cervical branch of facial nerve parotid gland submandibular gland submandibular lymph nodes trapezius muscle accessory nerve external occipital protub

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1 mandible angle of the mandible mastoid process thyroid cartilage clavicle jugular notch acromion sternum sternal angle xiphoid process ribs costal arches infrasternal angle anterior superior iliac spine iliac crest pubic tubercle pubic symphysis nipple areola breast umbilicus(navel) platysma muscle cutaneous vein epidermis dermis mammary gland pectoral fascia thoracoepigastric vein superficial epigastric vein supraclavicular nerves intercostal nerves axillary lymph nodes lymphatic vessels axillary fascia latissimus dorsi muscle deep abdominal fascia (muscle fascia) pectoralis major muscle sternalis muscle deltoid muscle cephalic vein muscular axillary arch Langer's muscle serratus anterior muscle external abdominal oblique muscle aponeurosis rectus sheath anterior jugular vein sternomastoid muscle(sternocleidomastoid muscle) transverse cervical nerve external jugular vein superficial cervical lymph nodes great auricular nerve lesser occipital nerve

2 cervical branch of facial nerve parotid gland submandibular gland submandibular lymph nodes trapezius muscle accessory nerve external occipital protuberance spinous process vertebra prominens scapula scapular spine dorsal ramus of spinal nerve superior clunial nerves nuchal ligament greater occipital nerve (Sehnenspiegel) transverse cervical artery triangle of auscultation lumbar triangle gluteus maximus muscle hyoid bone omohyoid muscle fascia celli media( ) cervical plexus sternohyoid muscle sternothyroid muscle thyrohyoid muscle infrahyoid or strap muscles ansa cervicalis hypoglossal nerve superior thyroid artery internal jugular vein common carotid artery deep cervical lymph nodes internal carotid artery external carotid artery vagus nerve scalenus anterior muscle phrenic nerve sympathetic trunk subclavius muscle medial pectoral nerve lateral pectoral nerve clavipectoral fascia pectoralis minor muscle subclavian vein subclavian artery brachial plexus axilla lateral thoracic artery long thoracic nerve thoracodorsal artery thoracodorsal nerve

3 intercostobrachial nerve thoracoacromial artery thoracoacromial vein pectoral nerves circumflex scapular artery subscapular artery sternoclavicular joint bone marrow axillary artery axillary vein jugulosubclavian angle(venous angle) thoracic duct left jugular trunk Virchow's lymph node right jugular trunk thyrocervical trunk inferior thyroid artery suprascapular artery costocervical trunk internal thoracic artery vertebral artery basilar artery olecranon lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle head of radius head of ulna synovial bursa median cubital vein basilic vein cutaneous nerve brachial fascia antebrachial fascia intermuscular septum superior trunk middle trunk inferior trunk scalene space lateral cord medial cord posterior cord musculocutaneous nerve median nerve ulnar nerve radial nerve axillary nerve biceps brachii muscle long head short head aponeurosis of biceps brachii coracobrachialis muscle brachialis muscle brachial artery

4 brachial vein profunda brachii artery posterior circumflex humeral artery venous valve subscapularis muscle triceps brachii muscle long head lateral head medial head anconeus muscle levator scapulae muscle rhomboid muscles rhomboideus minor muscle rhomboideus major muscle dorsal scapular nerve supraspinatus muscle infraspinatus muscle teres minor muscle teres major muscle triangular space quadrangular space scapular notch scalenus medius muscle flexor retinaculum flexor carpi ulnaris muscle palmaris longus muscle flexor carpi radialis muscle pronator teres muscle flexor digitorum superficialis muscle radial artery ulnar artery flexor digitorum profundus muscle brachioradialis muscle flexor pollicis longus muscle pronator quadratus muscle supinator muscle dorsal fascia of hand extensor retinaculum extensor carpi ulnaris muscle extensor digitorum muscle intertendinous connection synovial sheath tendon sheath fibrous sheath synovial fluid synovial membrane mesotendon extensor digiti minimi muscle extensor indicis muscle extensor pollicis longus muscle extensor pollicis brevis muscle abductor pollicis longus muscle anatomical snuffbox

