2011年度 日本出版クラブ主催セミナー

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1 洋書の森 主催 会話文を訳す ~ 人物像を反映した訳をめざして 亀井よし子氏の 翻訳の作法 シリーズ第 3 弾のご案内です 課題は ボビー アン メイソンの掌編 Detroit Skyline, 1949 生まれ育った農村とはあまりにも違う都会へのあこがれと戸惑い そして少しの不安を抱える9 歳の少女をはじめ 登場人物をキャラ立ちさせるには そのせりふをどう訳したらいいのでしょう 今回も実践形式で講義していただきます 講師の亀井よし子氏は ブリジット ジョーンズの日記 シリーズで広く知られていますが 燃える家 ( アン ビーティ ) ハロルド フライの思いもよらない巡礼の旅 ( レイチェル ジョイス ) をはじめとする文芸書から みんなのためのルールブックあたりまえだけど とても大切なこと といった育児書 我が父サリンジャー などの評伝 アメリカの 40 代 ほかのノンフィクション作品 さらには翻訳を離れ 絵本のプロデュース ( へいわってすてきだね ) まで幅広いジャンルを手がけています 亀井氏がときに辛口で ときに愛情たっぷりに語る翻訳論には ハッとさせられるヒントがたっぷり詰まっています この貴重な機会に 翻訳の作法をしっかり身に付けましょう なお 席数には限りがございますので 参加申し込みはお早めに

2 2017 年 10 月 28 日 ( 土 )15:00~17:00( 受付開始 14:30) 亀井よし子氏 ( 翻訳家 ) 日本出版クラブ会館 セミナールーム ( 新宿区袋町 6 番地都営大江戸線牛込神楽坂駅より徒歩 2 分 ) 2,100 円 60 名 ( 申込順 定員になり次第締切らせていただきます ) 洋書の森 未会員の皆さまもご参加になれます希望者による恒例の交流会 ( 参加費 3200 円 食事代を含む ) を講師同席のもと 17:30 より 会場 1F レストラン ローズルームにて開催いたします参加ご希望の方は同時にお申込みください お名前 洋書の森会員番号 ( 会員の方 ) ご連絡先電話番号 アドレス 参加人数を明 記して 10/28( 講座のみ or 講座 交流会とも ) 参加希望 と以下アドレス宛てに にて送信してください 日本出版クラブ内 洋書の森 事務局 yousho@shuppan-club.jp TEL 03(3260)5271

3 講義内容 小説の翻訳で大切なことのひとつは会話文が自然に流れていることでしょう 物語の時代背景 登場人物たちの社会的背景などをじっくりと読み込んだうえで 人物像を反映した会話文をつくることをめざします なお 今回の課題文はとても平易で日本語になじみやすい文章で書かれていますので できるだけ全文を読んでから訳に取りかかっていただければ と思います 1964 年 4 月 ( 東京オリンピックの年 ) 地方の国立大学を卒業して上京 4 大卒女子を 試験的 に採用して 2 年目の某総合商社に入社しました 女子は学歴には関係なく全員が男性社員のアシスタントという時代でした しかも入社してわかったのは 女子の定年は 25 歳! さすがに それから間もなく労働組合の運動により 28 歳だか 30 歳だかまでに延びましたが 配属されたのは 非鉄金属部地金課 といういかにも硬い字面の課の貴金属を扱う部署でした 伝票を書いたり 通関書類をタイプしたり もちろんお茶くみをしたりがおもな仕事で それに特に不満もない 当時としてはごく普通の OL( 死語でしょうか?) でした ところが私の上司というのが 商売センスは抜群で課の稼ぎ頭ながら 5 時には定時退社したいという モーレツ社員 という言葉が流行したあの時代の商社員としてはかなりの 変わり者 でした 貴金属は原産地の政治 経済 労働環境に大きく左右される商品で 現地の業界紙などから情報を集めて翻訳し 顧客に提供するのも担当者の重要な仕事でした もちろん それは本来 上司の仕事なのですが なにしろ相手は 5 時には帰りたい人です いきおい お鉢が私に回ってくることに そして それが思いもかけなかった私の翻訳者人生の始まりになりました 退職後も同じ仕事を任されてほぼ 15 年 その間に友人 知人を通して 雑誌記事のための資料 科学映画制作の資料としての医学論文 イスラーム教関係の論文などへと仕事の幅が広がっていました そんなある日 ふと思ったのです どうせ翻訳の仕事をするなら 好きな小説を訳せたら楽しいだろうな と 以来 仕事と家事 育児のあいまの時間をひねりだしては 当時アメリカで活躍し始めていたボビー アン メイソン アン ビーティなどの 同時代の女性作家の作品を勉強のために訳してみたりするようになりました 同じころ まだ創設されたばかりの日本翻訳学院 ( 現フェロー アカデミー ) の受講生に そして 4 年目から講師になりました 以来 一昨年 2 月に退くまで 人生の半分以上をフェロー アカデミーに関わるとともに 40 歳を過ぎてからの遅いデビューながら 時代にも恵まれて 文芸翻訳者として 100 冊あまりのフィクション ノンフィクションを翻訳して世に紹介することができました

