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Answers Practice 08 JFD1



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平成19年度 調査問題  .PDF


平成23年度 児童・生徒の学力向上を図るための調査 中学校第2 学年 外国語(英語) 調査票

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5 Tennis is all over the world. These rooms used every day. Tofu in America. My house last year. Those cars in our country. These pictures were Yuki.



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(c) 例 文 4 You can t be hungry. You ve just had dinner. ( 君 はおなかがすいているはずはない 食 事 をしたばかりだから ) 可 能 性 を 表 す can は, 肯 定 文 では でありうる という 意 味 である 例 文 4のよう に, 否

20 want ~ がほしい wanted[-id]want to 21 her 彼女の, 彼女を she 22 his 彼の, 彼のもの he 23 how どのように, どうなのか, どれくらい how to <How!> How many? How much? How long? How ol



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1 放 送 を 聞 いて, 次 のA~Dの 問 題 に 答 えなさい A 放 送 される 英 文 と 問 いを 聞 いて, 問 いに 対 する 答 えとして 適 切 な 絵 を 選 ぶ 問 題 No. 1 ア イ ウ エ No. 2 ア イ ウ エ No. 3 ア イ ウ エ B 放 送 される 対





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2 次の英文 (1) (2) の ( ) に入れる単語として最も適切なものを 下のア ~ エ のうちから 1 つ選びなさい (1)A : Where is Kenta? レベル6 7 B : I saw ( )in our classroom. ア his イ him ウ he エ them (2)



CONTENTS Public relations brochure of Higashikawa May No.751 2

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Unit 8-1 目標関係代名詞 ( 主格 ) を理解する! date 月日 基本文 1 私はアメリカに住んでいるおじがいます I have a uncle who(that) lives in America. 2 私は日本製の車を持ってます I have a car which(that) wa

Page 2 I played baseball with my friends after school. Please open the window. We are leaving for Hokkaido tomorrow. There were a lot of people in the


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はじめに 4 Exercises 1 24 Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 Exercises A B 3 Exercises C Exercises D E Unit 11 iii


英語の女神 No.9 過去進行形の疑問文 学習 POINT 1 You were studying English. ( あなたは英語を勉強していました ) は 過去進行形の文です 過去進行形の文には 必ず be 動詞の過去形 was または were が使われているので 疑問文は今までと同じように


Exercise 1 次 の 各 文 の 文 型 を 言 いなさい (1) Please [give] [me] [something cold to drink]. TOEFL 第 4 文 型 (SVOO) 何 か 冷 たい 飲 み 物 をください (2) [They] [had] [a happy marriage]. 第 3 文 型 (SVO) 彼 らは 幸 せな 結 婚 生 活 を 送 った cf. have a strange dream (3) [The milk] [went] [sour]. 第 2 文 型 (SVC) ミルクがすっぱくなった 通 例 好 ましくない 状 態 になること The book went out of print. Fish goes bad in hot weather. (4) [He] [eats] like a pig. 第 1 文 型 (SV) 彼 は 大 食 漢 だ cf. eat like a horse, eat like a bird(きわめて 小 食 ) (5) [They] [elected] [Giles] [chairman of the meeting]. 第 5 文 型 (SVOC) 彼 らはジャイルズを 会 議 の 議 長 に 選 んだ cf. 最 近 では chair 次 の 各 組 の 文 の 構 造 を 比 較 し それぞれの 文 の 意 味 を 考 えなさい (1) a. He left me for another girl. 第 3 文 型 (SVO) 彼 は 私 を 捨 てて 別 の 女 に 走 った b. He left the party angry. 第 3 文 型 (SVO) 彼 は 怒 ってパーティを 後 にした c. They left me nothing to eat. 第 4 文 型 (SVOO) 彼 らは 私 に 何 も 食 べ 物 を 残 しておいてくれなかった Leave me alone. ( 一 人 にしておいて ) 第 5 文 型 (SVOC) (2) a. You made my day. あなたのおかげでよい 日 になりました おかげで 楽 しい 気 分 になりました b. The girl made her mother a nice dress. その 女 性 は 母 親 に 素 敵 なドレスを 作 ってあげた (3) a. I found a fifty dollar bill *(on the sidewalk). TOEFL 私 は 舗 道 で 50 ドル 紙 幣 を 見 つけた 舗 道 の 上 の 50 ドル 紙 幣 を 見 つけた b. I found the book amazing. その 本 がとても 面 白 いことがわかった cf. I cannot put the book down. (4) a. They jumped over the fence easily. 彼 らは 簡 単 にそのフェンスを 飛 び 越 えた b. They jumped their horses over the fence. 彼 らは 自 分 たちの 馬 にフェンスを 飛 び 越 えさせた (5) a. The can opened easily.その 缶 は 簡 単 に 開 いた b. I opened the door without knocking. TOEFL 私 はノックせずにドアを 開 けた 次 の 各 文 の 誤 りを 指 摘 し 正 しい 形 を 書 きなさい (1) I put the kettle.=> I put the kettle on the stove. (2) I donated the school some money.=> I donated some money to the school. (3) There are a big bunch of grapes. TOEFL =>There is a big bunch of grapes. (4) The popularity of those games have increased. TOEFL =>The popularity of those games has increased. (5) How come aren t you taking me?=> How come you aren t taking me to the station? 次 の 日 本 語 を 英 語 で 表 現 しなさい (1) 本 を 本 棚 からとってテーブルの 上 に 置 いた I took the book from the shelf and put it on the table. I carried the book from the shelf to the table. *I put the book from the shelf to the table. (2) その 写 真 をみるといろいろな 事 が 思 い 出 されてなつかしいな The photo brings a lot of fun memories. /The photo reminds me of the fun memories I had there (then). The photo brings back many fond memories. (3) 昼 食 おごるよ Lunch is on me. / I ll treat you to lunch. / I ll buy you lunch. 1

