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Visitor Arrival Statistics - Dec 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1-2 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Arrivals Summary by Country / Territory of Residence 3-4 Monthly & Cumulative Sameday and Overnight Visitor Arrivals Summary by Country / Territory of Residence 5-6 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Arrivals Details by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Transport 7-8 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Arrivals to HK by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Entry 9-10 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Arrivals to HK via Mainland China by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Transport 11 Visitor Arrivals from Miscellaneous Countries/Territory 12-13 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Arrivals Details by Nationality / Territory X Mode of Transport 14-15 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Characteristics by Country / Territory of Residence 16-17 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Arrivals to HK by Nationality / Territory x Mode of Entry 18-19 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Departures from HK by Nationality / Territory x Mode of Exit 20-21 Monthly & Cumulative Visitor Departures for Mainland China via Hong Kong by Nationality / Territory x Mode of Transport 22 Mainland China (Individual Visit Scheme - IVS) Visitor Arrivals by Month 23 Hong Kong Resident Departures X Mode of Transport Appendix Visitor Arrivals Details by Country / Territory of Residence and by Month in 2016 : Source : Immigration Department : Remark : Arrival figures by Country / Territory of of Residence in tables 1-11 & 14-15 are based on a systematic sampling of Arrivals Cards HK$50 Internet / Email : Tel 2807 6543 Fax 2806 0303 Published by Insights & Research, HKTB Jan 2017

Disclaimer All information is for general reference and personal use only. We do not make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, for any particular purpose. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Hong Kong Tourism Board accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions. In your use and interpretation of this information, you will exercise and rely solely on your own skills and judgment. In no event shall we be liable (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, including any loss of business or profit, arising out of any use of this information, or any errors or omissions in this information, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

1. Visitor Arrivals Summary by Country / Territory of Residence Country / Territory of Residence Dec 2015 Dec 2016 Long Haul Markets 396,752 7.8 409,710 7.7 + 3.3 The Americas 148,196 2.9 161,078 3.0 + 8.7 USA 102,209 2.0 112,273 2.1 + 9.8 Canada 33,309 0.7 35,001 0.7 + 5.1 S & C America 12,678 0.3 13,804 0.3 + 8.9 185,125 3.7 186,124 3.5 + 0.5 United Kingdom 42,415 0.8 44,918 0.8 + 5.9 Germany 18,029 0.4 17,644 0.3-2.1 France 17,372 0.3 17,750 0.3 + 2.2 Italy 8,331 0.2 8,091 0.2-2.9 South Africa 8,072 0.2 8,211 0.2 + 1.7 Middle East 15,927 0.3 13,502 0.3-15.2 Australia, NZ & 63,431 1.3 62,508 1.2-1.5 Australia 53,728 1.1 51,816 1.0-3.6 New Zealand 8,500 0.2 9,620 0.2 + 13.2 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 943,263 18.6 977,835 18.3 + 3.7 North Asia 220,021 4.3 244,041 4.6 + 10.9 Japan 100,783 2.0 111,163 2.1 + 10.3 South Korea 119,238 2.4 132,878 2.5 + 11.4 South & Southeast Asia 434,383 8.6 437,407 8.2 + 0.7 Indonesia 47,337 0.9 54,726 1.0 + 15.6 Malaysia 77,092 1.5 79,237 1.5 + 2.8 Philippines 80,918 1.6 89,875 1.7 + 11.1 Singapore 95,808 1.9 92,996 1.7-2.9 Thailand 74,373 1.5 68,898 1.3-7.4 India 43,760 0.9 36,510 0.7-16.6 Taiwan 179,937 3.6 181,149 3.4 + 0.7 Macau SAR / Not Identified 108,922 2.2 115,238 2.2 + 5.8 Sub-Total 1,340,015 26.5 1,387,545 26.0 + 3.5 Mainland China 3,721,049 73.5 3,948,482 74.0 + 6.1 Total 5,061,064 100.0 5,336,027 100.0 + 5.4 2. Cumulative Visitor Arrivals Summary by Country / Territory of Residence Country / Territory of Residence Jan - Dec 2015 Jan - Dec 2016 Long Haul Markets 4,576,375 7.7 4,683,839 8.3 + 2.3 The Americas 1,728,094 2.9 1,773,338 3.1 + 2.6 USA 1,181,024 2.0 1,211,539 2.1 + 2.6 Canada 358,448 0.6 369,363 0.7 + 3.0 S & C America 188,622 0.3 192,436 0.3 + 2.0 2,167,119 3.7 2,226,455 3.9 + 2.7 United Kingdom 529,505 0.9 551,930 1.0 + 4.2 Germany 213,802 0.4 226,594 0.4 + 6.0 France 209,825 0.4 213,641 0.4 + 1.8 Italy 108,066 0.2 105,317 0.2-2.5 South Africa 71,432 0.1 66,456 0.1-7.0 Middle East 180,404 0.3 176,261 0.3-2.3 Australia, NZ & 681,162 1.1 684,046 1.2 + 0.4 Australia 574,270 1.0 575,812 1.0 + 0.3 New Zealand 95,627 0.2 96,819 0.2 + 1.2 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 8,888,861 15.0 9,192,919 16.2 + 3.4 North Asia 2,292,565 3.9 2,484,696 4.4 + 8.4 Japan 1,049,272 1.8 1,092,329 1.9 + 4.1 South Korea 1,243,293 2.1 1,392,367 2.5 + 12.0 South & Southeast Asia 3,559,058 6.0 3,701,796 6.5 + 4.0 Indonesia 413,568 0.7 464,406 0.8 + 12.3 Malaysia 544,688 0.9 535,542 0.9-1.7 Philippines 704,082 1.2 791,171 1.4 + 12.4 Singapore 675,411 1.1 674,006 1.2-0.2 Thailand 529,410 0.9 594,615 1.0 + 12.3 India 531,770 0.9 480,906 0.8-9.6 Taiwan 2,015,797 3.4 2,011,428 3.6-0.2 Macau SAR / Not Identified 1,021,441 1.7 994,999 1.8-2.6 Sub-Total 13,465,236 22.7 13,876,758 24.5 + 3.1 Mainland China 45,842,360 77.3 42,778,145 75.5-6.7 Total 59,307,596 100.0 56,654,903 100.0-4.5

3. Sameday and Overnight Visitor Arrivals Summary by Country / Territory of Residence - Dec 2016 No. No. No. Long Haul Markets 409,710 100.0 + 3.3 116,478 28.4 + 8.1 293,232 71.6 + 1.5 The Americas 161,078 100.0 + 8.7 45,887 28.5 + 12.9 115,191 71.5 + 7.1 USA / Canada 147,274 100.0 + 8.7 41,108 27.9 + 12.1 106,166 72.1 + 7.4 USA 112,273 100.0 + 9.8 30,541 27.2 + 12.9 81,732 72.8 + 8.7 Canada 35,001 100.0 + 5.1 10,567 30.2 + 9.7 24,434 69.8 + 3.2 S & C America 13,804 100.0 + 8.9 4,779 34.6 + 20.4 9,025 65.4 + 3.6 Central America 4,548 100.0 + 2.4 1,199 26.4 + 19.8 3,349 73.6-2.7 Honduras 79 100.0-31.3 39 49.4 + - 40 50.6-47.4 Mexico 3,222 100.0 + 4.4 767 23.8 + 27.2 2,455 76.2-1.1 Others 1,247 100.0 + 0.3 393 31.5 + 9.5 854 68.5-3.4 South America 9,256 100.0 + 12.4 3,580 38.7 + 20.6 5,676 61.3 + 7.8 Argentina 916 100.0-10.9 245 26.7 + 0.4 671 73.3-14.4 Brazil 4,122 100.0 + 22.8 1,707 41.4 + 26.9 2,415 58.6 + 20.0 Venezuela 790 100.0 + 9.0 288 36.5 + 16.6 502 63.5 + 