4 おもな訳書 フィクション イン カントリー ( ボビー アン メイソン ブロンズ新社 ) ラブ ライフ ( ボビー アン メイソン 草思社 ) 燃える家 ( アン ビーティ ブロンズ新社 ヴィレッジブックス ) 貯水池に風が吹く日 ( アン ビーティ 草思社 ) ウィルの肖像 ( アン ビーティ 草思社 ) ろくでなしボーン ( ドロシー アリソン 早川書房 ) 海の向こう側 ( メアリー ゴードン 早川書房 ) 白夜の森 上下 ( マリアンネ フレデリクソン 講談社 ) 熱帯産の蝶に関する二 三の覚え書き ( ジョン マリー ソニー マガジンズ ) ブリジット ジョーンズの日記 ( ヘレン フィールディング ソニー マガジンズ 角川書店 ) ブリジット ジョーンズの日記きれそうなわたしの 12 か月 上下 ( ヘレン フィールディング ソニー マガジンズ 角川書店 ) ブリジット ジョーンズの日記恋に仕事に子育てにてんやわんやの 12 か月 上下 ( ヘレン フィールディング 角川書店 ) カジュアル ベイカンシー 上下 (J K ローリング講談社 ) ハロルド フライの思いもよらない巡礼の旅 ( レイチェル ジョイス 講談社 ) ハロルド フライを待ちながらクウィーニー ヘネシーの愛の歌 ( レイチェル ジョイス 講談社 ) ほか ノンフィクション アメリカの 40 代 ( ローレン ケスラー 晶文社 ) 目に見えない傷跡お父さん 戦争のとき何をしたの ( ザビーネ ライヒェル 晶文社 ) もし赤ちゃんが日記を書いたら ( ダニエル スターン 草思社 ) 五十が怖い 上下 ( エリカ ジョング 小学館 ) アトミック ハーベスト ( マイケル ダントーニオ 小学館 ) 我が父サリンジャー ( マーガレット A サリンジャー 新潮社 ) 早すぎる夜の訪れ ( ケイ ジャミソン 新潮社 ) 六十を過ぎて人生には意味があることがわかるようになった ( キャロリン G ハイルブラン メディアファクトリー ) 人類 月に立つ 上下 ( アンドルー チェイキン NHK 出版 ) ブラックメール他人に心をあやつられないために ( スーザン フォワード NHK 出版 ) 忙しいお母さんへの 29 の手紙 ( カトリーナ ケニソン 講談社 ) ほか 子ども向け 絵本 子どもたちが地球を救う 50 の方法 ( 共訳 アースワークス ブロンズ新社 ) いつもふたりで ( ジュディス カー ブロンズ新社 ) 空のおくりもの雲をつむぐ少年のおはなし ( マイケル キャッチプール アリソン ジェイ ブロンズ新社 ) あたりまえだけど とても大切なこと ( ロン クラーク 草思社 ) みんなのためのルールブックあたりまえだけど とても大切なこと ( ロン クラーク 草思社 )

5 課題文について Bobbie Ann Mason の短編集 Shiloh and Other Stories より 第二次世界大戦終結から4 年 ケンタッキー州西部ののどかな農村地帯に住む9 歳の少女がデトロイトの自動車工場で働くおじ夫婦を訪ねます デトロイトのあの高層ビル群を見せたい という母に連れられてのことです おじ夫婦の住むデトロイト近郊の町に着きはしたものの バスがストライキでどこにも行けず やっとストが解除されたと思うと今度は母が体調を崩してデトロイトのスカイラインは見られずに終わります それでも 少女は新興住宅地のパステルカラーの 衛生住宅 が軒を接して建つさまに目を見張り かっこよくて自信にあふれて見える女の子たちに圧倒され 田舎ではまだほとんど普及していないテレビジョンに夢中になります おじさんの働く工場には アカ がいて みんなが必死で働いて造ったものをかっさらおうとしていると聞いてちょっと不安にはなりますが それでもすぐさま決心します 大きくなったらこういう町に住もう 自分の生まれ育った農村とはあまりにも違う世界へのあこがれと戸惑い そして少しの 不安のない交ぜになった少女の生き生きとした観察眼が際立つ掌編です 課題範囲 (1)34 ページ下から 4 行目 "I wouldn t have knowed you, Peggy Jo" から 36 ページ 2 行目 (with neigh-)bors まで (2)42 ページ下から 12 行目 "Just look at them shoes" から 43 ページ下から 7 行目 his favorite program. まで 課題提出締切 申込み受付完了後 10 月 16 日 ( 月 ) 午後 3 時までに 洋書の森 宛てにメールでお送り下さい 当日 資料として匿名で使用する場合がございます 課題部分以外は ストーリーを理解する参考資料としてできるだけ目を通して下さい なお 講座当日はご自分の訳文をお持ちいただき 聴講することをお勧めいたします

6 j え!(roil Skyline. UMf) 35 Detroit Skyline, 1949 When I was nine, my mother took me an a long journey up Nor 小,t ecause she wariled inc Lu have a chance to see the tall In 田 du 理 S or Dci roil.wo livedo,la 丘 II m in western Kell 一 tueky. ii.ol 血 r 斤 inn the U.S. highway Ihnt took so inatiy Southc'rni'rs northward to work in the auto industry just all World War IL VVe wetit to visit Aunt MozeIle, Mmna's sister, and tlmirle flooiie ( I 血 Oil, WilD Iizicl headed north soon after i3oone's 山 scl1iir 魯 IrI?JIl the sm vim llley livec1 in a suburli of i)elroit, and my nicmther had visited them once before. She coulthi't get the skyscrapers she had seen oul of' her mind. The Brooks bus took all day and all night La get there. Oii our trip, my miiother threw up and a black buby cried all tile Way. I couldn't siee, 向 thinking about Detroit. Mania had mned in vain Lu show inn how high the buildings were, pointing at 1 h strai 帥 I hori.,.on beyoiict the cornlietds. 1 had the impression that they towered halfway to the moon. "Don '1 let the Polacks get you," my father had warned when we left. I Ic had to stay home to milk the cows. My twoyear-old brother. Johnny, stnyed behind with him. Mv aunt and uncle met us in a taxi at the bus station, and helur I got a good look at them, they had engulfed me in their arms. "I woukln't have knowecl you, Peggy Jo." my uncle said. "rotiwas hi.sl a little squirl the last time I saw you." ''Do*1 this lwat a 肝 said Aunt Mozolle. "Boone here could have built us a car by now and us coming iii a taxi.'' ''We've still gal that old plug, but it gets us to lawn," saidm ょ lma, "ilciw could 1 build a car?" said Undl" flaoiip. "All I know "4bm11pcm'' "'l'iiats what h does," my aunt said rm'. "lit' puts on l)ui llpi'rs." "We'll get a ear somiteday srxm," tjiu'k l3oone said It) his wilt'. My uncle was a thin, CieUCaLLe man with a rm'cediiig hmtiiiiiw, I uis spet'kk'd skiii made mt think ol' the fragile sli uis al'spar row eggs. My aunt, on the ntht-'r hand, Was stout amid iuiiiuml, willi thick, dark hjir dmpl 吐 like wing"over Iiい ars,i RlIz dat my aunt aiul uiwh', trying to ibuitch them with tin' i 山 idugrapl I In).' muailw'r had.showii inc. '' l'rggys 姐 worked up over secimig Lime tall buildings." said Mafliat us we climbed iiitn the ta 蚊 "Iiii c'al's got her tongue." "It has not!" "i'in afraid we've got bad news," said Aunt Mmselle. "The city buses is on strike and I 血,re'sll { waymgel iflto 1)I!troit,'' ' 'I)on't say Iげ cried Mania. "Alter we conic all this waうぐ "lt's trouble with the uniouls," sauid Uoouie.' 'flut they might start UJ) lx,fure y'auil gohwk." I Ic patted my knee and said. "Don't worry, littitmn." "T'he minhais is んU of' reds." Aunt Mozelk whispered to my maul her. "Would it In' sale to got" Mania asked. ''We needn't worry,'' said Aunt Mozdile. l"ioni the wuattiw of the squat yellow La.si, driven by a 斤 oglike milan who grunted, I scrutinized 小 e sirauige und Vast tle!ghl)orho4}cls we v'ere passing through. I had miever seen so many houses, all laid out in neat rows. The houses wert' new. and their mist 司 Cdors sc'cunicd lx'.aceんl anti alluring.th skyscrapers were still as remote to 11K' as the castks iii fairy tale.s, but these houses were read, niul they were tiestled nest In each other in a thrilling inthmmucy. I knew at enci' where I 34 1

