Journal of Hydrocephalus Volume 2, Number Journal of Hydrocephalus Japanese Society for Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders The 3rd Annual Meeting

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1 Journal of Hydrocephalus The 10 Major Subjects in Hydrocephalus Research Fields HRF subject I-X Subject I. Definition and Terminology of Hydrocephalus Subject II. Classification of Hydrocephalus Subject III. Pathophysiology 1. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Physiology Pathophysiology 2. Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Physiology Pathophysiology 3. Miscellaneous Subject IV. Hydrocephalus Chronology Subject V. Specific Forms of Hydrocephalus 1. Pathogenic Concepts 1) Congenital Hydrocephalus 2) Acquired Hydrocephalus 3) Idiopathic 2. Pathophysiological Concepts 1) Intracranial Pressure (ICP) 2) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) 3) Miscellaneous 3. Chronological Concepts 1) Phase 2) Progression 4. Miscellaneous Subject VI. Associated Congenital Anomalies/ Syndrome and Underlying Conditions Subject VII. Diagnostic Procedures for Hydrocephalus Subject VIII. Treatment Modalities in Hydrocephalus Subject IX. Experimental Hydrocephalus and Invention 1. Hydrocephalus Model 2. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methodology and Invention 3. Miscellaneous Subject X. Ethics & Moral/ Society/ Education in Hydrocephalus Medicine and Science 1. Medico-ethics/ Medico-social/ Medico-legal/ Medico-economical Issue 2. Federation/ Society/ Association/ Research Foundation/ Study Group and Education for Hydrocephalus 3. Miscellaneous iv

2 Journal of Hydrocephalus Volume 2, Number Journal of Hydrocephalus Japanese Society for Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders The 3rd Annual Meeting The Masters 2010 第 3 回日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会学術集会プログラム 抄録 日時 :2010 年 11 月 28 日 ( 日 )9:00 - 会場 : 順天堂大学 10 号館 1 階カンファレンスルーム会長 : 稲垣隆介 会場のご案内 Japanese Society for Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders JSHCSF officers 日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会役員名簿 ご挨拶第 3 回日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会 (JSHCSF) 会長 稲垣 隆介 プログラム 抄 録 HYDROCEPHALUS RESEARCH WORLD RECORD RANKING [ ] The list of Top 10 researchers 21 v

3 vi

4 Journal of Hydrocephalus November 28, 2010 日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会 JSHCSF ( : CSF )[ :JSHCSF] Japanese Edition 第 3 回日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会学術集会プログラム 抄録 Japanese Society for Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders The 3rd Annual Meeting The Masters 2010 President: Takayuki INAGAKI 日時 :2010 年 11 月 28 日 ( 日 )9:00 - 会場 : 順天堂大学 10 号館 1 階カンファレンスルーム 会長 : 稲垣隆介関西医科大学脳神経外科

5 2010 年 11 月 28 日 ( 日 ) 会場 順天堂大学 10 号館 1 階カンファレンスルーム 会場のご案内 順天堂大学 10 号館 1 階カンファレンスルーム 東京都文京区本郷 JR 御茶ノ水駅 丸の内線御茶ノ水駅 徒歩 5 分千代田線新御茶ノ水駅 徒歩 7 分 10 号館 1 階カンファレンスルーム 発表のご案内 本学会では出来るだけゆっくり講演をいただき, 討論もじっくりできるように時間配分を発表 10 分, 討論 5 分をしています. 発表いただきます先生, 座長の労をおとりいただく先生にはよろしくお願いします. 発表はデータを USB,CD でお持ちいただいても良いですし, ご自身のコンピューターをお持ちいただいても結構です. ただし, ビデオなどをお持ちの場合はご自身のコンピューターをお持ちいただくことをおすすめします.

6 日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会 Japanese Society for Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders JSHCSF 役員 officers (ABC 順 ) 顧問 (Advisory Board) 森惟明 (Koreaki Mori) 佐藤潔 (Kiyoshi Sato) 佐藤修 (Osamu Sato) 塩田浩平 (Kohei Shiota) 理事 (Executive Board Officers) 理事長 President 大井静雄 (Shizuo Oi) 副理事長 Vice President 新井一 (Hajime Arai) 事務局担当理事 Head Quater Secretary 宮嶋雅一 (Masakazu Miyajima) 庶務 会計理事 Secretary & Treasurer 会計監査理事 Andit 稲垣隆介 (Takayuki Inagki) 三宅裕治 (Hiroji Miyake) 理事 Officers 伊達 勲 (Isao Date) 堀 智勝 (Tomokatsu Hori) 石川正恒 (Masatsune Ishikawa) 澤本和延 (Kazunobu Sawamoto) 白根礼造 (Reizo Shirane) 鈴木倫保 (Michiyasu Suzuki) 田代 弦 (Yuzuru Tashiro) 学術集会会長 (Congress President) 第 3 回学術集会会長 稲垣隆介 (Takayuki Inagaki) 評議員 (Council Members) 赤井卓也 (Takuya Akai) 藤井幸彦 (Yukihiko Fujii) 門脇親房 (Chikafusa Kadowaki) 梶本宣永 (Motonaga Kajimoto) 数井裕光 (Hiromitsu Kazui) 加藤美穂子 (Mihoko Kato) 間瀬光人 (Mitsuhito Mase) 三木 保 (Tamotsu Miki) 室井 愛 (Ai Muroi) 西山健一 (Kenichi Nishiyama) 野中雄一郎 (Yuichiro Nonaka) 野村貞宏 (Sadahiro Nomura) 小野成紀 (Shigeki Ono) 朴 永銖 (Park Young-soo) 橋本卓雄 (Sadao Hashimoto) 橋本正明 (Masaaki Hashimoto) 濱田秀雄 (Hideo Hamada) 林 央周 (Chikao Hayashi) 斉藤和恵 (Kazue Saito) 篠田正樹 (Masaki Shinoda) 下川尚子 (Naoko Shimokawa) 下地一彰 (Kazuaki Shimoji) 高橋麻由 (Mayu Takahashi) 山田晋也 (Shinya Yamada) 山本哲也 (Tetsuya Yamamoto) 吉野雅美 (Masami Yoshino)

7 日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会 JSHCSF ( : CSF )[ :JSHCSF] 第 3 回日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会学術集会 ご挨拶国際水頭症脳脊髄液学会が開催されたことを契機として, 日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会が設立されてすでに 3 年が経過しました. ほとんどの方がご存じと思いますが,Anthony Marmarou 先生が国際水頭症脳脊髄液学会での発表は小児に関する報告と大人に関する報告がそれぞれ半数, また, 臨床研究と基礎研究がそれぞれ半分程度であることが望ましいと述べられたことがきっかけで, 日本にも同じような学会ができました. 残念ながら,Marmarou 先生が急逝されましたので, 国際水頭症脳脊髄液学会の今後の展開は不明ですが, 本会は, 同じように水頭症研究に携わる研究者が, 研究を通して忌憚のない意見交換ができる学会になればと希望しております. 本学会では, 一般演題 ( すべてシンポジウム ) を主とする年と, 優秀論文 ( 英文ファーストオーサー ) を招待講演として発表いただく年とを一年ごとに繰り返すよう予定を立てております. 今年は過去に英文で発表いただいた優秀論文を招待講演としてお願いする年にあたっておりましたが, 過去約 10 年に 200 編以上の日本からの優秀な論文があり, 選考が思ったより手間取り, 一部の先生にしか発表のご案内が出来ず, 申し訳ありませんでした. 日本からの論文の詳細につきましては, 聖路加病院脳神経外科, 篠田正樹先生に述べていただく予定です. 昨年は基礎研究の代表者として McAllister 先生に, 臨床研究の代表者として Walker 先生に講演をいただきました. 今年は大人の研究の代表者として Williams 先生, 子供の研究の代表者として Kestle 先生にご講演をしていただくこととなっております. 私自身も楽しみにしております. なお, 両先生に講演をお願いできることになりましたのは順天堂大学医学部, 新井一教授, 東京慈恵会医科大学小児脳神経外科, 大井静雄教授のご尽力によるものです. 深謝いたします. 有意義な会になることを祈念して, ご挨拶とさせていただきます 第 3 回日本水頭症脳脊髄液学会 (JSHCSF) 会長 稲垣隆介

8 プログラム 2010 年 11 月 28 日 ( 日 ) 9 : 00- 開会挨拶大会会長稲垣隆介 9 : : 25 シンポジウム 1 座長伊達勲, 橋本正明, 數井裕光 演題 1 演題 2 演題 3 演題 4 演題 5 杏林大学脳神経外科の 2010 年における成人水頭症診療の現状と課題 1), 1), 2), 1) 1),2) 水頭症手術における CHPV with or without SiphonGuard の比較検討,, Adjustable MIETHKE gravitational valve - ProGAV programmable valve 破損 1, 3), 2, 3), 2, 3) 1),2),3) 心拍同期脳実質内水拡散係数 (delta-adc) の変動 : 特発性正常圧水頭症における検討 1), 1), 2), 2), 1), 3), 1) 1),2), 3) NAT(Neural Activity Topography) 解析を用いた特発性正常圧水頭症における CSF tap test による脳波変化の検討 1), 1), 1), 1), 1), 1), 2), 2), 3), 1), 1), 1), 1), 1), 1) 1),2),3) 10 : : 25 シンポジウム 2 座長白根礼造, 西山健一, 田代弦 演題 6 演題 7 奇形症候群に伴う脳室拡大に対する水頭症手術 1), 1), 1), 2), 1), 1) 1),2) 水頭症と心肺合併症 タコつぼ型心筋症を呈した小児急性水頭症例の提示も併せて,,,,,,

9 演題 8 演題 9 水頭症におけるドーパミン作働性黒質 線条体路の機能的変化 Long-standing overt ventriculomegaly in adults(lova) と考えられた 3 症例に対する治療上の問題点,,,, 11 : : 30 特別講演 1 座長 石川正恒 The Paradox of Hydrocephalus: Simplicity and Complexity Michael Williams Medical Director of the LifeBridge Health Brain & Spine Institute 昼食 ( 役員会 ) 13 : : 00 シンポジウム 3 座長宮嶋雅一, 三宅裕治 演題 10 演題 11 Efficacy of intraoperative irrigation with saline for preventing shunt infection Hayashi T, Shirane R, Yokosawa M, Kimiwada T, Tominaga T Department of Neurosurgery, Miyagi Children s Hospital Analysis of neuronal cell death in the cerebral cortex of H-Tx rats with compensated hydrocephalus Nonaka Y, Miyajima M, Ogino I, Nakajima M, Arai H Department of Neurosurgery and Research Institute for Diseases of Old Age, Juntendo University School of Medicine 14 : : 10 特別講演 2 座長 新井 一 Lesson learned in clinical trials in pediatric hydrocephalus John Kestle Department of Neurosurgery, Primary Children s Medical Center, University of Utah 15 : : 40 理事長講演 座長 佐藤 修 水頭症の定義と分類 Hydrocephalus research update-controversies in definition and classification of hydrocephalus 大井静雄

10 15: : 50 シンポジウム 4 座長門脇親房, 間瀬光人 演題 12 演題 13 Noninvasive estimation of intracranial compliance in idiopathic NPH using MRI Mase M, Miyachi T, Kasai H, Demura K, Osawa T, Hara M, Shibamoto Y, Yamada K Department of Neurosurgery and Restorative Neuroscience, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City University Lumboperitoneal shunt placement using computed tomography and fluoroscopy in conscious patients Nakajima M, Bando K, Miyajima M, Arai H Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo 演題 14 演題 年以降の日本発の髄液 水頭症関連論文,,,,, 先天性水頭症の前方視的多施設共同調査 (COE-Fetal Hydrocephalus Top 10 Japan) による ガイドライン 1), 2), 3), 3), 4) 1),2), 3),4) 16 : : 20 会長講演 座長 大井静雄 先天奇形に伴う水頭症研究, 今後の展望稲垣隆介 17 : 20- 第 4 回 JSHCSF 学会のお知らせ 三宅裕治 17 : 25- 理事長挨拶 大井静雄

