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1 / 94 2 (Lisp ) 3 ( ) , cons cons 2 >(cons a b) (A. B).? Lisp (S ) cons 2 car cdr n A B C D nil = (A B C D) nil nil A D E = (A (B C) D E) B C E = (A B C D. E) A B C D B = (A. B) A nil. (A. nil) == (A) (A. (B. (C. nil))) == (A B C D). 1

2 2 Lisp Lisp (1) ( setq!) (2) (3) defun (defun (... &aux...)...) >(defun sisoku (x y &aux wa sa sho seki) (setq wa (+ x y)) (setq sa (- x y)) (setq sho (/ x y)) (setq seki (* x y)) (list wa sa sho seki)) SISOKU >(sisoku 2 3) (5-1 2/3 6) (loop...) (return ) ( nil ) >(defun power (x n &aux result) (setq result 1) (loop (if (< n 1) (return result)) (setq result (* x result)) (setq n (- n 1)))) POWER >(power 2 3) 8? 1 listlen? (read) --- S (print ) --- 2

3 print >(print (a b c)) (A B C) print (A B C) print jijouloop Pascal?? 3 apply listsum? ( ) ( ) + apply : (apply ) >(apply # + ( )) 10? ( #?) 1 funcall funcall >(funcall ) 10 1 apply funcall 2 1 sigmapi 4 eval eval Lisp > x x x eval > (eval x) (x ) > x 3 (setq ) valuelist 3

4 5 Lisp 5.1 Lisp KCL > S (defun xtoplevel (&aux e) (loop (princ "? ") (setq e (read)) (cond ((eq e end) (return)) (t (print (eval e)) (terpri)))))? S end ( ) >(xtoplevel)? (cons a b) (A. B)? (list a b c d e) (A B C D E)? end NIL > Lisp? 5.2 eval eval Lisp eval xeval x ((. ) (. )... (. )) Lisp ((X. A) (Y. 1) (Z A B C)) x a y 1 z? xassoc 4

5 (defun xassoc (x l) (cond ((null l) nil) ((eq (caar l) x) (car l)) (t (xassoc x (cdr l))))) >(setq l ((x. a) (y. 1) (z a b c))) ((X. A) (Y. 1) (Z A B C)) >(xassoc x l) (X. A) >(xassoc z l) (Z A B C) xeval xeval ( eval ) (defun xeval (e a) (cond ((atom e) (cdr (xassoc e a))) (t error))) xeval S error xtoplevel eval (defun xtoplevel (&aux e) (loop (princ "? ") (setq e (read)) (cond ((eq e end) (return)) (t (print (xeval e *env*)) (terpri))))) *env* ( ) *...* Lisp >(setq *env* ((x. a) (y. 1) (z a b c))) ((X. A) (Y. 1) (Z A B C)) >(xtoplevel)? x A? z (A B C)...? t NIL? (quote a) ERROR t nil *env* (t. t) (nil. nil) 5

6 5.2.2 quote quote xeval (defun xeval (e a) (cond ((atom e) (cdr (xassoc e a))) ((atom (car e)) (cond ((eq (car e) quote) (cadr e)) (t error))) (t error))) e quote... e cadr (quote ) >(setq *env* ((x. a) (y. 1) (z a b c) (t. t) (nil. nil))) ((X. A) (Y. 1) (Z A B C) (T. T) (NIL)) >(xtoplevel)? t T? x A? (quote x) X? (quote (a b c)) (A B C)? (a b c) (A B C)? end NIL >?? (quote...) apply... apply xapply xeval 6

