险邮件收件人也是户主 但是, 保险费仅以加入国民健康保险者为对象进行计算 2. 保险费从何时算起保险费是自申请加入国民健康保险的月份交纳 ( 最长 2 年 ) 国民健康保险的资格取得日并不是提交加入资料日, 而是成为杉并区居民的日期, 社会保险资格丧失的日期 而且, 加入者增加或减少时, 保险费也会有变动 由于海外迁出将丧失加入资格而退出保险时, 出国前请就未缴纳保险费进行商谈 3. 保险费的通知保险费, 决定在明确前年收入情况的 6 月 并且, 同月中旬中, 以户主的名义邮送国民健康保险费金额通知书 至于有年度中途加入者的家庭, 加入申报的下一个月邮送通知书 请务必在信箱上记入您的姓名 另外, 决定之后保险费有变更的情况等, 随时邮送保险费金额通知书 4. 保险费的计算方法保险费自 4 月至第二年 3 月为一个年度, 对各加入者以征税标准金额 ( 前一年的收入金额等 ) 为基础分别计算医疗部分保险费 后期高龄者支援金部分保险费 看护部分保险费 (40 岁 ~ 64 岁者 ) 以家庭为单位征收它们的合计金额 ( 计算方式登在 1 8, 2 0 页 ) 국민건강보험에가입하신분은소득에상응하는보험료를납부해야합니다. 보험료는세대별로계산됩니다. 보험료액통지서와납부서가우편으로배달되면정해진금액을, 정해진기한내에잊지마시고납부해주십시오. 1. 납부의무자보험료의납부의무자는세대주입니다. 따라서, 세대주가국민건강보험에가입하지않은경우에도세대주가국민건강보험우편물의수신인이됩니다. 단, 보험료는국민건강보험가입자만을대상으로계산합니다. 2. 보험료는언제부터보험료는국민건강보험의자격을취득한달부터보험료가부과됩니다 ( 최장 2 년간 ). 국민건강보험의자격취득일은가입신고를한날이아니고, 스기나미구의구민이된날이나, 사회보험의자격을상실한날등입니다. 또, 가입자의증감이있었을때는보험료금액도조정됩니다. 해외전출등으로인해가입자격이상실되어탈퇴할때는출국전에미납보험료납부에대한상담을해주십시오. 3. 보험료의통지보험료는전년의소득상황이판명되는 6 월에결정되며, 같은달중순무렵에국민건강보험료액통지서를세대주앞으로송부합니다. 연도도중에가입하신분이있는세대에는가입신고를한다음달에통지서를송부합니다. 우편함에는반드시이름을표기해두시기바랍니다. 또결정후에보험료가변경이되었을경우등은수시보험료액통지서를보내드립니다. 4. 보험료의계산방법보험료는 4 월부터다음해 3 월까지를 1 년도로하며, 가입자별로부과표준액 ( 전년의소득금액등 ) 을기초로하여의료분보험료, 후기고령자지원금분보험료, 개호분보험료 (40세 64세까지 ) 를각각계산합니다. 이들의합산액을세대단위로부과하고있습니다 ( 계산방식은 18, 20 페이지에게재 ) 16

20 平成 28 年度の国民健康保険料 医療分保険料の計算方法 Insurance Premium of Fiscal Year 2016 Calculation of Medical Insurance Premiums 加入月数 Annual 医療分年間保険料 1 所得割額 2 均等割額 Medical 1 Income levy Premium 12 か月 世帯の最高限度額は 54 万円 *Max. Premium per household is 540,000 2 Per capita levy Months covered under plan 12 months 1 所得割額 加入者 ( 被保険者 ) の所得に応じてかかる 世帯の国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 全員の賦課標準額 所得割料率 6.86% 1 Income levy Based on the income of member (insured) Assessment level for all NHI subscribers (insured) in household Income Levy 6.86% 2 均等割額 所得 年齢に関係なく 加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 全員にかかる 世帯の国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 人数 35,400 円 2 Per capita levy Applied to all members (insured) regardless of income or age Number of NHI members (insured) in household 35,400 後期高齢者支援金分保険料の計算方法 Calculation of Senior Citizen Assistance Premiums 加入月数 Annual 支援金分年間保険料 1 所得割額 2 均等割額 Assistance 1 Income levy Premium 12 か月 世帯の最高限度額は 19 万円 *Max. premium per household is 190,000 2 Per capita levy Months covered under plan 12 months 1 所得割額 加入者 ( 被保険者 ) の所得に応じてかかる 世帯の国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 全員の賦課標準額 所得割料率 2.02% 1 Income levy Based on income of member (insured) Assessment level for all NHI members (insured) in household Income levy 2.02% 2 均等割額 所得 年齢に関係なく 加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 全員にかかる 世帯の国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 人数 10,800 円 2 Per capita levy Applied to all members (insured) regardless of income or age Number of NHI members (insured) in household 10,800 NHI: National Health Insurance 17

