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1 平成 23 年度海外セミナー事業に関する報告書 ( インドネシア ベトナム ) 平成 24 年 3 月 財団法人国際情報化協力センター

2 序 当財団では 発展途上国等の情報化を支援することにより それらの国々の経済発展及び我が国との協力関係の進展に寄与することを目的として 情報化のための研修 啓蒙 指導 調査 研究 情報収集 提供 国際交流等の事業を実施してきている 近年 政治的 経済的及び社会的に深い関わりを持つアジアとの連携が重要視されており 政府においても アジア知識経済化イニシアティブ のもと IT の活用によるシームレスな経済圏の構築に向けた施策が展開されている 加えて 平成 22 年に政府で決定された 新成長戦略 では アジア経済戦略の一環としてインフラ関連産業 システム輸出の推進が国家戦略プロジェクトとして位置づけられた 特に国として重要と考えている戦略分野として 情報通信 があげられており 急速な成長を続けるアジア各国において社会インフラの整備の遅れや環境問題等の様々な課題を IT の利活用によって解決していくことが期待されている 一方 アジア各国においても今や IT の利活用が経済社会発展の鍵となるという認識から IT 政策を国策の重要課題と位置づけ 情報化を積極的に推進しており 我が国の経験と知見を基にした情報化協力に対し大きな期待を寄せている また 我が国 IT 産業にとっても高い成長性を有するアジアは市場として益々重要な地域となっており 情報化協力等を通じて 地域との経済関係 ビジネス展開を一層強化していくことが極めて重要となっている 当財団は 四半世紀に及ぶ情報化協力事業を通じて アジアでの幅広い人的ネットワーク アジア情報化事情に関する広い知識 各種協力事業に関する豊富な経験とノウハウという資産を有し アジア各国での高い知名度と大きな信頼を得ている 上記の現状認識のもと これらの資産 実績を活用し 我が国とアジア各国との IT 分野における連携協力を活性化するため 1. アジアにおける IT 協力対話の推進 2. アジアにおける IT 産業連携の推進 3. アジアにおける IT 人材の育成 4. アジアにおける IT 関連情報の収集 発信 5. アジアにおける IT 標準化及びアジア知識経済化への協力支援 6. アジアにおける IT 利活用に関する調査等の事業を実施している 本報告書は このうちアジアにおける IT 人材の育成事業をまとめたものである 事業の実施にあたってご支援 ご協力を頂いた国内外の関係官庁 関係会員ならびに直接に労を賜った専門家各位に深く感謝の意を表するとともに この報告書が関係方面に利用され 情報化協力事業の円滑な推進をはかるための資となれば幸いである 平成 24 年 3 月 財団法人国際情報化協力センター理事長間塚道義

3 目次 序 第 1 章目的 1 第 2 章 実施概要 対象国とテーマ 開催日 開催場所 各国共同開催先 出席政府機関等及び聴講者数 プログラム まとめ 写真及びローカル記事紹介 11 付録 : 資料集 13 -インドネシア側プレゼンテーション資料国家防災庁 (BNPB) 通信情報技術省(MCIT) -ベトナム側プレゼンテーション資料情報通信省国家ソフトウェア デジタルコンテンツ産業研究所 (NISCI) タンホア省情報通信局

4 第 1 章目的 アジア各国における情報化促進 産業発展の基盤となる IT 人材育成は 各国にとって重要な政策課題である 当財団では アジア人材育成分野において 日本の産業界 ( 会員企業 ) の海外事業拡大への支援とすべく 会員企業の要望及びアジ各国双方のニーズに沿った対象国 テーマを選択し 海外セミナーを実施する 実施内容については 従来の IT 人材育成を目的に行ってきた研修事業のように特定テーマの研修に限定せず 広くテーマを会員企業に募って海外セミナーを実施することとした 第 2 章実施概要 平成 24 年 2 月 14 日にインドネシア ( ジャカルタ ) 同年 2 月 17 日にベトナム ( ハノイ ) において 安心 安全な社会構築のための IT 利活用 をテーマとする海外セミナーを実施した 両セミナーとも当財団と永年緊密な関係にある各国政府機関として インドネシアは通信情報技術省 (MCIT) ベトナムは情報通信省(MIC) 及び国家ソフトウェア デジタルコンテンツ産業研究所 (NISCI) との共同開催により実施した 2.1 対象国とテーマ 海外セミナーは なによりもまず 会員企業の要望と各国政府機関主として情報通信技術省とのニーズのマッチングが必要であった インフラ システム輸出に関心を寄せる会員企業からの実施国 実施テーマなどに関する要望を 合計 7 回のタスクフォースを開催し取りまとめ 要人招へい事業で招へいされた要人との協議も含めた各国情報通信技術省とのマッチング作業を行った 実施対象国は 要人招へい事業による招へい国の中からインドネシアとベトナムを選択 またテーマも同事業で取り組んだテーマである 社会問題解決のための IT 利活用 を発展させ 防災 に重点を置いた 安心 安全な社会構築のための IT 利活用 に決定した 2.2 開催日 開催日は それぞれ政府の会計年度末となる多忙な 12 月 また国民の祝日 ( ベトナム正月 ) などの時期を避け 各国との協議結果以下の日程でシリーズに実施することとなった インドネシア : 平成 24 年 2 月 14 日ベトナム : 平成 24 年 2 月 17 日 1

5 2.3 開催場所 開催場所は 政府機関がセミナーなどのためによく利用する以下ホテルの会議室を使用した インドネシア ( 首都ジャカルタ ):Hotel Borobudur Timor ベトナム ( 首都ハノイ ): Hilton Hanoi Opera BallroomA 2.4 各国共同開催先 以下がインドネシア ベトナムそれぞれにおける海外セミナー共同開催先である インドネシア :Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Directorate General of ICT Applications ( 通信情報技術省 ICT 応用局 ) ベトナム : Ministry of Information and Communications Department of International Cooperation ( 情報通信省 国際協力局 ) 及び Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry ( ベトナム国家ソフトウェア ディジタルコンテンツ産業研究所 ) 2.5 出席政府機関等及び聴講者数 インドネシア 聴講者数 ;72 名通信情報技術省 (15 名 ) 国家 ICT 委員会 (2 名 ) 国家防災庁(2 名 ) 気象庁(2 名 ) 社会省 (17 名 ミッションの一つは災害復興支援 ) インドネシア科学院 国家災害救助庁 (9 名 ) ジャカルタ消防局(3 名 ) 国家警察(2 名 ) ICT ボランティア ( スマトラ等地方を含む 4 名 ) ICT コミュニティ (2 名 ) Telkom 社 (3 名 ) NEC インドネシア (6 名 ) 富士通インドネシア (3 名 ) 他 ベトナム 聴講者数 ;93 名情報通信省 (11 名 ) 計画投資省(2 名 ) 工商省(3 名 ) 科学技術院(1 名 ) ハノイ市計画投資部 (1 名 ) 公安省(2 名 ) 科学技術省 含むホアラックハイテクパーク(4 名 ) 2