11 PROGRAM Sunday 28th November : 00- Opening Remark: Takayuki Inagaki (Scientific Program Chairman) 9 : : 25 Symposium 1 Moderators: Isao Date, Masaaki Hashimoto, Hiromitsu Kazui 1 Current Treatment Strategy for Adult Hydrocephalus at Kyorin University Hospital Naoya Hiraiwa 1), Akio Noguchi 1), Chikafusa Kadowaki 2), Yosiaki Shiokawa 1) 1) Department of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University, 2) Suginami Rehabilitation Hospital 2 Comparison of CHPV shunt sysrtem with or without SiphonGuard in treating Hydrocephalus patients Masaaki Hashimoto, Toshiyuki Tsukada, Yuya Yoshida Department of Neurosurgery, Noto General Hospital 3 An Experience of Broken Shunt Valve: Adjustable MIETHKE gravitational Valve- ProGAV Programmable Valve Chikafusa Kadowaki 1, 3), Yusuke Nitta 2, 3), Hiroshi Miyazaki 2, 3) 1) Suginami Rehabilitation Hospital, 2) Department of Neurosurgery Kugayama Hospital, 3) Department of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University 4 The Measurement of Delta-ADC in the inph patients Tomoshi Osawa 1), Mitsuhito Mase 1), Toshiaki Miyachi 2), Hiroto Kan 2), Koichiro Demura 1), Harumasa Kasai 3), Kazuo Yamada 1) 1) Department of Neurosurgery, Nagoya City University, 2) Deparment of Health Science, Kanazawa University, 3) Department of Radiology, Nagoya City University 5 EEG Analysis using Neural Activity Topography in inph patients before and after CSF Tap Test Ryohei Ishii 1), Yasunori Aoki 1), Hiromitsu Kazui 1), Tamiki Wada 1), Leonides Canuet 1), Masao Iwase 1), Toshimitsu Musha 2), Haruyasu Matsuzaki 2), Kaoru Imajo 3), Daisuke Yamamoto 1), Hiromichi Sugiyama 1), Masahiko Takaya 1), Keiko Nomura 1), Kenji Yoshiyama 1), Masatoshi Takeda 1) 1) Department of Psychiatry Osaka University, 2) Institute of Brain Function Osaka University, 3) Nippon Koden

12 10 : 25-11: 25 Symposium 2 Moderators: Reizo Shirane, Kenichi Nishiyama, Yuzuru Tashiro 6 Treatment Strategy of Ventriculomegaly in the Patients with Multiple Anomaly Syndrome Atsuko Harada 1), Kenichi Nishiyama 1), Junichi Yoshimura 1), Kenichi Yamada 2), Koichiro Okamoto 1), Yukihiko Fujii 1) 1) Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, 2) Department of Functional Neurology and Neurosurgery, Brain Institute, Niigata University 7 Hydrocephalus Patient Associated with Cardio-Pulmonary Complication: Review of the Literature and Case Report Masaki Shinoda, Motoharu Fujii, Hidetoshi Matsukawa, Daisuke Yamanoto, Sosuke Sumiyoshi, Atsushi Murakata, Ryoichi Ishikawa Department of Neurosurgery, St Luke s International Hospital 8 Functional Injury of Dopaminergic Pathway in Hydrocephalus Yuzuru Tashiro Department of Neurosurgery, Shizuoka Children s Hospital 9 The Problems in Treating Patients with Long-Standing Overt Ventriculomegary in Adauls (LOVA) Shigeki Ono, Joji Ishida, Takao Yasuhara, Kazuhiko Kurozumi, Isao Date Department of Neurosurgery, Okayama University 11 : 30-12: 30 Special Lecture 1 Moderator: Masatsune Ishikawa Tha Paradox of Hydrocephalus: Simplicity and Comprexity Michael Williams Medical Director of the LifeBridge Health Brain & Spine Institute Lunch 13 : 30-14: 00 Symposium 3 (Invited) Moderators: Masakazu Miyajima, Hiroji Miyake 10 Efficacy of intraoperative irrigation with saline for preventing shunt infection Hayashi T, Shirane R, Yokosawa M, Kimiwada T, Tominaga T Department of Neurosurgery, Miyagi Children s Hospital 11 Analysis of neuronal cell death in the cerebral cortex of H-Tx rats with compensated hydrocephalus Nonaka Y, Miyajima M, Ogino I, Nakajima M, Arai H Department of Neurosurgery and Research Institute for Diseases of Old Age, Juntendo University School of Medicine

13 14 : 10-15: 10 Special Lecture 2 Moderator: Hajime Arai Lesson learned in clinical trials in pediatric hydrocephalus John Kestle Department of Neurosurgery, Primary Children s Medical Center, University of Utah 15 : 10-15: 40 Presidential Address Moderator: Osamu Sato Hydrocephalus research update-controversies in definition and classification of hydrocephalus Shizuo Oi Department of Neurosurgery Women s & Children s Medical Center, Tokyo Jikei University 15 : 50-16: 50 Symposium 4 (Invited) Moderators: Chikafusa Kadowaki, Mitsuto Mase 12 Noninvasive estimation of intracranial compliance in idiopathic NPH using MRI Mase M, Miyachi T, Kasai H, Demura K, Osawa T, Hara M, Shibamoto Y, Yamada K Department of Neurosurgery and Restorative Neuroscience, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City University 13 Lumboperitoneal shunt placement using computed tomography and fluoroscopy in conscious patients Nakajima M, Bando K, Miyajima M, Arai H Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo 14 The Review of Published Papers from Japan. From 2001 to Present Masaki Shinoda, Motoharu Fujii, Daisuke Yamamoto, Atsushi Murakata, Hidetoshi Matsukawa, Ryoichi Ishikawa Department of Neurosurgery St. Luke s International Hospital 15 Guideline for Fetal Hydrocephalus (COE-Fetal Hydrocephalus Top 10 Japan) Shizuo Oi 1), Takayuki Inagaki 2), Shigeki Ono 3), Isao Date 3), Satoshi Takahashi 4) 1) Department of Neurosurgery Women s & Children s Medical Center, Tokyo Jikei University, 2) Department of Neurosurgery, Kansai Medical University, 3) Department of Neurosurgery, Okayama University, 4) Department of Neurosurgery, Keio University 16 : 50-17: 20 Program Chairman Lecture Moderators: Shizuo Oi Research of Congenital Hydrocephalus. Present and Future Perspective Takayuki Inagaki Department of Neurosurgery, Kansai Medical University 17 : 20- Information of 4th Annual Meeting of JSFCSF by Hiroji Miyake 17 : 25- Closing Remark: Shizuo Oi President of the Society 10

14 抄 録 Symposium 1 1 杏林大学脳神経外科の 2010 年における成人水頭症診療の現状と課題 Current Treatment Strategy for Adult Hydrocephalus at Kyorin University Hospital 1), 1), 2), 1) Naoya Hiraiwa 1), Akio Noguchi 1), Chikafusa Kadowaki 2), Yosiaki Shiokawa 1) 1),2) 目的, 対象 方法 V-P shunt 98,,,,,. 結果 98 ( 41, 57, 62.9 ), SAH 60.2%, 13.3%,ICH 9.2%,INPH 5.1%. 77.3%, 8.2%, 14.4%, 4.1%, 9.3%, 5.2%.,CT 58.3%,MRI 1%, 25.0%, 3.1%, 8.3%. 1 30, 67.0%, 33.0%, 8.2%, 91.8%, 14. STRATA 36.1%,proGAV 21.6%,Hakim 17.5%,Delta 15.5%. CT index. 4,AEDH 1, 3. 考察 SAH ICH, CT.,.,. 2 水頭症手術における CHPV with or without SiphonGuard の比較検討 Comparison of CHPV shunt sysrtem with or without SiphonGuard in treating Hydrocephalus patients,, Masaaki Hashimoto, Toshiyuki Tsukada, Yuya Yoshida 1993 CHPV.2003 Overdrainage (OD),CHPV with SiphonGuard (SG). 2 (SAH) (inph),sg.sah 130 (CHPV/with SG = 103/21),iNPH 180 (94/86).CHPV SAH, inph 8% OD,with SG , inph 1 recovery,od.2003, with SG,SG SAH 79%,iNPH 100%, CHPV with SG. programmable valve with or without Anti-siphon device Outcome,, QOL. 11

15 3 Adjustable MIETHKE gravitational valve - ProGAV programmable valve 破損 An Experience of Broken Shunt Valve: Adjustable MIETHKE gravitational Valve-ProGAV Programmable Valve 1, 3), 2, 3), 2, 3) Chikafusa Kadowaki 1, 3), Yusuke Nitta 2, 3), Hiroshi Miyazaki 2, 3) 1),2),3),, 4,.,ProGAV,. 症例 2009/10/28 52., ProGAV,2010/2/17. ProGAV 16 cmh2o, 12 cmh2o.,,3/17 15 cmh2o,5/12 17 cmh2o,.,,6/11 4 cmh2o.,x,,. 結論,,,. 4 心拍同期脳実質内水拡散係数 (delta-adc) の変動 : 特発性正常圧水頭症における検討 The Measurement of Delta-ADC in the inph patients 1), 1), 2), 2), 1), 3), 1) Tomoshi Osawa 1), Mituhito Mase 1), Toshiaki Miyachi 2), Hiroto Kan 2), Koichiro Demura 1), Harumasa Kasai 3), Kazuo Yamada 1) 1),2), 3) 背景および目的 (inph),,. inph MRI,. 方法 inph (inph,n = 6). 1.5T MRI,,, ADC(apparent diffusion coefficient) 1 ADC, diffusion echo planner imaging (b = 0, 1000 s/mm 2 ),1 20 phase ADC pixel by pixel. (control, n = 12),. 結果 inph delta-adc.adc inph, ADC. 考察 delta-adc ADC,ADC, delta-adc. 結論 delta-adc inph,inph,. 12

16 5 NAT(Neural Activity Topography) 解析を用いた特発性正常圧水頭症における CSF tap test による脳波変化の検討 EEG Analysis using Neural Activity Topography in inph patients before and after CSF Tap Test 1), 1), 1), 1), 1), 1), 2), 2), 3), 1), 1), 1), 1), 1), 1) Ryohei Ishii 1), Yasunori Aoki 1), Hiromitsu Kazui 1), Tamiki Wada 1), Leonides Canuet 1), Masao Iwase 1), Toshimitsu Musha 2), Haruyasu Matsuzaki 2), Kaoru Imajo 3), Daisuke Yamamoto 1), Hiromichi Sugiyama 1), Masahiko Takaya 1), Keiko Nomura 1), Kenji Yoshiyama 1), Masatoshi Takeda 1) 1),2),3) (inph),,,,.,,.nat, ( ), Z,.,CSF tap test definite inph 8 inph CSF tap test possible inph 8 CSF tap test NAT.,,CSF tap test,a,b, d.,csf tap test,.,csf tap test,.,csf tap test,.,csf tap test inph, a,b, d.,. inph. [Key words] NAT,,,iNPH,Tap test 13

17 Symposium 2 6 奇形症候群に伴う脳室拡大に対する水頭症手術 Treatment Strategy of Ventriculomegaly in the Patients with Multiple Anomaly Syndrome 1), 1), 1), 2), 1), 1) Atsuko Harada 1), Kenichi Nishiyama 1), Junichi Yoshimura 1), Kenichi Yamada 2), Koichiro Okamoto 1), Yukihiko Fujii 1) 1),2) CT/MRI,.,., 3,. 1 Sotos 2.Sotos,,,,.,, 11 ( VPS).,. 2 Schinzel-Giedion ( SGS) 6.SGS,,,.,,1 5 VPS.,,. 3 Sjögren-Larsson ( SLS) 9.SLS,,. CT,SLS,. 1, 2 VPS,.,. 7 水頭症と心肺合併症 タコつぼ型心筋症を呈した小児急性水頭症例の提示も併せて Hydrocephalus Patient Associated with Cardio-Pulmonary Complication: Review of the Literature and Case Report,,,,,, Masaki Shinoda, Motoharu Fujii, Hidetoshi Matsukawa, Daisuke Yamanoto, Sosuke Sumiyoshi, Atsushi Murakata, Ryoichi Ishikawa,.,,.,,

18 8 水頭症におけるドーパミン作働性黒質 線条体路の機能的変化 Functional Injury of Dopaminergic Pathway in Hydrocephalus Yuzuru Tashiro 目的,,,. 方法 Wistar 25%, 0.05 ml.,0.05 ml..,anatomical tracer, D1, D2. 結果 4,8. tracer 4,8. D1 2 ~ 4,D2 8. 結論,,. 9 Long-standing overt ventriculomegaly in adults(lova) と考えられた 3 症例に対する治療上の問題点 The Problems in Treating Patients with Long-Standing Overt Ventriculomegary in Adauls (LOVA),,,, Shigeki Ono, Joji Ishida, Takao Yasuhara, Kazuhiko Kurozumi, Isao Date Long-standing overt ventriculomegaly in adults(lova) Oi(J Neurosurg, 2000),,.,,.,,LOVA, 3,. 1 20,.,CT,MRI,,.,,,. 2 36,.,,.CT,MRI,,.,, 6.,. 3 24,..,.CT,MRI,Codman-Hakim programmable vale, anti-siphon.,,,.,,. 15