7 JI 芋.!iiio1i and Other s 1orwv i.?it,,j/ S 向 hue, i94'j 37 W8m 'no liv whu I gmw UPiii n placi l1k lii, with m 喚 h- hors. My reiaiivc!i' lumise, 011 ll tr'less new.strvel, had vetrvti:iti lliiids and 承 issy hardwood floors. The living roam carpi had giant pink roses that nii*de inc think you could piny hops otch on them. llicguist room had knotty-pine paneling atndasweet- Nil Ii 引 lug eethir closet. Aunt Mo.clk' had put I uis and Her towels hi (flui' rooni.' t'hey had (Jogs on thorn and were pleasurably 甑泊 AI houn, ュ川 of our w''shri 嘱 Sc 血 me rjiit 01 Iergciil buxes, and our towels were laded and thin. The ho iso was grand. Aini l had Iwver seeti my hint her sparkling so. When she saw t Ii I' ii.cim". NI n'whirk d ai+)imd lmppify,ilke ll yoml 嘗其 ii'i, 布 r- getting lu-'.r rii.ziiu'..s on Ilie mlis. Aunt Moxello had a toasier, 11 Mi.nustt,r, an electric stuve, ivad a large electric clock shaped Ilkea rooste n thc svall,mpix ー but tomed pans'e"nmd ill;l row like goldeii-eycd ei.1 lined up on a im?e. "Ain't it the berries?" iny mllother said to inc."didn't I tell yoiii'" 加 metinies I haive to pinch myself," said my aunt. Jlist then, the Iroiit dour slanuned.ind a tall girl with a IxiuiyIait bounded into the house, saying ' ileyr in an offhand uiummier. "CornI"l siiiul timidly, which sceined Lu perplex her, for she stared al mi' as though I were soirn' odd.sort of pet allowed into the huu',e. 'l'his was ny ( k 柵 y I.OLI, iii blu 可 e'ms rl)hhi'4l ap hahi\ 叩 l y lo lkr kiums 中 "Our kinfolks is hct'," Aunt Mozclle announced. 1 aw, yo;u've growed uilo"boanpole," said Mania to Betsy I し 1, 研 feleorne La our lair city. and I hope yoli don't get t,lio," Iktsy Lou said to rue. " 'Watch what you're sayingr' cried her mother. "You'!) scatre I セ ggy Jo," "1 iiiiagini' II ll 111! vorse thi 叫 sti:uimner [hunl luisi~ said M:utuu, looking worricd. "II w&re stuck here without a ear, you won't he any place to catch polio." Aunt Mozelli said, smiling at nit'. "Polio spreads at swhiiiiiiuig pools," Iletsy Lou said. ''l'hen hii riot going InI lily swiuimlng pcs)i," I uiiruuiiiii'''d Ihitly. Aunt Moelk 鼻 ssed around in her splendid kitchen, mnaking dinner. 1 sat at the table, listening to Mama and her sister talk, iii a gentle, flowing way, exchanging news, each stopping now arid then to siiille iii the other in di 界 he!ief, or to look at inc with pli(li'. I coukln't Luke my eyes off' niiy aunt, because she kicked so much like my mother. She Was older m'iid heavier, t)ilt iiwy had the same wid smile, the same um'ifa ted laugh ter. 覇 cy had similar sharp tips on Lhir uipper lips, whieb they filled in with bright rc'd lipstick. Mumnut said, "Boone sure is lucky. I-k's sl 川 young imud ain't er 如 pled amid has a gm,djob." "Kll rk oh wm 皿じ Suti(l ALint Moz lk, rmlppin 片 lht 1く訓 1 蜘 cing, They had arranged I'or inc to have a playmate, 1:1 girl my age who liv 司 In the ncighiborhood. At home, in the sumlimer- Lime, 1 did nut play with anyone. for the girls I knew a t sc 凧 lived too far away. Suddenly I found myself watching a chat 河 'ri ill,l lit:ii' jiicn' playsuit Z4 u tip and down the sidewalk on roller ski.itt'sトてkane on," she said. "It's not hard." "'iii coning." Betsy LouI had lel inc have her old skuies, but l liaid trouble Ilistem 山堪 IIa'rii on my Wi'aLher-Bird saikklts. I had never lxen on skiitcs. AL homiie there was no sidewalk. I decided to try skaitiumg on one io I. Ilk ii kid on a scooter, but 11w s kiiti CHIflC toast'. 'Pat hoih of theni aimご said the glut, laughing at inc. Her name was Sharon Bel 恥 ticri. Slid had to S 誹 bu ii for me. She uicl my mmmc over and over until ii sounded iibsiird. "Peggy I'eggy Peggy Peggy Peggy." She mache my mane sound like "pirgy," 'l.}uii'triii have it termflainem1t?'' SII skid. "No," I said, touching roy pigtaik."my hair's in 1liits 'c'ulise it'ssumm[m"