7 (defun xeval (e a) (cond ((atom e) (cdr (xassoc e a))) ((atom (car e)) (cond ((eq (car e) quote) (cadr e)) (t (xapply (car e) (xevlis (cdr e) a) a)))) (t (xapply (car e) (xevlis (cdr e) a) a))))? 2 ( quote ) xevlis (defun xevlis (l a) (cond ((null l) nil) (t (cons (xeval (car l) a) (xevlis (cdr l) a))))) > (xevlis (x z y) *env*) (A (A B C) 1)? xapply (defun xapply (f x a) (cond ((eq f car) (caar x)) ((eq f cdr) (cdar x)) ((eq f cons) (cons (car x) (cadr x))) ((eq f atom) (atom (car x))) ((eq f eq) (eq (car x) (cadr x))) (t error))) car x 1 ((car x)) car car? S 5 >(xtoplevel)? (car (a b)) A? (cons x (y z)) (X Y Z)? (cons x (cons y (cons z nil))) (X Y Z)? (eq x x) T lambda Lisp? lambda xpairlis 7

8 (defun xpairlis (x y a) (cond ((null x) a) ((null y) a) (t (cons (cons (car x) (car y)) (xpairlis (cdr x) (cdr y) a))))) a 1 b 3... >(xpairlis (a b) (1 3) *env*) ((A. 1) (B. 3) (X. A) (Y. 1) (Z A B C) (T. T) (NIL)) xapply (defun xapply (f x a) (cond ((eq f car) (caar x)) ((eq f cdr) (cdar x)) ((eq f cons) (cons (car x) (cadr x))) ((eq f atom) (atom (car x))) ((eq f eq) (eq (car x) (cadr x))) ((atom f) error) ((eq (car f) lambda) (xeval (caddr f) (xpairlis (cadr f) x a))) (t error))) (lambda... (xapply (lambda (x) (cons x x)) (a)) (x. a) a y (cons x x)? >(xtoplevel)? ((lambda (x) (cons (cons x nil) nil)) a) ((A)) defun lambda? xapply (atom f) error ((atom f) (xapply (cdr (xassoc f a)) x a)) xapply xtoplevel defun! 8

9 (defun xtoplevel (&aux e) (loop (princ "? ") (setq e (read)) (cond ((eq e end) (return)) ((and (listp e) (eq (car e) defun)) (setq *env* (cons (cons (cadr e) (cons lambda (cddr e))) *env*))) (t (print (xeval e *env*)) (terpri))))) S defun ( lambda ) >(xtoplevel)? (defun f (x y) (cons y x))? (f aa bb) (BB. AA) cond? 1 cond! xeval quote cond (defun xeval (e a) (cond ((atom e) (cdr (xassoc e a))) ((atom (car e)) (cond ((eq (car e) quote) (cadr e)) ((eq (car e) cond) (xevcon (cdr e) a)) (t (xapply (car e) (xevlis (cdr e) a) a)))) (t (xapply (car e) (xevlis (cdr e) a) a)))) xevcon (defun xevcon (l a) (cond ((null l) nil) ((xeval (caar l) a) (xeval (cadar l) a)) (t (xevcon (cdr l) a))))... OK Lisp 9

10 >(xtoplevel)? (defun g (l) (cond (l (cons (cons (car l) (car l)) (g (cdr l)))) (t nil)))? (g (a b c)) ((A. A) (B. B) (C. C))? end NIL (null l) null xeval! Lisp? A 1 3 ( ) Lisp 1 ( + ) Lisp ( ) Q1. Lisp Q2. / Q3. 5 B Lisp 3 3 ( ) CommonLisp Lisp 1 10

11 A: if then else B: loop return loop (while ) C: cond D: E: defun setq 2 if loop print F: Lisp! 1 G: CommonLisp ( ) lambda Lisp (?) H: lambda if ( nlambda ) ndefun I: lambda + list 1 ( llambda ) ldefun J: 2 1 ( flambda ) fdefun K: ( mlambda ) defmacro (defmacro if (x y z) (list cond (list x y) (list t z))) (if (null l) a b) 2 setq (!) 3 (numberp ) 3 11

12 (cond ((null l) a) (t b))... if (!) A4 1. ( / 94 Lisp ) ! 6. 12


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