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User s Guide - 1 -

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- 5 -

AltSearch.pl AttachFiles.pl CategoryGroupSync.pl CategoryImporter.pl CSV_TSVImporter.pl Duplicate.pl EntryChildrenPages.pl EntryLabel.pl EntryPrepublish.pl EntryUnpublish.pl ExtFields.pl ExtraForm.pl HideMenu.pl ItemSort.pl ItemGroup.pl LockMT.pl LogViewer.pl PCMSImportExport.pl PowerCMSUtil.pl SideBarImage.pl MarkupValidation.pl MailMagazine.pl Members.pl StylelessImage.pl StylePreview.pl TemplateSelector.pl TinyMCE.pl Pager.pl EntryNextRevision.pl ExtraForm.cgi alt-tmpl cache error lib log - 6 -

OptionPlugins php tmpl PowerCMSSiteTemplate4Pro PowerCMSStdTemplate PCMSTemplate4Member /mt/mt-form.cgi /mt/mt-members.cgi /tools/send-mailmagazine - 7 -

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: <MTExtFieldText label=" "> <ul> <MTExtFields> <li><mtextfieldlabel> : <MTExtFieldText></li> </MTExtFields> </ul> - 13 -

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MTIfExtField <MTIfExtField> <MTInclude module=" "> </MTIfExtField> MTExtFields <ul> <MTExtFields> <li><mtextfieldlabel> : <MTExtFieldText></li> </MTExtFields> </ul> <MTExtFields> <MTSetVarBlock name="label"><$mtextfieldlabel$></mtsetvarblock> <MTSetVarBlock name="$label"><$mtextfieldtext$></mtsetvarblock> </MTExtFields> <MTIf name=" "> <MTVar name=" "> </MTIf> <MTIf name=" "> </MTIf> <MTVar name=" "> - 23 -

MTExtFieldAsset <ul> <MTExtFields> <mt:extfieldasset> <li><mtassetlabel> : <mt:asseturl></li> </mt:extfieldasset> </MTExtFields> </ul> MTExtFieldsMultiValues MTIfExtFieldSelected MTIfExtFieldType <MTIfExtFieldType type="text"><h2><mtextfieldtext></h2></mtifextfieldtype> <MTIfExtFieldType type="textarea"><p><mtextfieldtext></p></mtifextfieldtype> <MTIfExtFieldType type="text" label=" "><p> :<MTExtFieldText label=" "></ p></mtifextfieldtype> MTIfExtFieldTypeImage MTIfExtFieldFileExists - 24 -

<MTIfExtFieldFileExists label=""> <p> <MTIfExtFieldTypeImage label=""> <img src="<$mtextfieldfilepath$>" alt=" :<$MTExtFieldAlt$>" title="<$mtextfielddescription$>" width="<$mtextfieldimagewidth$>" height="<$mtextfieldimageheight$>" /> <MTElse> :<a href="<$mtextfieldfilepath$>" title="<$mtextfielddescription$>"><$mtextfieldalt$></a> </MTElse> </MTIfExtFieldTypeImage> </p> </MTIfExtFieldFileExists> - 25 -

MTIfExtFieldThumbnailExists MTIfExtFieldNonEmpty MTIfExtFieldCompare <MTIfExtFieldCompare label=" " text="0"> <img src= icon/free.gif alt=! /> <MTElse> <MTExtFieldText label= > </MTElse> </MTIfExtFieldCompare> - 26 -

MTExtFieldCount MTExtFieldLabel MTExtFieldValue MTExtFieldName MTExtFieldText MTExtFieldCBLabel MTExtFieldNum MTExtFieldFileName MTExtFieldFilePath MTExtFieldFileDate MTExtFieldFileSize - 27 -

MTExtFieldThumbnail MTExtFieldImageWidth MTExtFieldImageHeight MTExtFieldThumbnailWidth MTExtFieldThumbnailHeight MTExtFieldAlt MTExtFieldDescription MTExtFieldFileSuffix - 28 -