19 The Paradox of Hydrocephalus: Simplicity and Complexity Michael Williams Special Lecture 1 Michael A. Williams, MD, FAAN is Medical Director of the Sandra and Malcolm Berman Brain & Spine Institute at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. He was Chair of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Ethics, Law and Humanities Committee from Dr. Williams received his MD and Neurology training at Indiana University Medical Center, finishing in After a fellowship in Neurosciences Critical Care at Johns Hopkins Hospital, he joined the Department of Neurology faculty in 1991 where he was an NCCU attending physician and also established the Adult Hydrocephalus Center. He served on the Johns Hopkins Hospital Ethics Committee from , and was Co-Chair from He was on the John Hopkins University Bioethics Institute Faculty from He moved to Sinai Hospital in 2007 to become Medical Director of the Brain & Spine Institute, where he also established and directs their Adult Hydrocephalus Program. Dr. Williams research and publications in hydrocephalus represent the systematic analysis of specialized clinical care, and include demonstration of best methods for diagnosing normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), evidence that there is significant recovery with treatment; descriptions of new syndromes, the use of physiologic monitoring to diagnose hydrocephalus and related disorders, and demonstration of the national economic impact of treating or not treating NPH. He co-chaired the first-ever NINDS Workshop on hydrocephalus in 2005, and was on the steering committee for the 2009 NINDS and Hydrocephalus Association supported conference, Improving outcomes in hydrocephalus: Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical management. In 2008, he helped create the International Society for Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders, and hosted their first scientific conference in September He has either taught or been director for courses related to hydrocephalus and disorders of intracranial pressure at the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) annual meeting for many years. He is actively involved in patient advocacy with the Hydrocephalus Association, and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Panel to the Intracranial Hypertension Research Foundation. While Chair of the AAN s ELHC, he led the development of updated AAN guidelines for the physician expert witness, an AAN position statement on laws and regulations concerning life-sustaining treatment, including artificial nutrition and hydration, and the addition to the AAN Code of Professional Conduct of a prohibition against neurologist participation in legally authorized executions. Since 2005, he has been the Associate Editor for Ethics for Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, the American Academy of Neurology s self-study continuing medical education publication. Dr. Williams has served on advisory committees for the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the United Network for Organ Sharing. He has given invited lectures at the American Bar Association, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and at AAAS/Dana Foundation-sponsored Judicial Seminars on Emerging Issues in Neuroscience. 16

20 Symposium 3 10 Efficacy of intraoperative irrigation with saline for preventing shunt infection Hayashi T, Shirane R, Yokosawa M, Kimiwada T, Tominaga T Department of Neurosurgery, Miyagi Children s Hospital, Sendai OBJECT: The rate of infection following shunt procedures is unacceptably high. The authors have hypothesized that the key to reducing the shunt infection rate is in reducing bacteria in the operating field and wound. This hypothesis has been tested in a prospective nonrandomized controlled manner. METHODS: Data obtained in all patients undergoing shunt insertions or revisions for hydrocephalus performed between October 1, 2003, and June 12, 2009, were reviewed. Starting in August 2006, we began routinely irrigating the operating field and wound with saline solution from a syringe. Prior to this, we had not used any irrigation techniques, providing an adequate control group (Group A) for the effect of the irrigation technique. Prior to November 2007, we used saline containing amikacin for irrigation (Group B). After that date, we used saline only for irrigation (Group C). RESULTS: A total of 150 shunt procedures were performed in 79 girls and 71 boys during the study period. The mean age of all patients was / months. Groups A, B, and C comprised 61, 40, and 49 shunt procedures, respectively. There was no statistical difference in age among the 3 groups. Nine infections occurred within 90 days in the postoperative period. The overall infection rate was 6.0%. Eight infections occurred before introducing the irrigation procedure (infection rate 13.1%). One infection was noted after introducing irrigation (Group B [0.0%] + Group C [2.0%]; combined B and C infection rate = 1.1%). There was a statistical difference in the infection rate between Group A and Groups B and C combined (p = 0.003), Groups A and B (p = 0.021), and Groups A and C (p = 0.035). In contrast, no statistical difference was observed between Groups B and C (p > 0.99). Six of the 9 infections were due to staphylococcal species. CONCLUSIONS: An irrigation technique used to reduce bacteria in the operating field and wound is effective for preventing shunt infection. Irrigation alone, and not antibiotics, contributed to the prophylaxis of shunt infection. 11 Analysis of neuronal cell death in the cerebral cortex of H-Tx rats with compensated hydrocephalus Nonaka Y, Miyajima M, Ogino I, Nakajima M, Arai H Department of Neurosurgery and Research Institute for Diseases of Old Age, Juntendo University School of Medicine OBJECT: Some cases of compensatory hydrocephalus have been reported in which cognitive deficiency progresses despite the absence of progressive ventricular dilation. In this study, the differentially expressed genes in compensated hydrocephalic H-Tx rat cortices were determined. A molecular mechanism that induces neuronal death in the cerebral cortex of compensated hydrocephalus is proposed. METHODS: The cerebral cortices of 8-week-old H-Tx rats with spontaneously arrested hydrocephalus (hh-tx) and nonhydrocephalic H-Tx (nh-tx) control rats were subjected to cdna microarray analysis followed by canonical pathway analysis. RESULTS: In the hh-tx rats, many genes in the amyloidal processing pathway showed altered expression, including Akt3 and p38 MAPK. These latter genes are involved in tau protein phosphorylation, and their increased expression in hydrocephalus was confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Immunohistological and immunoblot analysis revealed elevated phosphorylated tau expression in the cerebral cortex neurons of the hh-tx rats. CONCLUSIONS: The accumulation of phosphorylated tau protein in the cerebral cortex may be one of the mechanisms by which later cognitive dysfunction develops in patients with compensated hydrocephalus. More work needs to be done to determine if the accumulation of phosphorylated tau in the cortex can help predict which patients may decompensate thus requiring more aggressive treatment for compensated hydrocephalus. 17

21 Special Lecture 2 Lesson learned in clinical trials in pediatric hydrocephalus John Kestle Department of Neurosurgery, Primary Children s Medical Center, University of Utah John Kestle was born in Toronto and educated at the University of Western Ontario (BSc Biology 1980; MD 1984) and at McMaster University (MSc, Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1989). He did a surgical internship at St. Michael s Hospital in Toronto ( ) before training in neurosurgery at the University of Toronto. At the end of neurosurgical training, he completed a six month fellowship in peripheral nerve surgery with Drs. Alan Hudson and Susan McKinnon and a one year fellowship in pediatric neurosurgery at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Dr. Kestle joined the faculty of the University of British Columbia in 1992 and was on the Surgical staff at British Columbia s Children s Hospital in Vancouver for six years. In 1998, he joined the faculty at the University of Utah and Primary Children s Medical Center. He is currently Professor of Neurosurgery and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery. His clinical practice has been exclusively in pediatric neurosurgery with a specific interest in pediatric epilepsy surgery. His research is in clinical trials methodology and he has developed a multi-center network for running clinical trials in pediatric neurosurgery. He is Chair of the Hydrocephalus Clinical Research Network, a network for clinical research in hydrocephalus with seven participating centers and a data center in Salt Lake City. He has published 120 articles and chapters. He mentors neurosurgical residents in the MPH program in clinical research methods, epidemiology and biostatistics. Hydrocephalus research update-controversies in definition and classification of hydrocephalus Shizuo Oi Presidential Address Department of Neurosurgery Women s & Children s Medical Center, Tokyo Jikei University Classification of hydrocephalus is the most crucial but the most complicated academic challenge within the hydrocephalus research field. The major difficulty in this challenge arises from the fact that the classification is based on almost all subjects in hydrocephalus research, i.e., definition and terminology of hydrocephalus, pathophysiology, hydrocephalus chronology, specific forms of hydrocephalus, associated congenital anomalies/syndrome and underlying conditions, diagnostic procedures for hydrocephalus, and treatment modalities in hydrocephalus. The current status of the classification of hydrocephalus in individual subgroups was reviewed and summarized from publications in the last 60 years ( ), and discussed focusing on the variety of characteristics in hydrocephalus, with more and more new aspects recently disclosed not only in fetal and pediatric but also in adult hydrocephalus. A recently-reported classification of hydrocephalus, Multi-categorical Hydrocephalus Classification provides comprehensive coverage of the entire aspects of hydrocephalus with current important classification categories and subtypes. 18

22 Symposium 4 12 Noninvasive estimation of intracranial compliance in idiopathic NPH using MRI Mase M, Miyachi T, Kasai H, Demura K, Osawa T, Hara M, Shibamoto Y, Yamada K Department of Neurosurgery and Restorative Neuroscience, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City University BACKGROUND: The pathophysiology of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (I-NPH) is still unclear and the diagnosis is sometimes difficult. The aim of this study was to assess the biophysics of I-NPH by measuring intracranial compliance using cine MRI. METHODS: The study included patients with I-NPH (I-NPH group, n = 13), brain atrophy or asymptomatic ventricular dilation (VD group, n = 10), and healthy volunteers (control group, n = 13). Net blood flow (bilateral internal carotid and vertebral arteries and jugular veins) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow in the subarachnoid space at the C2 cervical vertebral level were measured using phase-contrast cine MRI. CSF pressure gradient (PG (p-p)) and intracranial volume changes (VC (p-p)) during a cardiac cycle were calculated. FINDINGS: The compliance index (CI = VC (p-p)/pg (p-p)) in the I-NPH group was significantly lower than in the control and VD groups, whereas no difference was found between the control and VD groups. CI values of I-NPH patients after the tap test were larger than those before. These results clearly show that the intracranial compliance of I-NPH is relatively low compared to that of brain atrophy or normal subject. The increase of CI after a tap test also supports this finding. CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to estimate intracranial compliance as CI non-invasively using cine MRI. CI could become a useful method for the diagnosis of I-NPH. 13 Lumboperitoneal shunt placement using computed tomography and fluoroscopy in conscious patients Nakajima M, Bando K, Miyajima M, Arai H Department of Neurosurgery, Juntendo University, Tokyo The authors have developed a minimally invasive lumboperitoneal shunt placement procedure conducted after administration of a local anesthetic. The procedure involves placing a guide wire and a peel-away sheath under fluoroscopic and CT guidance. Between June 2004 and August 2006, 40 patients (21 men and 19 women; mean age 72.5 years [range years]) underwent surgery. A Codman Hakim programmable valve system ( , Codman & Shurtleff, Inc.) was used for the procedure. The mean operating time was 53 minutes, and 7 patients (17.5%) developed shunt dysfunction complications. These complications comprised an infected shunt valve in 2 patients, postoperative lower-limb pain in 1 patient, and shunt obstruction (caused by debris and hemorrhage) at the ventral and lumbar ends in 2 patients each. This procedure is less invasive than conventional lumboperitoneal shunt insertion and could be performed as an outpatient surgery for treatment of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus. 19

23 年以降の日本発の髄液 水頭症関連論文 The Review of Published Papers from Japan. From 2001 to Present,,,,, Masaki Shinoda, Motoharu Fujii, Daisuke Yamamoto, Atsushi Murakata, Hidetoshi Matsukawa, Ryoichi Ishikawa,.,..,, (English literature ) Review 先天性水頭症の前方視的多施設共同調査 (COE-Fetal Hydrocephalus Top 10 Japan) によるガイドライン Guideline for Fetal Hydrocephalus (COE-Fetal Hydrocephalus Top 10 Japan) 1), 2), 3), 3), 4) Shizuo Oi 1), Takayuki Inagaki 2), Shigeki Ono 3), Isao Date 3), Satoshi Takahashi 4) 1),2),3), 4),. Program Chairman Lecture 先天奇形に伴う水頭症研究, 今後の展望 Research of Congenital Hydrocephalus. Present and Future Perspective Takayuki Inagaki ( Hy-3,Spd, ),,,. 20

24 World Academy of Hydrocephalus World Academy of Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus Research World Record Ranking 水頭症研究世界歴代ランキング Hydrocephalus Original English papers publication as the first author Data Base : Pub Med Period : Date of Retrieval : November 27, 2008 On- line searching formula : hydrocephalus [majr] Limits: Publication Date from 1950, Journal Article, English Total Number : 7,494 papers Cerebrospinal Fluid original English papers publication as the first author Data Base : Pub Med Period : Date of Retrieval : December 2, 2008 On-line searching formula : cerebrospinal fluid [majr] Limits: Publication Date from 1950, Journal Article, English Total Number : 4,901 papers * Confirmed by Hydrocephalus Research World Record Ranking [HRWRR] committee of Journal of Hydrocephalus. ** Submission by the first author of any other original English paper (s), which is (are) not cited by the above on-line search formula, shall be accepted with approval of the HRWRR Committee. (See the submission guideline)

