10 すじ ( 魚 ) 11 こぶ巻き 12 厚揚げ Suji - Tendon (fish) Kobumaki - Rolled kelp Atsuage - Fried tofu 스지 - 상어의힘줄 다시마말이 두부튀김 鱼筋 ( 鲨鱼筋 + 淀粉 ) 海带卷 油豆腐 魚筋 ( 鯊魚筋 + 澱

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1 English MENU 中文簡体字菜单한국어메뉴中文繁体字菜單 卵 Egg 계란鸡蛋雞蛋豚肉 Pork 돼지고기猪肉豬肉牛肉 Beef 쇠고기牛肉牛肉小麦 Wheat 밀小麦小麥 おでん /Oden (a variety of ingredients simmered in soup stock)/ 오뎅 / 日式好炖 / 日式好燉 1 豆腐 2 こんにゃく 3 玉子 Tofu - Bean curd Konnyaku - Devil's tongue Tamago - Boiled egg 두부 (arum root paste) 계란 豆腐 곤약 煮鸡蛋 豆腐 蒟蒻 蒟蒻 煮雞蛋 \150 \150 \150 4 ちくわぶ 5 しゅうまい 6 ワカメ Chikuwabu - Tubular wheat gluten cake Shumai - Steamed dumpling Wakame - Brown seaweed 밀가루에물, 소금을넣고성형하여찐것 치쿠와부슈마이미역 竹轮麸 ( 蒸小麦粉和水和盐 ) 烧卖 裙带菜 竹輪麩 ( 蒸小麥粉與水與鹽 ) 燒賣 海帶 \150 \150 \150 7 がんも 8 焼ちくわ 9 つみれ Ganmo - Fried tofu patties with vegetable Yakichikuwa - Grilled tubular fish cake Tsumire - Fish paste ball 간모도 ( 두부의일종 ) 생선살꼬치구이 츠미레 ( 생선을다져만든경단 ) 油炸豆腐糕 烤鱼糕 鱼饼 油炸豆腐糕 烤魚糕 魚餅 \200 \200 \200 1

2 10 すじ ( 魚 ) 11 こぶ巻き 12 厚揚げ Suji - Tendon (fish) Kobumaki - Rolled kelp Atsuage - Fried tofu 스지 - 상어의힘줄 다시마말이 두부튀김 鱼筋 ( 鲨鱼筋 + 淀粉 ) 海带卷 油豆腐 魚筋 ( 鯊魚筋 + 澱粉 ) 海帶卷 油炸厚豆腐 \200 \200 \ 大根 14 さつま揚げ 15 しらたき Konnyaku (Devil's tongue) noodles Daikon - Japanese radish Satsumaage - Fried fish cake Shirataki 무 사츠마아게 - 튀긴어묵 실곤약 萝卜 蘿蔔 炸鱼丸 炸魚丸 魔芋丝 魔芋絲 \250 \250 \ 串団子 17 いか巻き 18 じゃがいも Dumplings made from fish paste on skewer Squid wrapped with fried fish cake Kushidango Ikamaki Jyagaimo - Boiled potato 꼬치경단 ( 생선살을으깬어묵 ) 오징어말이감자扦团子扡團子墨斗鱼卷墨鬥魚卷马铃薯馬鈴薯 \250 \250 \ ごぼう巻き 20 きんちゃく 21 いか足 Burdock root wrapped with fried fish cake Mochi (rice cake) wrapped in tofu pouch Gobomaki Kinchaku Ikaashi - Squid tentacles 유부속에떡을넣어박고지로묶은것 우엉말이긴차크오징어다리 牛蒡卷 豆腐包 ( 用豆腐皮将年糕包住 ) 墨斗鱼脚 牛蒡卷 豆腐包 ( 用豆腐皮將年糕包住 ) 墨鬥魚腿 \250 \250 \250 2

