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平 成 28 年 度 東 京 都 立 中 央 ろう 学 校 高 等 部 後 期 入 学 者 選 考 学 力 調 査 英 語 注 意 1 問 題 は 1から 10 までで 13 ページにわたって 印 刷 してあります 2 調 査 時 間 は 50 分 です 3 調 査 中 は 静 かに 解 きなさい 4 答 えはすべて 解 答 用 紙 に 明 確 に 記 入 し 解 答 用 紙 だけを 提 出 しなさい 5 答 えを 直 すときは きれいに 消 してから 新 しい 答 えを 書 きなさい 6 受 検 番 号 と 氏 名 を 解 答 用 紙 の 決 められた 欄 に 記 入 しなさい 7 指 示 があるまで この 問 題 用 紙 を 開 いてはいけません 8 筆 記 用 具 以 外 は 机 上 に 置 いてはいけません

1 C と D の 関 係 が A と B の 関 係 になるように D に 入 る 適 語 を 答 えよ A B C D 例 study studied drink drank [ 問 1] dog dogs man ( ) [ 問 2] listen listening make ( ) [ 問 3] fast slow young ( ) [ 問 4] long longest good ( ) [ 問 5] three third one ( ) 1

2 次 の 文 の( ) 内 に 下 線 部 と 同 じ 発 音 の 語 を 入 れて 意 味 の 通 る 文 にせよ [ 問 1] It will take one hour to go to the station. Mr. Suzuki is ( ) math teacher. [ 問 2] I want to buy this house. English is spoken ( ) many people. [ 問 3] My mother read the book to us last night. The girl wearing a ( ) shirt is my sister. [ 問 4] We are going to meet him at two. This car is ( ) expensive to buy. [ 問 5] I saw her here yesterday. Did you ( ) the strange sound? 2

3 各 問 の2 文 がほぼ 同 じ 意 味 を 表 すように( ) 内 に 適 語 を 入 れよ [ 問 1] She must study hard for her dream. She ( ) ( ) study hard for her dream. [ 問 2] He is a good speaker of English. He can ( ) English ( ). [ 問 3] My brother can buy the car because he is rich. My brother is ( ) rich ( ) he can buy the car. [ 問 4] I have a car made in America ten years ago. I have a car ( ) ( ) made in America ten years ago. [ 問 5] Many people will know the news. The news ( ) ( ) ( ) to many people. [ 問 6] What time will the train arrive here? ( ) will the train arrive here? 3

[ 問 7] I have many books to read. I have ( ) ( ) ( ) books to read. [ 問 8] They were sad to hear the news. The news made ( ) sad. [ 問 9] No one is as tall as he in this room. He is the ( ) in this room. 4

4 次 の[ 問 1]~[ 問 3]の 英 文 を 日 本 語 に 訳 し 下 線 部 と 同 じ 用 法 の that を 含 む 文 をア~ウから 一 つずつ 選 び 記 号 で 答 えよ [ 問 1] I think that he is a strong man. [ 問 2] This book is more popular than that one. [ 問 3] This is the best book that I have ever read. ア People often ate the food at that time. イ He was the man that I wanted to see most. ウ Do you know that the book was written by him? 5

5 以 下 の 英 文 にはそれぞれ 誤 りが 一 か 所 ずつある その 番 号 を 答 えて それぞれを 正 しい 形 に 直 せ [ 問 1]The child told 1 the 2 story for 3his parents. [ 問 2]How much1 students are 2there in your 3school? [ 問 3]Could1you show me2 who3 to write a letter in English? [ 問 4] It1 was easy for2 me to understood3 the story. [ 問 5] Study hard1, and2 you cannot be3 a high school student. 6

6 日 本 文 と 同 じ 意 味 の 英 文 になるように,( ) 内 の 語 句 を 並 べかえよ ただし, 文 頭 にくるべき 語 も 小 文 字 で 示 してある [ 問 1]どのスポーツが 一 番 好 きですか ( best, do, what, like, sport, you )? [ 問 2] 机 の 上 に 何 冊 か 本 がある ( are, desk, books, on, some, there, the ) [ 問 3] 私 は 何 か 食 べるものがほしい ( something, to, eat, I, want ) 7