25 World Academy of Hydrocephalus Journal of Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus Rank First Author Papers Rank First Author Papers Rank First Author Papers Rank First Author Papers 1 J. Lorber M. A. Poca 9 76 A. N. Guthkelch C. Raftopoulos 5 2 H. C. Jones M. Bergsneider 9 76 B. K. Owler C. Sainte-Rose 5 2 S. Oi N. Buxton 9 76 B. Tew D. F. Kohn 5 4 M. R. Del Bigio P. M. Black 9 76 C. Wikkelso D. Goh 5 5 C. Di Rocco R. S. Tubbs 9 76 D. Yashon D. M. Frim 5 5 U. Meier S. E. Borgesen 9 76 F. A. Chervenak E. Alexander, Jr. 5 7 T. H. Milhorat W. G. Bradley, Jr H. Miyake E. R. Cardoso 5 8 K. M. Laurence A. Mohanty 8 76 J. Malm F. Takei 5 9 A. E. James, Jr A. Sahar 8 76 J. R. Kestle G. S. Liptak 5 10 K. Mori C. M. Bannister 8 76 L. Granholm H. Hamada 5 11 E. L. Foltz D. D. Matson 8 76 M. Castro-Gago H. J. Hoffman 5 11 H. L. Rekate F. Epstein 8 76 M. Gangemi H. Kalter 5 13 E. Fernell H. L. Brydon 8 76 M. Mataro J. Jansen 5 13 H. E. James P. Klinge 8 76 M. Michejda J. Ransohoff 5 15 A. J. Raimondi R. H. Pudenz 8 76 M. Tullberg J. Sotelo 5 15 R. Bayston R. O. Weller 8 76 N. Aoki J. Vanneste 5 17 A. V. Kulkarni S. Hakim 8 76 N. Tamaki K. Oka 5 17 A. Whitelaw U. Kehler 8 76 P. Upadhyaya K. P. Braun 5 17 J. E. Scarff W. Serlo 8 76 P. W. Hanlo K. Shulman 5 17 J. H. Piatt, Jr G. Kaiser 7 76 R. J. Edwards K. Welch 5 17 J. H. Salmon I. K. Pople 7 76 R. Kumar M. A. Barnes 5 17 M. Czosnyka J. F. Martinez-Lage 7 76 T. Fukuhara M. J. Fritsch 5 23 D. B. Shurtleff J. M. Fletcher 7 76 T. Lundar M. Matsumae 5 23 G. A. Bateman J. P. McAllister, 2nd 7 76 T. P. Naidich M. Vinchon 5 23 G. Cinalli J. T. Tans 7 76 T. Takano P. L. Longatti 5 23 G. M. Hochwald M. Dennis 7 76 V. Etus P. S. Sorensen 5 23 H. Yamada M. Jouet 7 76 W. J. Gardner P. W. Hayden 5 23 J. K. Krauss M. Kiefer 7 76 Y. Ersahin R. J. Hudgins 5 23 J. M. Drake M. Tisell A. B. Jamjoom R. T. Johnson 5 23 P. K. Eide N. G. Harris A. Hill S. Nakamura 5 31 A. Adeloye 9 59 N. R. Graff-Radford A. J. Boon S. S. Nadvi 5 31 D. C. McCullough 9 59 P. Steinbok A. R. Hansen S. Tuli 5 31 D. G. McLone 9 59 R. F. Jones B. Hagberg T. Barreca 5 31 E. P. Strecker 9 59 S. C. Stein B. Magnaes T. Greitz 5 31 F. Jensen 9 59 S. Duckett B. Simms T. Lopponen 5 31 H. Andersson 9 59 S. Sood B. Vachha V. Rohde 5 31 H. D. Portnoy 9 76 A. L. Amacher B. Williams W. H. Clewell 5 31 J. L. Emery 9 76 A. Larsson C. B. Wilson 5 31 K. Shapiro 9 76 A. Marmarou C. Cedzich 5 22

26 Journal of Hydrocephalus World Academy of Hydrocephalus Cerebrospinal Fluid Rank First Author Papers Rank First Author Papers Rank First Author Papers 1 H. Davson C. Nilsson 5 65 G. Du Boulay 4 2 A. A. Artru D. Oreskovic 5 65 H. Al-Sarraf 4 3 M. Spiegel-Adolf D. R. Enzmann 5 65 H. F. Cserr 4 3 O. Gilland E. M. Wright 5 65 H. L. Rekate 4 5 E. A. Bering, Jr G. Di Chiro 5 65 H. M. Canelas 4 5 W. W. Tourtellotte H. D. Portnoy 5 65 H. Takizawa 4 7 B. Vigh 9 37 H. Link 5 65 J. B. Green 4 7 E. Kovacs 9 37 I. Johnston 5 65 J. B. Rubin 4 7 M. W. Bradbury 9 37 I. R. Cameron 5 65 J. Booij 4 10 A. Sahar 8 37 J. Bekaert 5 65 J. D. Miller 4 10 B. P. Vogh 8 37 J. Clausen 5 65 J. De Reuck 4 10 G. M. Hochwald 8 37 J. D. Fenstermacher 5 65 J. P. Lakke 4 10 O. Sato 8 37 J. G. McComb 5 65 K. G. Go 4 14 A. Chodobski 7 37 K. Welch 5 65 K. Jensen 4 14 B. Mokri 7 37 L. Odessky 5 65 K. Ono 4 14 D. G. Potts 7 37 M. Czosnyka 5 65 M. Boulton 4 14 H. W. Ryder 7 37 M. Javid 5 65 M. C. Chamberlain 4 14 M. Lindvall 7 37 M. Oehmichen 5 65 M. Johnston 4 14 P. P. Harnish 7 37 P. H. Hashimoto 5 65 M. Kosteljanetz 4 14 R. A. Fishman 7 37 R. Grant 5 65 M. Lindvall-Axelsso 4 14 S. Javaheri 7 37 R. J. Schain 5 65 M. Sandberg-Wollheim 4 14 T. H. Maren 7 37 R. M. Schmidt 5 65 N. H. Bass 4 23 A. E. James, Jr R. Sornas 5 65 P. Cinque 4 23 A. Lithander 6 37 R. W. Cutler 5 65 P. Winkler 4 23 A. N. Martins 6 37 W. W. Oppelt 5 65 R. A. Bhadelia 4 23 D. Greitz 6 65 A. Saifer 4 65 R. A. Mitchell 4 23 D. J. Reed 6 65 B. K. Siesjo 4 65 R. K. Jakoby 4 23 H. C. Jones 6 65 B. L. Wise 4 65 R. Spector 4 23 H. G. Sullivan 6 65 B. Williams 4 65 S. Bogoch 4 23 I. Vigh-Teichmann 6 65 C. B. Wilson 4 65 S. H. Bigner 4 23 J. R. Pappenheimer 6 65 C. M. Plum 4 65 S. Nakamura 4 23 J. W. Severinghaus 6 65 D. Bowsher 4 65 S. R. Heisey 4 23 M. Farstad 6 65 D. G. Davies 4 65 T. O. Kleine 4 23 M. Pollay 6 65 E. F. Rabe 4 65 V. Kronholm 4 23 R. E. Albright, Jr E. Roboz 4 65 W. G. Bradley, Jr T. H. Milhorat 6 65 F. Garcia-Bengochea 4 65 W. H. Sweet 4 37 A. Guseo 5 65 F. H. Sklar 4 65 W. I. Schievink 4 37 A. Marmarou 5 65 F. Plum A. Ames, 3rd 3 37 A. V. Lorenzo 5 65 F. R. Domer A. B. Butler 3 23

27 Rank First Author Papers Rank First Author Papers Rank First Author Papers 116 A. D. Dayan J. E. O'Connell S. E. Borgesen A. K. Datta J. L. Melnick S. Majcherczyk A. Lowenthal J. L. Sherman S. Pelc A. Migliore J. Lofgren S. Seyfert A. N. Salt J. M. Pearce T. Ishibashi A. Naess J. N. Cumings T. J. Seabrook A. Peter J. R. Atkinson T. Lundar A. Petzold J. Sedlacek U. Ponten A. Pfefferbaum K. Higashi V. Fencl A. Walsted K. Shulman V. Kurtcuoglu A. Zakharov L. Berg W. A. Bonadio B. M. Greenwood M. A. Maktabi W. E. Stern C. P. Maurizi M. A. Stoodley W. F. House D. A. Nixon M. B. Bowers, Jr W. H. Oldendorf D. G. Gomez M. B. Segal D. G. McDowall M. Buckell D. H. Harter M. C. Calhoun D. K. Anderson M. C. Henry-Feugea D. W. Palmer M. D. Deck E. Appel M. G. Marrosu E. E. Nattie M. H. Wykoff E. G. Pavlin M. J. Madonick E. P. Strecker M. Pashenkov G. A. Rosenberg M. R. Patel G. Bergstrand M. W. Brightman G. Brocklehurst O. Baledent G. D. Silverberg P. C. Doherty G. Magram P. E. Manconi G. Nagra P. G. Osborne G. Schroth P. Gideon H. H. Loeschcke P. Kivisakk H. J. Safi P. M. Black H. L. Rosomoff R. G. Petersdorf H. S. Chang R. H. Wilkins I. Leusen R. K. Parkkola J. B. Posner R. Katzman J. D. Mann R. S. Bourke J. De Bersaques S. Angelow J. E. Guinane S. C. Wayte 3 24

28 Journal of Hydrocephalus World Academy of Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus Original English papers published as the first author (Nov.27, 2008) Ranking No.1-No.10 Rank Author No Year Title Journal Vol Pages ISBN/ISSN 1 J. Lorber # The diagnosis and management of hydrocephalus in infancy N Z Med J J. Lorber # J. Lorber # Two cases of achondroplasia ematic ventriculographic studies in infants born with meningomyelocele and encephalocele. The incidence and development of hydrocephalus J. Lorber;U. Bassi # The aetiology of neonatal hydrocephalus(excluding cases with spina bifida) Dev Med Child Neurol J. Lorber;D. Pickering # Incidence and treatment of post-meningitic hydrocephalus in the newborn Arch Dis Child J. Lorber #9 Recovery of vision following prolonged blindness in children with hydrocephalus Clin Pediatr 1967 or following pyogenic meningitis (Phila) J. Lorber # Puncture porencephaly Dev Med Child Neurol J. Lorber # The results of early treatment of extreme hydrocephalus Dev Med Child Neurol J. Lorber;R. B. Zachary #12 Primary congenital hydrocephalus. Long-term results of controlled therapeutic Arch Dis 1968 trial Child Ventriculo-cardiac shunts in the first week of life. Results of a controlled trial in Dev Med J. Lorber # the treatment of hydrocephalus in infants born with spina bifida cystica or Child Neurol cranium bifidum Suppl J. Lorber;A. K. Tunstill # The Sheffield Congenital Anomalies Research Unit Med Biol Illus J. Lorber # Medical and surgical aspects in the treatment of congenital hydrocephalus Neuropadiatr ie J. Lorber # The use of isosorbide in the treatment of hydrocephalus Dev Med Child Neurol Cerebrospinal fluid pressure and resistance to absorption during development in H. C. Jones # normal and hydrocephalic mutant mice Changes in cerebrospinal fluid pressure and outflow from the lateral ventricles H. C. Jones;R. M. Bucknall # during development of congenital hydrocephalus in the H-Tx rat Arch Dis Child Proc R Soc Med J. Lorber # Spina bifida cystica. Heredit ary features Nurs Times J. Lorber;J. L. Emery # Intracerebral cysts complicating ventricular needling in hydrocephalic infants: A clinico-pathological study Dev Med Child Neurol J. Lorber # The family history of spina befida cystica Pediatrics (Electronic Suppl : (Electronic J. Lorber # Isosorbide in the medical treatment of infantile hydrocephalus J Neurosurg Neonatal E. coli meningitis, hydrocephalus, respiratory distress syndrome, full Proc R Soc J. Lorber # recovery after temporary blindness Med J. Lorber;U. S. Bhat #19 Posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, and Arch Dis 1974 long-term results Child J. Lorber #20 Ethical problems in the management of myelomeningocele and hydrocephalus. J R Coll 1975 The Milroy Lecture 1975 Physicians J. Lorber #21 Isosorbide in the treatment of infantile hydrocephalus. Observations with a new Clin Pediatr 1975 drug (Phila) J. Lorber # Isosorbide in treatment of infantile hydrocephalus Arch Dis Child J. Lorber # The medical treatment of hydrocephalus using isosorbide Mod Probl Paediatr J. Lorber # Ethical problems in the management of myelomingocele and hydrocephalus. 2 Nurs Times 72 J. Lorber # Ethical problems in the management of myelomeningocele and hydrocephalus-1 Nurs Times (Electronic (Electronic X suppl:9-11 suppl: J. Lorber # Is your brain really necessary? Nurs Mirror J. Lorber;V. Pucholt #27 When is a shunt no longer necessary? An investigation of 300 patients with 1981 hydrocephalus and myelomeningocele: year follow up J. Lorber;S. Salfield;T. Lonton # Isosorbide in the management of infantile hydrocephalus The family history of "simple" congenital hydrocephalus. An epidemiological J. Lorber # study based on 270 probands J. Lorber #30 The family history of uncomplicated congenital hydrocephalus: an 1984 epidemiological study based on 270 probands Z Kinderchir Dev Med Child Neurol Z Kinderchir Br Med J (Clin Res 2 H. C. Jones # The development of congenital hydrocephalus in the mouse Z Kinderchir Suppl Suppl Exp Neuro l Exp Neurol