6 農業 農村開発省 (1 名 ) 財務省(1 名 ) 内務省(2 名 ) 建設省(1 名 ) 資源 環境省 (7 名 ) 財務省(1 名 ) VINASA(2 名 ) 地方政府 ICT 部門 (Can Tho/ Quang Ninh/ Thai Nguyen/ Bac Ninh/ Ha Giang/ Hoa Bin/ Thanh Hoa)(13 名 ) 富士通ベトナム(3 名 ) NEC ベトナム (2 名 ) その他企業(Viettel/ VNPT 等 )(20 名 ) メディア(15 名 ) 他 2.6 プログラム 各海外セミナーにおいて 政府機関等から約 100 名近くの参加者があり 日本からは先進的な IT 利活用事例として ( 株 ) 日立製作所より 地理空間情報システム (GIS) アプリケーション 日本電気 ( 株 ) より 防災総合ソリューション 富士通 ( 株 ) より 監視ソリューション についての紹介講演が行われ 一方各国からは政府関係者による IT 利活用に関わる取組みにつき紹介があり 活発な質疑応答 意見交換が行われた 以下は 各海外セミナーにおける実施内容の概略である 当財団からは 各国セミナーにおいて 専門家派遣 実証事業等による情報化協力プロジェクトの推進 情報化支援のための招へい事業による人的交流やセミナー等を通じた情報提供など その国の実情に即した多くの事業に取組み 当財団の IT 研修事業の卒業生はアジアを中心に約 5,500 名にのぼること そして現在 政府機関 大学 企業 コミュニティなどでキーパーソンとして活躍していることなど これまでのアジア各国との緊密な関係を築いてきたことを紹介した また 海外セミナー実施に至った背景を以下のように紹介した 近年の IT の急速な進展によって大容量の情報処理や通信が可能となった結果 人間や社会や自然のあらゆる情報がインターネットを介してやりとりされ 活用される時代において 安心 安全な社会 インフラ整備を実現する上で エネルギーやヘルスケア 災害 環境 交通などの社会的課題を抱える分野での IT の利活用は必要不可欠となっている 本セミナーでは 日本で社会問題解決のためにどのように IT が利活用されているか 3 つの先進事例を紹介することを表明 3 月に東日本大震災を機に IT を活用したスマートシティ 環境配慮型都市 やスマートグリッド ( 次世代送電網 ) への関心が高まりつつあり 実証事業等が国内で計画 実施されている また 被災地域では病院のカルテが津波に流され 診療に支障をきたしたことからクラウドコンピューティングを活用した医療情報データベースづくりの動き さらにツイッターなどのソーシャルメディアも被災地支援で活躍し注目された IT が アジア地域をはじめ世界規模で そしてあらゆる分野で利活用が図られ 今や社会経済活動の基盤となっている グローバル化が進展するなかで 各国間での経済連携が模索されているが とりわけアジア地域において連携を強化していくことが重要であると認識している 今回のセミナーが経済発展著しい各国における情報化 インフラ整備のヒント 一助になることを願う 3

7 以下は各国海外セミナーにおけるスピーチの内容である 1) インドネシア 講演者とテーマ : オープニングスピーチ通信情報技術省 ICT 利活用局局長 Dr. Ashwin Sasongko 来賓挨拶インドネシア日本大使館一等書記官長坂泰宏氏 講演 Government Service Bus-an Alternative System for Data Integration 通信情報技術省 ICT 利活用局 e-government 部部長 Mr. Herry Abdul Aziz IT Development for Disaster Risk Reduction 国家防災庁 (BNPB)Information 部部長 Ms. Neulis Zuliasri Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Government Operation 日立製作所情報 通信システム社経営戦略室事業戦略本部担当部長森岡道雄氏 Introduction to NEC's Disaster Prevention and Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake 日本電気 社会インフラソリューショ事業部パッケージ型インフラ輸出戦略室エキスパート山本聡氏 Surveillance Solutions for Infrastructural Facilities and Environment 富士通 セキュリティイノベーション本部安心安全イノベーション推進室室長堀口敦氏 インドネシア側スピーチ 講演内容 オープニングアドレス - 通信情報技術省 (ICT 利活用局 )Dr. Ashwin Sasongko 局長 : これまでの CICC との協力関係を継続していきたい 本セミナーにより相互情報共有を行い IT 利活用の促進を図りたい 日本政府とは情報セキュリティ分野での協力を得ているが防災分野での協力も行っていきたい - 在インドネシア日本大使館長坂一等書記官 ( 来賓 ): 4

8 日本の企業は 過去の災害の経験を活かすとともに IT を導入することにより防災を重視した社会建設を行っている 一方 災害国であるインドネシアは堅実な経済発展とともに活発なインフラ投資を促しており IT 利活用とインフラ建設において両国間で防災を軸とした経験の共有が必要である CICC は アジア地域での情報化推進の産官学の架け橋となっており本セミナー開催の成功と今後の両国の友好関係の進展を期待する 講演 - 通信情報技術省 ICT 利活用局 e-government 部 Mr.Herry Abdul Azis 部長 : テーマ Government Service Business-an Alternative System for Data Integration 全省庁を繋ぐ e-government を進めるにあたって SAAS として機能するインターオペラビリティ共通基盤となる Government Service Bus の紹介があった - 国家防災庁 (BNPB) の Information 部 Ms.Neulis Zuliasiri 部長 : テーマ IT Development for Disaster Risk Reduction BNPB は インドネシアの総合的な防災対策の実施 調整機関である インドネシアは災害多発国 ( 地震 津波 火山など ) であること 防災のための ICT 対応として通信放送システム また情報システム (Early Warning System Disaster Risk Map など ) の運用状況の紹介があった 関係省庁 地方行政組織などと災害データの統一 情報共有等を進めたいと今後の課題を表明された Q&A -データセンタの防災対応: 遠隔の場所へのバックアップシステムの設置 トリプルリダンダンシーなどの対策をとっている -MCIT の Government Service Bus の防災利用 : インタフェースを確認する必要あるがいつからでも利用可能である - 緊急地震速報がうまく稼動していない : 政府間協力 企業との協力などが必要で 今回のセミナーなどの情報交換の機会を継続していきたい 以下は現地側英文プログラムである 5