21 2016 年度的国民健康保险费 2016 년도의국민건강보험료 医疗部分的保险费的计算方法 의료분보험료의계산방법 加入月数医疗部分一年的保险费 1 依收入课税额 2 统一税额의료분연간보험료 1소득할액 12 个月 每户最高限额为 54 万日元 세대의최고한도액은 54 만엔 2 균등할액 가입월수 12 개월 1 收入课税额 依据加入者 ( 被保险者 ) 的收入课税 对家庭的国民健康保险加入者 ( 被保险者 ) 的全員课税的标准金额 依收入课税率 6.86% 1 소득할액 가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 의소득에따라부과 세대의국보가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 전원의부과표준액 소득할요율 6.86% 2 统一税额 与收入多少, 年龄的高低, 被保险者都需要缴纳税金 家庭的国民健康保险加入者 ( 被保险者 ) 的人数 2균등할액 35,400 日元 소득, 연령에관계없이세대의국보가입자가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 전원 ( 피보험자 ) 인원수 35,400 엔 에게부과 对后期高龄者支援款部分的保险费的计算方法 후기고령자지원금분보험료의계산방법 支援款部分 一年的保险费 1 依收入课税额 2 统一税额 加入月数 12 个月 지원금분 연간보험료 1 소득할액 2 균등할액 가입월수 12 개월 每户最高限额为 19 万日元 세대의최고한도액은 19 만엔 1 收入课税额 依据加入者 ( 被保险者 ) 的收入课税 家庭的国民健康保险加入者 ( 被保险者 ) 全部课税标准金额 依收入课税率 2.02% 1 소득할액 가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 의소득에따라부과 세대의국보가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 전원의부과표준액 소득할요율 2.02% 2 统一税额 与收入多少, 年龄的高低, 被保险者都需要缴纳税金 对家庭的国民健康保险加入者 ( 被保险者 ) 人数 2균등할액세대의국보가입자 10,800 日元소득, 연령에관계없이 ( 피보험자 ) 인원수 10,800 엔가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 전원에게부과 18

22 介護分保険料の計算方法 Calculation of Long-term Care Insurance Premium 加入月数 Nursing Annual 介護分年間保険料 1 所得割額 2 均等割額 1 Income levy Care Premium 12 か月 世帯の最高限度額は 16 万円 *Max. Premium per household is 160,000 2 Per capita levy Months covered under plan 12 months 1 所得割額 40 歳 ~64 歳の国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) の所得に応じてかかる 世帯の 40 歳 ~64 歳の国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 全員の賦課標準額 所得割料率 1.41% 1 Income levy Based on income of NHI members (insured) between the ages of 40 and 64 Assessment level for all NHI members(insured) in household between the ages of 40 and 64 Income levy 1.41% 2 均等割額 所得に関係なく 4 0 歳 ~ 64 歳の国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) 全員にかかる 世帯の 40 歳 ~64 歳の国保加入者 ( 被保険者 ) の人数 14,700 円 2 Per capita levy Applied to all NHI members (insured) regardless of income and between the ages of 40 and 64 Number of NHI insured members in household between the ages of 40 and 64 14,700 NHI: National Health Insurance 19