29 H. C. Jones;S. Dack;C. Ellis # Morphological aspects of the development of hydrocephalus in a mouse mutant (SUMS/NP) H. C. Jones;R. M. Bucknall # Inherited prenatal hydrocephalus in the H-Tx rat: a morphological study Acta Neuropathol Neuropathol Appl H. C. Jones;J. A. Gratton # The drainage of cerebrospinal fluid in hydrocephalic rats Z Kinderchir H. C. Jones;R. M. The cerebral cortex in congenital hydrocephalus in the H-Tx rat: a quantitative Acta # Bucknall;N. G. Harris light microscopy study Neuropathol H. C. Jones;R. W. Inherited hydrocephalus in H-Tx rat pups: treatment monitored with magnetic Eur J Pediatr # Briggs;N. G. Harris resonance imaging Surg H. C. Jones;H. K. J Cereb Richards;R. M. Bucknall;J. # Local cerebral blood flow in rats with congenital hydrocephalus Blood Flow D. Pickard Metab The cranial vault in infantile hydrocephalus: changes in the skull bones in the H- Eur J Pediatr H. C. Jones;M. Fagbohun # Tx Rat Surg H. C. Jones;N. G. Harris;R. Shunt treatment at two postnatal ages in hydrocephalic H-Tx rats quantified using # W. Briggs;S. C. Williams MR imaging H. C. Jones;K. M. Learning deficits in congenitally hydrocephalic rats and prevention by early shunt # Rivera;N. G. Harris treatment H. C. Jones;K. M. Rivera;J. Spatial learning and visual discrimination tests in hydrocephalic rat pups Eur J Pediatr # E. Coleman performed using the Morris water maze Surg H. C. Jones;N. G. Harris;J. Progressive changes in cortical metabolites at three stages of infantile J # R. Rocca;R. W. Andersohn hydrocephalus studied by in vitro NMR spectroscopy Neurotrauma H. C. Jones;R. W. Progressive changes in cortical water and electrolyte content at three stages of rat # Andersohn infantile hydrocephalus and the effect of shunt treatment The relation between CSF pressure and ventricular dilatation in hydrocephalic Eur J Pediatr H. C. Jones;B. A. Lopman # HTx rats Surg H. C. Jones;B. A. Eur J Pediatr # Breeding characteristics and genetic analysis of the H-Tx rat strain Lopman;T. W. Jones;L. M. Surg H. C. Jones;N. G. Harris;J. R. Rocca;R. W. Andersohn H. C. Jones;B. A. Lopman;T. W. Jones;B. J. Carter;J. S. Depelteau;L. Morel H. C. Jones;B. J. Carter;J. S. Depelteau;M. Roman;L. Morel H. C. Jones;J. S. Depelteau;B. J. Carter;B. A. Lopman;L. Morel H. C. Jones;J. S. Depelteau;B. J. Carter;K. C. Somera # Progressive tissue injury in infantile hydrocephalus and prevention/reversal with shunt treatment Suppl 1 # The expression of inherited hydrocephalus in H-Tx rats (Printi t) ) # Chromosomal linkage associated with disease severity in the hydrocephalic H-Tx rat # Genome-wide linkage analysis of inherited hydrocephalus in the H-Tx rat # The frequency of inherited hydrocephalus is influenced by intrauterine factors in H-Tx rats Suppl X 4 Suppl Exp Neurol Suppl Exp Neurol Suppl 1 9 Suppl Neurol Res Behav Genet Mamm Genome Exp Neurol H. C. Jones;B. J. Carter;L. Characteristics of hydrocephalus expression in the LEW/Jms rat strain with # Morel inherited disease H. C. Jones;B. Yehia;G. F. # Genetic analysis of inherited hydrocephalus in a rat model Exp Neurol Chen;B. J. Carter H. C. Jones;G. F. Chen;B. Mamm R. Yehia;B. J. Carter;E. J. # Single and multiple congenic strains for hydrocephalus in the H-Tx rat Genome Akins;L. C. Wolpin Am J Dis 2 S. Oi;A. J. Raimondi # Hydrocephalus associated with intraspinal neoplasms in childhood X Child Pathophysiology of nonneoplastic obstruction of the foramen of Monro and Neurosurger S. Oi;S. Matsumoto # X progressive unilateral hydrocephalus y S. Oi;S. Matsumoto # Slit ventricles as a cause of isolated ventricles after shunting S. Oi;H. Yamada;K. Atresia of the foramen of Monro resulting in severe unilateral hydrocephalus with Neurosurger # X Sasaki;S. Matsumoto subfalcial herniation and infratentorial diverticulum y Morphological findings of postshunt slit-ventricle in experimental canine S. Oi;S. Matsumoto # hydrocephalus. Aspects of causative factors of isolated ventricles and slitventricle syndrome S. Oi, S. Matsumoto # Pathophysiology of aqueductal obstruction in isolated IV ventricle after shunting S. Oi, Y Shose, N. Asano, Neurosurger # Intragastric migration of ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter X T. Oshio, S. Matsumoto y S. Oi;S. Matsumoto # Infantile hydrocephalus and the slit ventricle syndrome in early infancy Neurologia Manometric ventricular trocar -A new shunt trocar with Intraventricular pressure S. Oi; S. S Matsumoto # medicochirurgica monitoring fluid pathway- 26

30 4 S. Oi;A. Ijichi;S. Matsumoto # Immunohistochemical evaluation of neuronal maturation in untreated fetal hydrocephalus Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) S. Oi;S. Matsumoto # Hydrocephalus in premature infants. Characteristics and therapeutic problems S. Oi;S. Matsumoto;K. # Pathophysiology and postnatal outcome of fetal hydrocephalus Katayama;M. Mochizuki S. Oi, S. Matsumoto # A shape-corrective shunt-passer using a Titanium-Nickel alloy Neurosurger y S. Oi;H. Kudo;H. Hydromyelic hydrocephalus. Correlation of hydromyelia with various stages of Yamada;S. Kim;S. # hydrocephalus in postshunt isolated compartments Hamano;S. Urui;S. S. Oi;H. Yamada;O. Experimental models of congenital hydrocephalus and comparable clinical # Sato;S. Matsumoto problems in the fetal and neonatal periods 12 S. Oi;Y. Honda;M. Intrauterine high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging in fetal hydrocephalus Hidaka;O. Sato;S. # and prenatal estimation of postnatal outcomes with "perspective classification" Matsumoto S. Oi;M. Hidaka;Y. Honda;K. Togo;M. # Neuroendoscopic surgery for specific forms of hydrocephalus Shinoda;M. Shimoda;R. Tsugane;O. Sato S. Oi;M. Shimoda;M. Shibata;Y. Honda;K. Togo;M. Shinoda;R. Tsugane;O. Sato S. Oi # Diagnosis, outcome, and management of fetal abnormalities: fetal hydrocephalus S. Oi;R. Abbott #20 Loculated ventricles and isolated compartments in hydrocephalus: their Neurosurg 2004 pathophysiology and the efficacy of neuroendoscopic surgery Clin N Am S. Oi;D. S. Kim;M. Hidaka #21 Hydrocephalus-parkinsonism complex: progressive hydrocephalus as a factor 2004 affecting extrapyramidal tract disorder-an experimental study Frameless Free-hand Maneuver of A Handy Small Diameter Rigid-rod J. S. Oi, A. Samii, M. Samii # Neuroendoscope with Working Cannel under High-resolution Imaging Neurosurg: Technical Note Pediatrics S. Oi; C. Di Rocco #23 Proposal of "evolution theory in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics" and minor 2006 pathway hydrocephalus in developing immature brain S. Oi, S.H. Abdullah #24 New Transparent Clear Peel-away Sheath for Various Neuroendoscopic 2007 procedures: Technical Note J Neurosurg 104 S. Oi;Y. Enchev # Neuroendoscopic foraminal plasty of foramen of Monro M. R. Del Bigio;J. E. Bruni;H. D. Fewer X J Neurosurg J Neurosurg # Pathophysiology of long-standing overt ventriculomegaly in adults J Neurosurg # Human neonatal hydrocephalus. An electron microscopic study of the periventricular tissue M. R. Del Bigio;J. E. Bruni # Cerebral water content in silicone oil-induced hydrocephalic rabbits M. R. Del Bigio;J. E. Bruni # Chronic intracranial pressure monitoring in conscious hydrocephalic rabbits M. R. Del Bigio;J. E. Bruni # Changes in periventricular vasculature of rabbit brain following induction of hydrocephalus and after shunting M. R. Del Bigio;J. E. Bruni # Periventricular pathology in hydrocephalic rabbits before and after shunting M. R. Del Bigio # Hydrocephalus-induced changes in the composition of cerebrospinal fluid M. R. Del Bigio;J. E. Bruni # Silicone oil-induced hydrocephalus in the rabbit M. R. Del Bigio;S. Fedoroff # Short-term response of brain tissue to cerebrospinal fluid shunts in vivo and in vitro M. R. Del Bigio # Neuropathological changes caused by hydrocephalus M. R. Del Bigio;M. C. da Silva;J. M. Drake;U. I. Tuor # Acute and chronic cerebral white matter damage in neonatal hydrocephalus J Neurosurg Pediatr Neurosci Pediatr Neurosci J Neurosurg Acta Neuropathol Neurosurger y J Biomed Mater Res Acta Neuropathol Can J Neurol Sci M. R. Del Bigio;E. R. Neuropathological changes in chronic adult hydrocephalus: cortical biopsies and Can J Neurol # Cardoso;W. C. Halliday autopsy findings Sci M. R. Del Bigio;C. R. Magnetic resonance imaging and behavioral analysis of immature rats with # Crook;R. Buist kaolin-induced hydrocephalus: pre- and postshunting observations M. R. Del Bigio;J. N. Myelination delay in the cerebral white matter of immature rats with kaolininduced hydrocephalus is reversible Neuropathol J # Kanfer;Y. W. Zhang Epidemiology and direct economic impact of hydrocephalus: a community based Can J Neurol M. R. Del Bigio # study Sci M. R. Del Bigio;J. E. Monoamine neurotransmitters and their metabolites in the mature rabbit brain Neurochem # Bruni;J. P. Vriend following induction of hydrocephalus Res M. R. Del Bigio;J. P. # Vriend Monoamine neurotransmitters and amino acids in the cerebrum and striatum of immature rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus X Exp Neurol ( ) Brain Res

