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Title 出 産 に 関 わる 里 帰 りと 養 育 性 形 成 Author(s) 小 林, 由 希 子 ; 陳, 省 仁 Citation 北 海 道 大 学 大 学 院 教 育 学 研 究 院 紀 要, 106: 119-134 Issue Date 2008-12-18 DOI 10.14943/ Doc URL Right Type bulletin Additional Information File Information 106_p119-134.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and

Abstract Satogaeri (a woman's peripartum homestay with her parents) is a unique custom of Japanese society not found in other developed countries. It has rarely been studied by psychologists. In Satogaeri, a pregnant woman returns to her native home and stays with her parents, for a few weeks or even months, before and/or after the baby is delivered. Considered mostly from the point of view of medical and managerial risks it involved, Japanese obstetricians and medical personnel have emphasized and exaggerated the negative aspects of Satogaeri. Nevertheless, Satogaeri has been widely practiced in modern Japan. In addition, recent years have seen changes in many of the social and technical conditions which were supposed to lead to risky Satogaeri. This paper argued that Satogaeri has the potential of providing physical as well as psychological supports for women on their way towards becoming better mothers. We also discussed some of the important tasks that have to be overcome, by the individuals and the families involved, in order for Satogaeri to serve its proper functions in cultivating nurturance in the transition of parenthood from one generation to the next. Key word: Satogaeri (Peripartum homestay), child care, parenthood, child care support system, nurturance