5 extensor carpi radialis longus muscle extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle posterior interosseous nerve posterior interosseous artery nail matrix of nail hypothenar eminence palmaris brevis muscle palmar aponeurosis lamellated corpuscles(pacinian corpuscles) thenar eminence abductor pollicis brevis muscle flexor pollicis brevis muscle opponens pollicis muscle abductor digiti minimi muscle flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle opponens digiti minimi muscle superficial palmar arch lumbrical muscle anterior interosseous artery anterior interosseous nerve adductor pollicis muscle deep palmar arch interosseus palmaris muscle(palmar interosseous muscle) interosseus dorsalis muscle(dorsal interosseous muscle) extensor expansion acromioclavicular joint suprascapular nerve rotator cuff shoulder joint joint capsule(articular capsule) glenoid cavity articular cartilage ulnar collateral ligament radial collateral ligament annular ligament elbow joint fibrous capsule periosteum compact substance marrow cavity(medullary cavity) spongy substance epiphyseal line epiphyseal cartilage common interosseous artery distal radioulnar joint radiocarpal or wrist joint midcarpal joint carpometacarpal joints collateral ligament

6 metacarpophalangeal joints interphalangeal joints of fingers thoracolumbar fascia serratus posterior superior m serratus posterior inferior m intrinsic dorsal musculature splenius m iliocostalis m longissimus m spinalis m erector spinae m sacrospinalis m semispinalis capitis m transversospinalis m semispinalis m multifidus m rotatores muscles intertransverse muscles supraspinous ligament occipital a occipital v rectus capitis posterior major m obliquus capitis inferior m obliquus capitis superior m suboccipital triangle suboccipital n rectus capitis posterior minor m vertebral v interspinous ligament levatores costarum muscles costovertebral joints Jacoby's line lamina of vertebral arch vertebral canal spinal dura mater epidural space spinal arachnoid subarachnoid space cerebrospinal fluid spinal cord spinal pia mater cervical enlargement lumbar enlargement conus medullaris filum terminale denticulate ligament spinal nerves ventral root dorsal root cauda equina spinal ganglion primary ventral ramus primary dorsal ramus

7 post. median sulcus posterolateral sulcus root filaments post. funiculus ant. median fissure gray matter white matter central canal ant. funiculus lateral funiculus post. funiculus ant. gray horn lateral gray horn post. gray horn external intercostal muscles external intercostal membrane internal intercostal muscles internal intercostal membrane intercostal a intercostal v intercostal n intercostal space innermost intercostal m (bony)rib costal cartilage true ribs false ribs perichondrium manubrium sterni body of sternum inguinal ligament(poupart's ligament) pubic hair superficial epigastric a superficial circumflex iliac a superficial circumflex iliac v fundiform ligament of penis Scarpa's fascia fascia lata superficial inguinal lymph nodes afferent lymphatic vessels efferent lymphatic vessel lateral crus medial crus intercrural fibers superficial inguinal ring spermatic cord round ligament of uterus internal abdominal oblique m falx inguinalis(conjoined tendon) cremaster m transversus abdominis m iliohypogastric n ilioinguinal n

8 deep circumflex iliac a Henle's ligament inguinal canal reflected ligament(colles' ligament) linea alba umbilical ring rectus abdominis m ant. layer tendinous inscriptions pyramidalis m inf. epigastric a & v sup. epigastric a & v post. layer arcuate line transversalis fascia parietal peritoneum median umbilical fold medial umbilical fold lateral umbilical fold supravesical fossa medial inguinal fossa lateral inguinal fossa median umbilical ligament medial umbilical ligament ductus deferens deep inguinal ring interfoveolar ligament internal spermatic fascia falciform ligament of liver round ligament of liver paraumbilical veins liver diaphragm greater omentum stomach small intestine large intestine scalenus posterior m internal thoracic v endothoracic fascia parietal pleura transversus thoracis m musculophrenic a cupula of pleura thymus gland pericardium fibrous pericardium serous pericardium pleural cavity lung pulmonary or visceral pleura pulmonary ligament thoracic cavity