MTIfTemplateSelectorBlock MTIfTemplateSelector <MTIfTemplateSelectorBlock> <!-- / MTIfTemplateSelectorBlock --> <MTIfTemplateSelector name=" "> <MTInclude module=" "> </MTIfTemplateSelector> <MTIfTemplateSelector name=" "> <MTInclude module=" "></MTIfTemplateSelector> <MTIfTemplateSelector name=""> <MTInclude module=" "></MTIfTemplateSelector> </MTIfTemplateSelectorBlock> MTEntryTemplateName - 29 -

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<MTIfExtFieldType type="text"> <MTSetVarBlock name="label"><$mtextfieldlabel$></mtsetvarblock> <dl> <dt><mtvar name="label"></dt> <dd><input type="text" name="<$mtextfieldname$>" style="width:95%" value="<$mtextfieldtext escape_html="1"$>" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_array" value="<$mtextfieldname$>" /> <MTIf name="label" like=" "><input type="hidden" name="required" value="<$mtextfieldname$>" /></MTIf> </dd> </dl> </MTIfExtFieldType> <input type="hidden" name="blog_id" value="<$mtblogid$>" /> <input type="hidden" name="entry_id" value="<$mtentryid$>" /> <input type="hidden" name="template_id" value="<$mtbuildtemplateid$>" /> <input type="hidden" name="entry_author" value="<$mtentryauthorid$>" /> <input type="hidden" name="return_uri" value="<$mtentrypermalink$>" /> <input type="hidden" name=" mode" value="confirm" /> - 32 -

<mt:if name="key"> <!-- --> <mt:else> <!-- --> </mt:else> </mt:if> <mt:if name="error"> <mt:else> </mt:else> </mt:if> - 33 -

MTIfEntryIsDynamic name="error" name="key" - 34 -

- 35 -

<div class="widget"> <h3 class="widget-header"> <MTBlogName> </h3> <div class="widget-content"> <MTItemGroupEntries group=" " blog_id="3"> <MTItemGroupEntriesHeader><ul class="widget-list"></mtitemgroupentriesheader> <li class="widget-list-item"><a href="<mtentrypermalink>"><mtentrytitle></ a></li> <MTItemGroupEntriesFooter></ul></MTItemGroupEntriesFooter> </MTItemGroupEntries> </div> </div> - 36 -

<div class="widget"> <h3 class="widget-header"> </h3> <div class="widget-content"> <ul class="widget-list"> <MTItemGroupEntries group=" " sort_order="descend" lastn="5"> <li class="widget-list-item"><a href="<mtentrypermalink>"><mtentrytitle></ a></li> </MTItemGroupEntries> </ul> </div> </div> MTItemGroupEntries MTItemGroupEntriesHeader MTItemGroupEntriesFooter MTGroupEntryLink MTItemGroupCategories - 37 -

MTItemGroupCategoriesHeader MTItemGroupCategoriesFooter MTItemGroupBlogs MTItemGroupBlogsHeader MTItemGroupBlogsFooter - 38 -

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- 40 -

$server_cache = 3600; //1 ( ) - 41 -

MTAltSearchResults MTYears MTIfCurrentYear <select name="from_y"> <MTYears select_name="from_y"> <option value="<mtyear>" <MTIfCurrentYear>selected="selected"</MTIfCurrentYear>><MTYear></option> </MTYears> </select> MTAltSearchMetadatas MTIfAltSearchMetaDatasHeader MTIfAltSearchMetaDatasFooter - 42 -

MTIfAltSearchResultCurrent MTAltSearchPageCounter MTIfAltSearchResultPrev MTIfAltSearchResultNext MTIfAltSearchQuery MTIfAltSearchModeIsCategory MTIfAltSearchModeIsTag MTIfAltsearchDate MTIfAltSearchSort_by MTIfAltSearchSort_order MTIfAltSearchParam <MTIfAltSearchParam name="sort_by" value="modified_on"> </ MTIfAltSearchParam> - 43 -