5.0 Others 3,428 100.0 + 9.7 1,340 39.1 + 18.3 2,088 60.9 + 4.9 186,124 100.0 + 0.5 55,389 29.8 + 4.2 130,735 70.2-0.9 Europe 157,820 100.0 + 2.7 45,158 28.6 + 6.9 112,662 71.4 + 1.2 United Kingdom 44,918 100.0 + 5.9 8,934 19.9 + 11.6 35,984 80.1 + 4.6 Netherlands 7,430 100.0-2.2 2,396 32.2 + 4.5 5,034 67.8-5.1 Nordic Countries 13,654 100.0 + 2.2 3,330 24.4 + 2.3 10,324 75.6 + 2.2 Denmark 2,038 100.0 + 7.5 477 23.4 + 11.2 1,561 76.6 + 6.5 Finland 3,179 100.0 + 8.4 947 29.8 + 2.9 2,232 70.2 + 10.9 Norway 1,864 100.0 + 10.2 414 22.2 + 9.2 1,450 77.8 + 10.4 Sweden 6,573 100.0-3.9 1,492 22.7-2.2 5,081 77.3-4.4 Austria 2,406 100.0 + 15.1 615 25.6 + 18.3 1,791 74.4 + 14.0 Germany 17,644 100.0-2.1 5,156 29.2 + 1.8 12,488 70.8-3.7 Switzerland 5,341 100.0-4.9 1,232 23.1-6.9 4,109 76.9-4.2 France 17,750 100.0 + 2.2 4,753 26.8 + 5.2 12,997 73.2 + 1.1 Belgium 2,327 100.0-2.2 622 26.7 + 10.3 1,705 73.3-6.1 Italy 8,091 100.0-2.9 2,774 34.3-2.4 5,317 65.7-3.1 Iberia 7,607 100.0 + 12.8 2,846 37.4 + 22.0 4,761 62.6 + 8.0 Portugal 2,512 100.0 + 16.1 1,188 47.3 + 21.3 1,324 52.7 + 11.8 Spain 5,095 100.0 + 11.3 1,658 32.5 + 22.5 3,437 67.5 + 6.6 Europe Others 30,652 100.0 + 3.3 12,500 40.8 + 8.5 18,152 59.2 + * Russia 13,374 100.0 + 3.8 5,684 42.5 + 15.3 7,690 57.5-3.4 South Africa 8,211 100.0 + 1.7 3,376 41.1 + 10.0 4,835 58.9-3.4 Africa Others 6,591 100.0-12.5 2,650 40.2-6.5 3,941 59.8-16.1 Middle East 13,502 100.0-15.2 4,205 31.1-15.9 9,297 68.9-14.9 Bahrain 140 100.0-34.0 16 11.4-65.2 124 88.6-25.3 Egypt 1,207 100.0-23.5 638 52.9-13.9 569 47.1-31.9 Israel 5,182 100.0 + 4.0 1,781 34.4-7.8 3,401 65.6 + 11.5 Jordan 716 100.0-8.3 434 60.6-7.7 282 39.4-9.3 Kuwait 277 100.0-20.4 31 11.2-29.5 246 88.8-19.1 Saudi Arabia 928 100.0-19.2 150 16.2-5.7 778 83.8-21.3 Turkey 2,117 100.0-20.7 947 44.7-30.3 1,170 55.3-10.9 United Arab Emirates 2,323 100.0-32.7 134 5.8-2.2 2,189 94.2-34.0 Middle East Others 612 100.0-19.2 74 12.1-35.7 538 87.9-16.2 Australia, NZ & 62,508 100.0-1.5 15,202 24.3 + 9.0 47,306 75.7-4.4 Australia / New Zealand 61,436 100.0-1.3 14,723 24.0 + 9.0 46,713 76.0-4.1 Australia 51,816 100.0-3.6 11,694 22.6 + 6.3 40,122 77.4-6.1 New Zealand 9,620 100.0 + 13.2 3,029 31.5 + 20.8 6,591 68.5 + 10.0 Others 1,072 100.0-10.9 479 44.7 + 9.4 593 55.3-22.5 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 977,835 100.0 + 3.7 310,664 31.8 + 1.9 667,171 68.2 + 4.5 North Asia 244,041 100.0 + 10.9 64,908 26.6 + 9.3 179,133 73.4 + 11.5 Japan 111,163 100.0 + 10.3 36,755 33.1 + 6.3 74,408 66.9 + 12.4 South Korea 132,878 100.0 + 11.4 28,153 21.2 + 13.5 104,725 78.8 + 10.9 South & Southeast Asia 437,407 100.0 + 0.7 72,655 16.6-7.5 364,752 83.4 + 2.5 Southeast Asia 396,289 100.0 + 2.9 59,717 15.1-3.1 336,572 84.9 + 4.1 Indonesia 54,726 100.0 + 15.6 8,895 16.3 + 6.2 45,831 83.7 + 17.6 Malaysia 79,237 100.0 + 2.8 13,543 17.1-0.6 65,694 82.9 + 3.5 Philippines 89,875 100.0 + 11.1 11,756 13.1 + 8.3 78,119 86.9 + 11.5 Singapore 92,996 100.0-2.9 13,710 14.7 + 2.8 79,286 85.3-3.9 Thailand 68,898 100.0-7.4 10,915 15.8-24.1 57,983 84.2-3.3 SEA Others 10,557 100.0 + 11.7 898 8.5-13.9 9,659 91.5 + 14.9 Vietnam 5,589 100.0 + 12.4 170 3.0-27.7 5,419 97.0 + 14.4 India 36,510 100.0-16.6 11,628 31.8-24.7 24,882 68.2-12.1 Indian Sub-Continent 4,608 100.0-18.4 1,310 28.4-10.7 3,298 71.6-21.1 Taiwan 181,149 100.0 + 0.7 98,478 54.4 + 0.3 82,671 45.6 + 1.1 Macau SAR / Not Identified 115,238 100.0 + 5.8 74,623 64.8 + 8.7 40,615 35.2 + 0.8 Sub-Total 1,387,545 100.0 + 3.5 427,142 30.8 + 3.6 960,403 69.2 + 3.5 Mainland China 3,948,482 100.0 + 6.1 2,359,261 59.8 + 5.0 1,589,221 40.2 + 7.7 Total 5,336,027 100.0 + 5.4 2,786,403 52.2 + 4.8 2,549,624 47.8 + 6.1 Country / Territory of Residence Total Visitors Sameday Visitors Overnight Visitors

4. Cumulative Sameday and Overnight Visitor Arrivals Summary by Country / Territory of Residence - Jan to Dec 2016 No. No. No. Long Haul Markets 4,683,839 100.0 + 2.3 1,347,772 28.8 + 1.7 3,336,067 71.2 + 2.6 The Americas 1,773,338 100.0 + 2.6 524,013 29.5 + 1.1 1,249,325 70.5 + 3.3 USA / Canada 1,580,902 100.0 + 2.7 459,097 29.0 + 1.0 1,121,805 71.0 + 3.4 USA 1,211,539 100.0 + 2.6 342,571 28.3 + 0.2 868,968 71.7 + 3.6 Canada 369,363 100.0 + 3.0 116,526 31.5 + 3.3 252,837 68.5 + 2.9 S & C America 192,436 100.0 + 2.0 64,916 33.7 + 2.3 127,520 66.3 + 1.9 Central America 58,464 100.0 + 1.5 17,097 29.2 + 8.1 41,367 70.8-1.0 Honduras 1,318 100.0 + 4.9 439 33.3 + 16.8 879 66.7-0.2 Mexico 37,758 100.0-0.2 10,391 27.5 + 10.7 27,367 72.5-3.8 Others 19,388 100.0 + 4.7 6,267 32.3 + 3.6 13,121 67.7 + 5.2 South America 133,972 100.0 + 2.3 47,819 35.7 + 0.3 86,153 64.3 + 3.4 Argentina 16,615 100.0 + 18.2 3,697 22.3 + 14.4 12,918 77.7 + 19.3 Brazil 48,657 100.0-1.7 20,252 41.6-1.1 28,405 58.4-2.1 Venezuela 11,237 100.0-4.1 3,833 34.1-16.5 7,404 65.9 + 4.0 Others 57,463 100.0 + 3.1 20,037 34.9 + 3.5 37,426 65.1 + 2.9 2,226,455 100.0 + 2.7 649,809 29.2 + 1.7 1,576,646 70.8 + 3.2 Europe 1,904,876 100.0 + 4.1 522,315 27.4 + 5.2 1,382,561 72.6 + 3.7 United Kingdom 551,930 100.0 + 4.2 109,925 19.9 + 8.9 442,005 80.1 + 3.1 Netherlands 95,762 100.0 + 4.5 24,562 25.6 + 3.9 71,200 74.4 + 4.8 Nordic Countries 141,788 100.0 + 14.4 34,282 24.2 + 9.3 107,506 75.8 + 16.1 Denmark 26,637 100.0 + 9.7 6,219 23.3 + 11.5 20,418 76.7 + 9.2 Finland 27,932 100.0 + 5.5 9,115 32.6-1.2 18,817 67.4 + 9.1 Norway 22,095 100.0 + 15.9 4,918 22.3 + 11.8 17,177 77.7 + 17.2 Sweden 65,124 100.0 + 20.3 14,030 21.5 + 15.4 51,094 78.5 + 21.6 Austria 26,784 100.0 + 9.6 6,822 25.5 + 4.0 19,962 74.5 + 11.6 Germany 226,594 100.0 + 6.0 64,153 28.3 + 7.3 162,441 71.7 + 5.5 Switzerland 61,693 100.0 + 8.3 14,115 22.9 + 20.9 47,578 77.1 + 5.1 France 213,641 100.0 + 1.8 56,483 26.4 + 5.4 157,158 73.6 + 0.6 Belgium 31,586 100.0 + 0.7 7,683 24.3-0.2 23,903 75.7 + 0.9 Italy 105,317 100.0-2.5 35,302 33.5-3.9 70,015 66.5-1.9 Iberia 92,135 100.0 + 7.8 31,748 34.5 + 12.3 60,387 65.5 + 5.5 Portugal 28,171 100.0 + 10.9 12,092 42.9 + 16.1 16,079 57.1 + 7.3 Spain 63,964 100.0 + 6.4 19,656 30.7 + 10.1 44,308 69.3 + 4.9 Europe Others 357,646 100.0 + 0.9 137,240 38.4 + 0.7 220,406 61.6 + 1.1 Russia 142,664 100.0-5.8 56,006 39.3-5.9 86,658 60.7-5.8 South Africa 66,456 100.0-7.0 32,254 48.5-8.9 34,202 51.5-5.1 Africa Others 78,862 100.0-8.2 39,449 50.0-7.4 39,413 50.0-9.0 Middle East 176,261 100.0-2.3 55,791 31.7-13.5 120,470 68.3 + 3.9 Bahrain 1,918 100.0-11.9 374 19.5-19.6 1,544 80.5-9.9 Egypt 17,380 100.0 + 4.1 8,260 47.5 + 1.5 9,120 52.5 + 6.5 Israel 64,403 100.0 + 0.7 22,386 34.8-6.7 42,017 65.2 + 