9 pleural recess apex of lung base of lung root of lung pulmonary lobule sup.,middle & inf. lobes cardiac notch lingula hilus of lung principal or main bronchus right pulmonary a left pulmonary a pulmonary v bronchial arteries lobar bronchi segmental bronchi bronchopulmonary segments thyroid gland isthmus left & right lobes parathyroid gland brachiocephalic v sup. vena cava brachiocephalic a deep cervical a supreme intercostal a longus capitis m sup. cervical cardiac branches inf. cervical cardiac branches (laryngeal) recurrent n thoracic cardiac branch middle cervical ganglion cervicothoracic ganglion(stellate ganglion) sup.,middle & inf. cervical cardiac n cardiac plexus mediastinum ascending aorta aortic arch pulmonary trunk ligamentum arteriosum (Botallo's duct) ant. mediastinal lymph nodes pericardial cavity parietal layer epicardium visceral layer transverse pericardial sinus heart apex of heart base of heart inf. vena cava right ventricle left ventricle

10 ant. interventricular groove atrium auricle of heart coronary groove post. interventricular groove myocardium coronary sinus great cardiac v oblique vein of left atrium(marshall's v) middle cardiac v ant. cardiac veins minimal cardiac veins right coronary a post. interventricular branch left coronary a ant. interventricular branch circumflex branch right trigonum fibrosum interatrial septum valve of inf. vena cava pectinate muscles atrioventricular valve mitral valve tricuspid valve aortic valve pulmonary valve aortic bulb interventricular septum anuli fibrosi atrioventricular node(tawara's node) atrioventricular bundle(bundle of His) membranous part of interventricular septum atrioventricular septum chordae tendineae papillary muscles trabeculae carneae muscular vortex moderator band fossa ovalis conus arteriosus cardiac ganglia trachea bifurcation of trachea esophagus physiological constrictions inf. laryngeal n thoracic aorta descending aorta azygos v central tendon pericardiacophrenic a sup. phrenic arteries thoracic ganglia

11 communicating branches white ramus gray ramus greater splanchnic n lesser splanchnic n gallbladder greater curvature lesser curvature cardia pylorus transverse colon jejunum ileum cecum ileocecal region vermiform appendix colon ascending colon hepatic flexure splenic flexure descending colon sigmoid colon urinary bladder uterus ovary rectum spleen mesentery visceral peritoneum root of mesentery transverse mesocolon sigmoid mesocolon mesoappendix mesogastrium ventral mesogastrium dorsal mesogastrium lesser omentum coronary ligament of liver triangular ligaments gastrosplenic ligament phrenicosplenic ligament omental bursa or lesser peritoneal sac epiploic foramen(winslow's foramen) hepatoduodenal ligament (proper)hepatic a portal v common bile duct peritoneal cavity rectovesical pouch vesicouterine pouch rectouterine pouch(pouch of Douglas) ileocecal fold Treves' fold

12 duodenojejunal flexure duodenojejunal recess (suspensory)ligament of Treitz sup. mesenteric a sup. mesenteric v appendicular a & v inf. mesenteric a & v abdominal aorta duodenum pancreas left gastroepiploic a right gastroepiploic a left gastric a right gastric a gastric coronary v celiac trunk common hepatic a gastroduodenal a sup. pancreaticoduodenal arteries splenic a splenic v celiac plexus celiac ganglion(solar ganglion) right gastric v left gastric v cystic a cystic v sacculation tenia of colon mesocolic tenia omental tenia free tenia epiploic appendices circular folds(kerkring's folds) intestinal villi intestinal glands(lieberkuhn's gland) solitary lymph nodules (Peyer's patches) semilunar folds ileocecal orifice ileocecal valve(bauhin's valve) mucous membrane submucosa muscular coat circular layer longitudinal layer serous membrane gastrophrenic ligament fundus body (pyloric antrum) gastric pathway gastric area