9 Program for MCIT/CICC Joint Seminar Introduction to IT Utilization for Society Building with Safety Value February 14 (Tue), 2012 Venue: Timor Lobby Level, Hotel Borobudur Jakarta, Indonesia Participants: 80 persons 8:00-9:05 Registration 9:05-9:10 Opening by MC 9:10-9:15 Opening Address by Dr. Ir. Ashwin Sasongko, Director General for ICT Applications, MCIT 9:15-9:20 Guest Speech by Mr. Yasuhiro Nagasaka, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Indonesia 9:20-9:25 Speech by Mr. Kunitaka Hashizume, Executive Director, CICC 9:25-9:30 Photo Session Moderator: Mr. D. Robby Kambey Chairman of Association of Indonesia Almuni from Japan 9:30-10:00 Presentation 1 10:00-10:30 Presentation 2 10:30-11:00 Presentation 3 11:00-11:30 Q&A 11:30-12:00 Presentation 4 12:00-12:30 Presentation 5 "Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Government Operation" By Hitachi, Ltd. Speaker: Dr. Michio Morioka, Director, Strategy Planning & Development Office, Information & Telecommunication System Company, Hitachi, Ltd. "Introduction to NEC's Disaster Prevention Solution and Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake" By NEC Corporation Speaker: Mr. Satoshi Yamamoto, Manager, Overseas Business Strategy Office, Social Infrastructure Solutions Planning Division, NEC Corporation Government Service Business-an Alternative System for Data Integration By Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) Speaker: Mr.Ir. Hari Abdul Azis, Director of e-government, Directorate of e-government, Directorate General of ICT Applications, MCIT Moderator: Mr. Ir. Fauzie Dahmir Deputy Director of ICT Empowerment for People with Disabilities, Directorate General of ICT Applications, MCIT Surveillance Solutions for Infrastructural Facilities and Environment By FUJITSU LIMITED Speaker: Mr. Atsushi Horiguchi, Director, Business Promotion Department, Security Solution Unit, FUJITSU LIMITED IT Development for Disaster Risk Reduction By National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Speaker: Mrs. Ir. Neulis Zuliasri, Head of Information Division, Center for Data, Information & PR, BNPB 12:30-12:45 Q&A 12:45-13:00 Lucky Draw Ceremony 13:00-13:15 Closing 13:15-14:15 Lunch Venue: Flores Foyer of Hotel Borobudur 6

10 2) ベトナム 講演者とテーマ オープニングスピーチ情報通信省国家ソフトウェア デジタルコンテンツ産業研究所 (NISCI) 所長 Dr. Hoang Le Minh 講演 Status and the Needs for IT Utilization in Environment Protection System, Disaster Warning Thanh Hoa 省情報通信局副局長 Mr. Tran Duy Binh Green ICT Uilization for Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Warning 情報通信省国家ソフトウェア デジタルコンテンツ産業研究所 (NISCI) 部長 Dr. Pham Huy Hoang Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Government Operation 日立製作所情報 通信システム社経営戦略室事業戦略本部担当部長森岡道雄氏 Introduction to NEC's Disaster Prevention and Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake 日本電気 社会インフラソリューショ事業部パッケージ型インフラ輸出戦略室エキスパート山本聡氏 Surveillance Solutions for Infrastructural Facilities and Environment 富士通 セキュリティイノベーション本部安心安全イノベーション推進室室長堀口敦氏 ベトナム側スピーチ 講演内容 オープニングアドレス -NISCI Dr. Hoang Le Minh 所長 : 情報通信省と日本政府は IT と通信のアプリケーションに係る相互協力は最重要課題の一つとして取組んでおり NISCI は そのための研究 技術移転活動を行っている ここで紹介したいのは NISCI が開発した idragon Cloud というプラットフォームに地域環境災害監視システムを載せたパイロットプロジェクトをスタートさせたことである ベトナムも気候変動の影響を強く受け台風 洪水被害を受けている 今回のセミナは 日本とベトナムの経験をシェアする良い機会となり ベトナムにとっては 災害に対処してきた日本の企業の先進技術は貴重であり学び取りたい 7

11 講演 -Thanh Hoa 省情報通信局 Tran Duy Binh 副局長 : 当該省の被災の状況報告があり 防災のため より多くのデータ収集を行いたいとして河川 海岸監視やイメージデータ収集の設備充実を図る計画の説明があり MIC に対しては同省をパイロットプロジェクトの候補地とすること 日本側に対しては 防災管理のためのデータ イメージ収集 地区センターへの転送 モニタ等のシステム提案の検討要望が出された -NISCI の Dr.Pham Huy Hoang 部長 : Da Nang 市 Can Tho 市で実施している河川監視の防災パイロットシステムの概要が説明され そこで利用されている idragon と呼ばれるクラウドソリューションの紹介があった idragon は 防災 環境監視 交通 医療 エネルギーなどに利用することが可能である 各地方において防災パイロットプロジェクトの要請があれば NISCI へ相談してほしいとの呼びかけがあった Q&A - 災害予測のデータの要件 : 河川監視システムでは水位を監視するセンサーが必要 監視システムとは別だが 洪水シミュレーションシステムでは地図情報を利用する - 台風対策 : 日本では気象庁がノウハウを持っている -パイロットプロジェクトへの応募: 各地方政府に対して NISCI が窓口になって進める 今後 NISCI は 毎年 1-2 カ所でパイロットプロジェクトを進めたい Can Tho 市の場合 3カ所の監視システムを設置し 20 万ドルのコストがかかりこのうち日本政府が 75% を支援 残り 25% を地方政府が負担した (NISCI が進めるパイロットプロジェクトに対し地方政府は 非常に高い関心を示した ) -Hoa Binh 省からもパイロットプロジェクトへの参加表明があった 記事 ( ベトナム語 ) 以下のように多くの関連記事が発行されたが このうち Ict news(2 月 20 日付 ) を 2.8 で紹介する -Ict news(2 月 20 日付 ) 日本のハイテクソリューションが環境監視 災害警報を改善し地方の減災に効果 -Ict news(2 月 22 日付 ) ICT の利活用により GDP の % となる災害被害額の減少へ -Vietnam Economic News(2 月 23 日付 ) 気候変動に対処する IT アプリケーション 以下は現地側英文プログラムである 8

12 Program for MIC/CICC Joint Seminar at Hanoi (2012) Introduction to IT Utilization for Society Building with Safety Value February 17 (Fri), 2012 Venue: Ballroom A Middle Floor, Hilton Hanoi Opera, Hanoi, Vietnam, Participants:100 persons 13:45-14:00 Welcome & Introduction Opening Speech by Dr. Hoang Le Minh, Director General, Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry (NISCI), MIC Speech by Mr. Kunitaka Hashizume, Executive Director, CICC 14:00-14:30 Presentation 1 14:30-15:00 Presentation 2 15:00-15:15 Coffee Break 15:15-15:55 Presentation 3: 15:55-16:30 Presentation 4 16:30-17:15 Presentation 5 Photo Session Status and the needs for IT Utilization in Environment Protection System, Disaster Warning By Mr. Tran Duy Binh, Deputy Director of Thanh Hoa s Information and Communications Department Green ICT Utilization for Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Warning By Dr. Pham Huy Hoang, Director of ICT Training and Services Center (NISCI), Ministry of Information and Communications(MIC) "Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Government Operation" By Hitachi, Ltd. Speaker: Dr. Michio Morioka, Director, Strategy Planning & Development Office, Information & Telecommunication Systems Company, Hitachi, Ltd. "Introduction to NEC's Disaster Prevention Solution and Lessons Learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake" By NEC Corporation Speaker: Mr. Satoshi Yamamoto, Manager, Overseas Business Strategy Office, Social Infrastructure Solutions Planning Division, NEC Corporation Surveillance Solutions for Infrastructural Facilities and Environment By FUJITSU LIMITED Speaker: Mr. Atsushi Horiguchi, Director, Business Promotion Department, Security Solution Unit, FUJITSU LIMITED 17:15-17:30 Q&A and Closing 9