5.1 Jordan 10,703 100.0-8.8 6,445 60.2-19.7 4,258 39.8 + 14.7 Kuwait 4,262 100.0-9.6 592 13.9-2.0 3,670 86.1-10.8 Saudi Arabia 18,491 100.0-1.0 2,877 15.6-17.7 15,614 84.4 + 2.8 Turkey 28,703 100.0-14.6 11,714 40.8-25.5 16,989 59.2-5.0 United Arab Emirates 20,050 100.0 + 5.4 1,871 9.3-19.7 18,179 90.7 + 8.9 Middle East Others 10,351 100.0 + 5.5 1,272 12.3-26.1 9,079 87.7 + 12.3 Australia, NZ & 684,046 100.0 + 0.4 173,950 25.4 + 3.5 510,096 74.6-0.6 Australia / New Zealand 672,631 100.0 + 0.4 168,845 25.1 + 3.4 503,786 74.9-0.5 Australia 575,812 100.0 + 0.3 139,822 24.3 + 4.0 435,990 75.7-0.9 New Zealand 96,819 100.0 + 1.2 29,023 30.0 + 0.6 67,796 70.0 + 1.5 Others 11,415 100.0 + 1.3 5,105 44.7 + 6.6 6,310 55.3-2.6 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 9,192,919 100.0 + 3.4 3,341,251 36.3-3.2 5,851,668 63.7 + 7.6 North Asia 2,484,696 100.0 + 8.4 720,138 29.0-0.8 1,764,558 71.0 + 12.7 Japan 1,092,329 100.0 + 4.1 399,800 36.6-4.0 692,529 63.4 + 9.4 South Korea 1,392,367 100.0 + 12.0 320,338 23.0 + 3.4 1,072,029 77.0 + 14.8 South & Southeast Asia 3,701,796 100.0 + 4.0 818,231 22.1-4.6 2,883,565 77.9 + 6.7 Southeast Asia 3,163,936 100.0 + 6.7 648,083 20.5 + 0.4 2,515,853 79.5 + 8.4 Indonesia 464,406 100.0 + 12.3 101,671 21.9 + 1.1 362,735 78.1 + 15.9 Malaysia 535,542 100.0-1.7 131,600 24.6-4.9 403,942 75.4-0.6 Philippines 791,171 100.0 + 12.4 115,257 14.6-3.6 675,914 85.4 + 15.6 Singapore 674,006 100.0-0.2 148,430 22.0-5.2 525,576 78.0 + 1.3 Thailand 594,615 100.0 + 12.3 139,225 23.4 + 18.0 455,390 76.6 + 10.7 SEA Others 104,196 100.0 + 5.7 11,900 11.4-2.6 92,296 88.6 + 6.9 Vietnam 59,443 100.0 + 0.8 2,922 4.9-32.1 56,521 95.1 + 3.4 India 480,906 100.0-9.6 155,500 32.3-20.4 325,406 67.7-3.3 Indian Sub-Continent 56,954 100.0-7.4 14,648 25.7-12.7 42,306 74.3-5.5 Taiwan 2,011,428 100.0-0.2 1,138,429 56.6-3.9 872,999 43.4 + 5.0 Macau SAR / Not Identified 994,999 100.0-2.6 664,453 66.8-2.7 330,546 33.2-2.3 Sub-Total 13,876,758 100.0 + 3.1 4,689,023 33.8-1.8 9,187,735 66.2 + 5.7 Mainland China 42,778,145 100.0-6.7 25,413,199 59.4-8.7 17,364,946 40.6-3.5 Total 56,654,903 100.0-4.5 30,102,222 53.1-7.7 26,552,681 46.9-0.5 Country / Territory of Residence Total Visitors Sameday Visitors Overnight Visitors

5. Visitor Arrivals Details by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Transport - Dec 2016 Total Air Sea Land Long Haul Markets 409,710 + 3.3 275,838 + 3.7 50,347 + 8.1 83,525-0.6 The Americas 161,078 + 8.7 102,384 + 10.0 20,147 + 16.4 38,547 + 2.0 USA / Canada 147,274 + 8.7 94,760 + 9.8 18,310 + 16.1 34,204 + 2.2 USA 112,273 + 9.8 73,852 + 11.3 13,750 + 18.2 24,671 + 1.9 Canada 35,001 + 5.1 20,908 + 5.0 4,560 + 10.0 9,533 + 3.1 S & C America 13,804 + 8.9 7,624 + 12.0 1,837 + 19.8 4,343 + 0.1 Central America 4,548 + 2.4 2,839 + 5.8 630 + 8.2 1,079-8.3 Honduras 79-31.3 40-16.7 8-50.0 31-39.2 Mexico 3,222 + 4.4 2,112 + 7.6 476 + 11.7 634-9.0 Others 1,247 + 0.3 687 + 1.9 146 + 4.3 414-3.5 South Americas 9,256 + 12.4 4,785 + 16.1 1,207 + 26.8 3,264 + 3.2 Argentina 916-10.9 582-17.7 130 + 42.9 204-11.3 Brazil 4,122 + 22.8 2,140 + 36.0 665 + 26.7 1,317 + 4.6 Venezuela 790 + 9.0 260-13.6 87 + 64.2 443 + 19.4 Others 3,428 + 9.7 1,803 + 17.2 325 + 14.8 1,300-0.2 186,124 + 0.5 128,763 + 0.6 21,973 + 3.8 35,388-1.7 Europe 157,820 + 2.7 110,252 + 2.4 19,002 + 5.0 28,566 + 2.7 United Kingdom 44,918 + 5.9 35,899 + 6.5 3,978 + 0.8 5,041 + 5.6 Netherlands 7,430-2.2 5,241-5.0 827 + 14.2 1,362 + 0.2 Nordic Countries 13,654 + 2.2 10,457 + 1.5 1,427 + 7.4 1,770 + 2.5 Denmark 2,038 + 7.5 1,474 + 6.3 225 + 22.3 339 + 4.3 Finland 3,179 + 8.4 2,486 + 8.7 331 + 20.8 362-2.7 Norway 1,864 + 10.2 1,412 + 12.8 241 + 30.3 211-17.3 Sweden 6,573-3.9 5,085-5.5 630-8.2 858 + 10.9 Austria 2,406 + 15.1 1,700 + 15.3 398 + 26.8 308 + 1.7 Germany 17,644-2.1 12,191-4.7 2,330 + 9.6 3,123 + 0.2 Switzerland 5,341-4.9 4,225-6.4 589-2.0 527 + 5.4 France 17,750 + 2.2 11,700 + 1.4 2,712 + 0.9 3,338 + 6.1 Belgium 2,327-2.2 1,590 + 0.3 307-22.1 430 + 7.2 Italy 8,091-2.9 5,130-4.8 959-1.0 2,002 + 1.6 Iberia 7,607 + 12.8 4,539 + 21.0 1,764 + 7.3 1,304-3.0 Portugal 2,512 + 16.1 1,176 + 25.4 1,128 + 10.6 208 + 1.5 Spain 5,095 + 11.3 3,363 + 19.5 636 + 1.9 1,096-3.9 Europe Others 30,652 + 3.3 17,580 + 2.6 3,711 + 10.6 9,361 + 2.0 Russia 13,374 + 3.8 7,977 + 3.6 1,412 + 8.0 3,985 + 2.8 South Africa 8,211 + 1.7 6,307 + 0.3 647-2.4 1,257 + 12.2 Africa Others 6,591-12.5 3,581-6.9 579 + 12.9 2,431-23.3 Middle East 13,502-15.2 8,623-14.9 1,745-8.5 3,134-19.4 Bahrain 140-34.0 102-37.8 31 + 6.9 7-63.2 Egypt 1,207-23.5 517-27.3 84-19.2 606-20.5 Israel 5,182 + 4.0 3,311 + 6.8 761 + 9.2 1,110-6.3 Jordan 716-8.3 297-18.6 48 + 92.0 371-5.1 Kuwait 277-20.4 197-15.5 52-32.5 28-26.3 Saudi Arabia 928-19.2 662-20.5 111-24.0 155-8.3 Turkey 2,117-20.7 1,175-11.7 301 + 1.0 641-38.5 United Arab Emirates 2,323-32.7 1,966-32.9 263-36.2 94-14.5 Middle East Others 612-19.2 396-15.0 94-21.0 122-29.1 Australia, NZ & 62,508-1.5 44,691-0.9 8,227 + 1.5 9,590-6.4 Australia / New Zealand 61,436-1.3 43,924-0.6 8,129 + 1.4 9,383-6.3 Australia 51,816-3.6 36,855-3.4 7,119 + 0.2 7,842-7.4 New Zealand 9,620 + 13.2 7,069 + 17.0 1,010 + 11.0 1,541-0.3 Others 1,072-10.9 767-13.4 98 + 12.6 207-10.0 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 977,835 + 3.7 578,979 + 5.8 255,762 + 6.5 143,094-8.0 North Asia 244,041 + 10.9 148,681 + 11.6 59,006 + 18.0 36,354-1.3 Japan 111,163 + 10.3 73,561 + 16.0 17,345 + 7.2 20,257-4.3 South Korea 132,878 + 11.4 75,120 + 7.6 41,661 + 23.3 16,097 + 2.8 South & Southeast Asia 437,407 + 0.7 306,211 + 3.4 85,795 + 0.9 45,401-14.6 Southeast Asia 396,289 + 2.9 280,928 + 5.0 77,080 + 3.5 38,281-10.7 Indonesia 54,726 + 15.6 35,052 + 16.4 13,141 + 25.3 6,533-3.1 Malaysia 79,237 + 2.8 50,407 + 6.0 17,672 + 3.6 11,158-10.7 Philippines 89,875 + 11.1 66,871 + 13.3 18,964 + 10.5 4,040-14.7 Singapore 92,996-2.9 65,307-2.4 15,324-3.3 12,365-5.0 Thailand 68,898-7.4 54,736-3.2 10,737-16.0 3,425-32.2 SEA Others 10,557 + 11.7 8,555 + 14.2 1,242 + 9.7 760-7.8 Vietnam 5,589 + 12.4 5,320 + 15.4 143-41.4 126 + 7.7 India 36,510-16.6 22,337-10.4 8,245-16.9 5,928-33.5 Indian Sub-Continent 4,608-18.4 2,946-19.0 470-20.7 1,192-15.7 Taiwan 181,149 + 0.7 113,477 + 4.4 11,655 + 7.1 56,017-7.3 Macau SAR / Not Identified 115,238 + 5.8 10,610 + 13.2 99,306 + 5.2 5,322 + 2.5 Sub-Total 1,387,545 + 3.5 854,817 + 5.1 306,109 + 6.7 226,619-5.4 Mainland China 3,948,482 + 6.1 378,708 * 168,897 + 5.5 3,400,877 + 6.9 Total 5,336,027 + 5.4 1,233,525 + 3.4 475,006 + 6.3 3,627,496 + 6.0 Country / Territory of Residence