Exercise 2 次 の 各 文 の[ ]の 語 句 を End-Focus, End-Weight の 原 理 に 合 うように 並 べかえなさい (1) On the hill [used, a, to, there, big, be, castle]. On the hill [there used to be a big castle]. (2) In the long run, U. S. Big Three may be the most-dangerous competitors. [were, by, once, American, Europeans, dismissed, automakers] as the creators of Detroit monsters. In the long run, U.S. Big Three may be the most-dangerous competitors. [American automakers were once dismissed by Europeans] as the creators of Detroit monsters. (3) Mr. Brown teaches us French. Yesterday [me, lent, a, storybook, French, he]. Mr. Brown teaches us French. Yesterday [he lent me a French storybook]. (4) In London I was born and [die, I, in, will, London]. In London I was born and [in London I will die]. (5) [remains, that, not, the possibility, to recover, is, he]. [TOEFL] [The possibility remains that he is not to recover]. (6) To this list [added, ten, be, further items, may, of importance]. [TOEFL] To this list [may be added ten items of importance]. (7) Ms. White told an interesting story to Mary. [she, a, bought, her, also, book]. Ms. White told an interesting story to Mary. [She also bought her a book]. (8) [the cafe, the guy, met, that, came in, I, at]. [The guy came in that I met at the café]. (9) [were, from their mothers purses, the younger boys, the older ones, into, frightened, stealing money, by]. X frighten Y into doing Z: X が Y を 脅 して Z させる [The younger boys were frightened by the older ones into stealing money from their mothers purses.] (10) [in Chapter 2, we, examined, this, have, latter topic] and need not reconsider it. [In Chapter 2 we have examined this latter topic] and need not reconsider it. cf. This latter topic has been examined in Chapter 2 and need not be reconsidered here. 次 の 各 文 について イタリック 体 の 部 分 が 新 情 報 の 焦 点 であるとした 場 合 それを 尋 ねる 疑 問 文 を 作 りな さい (1) Ron is sleeping on the floor. Where is Ron sleeping? (2) I will drive you to the airport. Who will drive you to the airport? (3) Mary decided to eat steak for dinner this evening. What did Mary decide to eat for dinner this evening? (4) Several stamps are necessary for these letters. How many stamps are necessary for these letters? (5) Jane looked at me angrily when I interrupted her. How did Jane look at you when you interrupted her? 次 の 英 文 のイタリック 体 の 表 現 について それぞれ 新 情 報 には N 旧 情 報 には O を 指 摘 しなさい [Three boys] were playing football in {the garden}o and [one boy] kicked [a ball]. {The ball}o went through {the window} and broke {it}. {They} were looking at {it} and there came [an old man]n and shouted at {them}o because {they} broke {it}. {They} ran away and then [an old lady]n looked out of {the window} and {she} told {them} off. 2

