Writing Explain Tracing2 Sequence Data Tracing1 Modification2 Modification1 Basics 1 Fig. 1 Hierarchy of skill related to programming(hypothesis) Modi

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1 1 2 1 Modification Modification1, Modification2 1) Basics, Sequence, Tracing1, Tracing2, Explain, Writing 8 Modification Modification Research on programming skill hierarchy Mitsuo Yamamoto, 1 Takayuki Sekiya 2 and Kazunori Yamaguchi 1 Even the learner who cannot write the code is shown the sentence that explains the function and if the sample program is imitated, has the person who can write the code. Then,It proposes the skill that does the correction remodeling from the sample program as Modification. The proposal skill is repeatedly assumed to be Modification1 and Modification2 by structural presence. And, the skill related to the programming that exists in the paper 1). Modification investigated at which position by eight skills that added Basics, Sequence, Tracing1, Tracing2, Explain, and Writing. The creation of exam questions does the problem that each skill can be measured to the investigation. The measurement experiment was conducted, and acquired data was analyzed. As a result, the Modification has understood it exists as an independent skill though it is not necessarily complete, and the skill hierarchy is comparatively located in the subordinate position. 1. ( ) 1) for while 3.2 1) 2 Modification 1) 1 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo 2 Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo 1 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

2 Writing Explain Tracing2 Sequence Data Tracing1 Modification2 Modification1 Basics 1 Fig. 1 Hierarchy of skill related to programming(hypothesis) Modification Modification 1) Modification 1) 2 1 Modification 3.1 1) Modification 1) ) General Evaluation Criteria DoC Evaluation Criteria 3) 4) 5) Writing 1) 2 2 Tracing1 Writing Tracin2 Writing Explain Writing 6) Modification Modification 1) Tracing Tracing1, Tracing2 Modification 2 Modification1 Modification2 2 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

3 Explain Data Writing Tracing2 Sequence Tracing1 Basics 2 1) Fig. 2 Hierarchy of skill related to programming(quotation from paper 1) ) ) Java 1) ( 1 ) Basics Basics Basics ( 2 ) Sequence Sequence Sequence 1) A. if( sword.charat(i) == tocount) B. for( int i = 0; i < sword.length(); i++) C. return count; D. int count = 0; E. public int countletter(string sword, char tocount) F. count++; ( 3 ) Tracing1 3 a += 2; b -= 4; c = b * a; 3 1) ( 4 ) Tracing2 if 1) Question7D,a while loop public int q7d(int ilimit) { int iindex = 0; int iresult = 0; while (iindex <= ilimit) { iresult += iindex; iindex++; } return iresult; } ( 5 ) Exceptions 3 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

4 q7e(null) 1) public int q7e(int[] anumbers) { } int iresult = 0; for (int iindex = 0; iindex < anumbers.length; iindex++) { } ( 6 ) Data if ( anumbers[iindex] > iresult) { } iresult = anumbers[iindex]; return iresult; 5 ArrayList Boolean double int String or ( 7 ) Writing Java DJ 3 2 String substring(int biginindex, int endindex) ( 8 ) Explain 1) Question10B,a reading question public void method 10B(int inum) { } for(int ix = 0; ix < inum; ix++) { } for(int iy = 0; iy < inum; iy++) { } ( 9 ) General System.out.print("*"); System.out.println(); ) 3.3 Modification Modification 3.1 ( 1 ) Modification1 [ ] [ ] 2 [ ] 1 import java.util.scanner; 2 class Q1410{ 3 public static void main(string[] args){ 4 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

5 4 Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); 5 System.out.print(" = "); 6 int a = stdin.nextint(); 7 System.out.print(" = "); 8 int b = stdin.nextint(); 9 a = a + b; 10 if (a % 2 == 0){ 11 System.out.println(" "); 12 }else { 13 System.out.println(" "); 14 } 15 } 16 } [ ] 2 [ ] >java Q1410 = 4 = 6 ( 2 ) Modification2 [ ] [ ] [ ] >java Q1411 [ ] >java Q1411 dan = 4 dan = 4 * **** ** *** *** ** **** * [ ] 1 import java.util.scanner; 2 class Q1411{ 3 public static void main(string[] args){ 4 Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); 5 System.out.print("dan = "); 6 int a = stdin.nextint(); 7 for (int i = 1; i <= a; i++){ 8 for (int j = 1; j <= a - i; j++) 9 System.out.print(" "); 10 for ( int j = 1; j <= i; j++) 11 System.out.print("*"); 12 System.out.println(); 13 } 14 } 15 } ) c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

