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Title 中国における大学入試改革の動向 : 地方 大学への権限委譲に関する一考察 Author(s) 楠山, 研 Citation 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (2005), 51: 128-141 Issue Date 2005-03-31 URL Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher Kyoto University

The new direction in the national college entrance examination in China: A study on the authorities transferring from central government to local governments and schools KUSUYAMA Ken The purpose of this study is to examine the reforms of the National Unified Examination (the college entrance examination) in China. As a part of the reforms of the macro administration system of higher education, many authorities are transferred from the central government to local governments and from governments to schools. In the same manner the reforms of the national college entrance examination are conducted, for instance, I) the diversification of examination subjects; 2) granting local governments the permission to create the exam questions and 3) the start of the higher education institutions' independent entrance examination and recruitment policy. These movements have been recognized as the start of decentralization. However, not only the number of Important Universities is increasing, but also all the universities are permitted to start their own independent entrance examinations. Moreover, a large number of the universities are under the direct control of Ministry of Education as well as national institutions. From this viewpoint, one may say that in the big stream of decentralization, the Ministry of Education tries to secure excellent students by recognizing Important Universities' independent entrance examination. -141-