<MTIfAltSearchParam name="sort_by" eq="modified_on"> </ MTIfAltSearchParam> <MTIfAltSearchParam name="query" like="/movable?type mt/i"> <a href="http://www.movabletype.jp/">movable Type </a> </MTIfAltSearchParam> <MTIfAltSearchParam name="include_blogs" like="(^,)2,3(, $)">... </MTIfAltSearchParam> MTIfAltSearchMatchQuery <MTIfAltSearchMatchQuery value="mt"> Movable Type? </MTIfAltSearchMatchQuery> MTIfAltSearchCurrentCategory MTIfAltSearchNoneMatch MTIfAltSearchDate MTIfAltSearchFrom - 44 -

MTIfAltSearchTo MTAltSearchCurrent MTAltSearchMatch MTAltSearchMatch MTAltSearchPrev MTAltSearchNext MTAltSearchPages MTAltSearchLast MTAltSearchResultNumber MTAltSearchQuery <p><mtaltsearchquery> <MTAltSearchMatch> </p> <p> ( <MTAltSearchOffset> <MTAltSearchLast> )</p> <p> : <MTAltSearchCurrent> / <MTAltSearchPages> </p> - 45 -

MTAltSearchParam MTAltSearchResultOffset MTAltSearchCategoryLabel MTAltSearchCategoryId MTAltSearchBlogId MTAltSearchSort_by MTAltSearchSort_order MTAltSearchPath - 46 -

MTAltSearchFeedpath MTAltSearchLimit MTAltSearchOffset MTAltSearchDate MTAltSearchFrom MTAltSearchTo MTAltSearchResultPermalink MTYear hilight remove_js - 47 -

<MTEntries limit="20" offset="0">... MTEntries <MTPager> <MTIfPagerHeader> Page <MTPagerCurrent> of <MTPagerTotal> <MTIfPagerPrev><a href="<mtpagerprevlink>">prev</a></mtifpagerprev> </MTIfPagerHeader> [<a href="<mtpagerlink>"><mtpagercounter></a>] <MTIfPagerFooter> <MTIfPagerNext><a href="<mtpagernextlink>">next</a></mtifpagernext> </MTIfPagerFooter> </MTPager> <MTEntries offset="0" limit="20"> <MTIgnore>Some Template Tags Here.</MTIgnore> </MTEntries> MTPager MTIfPagerHeader - 48 -

MTIfPagerPrev MTIfPagerNext MTPagerCounter MTPagerLink MTPagerPrevLink MTPagerNextLink - 49 -

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MTBlogAttachFiles MTIfBlogAttachFile MTCategoryAttachFiles MTIfCategoryAttachFile MTEntryAttachFiles MTIfEntryAttachFile MTEntryAttachFile MTAttachFileCounter asset_id path2url HTMLImageElement basename - 52 -

- 53 -

- 54 -

- 55 -

MTHotTags <ul> <MTHotEntries period="last7days" class="entry"> <li><a href= <$MTAltSearchPath$>?query=<$MTHotTag$>&offset=1&limit=20&blog_id=< $MTVlogID$>&tag=1 ><$MTHotTag$> (<$MTHotTagCount$>)</a></li> </MTHotEntries> </ul> MTHotEntries <ul> <MTHotEntries period="last7days" class="entry"> <li><a href= <$MTEntryPermalink$> ><$MTEntryTitle$></a></li> </MTHotEntries> </ul> MTHotTag MTHotTagCount MTTrackingTag <MTSetVarBlock name= page_title ><$MTEntryTitle$>: <$MTBlogName$></MTSetVarBlock> - 56 -

MTTrackBasename MTSearchTrackBasename MTTrackScript MTSearchTrackScript - 57 -

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<MTIfEntryUnpublished> <h2> </h2> <MTEntryMore> <MTElse> <!-- --> <MTEntryBody> </MTElse> </MTIfEntryUnpublished> MTIfEntryUnpublished MTEntryUnpublishedOn - 61 -

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0 4 * * * cd [MT_DIR]/tools; send-mailmagazine - 75 -