Exercise 3 (1) Jane thought that she was right. (2) *Jane thought to be right.=>jane thought her/herself to be right. (3) I promised to be good. (4) I promised that I would be a good boy. (5) *I hope Mary to come.=>(6) (6) I hope for Mary to come. (7) Mary enjoyed writing a letter to her boyfriend. (8) *Mary enjoyed to write a letter to her boyfriend. (9) John tried writing a letter to Mary. (10) *John tried having writing a letter to Mary.=>(9) (11) *John suggested me to go home.=>john suggested that I (should) go home. (12) *He doesn t allow that people smoke.=>he doesn t allow people to smoke. (1) a. I felt Mary trembling.=> 直 接 知 覚 b. I felt that Mary was trembling.=> 間 接 知 覚 (2) a. I saw her dead.=> 直 接 知 覚 b. I saw that she was dead.=> 間 接 知 覚 ( 名 簿 を 見 て 死 亡 を 確 認 したような 場 合 ) 省 略 (1) John {asked/requested} the children playing there to be quiet. (2) Mary proposed that we (should) turn (to the) right at the next intersection. (3) Hanako encouraged me to {be/become} an artist. (4) I asked my teacher to wait until tomorrow for my term paper. (5) Taro promised to {give/pay} me back 10,000 yen tomorrow. 5. (1) The babysitter sang the baby to sleep. (2) Please ask John whether he likes natto. 3

Exercise 4 (1) To sing/ Singing in chorus is embarrassing to John. (2) John saw a sleeping baby in the car. (3) The police caught the boy stealing the camera. (4) I am looking forward to hearing from you in London. (5) I felt like crying when I heard the news. (6) I want something to write with. (7) The father advised his son not to buy that used car. (8) Taro couldn t make himself understood to them in English. (9) This question is very difficult to solve. (10) Roughly speaking, we have tea after a meal in Japan. (1) She became to be honest.=>she came to be honest./ She became honest.( 彼 女 は 素 直 になった ) (2) They let their son to go.=>they let their son go. (3) I don t mind to say it to the grandfather.=>i don t mind saying it to the grandfather. (4) I hope John to come to the party.=>i hope for John to come to the party. (5) Having finished the dinner, the table was wiped clean.=>having finished the dinner, they wiped the table clean./ The dinner having been finished, the table was wiped clean. (6) He is easy to speak to.=>he is easy to speak. (1) Those people became (excited) to see the fire. (2) What he said was (irritating) for Mary. (3) That movie was very (boring) to John. (4) John was (surprised) at her sudden visit. (5) Bill had his son (examined) by the doctor. (6) They suggested (his going) alone. (1) Being sick, John stayed at home all day. (2) Being at the bus stop/ While at the bus stop, John talked to the stranger. (3) Frankly speaking/ Speaking frankly, John will fail in the examination. (4) Having finished her homework, Mary went downstairs. (5) There being no objection, John remained silent. 5. (1) Satsuki left for/ went to the United States to study drama. (2) His speech was so difficult to understand that the audience got bored soon. (3) As soon as he saw me, he came to me running./ running to me. 4

Exercise 5 (1) Who (wrote) the play Hamlet? (2) This is the first time I (have driven) a car. (3) I (have studied/ have been studying) English for a long time.< 現 在 までの 経 験 を 話 している 場 合 > (4) John and Mary are married. They (have been) married for 20 years. (5) By the time you get back, I (will have finished) all my homework. (6) Who knows what (will become) of Japan in 100 years? (7) Ken was on his hands and knees on the floor. He (was looking) for his contact lens. (8) Mr. Brown (had been smoking/ had smoked) for 30 years when he finally gave it up. (9) The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody (had gone) to bed. (10) The girl (will/may be drowned) if no one tries to help her. (1) d (2) c (3) b (4) c (5) d (6) c (7) a (8) c (9) d (10) c (1) have invented invented (2) Have you always been Have you always lived (3) now 削 除 (4) Have you visited Did you visit (5) passed been, has passed is /Mary years have passed since Cathy came to Nagasaki. (6) Had you Did you have (7) if it will rain If it rains (8) have got have (9) have gone have been /went (10) Shall he Will he, he shall he will (1) Nowadays/These days, my father drives to his office/ goes to his office by car. (2) I had been reading for an hour when he came into/entered my room. (3) As soon as she finishes her homework, she will call me/you up. 5