8 1 ~.JII 'liar? Oft. yuli hair? hike airt'' Sho waved at the au' S1e was standing there, perfectly hulnnced can lwi s kales. Shep runo ni cod"1iair" wit Ft twa s ylbiile.s, liagcrlsaid somlle. thing like; Ctss I)t'IW('eil hcff ilfl(i hart Sharon limrric'il and whizze(l down the sidewalk, then skiddod to a stop at the eoruwr, twisti?ti around, and faced ow. "Are you going to skilc or not," she asked. My iti.eto smoked Old (nlds, and he set'mned to have excess 1tt'rvoims c'mlergy.l Ic was a1wny jumping up Irocia his chair La 尊 4smIi l 届 n",m Lo 1(1(1k nutsidi ;it the tluriu mieler, iie had I' naiad his OITiie lit a nc'wspapor jid rerenity amid imaid won a JTt't pint (11'ccinititigliani's ice'' rc'xiui. Myi m''iii declured that thut iiuide latin somewhaii launc aims. When l Caitie hack that day w 川 lthes l' ilvs. In' was si1tiiui un tlu nor 司 l fuiirit,u kitn 雪訴 w 川 l litow\pnpor. l'ii ri' was a Ft ( "wave, he sai 止 ' 'WhtI dkl y (H& think of Sharon l3eili-'ti i,' h llsk((l. ''Sin' talks funny." I said, sitting down beside him, "l'uiks up hen' all l:tlk Funhlly. i've noticed that tooプ tincli'ii oune had heemi a clerk in the war. lie told me aillilit liii? lute lit' 11.1(1 SI)t'itl Iii time Pai.'ilae tilcaiter, s:.iiling :iruiifl(l au a laattleship, looking fur 知 PS 'M(' :tiul SUlly 1)tI(I(lieS went LI) Pac'ilc islatul wlieri. IlIt?re was a lii1, ( at'p 0ple vilh little tails," In' said. ''I 工 aft believe a word he says," said my aunt, who had laa'u'mi Iistt'tiiiig. "It's Lriic.','' said hick'banne."cruss my heart and hope tri (lic lie solemnly crossed his lunuls on his rhe.it, tlml'n loathed at his w;ttclii iiid said abruptly to utie. "What do you think Corgeul is George?" "' I (lcflj't know." ] tow about Howdy I)oody?" "Who's llink'dv I)oody)!" '"l'his child dam ii know ii) Ihjci8," lie sakt to coy until. ''She's I 0 r,ant (I With mmlcli of countrv hicks," 'lie んcling," said Aunt Moz 司 k. て ;o adlimhci aiuci so'v her, I toone, ん gosh satce. Doiftk'('p it a secreビ lie was talking about televis 旬 n. I hndn't noticed the set in the living room because it had a sliding cover over the screcn. it was a Len-inch table model with an u 帥 olstered sound lxx in a rosewooci cabinet. wc 'IC twv& SCCfl ii television," my mothcr SiIld, this will ruin her," said my aunt. 'Jt's ruined Bo nc" ljiicic Boone turned on the television set A wrestling match appeared the screen, arid I could see corgoou.s Ceorge itexing his muscles mind tossing his curls. The television set resembled our radio. ibr a tong ume a was conruseu, 1fl111K ug that I would now be able to see 租 my favorite radio prograii,s. 竺 l's one of those sets you can look at an noratatu aigna lujir not go blind," my aunt saki, Lo reassure us. "Ii's called Daythht TV." Wait till you see I lowcly l)oody," said Uncle Boone, Tbe picluri' on the television set was not dear. The reception re(iuire(l some imagination, 211(1 the pil'mures Irequl?rluy dissolved, but I could see Gorgeous (eorge nioviag tic ross LIlt' screen. his curls bouncing. I coo 日 see him catch hold or his opponent and wrestle him to (be noor, noiamg nun 'I 1J411L 1 lhought he would choke. TunE night, I lay In the ce(1nr-pi'riiilrw.ci ''" to ('X('1 i-rat to steep. I did not know what to expect m'sl. 'l'hc' s(reetlauiips 小 wed like moons through the venetian Ilin 山 hiid mis 1 ILl)' there, my guardian angel slowly crept iralo my munch. in 一 1fl( 讐加加,rs &dtirnc Storic.v. there was a プeture of a child with his guardian angel hovering over hinl 11 was a iiiaii angel, mdgi 停 m6c, with iinmeme white 島 alhe"bird's wings Pmb 註一 bly the boy con 日 never see him beeause the angel stayed in what drivers げ aiutornobftes cull a blind spot. I hail a feeling that my own guar 市 an angel had accompatimied th bus Lu m'hi ー gao and was in the house with uiic. I imagined tic-tatitig above the bu I knew that my guarc'ii&m angeu was stipajclseu to keen me from harm, but I did not want anyone En ku w about him. I was very afraid of him. it was am tong tune Oelon' I fell asleep.

9 .II, 許 l th,/i""d Other Sior*r 1)cI roil Skyline, I.94) 41 In ttie North. they drank coffee. Aunt Mozelle mnade; 1 large 耕 t )II. 甫 ec in the inorniogs, and she kept it in a'nlerolos so she couldl drink coitee throughout the day. Mania began drinking coffee. "Whewl I'm hi 仙 er than" kite!" slit' would say. "I'll be up prowling half the n 加 hi ' '" 1.iule girls shouldn't ought to drink coffee," Uncle Boon said to rue inure Lhan once. "lt turns theni black." "1 doim't even want any!' I protested. I 弘 it 1 did like the enticing slut 川 which awoke toe early in the mornings. My auiitl T)ta(l(' W1 岨 es with oleoniargaiine. She kneaded a capsule ol wlluuw (lye into the Iale ziiarguriue. "It's a law," she Loki mc one morning. "lhcy don't have that hiw dawn home anymore," said Mama. "' I'cople's turning to alec und it's getting so we can't sell butter." "I gues' eyet'yi)ody 血 i-got how it thsled." said Aunt M0- zelk'. "I woi.ilduft be surprised if that business about the dye was a Communist idea," said my undo." A bud 由 Of' JiiiLIe at the plant thinks so. lie says they want to make it look like butter. 丹 ic bi" COiflpflfliCS, 山 ey'rc Itill of b now... ' l ut mukeお sense to me," said Mama. "Anything to hurt b( lhrmer." It diilmi't in 血 e sense to me. VVheii they talked about reds, all I could imagine was a bunch of 血 tie devils iii red suits, carrying pitch 山 rks. I wonderedl if they were what mly uncle had seen in the Pacilic, since dcvik had tails. Everything about 山 e North was COIlん sing.hmetta Jones, br instance, bewitdered me, She caine 拓 cwee every mimorning, after my uncle bud left in ti ear pooi. LuiieLta, a seventh-grade teacher, was brain Kentucky. and her parents were old 丘 iends of my aunt's, so Muzetle and I3oonc took a special interest in her welfare. l..unettas life was tragic, my aunt said. tier sailor-boy husband had died in the war. Lunetta neyer s 馴 ike to fllt, 50 1 uftemi stared at her unselleonsciously. She resembled one of the 'I'oni twins, except 師 her horsey teeth. She wore her hair curled Light at the bottom, with a flu 抑 topknot, and she put hard, Irecise 心 on the ends of words like' 'talking" at 遮 going," the way both Sharon tlefletiori and Betsy Lou did. And the wore dabotated resses rayan imiarqt:isette dresses wit ii I ris pockets, dresses with tiered Lucks, others of Lissue chinubray, with what s he culled "1 川免 ta understudies." Sometimes I thought her dresses couki carry her away on a frantic ride through the sky, they were so billowy amid thin. "Lunetta's man-crazy," my aunt explained to me. "She's always dressed up in one of them Sunday-go-to-mncctin' outfits in case she might comle across a man to marry." Uncle B(}OflC CuhId(l iim thick lipsti Ic "imian baiビ The buses remained on strike, and l spent the days iii the house. 1 avoided Sharon Delict ion, preferring to l,dliofle, or Lu 虹 t entranced be ん re the Lt,k'VkIOn set. Somctime 害 Lhe ム dmg audim s ('the lomr;inlc'rs on lhe sc αni were like ゆ osts. I watched Milton lerh., Morey ん uslerdamn,!ielievim Or M 凪 War 11ackis. and even Blind Date. Judy Splinters, a vent ribo. qtiist's dummy with pigtalls like mine, was one of my favorites, and I liked the magician Fudini on Liw 如 Pup better than I lowdy l)oudy. IleLsy Lou teased me, saying I was too old For those baby shows. She was away most of the time, out on 加 Ily ぬ id's." A fly date was a Coke date. She had jelly dates with Bob and Jim mind Sam all on the same duy. She was 拓 nd Cii 戚 U8iiig"Let's Tal く e an Old F'ashioiied Walk," alt hough one of her boyfriends had a car amid she liked to go riding in it inure than anything else. Why couldn't he take us to Detroit? I wandered, but 1 was afraid to ask. 1 had a sick feeling dial we were never going Lu get to see the I.iui!dings of the city. in the mornings, when there was nothing but 5110W 011 television, and time wc'meri were gossiping over their coffee in the ldtcheii, 1 sat on the enclosed tiurch and watched tize people and the cars pllss. During I he Iic'ut wave, it was breezy them ls 皿 on the mltan chaise louri 章 mmlmad Aunt MozelI&s scra 叫 oks, which I had found on a shell above the television set. They were filled with brittle newspaper clippings mounled