6. Cumulative Visitor Arrivals Details by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Transport - Jan to Dec 2016 Total Air Sea Land Long Haul Markets 4,683,839 + 2.3 3,042,666 + 3.9 595,885 + 5.1 1,045,288-3.4 The Americas 1,773,338 + 2.6 1,080,578 + 4.6 214,609 + 3.9 478,151-2.0 USA / Canada 1,580,902 + 2.7 979,064 + 4.4 190,452 + 5.4 411,386-2.2 USA 1,211,539 + 2.6 762,971 + 4.4 143,063 + 5.3 305,505-2.9 Canada 369,363 + 3.0 216,093 + 4.2 47,389 + 5.6 105,881-0.3 S & C America 192,436 + 2.0 101,514 + 6.1 24,157-6.0 66,765-0.7 Central America 58,464 + 1.5 32,687 + 4.8 7,922-4.1 17,855-1.7 Honduras 1,318 + 4.9 645 + 6.4 141-24.2 532 + 14.4 Mexico 37,758-0.2 22,320 + 3.2 5,413-8.4 10,025-2.7 Others 19,388 + 4.7 9,722 + 8.5 2,368 + 9.4 7,298-1.3 South Americas 133,972 + 2.3 68,827 + 6.7 16,235-6.9 48,910-0.3 Argentina 16,615 + 18.2 10,261 + 20.5 2,376 + 26.7 3,978 + 8.4 Brazil 48,657-1.7 24,872 + 5.4 7,742-11.3 16,043-6.6 Venezuela 11,237-4.1 3,785-23.3 925 + 0.1 6,527 + 11.6 Others 57,463 + 3.1 29,909 + 8.9 5,192-12.1 22,362 * 2,226,455 + 2.7 1,487,582 + 4.8 280,502 + 4.1 458,371-4.1 Europe 1,904,876 + 4.1 1,286,391 + 5.7 250,585 + 4.6 367,900-1.4 United Kingdom 551,930 + 4.2 425,478 + 4.9 56,817 + 2.7 69,635 + 1.5 Netherlands 95,762 + 4.5 63,275 + 7.1 11,326-1.7 21,161 + 0.8 Nordic Countries 141,788 + 14.4 101,775 + 16.5 16,781 + 18.4 23,232 + 3.5 Denmark 26,637 + 9.7 18,335 + 8.8 3,428 + 29.1 4,874 + 2.3 Finland 27,932 + 5.5 20,688 + 7.8 2,892 + 5.3 4,352-4.1 Norway 22,095 + 15.9 15,960 + 19.8 2,807 + 14.2 3,328 + 1.5 Sweden 65,124 + 20.3 46,792 + 23.2 7,654 + 21.2 10,678 + 8.3 Austria 26,784 + 9.6 17,989 + 14.0 4,270 + 6.7 4,525-2.9 Germany 226,594 + 6.0 150,722 + 7.2 33,621 + 11.7 42,251-2.1 Switzerland 61,693 + 8.3 45,861 + 9.0 8,947 + 12.3 6,885-0.4 France 213,641 + 1.8 137,031 + 3.9 33,972 + 0.7 42,638-3.4 Belgium 31,586 + 0.7 21,251 + 2.3 4,326 + 1.0 6,009-5.0 Italy 105,317-2.5 68,238-0.7 12,194-2.9 24,885-7.1 Iberia 92,135 + 7.8 53,451 + 13.4 20,615 + 4.6 18,069-3.0 Portugal 28,171 + 10.9 13,362 + 22.4 11,926 + 3.0 2,883-0.7 Spain 63,964 + 6.4 40,089 + 10.6 8,689 + 6.9 15,186-3.5 Europe Others 357,646 + 0.9 201,320 + 1.8 47,716 + 3.3 108,610-1.7 Russia 142,664-5.8 82,944-7.2 18,274 + 0.7 41,446-5.6 South Africa 66,456-7.0 47,420-3.9 4,692-9.2 14,344-15.2 Africa Others 78,862-8.2 39,826-5.5 4,746 + 9.7 34,290-13.1 Middle East 176,261-2.3 113,945 + 2.5 20,479-0.4 41,837-14.0 Bahrain 1,918-11.9 1,512-13.6 177-21.7 229 + 13.9 Egypt 17,380 + 4.1 8,119 + 6.8 1,014-4.2 8,247 + 2.6 Israel 64,403 + 0.7 41,564 + 3.9 9,199 + 2.0 13,640-8.6 Jordan 10,703-8.8 5,200-8.9 472 + 9.3 5,031-10.1 Kuwait 4,262-9.6 2,923-3.6 795-20.4 544-20.7 Saudi Arabia 18,491-1.0 13,163 + 0.7 2,326 + 6.5 3,002-12.5 Turkey 28,703-14.6 16,856-4.9 3,518-4.0 8,329-31.8 United Arab Emirates 20,050 + 5.4 17,019 + 8.2 1,900-3.1 1,131-15.5 Middle East Others 10,351 + 5.5 7,589 + 15.5 1,078 + 7.2 1,684-24.5 Australia, NZ & 684,046 + 0.4 474,506 * 100,774 + 10.9 108,766-5.9 Australia / New Zealand 672,631 + 0.4 466,267-0.1 99,994 + 11.0 106,370-5.9 Australia 575,812 + 0.3 397,664-0.5 89,286 + 11.3 88,862-5.9 New Zealand 96,819 + 1.2 68,603 + 2.2 10,708 + 8.9 17,508-6.2 Others 11,415 + 1.3 8,239 + 4.1 780-1.6 2,396-6.4 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 9,192,919 + 3.4 5,322,560 + 7.6 2,253,587 + 1.9 1,616,772-6.6 North Asia 2,484,696 + 8.4 1,490,968 + 11.7 591,002 + 13.4 402,726-7.9 Japan 1,092,329 + 4.1 689,649 + 10.1 180,985 + 2.5 221,695-10.0 South Korea 1,392,367 + 12.0 801,319 + 13.2 410,017 + 19.0 181,031-5.1 South & Southeast Asia 3,701,796 + 4.0 2,504,399 + 7.2 688,011 + 3.1 509,386-8.5 Southeast Asia 3,163,936 + 6.7 2,181,382 + 9.4 581,076 + 6.0 401,478-5.1 Indonesia 464,406 + 12.3 280,937 + 15.3 104,298 + 16.6 79,171-1.6 Malaysia 535,542-1.7 331,884 + 1.3 104,605-5.7 99,053-6.7 Philippines 791,171 + 12.4 570,758 + 15.2 173,025 + 9.8 47,388-7.6 Singapore 674,006-0.2 471,524 + 1.6 85,571-1.7 116,911-5.9 Thailand 594,615 + 12.3 442,963 + 14.6 101,209 + 11.6 50,443-3.6 SEA Others 104,196 + 5.7 83,316 + 7.6 12,368-0.6 8,512-2.5 Vietnam 59,443 + 0.8 55,440 + 4.2 2,472-35.3 1,531-21.6 India 480,906-9.6 286,030-4.8 101,196-10.6 93,680-20.7 Indian Sub-Continent 56,954-7.4 36,987-8.1 5,739-7.6 14,228-5.7 Taiwan 2,011,428-0.2 1,238,450 + 3.1 126,271-6.6 646,707-4.8 Macau SAR / Not Identified 994,999-2.6 88,743 + 15.4 848,303-4.3 57,953 + 0.5 Sub-Total 13,876,758 + 3.1 8,365,226 + 6.2 2,849,472 + 2.6 2,662,060-5.4 Mainland China 42,778,145-6.7 5,033,246-5.0 1,838,648-7.1 35,906,251-6.9 Total 56,654,903-4.5 13,398,472 + 1.7 4,688,120-1.4 38,568,311-6.8 Country / Territory of Residence

7. Visitor Arrivals by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Entry - Dec 2016 Country / Territory of Residence Total Arrivals via Share Arrivals Macau Share Arrivals via Mainland Share Arrivals via Others Share Long Haul Markets 409,710 + 3.3 100.0 38,957 9.5 + 6.0 107,288 26.2-0.1 263,465 64.3 + 4.3 The Americas 161,078 + 8.7 100.0 14,994 9.3 + 15.8 48,812 30.3 + 2.8 97,272 60.4 + 10.8 USA / Canada 147,274 + 8.7 100.0 13,556 9.2 + 15.7 43,333 29.4 + 3.0 90,385 61.4 + 10.6 USA 112,273 + 9.8 100.0 10,289 9.2 + 18.0 31,634 28.2 + 2.9 70,350 62.7 + 12.1 Canada 35,001 + 5.1 100.0 3,267 9.3 + 9.1 11,699 33.4 + 3.4 20,035 57.2 + 5.4 S & C America 13,804 + 8.9 100.0 1,438 10.4 + 16.3 5,479 39.7 + 0.8 6,887 49.9 + 14.6 Central America 4,548 + 2.4 100.0 453 10.0-3.2 1,579 34.7-7.4 2,516 55.3 + 10.8 Honduras 79-31.3 100.0 5 6.3-54.5 34 43.0-46.0 40 50.6-2.4 Mexico 3,222 + 4.4 100.0 357 11.1-0.3 1,034 32.1-6.3 1,831 56.8 + 12.8 Others 1,247 + 0.3 100.0 91 7.3-8.1 511 41.0-5.0 645 51.7 + 6.4 South America 9,256 + 12.4 100.0 985 10.6 + 28.3 3,900 42.1 + 4.6 4,371 47.2 + 16.9 Argentina 916-10.9 100.0 97 10.6 + 27.6 287 31.3-9.5 532 58.1-16.2 Brazil 4,122 + 22.8 100.0 588 14.3 + 29.8 1,595 38.7 + 8.7 1,939 47.0 + 34.8 Venezuela 790 + 9.0 100.0 64 8.1 + 93.9 483 61.1 + 16.9 243 30.8-12.9 Others 3,428 + 9.7 100.0 236 6.9 + 14.6 1,535 44.8 + 0.2 1,657 48.3 + 19.6 186,124 + 0.5 100.0 17,252 9.3 + 0.3 45,964 24.7-1.7 122,908 66.0 + 1.4 Europe 157,820 + 2.7 100.0 14,939 9.5 + 2.6 38,009 24.1 + 1.4 104,872 66.5 + 3.3 United Kingdom 44,918 + 5.9 100.0 2,800 6.2-7.1 6,970 15.5 + 5.2 35,148 78.2 + 7.3 Netherlands 7,430-2.2 100.0 575 7.7-6.4 1,855 25.0-0.6 5,000 67.3-2.3 Nordic Countries 13,654 + 2.2 100.0 1,166 8.5 + 10.1 2,895 21.2 + 10.4 9,593 70.3-0.9 Denmark 2,038 + 7.5 100.0 162 7.9 + 26.6 580 28.5 + 16.7 