23 护理部分的保险费的计算方法 개호분보험료의계산방법 加入月数护理部分一年的保险费 1 依收入课税额 2 统一税额개호분연간보험료 1소득할액 12 个月 每一户的最高限额为 16 万日元 세대의최고한도액은 16 만엔 2 균등할액 가입월수 12 개월 1 依收入课税额 根据 40 岁 ~ 64 岁的国保加入者 ( 被保险人 ) 的收入课税 每户 40 岁 ~ 64 岁的国保加入者 ( 被保险人 ) 全员的征收标准金额 ( 住民税额 ) 依收入课税率 1.41% 1 소득할액 40 세 ~64 세의국보가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 의소득에따라부과 세대의 40 세 ~64 세의국보가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 전원의부과표준액 소득할요율 1.41% 2 统一税额与收入高低无关,40 岁 ~ 64 岁的国保加入者 ( 被保险人 ) 全员都要缴纳 每户 40 岁 ~ 64 岁的国保加入者 ( 被保险人 ) 的人数 2균등할액소득에세대의 40 세~64 세의 14,700 日元관계없이 40 세~64 세의국보가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 14,700 엔국보가입자 ( 피보험자 ) 전원에인원수게부과 20

24 5. 保険料についてのご注意 5. Precautions on Insurance Premiums 1 転入した方の保険料他の区市町村から転入した方は はじめに均等割額だけを通知します その後 前住所地の区市町村に所得の金額などを照会します その回答があり次第 保険料を再計算して お知らせします 2 国民健康保険を脱退された月以降にも保険料のお支払いが残ることがあります杉並区では 4 月 ~ 翌年 3 月の 12 か月分の保険料を 6 月期 ~3 月期の 10 回でお支払いいただいています また 年度の途中で加入された場合 納付開始は加入の届出を受けた月の翌月からとなっています 納付回数が加入月数と一致しないため 杉並区の国民健康保険を脱退された月 ( 杉並区の国民健康保険に加入していない月 ) でもお支払いが生じることがあります また脱退された後に 所得額や加入期間の変更があったときには 保険料を再計算します その結果 追加の保険料が発生することがあります 3 保険料過年度分とは前年度以前にさかのぼって国民健康保険の資格を取得したり 前年度以前の保険料に係る所得の金額などが判明した場合 その分にかかる保険料は 現年度の保険料とは別に計算されます これを過年度分といい 現年度分とは別に通知書を発行します また 3 月中に加入手続きをとったときは 過年度分として 4 月に保険料を請求します 1 Premiums for new residents of Suginami City If you have moved into Suginami City from another municipality, you are first notified of the per capita levy of your household. Later we will contact your previous municipality for details about your income level and other information. Based on this information, your income levy will be calculated, and you will be notified of the revised amount. 2 Possibility of premium payments remaining even after leaving National Health Insurance Payments for the twelve months from April to the following March are divided across 10 deadlines from June to March. For individuals who enroll in the middle of the fiscal year, payments will begin when the enrollment notification is received. Because the number of payments is not equal to the number of months enrolled, a payment may still be due for the month in which one leaves Suginami City National Health Insurance (i.e., a month in which one is not enrolled in Suginami City National Health Insurance). If there is any adjustment to income or enrollment period after you have left the insurance program, premium payments will be recalculated. As a result, you may be billed for additional payments due. 3 Past fiscal year premiums When you join National Health Insurance system retroactively in or before the previous fiscal year (before March 31) or the amount of your income in fiscal year 2013 or earlier is discovered, a premium based on the previous fiscal year is calculated separately from the premium for the present fiscal year. This is the past fiscal year premium and an invoice for this year will be sent separately. If you enroll during the month of March, you will be required to pay a past fiscal year premium in April. 21