13 gastric pit gastric glands fundic glands pyloric glands pyloric sphincter oblique fibers bare area cystic duct hepatic duct adrenal gland right lobe left lobe quadrate lobe caudate lobe portal fissure hepatic lobules right hepatic duct left hepatic duct ligamentum venosum hepatic v gallstone spiral folds Glisson's sheath portal triad longitudinal duodenal fold major duodenal papilla(vater's papilla) minor duodenal papilla uncinate process or lesser pancreas pancreatic duct Oddi's sphincter accessory pancreatic duct hilus of spleen fibrous capsule trabeculae of spleen pulp of spleen red pulp white pulp accessory spleen hemolymph node,hemal node kidney renal fascia adipose capsule ureter renal v left testicular v left ovarian v renal a cortex medulla fibrous capsule stellate venules renal hilus

14 renal sinus renal pelvis renal calices renal papilla renal lobe renal column renal pyramid medullary ray interlobar arteries & veins arcuate arteries & veins interlobular arteries & veins cortical lobules subcostal a inf. phrenic a lumbar arteries common iliac a median sacral a internal iliac a external iliac a lumbar veins ascending lumbar v common iliac v hemiazygos v accessory hemiazygos v azygos system cisterna chyli intestinal lymphatic trunks lumbar lymphatic trunks esophageal veins tunica adventitia muscularis mucosae lower esophageal sphincter tunica intima endothelium tunica media subcostal muscles costotrasverse joint capitular joints opening for inf. vena cava left crus right crus opening for aorta opening for esophagus medial arcuate ligament lateral arcuate ligament psoas major m psoas minor m quadratus lumborum m lumbocostal trigone sternocostal trigone sympathetic plexuses iliacus m lumbar plexus

15 genitofemoral n genital branch femoral branch lateral femoral cutaneous n femoral n obturator n lumbosacral trunk sacral plexus intervertebral disk pulpy nucleus fibrous ring sartorius m greater trochanter patella tibial tuberosity head of fibula ant. margin of tibia medial malleolus lateral malleolus ischial tuberosity gluteal groove popliteal space or fossa calcaneal tendon(achilles tendon) calcaneus external pudendal arteries & veins great saphenous v saphenous opening accessory saphenous v post. femoral cutaneous n small saphenous v medial & lateral sural cutaneous n sural n subcutaneous bursa dorsal venous arch of foot saphenous n superficial peroneal n deep peroneal n crural fascia sup. extensor retinaculum inf. extensor retinaculum iliotibial tract gluteus medius m tensor fasciae latae m femoral a & v femoral ring lacunar ligament(gimbernat's ligament) femoral canal iliac fascia iliopsoas m iliopectineal arch muscular lacuna vascular lacuna adductor longus m

16 femoral triangle(scarpa's triangle) gracilis m quadriceps femoris m rectus femoris m vastus lateralis m vastus medialis m vastus intermedius m adductor magnus m adductor canal(hunter's canal) deep femoral a medial & lateral circumflex femoral a perforating arteries patellar ligament adductor brevis m adductor hiatus piriformis m sup. gluteal a & v sup. gluteal n sciatic n inf. gluteal a & v inf. gluteal n gluteus minimus m sup. & inf. gemelli obturator internus m quadratus femoris m obturator externus m biceps femoris m semitendinosus m semimembranosus m tibial n common peroneal n popliteal a & v gastrocnemius m soleus m gastrocnemius tertius m plantaris m triceps surae m popliteus m ant. tibial a post. tibial a peroneal a flexor digitorum lungus m tibialis posterior m flexor hallucis longus m tibialis anterior m extensor digitorum longus m peroneus tertius m extensor hallucis longus m dorsalis pedis a peroneus longus m peroneus brevis m peroneus digiti quinti m peroneus quartus m

