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rain-probability 2 1 4 td 2 3 td % 2 (6~12 12~18 ) percent 7 @(python.exe ) ( ) %* OK API API(Application Programming Interface) (Wikipedia ) API Twitter YouTube Twitter API Twitter Twitter SNS API URL Twitter API Twitter API Twitter ( Create New App Callback URL Keys and Access Tokens Create my access token 1 #!python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session 4 import os 5 import time 6 import shelve 7 import requests 8 9 file = lasttweet ) 10 lasttweet = file[ lasttweet ] # 11 12 CONSUMER_KEY = os.environ[ KEY ] 13 CONSUMER_SECRET = os.environ[ SECRET ] 14 ACCESS_TOKEN = os.environ[ ACCESS_TOKEN ] 15 ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = os.environ[ ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET ] 16 17 twitter = OAuth1Session(CONSUMER_KEY, 18 client_secret=consumer_secret, 19 resource_owner_key=access_token, 20 resource_owner_secret=access_token_secret) 52

21 22 response = twitter.get( + lasttweet + &count=300& exclude_replies=true&include_rts=false ) 23 24 for tweet in response.json(): 25 try: 26 for image in tweet[ extended_entities ][ media ]: 27 image_url = image[ media_url ] 28 print(image_url) 29 image = requests.get(image_url) 30 image.raise_for_status() 31 image_file = open(os.path.join(, os.path.basename(image_url)), wb ) 32 for chunk in image.iter_content(100000): 33 image_file.write(chunk) 34 image_file.close() 35 time.sleep(5) 36 except: 37 pass 38 39 file.close() Twitter 22 24~37 from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session Twitter API OAuth OAuth shelve shelve shelve Python ID lasttweet open close lasttweet import shelve file = lasttweet ) file[ lasttweet ] = file.close() Twitter os.environ 22 22 json 5.1 screen_name since_id count exclude_replies include_rts (@ ) ID true false 24~37 try~except try except try 53

json URL extended_entities media media_url 29~34 raise_for_status 31=33 100000 5 ( ) 54

YouTube API YouTube Google API URL YouTube API YouTubeAPI Google API Console( API YouTube Data API v3 API YouTube 1 from apiclient.discovery import build 2 import webbrowser 3 import datetime 4 import shelve 5 import os 6 7 file = begintime ) 8 begindate = datetime.datetime(int(file[ year ]), int(file[ month ]), int(file[ day ]), nt(file[ hour ]), int(file[ minute ]), int(file[ second ])) 9 nowdate = 10 11 youtube = build( youtube, v3,developerkey=os.environ[ GOOGLE_KEY ]) 12 search = youtube.subscriptions().list(part= snippet, channelid= ID ).execute() 13 14 def getchannel(info): 15 for channel in info[ items ]: 16 getmovie(channel[ snippet ][ resourceid ][ channelid ]) 17 if( nextpagetoken in info.keys()): 18 nextpage = youtube.subscriptions().list(part= snippet, channelid= ID, pagetoken = info[ nextpagetoken ]).execute() 19 channelname(nextpage) 20 21 def getmovie(info): 22 channel = youtube.channels().list(part= contentdetails, id=info).execute() 23 uploads = youtube.playlistitems().list(part= snippet, playlistid=channel[ items ][0][ contentdetails ][ relatedplaylists ][ uploads ], maxresults=50).execute() 24 for movie in uploads[ items ]: 25 moviedate = datetime.datetime.strptime(movie[ snippet ][ publishedat ], %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z ) 26 moviedate += datetime.timedelta(hours=9) 27 if moviedate > begindate: 28 + movie[ snippet ][ resourceid ][ videoid ]) 29 30 getchannel(search) 31 32 file[ year ] = nowdate.year 33 file[ month ] = nowdate.month 34 file[ day ] = 35 file[ hour ] = nowdate.hour 36 file[ minute ] = nowdate.minute 37 file[ second ] = nowdate.second 38 39 file.close() from apiclient.discovery import build Python Google API Client for Python Google API pip install google-api-python-client webbrowser URL 55

datetime datetime datetime year month day hour minute second microsecond shelve shelve YouTube API YouTube API 10 build API API subscriptions().list part channelid ID (YouTube URL ID channel ) execute() json getchannel URL subscriptions().list items 1 5 6 nextpagetoken subscriptions().list pagetoken 2 ID getmovie getmovie channels.list() part id ID items contentdetails relatedplaylists uploads ID playlistitems().list part playlistid ID maxresults 1 items snippet publishedat 56

5.6 (2018-04-28T10:51:56.000Z) datetime datetime strptime datetime 9 9 shelve (?)! : ( ) 5.6 Web 57

5.7 5.7 Al Sweigart (2017) Python (2016) Python Twitter API YouTube API 58