6 Java Java Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Writing Modification1 Modification2 Exceptions Data Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Exceptions Data Explain Writing Modification1 Modification2 10 Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Exceptions Data Explain Writing 1) Modification1 Modification ) 1) Rasch model Sequence Modification Modification1 Modification P 3 P Modification1 Tracing2 Explain Writing Modification2 Tracing1 Tracing2 6 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

7 2 Table 2 Internal consistency 平均値 標本分散 標準偏差 基礎集計 相関係数 独立性の検定 測定データ ( 点数 ) 共分散構造分析 結果 (CFI 値 ) 重回帰分析 パス図 Basics Sequence 7 1 Tracing Tracing Exceptions 3 1 Data Explain 3 1 Modification Modification2 2 1 Writing 結果 (P 値 ) 考察 3 Fig. 3 Outline of analysis 結論 Tracing2 Explain Tracing2 Writing Explain Writing Tracing1 Tracing2 Modification1 Tracing2 P Modification1 Tracing Table 1 Internal consistency of all data Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Exceptions Data Explain Modification Modification2 2 0 Writing Modification P Table 3 Test for independent of Modification skill: P Value Modification1 Modification2 Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Exceptions Data Explain Modification Modification Writing c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

8 Writing Explain Basics Table 4 Basic total: The 1st, C college Table 5 a correlation coefficient table: The 1st, C college(10 skills) Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Exceptions Data Explain Modification Modification Writing : 20 2 Basics( ), Sequence( ), Tracing1( ), Exceptions( ), Data( ) Tracing2( ), Explain( ), Writing( ) Modification1( ), Modification2( ) 5 Sequence, Tracing1, Exceptions, Basics, Data 5 5 Writing, Explain, Tracing2, Modification1, Modification2 5 3 Exceptions Modification2 Tracing1 3 Exceptions Tracing1 Modification2 Bas Seq Tr1 Tr2 Exc Dat Exp Mo1 Mo2 Wri Bas Seq Tr Tr Exc Dat Exp Mo Mo Wri Bas : Basics, Seq : Sequence, Tr1 : Tracing1, Tr2 : Tracing2 Exc : Excpetions, Dat : Data, Exp : Explain Mo1 : Modification1, Mo2 : Modification2, Wri : Writing 7) Explain Writing 0.7 Basics Tracing1( ), Tracing1 Data( ), Basics Data( ), Tracing1 Modification2( ), Data Modification2( ), Basics Modification1( ) 6 Modification2 Basics, Data, Sequence, Tracing1 4. Basics, Data, Sequence, Tracing1 4 8 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

9 0.2 Sequence Exceptions( ), Sequence Explain( ), Sequence Writing( ), Exceptions Modification1( ) 4 Sequence Explain Writing Exceptions Modification2 Explain Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Exceptions Data Explain Modification1 Modification2 Writing ) Writing Modification1 Writing 2 Modification2 Tracing2 Modification2 Tracing2 1 3 Writing Writing Writing Basics 2 Writing Basics Basics Sequence Data Tracing1 2 Basics Sequence Data Tracing1 4 Fig. 4 R 2 = Modification2 Tracing2 R 2 = Writing Modification1 Basics Tracing1 Data R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = Sequence Exceptions Explain 4 1 Writing multiple regression analysis: The 1st, C college (Result of one by sequential analyzing the first objective variable with Writing) 9 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