25 5. 关于保险费的注意事项 5. 보험료에관한주의사항 1 迁入者的保险费金额从其他的区市町村迁入者, 首先将通知应先缴纳均等比例额 然后, 请向从前居住地的区市町村照会收入金额等 根据对方提供的数字计算出收入比例金额, 之后寄送保险费变更通知书 1 전입한분의보험료다른구시정촌에서전입해온분에게는처음에는균등할액만을통지합니다. 그후이전주소지의구시정촌에소득금액등을조회합니다. 회답이오는대로보험료를재계산하여알려드립니다. 2 国民健康保险退出月之后仍有可能残留未缴保险费 在杉并区, 每年 4 月至第二年 3 月的 12 个月的保险费, 在 6 月期至 3 月期分 10 次缴纳 另外, 年度中途加入时, 受到加入申报的下一个月开始缴纳 由于缴纳次数不同于加入的月数, 所以如果退出杉并区的国民健康保险, 退出当月 ( 杉并区的国民健康保险未加入月份 ) 也有可能需要缴纳残留的保险费 而且退出之后, 收入金额和加入期间等发生变更时, 保险费会重新计算, 这个可能导致发生追加保险费的情况 3 什么是保险费过年度份追溯到上个年度之前的结算年度 (3 月 31 日以前 ) 已取得国民健康保险资格, 而判明上个年度之前的收入金额需缴纳保险费等情况下, 与此相关的保险费将同本年度结算的保险费分开计算 分开的这一部分叫做过年度份, 现年度份, 另外发行通知书 还有, 在 3 月份办理了加入手续时, 作为过年度份,4 月份会被要求缴纳 2 국민건강보험을탈퇴한달이후에도보험료납부액이남아있는경우가있습니다. 스기나미구에서는 4 월 ~ 다음해 3 월까지의 12 개월분의보험료를 6 월납기 ~3 월납기로, 10 회에걸쳐납부하도록되어있습니다. 또, 연도의도중에가입했을경우, 납부시작은가입신고를한달의다음달부터입니다. 납부회수가가입월수와일치하지않으므로, 스기나미구의국민건강보험을탈퇴한달 ( 스기나미구의국민건강보험에가입되어있지않은달 ) 에도납부가발생할수있습니다. 또탈퇴한후에, 소득액이나가입기간의변경이있었을때에는, 보험료를다시계산합니다. 그결과추가보험료가발생할수있습니다. 3 보험료과년도분이란전년도이전 (3 월 31 일이전 ) 으로거슬러올라가서국민건강보험의자격을취득했거나전년도이전의보험료에관련된소득금액등이판명된경우, 그부분에부과되는보험료는현연도의보험료와는별도로계산됩니다. 이것을과년도분이라하며통지서도현연도분과별도로발행합니다. 또한 3 월달에가입수속을한경우에는과년도분으로서 4 월에보험료를청구합니다. 22

26 6. 保険料の減免制度 6. Reduction and Exemption System for Insurance Premiums 保険料の減額制度 1 前年の世帯の所得が一定基準以下のときには 均等割額を減額しています 世帯の中に前年の所得に関する申告がない方がいると 減額の判定ができません 確定申告や住民税の申告をしていない方に この減額判定に必要な 保険料に関する申告書 をお渡しします この申告書を受け取ったら 必ず前年の日本国内での収入額を記入して提出してください ( 郵送でも可 ) 収入のない方も提出してください 2 雇用保険の被保険者で 解雇 倒産などの理由により 非自発的に失業された 65 歳未満の方は 前年所得の給与所得を 30/100 として軽減対象期間の保険料を計算します 届出には 雇用保険受給資格者証 が必要です 保険料の減免制度 1 災害 病気などの特別な事情により 生活が著しく困難となったときは 申請により保険料が減額または免除になることがあります 世帯の生活状況を調査して決定しますが 失業中などの理由だけでは対象となりません 2 社会保険から後期高齢者医療制度に移行された方の扶養家族で その移行に伴い 国民健康保険に加入された 65 歳以上の方は 保険料が減額になります Reduction system for insurance premiums 1 The per capita levy will be reduced if your household income for the preceding year is less than a specified level. The determination of eligibility cannot be made if an individual in the household did not file an income tax return for the previous year. If you have not filed either a final income return or a resident s tax return, you will be issued an Insurance Premium Declaration which is necessary to reduce your premium. When you receive this declaration, be sure to enter the amount of your income in Japan from the previous year and return it to the city office (you may mail it). Please return this to the city even if you did not have income during the previous year. 2 For persons under 65 years old that have lost their jobs involuntarily due to such reasons as forced termination or bankruptcy, premiums are reduced by 30/100th of the previous year s income. To apply for this you will need a Certificate of Eligibility for Employment Insurance. Reduction and exemption system for insurance premiums 1 If you experience financial hardship due to disaster, illness or other unavoidable reason, you may be eligible to apply for a reduction of or exemption from payment of the income levy premium. The decision will be based on an investigation of your household s particular situation. Please note that being unemployed by itself does not qualify for a reduction. 2 Premiums can be reduced for a certain period for persons 65 or older that were dependents of a social insurance member who switched over to the National Health Insurance because said person became eligible for the Latter-term Elderly Medical Care system. 23