17 peroneus accessorius m extensor digitorum brevis m extensor hallucis brevis m arcuate a dorsal interossei retinaculum of skin plantar aponeurosis transverse fascicles flexor digitorum brevis m abductor hallucis m abductor digiti minimi m lateral plantar a & v lateral plantar n medial plantar a,v & n quadratus plantae m flexor digiti minimi m flexor hallucis brevis m adductor hallucis m plantar arch plantar interossei long plantar ligament crural interosseous membrane articularis genu m fibular collateral ligament tibial collateral ligament oblique popliteal ligament medial meniscus lateral meniscus ant. cruciate ligament post. cruciate ligament transverse genicular ligament talocrural joint medial ligament(medial deltoid ligament) tibiofibular syndesmosis tarsal bones talus navicular medial cuneiform intermediate cuneiform lateral cuneiform cuboid Chopart's joint bifurcating ligament Lisfranc's joint broad ligament of uterus ureteral orifice internal urethral orifice vesical trigone urethra sup. rectal a & v umbilical a obturator a corona mortis

18 promontory seminal vesicle scrotal raphe tunica dartos external spermatic fascia pampiniform plexus scrotal septum tunica vaginalis mesorchium testis epididymis appendix testis appendix of epididymis paradidymis duct of epididymis efferent ductules tunica albuginea septula of testis lobules of testis mediastinum testis seminiferous tubules rete testis( spermatozoon penis root of penis body of penis glans of penis external urethral orifice dorsum of penis urethral surface prepuce frenulum of prepuce superficial dorsal vein of penis suspensory ligament of penis superficial fascia of penis deep fascia of penis(buck's fascia) dorsal artery of penis deep dorsal vein of penis dorsal nerve of penis corpus cavernosum of penis corpus spongiosum of penis perineal region perineum anus external anal sphincter subcutaneous part superficial part deep part superficial perineal fascia bulbospongiosus m perineal body superficial transverse perineal m crus of penis

19 ischiocavernosus m perineal membrane bulb of penis superficial perineal pouch ischiorectal fossa levator ani m urogenital diaphragm deep transverse perineal m bulbourethral gland(cowper's gland) semen or seminal fluid urethral sphincter deep perineal pouch pelvic diaphragm coccygeus m internal pudendal a & v pudendal n pudendal canal(alcock's canal) sacrotuberous ligament sacrospinous ligament greater sciatic foramen lesser sciatic foramen prostate gland ampulla seminal vesicle obturator canal parietal branches visceral branches iliolumbar a sup. vesical arteries inf. vesical a middle rectal a inf. rectal a middle rectal veins inf. rectal veins uterine a internal iliac v autonomic nervous system pelvic plexus pelvic splanchnic nerves sacral splanchnic nerves retropubic space(retzius' space) Denonvillier's fascia ejaculatory duct exogland endogland prostatic urethra urethral crest prostatic colliculus(seminal colliculus) prostatic utricle membranous urethra penile urethra anal columns anal valves

20 anal sinuses hemorrhoidal zone Herman's line pectineal line Hilton's line anal canal rectal venous plexus internal anal sphincter labia majora vulvar slit vulva mons pubis labia minora clitoris glans of clitoris prepuce of clitoris frenulum of clitoris vestibule vaginal orifice paraurethral duct(skene's duct) hymen inf. fascia of urogenital diaphragm vestibular bulb greater vestibular gland(bartholin's gland) lesser vestibular glands crus of clitoris suspensory ligament of clitoris corpus cavernosum of clitoris rectouterine fold uterine tube or oviduct mesosalpinx mesovarium mesometrium ligament of ovary suspensory ligament of ovary parametrium cardinal ligament(mackenrodt's ligament) sacrouterine ligament vesicouterine ligament anteversion anteflexion urethral gland uterine adnexa or uterine appendages hilus of ovary vesicular ovarian follicle(graafian follicle) corpus luteum corpus albicans infundibulum of oviduct fimbriae of oviduct abdominal ostium of oviduct isthmus epoophoron body of uterus