31 5 5 M. R. Del Bigio;Y. W. Zhang # Cell death, axonal damage, and cell birth in the immature rat brain following induction of hydrocephalus M. R. Del Bigio # Calcium-mediated proteolytic damage in white matter of hydrocephalic rats? M. R. Del Bigio # Pathophysiologic consequences of hydrocephalus Future directions for therapy of childhood hydrocephalus: a view from the M. R. Del Bigio # laboratory M. R. Del Bigio;E. M. Protective effect of nimodipine on behavior and white matter of rats with # Massicotte hydrocephalus M. R. Del Bigio;X. Sodium channel-blocking agents are not of benefit to rats with kaolin-induced # Wang;M. J. Wilson hydrocephalus M. R. Del Bigio;M. J. Chronic hydrocephalus in rats and humans: white matter loss and behavior # Wilson;T. Enno changes Exp Neurol J Neuropathol Neurosurg Clin N Am Pediatr Neurosurg , vii J Neurosurg Neurosurger 460-6; X 51 y discussi Ann Neurol M. R. Del Bigio # Cellular damage and prevention in childhood hydrocephalus Brain Pathol C. Di Rocco;D. G. McLone;T. Shimoji;A. J. # Raimondi C. Di Rocco;G. Maira;G. F. Rossi;A. Vignati # C. Di Rocco;M. Caldarelli;G. Maira;G. F. # Rossi C. Di Rocco;G. Di Trapani;G. Maira;M. Bentivoglio;G. Macchi;G. # F. Rossi C. Di Rocco;V. E. Pettorossi;M. Caldarelli;R. # Mancinelli;F. Velardi C. Di Rocco;V. E. Pettorossi;M. Caldarelli;R. # Mancinelli;F. Velardi C. Di Rocco;G. Di Trapani;A. Iannelli C. Di Rocco;G. Di Trapani;V. E. Pettorossi;M. # Caldarelli C. Di Rocco;R. Mancinelli;P. Pola;F. Velardi Continuous intraventricular cerebrospinal fluid pressure recording in hydrocephalic children during wakefulness and sleep Cerebrospinal fluid pressure studies in normal pressure hydrocephalus and cerebral atrophy The study of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in apparently 'arrested' hydrocephalus in children Anatomo-clinical correlations in normotensive hydrocephalus. Reports on three cases Experimental hydrocephalus following mechanical increment of intraventricular pulse pressure Communicating hydrocephalus induced by mechanically increased amplitude of the intraventricular cerebrospinal fluid pressure: experimental studies J Neurosurg Eur Neurol Childs Brain J Neurol Sci X Experientia Exp Neurol # Arachnoid cyst of the fourth ventricle and "arrested" hydrocephalus Surg Neurol On the pathology of experimental hydrocephalus induced by artificial increase in endoventricular CSF pulse pressure Childs Brain # A modified slit-valve shunt prototype for the management of hydrocephalus J Neurosurg C. Di Rocco;A. Iannelli;E. The ventriculo-peritoneal shunt in the treatment of non-tumoral hydrocephalus in Minerva # Salvaggio. childhood Pediatr C. Di Rocco;A. Iannelli;A. Pediatr Med # Hydrocele and inguinal hernia after ventriculo-peritoneal shunt in childhood Puca;A. Calisti Chir Neural tube defects. Some remarks on the possible role of glycosaminoglycans in C. Di Rocco;M. Rende # the genesis of the dysraphic state, the anomaly in the configuration of the posterior cranial fossa, and hydrocephalus C. Di Rocco;M. Caldarelli;A. Mangiola;A. # The lumbar subarachnoid infusion test in infants Milani C. Di Rocco;M. # Occult hydrocephalus in children Caldarelli;A. Ceddia C. Di Rocco # Vein of Galen aneurysm and hydrocephalus C. Di Rocco;P. Palma;S. Postprandial and postural dyspnea: a clinical sign of intraperitoneal pseudocyst in Pediatr Med # Pancani;F. Velardi patients with hydrocephalus and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt Chir. C. Di Rocco # Is the slit ventricle syndrome always a slit ventricle syndrome? A survey of the first complication of newly implanted CSF shunt devices for the C. Di Rocco;E. # treatment of nontumoral hydrocephalus. Cooperative survey of the Marchese;F. Velardi Education Committee of the ISPN C. Di Rocco;A. Iannelli;G. Tamburrini # Late clinical manifestations of hydrocephalus associated with aqueductal stenosis Minerva Pediatr Poor outcome of bilateral congenital choroid plexus papillomas with extreme C. Di Rocco;A. Iannelli # Eur Neurol hydrocephalus C. Di Rocco;G. Cinalli;L. Adv Tech Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in the treatment of hydrocephalus in pediatric Massimi;P. Spennato;E. # Stand 31 patients 219 Cianciulli;G. Tamburrini Neurosurg C. Di Rocco;L.. Massimi;G.. Shunts vs endoscopic third ventriculostomy in infants: are there different types # Tamburrini and/or rates of complications? A review 89 U. Meier;F. S. Zeilinger;D. Kintzel # Signs, symptoms and course of normal pressure hydrocephalus in comparison with cerebral atrophy Acta Neuroch

32 U. Meier;F. S. Zeilinger;D. Kintzel U. Meier;F. S. Zeilinger;B. Schonherr # # Diagnostic in normal pressure hydrocephalus: A mathematical model for determination of the ICP-dependent resistance and compliance Endoscopic ventriculostomy versus shunt operation in normal pressure hydrocephalus: diagnostics and indication Endoscopic ventriculostomy versus shunt operation in normal pressure U. Meier;F. S. Zeilinger;B. S # hydrocephalus: diagnostics and indication U. Meier # U. Meier;P. Bartels # The importance of the intrathecal infusion test in the diagnostics of normal pressure hydrocephalus The importance of the intrathecal infusion test in the diagnostic of normalpressure hydrocephalus Acta Neuroch 141 Acta Neuroch ; discussi Minim Invasi Biomed Tech Eur Neurol U. Meier # The grading of normal pressure hydrocephalus Biomed Tech U. Meier;P. Bartels # The importance of the intrathecal infusion test in the diagnosis of normal pressure hydrocephalus J Clin Neuros U. Meier;M. Kiefer;P. The ICP-dependency of resistance to cerebrospinal fluid outflow: a new # J Clin Neuros Bartels mathematical method for CSF-parameter calculation in a model with H-TX rats U. Meier;D. Kintzel #10 Clinical experiences with different valve systems in patients with normal-pressure 2002 S hydrocephalus: evaluation of the Miethke dual-switch valve U. Meier;M. Kiefer #11 The ICP-dependency of resistance to cerebrospinal fluid outflow: a new 2003 Acta Neuroch mathematical method for CSF-parameter calculation in a model with H-Tx rats U. Meier;S. Paris;A. Is decreased ventricular volume a correlate of positive clinical outcome following # Acta Neuroch Grawe;D. Stockheim;A. shunt placement in cases of normal pressure hydrocephalus? U. Meier;S. Paris;A. Grawe;D. Stockheim;A. Hajdukova;S. Mutze # Is there a correlation between operative results and change in ventricular volume after shunt placement? A study of 60 cases of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus Neuroradiolog U. Meier;M. Kiefer;C. Evaluation of the Miethke dual- switch valve in patients with normal pressure ; # Surg Neurol 61 Sprung hydrocephalus discussi U. Meier;A. Konig;C. # Predictors of outcome in patients with normal-pressure hydrocephalus Eur Neurol Miethke U. Meier;S. Mutze #16 Correlation between decreased ventricular size and positive clinical outcome J Neurosurg 100 following shunt placement in patients with normal-pressure hydrocephalus 40 Gravity valves for idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus: a prospective study U. Meier # Acta Neuroch with 60 patients U. Meier;S. Mutze #18 Does the ventricle size change after shunt operation of normal-pressure 2005 Acta Neuroch hydrocephalus? Is it possible to optimize treatment of patients with idiopathic normal pressure U. Meier;J. Lemcke # hydrocephalus by implanting an adjustable Medos Hakim valve in combination Acta Neuroch with a Miethke shunt assistant? U. Meier;J. Lemcke #20 Clinical outcome of patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus three 2006 Acta Neuroch years after shunt implantation U. Meier;J. Lemcke #21 First clinical experiences in patients with idiopathic normal-pressure 2006 hydrocephalus with the adjustable gravity valve manufactured by Aesculap Acta Neuroch (progav(aesculap)) U. Meier;J. Lemcke;U. Neumann # Predictors of outcome in patients with normal-pressure hydrocephalus Acta Neuroch T. H. Milhorat # Acute hydrocephalus N Engl J Med T. H. Milhorat # Cerebrospinal-fluid dynamics N Engl J Med Experimental hydrocephalus. 1. A technique for producing obstructive T. H. Milhorat # hydrocephalus in the monkey T. H. Milhorat;R. G. Clark #4 Some observations on the circulation of phenosulfonpthalein in cerebrospinal 1970 fluid: normal flow and the flow in hydrocephalus T. H. Milhorat;R. G. Experimental hydrocephalus. 2. Gross pathological findings in acute and subacute # Clark;M. K. Hammock obstructive hydrocephalus in the dog and monkey T. H. Milhorat;R. G. Structural, ultrastructural, and permeability changes in the ependyma and # Clark;M. K. Hammock;P. surrounding brain favoring equilibration in progressive hydrocephalus Arch Neurol 22 T. H. Milhorat;M. B. N Engl J Mosher;M. K. # Evidence for choroid-pleux absorption in hydrocephalus Med Hammock;C. F. Murphy J Neurosurg J Neurosurg J Neurosurg T. H. Milhorat # Intracerebral hemorrhage, acute hydrocephalus, and systemic hypertension JAMA T. H. Milhorat # Closure of cerebral incisions following intraventricular operations. Technical note J Neurosurg T. H. Milhorat # Modern concepts of hydrocephalus T. H. Milhorat;M. K. Isotope ventriculography. Interpretation of ventricular size and configuration in # Hammock hydrocephalus T. H. Milhorat;M. K. The subarachnoid space in congenital obstructive hydrocephalus. 2. Microscopic # Hammock;R.. S. Chandra findings T. H. Milhorat;M. K. The subarachnoid space in congenital obstructive hydrocephalus. 1. # Hammock;G. Di Chiro Cisternographic findings Acta Neurol Latinoam Arch Neurol J Neurosurg J Neurosurg Suppl :

33 Surg T. H. Milhorat # Failure of choroid plexectomy as treatment for hydrocephalus Gynecol T. H. Milhorat;M. K. Acute unilateral hydrocephalus resulting from oedematous occlusion of foramen J Neurol # Hammock;D. L. Breckbill of Monro: complication of intraventricular surgery Neurosurg T. H. Milhorat;J. E. # Direct cardiac shunt for hydrocephalus of infancy and childhood. Technical note J Neurosurg McClenathan T. H. Milhorat;T. Chien;M # Unreliability of combined pneumoencephalography and scinticisternography J Nucl Med Majd;D. L. Breckbill T. H. Milhorat;M. K. Normal rate of cerebrospinal fluid formation five years after bilateral choroid Hammock;T. Chien;D. A. # J Neurosurg plexectomy. Case report Davis T. H. Milhorat;M. K. Hammock;D. A. Davis;J. # Choroid plexus papilloma. I. Proof of cerebrospinal fluid overproduction Childs Brain D. Fenstermacher Neurosurger T. H. Milhorat # Acute hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage X y Classification of the cerebral edemas with reference to hydrocephalus and T. H. Milhorat # pseudotumor cerebri Arch Dis 8 K. M. Laurence # The urinary phenolsulphonphthalein (phenol red) excretion test in hydrocephalus Child K. M. Laurence # The natural history of hydrocephalus Lancet K. M. Laurence # K. M. Laurence # The pathology of hydrocephalus Some applications of the urinary phenolsulphonphthalein excretion test in hydrocephalus and related conditions K. M. Laurence # The natural history of hydrocephalus K. M. Laurence # Infantile hydrocephalus: its diagnosis and natural history K. M. Laurence # Hydrocephalus and disability K. M. Laurence # Hydrocephalus and disability K. M. Laurence;S. Coates # Further thoughts on the natural history of hydrocephalus K. M. Laurence # A case of unilateral megalencephalyc K. M. Laurence # The natural history of spina bifida cystica: Detailed analysis of 407 cases K. M. Laurence # The survival of untreated spina bifida cystica K. M. Laurence # Brain damage in hydrocephalic patients Spontaneously arrested hydrocephalus. Results of the re-examination of 82 K. M. Laurence;S. Coates # survivors from a series of 182 unoperated cases K. M. Laurence;C. O. Major central nervous system malformations in South Wales. II. Pregnancy # Carter;P. A. David factors, seasonal variation, and social class effects K. M. Laurence;C. O. Major central nervous system malformations in South Wales. I. Incidence, local # Carter;P. A. David variations and geographical factors Brain Ann R Coll Surg Engl Postgrad Med J Q Rev Pediatr Cereb Palsy Bull Cereb Palsy Bull Dev Med Child Neurol Dev Med Child Neurol Arch Dis Child Dev Med Child Neurol Proc R Soc Med Dev Med Child Neurol Br J Prev Soc Med Br J Prev Soc Med Correlation of serial cisternograms and cerebrospinal fluid pressure measurements # Neurology 23 in experimental communicating hydrocephalus Suppl : Suppl : K. M. Laurence # Neurological and intellectual sequelae of hydrocephalus Arch Neurol K. M. Laurence # The biology of choroid plexus papilloma in infancy and childhood K. M. Laurence # A. E. James, Jr.;F. H. DeLand;F. J. Hodges, 3rd;H. N. Wagner, Jr. A. E. James, Jr.;J. P. Dorst;E. S. Mathews;V. A. A. E. James, Jr.;P. F. New;E. R. Heinz;F. J. Hodges;F. H. DeLand A. E. James, Jr.;E. P. Strecker A. E. James, Jr.;E. P. Strecker;M. Bush A. E. James, Jr.;E. P. Strecker;G. Novak;B. A. E. James, Jr.;W. J. Flor;M. Bush;T. Merz;B. Genetic aspects of "uncomplicated" hydrocephalus and its relationship to neural tube defect Acta Neurochir Z Kinderchir # Normal-pressure hydrocephalus. Role of cisternography in diagnosis JAMA Suppl 2 # Hydrocephalus in achondroplasia studied by cisternography Pediatrics # A cisternographic classification of hydrocephalus # Use of silastic to produce communicating hydrocephalus Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med Invest Radiol # A catheter technique for the production of communicating hydrocephalus Radiology # An experimental model for chronic communicating hydrocephalus J Neurosurg

