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1 小学校入学説明会入学説明会の資料 English Guide to Starting Elementary School in Japan Example This booklet is only an example. Each elementary school publishes and distributes their own version at the school s enrollment seminar (nyugaku-setsu-mei-kai 入学説明会 ). At the enrollment seminar you will receive a booklet similar to this that will give you an outline of what to prepare before school starts and what to expect once school has started. This content of this guide and the content of the one that you will receive from your school may differ. Please follow the guide that you will receive from your school.

2 Ⅰ Enrolment Ceremony 入学式について Many schools request that boys wear a suit and girls wear a dress to the admission ceremony. 1 When 日時 2 Where 場所 年 4 月 日 (Date) 午前 時から 時 (Time) 小学校体育館 School Gymnasium The shugaku tsuchisho is sent out by the ward office to those applicants who submitted a school admission application 入学申込書. 3 Items to Bring 持ち物 school attendance notice shugaku tsuchisho 就学通知書 indoor shoes (children should bring white plimsolls (uwagutsu), parents should bring slippers.) large shopping bag (to carry home text books and other items that you will receive) 4 Other Points その他 Parents should accompany their child to reception If you are unable to attend the ceremony, contact the school as soon as possible.(school s phone number 学校の電話番号 ) If you decide not to enroll your child in school or enroll in a different school, contact the school as soon as possible. For more detailed information see the Admission Ceremony Guidelines 入学式のご案内 Ⅱ School Outline 小学校のあらまし 1 School Motto 校訓 2 Educational Goals 教育目標 3 School Structure 学校の様子 (1)Year Established 沿革 Opened: 年 月開校 (2)Class and Student numbers 小学校の児童数 学級数 1 st grade 2 nd grade 3 rd grade 4 th grade 5 th grade 6 th grade Total Students Classes *There will be a projected 35 students in the new 1 st grade (split into 1 or 2 classes) 1

3 Ⅲ School Life 小学校生活について 1 School is a fun place 学校は楽しいところ Your child is about to start life at elementary school. To give your child a positive impression of school, we would like you to project elementary school as an enjoyable experience. At a suitable opportunity, sit down with your child and express the following points: Your child will make many friends. They will have fun learning lots of different things. Their teacher will be kind and approachable; your child will be ask them about anything. 2 Self-awareness as a 1 st Grader 1 年生としてのとしての自覚 Becoming a 1 st grader is a big step and a lot of responsibility comes with it. Talk to your child about the importance of getting on with other children. Your child should be aware that it is important to:... always follow the rules... play with other in a friendly manner... carefully listen to what other says... express their thoughts and feelings Ⅳ Getting Ready to Start School 入学に向けて 1 Daily Routine 基本的な生活 (1)Early to bed, early to rise. Ability to get ready by one s self Get your child should get sufficient sleep (9 hours or more is desirable) and be able to prepare for school by themselves. Self hygiene; your child should get into the habit of washing their face and brushing their teeth (2)Eating Well 食事をきちんととるをきちんととる Have your child eat a proper breakfast before leaving for school. Your child should be able to use chopsticks. Teach your child to like all foods. (3)Toilet Habits 排便ができるができる Have your child get into the habit of going to the toilet before leaving home for school Your child should be able to dress and undress by themselves. (4)Self Management 身の回りのことができるりのことができる Your child should be able to pack and bring tissues, handkerchiefs, and other items that they require to school. Your child should wear clothes that allow easy movement and that are easy to put on and take off. Your child should wear a yellow hat. 2

4 A reflective road safety badge should be attached to the left side of the yellow hat (above the ribbon). (5)Greeting Others あいさつがしっかりできる Your child should be able to clearly say and be able to correctly use: ittekimasu (I m leaving), oyayo-gozaimasu (good morning), sayonara (good bye), arigato (thank you), gomen-nasai (sorry). (6)Going as a Group to School みんなと一緒一緒に登校登校できるできる Your child should meet up with their assigned group at the assigned location and time; the group will then line up and go to school together as a group. At the beginning of April, an older student (5 th or 6 th grader) will collect your child in the morning. (7)Obeying Traffic Rules 交通のきまりをのきまりを守る Teach your child to walk on the right-hand-side of the road, to use pedestrian crossings correctly, and to obey traffic lights. Before term begins, walk along the route to school with your child and talk them through it. (8)Learning to Listen 話をしっかりをしっかり聞く Instruct your child to pay attention and always listen carefully to their teacher. (9)Speaking Clearly はっきりとした言葉遣言葉遣いができるいができる When their name is called, your child should be able to respond with a loud, clear, Hai! Be able to speak clearly when required. (10)Their Name in Hiragana Your child should be able to read their own name in hiragana and be able to recognize their own labeled possessions. (11)Independence 身の回りのことができるりのことができる Your child should be able to put in and take out books and stationery out of their backpack (raenzel ) and keep their backpack neatly organized. Your child should be able to change into and out of their school athletic wear by themselves. Your child should be able to go to the toilet by themselves (flushing afterwards) without soiling their clothes or the toilet area. (12)Getting on with friends 友だちとだちと仲よくよく活動活動できるできる Your child should be aware that he/she will have to share school life with many other children, some of which may not share his/her views, likes, and opinions. Your child should promise to get on with everyone and learn not to be selfish. 2 Healthy Lifestyle 健康な生活 (1)Morning Health Check 朝の健康観察 Check up on your child s health before you send them off to school. Find out how well they slept, observe their face colour, appetite, and unusual toilet usage. If the child s visible state of health is not normal and their body temperature is 37 C or higher, do not 3