10 Modification2 5 Explain Writing Explain Writing 1 Explain Writing 1) 2 Modification1 Modification2 Writing Writing < 0.05 Writing Modification1 Modification2 R 2 = R 2 = Sequence Exceptions Explain Data Modification2 Tracing1 Basics Tracing2 R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = Modification1 R 2 = Writing 5 1 Modification2 Fig. 5 multiple regression analysis: The 1st, C college (Result of one by sequential analyzing the first objective variable with Modification2) Explain Writing 1 Explain Writing CFI CFI ) 8),9) CFI CFI(Comparative Fit Index) NFI(Normed Fit Index) 8) ( 1 ) Writing 2 ( 2 ) ( 3 ) 10 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

11 1 50 ( 4 ) Exceptions Data Basics Exceptions 1) 2 Data Basics 1) 2 Basics Data Tracing1 Sequence 1 Basics Data Basics Data Basics Data Basics Data ( 5 ) ( 6 ) Programming1 Programming2 Debug 3 1 Programming1 Programming2 Programming2 Programming Writing Programming Writing Debug Java Java 8 Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Writing Modification1 Modification2 3 Programming1 Programming2 Debug Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Writing 6 1) 1 Modification c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

12 Modification Modification1 Modification2 P 6 P Modification1 Modification2 Modification1 Explain Modification2 Explain Modification1, Modification Sequence Basics Modification1 3 3 Writing Modification2 Explain 3 6 Modification P Table 6 Test for independent of Modification skill: P Value Modification1 Modification2 Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Explain Modification Modification Writing Tracing1 Tracing2 Modification1 3 Tracing1 Tracing2 Modification1 3 Basics Writing Modification2 3 Basics Writing Explain Writing( ), Explain Modification2( ), Basics Modification1( ) 3 Explain Writing 1) 2 Writing Explain Tracing2 1) Explain Writing Writing Explain Explain Modification2 12 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

13 Table Table 7 Basic total: The 2st, C college Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Explain Modification Modification Writing : a correlation coefficient table: The 2st, C college(8 skills) Basics Modification1 3 Basics Modification2( ), Basics Tracing2( ), Tracing2 Modification1( ) 3 Basics Modification1 Modification2 Tracing Modification1 Modification2 Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Writing 6 1) R 2 = R 2 = Explain Sequence Writing R 2 = R 2 = R = Tracing1 Tracing2 R 2 = Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Mod1 Mod2 Writing Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Explain Mod Mod Writing Mod1 : Modification1 Mod2 : Modification2 R 2 = Basics(Data) 6 [6 ] 2 Writing Fig. 6 multiple regression analysis[6 skills]: The 2st, C college (Result of one by sequential analyzing the first objective variable with Writing) 1) 2 6 Writing Explain Sequence Basics 4 Explain Tracing2 1) Writing Explain Writing Tracing Tracing1 Tracing Writing Explain Sequence Basics 2 Tracing1 Writing 6 Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Writing Modification1 Modification ) 13 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

14 Writing Explain Tracing1 Writing 7 Explain Modification2(P<0.001) Sequence(P= ) Explain Writing Tracing1 Modification2 Sequence Modification1 R 2 = Tracing2 R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = Basics(Data) R 2 = R 2 = R = R 2 = R 2 = [8 ] 2 Writing Fig. 7 multiple regression analysis[8 skills]: The 2st, C college (Result of one by sequential analyzing the first objective variable with Writing) Writing Explain 1) Explain 7 Explain Modification2 Tracing2 Modification2 Tracing2 Explain Sequence Basics Expalin Basics Sequence 2 Writing Writing Tracing1 Modification1 Tracing1 Modification1 Modification 3 Modification1 Modification2 Writing 4 Writing Tracing2 Tracing1 Modification2 Modification1 Basics Modification Explain 8 Modification2 Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Modification1 Modification2 Writing 1) Bentler CFI = , c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