27 6. 保险费的减免制度 6. 보험료의감면제도 保险费的减额制度 1 前一年的家庭收入在一定基准之下时, 可以减轻均等比例金额 如果家庭中有未进行上一年收入相关申报者, 则无法进行减额判断 对于还没有办理这个减额判断所必需的收入确定申报 住民税申报者, 我们将发给判定是否可以减额的 有关保险费申报书 收到这个申报书后, 请务必在填写上一年在日本国内的收入金额之后提交给我们 ( 也可邮寄 ) 没有收入者也请提交 2 雇用保险的被保险者遭受解雇或因倒闭而失去工作等非自主性失业的未满 65 岁者, 其可以享受减轻待遇, 这一期间的保险费将以上一年收入的 30% 计算 申报时需要 雇用保险受给资格者证 详情请向国保资格股查询 保险费的减免制度 1 因灾害 生病等及其他特殊事由, 生活有明显困难时, 有时可通过申请获得保险费的减额或免除 需就家庭生活状況进行调查后做出决定, 但仅仅以失业等为理由尚不能成为减免对象, 请予以注意 2 对于从社会保险变更为后期高龄者医疗制度者的抚养家属, 随着变更而加入国民健康保险在 65 岁以上者, 可减轻保险费 보험료의감액제도 1 전년의세대소득이일정기준이하일때는균등할액을감액하고있습니다. 세대구성원중전년도소득에관한신고가없는분이있는경우는감액판정을할수없습니다. 확정신고나주민세의신고를하지않은분에게는이감액판정에필요한 보험료에관한신고서 를드립니다. 이신고서를수령하면반드시전년도, 일본국내에서의수입액을기입하여제출해주십시오 ( 우송도가능 ). 수입이없는분도제출해주세요. 2 고용보험의피보험자로서해고, 도산등의이유로비자발적으로실업하게된 65 세미만의분은전년소득의급여소득을 30/100 으로하여경감대상기간의보험료를계산합니다. 신고시에는 고용보험수급자격자증 이필요합니다. 보험료의감면제도 1 재해 질병등특별한사정으로인해생활이현저하게곤란에처한경우에는, 신청에의해보험료가감액또는면제되는경우가있습니다. 세대의생활상황을조사하여결정합니다만, 단지실업중이라는등의이유만으로는대상이되지않습니다. 2 사회보험에서후기고령자의료제도로이행된분의부양가족으로서, 그이행에따라국민건강보험에가입된 65 세이상의분은보험료가감액됩니다. 24

28 保険料の納めかた 国保収納係 Premium Payments National Health Insurance Premium Collection Subsection みなさんが納める保険料は みなさんが病気やケガなどで 保険証を使って医療機関などにかかるときに必要な医療費の大切な財源になります 誰もが安心して医療を受けられるように 保険料は納期限 ( 毎月末日 ) までに納付をお願いします ただし 末日が区の休日に当たる時は翌日が納期限になります 納付方法は 次のとおりです 1. 口座振替で納める方法保険料の納付は 便利な口座振替をご利用ください 口座振替をご利用いただきますと 毎月口座振替日に 預貯金口座から自動的に納めることができ 納め忘れの心配もありません また 一度手続きをすると 翌年度以降も自動的に継続されます 1 手続き方法 < 手続きに必要なもの > 通帳 通帳届出印 保険証 < 手続きのできる窓口 > 通帳 通帳届出印 保険証をお持ちになり 区役所国保年金課 区民事務所 区内の金融機関へお申込みください 郵送でも手続きできますので ご希望の方は国保収納係までお電話ください 世帯主以外の方の口座でもお申込みできます < ご注意 > 口座の登録までは概ね 2 か月かかります それまでは 納付書で納めていただくか 口座開始時の一括振替をご利用ください 2 振替について振替方法は 次の二つから選択してください 1 年前納振替 1 年度分を 1 回にまとめて 6 月の口座振替日に全額振替 毎月振替 毎月口座振替日に 1 か月分ずつ振替 平成 28 年度の振替日については 27 ページをご覧ください The insurance premiums that you pay are an important resource that is used to cover medical fees when you show your National Health Insurance Card at a medical institution due to illness or injury. We ask that premiums be paid by their deadlines (last day of each month) so that all subscribers are able to receive medical treatment without worry. *However, that when the City Office is closed on the last day of the month, the deadline is the following day. The sections below explain the different methods for making premium payments. 1. Payment by Bank Transfer Please take advantage of our convenient bank transfer services. Under this system, insurance premium payment can be automatically debited from your savings account on the last day of each month (if the financial institution is closed on the last day of the month, then on the next business day), alleviating any worry about forgetting a payment. Once completing the application procedures, premiums will continue to be deducted from your account the following fiscal year as well. 1 Application Procedure < Required Items > - Bank book - Seal used to open account - National Health Insurance card < Places where procedures can be made > Bring your bank book, seal used to open account, and National Health Insurance Card to the National Health Insurance and Pension Section, Residents Office, Annex Office, Residents Offices in/in front of Station, or financial institutions located within Suginami City. *Procedure can also be completed through postal mail. If you are interested in this service, please contact National Health Insurance Premium Collection Subsection. *Application can also be made using a bank account of a person other than the head of household. < Notes > It takes about two months to complete the application process. Until application is complete, you must continue to make premium payments using invoices, or make one lump-sum payment once the bank account/transfer is set up. 2 Bank Transfer You can choose from the following two transfer methods: Annual transfer Transfer all of the year s premiums in a lump-sum payment on the last day of June. Monthly transfer Make monthly payments on the last day of each month. See page 27 for information regarding transfer payment dates for FY