3 22 うどん 23 はんぺん 24 きゃべつ巻き Udon (noodles made from white flour) Hanpen - Puffy white fish cake Cabbage roll 우동 한펜 - 흰살어묵 양배추말이 面条 烏冬 鱼肉山芋饼 魚肉山芋餅 卷心菜卷 卷心菜卷 \250 \400 \ ふくろ 26 しのだ巻き 27 えのき茸 Selected vegetables wrapped in tofu pouch Fukuro Shinodamaki Enoki mushroom (winter mushroom) 유부속에야채와고기를넣어박고지로묶은것 Selected vegetables wrapped in tofu pouch 유부를펴서재료를감고박고지로묶은것 후쿠로시노다마키팽이버섯 蔬菜炸豆腐包 炸豆腐卷 朴树蘑菇 蔬菜炸豆腐包 炸豆腐卷 樸樹蘑菇 \400 \400 \ 玉子巻き 29 牛すじ 30 ねぎま Boiled egg wrapped with fried fish cake Tamagomaki Gyusuji - Beef tendon Negima - Tuna and Japanese onion 계란말이소힘줄네기마 - 참치와파의꼬치鸡蛋卷雞蛋卷牛筋牛筋葱金枪鱼蔥金鎗魚 \500 \500 \ ゆば 32 たこ足 33 おでん一人前盛り合わせ Yuba - Tofu skin Takoashi - Octopus tentacles Assorted oden - Serving for one 두유를가열할때표면에응고된막 유바낙지다리모듬오뎅 1 인분 腐竹 章鱼脚 各种杂烩炖菜单人份 豆腐皮 章魚腿 各種雜燴燉菜單人份 \500 \500 \950 3

4 English MENU 中文簡体字菜单한국어메뉴中文繁体字菜單 卵 Egg 계란鸡蛋雞蛋鶏肉 Chicken 닭고기鸡肉雞肉 乳製品 Dairy product 유제품乳制品乳制品蕎麦 Buckwheat 메밀가루荞麦蕎麥 豚肉 Pork 돼지고기猪肉豬肉小麦 Wheat 밀小麦小麥 34 茶飯 ( 新香 みそ汁付き ) \ Chameshi (rice cooked with tea) (comes with shinko - Japanese pickles and miso soup) 차메시 ( 반찬, 된장국제공 ) 茶水飯 ( 带咸菜 面豉汤 ) 茶水飯 ( 帶鹹菜 麵豉湯 ) 焼きおにぎり (2 ヶ )( 新香 みそ汁付き ) \600 Grilled onigiri (2 grilled rice balls) (comes with shinko-japanese pickles and miso soup) 구운주먹밥 (2개)( 반찬 된장국제공 ) 烤饭团 (2 个 )( 带咸菜 面豉汤 ) 烤飯團 (2 個 )( 帶鹹菜 麵豉湯 ) 36 お茶漬け ( 鮭 梅 のり ) \600 Chazuke - Rice in hot green tea (choice of salmon, salted plum or seaweed) 茶水泡饭 ( 鲑鱼 梅 紫菜 ) 오차즈케 - 뜨거운차를부운밥 ( 연어 매실 김 ) 茶水泡飯 ( 鲑魚 梅 紫菜 ) 37 茶そば \600 Cha (green tea) Soba 绿茶荞麦面条 녹차메밀국수 綠茶蕎麥 38 稲庭うどん \700 Udon with Inari (seasoned rice wrapped with deep fried thin tofu) 稻庭面条 39 이나니와우동 - 모든공정을수작업으로만든고급우동稻庭烏冬 おにぎり (2 ヶ )( 鮭 梅 おかか )( 新香 みそ汁付き ) \700 Onigiri (2 rice balls) (Choice of salmon, salted plum, and thinly sliced dried bonito) (serving with Japanese pickles and miso soup) 주먹밥 (2개)( 연어 매실 가다랑어포 ) 饭团 (2 个 )( 鲑鱼 梅子 酱油干鲣鱼碎 ) 飯團 (2 個 )( 鮭魚 梅子 醬油干鰹魚碎 ) 珍味 / Delicacies / 진미 / 希罕的美味 / 希罕的美味 40 いか塩辛 \500 Salted squid and guts 咸淹鱿鱼 오징어젓갈 鹹淹魷魚 41 たこわさび和え \500 Octopus mixed with wasabi (horseradish) 낙지와사비무침 山榆菜拌章鱼 山榆菜拌章魚 4