13 2.7 まとめ 各国の防災管理 対応の状況などに関する活発な情報交換 意見交換が行われた 各国政府幹部との意見交換の中では セミナーの継続 地方での開催などの要望が出さ れ 今後とも協力関係を維持 強化することで合意した 以下は 運営に関するタスクフォーでの反省点 報告事項である 1) ベトナムは当初から同時通訳の要請があり同時通訳システムを導入したが インドネシアは英語で通すことで MCIT と合意しており同時通訳を導入しなかった しかし セミナーが始まってみればインドネシア語での講演となり 同時通訳の導入をするべきであった 2) 日本側講演者から出席者へのアンケートの実施の希望があった 興味ある内容 より詳細を聞きたい内容 自国で役に立つ技術 システムなど記載させ現地側関心事やニーズを把握するため 3) インドネシア ベトナム側ともカウンタパートは セミナーに対して評価しており協力関係の強化を望んでいるが ベトナムからは ベトナムの実情を理解した上での次ぎのステップを望む また日本政府の政策面での講演も行って欲しいとの要望があった (MIC 国際部 Mr. Hoang Anh Tu 氏 ) また ベトナム向けのリアルパイロットプロジェクトを提案して欲しいとの要望もあった (NISCI Dr. Hoang Le Minh 所長 ) 実際にニーズのある地方でのセミナーの開催の要望があった (NISCI Project and Planning Ms. Chu Thai Hoa 副部長 Can Tho 市 ICT 局 Nguyen Trung Nhan 局長 ) 4) ベトナム MIC 傘下の Vietnam Multimedia Corporation の Head of Advisory Mr. Le Duc Thang 氏より Yen Binh 市 (Hanoi の北西 200km) において Smart Community 事業を CISCO Siemens IBM などと進めている 4 月 11 日に事業開始のセレモニーを開催し Prime Minister や MIC MPI( 計画投資省 ) MOE( 教育省 ) MOA( 農業 農村開発省 ) からの大臣が出席する 興味があればセレモニーに招待するとの申し出があった 10

14 2.8 写真及び関連ローカル記事紹介 <インドネシア> 1.MCIT Dr. アシュウィン局長以下関係者フォトセッション <ベトナム> 1. NISCI レミン所長以下関係者フォトセッション 2. 会場 2. 会場 11

15 関連記事紹介 < ベトナム 2012 年 2 月 20 日付ローカル紙 ICT News VN > 記事要約 : 2 月 17 にベトナム MIC/NISCI と日本の CICC が共催するセミナーにおいて 地方の減災に効果的な環境監視 災害警報ソリューションが日本の専門家からベトナムの関係機関 企業に紹介された 典型的なものに 日立製作所の GIS に連動させた洪水 津波シミュレーションシステムや日本電気の地震 津波早期警戒システムが挙げられる MIC と日本政府は IT と通信のアプリケーションに係る相互協力を最重要課題の一つとして取り組んでおり NISCI は そのための研究 技術移転活動を行っている NISCI が開発した idragon Cloud というプラットフォームに 地域環境災害監視システムを搭載したパイロットプロジェクトが 日本政府と企業 ( パナソニック ) の協力で実施されている 12

16 付録 : 資料集 1. Indonesian Presentation 1 Government Service Business- an Alternative System for Data Integration By Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) Speaker by Mr. Ir. Hari Addul Aziz Director of e-government, Directorate of e-government, Directorate General of ICT Applications 2. Indonesian Presentation 2 IT Development for Disaster Risk Reduction By National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Speaker: Mrs. Ir. Neulis Zuliasri Head of Information Division, Center for Data, Information & PR, BNPB 3. Vietnamese Presentation 1 Status and the needs for IT Utilization in Environment Protection System By Thanh Hoa Province Authority Speaker: Mr. Tran Duy Binh Deputy Director of Thanh Hoa s Information and Communications Department 4. Vietnamese Presentation 2 Green ICT Utilization for Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Warning By Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) Speaker: Dr. Pham Huy Hoang Director of ICT Training and Services Center (NISCI), Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) 13


18 igov BACKGROUND ICT growing up rapidly Many application were build, in different platform (Database, App Buillder, OS) So many island of information Application not interoperability each other KOMINFO CATATAN: diolah dari INTEROPERABILITY The Ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged (IEEE). The capability to communicate, execute programs, or transfer data among various functional units in a manner that requires the user to have little or no knowledge of the unique characteristics of those units (ISO/IEC ). KOMINFO 15

19 GOVERNMENT SERVICE BUS The GSB (Government Service Bus) is intended to become the central platform of integration and services for the provision of government electronic services and transactions, and a provider of common value-add Shared Services which will be used by all connected entities and government agencies Manajemen Integrasi data (MANTRA) KOMINFO GSB ARCHITECTURE Web Browser WAP Browser SMS Celular WEB Application (Requester) WAP Application (Requester) SMS Application (Requester) CON CON CON WS WS WS Registry Catalog WS BPM Ontology CON WS CON WS CON WS CON CON CON WS CON WS CON WS CON WS WS WS BACK-OFFICE BNP2TKI BACK-OFFICE KEMENAKER BACK-OFFICE KEMENLU BACK-OFFICE IMIGRASI BACK-OFFICE PAJAK BACK-OFFICE ADMINDUK DB BNP2TKI DB TENAGA KERJA DB JOB ORDER DB IMIGRASI DB PAJAK DB PENDUDUK KOMINFO 16



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35 3.Vietnamese Presentation 1 Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) VIETNAM NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOFTWARE AND DIGITAL CONTENT INDUSTRY(NISCI) Green ICT Utilization for Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Warning HA NOI, Hà17th Nội, Feb. tháng Content - Disaster in the World and Vietnam - Assignment and Scope of Vietnam Gov. - Responsibilities of Vietnam MIC and NISCI in CBDRR - Sureying Thanh Hoa, Da Nang and Can Tho - IT utilization for safe economy - society - Introduction of pilot project in Da Nang and Can Tho cities - Extending Vietnam - Japan cooperation -Q&A Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 2 32

36 Disaster in the World Source: Germanwatch and CRED The year 2010 was one the worst years in world history for high-impact floods Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 3 10 Countries most affected in The Long-Term Climate Risk Index (CRI): Results (annual averages) in specific indicators in the 10 countries most affected in 1990 to 2009 Source: Germanwatch Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 33

37 10 Countries most affected in The Long-Term Climate Risk Index (CRI): Results (annual averages) in specific indicators in the 10 countries most affected in 1991 to 2010 Source: Germanwatch Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry Vietnam Seriously affected by natural disasters Asia was among the continent and affected most natural disasters, catastrophes accounted for 137 (or 45%) of 302 natural disasters worldwide. In 2011, natural disasters have killed over 29,780 people globally, of which over 80 % was in Asia. Natural disasters also affect nearly 206 million people and caused economic losses of about 365 billion globally. In 2011, Philippines has experienced 33 natural disasters devastated regions of the country. Second to Philippines, Vietnam and China with each country suffered 21 natural disasters, followed by America with 19 natural disasters, India and Indonesia under 11 natural disasters, Guatemala and Japan with 7 and 6 natural disasters, Brazil, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Peru and Thailand with five natural disasters in each country. Vietnam seriously affected by natural disasters! Natural disasters result in around 450 people being killed or going missing, and a loss of GDP each year in Vietnam. Natural disasters in Vietnam have been increasingly severe in terms of magnitude, frequency and volatility. Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 34