1,296 63.6 + 2.0 Finland 3,179 + 8.4 100.0 294 9.2 + 38.0 561 17.6 + 3.3 2,324 73.1 + 6.8 Norway 1,864 + 10.2 100.0 186 10.0 + 27.4 363 19.5-0.5 1,315 70.5 + 11.3 Sweden 6,573-3.9 100.0 524 8.0-8.4 1,391 21.2 + 14.2 4,658 70.9-7.8 Austria 2,406 + 15.1 100.0 325 13.5 + 32.1 466 19.4-3.9 1,615 67.1 + 18.8 Germany 17,644-2.1 100.0 1,699 9.6 + 2.1 4,319 24.5-4.4 11,626 65.9-1.9 Switzerland 5,341-4.9 100.0 495 9.3 + 0.2 802 15.0 + 2.4 4,044 75.7-6.8 France 17,750 + 2.2 100.0 2,315 13.0 + 2.8 4,543 25.6-0.2 10,892 61.4 + 3.0 Belgium 2,327-2.2 100.0 235 10.1-18.1 599 25.7 + 0.7 1,493 64.2-0.3 Italy 8,091-2.9 100.0 795 9.8 + 0.1 2,631 32.5-1.8 4,665 57.7-4.0 Iberia 7,607 + 12.8 100.0 1,601 21.0 + 9.3 1,756 23.1-1.6 4,250 55.9 + 21.7 Portugal 2,512 + 16.1 100.0 1,082 43.1 + 12.9 317 12.6 + 1.6 1,113 44.3 + 24.6 Spain 5,095 + 11.3 100.0 519 10.2 + 2.4 1,439 28.2-2.2 3,137 61.6 + 20.7 Europe Others 30,652 + 3.3 100.0 2,933 9.6 + 9.6 11,173 36.5 + 1.9 16,546 54.0 + 3.3 Russia 13,374 + 3.8 100.0 1,240 9.3 + 8.3 4,657 34.8 + 1.7 7,477 55.9 + 4.4 South Africa 8,211 + 1.7 100.0 491 6.0-16.4 1,633 19.9 + 16.6 6,087 74.1 - * Africa Others 6,591-12.5 100.0 499 7.6 + 10.6 2,660 40.4-21.0 3,432 52.1-7.6 Middle East 13,502-15.2 100.0 1,323 9.8-17.2 3,662 27.1-18.6 8,517 63.1-13.4 Bahrain 140-34.0 100.0 11 7.9-59.3 30 21.4 + 30.4 99 70.7-38.9 Egypt 1,207-23.5 100.0 60 5.0-38.1 659 54.6-17.8 488 40.4-28.0 Israel 5,182 + 4.0 100.0 531 10.2 + 1.1 1,382 26.7-3.6 3,269 63.1 + 8.1 Jordan 716-8.3 100.0 42 5.9 + 100.0 397 55.4-6.8 277 38.7-17.1 Kuwait 277-20.4 100.0 50 18.1-34.2 34 12.3-22.7 193 69.7-15.4 Saudi Arabia 928-19.2 100.0 104 11.2-26.8 191 20.6-9.9 633 68.2-20.3 Turkey 2,117-20.7 100.0 181 8.5-12.1 709 33.5-41.5 1,227 58.0-2.2 United Arab Emirates 2,323-32.7 100.0 260 11.2-33.8 111 4.8-31.1 1,952 84.0-32.6 Middle East Others 612-19.2 100.0 84 13.7-24.3 149 24.3-19.5 379 61.9-17.8 Australia, NZ & 62,508-1.5 100.0 6,711 10.7 + 1.6 12,512 20.0-5.3 43,285 69.2-0.7 Australia / New Zealand 61,436-1.3 100.0 6,640 10.8 + 1.6 12,243 19.9-5.4 42,553 69.3-0.5 Australia 51,816-3.6 100.0 5,824 11.2 + 0.9 10,249 19.8-6.8 35,743 69.0-3.3 New Zealand 9,620 + 13.2 100.0 816 8.5 + 7.5 1,994 20.7 + 2.8 6,810 70.8 + 17.4 Others 1,072-10.9 100.0 71 6.6-5.3 269 25.1-4.3 732 68.3-13.6 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 977,835 + 3.7 100.0 241,801 24.7 + 7.7 166,864 17.1-7.4 569,170 58.2 + 5.7 North Asia 244,041 + 10.9 100.0 56,075 23.0 + 20.0 42,395 17.4-0.6 145,571 59.7 + 11.4 Japan 111,163 + 10.3 100.0 15,896 14.3 + 10.6 23,314 21.0-4.2 71,953 64.7 + 15.9 South Korea 132,878 + 11.4 100.0 40,179 30.2 + 24.2 19,081 14.4 + 4.3 73,618 55.4 + 7.3 South & Southeast Asia 437,407 + 0.7 100.0 78,421 17.9 + 2.8 57,417 13.1-13.0 301,569 68.9 + 3.2 Southeast Asia 396,289 + 2.9 100.0 70,649 17.8 + 5.7 49,099 12.4-9.5 276,541 69.8 + 4.8 Indonesia 54,726 + 15.6 100.0 12,274 22.4 + 28.4 8,099 14.8-4.4 34,353 62.8 + 17.2 Malaysia 79,237 + 2.8 100.0 16,301 20.6 + 7.5 13,676 17.3-11.0 49,260 62.2 + 5.8 Philippines 89,875 + 11.1 100.0 17,547 19.5 + 11.8 5,873 6.5-7.8 66,455 73.9 + 12.9 Singapore 92,996-2.9 100.0 13,938 15.0-3.2 15,049 16.2-3.5 64,009 68.8-2.7 Thailand 68,898-7.4 100.0 9,568 13.9-13.9 5,342 7.8-27.1 53,988 78.4-3.5 SEA Others 10,557 + 11.7 100.0 1,021 9.7 + 10.5 1,060 10.0-3.4 8,476 80.3 + 14.1 Vietnam 5,589 + 12.4 100.0 124 2.2-41.5 203 3.6-1.5 5,262 94.1 + 15.6 India 36,510-16.6 100.0 7,430 20.4-16.7 6,970 19.1-31.8 22,110 60.6 + 14.1 Indian Sub-Continent 4,608-18.4 100.0 342 7.4-31.9 1,348 29.3-14.5 2,918 63.3-18.2 Taiwan 181,149 + 0.7 100.0 9,340 5.2 + 4.9 60,294 33.3-6.4 111,515 61.6 + 4.6 Macau SAR / Not Identified 115,238 + 5.8 100.0 97,965 85.0 + 5.8 6,758 5.9-3.7 10,515 9.1 + 13.3 Sub-Total 1,387,545 + 3.5 100.0 280,758 20.2 + 7.4 274,152 19.8-4.7 832,635 60.0 + 5.2 Mainland China 3,948,482 + 6.1 100.0 72,116 1.8 + 10.7 3,694,209 93.6 + 7.0 182,157 4.6-11.0 Total 5,336,027 + 5.4 100.0 352,874 6.6 + 8.1 3,968,361 74.4 + 6.1 1,014,792 19.0 + 1.9

8. Cumulative Visitor Arrivals to HK by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Entry - Jan to Dec 2016 Country / Territory of Residence Total Share Arrivals Arrivals via Macau Share Arrivals via Mainland Share Arrivals via Others Share Long Haul Markets 4,683,839 + 2.3 100.0 420,509 9.0 + 3.6 1,358,693 29.0-3.8 2,904,637 62.0 + 5.3 The Americas 1,773,338 + 2.6 100.0 150,944 8.5 + 4.0 607,647 34.3-2.5 1,014,747 57.2 + 5.7 USA / Canada 1,580,902 + 2.7 100.0 133,754 8.5 + 5.3 523,397 33.1-2.6 923,751 58.4 + 5.5 USA 1,211,539 + 2.6 100.0 99,993 8.3 + 5.2 391,360 32.3-3.1 720,186 59.4 + 5.6 Canada 369,363 + 3.0 100.0 33,761 9.1 + 5.4 132,037 35.7-1.0 203,565 55.1 + 5.5 S & C America 192,436 + 2.0 100.0 17,190 8.9-5.3 84,250 43.8-1.8 90,996 47.3 + 7.4 Central America 58,464 + 1.5 100.0 5,421 9.3-5.8 23,764 40.6-3.1 29,279 50.1 + 7.1 Honduras 1,318 + 4.9 100.0 93 7.1-23.8 614 46.6 + 7.9 611 46.4 + 8.0 Mexico 37,758-0.2 100.0 3,696 9.8-11.3 14,316 37.9-5.2 19,746 52.3 + 6.3 Others 19,388 + 4.7 100.0 1,632 8.4 + 11.2 8,834 45.6-0.3 8,922 46.0 + 9.0 South America 133,972 + 2.3 100.0 11,769 8.8-5.0 60,486 45.1-1.2 61,717 46.1 + 7.5 Argentina 16,615 + 18.2 100.0 1,460 8.8 + 21.5 6,228 37.5 + 8.2 8,927 53.7 + 25.7 Brazil 48,657-1.7 100.0 5,997 12.3-10.7 19,771 40.6-7.1 22,889 47.0 + 6.5 Venezuela 11,237-4.1 100.0 661 5.9-1.0 7,160 63.7 + 9.4 3,416 30.4-24.1 Others 57,463 + 3.1 100.0 3,651 6.4-4.0 27,327 47.6-1.1 26,485 46.1 + 9.0 2,226,455 + 2.7 100.0 203,306 9.1 + 3.7 604,502 27.2-4.3 1,418,647 63.7 + 5.9 Europe 1,904,876 + 4.1 100.0 178,955 9.4 + 4.3 499,981 26.2-2.4 1,225,940 64.4 + 7.0 United Kingdom 551,930 + 4.2 100.0 35,951 6.5 + 2.4 99,926 18.1-2.1 416,053 75.4 + 6.0 Netherlands 95,762 + 4.5 100.0 7,794 8.1-2.0 29,469 30.8 + 3.5 58,499 61.1 + 6.0 Nordic Countries 141,788 + 14.4 100.0 12,060 8.5 + 19.2 33,606 23.7 + 3.3 96,122 67.8 + 18.2 Denmark 26,637 + 9.7 100.0 2,002 7.5 + 15.4 7,328 27.5 + 4.3 17,307 65.0 + 11.6 Finland 27,932 + 5.5 100.0 2,282 8.2 + 10.3 6,103 21.8-4.4 19,547 70.0 + 8.4 Norway 22,095 + 15.9 100.0 1,953 8.8 + 15.9 4,772 21.6 + 1.6 15,370 69.6 + 21.3 Sweden 65,124 + 20.3 100.0 5,823 8.9 + 25.8 15,403 23.7 + 6.8 43,898 67.4 + 25.0 Austria 26,784 + 9.6 100.0 2,942 11.0 + 8.8 6,813 25.4-3.3 17,029 63.6 + 15.9 Germany 226,594 + 6.0 100.0 21,742 9.6 + 6.8 60,814 26.8-4.9 144,038 63.6 + 11.2 Switzerland 61,693 + 8.3 100.0 5,770 9.4 + 7.1 10,838 17.6-1.7 45,085 73.1 + 11.2 France 213,641 + 1.8 100.0 26,218 12.3 + 1.6 59,817 28.0-5.5 127,606 59.7 + 5.7 Belgium 