comp -MYPEDIA Programing- Ruby 1 attr_accessor :< 1>, :< 2> class Car def = carname end attr_accessor :name end car =

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1 Ruby 1 attr_accessor :< 1>, :< 2> class Car def = carname attr_accessor :name car ="car1") = "car2" puts attr_reader :< 1>, :< 2> class Car def = carname attr_reader :name car ="car1") puts 1 Programing..

2 attr_accessor :< 1>, :< 2> class Car def = carname attr_writer :name car ="car1") = "car2" def self.< > class = 0 def += 1 def puts Car.carNum new ::< > class Car 2 Programing..

3 -MYPEDIA Programingdef = attr_accessor :load class Load # def = weight def to_s "weight: #{@weight}" acar = puts acar.load < >.instance_variables class Point def = = y apoint =, 2.0) puts apoint.instance_variables < >.class_variables 3 Programing..

4 -MYPEDIA Programingclass Point = 0 def = = += 1 apoint =, 2.0) puts Point.class_variables < >.constants class Point MAX_NUM = = 0 def = = += 1 apoint =, 2.0) puts Point.constants < >.class_variables.each{ < > puts < >.class\_variable\_get(< >).to\_s << " " << < >.to\_s} class Point 4 Programing..

5 = 0 def = = += 1 Point.class_variables.each{ classvarname puts Point.class_variable_get(classVarName).to_s << " " << classvarname.to_s } < >.constants.each{ < > puts < >.const\_get(< >).to\_s << " " << < >.to\_s} class Point MIN_NUM = 0 MAX_NUM = = 0 def = = += 1 Point.constants.each{ constantname puts Point.const_get(constantName).to_s << " " << constantname.to_s } puts < >.class 5 Programing..

6 puts " ".class ID puts < >.object_id astring = "test" puts astring.object_id ( ) <File >.each_line{ < > < >} afile = open("test.txt") afile.each_line{ aline puts aline + " \n"} afile.close (gets ) <File >.each_line{ < > < >} afile = open("test.txt") begin aline = afile.gets puts aline while aline!= nil afile.close 6 Programing..

7 <File >.readlines afile = open("test.txt") alist = afile.readlines puts "3 " + alist[2] afile.close < >.to_< > puts 10.to_f# puts 10.5.to_i# ( ) <Float >.ceil <Float >.floor <Float >.rount puts 10.5.ceil # puts 10.5.floor # puts 10.5.round # BigDecimal::new("< >") require bigdecimal puts * 2# puts BigDecimal::new(" ") * 2#bigdecimal 7 Programing..

8 Rational require rational puts Rational(2, 3) + Rational(5, 2) <String >.toutf8 require kconv puts " ".tosjis puts " ".toutf8 puts " ".toutf16 puts " ".toeuc URL CGI.escape(< >) require cgi puts CGI.escape( ) Kakasi Kakasi.kakasi("-osjis -JH",< >) require kakasi include Kakasi puts Kakasi.kakasi("-osjis -JH"," ") 8 Programing..

9 Kakasi Kakasi.kakasi("-osjis -Ha",< >) require kakasi include Kakasi puts Kakasi.kakasi("-osjis -Ha"," ") Kakasi Kakasi.kakasi("-osjis -Ka",< >) require kakasi include Kakasi puts Kakasi.kakasi("-osjis -Ka"," ") Kakasi Kakasi.kakasi("-osjis -Ka",< >) require kakasi include Kakasi puts Kakasi.kakasi("-osjis -Ja -Ha -Ka -Ea"," ") < >.downcase astring = "ABCabc" puts astring.downcase! 9 Programing..

10 < >.sample(< >).join puts ((0..9).to_a + ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a).sample(10).join Dir::mkdir("<>") Dir::mkdir("test")#test } rescue Errno::EEXIST begin Dir::mkdir("test") rescue Errno::EEXIST puts "Error: " Dir::glob("< >") puts Dir::glob("**/*.xlsx")#xlsx 10 Programing..