29 保险费的缴纳方法 国保収纳系 보험료납부방법 국보수납계 大家所缴纳的保险费, 是大家因生病或受伤等, 使用保险证去医疗机构就医等时所需医疗费的重要财源 为了所有人都能放心接受医疗服务, 保险费请在缴纳期限 ( 每月月底 ) 以前缴纳 但是, 最后一天是区公所休假日时, 缴纳期限顺延至第二天 以下为缴纳方法 1. 转账缴纳方法保险费的缴纳, 请利用方便的户头转帐 利用户头转帐后, 将在每月转帐日, 从储蓄户头自动缴纳, 不用担心忘记缴纳 此外, 一旦办理手续后, 从下一年度起将自动继续 1 办理手续的方法 < 办理手续所需材料 > 存折 存折申报印章 保险证 < 办理手续的窗口 > 请携带存折 存折申报印章 保险证, 去区役所国保年金课 区民事务所 区内的金融机构申请 也可用邮寄办理手续, 希望者请打电话给国保收纳系 也可用户主以外的人的户头进行申请 < 注意 > 登录户头约需要 2 个月 在此之前, 请用缴纳书缴纳, 或者也可以在银行转账开始时通过银行账户一次付清 2 关于转帐请选择以下 2 种转帐方法 1 年预付转帐 汇总 1 年度部分在 6 月的转帐日时 1 次性全额转帐 每月转帐 在每月转帐日转帐 1 个月应缴纳款项 关于 2016 年度的转帐日, 请参阅第 28 页 여러분이납부하는보험료는여러분이질병이나부상등으로인해보험증을가지고의료기관등을찾았을때소요되는의료비의소중한재원이됩니다. 누구나가안심하고의료서비스를받을수있도록보험료는납부기한 ( 매월말일 ) 까지납부해주시기바랍니다. 단, 말일이구의휴일에해당되는경우에는다음날이납부기한이됩니다. 납부방법은아래와같습니다. 1. 계좌이체로납부하는방법보험료의납부는편리한계좌이체를이용해주십시오. 계좌이체를이용하게되면매월계좌이체일에예저금계좌에서자동적으로납부되므로납부하는것을잊어버릴염려도없습니다. 또한한번수속을해두면다음연도이후에도자동적으로계속됩니다. 1 수속방법 < 수속에필요한지참물 > 통장, 통장인감, 보험증 < 수속가능한창구 > 통장. 통장인감, 보험증을지참하시고구청국민보험연금과. 구민사무소. 구내의금융기관에신청해주십시오. 우편으로도수속이가능하므로희망하시는분은국보수납계로전화해주십시오. 세대주이외의계좌로도신청이가능합니다. < 주의 > 계좌등록까지는대략 2 개월정도가소요됩니다. 등록이완료될때까지는납부서로납부하시거나계좌가개시될때일괄이체를이용해주십시오. 2 이체에관하여이체방법은아래두가지중에서선택해주십시오. 1 년선납이체 1 년도분을일괄해서 6 월의계좌이체일에전액이체 매월이체 매월계좌이체일에 1 개월분씩이체 2016 년도의이체일에관해서는 28 페이지를참조해주십시오. 26