<MTSetVarBlock name="perma"><$mtentrypermalink$></mtsetvarblock> <MTEntryChildrenPages> <MTSetVarBlock name="link"><$mtentrypermalink$></mtsetvarblock> <MTIfEntryChildrenHeader> <ul class="pages"> <MTEntryChildrenPrev> <li class="prev"><a href="<$mtpermalink$>" title=" ">«</a></li> </MTEntryChildrenPrev> <MTIf name="link" eq="$perma"> <li class="prev"><span>«</span></li> </MTIf> </MTIfEntryChildrenHeader> <MTIf name="link" eq="$perma"> <li class="current"><span><$mtentrychildrencounter$></span></li> <MTElse> <li><a href="<$mtpermalink$>"><$mtentrychildrencounter$></a></li> </MTElse> </MTIf> <MTIfEntryChildrenFooter> <MTEntryChildrenNext> <li class="next"><a href="<$mtpermalink$>" title=" ">»</a></li> </MTEntryChildrenNext> <MTIf name="link" eq="$perma"> <li class="next"><span>»</span></li> </MTIf> </ul> </MTIfEntryChildrenFooter> </MTEntryChildrenPages> - 76 -

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accessibility <MTEntryBody accessibility="1,2"> - 79 -

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Options -Indexes +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm default.htm default.html default.asp <Files ~ ".(html pdf)$"> <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)$ <$MTCGIPath$>plugins/Members/Members.php?blog_id=<$MTBlogID$> [L] </IfModule> <IfModule!mod_rewrite.c> Order allow,deny Deny from all ErrorDocument 403 <$MTCGIPath$>plugins/Members/Members.php?blog_id=<$MTBlogID$> </IfModule> </Files> CookiePath / - 81 -

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ALTER TABLE `mt_fulltext` ADD FULLTEXT ( `fulltext_fulltext` ) - 83 -

<$MTEntryTitle fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTEntryExcerpt fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTEntryBody fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTEntryMore fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTEntryKeywords fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTPageTitle fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTPageExcerpt fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTPageBody fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTPageMore fulltext_filter="1"$> <$MTPageKeywords fulltext_filter="1"$> - 84 -

<a href="javascript:window.document.location.href='http://example.com/mt/mt.cgi? mode =quickedit&permalink='+document.location.href;">=>quick Edit</a> - 85 -

MTEntryIfIndex <MTEntries> <MTEntryIfIndex> <!-- (basename) index --> <MTElse> <!-- --> </MTElse> </MTEntryIfIndex> </MTEntries> - 86 -

http://example.com/mt/mt.cgi? mode=view&_type=template&id=18&blog_id=3 <MTRebuildIndexById template_id="18"> <MTRebuildIndexById template_id="18,19"> - 87 -

MTAllBlogEntries <ul> <MTAllBlogEntries include_blogs="2,3" lastn="20" sort_order="ascend"> <li><a href="<$mtentrypermalink$>"><$mtentrytitle$></a></li> </MTAllBlogEntries> </ul> <!--include_blogs all ( all) lastn,sort_order,sort_by --> - 88 -

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MTEntryOriginal MTIfEntryIsAlias <ul> <MTEntries> <MTIfEntryIsAlias> <MTEntryOriginal> <li><a href="<$mtentrypermalink$"><mtentrytitle></a></li> <!-- --> </MTEntryOriginal> </MTifentryisalias> </MTEntries> </ul> MTIfEntryRebuildMe MTEntryOriginalPermalink <ul> <MTEntries> <li><a href="<$mtentryoriginalpermalink$"><mtentrytitle></a></li> </MTEntries> </ul> - 90 -

MTBlogText MTBlogMore MTBlogKeywords MTCategoryText MTCategoryMore MTCategoryKeywords - 91 -

MTTabSplitDatas MTTabSplitLine <ul> <MTTabSplitDatas object="entry" column="excerpt"> <li><a href="<$mttabsplitline field="1"$>"><$mttabsplitline field="2"$></a></ li> </MTTabSplitDatas> </ul> tab2teble <MTEntryExcerpt tab2table= 2 > - 92 -

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MTExtFieldsFileThumbnail 1: <$MTExtFieldsFileThumbnail label= width="120"$> 2: <$MTExtFieldsFileThumbnail label= height="120"$> 3: <$MTExtFieldsFileThumbnail label= width="120" height="120"$> - 94 -

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0,20,40 * * * * cd <path to tools>./do-syncronize - 99 -

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