15 Modification1 Basics(Data) R 2 = Tracing1 R 2 = Tracing2 Modification2 R 2 = ( 方向 ) R 2 = ( 方向 ) Writing R 2 = Explain R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = ( 方向 ) R 2 = R 2 = ( 方向 ) Sequence 8 [8 ] 2 Modification2 Fig. 8 multiple regression analysis[8 skills]: The 2st, C college (Result of one by sequential analyzing the first objective variable with Modification2) Java 8 Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Writing Modification1 Modification Modification Modification1 Modification2 P 9 P Modification1 Sequence Modification2 Sequence Modification2 Explain Modification1, Modification Modification P Table 9 Test for independent of Modification skill: P Value Modification1 Modification2 Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Explain Modification Modification Writing Basics Sequence Modification1 3 3 Writing Tracing2 Tracing1 Writing 3 Tracing2 Tracing1 6 6 Modification2 Explain 3 Writing 3 Tracing1 Explain Modification1 3 Tracing1 Explain Modification1 3 Basics Tracing2 Modification2 3 Basics 15 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

16 Tracing2 Modification2 Tracing Table Table 10 Basic total: U university Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Explain Modification Modification Writing : a correlation coefficient table: U university (8 skills) Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Mod1 Mod2 Writing Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Explain Mod Mod Writing Mod1 : Modification1 Mod2 : Modification Tracing1 Writing( ) 0.6 Sequence Modification2( ), Explain Modification2( ) 0.5 Explain Writing( ), Modification1 Writing( ), Tracing1 Modification1( ), Basics Modification2( ), Tracing2 Modification2( ) 1 Writing 4 Writing Tracing1 Sequence Explain Modification1 Tracing2 Modification2 0.4 Writing Basics 2 Modification2 Sequence Explain Basics Tracing2 0.2 Basics Modification1( ) Tracing1 Tracing2( ), Basics Witing( ), Basics Tracing2( ), Modification1 Modification2( ), Sequence Tracing2( ) 1 Basics Witing( ), Basics Tracing2( ) 2 Tracing1 Tracing2( ), Modification1 Modification2( ) 1 Tracing1 Modification1( ), Tracing2 Modification2( ) Modification Tracing1 Modification1 Modification Modification2 Tracing2 Sequence CFI = c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

17 Writing Tracing1 Modification1 R 2 = R 2 = Modification2 Sequence Writing R 2 = R 2 = R 2 = Tracing1 Fig. 9 9 Writing multiple regression analysis: U university (Result of one by sequential analyzing the first objective variable with Writing) R 2 = Modification Java Java Modification 3 2 Modification Modification1 Basics Modification2 Basics Modification1 Tracing1 Modification2 Writing 1 Modification1 Writing 2 p = Fig. 10 Basics(Data) Explain Tracing2 10 Modification2 multiple regression analysis: U university (Result of one by sequential analyzing the first objective variable with Modification2) 12 Table 12 Experiment outline list (1) (2) , ,9 10 8( 3) ( 1 ) ( 6 ) Java Java Java Java 1 Java 2 Java 2 17 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

18 p Modification1 Writing p p = Modification1 Writing 2 Modification1 Writing Modification1 Writing Modification2 Writing Table Modification (3 ) Skill not independent of Modification (Skill common by three experiments) Modification1 Modification2 Basics Sequence (U) (U) Tracing1 (1) Tracing2 (1) (1) Explain (1)(2) (2)(U) Modification1 *** (2) Modification2 (2) *** Writing (1) (1) 1 (2) 2 (U) ***: p = p = Sequence( ), Basics(9.2857), Modification1(7.8571) Basics( ), Sequence( ), Modification1( ) Table 14 Basics total: The 2st, C college (part)) Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Explain Modification Modification Writing : 20 Sequence Sequence Basics Tracing1(2.8571), Writing(5.0000), Modification2(6.0714) Writing(3.4375), Tracing2(6.0625), Tracing1(6.2500) 3 Modification2(6.5625) Tracing1 Tracing1 Writing Writing Tracing1 Tracing1 Writing 3 Sequence(74.725), Modification1(71.978), Writing Tracing1(91.667), Explain(72.917), Modification1(71.562) 18 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

