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2011 年 度 入 学 試 験 問 題 英 語 Ⅰ 次 の 文 章 を 読 み 下 記 の 問 いに 答 えなさい Have you ever seen a nest* like this? How can you find out* what kind of bird made it? One way is to watch the nest closely*. Perhaps* a bird will land on* it. Another way is to find out what the nest is made of. Where did the bird find the things* to build this nest? If you can find the answers to (1)these questions, you will know more about the nest and the bird that made 1it. Do you want to know more about things that you see around you? Do you try to find out more about these things? If so, you are acting* like a scientist*. A scientist is always asking questions and looking for answers. In order to* find out what made the nest in the picture above, you could observe* it. When you observe something, you study 2it carefully. If you observe the nest, you will learn that it was made of a red-winged blackbird*. Nikolas Tinbergen* is a scientist ( A ) studies animals. He has learned about a lot of animals by observing them. One of the animals that he has studied is the digger wasp*. This wasp lives in a tunnel* in the sand. Tinbergen observed a digger wasp for many days. He learned that 3it makes its tunnel. It has eggs in the tunnel. The digger wasp spends the day hunting for bees to give food to its young. (2)Tinbergen found out that it may be easy for the digger wasp to find its tunnel. He wanted to find out how this happened. Then, he had an idea. Perhaps the wasp used things on the sand as landmarks* to find the tunnel. (Holt Science by Rinehart and Winston 一 部 改 編 ) nest 巣 find out 見 い 出 す closely 近 づいて perhaps 多 分 land on 着 地 する thing(s) 物 act 振 舞 う scientist 科 学 者 in order to~ ~するために observe 観 察 する red-winged blackbird ハゴロモガラス( 鳥 類 ) Nikolas Tinbergen ニコラス ティンバーゲン( 人 名 ) digger wasp ジガバチ( 昆 虫 ) tunnel トンネル landmark 地 上 の 目 印

問 1. 下 線 部 (1)の 指 す 内 容 を 日 本 語 で 答 えなさい 問 2. (A)に 入 る 語 を 下 記 のア~エから 選 びなさい ア.who イ.which ウ. when エ.where 問 3. 下 線 部 1~3の it はそれぞれ 何 を 指 しているか 本 文 の 英 語 で 答 えなさい 問 4. 下 線 部 (2)について ティンバーゲンによれば ジガバチはどうやって 簡 単 に トンネルを 見 つけられるのか 説 明 しなさい 問 5. 本 文 の 内 容 に 一 致 しないものを 下 記 のア~エから 1 つ 選 びなさい ア 巣 を 作 った 鳥 の 種 類 をつきとめる 方 法 の 一 つは 巣 の 材 料 を 見 出 すことだ イ 科 学 者 はいつも 問 題 提 起 をして 答 えを 追 い 求 めている ウ ティンバーゲンは 動 物 を 観 察 することでたくさんのことを 学 んだ エ ジガバチは 人 間 が 作 ったトンネルに 巣 を 作 って 卵 を 育 てている

Ⅱ 次 の 文 章 を 読 み 下 記 1~5の 内 容 が 本 文 と 一 致 する 場 合 には T を また 本 文 の 内 容 と 一 致 しない 場 合 は F を 解 答 欄 に 書 きなさい John and Maria were going home after their visit to the Indians*. They stopped for a weekend in Manaus* on the way. They were talking to a taxi driver about the Indians. The taxi driver was not happy. Why are these Indians important? he asked, There s a very small number of them. I think there are only about 350,000 Indians in Brazil. But they get money, and they live in parks in the forest*. They don t work. I have to work hard-my family, too. I ll tell you about my family. When I was a small child, my family lived near Sao Paulo*. It was a big city in those days. Not as big as today, but very big. We weren t rich. My father had no work, no money, and no house. We had nothing. Then Brazil had a new plan. People made big roads into the forest. They wanted to move the poor people from the cities into the forest. They said, You can go into the forest and start farms there. The soil* of the forest is rich, and it s free. You can have a square kilometer of* ground next to a road. You don t have to pay for the ground next to a road. You don t have to pay for the ground, and you can have money for six months. We ll give you seeds* and you can make coffee or fruits. You can sell these in the cities. It costs the country $65,000 for each family. My family and many other people went into the forest. We worked night and day. We cut down* the forest trees and made small farms. We built small houses of wood. We made coffee and sugar and fruit. It was wonderful. My father and mother were happy. We had work, we had a house. We felt rich. The first year, everything was fine. But there was a problem-a big problem. The soil was not rich, and there was not much of it. The rain washed it away. The third year we were hungry. We couldn t sell anything. The fourth year was the worst. The plants died and we had no food. So we moved to a new place in the forest, and we started again. But it was the same story. We had no future. So we went back to the cities and looked for work there. My family came to Manaus. My father got a job in the port, and now I m a taxi driver. We re OK. I m sorry about the Indians, but we have to live, too. So what happened to the rain forest* next to the roads? asked Maria. It died, said the taxi driver. There s nothing there now. No farms, no forest

trees, and not many people. (The Amazon Rain Forest by Bernard Smith 一 部 改 編 ) Indians インディアン( 原 住 民 ) Manaus マナウス(ブラジル 地 名 ) forest 森 林 Sao Paulo サンパウロ(ブラジル 地 名 ) soil 土 壌 a square kilometer of 一 平 方 キロメートルの seeds 種 cut down 切 り 倒 す rain forest 熱 帯 雨 林 1. The taxi driver was happy to talk about Indians with John and Maria. 2. There were only about 350,000 Indians living in a big city in Brazil. 3. Sao Paulo was not a big city when the taxi driver was a child. 4. Brazil had a plan to move poor people from the cities into the forest. 5. The taxi driver s family moved out of the forest because there was a problem with the soil.