31,586 + 0.7 100.0 3,092 9.8-1.2 8,661 27.4-4.8 19,833 62.8 + 3.6 Italy 105,317-2.5 100.0 9,010 8.6 + 0.7 33,939 32.2-7.4 62,368 59.2-0.2 Iberia 92,135 + 7.8 100.0 18,023 19.6 + 5.2 24,645 26.7-4.0 49,467 53.7 + 15.9 Portugal 28,171 + 10.9 100.0 11,170 39.7 + 2.9 4,351 15.4-2.6 12,650 44.9 + 25.5 Spain 63,964 + 6.4 100.0 6,853 10.7 + 9.1 20,294 31.7-4.3 36,817 57.6 + 12.9 Europe Others 357,646 + 0.9 100.0 36,353 10.2 + 4.1 131,453 36.8-0.7 189,840 53.1 + 1.5 Russia 142,664-5.8 100.0 15,126 10.6 + 1.9 49,622 34.8-4.9 77,916 54.6-7.7 South Africa 66,456-7.0 100.0 3,425 5.2-9.2 18,403 27.7-13.7 44,628 67.2-3.7 Africa Others 78,862-8.2 100.0 3,714 4.7 + 10.1 37,195 47.2-11.7 37,953 48.1-6.1 Middle East 176,261-2.3 100.0 17,212 9.8-1.1 48,923 27.8-13.0 110,126 62.5 + 3.2 Bahrain 1,918-11.9 100.0 133 6.9-32.5 288 15.0 + 3.2 1,497 78.1-12.0 Egypt 17,380 + 4.1 100.0 840 4.8 + 0.4 8,879 51.1 + 2.7 7,661 44.1 + 6.2 Israel 64,403 + 0.7 100.0 7,505 11.7 + 1.7 17,157 26.6-5.9 39,741 61.7 + 3.7 Jordan 10,703-8.8 100.0 379 3.5 + 10.5 5,425 50.7-9.9 4,899 45.8-8.7 Kuwait 4,262-9.6 100.0 750 17.6-22.8 655 15.4-15.3 2,857 67.0-3.9 Saudi Arabia 18,491-1.0 100.0 2,161 11.7 + 5.2 3,606 19.5-12.1 12,724 68.8 + 1.6 Turkey 28,703-14.6 100.0 2,609 9.1-8.2 9,509 33.1-32.1 16,585 57.8-1.1 United Arab Emirates 20,050 + 5.4 100.0 1,852 9.2-1.2 1,430 7.1-14.1 16,768 83.6 + 8.3 Middle East Others 10,351 + 5.5 100.0 983 9.5 + 9.8 1,974 19.1-21.6 7,394 71.4 + 15.6 Australia, NZ & 684,046 + 0.4 100.0 66,259 9.7 + 2.6 146,544 21.4-7.0 471,243 68.9 + 2.7 Australia / New Zealand 672,631 + 0.4 100.0 65,651 9.8 + 2.5 143,441 21.3-7.0 463,539 68.9 + 2.6 Australia 575,812 + 0.3 100.0 58,106 10.1 + 2.4 121,079 21.0-7.0 396,627 68.9 + 2.4 New Zealand 96,819 + 1.2 100.0 7,545 7.8 + 3.5 22,362 23.1-6.8 66,912 69.1 + 4.0 Others 11,415 + 1.3 100.0 608 5.3 + 3.4 3,103 27.2-4.8 7,704 67.5 + 3.9 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 9,192,919 + 3.4 100.0 2,094,581 22.8 + 3.1 1,858,973 20.2-5.6 5,239,365 57.0 + 7.2 North Asia 2,484,696 + 8.4 100.0 557,670 22.4 + 15.6 463,260 18.6-7.3 1,463,766 58.9 + 11.7 Japan 1,092,329 + 4.1 100.0 163,721 15.0 + 6.0 252,469 23.1-10.1 676,139 61.9 + 10.1 South Korea 1,392,367 + 12.0 100.0 393,949 28.3 + 20.1 210,791 15.1-3.8 787,627 56.6 + 13.1 South & 3,701,796 + 4.0 100.0 598,982 16.2 + 4.6 630,901 17.0-6.0 2,471,913 66.8 + 6.8 Southeast Asia 3,163,936 + 6.7 100.0 507,175 16.0 + 6.2 501,810 15.9-2.8 2,154,951 68.1 + 9.3 Indonesia 464,406 + 12.3 100.0 96,463 20.8 + 17.1 95,548 20.6-1.3 272,395 58.7 + 16.2 Malaysia 535,542-1.7 100.0 92,225 17.2-2.7 118,533 22.1-6.4 324,784 60.6 + 0.5 Philippines 791,171 + 12.4 100.0 155,665 19.7 + 12.0 63,898 8.1-5.0 571,608 72.2 + 14.8 Singapore 674,006-0.2 100.0 73,815 11.0-1.0 136,064 20.2-5.9 464,127 68.9 + 1.7 Thailand 594,615 + 12.3 100.0 79,859 13.4 + 3.3 76,295 12.8 + 9.9 438,461 73.7 + 14.6 SEA Others 104,196 + 5.7 100.0 9,148 8.8-3.8 11,472 11.0-1.3 83,576 80.2 + 7.9 Vietnam 59,443 + 0.8 100.0 1,592 2.7-45.7 2,304 3.9-25.9 55,547 93.4 + 4.9 India 480,906-9.6 100.0 87,381 18.2-3.1 112,794 23.5-18.0 280,731 58.4 + 7.9 Indian Sub-Continent 56,954-7.4 100.0 4,426 7.8-6.1 16,297 28.6-5.6 36,231 63.6-8.4 Taiwan 2,011,428-0.2 100.0 103,879 5.2-3.2 693,304 34.5-4.4 1,214,245 60.4 + 2.6 Macau SAR / Not Identified 994,999-2.6 100.0 834,050 83.8-4.1 71,508 7.2-2.8 89,441 9.0 + 14.6 Sub-Total 13,876,758 + 3.1 100.0 2,515,090 18.1 + 3.2 3,217,666 23.2-4.9 8,144,002 58.7 + 6.5 Mainland China 42,778,145-6.7 100.0 774,569 1.8-7.0 38,900,582 90.9-6.7 3,102,994 7.3-6.2 Total 56,654,903-4.5 100.0 3,289,659 5.8 + 0.6 42,118,248 74.3-6.6 11,246,996 19.9 + 2.7

9. Visitor Arrivals to HK via Mainland China by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Transport - Dec 2016 @ Total Share Air Sea Land Long Haul Markets 107,288-0.1 26.2 16,596-3.8 7,167 + 16.7 83,525-0.6 The Americas 48,812 + 2.8 30.3 6,783-0.4 3,482 + 21.0 38,547 + 2.0 USA / Canada 43,333 + 3.0 29.4 5,946 + 0.1 3,183 + 20.1 34,204 + 2.2 USA 31,634 + 2.9 28.2 4,611 + 1.0 2,352 + 20.3 24,671 + 1.9 Canada 11,699 + 3.4 33.4 1,335-3.1 831 + 19.4 9,533 + 3.1 S & C America 5,479 + 0.8 39.7 837-3.6 299 + 31.7 4,343 + 0.1 Central America 1,579-7.4 34.7 381-14.6 119 + 45.1 1,079-8.3 Honduras 34-46.0 43.0 1-88.9 2-33.3 31-39.2 Mexico 1,034-6.3 32.1 329-8.9 71 + 54.3 634-9.0 Others 511-5.0 41.0 51-32.9 46 + 39.4 414-3.5 South America 3,900 + 4.6 42.1 456 + 8.1 180 + 24.1 3,264 + 3.2 Argentina 287-9.5 31.3 53-29.3 30 + 150.0 204-11.3 Brazil 1,595 + 8.7 38.7 214 + 47.6 64 + 1.6 1,317 + 4.6 Venezuela 483 + 16.9 61.1 23 - - 17-10.5 443 + 19.4 Others 1,535 + 0.2 44.8 166-7.3 69 + 35.3 1,300-0.2 45,964-1.7 24.7 7,795-6.3 2,781 + 15.0 35,388-1.7 Europe 38,009 + 1.4 24.1 7,036-6.3 2,407 + 12.4 28,566 + 2.7 United Kingdom 6,970 + 5.2 15.5 1,391-4.5 538 + 35.5 5,041 + 5.6 Netherlands 1,855-0.6 25.0 375-10.7 118 + 35.6 1,362 + 0.2 Nordic Countries 2,895 + 10.4 21.2 933 + 28.7 192 + 11.6 1,770 + 2.5 Denmark 580 + 16.7 28.5 195 + 52.3 46 + 4.5 339 + 4.3 Finland 561 + 3.3 17.6 172 + 17.8 27 + 8.0 362-2.7 Norway 363-0.5 19.5 111 + 32.1 41 + 57.7 211-17.3 Sweden 1,391 + 14.2 21.2 455 + 24.0 78 + 1.3 858 + 10.9 Austria 466-3.9 19.4 103-31.3 55 + 71.9 308 + 1.7 Germany 4,319-4.4 24.5 875-21.6 321 + 13.0 3,123 + 0.2 Switzerland 802 + 2.4 15.0 201-2.9 74-2.6 527 + 5.4 France 4,543-0.2 25.6 839-15.8 366-10.3 3,338 + 6.1 Belgium 599 + 0.7 25.7 135-16.7 34 + 6.3 430 + 7.2 Italy 2,631-1.8 32.5 487-13.2 142-3.4 2,002 + 1.6 Iberia 1,756-1.6 23.1 335 + 2.1 117 + 5.4 1,304-3.0 Portugal 317 + 1.6 12.6 66 - - 43 + 4.9 208 + 1.5 Spain 1,439-2.2 28.2 269 + 2.7 74 + 5.7 1,096-3.9 Europe Others 11,173 + 1.9 36.5 1,362-2.0 450 + 13.9 9,361 + 2.0 Russia 4,657 + 1.7 34.8 560-3.9 112-6.7 3,985 + 2.8 South Africa 1,633 + 16.6 19.9 264 + 17.9 112 + 100.0 1,257 + 12.2 Africa Others 2,660-21.0 40.4 180 + 15.4 49 + 28.9 2,431-23.3 Middle East 3,662-18.6 27.1 315-25.7 213 + 15.8 3,134-19.4 Bahrain 30 + 30.4 21.4 3 + 50.0 20 + 900.0 7-63.2 Egypt 659-17.8 54.6 33 - - 20 + 185.7 606-20.5 Israel 1,382-3.6 26.7 143-15.9 129 + 65.4 1,110-6.3 Jordan 397-6.8 55.4 20-35.5 6 + 50.0 371-5.1 Kuwait 34-22.7 12.3 4-20.0 2 + 100.0 28-26.3 Saudi Arabia 191-9.9 20.6 29-25.6 7 + 75.0 155-8.3 Turkey 709-41.5 33.5 50-51.9 18-71.9 641-38.5 United Arab Emirates 111-31.1 4.8 16-50.0 1-94.7 94-14.5 Middle East Others 149-19.5 24.3 17 + 112.5 10 + 100.0 122-29.1 Australia, NZ & 12,512-5.3 20.0 2,018-5.2 904 + 7.0 9,590-6.4 Australia / New Zealand 12,243-5.4 19.9 1,970-5.4 890 + 6.0 9,383-6.3 