19 Table A correlation coefficient table: The 2st, C college (part) Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Mod1 Mod2 Writing Basics Sequence Tracing Tracing Explain Mod Mod Writing Mod1 : Modification1 Mod2 : Modification ( 1 ) 0.7 Tracing1 Writing ( 2 ) 0.4 Basics Explain Basics Modification2 Sequence Tracing1 Sequence-Explain Sequence Modification2 Sequence Writing Tracing1 Modification1 Tracing2 Explain Tracing2 Writing Explain Modification2 Explain Writing Modification1 Writing ( 3 ) 0.2 ( 4 ) Tracing1 Modification Tracing1 Modification1 Table Relation of the correlation coefficient between the 2st C college and U university Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Mod1 Mod2 Writing Basics Sequence Tracing1 Tracing2 Explain Mod1 Mod2 Writing : 0.7 : : 0.2 Mod1 : Modification1 Mod2 : Modification2 ( 5 ) Tracing2 Modification Tracing2 Modification2 ( 6 ) Explain Writing 0.5 1) 2 1 Explain Writing ( 7 ) Writing Modification1 Writing Tracing ) 2 1 1) Writing ( 8 ) Sequence Explain Sequence 19 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

20 Explain Sequence Explain ( 9 ) Tracing1 Tracing Tracing1 Tracing2 Tracing1 Tracing Explain Modification2 Explain Writing Explain Modification2( ), Explain Writing( ) Explain Modification2( ), Explain Writing( ) Modification2 Explain Writing Sequence Tracing1 Sequence Explain Sequence Writing Tracing1 Writing Tracing2 Modification2 Modification2 Writing 0.3 Basics Tracing2 Basics Tracing2( ) Basics Tracing2( ) 0.3 Basics Modification1 Basics Modification Sequence Modification2 Tracing1 Explain Tracing1 Writing Modification1 Writing Modification2 Explain Writing 2 Basics Sequence Tracing1 Traicng Modification1 Tracing1 Writing Tracing2 Modification2 Explain Modification2 Explain Writing Tracing2 Modification Writing 1) ( 1 ) 3 Writing Tracing1 Modification Writing Modification1 Basics Tracing1 2 7Writing Tracing1 Modification1 Basics 9 Writing Tracing1 Modification1 Tracing2 Modification2 ( 2 ) 4 7 Writing Tracing2 1) 20 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

21 1) Writing 4 Writing Writing Modification1 Tracing1 Data Writing Tracing2 Modification2 Basics Sequence 7 Writing Tracing1 Modification1 Writing Tracing1 Modification1 Tracing2 Modification2 Writing ( 3 ) 7 Writing Explain Sequence Basics 1) ( 1 ) 2 1) 7 ( 2 ) 19 ( 3 ) 4 1 Writing 10 ( 4 ) 5 1 Modification2 10 ( 5 ) 7 2 Writing 8 ( 6 ) 8 2 Modification2 8 ( 7 ) 6 2 Writing 6 (5) Modification1 Modification2 17 Warning 2 Data Data Basics Data Warning Table Bentler CFI Covariance structure analysis results(bentler CFI Value) (1) (2) (2): (1) (W) (W) (W) (W) (2) (W) (W) (W) (W) (3) (W) (W) (W) (W) (4) (W) (W) (W) (W) (5) (W) (6) (W) (W) (W) (W) (7) (W) (W) (W) (W)Warning (1) 1 (2) Explain Writing 1 Writing Explain Writing 2 7 CFI 0.9 8) (1),(2),(4) (3) 1 (6) (5) Modification (7) 1 2 Modification Modification 21 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