5 サラダ / Salads / 사라다 / 色拉 / 沙律 42 ポテトサラダ \500 Potato salad 포테이토샐러드马铃薯色拉薯仔沙律 43 シーフードサラダ \900 Seafood salad 시푸드샐러드海鲜色拉海鮮沙律 44 生ハムサラダ \1,000 Salad with prosciutto ham 생햄샐러드生火腿色拉生火腿沙律 刺身 / Sashimi (slices of raw fish/seashells/others) / 회 / 生鱼片 / 生魚片 45 いわしたたき \800 Iwashi (sardine)-minced 沙丁鱼 - 拍松 정어리 - 타타키 ( 부엌칼로두드리는듯이세세하게잘게자른다 ) 拍松沙丁魚 46 いわしなめろう \900 Iwashi Namero (minced sardine with miso, sake and Japanese onion) 沙丁鱼泥拌上葱, 生姜, 紫蘇, 酱后再食用 이와시나메로루 - 부엌칼로끈기가나올때까지세세하게두드린정어리 沙丁魚泥拌上蔥, 生姜, 紫蘇, 醬後再食用 47 いか刺身 \900 Ika (squid) 오징어 墨斗鱼 墨鬥魚 48 活たこ刺身 \900 Tako (octopus) 낙지章鱼章魚 49 まぐろ刺身 \1,300 Maguro (tuna) 참치회金枪鱼生鱼片生金鎗魚片 50 くじら刺身 \1,300 Kujira (whale) 고래鲸鱼鯨魚 51 白身魚刺身 ( 日替わり ) \1,300 White meat fish sashimi (daily special) 各種生白肉鱼片拼盘 ( 每日变换 ) 흰살생선삼매 ( 오늘의메뉴 ) 各種生白肉魚片拼盤 ( 每日變換 ) 52 盛合せ ( 四点盛 ) \2,500 Assorted sashimi (4 types of fish) 모듬생선회 (4 종 ) 生鱼片拼盘 ( 四种 ) 生魚片拼盤 ( 四種 ) 53 盛合せ ( 五点盛 ) \3,000 Assorted sashimi (5 types of fish) 모듬생선회 (5 종 ) 生鱼片拼盘 ( 五种 ) 生魚片拼盤 ( 五種 ) 54 盛合せ ( 六点盛 ) \3,500 Assorted sashimi (6 types of fish) 모듬생선회 (6 종 ) 生鱼片拼盘 ( 六种 ) 生魚片拼盤 ( 六種 )

6 焼物 / Grilled / 구이 / 烤菜 / 烤菜 55 あたりめ \500 Grilled dried cuttlefish 건오징어 干鱿鱼 乾魷魚 56 浜町焼き ( 油揚げ ) \500 HAMAMACHI grill (fried bean curd) 하마마치야키 ( 유부 ) 浜町烧烤 ( 油炸豆腐 ) 浜町燒烤油炸豆腐 57 焼きなす \500 grilled eggplant 구운가지 烧茄子 燒茄子 58 いわし一夜干し \600 Dried Iwashi (sardine) 하룻밤말린정어리 一夜晾干的沙丁鱼 壹夜晾幹的沙丁魚 59 豆腐ステーキ \600 Tofu steak 두부스테이크 烧豆腐 豆腐扒 60 こまい一夜干し \900 Dried komai (fish in northern Japan) 하룻밤말린붉은대구 一夜晾干的大头鱼 壹夜晾幹冰下魚 61 黒豚ロース生姜焼き \900 Grilled Berkshire pork with ginger 흑돼지로스생강구이 生姜炒黑猪里脊肉 生姜炒黑豬里脊肉 62 活穴子かけ焼 \1,300 Grilled fresh conger eel 활붕장어구이 架烧活星鳗 架燒活星鳗 揚物 / Fried / 튀김류 / 油炸的食品 / 油炸的食品 63 ジャガ芋磯辺揚げ \500 Fried potato with seaweed 紫菜炸马铃薯 감자이소베아게 ( 파래무침튀김 ) 紫菜炸薯仔 64 鳥なん骨唐揚げ \700 Fried chicken breast cartilage 干炸鸡软骨 닭연골튀김 幹炸雞軟骨 65 川エビの唐揚げ \700 Fried river shrimp 干炸河虾 민물새우튀김 幹炸河蝦 66 いわし立田揚げ \800 Lightly fried sardine 立田油炸沙丁鱼 정어리타츠다튀김 - 타츠타튀김은녹말만사용한튀김立田油炸沙丁魚 ( 淹豉油後撒片栗粉油炸 ) 67 地鶏の唐揚げ \800 Lightly fried homebred chicken 干炸本地鸡块 토종닭의튀김 幹炸本地雞塊 68 活穴子南蛮揚げ \800 Fried fresh conger eel with sweet vinegar 南蛮油炸活星鳗 활붕장어난반튀김 - 난반튀김은파와함께튀김 南蠻油炸活星鳗 69 黒豚串カツ \800 Deep fried Berkshire pork on skewer 흑돼지꼬치커틀릿 炸黑猪肉串 炸黑豬肉串 6