7 次 の 英 文 を 日 本 語 に 直 せ [ 問 1]What were you doing when he came here? [ 問 2]I have seen this movie three times. [ 問 3]You don t have to read the book. 8

8 次 の 日 本 語 を 英 文 に 直 せ [ 問 1] この 話 はあの 話 より 面 白 い [ 問 2] 彼 女 は 先 生 だということを 知 っていますか [ 問 3] この 食 べ 物 は 多 くの 人 々によって 食 べられている 9

9 次 の 対 話 の 文 章 を 読 んで 後 の 各 問 に 答 えよ (* 印 の 付 いている 単 語 語 句 には 本 文 あとに[ 注 ]がある ) One morning, Takashi met Mark on his way to school. Mark : Good morning, Takashi. Takashi : Hi, Mark. How are you? Mark : I m fine, but I m a little tired. I haven t slept well since I came to Japan.1 Takashi : That s not good. Why? Mark : It s a little hard for me to sleep on a futon. Takashi : Really? You should ask for a bed. Mark : No, I ll be all right. I want to experience the Japanese way of life. I m interested in Japanese culture. Takashi : Are you2? Well, I m going to a summer festival in my town next Friday. Why don t you come with me? Mark : Sure. Can I bring my friend Kenji? He s in my class. Takashi : ( 3 ) I know him very well. By the way, have you ever * scooped goldfish with paper? Mark : With paper? No, I haven t. Takashi : Scooping goldfish is one of the * amusements in a Japanese festival. I think you ll enjoy it. Mark : ( 4 ) I really want to try. 10

Takashi : I m happy to hear that. 5 See you. [ 注 ] scoop~ ~をすくいとる amusement 楽 しみ [ 問 1] 下 線 部 1を 日 本 語 に 訳 せ [ 問 2] 下 線 部 2の Are you の 後 に 省 略 されていると 考 えられる 表 現 を 本 文 中 から 抜 きだして 答 えよ [ 問 3] 下 線 部 (3),(4)に 入 る 最 も 適 当 な 文 を,ア~オの 中 からそれぞれ 選 べ ア Sounds interesting! イ What's the matter? ウ I didn't know that. エ Can you take care of the dog? オ Of course, you can. [ 問 4] 下 線 部 5の 文 を that の 内 容 を 具 体 的 に 説 明 しながら 日 本 語 で 書 け 11

10 次 の 文 章 を 読 んで 後 の 内 容 に 関 する 質 問 に 英 語 で 答 えよ When someone has a birthday, people often sing Happy Birthday to You. It is a short song and very easy to remember. It was sung for the first time in the United States, but now it is also popular in many other countries. In fact, the Guinness Book of World Records says people sing it more than any other song in English. The story of the Happy Birthday song began in 1893. In that year, two sisters from Kentucky, Mildred and Patty Hill, wrote a song for small children. The music was the same as Happy Birthday, but the words were different. Mildred and Patty called their song Good Morning to All. The sister published their song in a children s song book, and it was sung in schools around the country. Teachers used it to greet their students in the morning. After that, the sister did other things. In 1905, Patty became a teacher at a large university in New York. Mildred studied music and wrote more songs. She died in 1916. Then, in 1924, a man called Robert Coleman published Good Morning to All again. But he added the words Happy Birthday to you. The song was often played on the radio, so many people heard it and it became very popular. It soon became known as the Happy Birthday song. Patty Hill got angry because people used their song without asking her. After 1934, people had to pay her for using Happy Birthday to you. Patty used the money from the song to help schools and young children. 12

[ 問 1] Where was Happy Birthday to You sung for the first time? [ 問 2] When did the story of Happy Birthday begin? [ 問 3] Why did teachers in the United States use Good Morning to All? [ 問 4] What did Patty become in 1905? [ 問 5] Why did Patty Hill get angry? 13