38 Implementation community based Disaster Risk Reduction in Vietnam Based on 172/2007/QĐ-TTg Decision to approve the national strategy for natural disaster prevention, response and mitigation to Before 2008: Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) had been implemented from 2000 with funded by NGOs or International Agencies in Vietnam. Up to 2008: CBDRR had implemented in 23 provinces, such as Thanh Hoa, Yen Bai, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Son La, Ha Giang, TTHue, Lao Cai, Kon Tum, Da Nang, Thai Binh, Nam Dinh, Ninh Binh, Tien Giang, Quang Ngai, Ben Tre. After 2008 and Decision 1002/QD-TTg: + Issued the guideline of CBDRR to establish plan and implementation for all provinces. Some provinces had completed plan and submitted to Government. + Cooperation with UNDP and other International to set up the M&E (Mornitoring and Evaluation); material training course for core trainees of provincial, district, commune level. + Set up the mechanism of fund for program implementation; + Establishing the project of constructing the house for flood and storm prevention integrating with community activities. Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry Assignment and Scope Component I: The target is to ensure that 100 percent of officers at all levels will be trained, and capacity and expertise strengthened in CBDRR. Component II: The target of is to enhance the capacity of the community in natural disaster mitigation; more than 70 percent of residents living in disaster prone areas will be provided with knowledge of flood and storm control and disaster mitigation. As a result, component I and II concentrate on strengthening capacity for managing/ implementing CBDRR for local officers at all levels and improving communication and education, enhancing the capacity of community in disaster risk management but lack of strengthening information and communication technology (ICT) utilization in implementing CBDRR. Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 35

39 Responsibilities of MIC in CBDRR The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) is a member of the Central Committee For Storm Control (CCFSC) and is in charge of public awareness raising, communications, and information dissemination. It plays a more technical role in communications than the IEC (Information, Education and Communication) or BCC (Behaviour Change Communication). Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry (NISCI) is a public science and technology research institution, formed by the Decision of Prime Minister of Vietnam Governemt in 2007, works under the leadship of Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) of Viet Nam. The main role of the NISCI is to assists the MIC in R&D on strategic development, government ICT industry policy, e-government project planning and implementation, to support Software and Digital Content Industries. NISCI also assists the Private/FDI Sectors in training and development of high-qualified and skilled human resources throught R&D and technology transfer activities in software / digital content product development and services. Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry Surveying Thanh Hoa province, Da Nang and Can Tho cities Thanh Hoa Province Da Nang City Can Tho City Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 36

40 Thanh Hoa IT infrastructure and disaster issues Thanh Hoa has 3G network, WAN, Lotus Note with good quality service for text, digital signature, authentication data transaction. However, + regarding to environmental issues, department of natural resource and environment of Thanh Hoa province is ussing the traditional methods for testing quality of water by getting water specimen and waste water to testing center. It takes a lot of time as from getting water specimen to when the leaders of Thanh Hoa province make decision based on the report. + regarding to flood, Thanh Hoa has mornitoring system based on a very old technology. After detecting issue of flood, an alarm system will send signal to handphone of person in charge via 3G. However, the network system could not operate during storm time. Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry Flood and landslide in Thanh Hoa Province Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 37

41 Da Nang IT infrastructure and disaster issues Da Nang is a dynamic city, have an intelligent, young human resource and rapidly developing IT infrastructure. In recent years, Da Nang is doing project of Urban network construction in Da Nang City (DNG5a-MAN). This project aims to improve communications infrastructure of Danang and to supply connection system to all the departments, districts and wards (86 units) of Da nang City using fiber broadband (at least 1 Gbps) with the advanced technology. About the environment issues, department of natural resource and environment is ussing traditional methods for testing pollution level by getting water specimen at Au Thuyen Tho Quang and waste water of Fisheries companies to testing center. It takes a lot of time as from getting water specimen to when the leaders of Thanh Hoa province make decision based on the report. Regarding to disaster warning and mitigation, Although Da Nang has a good MAN network but they don't still have IT utilization solution to monitor sea level rise at Son Tra, Thanh Khe, Thuan Phuoc and Ngu Hanh Son beaches for warning disaster. Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry Can Tho IT infrastructure and disaster issues Hau River is the largest river with a total length of the flow through Can Tho around 55 km. In the rainy season, the annual floods cause flooding across with high flood levels. Can Tho focused investment in building the IT infrastructure to complete the deployment of specialized data communications network (MAN-E) to all communes, wards and towns. However, Can Tho doesn't still find out an appropriate ICT applications solution for disaster warning and mitigation. Regarding to environment issues, Can Tho have 38 sites for taking water specimen but not solution yet for warning system. Time from water speciment collect until the result issuance lasts 15 days minimum due to far distance between site to site, requirement for procedures as well as analysis time. This time should not meet the requirements of waring in real time. Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 38

42 Flood and landslide images in Can Tho City Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry IT Utilization for Economy-Society Building with Safety Value Landslide, Floot, Air, water, Storm, sea rise etc. Personel, garbish etc. community Disaster --- Environment Healthcare Rice, vegetabble, fish, meat, etc. Mesh network Communication Network Food --- Data Center Real world Logistics HPC System Green ICT/ICT Cloud Service --- Transport Simulation System Sensor System --- Energy Monitoring System Device, system etc. Motocycle, car, Train, shipt, etc. Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 39

43 IT utilization for safe economic society based on idragon Cloud solution Healthcare Food Energy Environment Disaster Transport Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry idragon Cloud services and end user device ~ Confidential ~ Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 7 40

44 Pilot project based on idragon Cloud in Da Nang and Can Tho cities Sharing Vietnam MIC Japan Gov. Report Da Nang city Internet Back up Data Center NISCI NTT Data Can Tho city Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 4 Da Nang city Pilot locations in Da Nang and Can Tho to collect the environmental data Can Tho city Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 8 41

45 Expending IT utilization for safe economic society based on idragon Cloud solution High Performance Computing idragon Cloud idragon Cloud Disaster Prevention Finance and Economic idragon Cloud Ha Noi idc - Tsunami / Flooding / Hurricane - Earthquake / Land slide - Vocanic eruption - Porfolio optimization - Risk calculation - Black-Scholes and Options Greeks calculation - Monte Carlo simulation idragon Cloud Da Nang idc idragon Cloud idragon Cloud Environment Warning - Climate change - Air pollution - Forest fire - Waste water Census - People and House holds - Business and Industry - Healthcare - Geography Natural Resource Management Transportation & Logistics idragon Cloud idragon Cloud idc - River water / Ground water... - Sea water / Salt... - Gas / Oil / Coal... - Gold / Silver / Bronze / Iron... - Bus info / train info - Traffic jam / accident info - Logistics info idragon Cloud idragon Cloud Ho Chi Minh Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 19 Vietnam - Japan Cooperation METI Vietnam MIC Dep. International Cooperation People's Comittee Local CICC NISCI Local Departments Economy Society Hitachi NEC Fujitsu Vietnam Enterprises All parties will be mutually benificial! Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 42