10 '? Sh 11'h and Vt/icr Stiiricr i)el roil s 却 iiniiq, Ig 如 iii tiveihtppin lows. 下 I']i lippings included hotisehoki hints and cradle nete.s, bult most of the stories were about bizarre occur'rences IITOt md the world.diseases arid kidnappings and disasters. One heat 山 ne that fascinated rae read: IIIIETAN SI'OM- ACIl siovs: necinnr;ri CANCEfl CAUSE.The story s 威 d that peo vie in Tibet who carry little hot stoves agii2fls'l theff abdomens in winter frequently dcvelop cancer from the irritation. I was thankful that I didn't live in a cold climate. Another story was a 加 ut a ho.i cnustnetor thai swallowed a horse blanket. And 山 crc were a nuiiber of strange Stories about blue babies. When my auflt found uric reading the s craphooks. she said to me, 'L,iFe is amazing. I keep these to remind mc 必 ust how strange everything is. And how there are always people worse off." I nodded agreement. The porch was my 血 vorite place. I felt secure 山 cre, is 1 read about these faruway wonders and a 町 C- 1imls' l wotihi look up now and themi and imagine I couki see the 1 川 I: uildimigs of Dctroit in the distance' '"Ibis is a two-toimo gabardine spectator dress with a lowslung belt in the back;' said I utmetta one morning us she turned to model her new dress for us. Lunetta always had a 伍 cial dosenipl.ioii ル r her extravagant comutinnes. My mother said iii a wistful voice, "Law mc, that's beautiftil. But what would I look like, Feding the chickens in that getup?" り ust look at them shoes," Aunt Mozelle said. Lunetla's shoes had butterfly bows and sling heels and open loes. She sat down and tapped her toes as Aunt Mpzeile 1)oiii-ed colree for her, She said then, "is floone worried about his job now that they euught that redp' ー破 lc 比 he is, but hc don't let on ご said Aunt MozeUe, frownin 島 Lunetta seized ycsierday's newspaper tuid spread it out on the table. She pointed at the headlines. I remember the way the adult.s hanl murmured over the newspaper the day be 島 re. Atuit Mozehle had said, "Don't worry. Boone. You don't wonk for that company." He had replied, "But the plant is hill ni!iynilpathiizn'rs." Now l.imnetta said,' Just think, Ihat wan 取ッ caught t'unkl have given Russia all the plans 梅 Ill j:rower iilamnt. Not hung's safe. Your raven know who mnight turn out lo h uspy 了 My mnnoiher was disturbed. "Everything you all have worked so hard for and liii 't'ls could just conic in and take ii." She waved her hand at the L-itchen. In my,i,iitd a slraiige secure appeared: a banal of Ii 川 e red devils muart,hing in with their pi1ehibrks and takuig the entire Kelviumator kitchen to I iel I l.aler, it oc('lrrr-ed lo run' that they would tak-' the television set first. 'vtit't ii. y tin rile mm norm'ii I) Il work, I 琴 niit,ietl him ill liii doom' niiai asked hint htirintし, Art' -'oir going to gr't Iired br'ciiiist' of'lhe red 耐 lie only laughed and Lwitclned any plaits. "No, sugar,' he sakl "1 kit don't concern younguns," Aunt Mozdk told inc. Slit'sa id lo her husband, "lamnettir wa.s here, spreading ideas," " Ieave it to Lui.ictLti," said Uncle Boone wearily. That evening they were eager to watch the 110W5 (In the television set. i/iien th supervisor who had been (inal was sl.town, mny uncle said, "I hope they give hint what-for." "lie was going to i'll BLSSkt about the power plant,' I said. ''Htish, I'eggy,"said Mama. Thai evening, I could hear their :unxions voices on the porch, as I watched Arthur Codfrey, wrestling, and tine barbersitup qiintr1-ts. It secmneil odd to nie that uiiy mu]ck' did not wjirtt wateli the vvrm"stling. He had told mile wi-cs 山 ng was his ftvo1 i[t progran ii. Shuuroni BelIeLk'ri had a birthday party. Atiut Mozt 引 elook 眠 nina until inc to a nearby Woolworth's, where I selected a cokn'iuig book I'or a pi-i'sr at. '['he Store was twice the size of tarn's at home I aiso bought a souvenir of my trif ーー自 pair ol ehirr:i dogs, with a label thai read "Made iii Japan,' ATId my mnnuther bought rue a play.sriit like Sliaroti's.