Ⅲ 次 の 各 組 の 文 がほぼ 同 じ 意 味 になるように( )1~9に 適 当 な 語 を 一 語 ずつ 入 れなさい 1.You have to clean your room now. You ( 1 ) clean your room now. 2.Aki likes to listen to music. Aki is fond ( 2 )( 3 ) to music. 3.There are seven days in a week. A week ( 4 ) seven days. 4.Snow covered Mt. Katsuragi this morning. Mt. Katsuragi was ( 5 )( 6 ) snow this morning. 5.I have never seen such an interesting movie as this. This is ( 7 )( 8 )( 9 ) movie that I have ever seen. Ⅳ 次 の 日 本 文 の 意 味 を 表 すように( ) 内 の 語 を 並 べかえた 時 不 要 になる 語 と ( ) 内 で 4 番 目 に 来 る 語 を 例 にならって 記 号 で 答 えなさい ただし 文 頭 に 来 る 語 も 小 文 字 になっています 例 )その 写 真 を 送 ってくれませんか ( you send will the picture give me )? ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ Will you send me the picture? *give 不 要 例 不 要 カ 4 番 目 キ 1. 仕 事 は 終 わりましたか ( you finished did have your work )? ア イ ウ エ オ カ 2. 熱 くて 飲 めません It ( to is too drink not hot ). ア イ ウ エ オ カ 3. 私 はあなたの 絵 に 興 味 があります ( am your picture I in interesting interested ). ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ 4. 教 室 では 騒 いではいけません ( not noisy don t in be the classroom ). ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ

5. 夏 と 冬 とどちらが 好 きですか ( like do which better is you ), summer or winter? ア イ ウ エ オ カ Ⅴ 次 の 各 文 の( )の 中 から 最 も 適 当 な 語 句 を 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい 1.Do you have (ア many イ much ウ a few ) snow in your country? 2.Shinano river is (ア longest イ the longest ウ the most long ) river in Japan. 3.The cake was (ア eating イ ate ウ eaten ) by my sister. 4.My grandfather enjoys (ア playing イ play ウ to play ) golf. 5.Is there a store (ア who イ which ウwhat ) sells English books near here? Ⅵ 次 の 各 文 に 対 する 応 答 の 文 を 下 から 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい 1.Shall we go to the zoo? 2.Can you lend me your notebook? 3.Would you like another cup of tea? 4.How do you go to school? 5.When will you be back? アNo, I don t. イ At ten. ウ Yes, let s. エ By bus. オ Here you are. カ No, thank you. Ⅶ 次 の1~4の 下 線 部 について 下 線 部 と 同 じ 用 法 を 含 む 文 をそれぞれア~エか ら 1 つずつ 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい 1.Have you ever eaten coconuts? ア I have just finished my homework. イ The train has already left the station. ウ I have been to Okinawa twice. エ Tom has known Mr. Morita for ten years.

2.They say it is important to send food to the poor people in the world. ア I think it is very interesting to the children. イ It is a good book for young people. ウ It is rainy today. エ It s fun to watch adventure movies with my friends. 3.Who is the boy painting a picture over there? ア The girl is singing the country song on the stage. イ The girl s hobby is painting pictures. ウ They spoke to the singing girl. エ She went home without singing a song. 4.She is working hard to buy a car. ア Give me something to drink, please. イ I went to the library to study for the test. ウ It s important to listen carefully. エ He knows how to read it. Ⅷ 次 の 各 組 の 単 語 の 中 から 下 線 部 の 発 音 が 他 と 異 なるものを それぞれ 1 つず つ 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい 1.ア reason イ east ウ people エ easy オ ready 2.ア school イ tool ウ cool エ book オ food 3.ア early イ heard ウ earth エ heart オ learn 4.ア loved イ asked ウ played エ lived オ opened 5.ア country イ house ウ about エground オ found Ⅸ 次 の 日 本 語 に 合 うように ( 1. 彼 らは 疲 れているように 見 える They ( ) tired. 2. 夕 食 はもう 準 備 できていますか Is dinner ( ) yet? )に 適 当 な 語 を 一 語 ずつ 入 れなさい

3. 英 語 のアルファベットの 二 番 目 の 文 字 はBです The ( ) letter of the English alphabet is B. 4. 今 日 は 何 月 何 日 ですか 1 月 20 日 です What day of the month is it today? It s ( ) 20. Ⅹ 次 の 会 話 文 の(1)~(3)の 部 分 に 入 れるのに 最 もふさわしいものをそれぞ れア~オから 選 び 記 号 で 答 えなさい Anne : ( 1 ), can I sit next to you? Tomo : Sure. ( 2 ). Anne : Thanks. I m Anne. Tomo : Hi, I m Tomo. Anne : ( 3 ), Tomo? Tomo : I m from Osaka. Anne : Oh really? Ihave a friend in Osaka. ア I m coming イ Go ahead ウ Excuse me エ That sounds interesting オ Where are you from Ⅰ From HOLT SCIENCE, Student Edition. Copyright (c) 1989, 1986, 1984 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Ⅱ Adapted from The Amazon Rain Forest by Bernard Smith, published by Pearson Education in the Penguin Readers Series,' Text copyright (c) Bernard Smith 2005