46 Q&A Thank you! Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry Vietnam - Japan BCC - idragon Project The Authority of Radio and Frequency Management 8F, 115 Tran Duy Hung, Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi. info@idragon.vn Vietnam National Institute of Software and Digital Content Industry 20 43

47 4.Vietnamese Presentation 2 Current status and needs for applying IT in the system for environment protection and disaster warning in Thanh Hoa province Tran Duy Binh Deputy Director of Thanh Hoa Department of Information and Technology 1. Overview on the natural and environmental characteristics of Thanh Hoa province Thanh Hoa locates in the North Central of Viet Nam, 153 km away from Ha Noi to the South, bordering 03 provinces Hoa Binh, Ninh Binh, Son La to the North, Nghe An to the South and Hua Phan (Lao People's Democratic Republic) to the West; East Sea to the East. The province has 27 districts, townships and city with 637 communes, wards and towns. Total provincial natural area is km2, accounting for 3,37 % the total area of the country. The province has large areas, complex and fragmented territory; mountain areas are rugged with slope above 25%; coastal delta is divided in to many sub-regions surrounded by protection dykes, creating difficulties in agricultural production management and flooding and disaster prevention. Thanh Hoa coastal line is 120 km long, bordering the East Sea a part of West Pacific Ocean which is the biggest storms net in the earth. The coastal line faces with the wind direction form the East Sea so often affected by storms. Along the coastal line are estuaries which are affected by tide with the average width of 14km. These estuaries are also suffered directly by storms, tropical low pressure and tide. The province has 24 rivers, belonging to 4 main river systems: river Hoat, Ma, Yen and Bang. All rivers originate from the North and West mountainous areas of the province. Rivers are narrow, sloping and tortuous. Thanh Hoa has the biggest dyke system in the country with km river and sea dyke, protecting 17 districts, townships and city with 450 communes, in which there are 296 communes passed though by dykes. Dyke system protects 2.5 million people, accounting for 5/6 provincial population. Most of protected areas are social economic and political centers of the province. Thanh Hoa is locating in the tropical monsoon climate area with 4 distinct seasons. Besides, the province is suffered from Laos wind which is dry and hot in summer, causing negative effects to production and people s lives. The rainy and storming season lasts from April to October. Each year there are rainy days. Average temperature is from 23 0 C to 24 0 C. The temperature decreases in mountainous areas. Popular wind direction in Winder is northwest and northeast, in Summer is East and southeast. 2. Natural disaster in Thanh Hoa province -Rain: Total annual average rainfall is from mm, even mm in the year of heavy rain. The rainfall locates not very evenly, focusing mainly in August, September and October. The highest rainfall occurs in August and September, accounting for 60-65% of the annual rainfall, even 73% in some special years (in 1963, the total rainfall is mm, in 1976 is mm, 1964 in Tinh Gia province is mm, in 1997 is 977 mm). The rainfall is varying between the years, in 1994, the rainfall in Cua Dat reach mm, 1.8 times higher than the annual rainfall of other years; in Bai Thuong is mm, 1,62 times higher than the annual rainfall of many other years. 44

48 Rain the major factor causing flooding and waterlogging in fields. - Storm: Each year, Thanh Hoa is usually suffered from 2 types of climate: North and North-Central climate types, the storming season lasts from May to the end of November. According to statistical data (from 1995 to 2007), Thanh Hoa has been suffered directly or indirectly from more than 100 storms and tropical low pressures, in which there are 36 years storms directly hit the province. Average 2.4 storms hit the province per year with wind intensity reached level 8-11, especially there is storm reached level 12 and above 12 ( Storm No 8 dated 14/3/1973, No 6 dated 20/9/1975, No 6 dated 16/9/1980, No 6 dated 23/7/1989, No 7 dated 27/9/2005). The storm usually come with heavy rain, causing food in all rivers, together with tide make the sea level rise from 4, 5 to 5, 5 m. - Flood: Because of the difference in geographical position and territory, the development of flooding in each river has special characteristics. Flooding in Ma river occurs sooner than in Chu river (Ma river flood usually occurs from July to October, Chu river flood usually occurs from August to November), Flooding in the two rivers rarely come together. Within recent 42 years, the frequency of flooding above level 3 in Chu river is every 12 years, in Ma river is every 10 years and in Buoi river is every 20 years. The flood doesn t prolong, last in only 7 to 10 days, the water rising and reducing quickly. Beside the above-mentioned regulations, sometimes flood comes soon or lately even flood occur simultaneously e.g the storm in October Flash flood and landslide: are taking place more, causing serious damage on people, property, infrastructure projects and destroy the ecological environment. In recent 10 years, there were 5 flash flooding and landslide, killing 9 people, wounding 5 people, sweeping away 39 houses, 76 small dam and seriously destroying transportation and irrigation projects Only in 03 years ( ), in 03 districts (Thuong Xuan, Ba Thuoc and Quan Hoa), there are 4 flash flooding and landslides, killing 8 people, wounding 1 person, landslides causing traffic congestion, sweeping away 37 houses, 76 small dam, 7 suspension bridge hundreds electric poles, tens hectare of cultivation land has been lost forever. - Cyclone, tornado and hail: these are the most popular natural disaster taking place in the beginning of storm season, usually come suddenly, causing serious damage for the people in the province. These phenomenon happen in almost all year, recent years, the province has been suffered from 19 waves of cyclone and hail, killing 8 people, collapsing 417 houses and destroying hundred hectare of crops 3. Damage caused by natural disasters in Thanh Hoa province Thanh Hoa province is ravaged by natural disaster every year. Medium-size storm and flood occur every 3 years, big ones occur every 10 years and every 30 years, the province is destroyed by a hurricane. The damage caused by storm and flooding is very serious, not only affecting people, property, ecological environment but also seriously affecting the socio-economic development of the province. The estimation of damage caused by natural disasters within recent 15 years ( ) is VND billion (VND billion in the year 2007), killing more than 300 people. Beside damaging the infrastructure system, natural disasters also cause difficulties in housing, environment sanitation, emerging disease, salinization that consuming lots of capital, time and effort to recover. A number of typical storms and flooding from the beginning of 20 th century up to now in Thanh Hoa province: 1927, 1944, 1962, 1973, 1980, 1996, 2005, 2007, in which major river s dyke breaking in 45 points and small river s dyke breaking in 13 point (major river s dyke breaking mainly happened before 1945, small river s dyke breaking happened mainly in the period of ). 45