11 44 "It's S:tnlorizecl. 'I'hat's good," she said with an air ol satlslaclion, as she exurniated seams and Ia 山 (Is. My mother looked pale and tired. Al l.reukiist she had siaklcnly thrown up, the way siu had during our bus trip. "I can' L keep anything down this ear 呪 she bud s.iid. My aunt urged her Lu cirinli more coffee, saying it would sc 川 e hi'r stoin- Ilch. Sharon klletieri lived with her pi rents iii a Famous kind of saluitary houise wiacre you eoukln't geltfl or rha'tianatic 良 ver because IL had no drafts. "You won't luwe to worry about poiioご Betsy Lou had told rtu. The house had venetian blinds like any UUL's, and Lhen NUS also a television set, flu in)u)ense one, (ft legs.i lowdy I )r 川 y Was on. but rio tim' Was watching. t did nut know what to say Lu the children. 1'hey all knew each other, and their screams and giggles had a natural coutinuity, something like the way roy another talked with her sister, and like the splt'nthd 11(10505 of the uueighborhood. all sdi so dose Logether. l"or hm birth 山 lyl 謝 aron.s panmlx 井 w h u rrnlj doll that took my breath away. It had at bolero mndre.ss, lata edgo{l l)uilties and slip, and white shoes and ns! 郎ー LTd OUt 凱 as Pine USBi)y ol lafl1dt11s. II CiLTO(' Will) U Play MIY(. including plastic Sがn eu.irlrrs and' I'oni Creane 1tkrst. 'l'he doll's iltagic nylo ITairwu55up 声,sed lo grow soitci in texture 山 e more yon 即 we it ixriuianent waves. t"eeling sell-conscious in my new playsuit, I sat quietly at the party, longing to gave I hat doll a permnanent. lventiially, oven though t had hardly open 虹 Tfl tiiouth SOfl1COI)C laughed at my accent. I had amid the unfortunate word "hair" again, in reference to the do 仕瓢 aroii said, "S/ic's iwm K 心 Illtにky,'' Crowing hold anal inspired, I said, "Well, we don'l have any rels in Kentucky.'' Some of the ehildren laughed, and Sharonl Look me aside and loki me a. wcrc't, making me cross my hearl and hope to die. 'I know who's a red," she told me in a whisper. "My 血 thi'r knows him." "Wboi ' "One of the meat your uncle rides with Lu work. The one who drives time cur on Thursdays. i-to's"red and I can prove it. Refore 1 could lind oul more. ii was my Lurn In pin the tail on the donkey. Sharon's mother blindfolded me and spun moo around. The children were squealing, and I could feel them shrinking froni me. When I took the blind 凧 do 氏 I was dizzy. I had プ nnnd the donkey's tail on the wallpaper, in the center of a large yellow Hower. That evening Betsy L.ou went out with"boy named Sam, the one with the ears mmd Lunettu came LC play canasta with the adults. I)uring ( 血,"Imd ザ Shira, 1 could hear thorn in the kitchen, accusing each other of hiding reds, when they meant hcarls and diamonds. They hiughed so loudly I sonwtimes missed some of Jack Carter's jokes. 'the wrestling caine on afterward, hut my uric 柵 did not notice, so I turned 面 the television and looked at"magazine. I spent a Icing Lime trying to write the last line to a Faib jingle so thai, I could win a television set and live hundred dollars"month 島 lire. 1 knew that life in Kentucky would he unbearable without a television. Between hands, Uncle Boone and Lunetta got into an argumont-. My uncle claimed there were more reds teaching school than making cars, and Lunetta said It was just the opposite. "They're firing schoolteachers too," he said to Lunetta. 1)on llook at,iw,''she said 一 "I signed the loyalty oath." '41lush your mouth, Boone," said Aunt Mozelle. "I know who a red is,"l said suddenly, coining to the table' l'hey all looked at me and[explained what Sharon had told me.ta,late, I remembered ray promise not to tell. Doxit let anybody hear you say that," said LuneUa. "Your uncle would lose his 加 b. If they even think you know somebody that knows somebody, you can get in trouble." "You better not say anylhing, han," add Uiavlo Boone. "Peggy. IL's past your bedtime," my mother sui 止 4'What did 1 do?"

12 '6 Shi ん h"mio 功 r 鼻 m ii, き "i'alk gets arni.iiid,' said LuncUn. "i'hew'i s yiiijxiihixers even in liii-' woodworkプ 'l'h.r nest hiy, after a dislurhing night in which my guardiati angel did ninlliiiig to J)r()tC'cI me 斤 010 niy Lerrit.,Ie secret, I was ghiin aud cranky, arid for ih First L1TiO I refused Aunt Mozl 引ド.5 wa 田 es. "Are )'OLI lmmt Oult (>11 shp asked nile, "No, Ijtisti iiri"t hiinigry." 'She phtyc'd too hard at Liii' birthday i.>artyご Mania said knowin 川 y 10 nov aunt 'VVIu-'n I,r.nn'I La arrived and l4ania told her l had played toi Ini'-iI at liii' hiruldlty j)arty,l hiirsl into ti;.trs. "l1's i ilxisiy's hushn.'ss if I i>l;iyed too hard."l eried. "Beshii ( Sご I sii rk'kt Cl 皿 Mamal "you doii't Feel goud at breakii 班 ( 血 1-'i-, Ynti I5V1IyS Sly")ul Cl-til't ぬ.( p.ii iythin 嘗 (10 W 11'' 'l)i,iii h- ugly,' toy mnothler said sharpサ 'i'ci liii' others, 山 e said apologetically, '1 reckon sooner or later she was bouiu1 Li> shins' (iuビ It was Sunday, and the heat wave continued. We all sat oil [hi 伊 n'ch, looking tut tin'.sunday papers. Betsy LouI was rc'adirig i'fp0.w,fli Vrilkq hy Louis Bronnlidd しlache tloont- read the Siiiiclay coillics aloud La himself. A.ctun 毎,he '.va.s trying to gel my alto-nit inn, mhr I >ait iii a cornier, cteterti,incd Lu igltori, ドvmyom! Unek I ounc read''abl)ie aii' S1at....l'l-te ;l mps," uiid ''l.itlle )rpban Annie." lie prcteitdc'd h was Milton imerlc" as he read thenii, bu t t wouldn't laugh. Lunetta and Undo Boone seemed to!'iavc lorgotlen their 01 鷺 uiuient. Ltirielta Jiad dressed up For church, but the man shr' 止 uiiiivd LI> go withl had gone to visit 昂 s mother's grave iiist:i.ti. ''Th;l 上 IIIUU sure did love his inotheビ she said. ''why don't you go Ii, ctnireh anyway?'' asked Betsy Lou. "Yoti're all dressed tip." "I 和 st don't have ii in tnt-'," said J...unetta, She was wearing ash 井 Li.icknd silininier slituttung drns and riiflia 'J'-.'ilrap sandal "Ain't you hut iii Ihat outlil>'' asked my aunt. "We're burnlug tip." DeL roil S 如 hni, j)4,() 47 "1 gwss so." i..unrtli scorned gloomy and distracted. 1 alnimsi. forgave her 拓 r in,selling nle ahou.it Lhe synpalhizerx, but then she latinictied tiiti> a complicated story about a babysitter who got (IOut,li'-erivaed. "l'iiis WOWafl baby-sat 島 her l)esl Ihend, who Wits divorced and had two lillie babies. And caine to lu-nd out, 山 C 斤 iend was gain 壌 out on dates wilh the woniii*n's own husband!" "If' that don't boat all," said Mama, her eyes wide. She was drinking her second cup of coffee. "No telling how long that could have kept up," said my aunt. "It IIIUC1C It 恒 g divorce cee," Lunetta said. 'lnever saw so many divorce cases," said Mama. "Would you divorce somebody if you 鞠 mod out they were a{; り mmtm s げ " Lunetta uked. ' '1 dan'i know as I would." said Aunt Mozelle. "Depends." "l vvotihcl,'' said NIaiius. "I probably would,'' said Lunetta. "hiow about you, )3oon&" "If I 島 itt-ui out Mozt 派 was a red?" Boone asked, griffin 慕 "I'd probably string her up and tickle her feet till she hollered uncle." "Oh. Boone," t.unetta said with a laugh. "1 know you'd stick up 島 r Mozdlle, no matter what." They sat around that morning talking like this, good-na- Lurcdly. In the light of clay, the reds were only jokes after all, like the comics. I had decided to eat a bowl of Pep cerea し and "Sonic Enchanted Evening" was playing on the radio. Suddenly everything changed, as if a black stariri had appeared to break 山 e heat wave. My mother gave out a 加 ud whoop and c 血 ched her stomach in pain. 硫 Phere does it hurt?" my aunt cried,gl abbing at Mania. Mama was too much in pain to speak. Uer 血 Ce was distorted, her shal P pointed lips stretched out like a suingshot. My aunt helped her to the bathroom, and a short whiie later, uny I1LIflL and mlcle 且 ew away with her in a taxi.marmi had straightened up enough to say 止 at the pain had subsided, but