22 Modification Modification Explain 5. ( 1 ) ( a ) Modification ( b ) Modification 7 ( 2 ) ( a ) Writing Explain Sequence Basics 1) 2 ( b ) Tracing1 1) 2 ( c ) Basics Tracing1 Data Sequence 1) C U computer science education, pp (2004). 4) Whalley, J.L., Lister, R., Thompson, E., Clear, T., Robbins, P., Kumar, P. K.A. and Prasad, C.: An Australasian study of reading and comprehension skills in novice programmers, using the bloom and SOLO taxonomies, ACE 06: Proceedings of the 8th Austalian conference on Computing education, Australian Computer Society, Inc., pp (2006). 5) Lister, R., Fidge, C. and Teague, D.: Further evidence of a relationship between explaining, tracing and writing skills in introductory programming, ITiCSE 09: Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, ACM, pp (2009). 6) Simon, Lopez, M., Sutton, K. and Clear, T.: Surely We Must Learn to Read before We Learn to Write!, Eleventh Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2009) (Hamilton, M. and Clear, T., eds.), CRPIT, Vol.95, Australian Computer Society, Inc., pp (2009). 7) (2004). 8) (2005). 9) [ ] (1998). 1) Lopez, M., Whalley, J., Robbins, P. and Lister, R.: Relationships between reading, tracing and writing skills in introductory programming, ICER 08: Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on Computing education research, pp (2008). 2) McCracken, M., Almstrum, V., Diaz, D., Guzdial, M., Hagan, D., Kolikant, Y. B.-D., Laxer, C., Thomas, L., Utting, I. and Wilusz, T.: A multi-national, multiinstitutional study of assessment of programming skills of first-year CS students, SIGCSE Bull., Vol.33, No.4, pp (2001). 3) Lister, R., Adams, E.S., Fitzgerald, S., Fone, W., Hamer, J., Lindholm, M., Mc- Cartney, R., Moström, J.E., Sanders, K., Seppälä, O., Simon, B. and Thomas, L.: A multi-national study of reading and tracing skills in novice programmers, ITiCSE- WGR 04: Working group reports from ITiCSE on Innovation and technology in 22 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

23 A.1 Basics ================================================================= Java [ ] 1 class Q0405{ 2 public static void main(string[] args) 3 int c = 0; 4 if ( c = 0 ){ 5 System.out.println("0 "); 6 } else { 7 System.out.println(c); 8 } 9 } 10 } [ ] a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 f) 6 g) 7 h) 8 i) 9 j) 10 Sequence ================================================================= [] xxxx 1 xxxx [ ] 1 class Q0508{ 2 public static void main(string[] args){ 3 int a; 4 int b; 5 a = 5; 6 a *= 4; 7 a /= 2; 8 b = a + 10; 9 b += a * 4; 10 xxxx 1 xxxx 11 System.out.println(b); 12 } 13 } [] >java Q [ ] a) b -= a; b) b *= a; c) b /= a; d) b += a; e) b -= a * 2; Tracing1 ================================================================= [ ] 1 class Q0704{ 2 int a = 1; 3 public static void main(string[] args){ 4 int a = 2; 5 Q0704 b = new Q0704(); 6 a = 3; 7 b.a = 4; 8 b.show(a); 23 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

24 9 a = 5; 10 } 11 void show(int a){ 12 System.out.println(a); 13 } 14 } [ ] a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 f) 5 g) null Tracing2 ================================================================= a,b,c [ ] 1 class Q0755{ 2 public static void main(string[] args){ 3 int a = 0; 4 for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++){ 5 for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++){ 6 a++; 7 if (b == 1) 8 System.out.println("a= " + a + ", b= " + b + ", c= " + c); 9 } 10 } 11 } 12 } [ ] a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 f) 5 g) 6 h) 7 i) 8 j) 9 k) 10 l) 11 m) 12 n) 13 Explain ================================================================= [ ] 1 import java.util.scanner; 2 class Q1008{ 3 public static void main(string[] args){ 4 Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); 5 System.out.print("a= "); 6 int a = stdin.nextint(); 7 double[] b = new double[a]; 8 double e = 0.0; 9 for (int i = 0; i < a; i++){ 10 System.out.print("b[" + i + "] = "); 11 b[i] = stdin.nextdouble(); 12 e += b[i]; 13 } 14 System.out.println(e / b.length); 15 } 16 } Writing ================================================================= [] 1) char charat(int index) index [ ] a String a = "Nagoya"; "Nagoya" 3 "g" ans char ans = a.charat(2); a.charat(2) "Nagoya" 1 "N" 0 2 "a" 24 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan

25 1 0 3 "g" 2 2) int length() 3) int indexof(string str) -1 4) String substring(int beginindex) beginindex 5) String substring(int beginindex, int endindex) beginindex endindex [] sample 2 5 " ".substring(2,5) [ ] Pname 3 4 "t" 1)- 4) Pnametarzepp3 1) Pname 2) taro 3) zeppelin 4) fortunate [ ][ ] ans 25 c 2010 Information Processing Society of Japan


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