明治期の新聞における「鶏姦」報道の特徴 : 『読売新聞』と『朝日新聞』の分析から

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Title 明治期の新聞における 鶏姦 報道の特徴 : 読売新聞 と 朝日新聞 の分析から Author(s) 斉藤, 巧弥 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル = The Journal of International Med Citation24: 21-38 Issue Date 2017-03-24 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/64760 Type bulletin (article) File Information 21.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Aca

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya 北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア 観光学院博士課程 Characteristics of keikan reports in Japanese newspapers in the Meiji period An analysis of the Yomiuri Shimbun and the Asahi Shimbun SAITO Takuya abstract This paper aims to analyze reports on keikan in the Yomiuri Shimbun and the Asahi Shimbun, and shed light on how the discourse of keikan changed from the 1870s to the 1910s. Keikan means anal sex primarily between males and was illegal in Japan from 1872 to 1881. The word first appeared in the two newspapers in the 1870s and disappeared in the 1910s. In these forty years, two periods are identified through the distinct patterns that the newspapers showed: 1875-1901 and 1905-1914. In the first period, keikan was associated with violence, crime, and intimate relationships. In the second period, keikan was described as a problem of delinquent students, and was counted as one of their wrongdoings. The change of discourse is explained by the characteristics of the newspapers, and the multilayered nature of discourse. The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 021

斉藤 1 巧弥SAITO Takuya 1870 1910 40 1910 1990 1 2 2 1868 1940 1994 2001 2006 1990 2011 1 2011 2006 2005 2004 1994 2011 2 1870 1910 022 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya 3 2002 2013 2016 3 dialectical relations Sunderland 2004 11 2002 31 The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 023

斉藤 巧弥SAITO Takuya 1999 1999 30 2006 79 1875 1901 1905 1914 3 1874 B4 2002 13 1994 37 1879 20 6 16 1994 1994 35 2002 15 4 1874 1886 20 1887 2002 263 5 1870 4 2002 39 5 2002 226 024 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya 1910 1994 37-38 6 1874 1879 6 4 1872 1873 1881 7 1994 2001 10 7 1994 2006 3 1 1906 6 1875 1910 8 1 8 The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 025

斉藤 巧弥SAITO Takuya 1910 1875 1901 1872 1881 1905 1914 1880 20 1910 5 1875 1901 1875 4 20 1875/7/23 1 9 1885 11 5 9 1875 7 23 1885/11/5 2 10 1830 1843 10 026 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya 2004 114 1870 1875/6/17 1 1876/1/12 2 1878/7/12 2 1880/2/5 2 1880/2/12 2 1881/1/26 2 5.1 1875/4/20 1 The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 027

斉藤 巧弥SAITO Takuya 1881/1/26 2 1879/8/2 2 5 1880/11/5 3 1876/7/29 2 90 1881/5/7 2 028 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya A B A B A B 1875/6/17 11881/5/14 3 1880/11/5 3 5.2 2 19 20 1994 35 2 11 11 1 1994 1994 30-31 The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 029

斉藤 巧弥SAITO Takuya 1994 32 1994 34 1995 1883/10/3 3 1890/1/26 3 1876/1/12 2 1880/2/5 2 1883 11 16 030 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya 1883/11/16 3 A B A B The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 031

斉藤 6 巧弥SAITO Takuya 6.1 1905 1914 1894 1905 1994 33-34 1905/3/16 6 1907/11/27 6 1910/3/23 5 1909/12/25 5 032 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya 1906 9 11 7 7 3 6.2 1908/3/8 3 1906 10 31 11 7 1906/10/31 6 1906/11/7 6 The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 033

斉藤 巧弥SAITO Takuya 1910/3/23 5 1909/9/3 3 1911/2/23 5 1912 6 14 1906/8/30 6 6 14 51 30 300 60 40 1907/11/27 6 1905/3/16 6 1908/3/8 3 3 034 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya 3 3 7 The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 035

斉藤 巧弥SAITO Takuya 2001 84 1994 43 30 1897 1999 41 1894 1905 2001 53 1910 2008 2008 7 1910 036 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24

斉藤巧弥SAITO Takuya 8 40 2015 2 1910 1999 39 1999 39 The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies No.24 037

斉藤 巧弥SAITO Takuya 参考文献 2011 1999 2001 2006 1995 1990 2008 6 1-22 2013 1999 65 25-47 2005 1971 11 24-39 2016 2016 2017 1 20 http://mass-ronbun.up.seesaa.net/image/2016spring_d2_tanaka. pdf 2002 1999 2004 1994 3 17 29-55 2001 54 31-36 2006 1 2 3 3 1-8 2011 2004 111-118 2002 1994 Sunderland, Jane (2004) Gendered Discourses, Palgrave Macmillan. 28 10 24 29 1 13 038 国際広報メディア 観光学ジャーナル No.24