34 A. E. James, Jr.;W. J. Flor;T. Merz;E. P. Strecker;B. Burns # A. E. James, Jr.;E. Sperber;E. P. Strecker;C. Digel;G. Novak;M. Bush # A. E. James, Jr.;E. P. Strecker;E. Sperber;W. J. # Flor;T. Merz;B. Burns A. E. James, Jr.;B. Burns;W. F. Flor;E. P. # Strecker;T. Merz;M. A. E. James, Jr.;M. H. Epstein;T. C. Smith # A. E. James, Jr.;M. Epstein;G. Novak;B. Burns #13 A. E. James, Jr.;W. J. Flor;G. R. Novak;E. P. Strecker;B. Burns;M. A. E. James, Jr.;G. Novak;A. L. Bahr;B. Burns #15 A. E. James, Jr.;G. R. Novak;E. P. Strecker;W. J. Flor A. E. James, Jr.;W. J. Flor;G. R. Novak;E. P. Strecker;B. Burns A. E. James, Jr.;W. J. Flor;G. R. Novak;J. L. Ribas;J. L. Parker;W. L. A pathophysiologic mechanism for ventricular entry of radiopharmaceutical and possible relation to chronic communicating hydrocephalus Use of serial cisternograms to document dynamic changes in the development of communicating hydrocephalus: a clinical and experimental study An alternative pathway of cerebrospinal fluid absorption in communicating hydrocephalus. Transependymal movement Pathophysiology of chronic communicating hydrocephalus in dogs (Canis familiaris). Experimental studies In vitro measurement of respiration of choroid plexus cells in communicating hydrocephalus Evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid production in the development of 1977 communicating hydrocephalus Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med Acta Neurol Scand Radiology J Neurol Sci X Nippon Geka Hokan Neurochirur gia (Stuttg) E. L. Foltz # Hydrocephalus--the value of treatment South Med J Invest Radiol # Experimental hydrocephalus Exp Eye Res The production of cerebrospinal fluid in experimental communicating 1977 hydrocephalus # # K. Mori;A. J. Raimondi # The central canal of the spinal cord in experimental hydrocephalus: preliminary results Evaluation of the central canal of the spinal cord in experimentally induced hydrocephalus Radiology Exp Brain Res 25 Suppl Radiology J Neurosurg # The ultrastructural basis of periventricular edema: preliminary studies Radiology Submicroscopic changes in the periventricular white matter of hydrocephalic ch mouse K. Mori;H. Handa # Subdural haematoma (effusion) and internal hydrocephalus K. Mori;T. Murata;Y. Nakano;H. Handa K. Mori;H. Handa;T. Murata;Y. Nakano K. Mori;K. Fujito;Y. Kamimura # Periventricular lucency in hydrocephalus on computerized tomography Surg Neurol # # Periventricular lucency in computed tomography of hydrocephalus and cerebral atrophy Binding assay for muscarinic cholinergic receptors in kaolin induced hydrocephalus J Comput Assist Nippon Geka Hokan K. Mori;M. Morimoto;Y. Post-traumatic epidural hematoma in two patients with long-standing "arrested" # Kamimura hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus--revision of its definition and classification with special reference K. Mori # to "intractable infantile hydrocephalus" K. Mori;K. Tsutsumi;M. Alteration of atrial natriuretic peptide receptors in the choroid plexus of rats with Kurihara;T. Kawaguchi;M. # induced or congenital hydrocephalus Niwa K. Mori;H. Miyake;M. Immunohistochemical localization of superoxide dismutase in congenital Eur J Pediatr # Kurisaka;T. Sakamoto hydrocephalic rat brain Surg K. Mori;H. Miyake;M. Kurisaka;T. Sakamoto # Immunohistochemical localization of superoxide dismutase in congenital hydrocephalic rat brain K. Mori # Current concept of hydrocephalus: evolution of new classifications K. Mori;J. Shimada;M. Kurisaka;K. Sato;K. Watanabe Suppl ; discussi # Classification of hydrocephalus and outcome of treatment Brain Dev K. Mori # Actualities in hydrocephalus classification and management possibilities Neurol Res K. Mori # K. Mori;M. Maeda;S. Asegawa;J. Iwata # Management of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus: a multiinstitutional study conducted in Japan Quantitative local cerebral blood flow change after cerebrospinal fluid removal in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus measured by a double injection method with N-isopropyl-p-[(123)I] iodoamphetamine Five-Year comparative study of hydrocephalus in children with and without 11 E. L. Foltz;D. B. Shurtleff # operation(113 cases) Conversion of communicating hydrocephalus to stenosis or occlusion of the E. L. Foltz;D. B. Shurtleff # aqueduct during ventricular shunt E. L. Foltz;R. Kronmal;D. B. Shurtleff # Chapter 10. To treat or not to treat: a neurosurgeon's perspective of myelomeningocele J Neurosurg Acta Neurochir (Wien) 144 J Neurosurg ; discussi on J Neurosurg Clin Neurosurg

35 World Academy of Hydrocephalus Journal of Hydrocephalus Cerebrospinal Fluid Original English papers published as the first author (Dec.2, 2008) Ranking No.1-No.10 Rank Author No Year Title Journal Volume Pages ISBN/ISSN 1 H. Davson;C. Purvis # H. Davson;C. P. Luck # H. Davson;C. P. Luck # H. Davson;C. P. Luck # Cryoscopic apparatus suitable for studies on aqueous humour and cerebro-spinal fluid The distribution of bicarbonate between aqueous humour, cerebrospinal fluid and plasma in several mammalian species A comparative study of the total carbon dioxide in the ocular fluids, cerebrospinal fluid, and plasma of some mammalian species J Physiol P J Physiol P J Physiol The effect of acetazoleamide on the chemical composition of the aqueous humour and cerebrospinal fluid of some mammalian species and on the rate of turnover of J Physiol Na in these fluids H. Davson;H. V. Smith # Physiological aspects of the penetration of drugs into the cerebrospinal fluid H. Davson;C. R. Kleeman;E. Levin # Quantitative studies of the passage of different substances out of the cerebrospinal fluid Proc R Soc Med J Physiol H. Davson;E. Spaziani # Effect of hypothermia on certain aspects of the cerebrospinal fluid Exp Neurol H. Davson # The cerebrospinal fluid H. Davson;M. Pollay # The turnover of 24Na in the cerebrospinal fluid and its bearing on the blood-brain barrier H. Davson;M. Bradbury # The fluid exchange of the central nervous system H. Davson # Formation and drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid H. Davson;C. A. Purvis;M. B. Segal Ergeb Physiol J Physiol Symp Soc Exp Biol Sci Basis Med Annu Rev # Measurement of resistance to flow of cerebrospinal fluid J Physiol P-64P H. Davson;M. B. Segal # Effect of cerebrospinal fluid on volume of distribution of extracellular markers Brain H. Davson;G. Hollingsworth;M. B. Segal # The mechanism of drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid Brain H. Davson;M. B. Segal # Secretion and drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid Acta Neurol Latinoam 1 ppl 1: H. Davson;K. Welch # The permeation of several materials into the fluids of the rabbit's brain J Physiol H. Davson # Dynamic aspects of cerebrospinal fluid H. Davson;F. R. Domer;J. R. Hollingsworth A. A. Artru;M. Nugent;J. 2 D. Michenfelder A. A. Artru;M. Nugent;J. D. Michenfelder Dev Med Child Neurol Suppl # The mechanism of drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid Brain # Enflurane causes a prolonged and reversible increase in the rate of CSF production in the dog Anesthesiolo gy # Closed recirculatory spinal subarachnoid perfusion for determining CSF dynamics J Neurosurg Anesth Analg A. A. Artru # Effects of halothane and fentanyl on the rate of CSF production in dogs Effects of enflurane and isoflurane on resistance to reabsorption of cerebrospinal Anesthesiolo A. A. Artru # fluid in dogs gy Anesthesiolo A. A. Artru # Isoflurane does not increase the rate of CSF production in the dog gy A. A. Artru # Effects of halothane and fentanyl anesthesia on resistance to reabsorption of CSF J Neurosurg A. A. Artru;T. F. Hornbein # A. A. Artru # A. A. Artru;T. F. Hornbein # A. A. Artru # A. A. Artru # A. A. Artru;R. A. Katz # A. A. Artru # A. A. Artru # Closed ventriculocisternal perfusion to determine CSF production rate and pressure Reduction of cerebrospinal fluid pressure by hypocapnia: changes in cerebral blood volume, cerebrospinal fluid volume, and brain tissue water and electrolytes Prolonged hypocapnia does not alter the rate of CSF production in dogs during halothane anesthesia or sedation with nitrous oxide Dose-related changes in the rate of cerebrospinal fluid formation and resistance to reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid following administration of thiopental, midazolam, and etomidate in dogs Muscle relaxation with succinylcholine or vecuronium does not alter the rate of CSF production or resistance to reabsorption of CSF in dogs Comparison of spinal needles, epidural catheters, and cordis lumbar catheters for intraoperative removal of cerebrospinal fluid The rate of CSF formation, resistance to reabsorption of CSF, and aperiodic analysis of the EEG following administration of flumazenil to dogs Propofol combined with halothane or with fentanyl/halothane does not alter the rate of CSF formation or resistance to reabsorption of CSF in rabbits Am J Physiol 251 R J Cereb Blood Flow Metab Anesthesiolo gy Anesthesiolo gy Anesthesiolo gy Neurosurger y Anesthesiolo gy J Neurosurg Anesthesiol X X

36 3 A. A. Artru # A. A. Artru;C. M. Bernards;D. S. Mautz;K. M. Powers # A. A. Artru;T. Momota # M. Spiegel-Adolf;H. T. Wycis M. Spiegel-Adolf;H. T. Wycis;E. A. Spiegel # M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid M. Spiegel-Adolf;C. W. Umlauf;E. G. Szekely Rate of cerebrospinal fluid formation, resistance to reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid, brain tissue water content, and electroencephalogram during desflurane anesthesia in dogs J Neurosurg Anesthesiol Intravenous lidocaine decreases but cocaine does not alter the rate of cerebrospinal J Neurosurg fluid formation in anesthetized rabbits Anesthesiol Rate of CSF formation and resistance to reabsorption of CSF during sevoflurane or remifentanil in rabbits Ultraspectrophotometry of cerebrospinal fluids in tumors of the central nervous system # Chemical analysis of spectrophotometric findings in the cerebrospinal fluid # M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid M. Spiegel-Adolf;H. W. Baird, 3rd;E. G. Szekely;H. T. Wycis # M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid M. Spiegel-Adolf;H. Baird, 3rd;D. Kollias # M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid M. Spiegel-Adolf # Cerebrospinal fluid Effects of convulsions induced by various types of electric stimulation upon the cerebrospinal fluid Cerebrospinal fluid studies in infant children with cerebral palsy and other neurologic disorders Lipases in the cerebrospinal fluid in various neurological conditions, especially infantile amaurotic idiocy (Tay-Sachs disease) J Neurosurg Anesthesiol Confin Neurol J Nerv Ment Dis Prog Neurol Psychiatry Prog Neurol Psychiatry J Neuropathol Exp Neurol Prog Neurol Psychiatry Pediatrics Prog Neurol Psychiatry Prog Neurol Psychiatry Prog Neurol Psychiatry Confin Neurol Prog Neurol Psychiatry Prog Neurol Psychiatry Prog Neurol Psychiatry Acta Neurol 3 O. Gilland # CSF dynamic diagnosis of spinal block. II. The spinal CSF pressure-volume curve Scand CSF dynamic diagnosis of spinal block IV: demands on electromanometric Acta Neurol O. Gilland # equipment Scand Suppl O. Gilland # CSF dynamic diagnosis of spinal block 3: an equation for block influence on cisterno-lumbar electromanometrics Cerebrospinal fluid dynamic diagnosis of spinal block V. Uniform lumbar O. Gilland # electromanometrics O. Gilland #5 CSF dynamic diagnosis of spinal block. VII. Reliability of lumbar 1966 electromanometrics O. Gilland #6 CSF dynamic diagnosis of spinal block. VI. Reliability of combined cisternolumbar 1966 electromanometrics O. Gilland # Cerebrospinal fluid O. Gilland # Normal cerebrospinal-fluid pressure Acta Neurol Scand Suppl Pt Pt Neurology Acta Neurol Scand Acta Neurol Scand Prog Neurol Psychiatry N Engl J Med 42 ppl 21: uppl 21: O. Gilland # How to take the headache out of spinal taps Headache Prog Neurol O. Gilland # Cerebrospinal fluid Psychiatry O. Gilland;F. Chin;W. B. Anderson;J. R. Nelson O. Gilland # # A cinemyelographic study of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics O. Gilland # Cerebrospinal fluid O. Gilland # Cerebrospinal fluid Lumbar electromanometrics. New equipment and long-term accuracy evaluation in 100 patients Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med Acta Neurol Scand Prog Neurol Psychiatry Prog Neurol Psychiatry uppl 43: E. A. Bering, Jr. # A simplified apparatus for constant ventricular drainage J Neurosurg E. A. Bering, Jr. # Water exchange in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid; studies on the intraventricular instillation of deuterium (heavy water) J Neurosurg