Australia 10,249-6.8 19.8 1,658-7.5 749 + 1.9 7,842-7.4 New Zealand 1,994 + 2.8 20.7 312 + 8.0 141 + 34.3 1,541-0.3 Others 269-4.3 25.1 48 + 4.3 14 + 180.0 207-10.0 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 166,864-7.4 17.1 12,567 + 5.5 11,203-11.2 143,094-8.0 North Asia 42,395-0.6 17.4 3,318 + 22.3 2,723-12.2 36,354-1.3 Japan 23,314-4.2 21.0 1,664 + 17.2 1,393-20.5 20,257-4.3 South Korea 19,081 + 4.3 14.4 1,654 + 28.0 1,330-1.5 16,097 + 2.8 South & Southeast Asia 57,417-13.0 13.1 6,420-1.0 5,596-11.9 45,401-14.6 Southeast Asia 49,099-9.5 12.4 5,816 + 4.7 5,002-13.9 38,281-10.7 Indonesia 8,099-4.4 14.8 935-7.7 631-12.1 6,533-3.1 Malaysia 13,676-11.0 17.3 1,382 + 0.5 1,136-23.9 11,158-10.7 Philippines 5,873-7.8 6.5 1,067 + 16.2 766 + 6.7 4,040-14.7 Singapore 15,049-3.5 16.2 1,489 + 6.4 1,195 + 1.0 12,365-5.0 Thailand 5,342-27.1 7.8 811 + 16.5 1,106-29.9 3,425-32.2 SEA Others 1,060-3.4 10.0 132-13.2 168 + 38.8 760-7.8 Vietnam 203-1.5 3.6 66-15.4 11 - - 126 + 7.7 India 6,970-31.8 19.1 502-37.3 540 + 6.7 5,928-33.5 Indian Sub-Continent 1,348-14.5 29.3 102-21.5 54 + 63.6 1,192-15.7 Taiwan 60,294-6.4 33.3 2,531 + 6.7 1,746 + 4.9 56,017-7.3 Macau SAR / Not Identified 6,758-3.7 5.9 298-11.8 1,138-23.7 5,322 + 2.5 Sub-Total 274,152-4.7 19.8 29,163 - * 18,370-2.0 226,619-5.4 Mainland China 3,694,209 + 7.0 93.6 210,223 + 9.1 83,109 + 8.7 3,400,877 + 6.9 Total 3,968,361 + 6.1 74.4 239,386 + 7.9 101,479 + 6.6 3,627,496 + 6.0 Remarks : Country / Territory of Residence @

10. Cumulative Visitor Arrivals to HK via Mainland China by Country / Territory of Residence x Mode of Transport - Jan to Dec 2016 @ Total Share Air Sea Land Long Haul Markets 1,358,693-3.8 29.0 225,228-2.7 88,177-11.0 1,045,288-3.4 The Americas 607,647-2.5 34.3 92,961-2.2 36,535-8.2 478,151-2.0 USA / Canada 523,397-2.6 33.1 79,647-2.5 32,364-6.5 411,386-2.2 USA 391,360-3.1 32.3 61,361-2.2 24,494-7.4 305,505-2.9 Canada 132,037-1.0 35.7 18,286-3.7 7,870-3.7 105,881-0.3 S & C America 47,528-1.8 24.7 13,314-0.1 4,171-19.9 66,765-0.7 Central America 23,764-3.1 40.6 4,567-2.2 1,342-20.5 17,855-1.7 Honduras 614 + 7.9 46.6 54-3.6 28-41.7 532 + 14.4 Mexico 14,316-5.2 37.9 3,467-6.4 824-23.8 10,025-2.7 Others 8,834-0.3 45.6 1,046 + 15.1 490-12.3 7,298-1.3 South America 60,486-1.2 45.1 8,747 + 1.1 2,829-19.5 48,910-0.3 Argentina 6,228 + 8.2 37.5 1,688 + 6.5 562 + 12.2 3,978 + 8.4 Brazil 19,771-7.1 40.6 2,815-0.5 913-29.1 16,043-6.6 Venezuela 7,160 + 9.4 63.7 415-13.5 218 + 1.9 6,527 + 11.6 Others 27,327-1.1 47.6 3,829 + 1.9 1,136-24.9 22,362 - * 604,502-4.3 27.2 105,750-1.9 40,381-12.2 458,371-4.1 Europe 499,981-2.4 26.2 95,114-1.6 36,967-12.9 367,900-1.4 United Kingdom 99,926-2.1 18.1 21,918 + 0.3 8,373-27.7 69,635 + 1.5 Netherlands 29,469 + 3.5 30.8 5,797 + 19.7 2,511-4.4 21,161 + 0.8 Nordic Countries 33,606 + 3.3 23.7 7,682 + 2.3 2,692 + 4.7 23,232 + 3.5 Denmark 7,328 + 4.3 27.5 1,736 + 6.3 718 + 13.8 4,874 + 2.3 Finland 6,103-4.4 21.8 1,383 + 0.1 368-20.0 4,352-4.1 Norway 4,772 + 1.6 21.6 1,036-2.4 408 + 14.0 3,328 + 1.5 Sweden 15,403 + 6.8 23.7 3,527 + 2.8 1,198 + 6.9 10,678 + 8.3 Austria 6,813-3.3 25.4 1,625-8.5 663 + 8.2 4,525-2.9 Germany 60,814-4.9 26.8 13,067-8.2 5,496-16.6 42,251-2.1 Switzerland 10,838-1.7 17.6 2,749-9.6 1,204 + 13.3 6,885-0.4 France 59,817-5.5 28.0 11,223-9.2 5,956-12.4 42,638-3.4 Belgium 8,661-4.8 27.4 1,950-1.9 702-11.5 6,009-5.0 Italy 33,939-7.4 32.2 6,896-6.7 2,158-12.3 24,885-7.1 Iberia 24,645-4.0 26.7 4,926-5.5 1,650-8.9 18,069-3.0 Portugal 4,351-2.6 15.4 977-1.8 491-13.4 2,883-0.7 Spain 20,294-4.3 31.7 3,949-6.4 1,159-6.8 15,186-3.5 Europe Others 131,453-0.7 36.8 17,281 + 5.3 5,562 + 0.3 108,610-1.7 Russia 18,403-4.9 12.9 6,330-3.2 1,846 + 4.5 41,446-5.6 South Africa 37,195-13.7 56.0 3,205-8.9 854-5.5 14,344-15.2 Africa Others 48,923-11.7 62.0 2,274 + 8.0 631 + 8.6 34,290-13.1 Middle East 288-13.0 0.2 5,157-6.5 1,929-7.1 41,837-14.0 Bahrain 288 + 3.2 15.0 32-38.5 27 + 3.8 229 + 13.9 Egypt 8,879 + 2.7 51.1 470 + 0.6 162 + 14.1 8,247 + 2.6 Israel 17,157-5.9 26.6 2,440 + 3.6 1,077 + 12.5 13,640-8.6 Jordan 5,425-9.9 50.7 310-9.1 84-4.5 5,031-10.1 Kuwait 655-15.3 15.4 81 + 32.8 30 + 15.4 544-20.7 Saudi Arabia 3,606-12.1 19.5 471-17.4 133 + 30.4 3,002-12.5 Turkey 9,509-32.1 33.1 879-27.6 301-47.5 8,329-31.8 United Arab Emirates 1,430-14.1 7.1 262 + 2.3 37-47.9 1,131-15.5 Middle East Others 1,974-21.6 19.1 212 + 7.1 78-15.2 1,684-24.5 Australia, NZ & 146,544-7.0 21.4 26,517-7.2 11,261-15.2 108,766-5.9 Australia / New Zealand 143,441-7.0 21.3 25,903-7.5 11,168-15.2 106,370-5.9 Australia 121,079-7.0 21.0 22,449-7.6 9,768-15.3 88,862-5.9 New Zealand 22,362-6.8 23.1 3,454-6.6 1,400-14.5 17,508-6.2 Others 3,103-4.8 27.2 614 + 6.6 93-24.4 2,396-6.4 Short Haul Markets (Exclude Mainland China) 1,858,973-5.6 20.2 124,871 + 0.9 117,330 + 2.1 1,616,772-6.6 North Asia 463,260-7.3 18.6 30,985 + 3.3 29,549-9.6 402,726-7.9 Japan 252,469-10.1 23.1 15,329-0.8 15,445-18.2 221,695-10.0 South Korea 210,791-3.8 15.1 15,656 + 7.5 14,104 + 2.2 181,031-5.1 South & Southeast Asia 630,901-6.0 17.0 62,425-2.7 59,090 + 17.2 509,386-8.5 Southeast Asia 501,810-2.8 15.9 49,216-0.7 51,116 + 17.6 401,478-5.1 Indonesia 95,548-1.3 20.6 11,531-0.6 4,846 + 3.1 79,171-1.6 Malaysia 118,533-6.4 22.1 10,847 + 1.4 8,633-11.1 99,053-6.7 Philippines 63,898-5.0 8.1 8,515 + 3.7 7,995 + 2.9 47,388-7.6 Singapore 136,064-5.9 20.2 11,061-5.1 8,092-6.8 116,911-5.9 Thailand 76,295 + 9.9 12.8 5,976-1.5 19,876 + 79.7 50,443-3.6 SEA Others 11,472-1.3 11.0 1,286-3.8 1,674 + 7.4 8,512-2.5 Vietnam 2,304-25.9 3.9 635-10.3 138-69.3 1,531-21.6 India 112,794-18.0 23.5 11,615-10.6 7,499 + 17.4 93,680-20.7 Indian Sub-Continent 16,297-5.6 28.6 1,594-2.3 475-14.3 14,228-5.7 Taiwan 693,304-4.4 34.5 28,661 + 8.2 17,936-5.5 646,707-4.8 Macau SAR / Not Identified 71,508-2.8 7.2 2,800-9.1 10,755-16.0 57,953 + 0.5 Sub-Total 3,217,666-4.9 23.2 350,099-1.4 205,507-4.0 2,662,060-5.4 Mainland China 38,900,582-6.7 90.9 2,137,988-4.6 856,343-4.4 35,906,251-6.9 Total 42,118,248-6.6 74.3 2,488,087-4.2 1,061,850-4.3 38,568,311-6.8 Remarks : Country / Territory of Residence @