5 let the child go to school. (2)If your child falls ill at school 学校で病気病気になったになった場合 The child will temporarily be taken to the school sick room and their health will be observed. If your child needs to leave school early and return home, the school will ask the parent to collect the child rather than have the child walk home by themselves. (3)If your child is injured & requires professional medical assistance 医師の治療治療が必要と思われるけがをしたわれるけがをした場合 The school will contact a designated local hospital and take the child there. If the school is unable to contact the designated local hospital the school will use its judgment to decide which hospital to take the child. After being contacted, bring the child s health insurance card to the hospital (or school). The following day, the school will process the situation with the NAASH (see below). (4)The National Agency for the Advancement of Sports and Health 独立行政法人日本スポーツ振興振興センター NAASH handles all insurance claims for injuries that occur on the way home from school, at school, and on school trips. The school handles the application process for all students. New students join in April; parents should fill out a consent form and submit the insurance premium the following day. The consent form is valid for 6 years. The school will process an insurance claim for you if your child is injured whilst under the school s supervision. (5)Absence, lateness, and leaving early 欠席 遅刻遅刻 早退 If your child will be absent from school, either directly phone the school or write in the child s announcement notebook renraku-cho 連絡帳 and ask a student in the neighbourhood to take it to school. If your child will arrive late or will leave early, a parent should come to school to send off / meet the child. (6)Other Notes その他 If your child has a heart ailment, please inform your child s homeroom teacher and school nurse (yogo-kyoyu). If your child has a food allergy, please inform your child s homeroom teacher and school nurse (yogo-kyoyu) before the start of school lunches. Elementary schools in Japan provide lunch. After your child s regular health check up the school will inform you if a further examination is required by a doctor. Please report the results of this examination to the school 4

6 3 Equipment and Materials 用具 The list of items below is just an example. The materials that you will need to prepare before the admission ceremony will vary from school to school. Some items will be given to you by the school, some items you will have to purchase from the school or shop, and other items you will have to make. For full details see your school s admission guide. (1)Items given by the school (at no cost) 学校からから配布配布するもの < 無償 > text books 教科書 - for Japanese (kokugo 国語 ), handwriting (shosha 書写 ) maths (sansu 算数 ), living (seikatsu 生活 ), music (ongaku 音楽 ), and art &crafts (sugakosaku 図画工作 ) yellow hat 黄色の帽子 These are items that can be purchased name badge 名札 from the school or store. (personal attack alarm bohan buzzer 防犯ブザー ) (2)Items to be prepared at home 家庭で用意用意するもの craft scissors (with safety cover) 工作用はさみ ( カバーのついたもの ) glue (plastic pot) のり ( つぼ型の容器に入ったもの ) set of 16 pastel crayons パス (16 色 ) set of 12 colour pencils (non-wood) 色えんぴつ ( 木部のないもの 12 色 ) oil-based permanent marker pen 油性の名前ペン stationery box 道具箱 (regulation size 34cm long x 26cm wide x 6cm deep) - used to store the above 5 items and kept inside desk desk mat (preferably one without a pattern of illustration) 下敷き pencil box (five B or 2B pencils, 1 red pencil, 1 eraser) 筆箱 parent / teacher renraku-cho note book (B5 size) and plastic case 家庭連絡帳 oil-based modeling clay (1kg), container, and plastic modeling board 油粘土 - clay previously used at kindergarten is acceptable athletic wear 体育着 - shirt, shorts, and hat (the design is decided by the school) + cloth bag. lunch napkin and mask (several are needed as they should be changed daily), along with bag to put them in 給食のナプキン マスク umbrella (avoid foldable umbrellas); when closed the child s name should be visible. かさ *Write the child s name, grade and class on all items. Example: 1 st grade, class 2, John Smith would be 1 年 2 組 じょん すみす *After school starts the child s teacher will inform you of what type of study notes books are required and how you can purchase them. It is common for parents to make the bag for the athletic wear, lunch napkin, mask and bag by themselves at home. The acceptable size of these items is determined by the school. 5

7 Ⅴ After School Begins 入学後のおのお願い 1 Contacting the School 学校とのとの連絡 (1)Using the parent / teacher renraku-cho note book 連絡帳の活用 Check the note book after each day at school and assist your child with the preparation he/she needs to do for the next day. If you have any questions or concerns you can either write them down in this notebook or phone the teacher directly. (2)In an Emergency 緊急連絡 In order for the school to contact you in case of emergency, you will need to give an emergency contact number. If this number changes let the school known right away. If you need to contact the school in an emergency, please call the school s main line. 代表電話 ( ) (3)School Newsletter 学年だより Each week in April and each month from May onwards the school sends out a newsletter for parents. This will show what your child s year will be studying and list any upcoming events or announcements. (4)Money Collection 集金 Money for lunches, the PTA, auxiliary materials, and other items is withdrawn by direct debit from a specific branch of a local bank. You will need to open an account at this branch. (5)Change of Address & Moving Away 住所変更 転出等 If you will change address or intend to move away, please inform the school as soon as possible. (6)Visiting the School 学校訪問時 When visiting the school (to pick up forgotten items etc.) please visit the staff room (shokuin-shitsu 職員室 ) first and tell the a member of staff the purpose of your visit. Elementary schools do not provide school buses. Students live nearby and walk to and from school in groups. 2 Go to and from School 登下校 (1)Going to School as a Group 分団登校 Children walk to school in a group (tsugaku-shudan). Groups are decided by where you live. Please make sure your child is at the group meeting place on time. If your child will be late or absent you must inform another of the group. If you do not do this, the group will be left waiting for your child. If your child will be late, a parent should accompany the child to school. (2)Coming Home from School 下校 During April the 1 st grade will be split up into a number of groups. Children that live in the same neighbourhood will be assigned to the same group. A member of staff will accompany each group home. From May, children come home from school in groups. In terms of road safety, parents can assist by collecting their child from nearby the school. 6 Elementary Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Number Challenge Time:

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