49 In 2005, Thanh Hoa was suffered directly from 4 storms (No 02, 03, 06, 07), 5 floods and 01 flash flood in Quan Hoa district, causing serious damage for the province. The noticeable schedule of this flash flood is as following: On 19/9/2005, storm No 06 with the wind intensity level 11 and above 11 and heavy rain in large areas, causing waterlogging; in the morning of 27/9/2005, storm No 07 with wind intensity level 12 and above 12 hit the province at the same time with tide, rising the water level to 4,5 to 5,5 m, along with heavy rain, causing waterlogging in large area. Besides the material damage, destroying flood prevention building and infrastructure system, storm No 06 and 07 also caused difficulties in housing, environment sanitation and emerging disease for the people in the flooding areas, more than 6 thousand ha cultivation land was salinized, requiring lots of capital, time and effort to recover. In 2007, due to the effects of the storm No 05 and circulation after the storm, heavy rain took place in a large area from evening of 03 May to 05 May The water level of rivers Ma, Chu, Len, Cau Chay reached above warning level 3 and nearly reached the historical level and had reached the historical level in rivers Buoi and Len. This was a special historical storm, causing serious damage for the province. 4. The needs of surveillance technology and simulation for disaster early warning a) Status of information and communication infrastructure in Thanh Hoa province - The optical fiber network has reached 100% communes in the province - There are 05 companies providing telecommunications and internet services. 3G electromagnetic waves, internet ADSL/fiber, land and cell phone services have reached 100% communes with wide coverage area and high bandwidth. Especially, high quality telecommunication services have been provided to mountainous, border and island areas. The telephone intensity has reached 59,1 telephone/100 people; internet subscriber intensity has reached 14,6 computer/100 people. - The province has 01 integrated data center and 01 network security center with adequate equipment, servers, firewall devices, monitoring access, supporting storage and data processing to ensure information security - High speed specialized network for data transmission using for administration agencies have been connected from provincial level to 100% departments and district offices. - LAN network and internet have been set up in 100% Government agencies. 80% Government officials have personal computer, supporting their daily jobs. - The provincial radio system has 30 stations playback and relay programme of the Voice of Viet Nam. The community radio system has 577 stations/637 communes (accounting for 90,58%). The provincial broadcast waves of the Voice of Viet Nam reached 100% communes center. The broadcast waves of the Voice of Viet Nam reach 87% provincial area. Total number of radio station is 693 stations, including 569 wireless stations and 128 wired stations. - The television playback system: there are53 stations with 85 generators, playback many programmes of Viet Nam Television. The waves of provincial broadcasting and television reached 100% commune s center. 622/637 communes could receive signal of Viet Nam Television station. 100 % centers of districts, towns and cities and most of all communes in delta and midland could access to pay TV. b) The needs of setting the surveillance technology and simulation for disaster early warning 46

50 The course of disaster prevention and mitigation in Thanh Hoa province has a number of issues need to be completed as following: - At present, the provincial network of meteorological and hydrological stations is still sparse. Therefore, a number of key coastal and residential areas are still lacking of disaster warning facilities. Especially, the province hasn t got equipment to measure ocean waves, tides, currents, sediment flow, landslide Thus, we are lacking of data to calculate the rules of erosion and coastal sedimentation. - Lacking of a consistent database on natural disasters in Thanh Hoa. Lacking of data to calculate the rules of natural disaster. Therefore, for effectively prevent natural disaster, the province needs to build database and research rules of natural disaster in the province. - Need to further improve the capacity disaster warning and forecasting. Installing warning devices to improve the forecasting capacity, supporting the course of disaster mitigation; information on flood is automatically and quickly spread over the system. 5. Proposal and recommendation With the purpose of mitigate the damage to people and property caused by natural disaster, contribute to the socio-economic development of the province, Thanh Hoa Department of Information and Communications has the following proposals and recommendations: a) Recommendations to the Ministry of Information and Communication The Ministry is suggested to pay attention and support Thanh Hoa to pilot setting up the disaster warning and forecasting system, mobilize foreign capital to equip the province with synchronous technology and solutions on disaster warning and forecast b) Recommendations to CICC and Japanese enterprises Thanh Hoa is a big province, has great potential for economic development. However, the unfavorable geographic and climate condition has caused lots of damage to people and property, disturbing people s activities, and greatly affecting the socio-economic development of the province. CICC and Japanese enterprises are suggested to select Thanh Hoa province to pilot the project on setting the system of disaster warning and forecast - Contents of the proposal: Setting the warning, surveying, monitoring system, collecting data and image of a number of points and transfer to the provincial center to support the forecast, manage and direct the disaster prevention and mitigation activities of the province - Selecting 03 piloting survey locations as following: Survey location for flash flood forecast (mountain villages Bien and Ngheo Thach Lam commune, Thach Thanh district) + The two mountain villages Bien and Ngheo are 3-4 km faraway from the Thach Lam commune center, 40km from Thach Thanh district center. It takes 60 km to move from the district center to the two village, following the national highway 45 from the district to the provincial center + Annually, flash floods usually sweep through the two villages in rainy season, typically: On November 1984, flash flood swept away 21 households, no damage to people thanks to timely evacuation; On October 2007, Thach Lam commune was submerged in water Surveying the rise of sea level due to storm (Truong Son ward - Sam Son town) 47

51 + 1 km faraway from Sam Son town, 16 km away from provincial center, following the national highway 45 + The status of natural disaster and annual damage caused by disaster in the surveying location: average each year have 6 storms and tropical low pressure, typically storm No 06,07 in 2005, submerged the aquaculture areas of Quang Ngu commune in water. Sea water overflowed in to residential areas, Ma river dyke was broken. Coastal landslides (Quang Cu commune Sam Son town) + 2 km faraway from Sam Son town + hundred of storm and low tropical pressures make the sea level rise, the sea transgressed into mainland 10 m per year, destroying 18 hectare protection forest (casuarina forest) c) Commitments of the province when pilot the project: The province commits to provide the IT infrastructure system (3G, Internet ADSL, network security center to store data, equipment to processing data ) to support the project, provide sustainable electricity and human resource from relevant sector with qualified expertise to effectively manage and exploit the system 48

52 Hiện trạng và nhu cầu ứng dụng CNTT trong hệ thống bảo vệ môi trường, cảnh báo thiên tai ở Thanh Hoá Điều kiện tự nhiên môi trường Thanh Hoá Thanh Hoá nằm ở bắc Trung bộ; cách thủ đô Hà Nội 153km về phía Nam. Diện tích tự nhiên toàn tỉnh là km2, chiếm 3,37% diện tích cả nước. Thanh Hoá có đường bờ biển dài 102 km giáp biển Đông, một bộ phận của Tây Thái Bình Dương là ổ bão lớn nhất hành tinh. Toàn tỉnh có 24 con sông, nằm ở 4 hệ thống sông chính là: sông Hoạt, sông Mã, sông Yên, sông Bạng. Thanh Hóa có hệ thống đê điều lớn, toàn tỉnh có km đê sông, đê biển bảo vệ cho 2,5 triệu người. Thanh Hoá nằm trong vùng khí hậu nhiệt đới gió mùa với 4 mùa rõ rệt. 49