11. Visitor Arrivals from Miscellaneous Countries/Territory Country / Territory of Residence Nationality / Territory Total Total Total Total Central America Others 1,247 + 0.3 19,388 + 4.7 1,242 + 1.4 19,370 + 4.5 Antigua & Barbuda 36 + 140.0 371 + 16.7 36 + 140.0 375 + 16.8 Bahamas 47-28.8 485-0.6 47-29.9 486-0.4 Barbados 18 + 12.5 228-24.0 18 + 12.5 230-23.1 Belize 106-12.4 1,710-15.1 107-15.1 1,737-14.4 Costa Rica 222 + 5.2 2,830 + 7.8 217 + 5.3 2,855 + 7.8 Cuba 18-10.0 265 + 14.7 18-10.0 262 + 12.9 Dominica 46 + 170.6 461 + 43.2 47 + 176.5 463 + 45.6 Dominican Republic 108 + 30.1 1,823 + 6.2 110 + 31.0 1,829 + 5.9 El Salvador 32-3.0 664 + 18.4 32-3.0 668 + 18.9 Grenada 34 + 13.3 308 + 70.2 34 + 13.3 308 + 69.2 Guatemala 137 + 0.7 1,909 + 14.0 137-1.4 1,913 + 13.2 Haiti 16 + 14.3 175 + 13.6 16 + 14.3 172 + 10.3 Jamaica 144-7.7 2,927 + 2.0 139-11.5 3,002 + 2.5 Nicaragua 6-138 + 51.6 6-139 + 52.7 Panama 130-12.2 2,705-1.6 130 + 8.3 2,513-4.1 Saint Kitts & Nevis 89 + 9.9 1,007 + 21.5 89 + 9.9 1,025 + 23.2 Saint Lucia 2-77.8 67-28.0 2-77.8 67-26.4 Saint Vincent Island & the Grenadines Dec 2016 Jan - Dec 2016 Dec 2016 Jan - Dec 2016 1-65 + 103.1 1-61 + 90.6 Trinidad & Tobago 55-32.1 1,250-1.6 56-34.1 1,265-1.2 West Indies Associated States - - - - - - - - Windward Island - - - - 100.0 - - - - 100.0 South America Others 3,428 + 9.7 57,463 + 3.1 3,462 + 9.0 57,812 + 3.0 Bolivia 111-19.0 2,184 + 19.1 111-19.6 2,200 + 19.4 Chile 674-14,699 + 14.5 686 + 1.8 14,544 + 14.4 Colombia 1,543 + 14.9 21,969-2.2 1,585 + 15.2 22,399-2.2 Ecuador 244 + 44.4 3,919-1.9 244 + 45.2 3,952-1.1 French Guiana - - 1 - - - - - Guyana 18-28.0 348 + 0.9 18-28.0 350 + 0.3 Paraguay 40-23.1 810 + 15.5 40-23.1 807 + 14.3 Peru 580 + 17.4 8,216-2.6 565 + 11.2 8,223-3.1 Suriname 127-19.6 2,842 + 4.6 126-22.2 2,897 + 6.1 Uruguay 91 + 26.4 2,475 + 1.9 87 + 17.6 2,440 + 2.5

11. Visitor Arrivals from Miscellaneous Countries/Territory (Cont'd) Total Total Total Total Europe Others 30,652 + 3.3 357,646 + 0.9 31,536 + 3.2 369,142 + 1.5 Albania 67 + 17.5 755 + 27.7 67 + 13.6 764 + 29.5 Andorra 9-121 + 18.6 9-121 + 26.0 Bosnia & Herzegovina 67 + 39.6 772 + 27.0 69 + 40.8 780 + 27.5 Bulgaria 360-20.2 5,701 + 2.6 363-21.3 5,796 + 2.5 Commonwealth of Independent States Country / Territory of Residence Dec 2016 Jan - Dec 2016 Dec 2016 Nationality / Territory Jan - Dec 2016 19,439 + 4.5 210,707-2.7 20,041 + 4.4 217,457-2.0 Armenia 25-16.7 368 + 4.5 26-13.3 374 + 6.3 Azerbaijan 28-41.7 517-11.6 28-41.7 513-12.6 Belarus 99 + 32.0 1,439-1.0 101 + 34.7 1,456 + 0.1 Georgia 27-22.9 473 + 30.3 27-18.2 468 + 32.6 Kazakhstan 1,300 + 15.9 11,968-12.9 1,320 + 16.2 12,006-13.1 Kyrgyzstan 9-57.1 252-23.9 9-57.1 253-24.0 Moldova 12-42.9 202 + 1.0 12-42.9 203 + 1.0 Russia 13,374 + 3.8 142,664-5.8 13,816 + 3.8 147,834-5.0 Tajikistan 4-66.7 81-20.6 4-69.2 81-21.4 Turkmenistan 5-16.7 38 + 15.2 5-16.7 38 + 15.2 Ukraine 4,505 + 4.7 52,228 + 10.1 4,646 + 4.2 53,762 + 10.6 Uzbekistan 47 + 2.2 470-7.3 47 + 2.2 469-6.6 Others 4-7 - 36.4 - - - - Croatia 380 + 42.9 3,928 + 10.0 385 + 43.7 3,953 + 9.6 Cyprus 114 + 34.1 1,764 + 18.2 115 + 36.9 1,722 + 16.0 Czech Republic 835-8.7 11,921 + 3.1 832-8.7 11,974 + 4.2 Estonia 419-15.7 4,946 + 22.7 425-15.0 4,963 + 23.5 Greece 720 + 1.8 8,987 + 6.7 724-0.1 9,199 + 7.9 Hungary 816 + 16.4 10,432 + 6.4 834 + 16.5 10,587 + 6.2 Iceland 121 + 1.7 1,312-9.8 122-0.8 1,315-9.2 Ireland 2,099-0.3 28,438 + 5.9 2,263-0.1 31,305 + 6.4 Latvia 271-15.6 3,130 + 7.8 275-9.5 3,134 + 8.2 Liechtenstein 20-33.3 320 + 18.5 20-33.3 314 + 14.6 Lithuania 309 + 8.0 4,273 + 11.3 317 + 5.3 4,415 + 13.0 Luxembourg 185 + 6.3 1,690 + 5.7 177 + 3.5 1,584 + 4.3 Malta 69 + 40.8 886 + 2.8 66 + 29.4 871 + 0.2 Monaco 3-83.3 132 + 43.5 3-72.7 95 + 11.8 Poland 1,995-1.7 29,223 + 1.7 2,055-2.3 30,286 + 2.5 Romania 1,160 + 7.0 13,165 + 13.9 1,172 + 5.9 13,388 + 14.3 Republic of Macedonia 93 + 9.4 948 + 9.2 93 + 9.4 951 + 9.4 San Marino 14 + 366.7 118 + 61.6 14 + 366.7 109 + 47.3 Serbia 474 + 7.5 5,730 + 11.3 477 + 9.7 5,745 + 19.0 Montenegro 54-622 - 54-622 + 11.3 Slovak Republic 370 + 9.8 4,990-0.6 374 + 9.0 5,061 - Slovenia 188 + 0.5 2,623 + 4.2 189 + 1.1 2,624 + 4.0 Vatican City - - 11 - - - 6 -

11. Visitor Arrivals from Miscellaneous Countries/Territory (Cont'd) Total Total Total Total Africa Others 6,591-12.5 78,862-8.2 6,627-12.5 79,028-8.2 Algeria 413-16.1 4,806-17.1 427-14.8 4,867-17.6 Angola 48 + 77.8 422-6.8 43 + 59.3 419-6.1 Benin 82-34.4 1,447-24.0 82-34.4 1,459-24.1 Botswana 58-44.8 907-26.4 58-44.8 909-24.7 Burkina Faso 59-47.8 929-23.4 57-49.6 937-23.1 Burundi - - 2-71.4 - - 2-71.4 Cameroon 5-70.6 141-37.3 5-70.6 144-36.0 Cape Verde 25 + 8.7 278 + 19.8 17-15.0 190-6.9 Central African Republic - - 100.0 14-6.7 - - 100.0 14-6.7 Chad 10-44.4 181-14.6 10-47.4 181-15.0 Comoros 17-52.8 170 + 17.2 17-52.8 171 + 17.9 Country / Territory of Residence Nationality / Territory Dec 2016 Jan - Dec 2016 Dec 2016 Jan - Dec 2016 Congo - Democratic Republic of 16-52.9 182-23.2 16-52.9 182-23.5 Congo - Republic of 3-85.7 113 + 18.9 3-85.7 113 + 20.2 Cote d'ivoire 11-211 + 33.5 2-81.8 196 + 26.5 Djibouti 27-27.0 198 + 35.6 27-27.0 198 + 35.6 Equatorial Guinea 16 + 166.7 112-9.7 16 + 166.7 112-11.8 Eritrea 1-7 - 58.8 1-7 - 58.8 Ethiopia 69-723 - 8.1 69-723 - 9.1 Gabon 39 + 50.0 202-4.3 39 + 50.0 202-3.8 Gambia 7-41.7 118-52.0 7-41.7 116-52.8 Ghana 21 + 31.3 318 + 22.3 21 + 31.3 320 + 23.1 Guinea 156 + 2.0 2,015-14.7 160 + 4.6 2,030-15.1 Guinea-Bissau 1-75.0 27-6.9 1-75.0 27-6.9 Kenya 643-4.3 6,868-2.4 650-3.8 6,860-2.4 Lesotho 11 + 37.5 350 + 29.2 11 + 37.5 350 + 29.2 Liberia 7 + 600.0 90 + 373.7 7 + 600.0 90 + 373.7 Libya 4 + 33.3 28 + 3.7 4 + 33.3 29 + 7.4 Madagascar 322-0.6 5,205 + 56.1 323-0.9 5,200 + 56.4 Malawi 75-6.3 711-38.1 75-7.4 711-38.2 Maldives 408 + 156.6 1,506 + 15.7 407 + 156.0 1,496 + 15.3 Mali 221-53.5 4,346-21.9 221-53.5 4,362-22.1 Mauritania 24 + 20.0 299-6.9 24 + 20.0 298-7.2 Mauritius 1,047-8.3 13,914-9.1 1,063-7.0 13,888-9.0 Morocco 539-39.3 6,378-0.6 543-41.0 6,493-0.7 Mozambique 129 + 34.4 1,417-25.1 129 + 34.4 1,419-24.9 Namibia 103-17.6 1,497-14.7 103-16.9 1,485-15.3 Niger 207-34.3 2,973-9.4 212-32.7 2,989-9.5 Nigeria 162-40.2 2,617-34.0 163-39.9 2,632-33.7 Portuguese Guinea - - - - - - - - Rwanda 1-96.8 178-55.8 1-96.8 178-55.8 Sao Tome and Principe 4 + 300.0 38 + 111.1 4 + 300.0 38 + 111.1 Senegal 80 + 135.3 652 + 3.2 80 + 110.5 663 + 3.3 Seychelles 48-5.9 651-24.4 48-9.4 656-24.7 Sierra Leone 7-12.5 142 + 21.4 7 + 16.7 118 + 45.7 Somalia 4 + 33.3 15-25.0 4 + 33.3 15-25.0 South Sudan - - 4-55.6 - - 4-55.6 Sudan 5-67 + 11.7 5-67 + 9.8 Swaziland 18 + 50.0 169-33.2 18 + 38.5 169-33.5 Tanzania 311-13.4 3,264-26.3 310-13.4 3,277-25.9 Togo 10-66.7 160 + 22.1 10-58.3 150 + 44.2 Tunisia 300 + 19.5 2,999-5.6 305 + 23.0 3,035-5.1 Uganda 203-24.0 2,919 + 5.5 203-24.0 2,924 + 5.6 Zambia 275 + 2.6 3,132 + 11.9 275 + 2.6 3,139 + 12.2 Zimbabwe 339 + 19.8 2,750 + 10.0 344 + 19.4 2,774 + 10.6