21 cervix of uterus fundus of uterus vagina vaginal portion perimetrium myometrium fornix of vagina external os of uterus uterine cavity cervical canal endometrium sacral ganglia ganglion impar ischiofemoral ligament pubofemoral ligament iliofemoral ligament hip joint ligament of femoral head acetabulum acetabular labrum lunate surface sacroiliac joint sup. laryngeal a facial a lingual a carotid body carotid sinus prevertebral space post. atlanto-occipital membrane ligamentum flavum foramen magnum post. longitudinal ligament tectorial membrane epidural space cruciform ligament of atlas dens longus colli m apical ligament of dens alar ligament atlanto-occipital joint orbit eyebrow glabella zygomatic arch muscles of facial expression cutaneous m orbicularis oris m facial v orbicularis oculi m angular a & v apex of nose nasal ala frontal belly of occipital frontalis m

22 epicranial aponeurosis head hair occipital belly of occipital frontalis m external ear superficial temporal a & v auriculotemporal n auricle extrinsic auricular muscles parotid lymph nodes parotid duct buccinator m sucking pad retromandibular v post. belly of digastric m ant. belly stylohyoid m submandibular triangle mylohyoid n mylohyoid m oral diaphragm hypoglossal n lingual v geniohyoid m hyoglossus m mandibular arch hyoid arch inferior ganglion stylopharyngeus m glossopharyngeal n pharyngeal plexus stylohyoid ligament sup. cervical ganglion internal carotid n ascending pharyngeal a occipital a pharyngeal raphe sup. laryngeal n sup. laryngeal v thyrohyoid membrane pharynx fornix of pharynx pharyngeal tonsil pharyngeal cavity nasopharynx or nasal pharynx oral pharynx laryngeal pharynx choana nasal septum fauces root of tongue vallate papillae terminal groove foramen cecum

23 lingual tonsil palatoglossal arch palatopharyngeal arch palatine tonsil isthmus of fauces uvula velum palatinum epiglottis Waldeyer's tonsillar ring aryepiglottic fold piriform recess external branch cricothyroid m internal branch pyramidal lobe levator muscle of thyroid gland cricoid cartilage lobules follicles colloid tracheal cartilages tracheal glands larynx laryngeal cavity vestibule of larynx vestibular fold(false vocal cord) vocal fold(vocal cord) rima of glottis glottis epiglottic cartilage sup. horn inf. horn cricothyroid joint arytenoid cartilage post. cricoarytenoid m arytenoid m lateral cricoarytenoid m thyroarytenoid m vocalis m conus elasticus vocal ligament laryngeal ventricle Morgagni's ventricle vocal process corniculate cartilage cricoarytenoid joint cranial dura mater sup. sagittal sinus falx cerebri olfactory bulb tentorium cerebelli cerebellum arachnoid granulations(pacchionian bodies)

24 sella turcica crista galli cribriform plate pituitary gland infundibulum optic n oculomotor n trigeminal n abducens n eighth n middle meningeal a & v dural sinuses sup. cerebral veins inf. sagittal sinus great cerebral v straight sinus transverse sinus sigmoid sinus sup. petrosal sinus cavernous sinus inf. petrosal sinus intercavernous sinuses trochlear n trigeminal ganglion ophthalmic n maxillary n mandibular n motor root greater petrosal n lesser petrosal n ant. lobe post. lobe intermediate part infundibular part oral cavity oral vestibule oral cavity proper vermilion border hard palate soft palate tongue tip of tongue body of tongue dorsum of tongue lingual papillae fungiform papillae foliate papillae filiform papillae frenulum of tongue lingual v sublingual fold caruncula sublingualis genioglossus m