Exercise 6 法 助 動 詞 (1) Tom wasn t feeling well last night. He (had to) leave the party early. (2) I ({must/ have to}) write to my host family. I haven t written to them for ages. 注 have to を 使 うと 義 務 としてやらなくては というニュアンスになる (3) My grandmother s eyes are not very good. She (has to) wear glasses for reading. (4) When you come to Nagasaki, you ({must/ have to}) come and see me. (5) I m sorry I couldn t come last night. I (had to) work late. (1) この 箱 を 移 動 させるのを 手 伝 ってもらいたいのですが (2) お 電 話 をお 借 りしてもよろしいですか 注 よく borrow は 使 えないといわれているが 実 は 使 える (3) コーヒーか 紅 茶 はいかがですか (4) キャシーはひょっとしたら 今 夜 のパーティーに 来 ないかもしれない 彼 女 は 気 分 が 悪 いようだ (5) 7 月 でさえもイギリスは 寒 いということがありうるのですよ (1) We insisted that we (should) stop smoking. Tom suggested that we hold the party tonight. (a. 提 案 する b. 暗 に 示 している) Mary insisted that the dishes be washed by him.(a. 要 求 する b. 主 張 する) Her face suggests that she's afraid.(a. 提 案 する b. 暗 に 示 している) She insisted that she was innocent.(a. 要 求 する b. 主 張 する) (2) The fire spread quickly, but we were able to/ managed to escape. Cf. The fire spread quickly, but we escaped. (3) You must not tell anyone what I said. (4) I suggested to them that we should go back to work. / I suggested to them going back to work. (5) No, it was a direct flight, so we didn t have to change planes. (1) I m going to see Amy {in ten minutes/ten minutes from now}, so {I must /I ve got to} go now. Otherwise I ll be late. Cf. I must be going now. / I d better be going. (2) {I never used to / I didn t used to} drink tea, but now I do (drink it). (3) Nancy knows a lot about {movies /films}, so {she must like to go to (see) the movies. / I m sure she likes to go to (see) the movies.} 6

Exercise 7 受 動 態 (1) a. この 手 紙 は 青 のインクで{ 書 かれていた / 書 かれた } b. この 手 紙 は 青 のインクで 書 かれた (2) a. このナイフは 滑 らかに 切 れる b. 雅 子 はこのナイフでその 手 紙 を 細 かく 切 った (3) a. 多 くの 大 学 生 は ほとんど 英 語 の 本 を 読 まない b. 多 くの 大 学 生 によって 読 まれる 英 語 の 本 はほとんどない (4) a. その 男 は( 誰 かに) 故 意 に 撃 たれた b. その 男 は ( 自 ら)わざと 撃 たれた (5) a. その 地 域 全 体 が 火 山 灰 によって 覆 われた b. その 地 域 全 体 が 火 山 灰 によって 覆 われていた (1) The visitors were made (d. to wait) for more than two hours in the garden. (2) These cookies (a. eat) short and crisp. (このクッキーはサクサク/カリカリと 食 べられる ) この eat は 能 動 受 動 態 として 使 われている cf. brittle; friable; in a condition to break with a short, sharp fracture; as, crisp snow. The cakes at tea ate short and crisp. Goldsmith. (3) Can you make yourself (b. well understood) in English? [TOEFL] (4) A mess was made (b. of) he new school building.( 新 校 舎 がすっかり 汚 れてしまった ) (5) Her parents were very much (c. pleased) with her success as an actress. [TOEFL] 形 容 詞 的 受 動 分 詞 の 例 (1) This grammar book reads like a novel. 能 動 受 動 態 としての read (2) The (That) student must have been caught (for) cheating. must have(+en) be(+en) catch (3) The problem should be gone into by the scholars. 自 動 詞 + 前 置 詞 = 他 動 詞 の 場 合 の 受 動 態 (4) I {was/got} caught in a shower. 対 応 する 能 動 態 の 無 い 受 動 態 (5) The (That) baseball player was seen to {go into/enter} an actress s apartment building. 知 覚 動 詞 の 補 語 部 分 の 受 動 態 7