53 Thiên tai ở Thanh Hóa Mưa lớn gây ngập úng tại Tĩnh Gia, Thanh Hóa Về mưa: tổng lượng mưa bình quân hàng năm từ mm, năm mưa lớn đến 2.200mm; lượng mưa lớn nhất vào tháng 8, tháng 9 Về bão: Thanh Hóa chịu tác động của 2 hình thể thời tiết: Bắc Bộ và Trung Bộ, mùa bão lũ kéo dài từ tháng 5 đến hết tháng 11, mỗi năm có 2,4 cơn bão, gió mạnh từ cấp 8 đến cấp 11. Về lũ lụt: do vị trí địa lý, địa hình nên diễn biến của lũ trên các sông cũng có những đặc điểm riêng. Trong 42 năm trở lại đây, tần suất lũ trên báo động III ở sông Chu có 12 năm; trên sông Mã có 10 năm; trên sông Bưởi có 20 năm Lũ quét và sạt lở đ ất: xảy ra nhiều, gây tổn thất rất nghiêm trọng về ngư ời, tài sản, công trình hạ tầng và phá hoại môi trường sinh thái. Lốc, vòi rồng, mưa đá: thường xuyên xuất hiện ở Thanh Hóa trong khoảng thời gian đầu mùa mưa bão. Thiệt hại do thiên tai ở Thanh Hóa Trên địa bàn Thanh Hoá, năm nào cũng bị thiên tai, bão lũ tàn phá; bình quân cứ khoảng 3 năm xuất hiện bão, lụt vừa; 10 năm xuất hiện bão lụt lớn; 30 năm xuất hiện bão lụt có tính "tàn sát". Thiệt hại do bão, lũ lụt gây ra là hết sức nặng nề, không những về người, tài sản, môi trường sinh thái mà còn tác động sâu sắc tới sự phát triển kinh tế -xã hội của tỉnh. Tổng giá trị thiệt hại do bão, lụt, lũ gây ra đ ối với Thanh Hoá trong 15 năm qua ( ) ước tính tỷ đồng (riêng năm 2007 khoảng tỷ đồng), số người chết trên 300 người; Một số trận bão, lũ điển hình: Chỉ tính từ đầu thế kỷ XX đến nay, lụt bão lớn ở Thanh Hóa đã xảy ra vào các năm 1927, 1944, 1962, 1973, 1980, 1996, 2005, Trong lịch sử đã xảy ra 45 điểm vỡ đê sông lớn và 13 điểm vỡ đê sông con. Năm 2005, Thanh Hóa chịu ảnh hưởng trực tiếp của 4 cơn bão (số 2, số 3, số 6, số 7), 5 đợt lũ trên các triền sông và 1 đợt lũ quét tại huyện Quan Hoá, gây thiệt hại rất nghiêm trọng cho các vùng trong tỉnh. Năm 2007, do ảnh hưởng của bão số 5 và hoàn lưu sau bão, đã có mưa to đ ến rất to trên diện rộng trong tỉnh. Mực nước trên các sông đã gần đạt đến mức lũ lịch sử; riêng sông Bưởi, sông Lèn đã trên mức lũ lịch sử. 50

54 Nhu cầu về công nghệ giám sát và mô phỏng để cảnh báo sớm về thiên tai A, Hiện trạng Hạ tầng Thông tin và Truyền thông Thanh Hoá: Hạ tầng viễn thông toàn tỉnh đã được kết nối bằng cáp quang đến 100% số xã trong tỉnh. Điện thoại di động 3G, Internet ADSL /Fiber, dịch vụ điện thoại cố định vô tuyến đã được cung cấp tại 100% số xã trong tỉnh, diện phủ sóng rộng, băng thông lớn. Tỉnh có 01 trung tâm tích hợp dữ liệu và 01 trung tâm an ninh mạng, có đầy đủ trang thiết bị để phục vụ lưu giữ, xử lý dữ liệu lớn đảm bảo an toàn, an ninh thông tin. Toàn bộ các cơ quan nhà nước của tỉnh đã có mạng LAN, kết nối Internet. Số máy trạm phục vụ cho cán bộ hiện đã được trang cấp đạt tỉ lệ 80% số CBCC có máy tính đáp ứng công việc chuyên môn. Hệ thống Phát thanh trên địa bàn tỉnh hiện có 30 trạm phát lại, phát tiếp sóng các chương trình của Đài tiếng nói Việt Nam. Hệ thống Đài truyền thanh cơ sở có 577/637 đài cấp xã. Hệ thống phát lại truyền hình: Hiện có 53 trạm, với tổng số 85 máy phát, phát lại các chương trình của Đài Truyền hình Việt nam, Đài PTTH tỉnh phát sóng đến 100% trung tâm các xã. Nhu cầu về công nghệ giám sát và mô phỏng để cảnh báo sớm về thiên tai (tiếp) B, Nhu cầu được lắp đặt hệ thông công nghệ giám sát, mô phỏng để cảnh báo sớm về thiên tai: Công tác phòng chống và giảm nhẹ thiên tai của Thanh Hoá hiện có một số vấn đề cần hoàn thiện: Mạng lưới trạm khí tượng, thủy văn, đo mưa còn thưa nên một số địa bàn xung yếu ở vùng ven biển, một số khu dân cư thu ộc miền núi không cảnh báo được thiên tai bão lũ, sạt lở. Đặc biệt hệ thống quan trắc của tỉnh hiện không có các loại thiết bị để đo sóng biển, thủy triều, dòng chảy, dòng bùn cát, sạt lở đất... nên vùng ven bờ thiếu số liệu để tính toán qui luật xói lở, bồi tụ bờ biển. Chưa xây dựng được cơ sở dữ liệu thống nhất về thiên tai ở Thanh Hoá. Cần nâng cao hơn nữa năng lực cảnh báo, dự báo thiên tai. 51

55 Đề xuất, kiến nghị A, Kiến nghị với Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông: Quan tâm và hỗ trợ cho Thanh Hoá các dự án thí điểm lắp đặt các hệ thống thiết bị cảnh báo thiên tai, dự báo thiên tai. Tham gia các dự án sử dụng nguồn vốn vay nước ngoài để trang bị đồng bộ giải pháp và công nghệ phục vụ cảnh báo, dự báo thiên tai. B, Đề xuất với CICC và các công ty Nhật Bản: Đề nghị CICC và các công ty Nhật Bản, lựa chọn Thanh Hoá để thực hiện khảo sát và lập dự án thí điểm lắp đặt các hệ thống cảnh báo nhằm cảnh báo, dự báo thiên tai. -Nội dung đề xuất: Lắp đặt thiết bị cảnh báo, đo đạc, giám sát, thu thập số liệu và hình ảnh cho một số địa điểm quan sát để chuyển về Trung tâm tỉnh nhằm phục vụ công tác dự báo thiên tai, quản lý điều hành các hoạt động phòng chống giảm nhẹ thiên tai của tỉnh. -Lựa chọn 3 địa điểm cần quan sát để thực hiện thí điểm là: Điểm quan sát cảnh báo lũ quyét (Bản Biện, Bản Nghéo xã Thạch Lâm, huyện Thạch Thành). Điểm quan sát đo nước biển dâng do bão ( Phường Trường Sơn Thị xã Sầm Sơn) Sạt lở bờ biển (xã Quảng cư Thị xã Sầm Sơn). C, Cam kết của tỉnh khi tham gia dự án thí điểm: Đảm bảo điều kiện về hạ tầng viễn thông-cntt phục vụ dự án, cung cấp điện lưới ổn định, cùng với nhân lực từ các ngành liên quan có đủ trình độ chuyên môn đ ể quản lý và khai thác tốt hệ thống được trang bị. Trân trọng cảm ơn ***** 52

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