13 4s she Cooked scared, :iiid the hloい d had drained licin her ice. I said nothing to hm, not even good-iザ C. lletsy Lou, tell a 垣 ne vvith me, said, "I ho1x. 山 e.hasn't got polio." "Only children get poiio," I said, LreInI)ling. "XIii don't have polio." The telephone raiig, and Betsy Lou c4mttered excitedly, telling one of her boyfri nds what had happened. Alone and frighlened, sat on 山 C' porch, hugging a fat pile of newspapers and gazing at the street. I could see Sharon }.3elletieri, skating 8 1) 凧 k away with two other girls. She was weai'ing a I 且 ue plitysuil. She and her 斤 iends re riiiudcd inc ol those privili 嶋 cd children in the Peanut( ictcry oii fk'wdyd(hkiひ. To kee1. (rain thitikin g,l began searching the newspaper for something Lo put in Aunt Mozelle.s scrapbook, hut at first nothing seemed so horrible as what had just happened. Some 山 bies had Lurned blno from a diaper dy., lu1 that story didn't impress inc. Then I found an item about a haunted house, and my heart began to race. A irk'sl chiiined that mysterious 'listlii-l)ances hi a 1)OtI,e in Wiseonsin were the work of an ange- 而 spirit watching over an cight-ycar-oki bay.crypt Ic n lessages Were foul id on bits of paper in tiie boゾ S room. The spirit riuuii 一 I'sLation had occurred lifleen times.l lound my aunt's scissors and en! out the story. \4/ill-ijii two hours, my aunt and uncle returned, with broad smiles a'' their faces, but I knew they were pretending. "Slies just Pine," said Aunt Mozelle. 硫 'cii take you to See her uflerwhik, 玩 it right now they gave her something to make her sleep and t#ke away the pain." "She'll get to COnIC home in the morning," said my uncle. 1k. had brought ice cream, and while be went to the kitchen Lu dish it out, I showed my aunt the clipping I had んmid. I helped hel put it in her scrapbook. "u hsure is s'truimig-'," 1 sak] "Didn'tltell youp" she said. "Now, doum'l you Worry about your mania, ん )n' She's going to he all riゆ t... later tliuut ulay, my aunt and uncle stood in Lhe corridor ol the hospital while I visited my mother. The hos が tat was Large and gray and steaming with the heat.mulma lay against a mnound of pillows, smiling weak 与 "Ira the one that showed out," she said, looking ashamed. She Look my hand and made inc sit on the bed next to her. "You we1'e going to have a little brother or siste ビ she said. "But I was ni 認 taken." '" \Ih[ happened to itr "[lost it. 'Thai happens sometimes." When I looked ul her blankly, she tried to explain that therc wasn't red/y a baby, as there was when she had Johnny two years bekn e. She said, "You know 110w sonieumes one or two of 山 e chickemi eggs don't halchp 'lhe baby chick 加 st won't take hold. 'I も at's what liappened." It occurred to me to ask what the baby's name won 斌 havc b(cfl "I don't know ご shesaid. "I'mtr"ng La Ldll you there wasn't really a tinhy. I didn't know about it, anyway." "You didn't even know there was a bab 戸 ' "No.[didn't know about it till I lost it." She tried to laugh, but she was weak, and she seemed as Con ん sed as I was. She squeezed my hand and closed her eyes 和 a moment. 'Fhen she said, "Boone says 山 e buses will start up this week. You could go wi 山 your aunt to Detroit and see the big buildings." "Without you?" "The doctor said I should rest up before we go hack. But yoi.i go ahead. Mozetle will Lake you." She smiled at me sleepily. "1 wanted to go so bad ョ ust to see those big Fancy store windows. And I wanted to see your hcc when you saw the city." That evening, 'IIiart げ the Town was on teievision, and 山 en Fred 'A'aring, and 記 rrnwa ひ a! Large. I was lost among the screen phantonis 一 the magic acts, puppets, jokes, clowns,

