〈論文〉近代日本の社会事業雑誌 : 『教誨叢書』

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Kwansei Gakuin University Rep Title 論 文 近 代 日 本 の 社 会 事 業 雑 誌 : 教 誨 叢 書 Author(s) Citation Murota, Yasuo, 室 田, 保 夫 関 西 学 院 大 学 人 権 研 究 = Kwansei Gakuin Universi rights studies, 15: 1-17 Issue Date 2011-03-31 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10236/7168 Right http://kgur.kawansei.ac.jp/dspace

Abstract There was one group of Christians which went to Hokkaido in Meiji 20`s (1888-1897). They are called Hokkaido Band. They organized one group Dōjyōkai () which supported prisoners in Hokkaido Prison. Dōjyōkai published the magazine KYO _ KAI SO _ SYO () which was the bulletin of Dōjyōkai in order to enlighten prisoners with charity and philanthropy. KYO _ KAI SO _ SYO is one of the social work magazines in modern Japan. But there have been few studies about it. The purpose of this paper is to research and analyze the many articles which were written for KYO _ KAI SO _ SHO. The study has three goals. The first is to conduct a bibliographical study of it and secondly, to pursue the works of its main writers related to prison reform. The last is to consider the significance of this magazine in the history of social welfare in modern Japan.