7 70 くじら立田揚げ \1,300 Lightly fried whale meat 立田油炸鲸鱼 고래타츠다튀김立田油炸鯨魚 ( 淹豉油後撒片栗粉油炸 ) 一品料理 / Single dishes / 일품요리 / 一道菜 / 壹道菜 71 冷奴 \500 Chilled tofu 히야얏코凉拌豆腐涼豆腐 72 おひたし \500 Ohitashi - Sauced vegetable 나물凉菜涼菜 73 からすみ大根 \500 Mullet roe with daikon 치자무쌈乌鱼子萝卜烏魚子蘿蔔 74 月見とろろ \500 Tsukimi tororo - Grated yam with uncooked egg 赏月山约泥 노른자를곁들인마즙 賞月山藥泥 75 しらすおろし \500 Shirasu oroshi - Baby sardines with grated daikon 小沙丁鱼萝卜泥 무즙을곁들인멸치小沙丁魚蘿蔔泥 76 まぐろおろし \700 Tuna with grated daikon 무즙을곁들인참치金枪鱼萝卜泥金鎗魚蘿蔔泥 77 鳥笹身本わさび和え \700 White meat chicken with natural wasabi (horseradish) 山榆菜拌鸡胸脯肉 닭가슴살과와사비무침山榆菜拌雞胸脯肉 78 お新香盛合せ \700 Assorted Tsukemono (Japanese pickles) 모듬채소절임咸菜拼盘鹹菜拼盤 79 冷やしトマト \700 Chilled tomato 냉토마토 凉西红柿 涼蕃茄 80 山かけ \700 Yamakake - Tuna with grated Japanese yam 마를곁들인참치 浇山药汁的生鱼片 澆山藥泥金鎗魚 81 和風エビシュウマイ \800 Japanese style shrimp steamed dumpling 일본식새우슈마이日式虾馅烧卖日式蝦餡燒賣 82 黒豚肉角煮 \900 Simmered Berkshire pork 흑돼지조림红炖黑猪肉紅炖黑豬肉 7

8 日本酒 / Sake (Japanese alcohol drink made from rice) / 일본주 / 日本酒 / 日本酒 83 菊正宗 ( 上撰 ) 1 合 -180ml 合 -360ml 790 KIKUMASAMUNE (JYOSEN - selected) 키크마사무네 ( 상급 ) 菊正宗 ( 上选 ) 菊正宗 ( 上選 ) 84 富翁 ( とみおう ) 純米酒 1 合 -180ml 合 -360ml 890 TOMIOH (pure rice wine) 토미오우순미주富翁 (Tomiou) 纯米酒富翁 (Tomiou) 純米酒 冷酒 / Chilled sake / 찬청주 / 冷酒 / 冷酒 85 菊正宗生酒 ( なまざけ ) 300ml \800 KIKUMASAMUNE (unpasteurized rice wine) 키크마사무네나마자케菊正宗原酒菊正宗原酒 86 菊正宗樽酒 300ml \850 KIKUMASAMUNE TARUZAKE 키크마사무네타르자케菊正宗桶装酒菊正宗桶裝酒 87 菊正宗吟醸酒 300ml \1,000 KIKUMASAMUNE GINJYOSHU 키크마사무네음양주菊正宗精心酿造酒菊正宗精心釀造酒 ビール / Beer / 맥주 / 啤酒 / 啤酒 88 黒ラベル ( 中瓶 ) \580 SAPPORO KURO LABEL 삿포로구로라베르札幌黑标签劄幌黑標簽 89 生ビール - サッポロ ( 中 ) \580 Draft beer -SAPPORO(Regular) 생맥주 - 삿포로 ( 중 ) 生啤 - 札幌 ( 中 ) 生啤 - 劄幌 ( 中 ) 90 ヱビス黒ビール ( 小瓶 ) \550 Black beerr -YEBISU (small bottle) 흑맥주 - 에비스 ( 소 ) 黑啤酒 - 惠比寿 ( 小 ) 黑啤酒 - 恵比寿 ( 小 ) 8

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そば会席 ~ 桜物語 ~ Soba Kaiseki Course ~SAKURA MONOGATARI~ 前菜 Appetizers 造り Sashimi 温物 Steamed dish 焼物 Grilled dish 揚物 Tempura 食事 Soba noodle 前菜五種盛り合せ桜豆腐鯛塩辛 そば会席 ~ 桜物語 ~ Soba Kaiseki Course ~SAKURA MONOGATARI~ 前菜 Appetizers 造り Sashimi 温物 Steamed dish 焼物 Grilled dish 揚物 Tempura 食事 Soba noodle 前菜五種盛り合せ桜豆腐鯛塩辛空豆甘露煮他本日のおすすめ二種 Five kind appetizers Sakura tofu, salted

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