25 lingual aponeurosis extrinsic lingual muscles intrinsic lingual muscles sublingual gland major sublingual duct submandibular duct lingual n sublingual a & v olfactory nerves ant. & post. ethmoidal a & v nasopalatine n Kiesselbach's area Little's area nostril nasal vestibule nasal hair sup.,middle & inf. conchae sup.,middle & inf. meatuses nasopharyngeal meatus common nasal meatus olfactory region respiratory region paranasal sinuses sphenoidal sinus frontal sinus auditory or Eustachian tube pharyngeal orifice torus tubarius torus levatorius salpingopharyngeal fold levator veli palatini m palatopharyngeus m palatoglossus m tensor veli palatini m sup. constrictor of pharynx muscles of mastication masseteric fascia masseter m temporal fascia temporalis m middle temporal a coronoid process maxillary a pterygoid plexus deep temporal arteries buccal a post. sup. alveolar a infraorbital a lateral pterygoid m medial pterygoid m inf. alveolar a, v & n mandibular canal mental a & v

26 mental n mandibular joint articular disk sphenomandibular ligament chorda tympani buccal n stylomandibular ligament styloglossus m submandibular ganglion sublingual n incisors canine premolars molars gingiva tooth socket dental root ant. lingual gland palatine glands pterygoid hamulus lesser palatine arteries lesser palatine nerves greater palatine a greater palatine n incisive foramen ant. ethmoidal n sphenopalatine a sup. labial a ethmoidal sinus ethmoidal bulla middle ethmoidal air cells semilunar hiatus maxillary sinus ant. ethmoidal air cells post. ethmoidal air cells nasolacrimal duct greater palatine canal descending palatine a pterygopalatine ganglion upper & lower eyelids eyelashes palpebral conjunctiva sup. conjunctival fornix bulbar conjunctiva sclera cornea lacrimal papilla lacrimal pore medial palpebral ligament lacrimal sac tarsal plate tarsal gland(meibomian gland) orbital septum

27 levator palpebrae superioris m Tenon's capsule Tenon's space lacrimal gland orbital periosteum orbital fat pad frontal n sup. rectus m sup. oblique m nasociliary n ophthalmic a & v medial rectus m lacrimal n lacrimal a lateral rectus m long ciliary nerves ciliary ganglion short ciliary nerves fibrous cuff orbital apex central retinal a inf. rectus m inf. oblique m vorticose veins trochlea ant. pole post. pole equator vitreous body fundus of eyeball retina optic disk(optic papilla) central pit macula lutea lens ciliary body optic part of retina ora serrata ciliary processes iris pupil chorioid or choroid ciliary zonule lens fibers capsule of lens cortex of lens nucleus of lens ant. chamber post. chamber uvea infraorbital groove infraorbital n infraorbital canal

28 infraorbital foramen nasal root external nose hypoglossal canal epineurium jugular foramen sup. or jugular ganglion sup. bulb tympanic n opening of external acoustic meatus external acoustic meatus helix scaphoid fossa antihelix antitragus tragus concha ear-lobe tympanic membrane umbo mallear stria mallear prominence pars flaccida pars tensa mastoid air cells cutaneous layer mucous layer middle ear(tympanic cavity) malleus incus promontory round window 2nd tympanic membrane tympanic orifice tensor tympani m isthmus stapes stapedius m mastoid antrum epitympanic recess internal acoustic meatus opening of internal acoustic meatus pyramid osseous labyrinth bony semicircular canals cochlea vestibule ant. semicircular canal post. semicircular canal lateral semicircular canal membranous labyrinth geniculate ganglion utriculoampullar n

29 cochlear n saccular n post. ampullar n modiolus spiral canal annular ligament of the stapes oval window pterygoid canal nerve of pterygoid canal(vidian n) carotid canal deep petrosal n internal carotid plexus foramen ovale otic ganglion


電話帳 2 52 1 muscles 53 muscles 1 trapezius levator scapulae rhomboideus rhomboid minor rhomboid major serratus anterior subclavius latissimus dorsi deltoid supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor / teres major

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