37 5 7 E. A. Bering, Jr. # E. A. Bering, Jr. # Choroid plexus and arterial pulsation of cerebrospinal fluid; demonstration of the choroid plexuses as a cerebrospinal fluid pump Problems of the dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid with particular reference to the formation of cerebrospinal fluid and its relationship to cerebral metabolism AMA Arch Neurol Psychiatry Clin Neurosurg discussio E. A. Bering, Jr. # Composition of cerebrospinal fluid under varying conditions Neurology E. A. Bering, Jr. # E. A. Bering, Jr. # E. A. Bering, Jr.;O. Sato # E. A. Bering, Jr. # Cerebrospinal fluid E. A. Bering, Jr. # W. W. Tourtellotte;R. N. Dejong;S. Janich;K. Gustafson # Cerebrospinal fluid production and its relationship to cerebral metabolism and cerebral blood flow Cerebrospinal fluid production and its relationship to cerebral metabolism and cerebral blood flow Hydrocephalus: Changes in formation and absorption of cerebrospinal fruid within the cerbral ventricles The cerebrospinal fluid and the extracellular fluid of the brain. Introductory remarks A study of lipids in the cerebrospinal fluid (and serum). VIII. Further comments on the normal lipid profile W. W. Tourtellotte # Multiple sclerosis and cerebrospinal fluid W. W. Tourtellotte;R. J. Allen;A. F. Haerer;S. A. Kelly;K. A. Gustafson;E. R. Bryan;R. N. Dejong W. W. Tourtellotte;K. C. Quan;A. F. Haerer;E. R. Bryan W. W. Tourtellotte;A. F. Haerer W. W. Tourtellotte;A. F. Haerer;J. A. Parker W. W. Tourtellotte;L. N. Metz;E. R. Bryan;R. N. Dejong W. W. Tourtellotte;R. J. Allen;A. F. Haerer;E. R. Bryan # # # # # A study of lupids in the cerebrospinal fluid. IX. Two new laboratory observations on the cerebrospinal fluid in tay-saches disease Neoplastic cells in the cerebrospinal fluid. Report of a case of metastic melanoblastoma. A study of lipids in the cerebrospinal fluid (and serum). Present state of knowledge in health and disease A study of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid-central nervous system barrier in multiple sclerosis. II. A possible model study for other diseases Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. Factors affecting the rate of clearing of the cerebrospinal fluid Am J Physiol Am J Physiol J Neurosurg Prog Neurol Psychiatry Fed Proc Med Bull (Ann Arbor) Med Clin North Am Trans Am Neurol Assoc Neurology Rev Neuropsiqui atr Rev Neuropsiqui atr Neurology # Study of lipids in cerebrospinal fluid and serum Arch Neurol W. W. Tourtellotte # Cerebrospinal fluid examination in meningoencephalitis Mod Treat W. W. Tourtellotte;H. Itabashi;R. P. Tucker;E. R. Bryan B. Vigh;I. Vigh- Teichmann;B. Aros B. Vigh;I. Vigh- Teichmann;S. Koritsanszky;B. Aros # Cerebrospinal fluid cytology # # Ultrastructure of the CSF contacting neurons of the spinal cord in the newt, triturus cristatus Ultrastructure of the spinal CSF contacting neuronal system in the white leghorn chicken Trans Am Neurol Assoc Acta Morphol Acad Sci Hung Acta Morphol Acad Sci Hung B. Vigh;I. Vigh-Teichmann # Comparative ultrastructure of the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons Int Rev Cytol B. Vigh;I. Vigh- Teichmann;B. Aros # B. Vigh;I. Vigh- Teichmann;M. J. Manzano # e Silva;A. N. van den Pol Comparative ultrastructure of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and pinealocytes Cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons of the central canal and terminal ventricle in various vertebrates B. Vigh;I. Vigh-Teichmann # Cytochemistry of CSF-contacting neurons and pinealocytes B. Vigh;I. Vigh-Teichmann # Development of the photoreceptor outer segment-like cilia of the CSF-contacting pinealocytes of the ferret (Putorius furo) B. Vigh;I. Vigh-Teichmann # Actual problems of the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons B. Vigh;M. J. Manzano e Silva;C. L. Frank;C. Vincze;S. J. Czirok;A. Szabo;A. Lukats;A. Szel # The system of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons. Its supposed role in the nonsynaptic signal transmission of the brain Cell Tissue Res Cell Tissue Res Prog Brain Res Arch Histol Cytol Microsc Res Tech Histol Histopathol X X X

38 7 E. Kovacs #1 Nucleases in the cerebrospinal fluid. I. Ribonuclease in normal, neurologically Can J Med normal, and in pathological CSF's Sci E. Kovacs # Autolysis in normal and pathological cerebrospinal fluids Can J Med Sci E. Kovacs # Further studies on the neurolytic properties of spinal fluid in health and disease Can J Med Sci E. Kovacs # Nucleases in the cerebrospinal fluid. II. Desoxyribonuclease in health and disease J Pediatr E. Kovacs # Ultraviolet light absorption in normal and in pathological cerebrospinal fluids Nucleases in the cerebrospinal fluid. IV. Dephosphorylation of nucleic acids by E. Kovacs # the CSF, especially of poliomyelitis patients Nucleases in the cerebrospinal fluid. III. Simultaneous determination of ribo- and E. Kovacs # desoxyribonuclease in the CSF of patients with poliomyelitis E. Kovacs # Lecithinases in normal and in pathological cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) I E. Kovacs;R. K. Baratawidjaja;A. Walmsley Hewson;N. A. Labzoffsky M. W. Bradbury;J. Stubbs;I. E. Hughes;P. Parker # # M. W. Bradbury;H. Davson # Demonstration of poliovirus in isolated leucocytes, blood and C.S.F. smears of infected monkey by immunofluorescence and biological means. (BRIEF REPORT) The distribution of potassium, sodium, chloride and urea between lumbar cerebrospinal fluid and blood serum in human subjects The transport of urea, creatinine and certain monosaccharides between blood and fluid perfusing the cerebral ventricular system of rabbits A flow of cerebrospinal fluid along the central canal of the spinal cord of the rabbit and communications between this canal and the sacral subarachnoid space M. W. Bradbury;W. Lathem # M. W. Bradbury;C. R. Leeman;Bagdoyanh;A. #4 Berberian The calcium and magnesium content of skeletal muscle, brain, and cerebrospinal 1968 fluid as determined by atomic bsorption flame photometry M. W. Bradbury;J. Crowder;S. Desai;J. M. Electrolytes and water in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of the foetal sheep and # Reynolds;M. Reynolds;N. guinea-pig R. Saunders M. W. Bradbury #6 Proportion of cerebrospinal fluid draining into jugular lymphatic trunks of the cat 1978 [proceedings] M. W. Bradbury;D. F. Cole #7 The role of the lymphatic system in drainage of cerebrospinal fluid and aqueous 1980 humour M. W. Bradbury;R. J. Factors influencing exit of substances from cerebrospinal fluid into deep cervical # Westrop lymph of the rabbit M. W. Bradbury # Hugh Davson--his contribution to the physiology of the cerebrospinal fluid and blood-brain barrier 10 A. Sahar # Free acetylcholine in the cerebrospinal fluid after brain operations A. Sahar;G. M. Hochwald;A. R. Sadik;J. Ransohoff A. Sahar;G. M. Hochwald;J. Ransohoff A. Sahar;G. M. Hochwald;J. Ransohoff A. Sahar;G. M. Hochwald;J. Ransohoff # Cerebrospinal fluid absorption in animals with experimental obstructive hydrocephalus Can J Biochem Physiol J Pediatr J Pediatr Can J Biochem Physiol Arch Gesamte Virusforsch Clin Sci J Physiol J Physiol J Lab Clin Med J Physiol J Physiol P-68P J Physiol J Physiol Cell Mol Neurobiol J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry Arch Neurol Cerebrospinal fluid and cranial sinus pressures. Relationship in normal and # Arch Neurol hydrocephalic cats Experimental hydrocephalus: cerebrospinal fluid formation and ventricular size as # a function of intraventricular pressure Passage of cerebrospinal fluid into cranial venous sinuses in normal and # Exp Neurol experimental hydrocephalic cats A. Sahar # Choroidal origin of cerebrospinal fluid Isr J Med Sci A. Sahar # The effect of pressure on the production of cerebrospinal fluid by the choroid plexus J Neurol Sci X J Neurol Sci X A. Sahar;E. Tsipstein # Effects of mannitol and furosemide on the rate of formation of cerebrospinal fluid Exp Neurol B. P. Vogh # B. P. Vogh;M. R. Langham, Jr. The relation of choroid plexus carbonic anhydrase activity to cerebrospinal fluid formation: study of three inhibitors in cat with extrapolation to man J Pharmacol Exp Ther # The effect of furosemide and bumetanide on cerebrospinal fluid formation Brain Res B. P. Vogh;D. R. Godman # Cerebrospinal fluid formation in rats and cats during treatment with timolol B. P. Vogh;D. R. Godman # B. P. Vogh;D. R. Godman # Addition of the effects of norepinephrine and acetazolamide to decrease formation of cerebrospinal fluid Timolol plus acetazolamide: effect on formation of cerebrospinal fluid in cats and rats Can J Physiol Pharmacol J Pharmacol Exp Ther Can J Physiol Pharmacol

39 B. P. Vogh;D. R. Godman;T. H. Maren B. P. Vogh;D. R. Godman # # Effect of AlCl3 and other acids on cerebrospinal fluid production: a correction Effects of inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme and carbonic anhydrase on fluid production by ciliary process, choroid plexus, and pancreas J Pharmacol Exp Ther J Ocul Pharmacol G. M. Hochwald;A. Sahar # Effect of spinal fluid pressure on cerebrospinal fluid formation Exp Neurol G. M. Hochwald;F. Epstein;C. Malhan;J. Ransohoff G. M. Hochwald;W. E. Lux, Jr.;A. Sahar;J. G. M. Hochwald;A. Wald;J. DiMattio;C. G. M. Hochwald;A. Wald;C. Malhan G. M. Hochwald;A. Wald;C. Malhan G. M. Hochwald;A. Wald;C. Malhan G. M. Hochwald;S. Nakamura;M. B. Camins # The role of the skull and dura in experimental feline hydrocephalus # Experimental hydrocephalus. Changes in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics as a function of time Dev Med Child Neurol Suppl Arch Neurol # The effects of serum osmolarity on cerebrospinal fluid volume flow Life Sci # The effect of osmotic gradients on cerebrospinal fluid production and its sodium ion content, and on brain water content # The role of spinal fluid bulk flow in limiting brain water content changes Trans Am Neurol Assoc Trans Am Neurol # The sink action of cerebrospinal fluid volume flow. Effect on brain water content Arch Neurol # The rat in experimental obstructive hydrocephalus Z Kinderchir O. Sato # The effect of dexamethasone on cerebrospinal fluid production rate in the dog O. Sato;E. A. Bering # Extra-ventricular formation of cerebrospinal fluid O. Sato;T. Asai;Y. Amano;M. Hara;R. Tsugane;M. Yagi O. Sato;M. Hara;T. Asai;R. Tsugane;N. Kageyama O. Sato;R. Tsugane;N. Kageyama # Extraventricular origin of the cerebrospinal fluid: formation rate quantitatively measured in the spinal subarachnoid space of dogs No To Shinkei No To Shinkei J Neurosurg The effect of dexamethasone phosphate on the production rate of cerebrospinal # J Neurosurg fluid in the spinal subarachnoid space of dogs Cerebrospinal fluid pulsatile force and focal ventricular dilatation in cases of Neurochirurg # growing skull fracture ia (Stuttg) O. Sato # Letter: Effect of dexamethasone on CSF formation J Neurosurg O. Sato;E. A. Bering, Jr.;M. Yagi;R. Tsugane;M. Hara;Y. Amano;T. Asai # Bulk flow in the cerebrospinal fluid system of the dog O. Sato # Trying to bridge a gap Acta Neurol Scand

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