30 平成 28 年度口座振替日 Bank Transfer Dates for FY 月期分 5 月期分 通常納付および振替はありません 10 月期分 11 月期分 平成 28 年 10 月 31 日平成 28 年 11 月 30 日 April Payment May Payment *No ordinary payment or bank transfers October Payment November Payment October 31, 2016 November 30, 月期分 平成 28 年 6 月 30 日 12 月期分 平成 29 年 1 月 4 日 June Payment June 30, 2016 December Payment January 4, 月期分 平成 28 年 8 月 1 日 1 月期分 平成 29 年 1 月 31 日 July Payment August 1, 2016 January Payment January 31, 月期分 平成 28 年 8 月 31 日 2 月期分 平成 29 年 2 月 28 日 August Payment August 31, 2016 February Payment February 28, 月期分 平成 28 年 9 月 30 日 3 月期分 平成 29 年 3 月 31 日 September Payment September 30, 2016 March Payment March 31, 2017 なお 残高不足で引き落とされなかった場合は 翌月に翌月分と合わせて (2 か月分 ) 自動的に引き落とされます 該当する方には 再振替のお知らせ を郵送します 2. 納付書で納める方法 1 納付書での納付お送りする納付書を使って 毎月納期限までにお近くの銀行 信用金庫 ( 組合 ) ゆうちょ銀行 郵便局 コンビニエンスストア ( コンビニ ) 及び国保収納係 区民事務所で納めてください ご利用いただけるコンビニは納付書の裏面に記載されています コンビニで利用できる納付書にはバーコードがついています バーコードなしの納付書はコンビニでは使用できません また 納付書は発行年度内にお使いください 使用期限を過ぎるとコンビニの機械での読み取りができなくなり お使いになれません ( 納付書にコンビニでの使用期限が印字されています ) 2 携帯電話での納付納付書で保険料を納めている方は 携帯電話を利用した納付ができます 金融機関の窓口やコンビニエンスストアのレジに行かなくても 納付書に印刷されたバーコードを携帯電話のカメラで読み取り モバイルバンキングを利用して納付ができる方法です 詳しくは 区のホームページ 又は保険料額通知書に同封されたチラシをご覧ください 区ホームページ URL モバイル版区ホームページ URL When your account balance cannot cover the transfer, the premium will be automatically deducted along with the following month s premium (two months at once). These individuals will receive the Notice on Second Account Transfer by post. 2. Paying with Invoices 1 Insurance Premium Payment by Invoice Insurance premium can be paid at banks, credit unions (credit cooperatives), the Japan Post Office Bank, post offices, convenience stores, National Health Insurance Premium Collection Subsection (City Office), and Residents Offices using the invoice mailed to you. Make sure to pay by the last day of each month. Convenience stores where you can make payments are listed on the back of the invoice. Invoices that can be paid at convenience stores have a bar code. Invoices lacking a bar code cannot be used at convenience stores. Additionally, invoices should be paid within the fiscal year in which they were issued. Invoices for which the deadline has passed cannot be paid at convenience stores, because the store bar code readers can no longer scan them. (The deadline for payment of invoices at convenience stores is printed on the invoices.) 2 Insurance Premium Payment by Mobile Phone Insured parties paying insurance premiums by invoice can also pay by mobile phone. Use your mobile phone s camera to scan the bar code printed on the invoice, and then use your mobile banking service to pay the premium. For more information, please visit the city website or check the flyer enclosed with your Notice of Insurance Premium Amount. *Suginami City Website: *Mobile site: (Japanese only) 27

* In principle, your annual (fiscal year) National Health Insurance premiums are the sum of (1) portion for medical, (2) portion for assistance, and (

* In principle, your annual (fiscal year) National Health Insurance premiums are the sum of (1) portion for medical, (2) portion for assistance, and ( Premium Calculation Method The amount of NHI premiums you pay is determined by and based on the Fukuoka City National Health Insurance Ordinance. The premiums consist of the portion for medical, the portion

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