14 5o da.iccrs, singers, wi.ecracking announcers. My aunt and uncle lan 帥 ed uproariously. tjncle Iloone was drinking beer, minething I bad not seen him clo, and the room stank 'with the smoke of Iiis Old Colds. Now and theii I was aware of all of Us sitting there Ligether, laughing in Lhe dim Ii ゆ I from the televisioii, while my mother Was iii the hospit 司.Even letsy Lou was watching with us. Later, I went to the gue.st room arid sat- on the large bed, trying to concentrate on ilnishing ~ I iii ら山 jingle. Ikrc's to a fabulous life with Fab I'wri's no soap scum to make wilsh drab Your clothes か L Clolk icr wiiitor, too- I heard in>' aunt. 司 hug to mc excitedly. 1 was missing som1lething on 止 0 lelevisioil screen.l had tefl because the news W 豊 SOIL "Pietui'cs of 1)et reid" she cried. て ome quick. You can see the big b1. 司 clings." I raced into the living room iii time to see some faint, dark shapes, hiding Iithiiut the snow, like a lore 試 ill %Viflt0r, and then the imai'l 血 de く 1 into the mow. "Mozetle c-an take you itito l)etroit in"day or two," my uncle said. "The buses is slarting up again." "l don't want La go," I saki. "You don't want to miss the chance," said my aunt. "Yes, I do." That night, alone iii the pine-and-cedar room, I saw every thing clearly, like the sharpened images that floated on the tele visinu screen. My mother had said an egg didn't hatch, hut I knew better. 'l'iie i-eds had stoten the baby. 'l'hey took Lhlugs. 'I'hey were zilter- my aunt's copper-bottomed lxms. i'hey stole the butter. They wanted my uncle's job. They wet-c invisihie, like the guardian angel, although they might wear disguises. You didn'l know who might be a red. You never knew when you in 加 bt lose a baby that you didn't know you had. I understood it all. I hadn't trusted my guardian angel, and so he had 血 fled to protect me. l)urii 塩 the tiight,l hit upon a Ias[ line to the l'ab jiitglt,bitt when awokelsaw how silly amic1 iinij.iproprutte it was. II w as going over and over ni in>' Ini li tl: ル I.SVr.Lp Ffl 11/dOS i/u World" Onmfld On (lie bus home a ftw days later,l slept with my head in my mother's iap, and she dazed with her head propped against my seat back. 引 Id-' was no longer sick, but we were beth Lit-ed and we swayed, unresisting, with the rhythriis of the bus. M'ten (lie bus SLUI)Ik-'d in [l'c)rt Wayne. Indiana, at inid,ii 柳 it, I suddenly wokt' iii., and at the sight of tnt unlaniiliar iihtce. I felt--with a Ilt'W sm geof- i-larity-----lhe mystery of travel, the vastness el 山 e 'wuiiii. the StrtLIlgei(ss or life. My own Iiら was a curiosity, an item 白 r a scrapbook. I wondered wh.i my mother woukl LelI my father tilx.itmt the baby she had lust. Slu' laid lx'en holdmi 堪 nil lighitly against her stomach u.s though hc fr'ari'd die utriglit hew nit ton. I had rtfl.ised to let Ihein take me into Dcl roil. AL the bits statloji, Aunt Mozdlle had Iiuggcd nie and said, ''Maybe next tuiic you conic we can go to Di'troiL" "11' then isa next tune,"mmn"said' "'.l'lii.s' may lie Iim only chance, hut she had lo be contrary.'' "l didn't want to niis.sw7r Woeftiex and ルdw.uipFinIr.v." I saki, protesting. "We'hl have ti car next time you comc,' said my uncle. "If they don't lire everybody." he added will' a laugk "If I bat hap.ens, y'all can always 0011W back to Kentucky amid lu' リ us get a crop out," Mama Loki him. 'I'IW next m,rc.rnoon. we got ow the bus on the highway at the iriterseeticim with our road. (him' hrnse was half a milc iwil>' 111 b'is driver got our suitcases out of the bl's 拓 rus, attid therm drove on (IOWI1 thc highway. My 仏 ther was supposed to meet us, bi.it he was mini there. "I better uiol ('arry Lhls stiitelse," said Mama."My iuisidi's might drop." Wek 血 our suitcases iii aditch and stat tm.'lmi k ii ug.uxp 1'I iumg to nteet Dadci>' en the way. My mother said, "Yett don't rerneutber this, hut when you

15 52,S/it ん hf UdO 話 ir Storic' was two years aid I went La Jackson, Tennessec. for Lwo weeks [o sec' Mozell amlb mc 一 back be 拓 e 日 oone was e 出 )d averi. 'as 一 andi when 1 come hack the bus driver let me o(f here and I cuni valkii 噌 down the road to the house carr"ng my suitcase. 'You was playing in the yard and you saw me wa 氏 up and you didn't recognize inc. 1'or the longest time, you didn't know W 加 I was. I never will forget how funny you baked." "' 'l'hey won'l recognize us" I said solemnly. "1)addy and J ohniiy.' As we got to the Lop of the hill, we could see thai our litlie white hoaiw was slill Lhcrc. The tin roof of Lhc barn was barely visil)le throtigh Llit tap oah trees. Offerings Sandra's il] aternal grandmother died of chiltibed lever at the 'ige altwciily.six. Manw was four. AfLerSaiidra wa shorn. Mama developed an luifection hut was afraid to see 由 e doctor. IL wouild go away. she insisted. The in 抱 clioji ilisappearcd, but a hw years inier inexptk.'able pains Pierced her like needles. tiuu.shing with shame, and regretting her choice ofpolka'dotied panties, she learned the worst. IL was lucky they caught it in hm, (he (IO('L(ir said.du riog iho operation, Mania wus seilli 一 couisciotis, wilh a spinal anesthelic, and she could hear the surgvinis disc!lussirlg a basketball gune. Through blurred eyes, she could see a red expanse below her waist. It resembled 山 e Ri1 S-'n parting, she s al 止 Satirira gi-ows vegetables and counts her cats. it is hate suinnier ' tnd her woodpik is mow. She should find time to insulate Lhe atlic and Lo fix Lhe leak in the basement. tier husband is 跡 )ne.f'rry is in Louisville, working at a K Mart. Sandra has stayed behind, reluctant to spend her weekends with l 宙 0 watching go-go daiicers in smoky 加 rs.. In Lhe garden, Sandra loads a bucket with tomatoes mid picks sonic 山 Ii, a C11CUifllXr, a hunc.11ul of he;uns. 'I'he dead bird is on a stuiiap, untouched since yesterday. When she rescued Lhe bird frorn the cat, it seemed only stunnied, and she pul it on a table oul on the porch, to lel it recover. '['he bird had a spotted breast, a pink throat, and blaek-auid-gz-ay win gs.a flicker, she 止 ought. It.s eiirved beak rein iii 血 d her of' I Ieckk.tnd Jeckle. A whik Iatr-r, ii tried La flap its wings, while gasping and euntortilig its body, and 山 e ceeick'd Ici plil it outside. As 5hc opened the door, 53

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