11 Dir::glob("< >").each{ file < >} Dir::glob("**/*.xlsx").each{ file puts File.basename(file,.* );# ( ) } ruby -rwebrick -e ({:DocumentRoot => "./", :Port => < >}).start ruby -rwebrick -e ({:DocumentRoot => "./", :Port => 8080}).start # } < >.sub(< >, < >) astring = "AABBCC" puts astring.sub(/b/, "X") < >.gsub(< >, < >) astring = "AABBCC" puts astring.gsub(/b/, "X") 11 Programing..

12 <Array >.include?(< >) alist = ["AA","BB","CC"] puts alist.include?("bb") 2 <Array >.assoc(< 1 >) alist = [["AA", "1"], ["BB", "2"], ["CC", "3"], ] puts alist.assoc("bb") < >.scan(< >) astring = "AXBXCXDXE" puts astring.scan(/x.*?x/) < >.scan(< >(< >)< >) astring = "AXBXCXDXE" puts astring.scan(/x(.*?)x/) < >.split(< >) 12 Programing..

13 astring = "AA,BB,CC" puts astring.split(",") 2 (pp ) < >.pretty_inspect require pp alist = [["AAAAAAAAA","BBBBBBBBB"],["CCCCCCCCC","DDDDDDDDD"],["EEEEEEEEE","FFFFFFFF print alist.pretty_inspect each <Array >.each_with_index{ < 1>, < 2> } alist = ["AA","BB","CC"] alist.each_with_index{ temp, i puts "#{i}\t#{temp}" } <Array >.push(< >) alist = ["AA","BB","CC"] puts alist.push("dd") 13 Programing..

14 <Array >.unshift(< >) alist = ["AA","BB","CC"] puts alist.unshift("dd") <Array >.pop alist = ["AA","BB","CC"] alist.pop puts alist <Array >.shift alist = ["AA","BB","CC"] alist.shift puts alist <Array >.uniq alist = ["AA","BB","BB","CC"] puts alist.uniq 14 Programing..

15 (<Array 1> + <Array 2>).uniq alist1 = ["AA","BB","CC"] alist2 = ["CC","DD", "EE"] puts (alist1 + alist2).uniq <Array >.uniq.each{ < > puts < > if <Array >.index(< >) < <Array >.rindex(< >)} alist = ["AA","XX","BB","XX","CC"] alist.uniq.each{ temp puts temp if alist.index(temp) < alist.rindex(temp)} <Array >.select{ < > < >} alist = ["AAX", "BBX", "CCY"] puts { temp temp =~ /..X/ } <Array 1> - <Array 2> alist1 = ["AA", "BB", "CC"] alist2 = ["AA", "BB", "DD"] puts alist1 - alist2 15 Programing..

16 <Array >.length alist = ["AA","BB","CC"] puts alist.length <Array >.inject(:+) alist = [1, 2, 4] puts alist.inject(:+) <Array >.sort alist = ["2","1","3"] puts alist.sort <Array >.sort{ a,b b <=> a} alist = ["2","1","3"] puts alist.sort{ a,b b <=> a} < >.sort_by{rand} 16 Programing..

17 puts ["AA", "BB", "CC", "DD", "EE"].sort_by{rand} <Array >.sort{ a, b a[< >] <=> b[< >]} alist = [{:key1 => 10, :key2 => 10}, {:key1 => 20, :key2 => 30}, {:key1 => 30, :key2 => 20},] puts alist.sort{ a, b a[:key2] <=> b[:key2]} <Array >.count{ temp < >} alist = [{:key1 => 10, :key2 => 10}, {:key1 => 20, :key2 => 30}, {:key1 => 30, :key2 => 10},] puts alist.count{ temp temp[:key2]==10} 2 <Array >.sort{ a, b a[< -1>] <=> b[< -1>]} alist = [[1,2],[2,1],[3,3]] puts alist.sort{ a, b a[1] <=> b[1]} 17 Programing..

18 2 <Array >.transpose alist = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] p alist.transpose 2 <Array >.transpose[< >] alist = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] p alist.transpose[0] CGI <CGI >.params[ < name> ] (sample.rb) require cgi formdata = astring = formdata.params[ textdata ]#name="textdata" puts "Content-Type: text/html" puts "#{astring}" (index.html) <form action="./sample.rb" method="post"> <input type="text" name="textdata" value=""> <input type="submit" value=" "> </form> 18 Programing..

19 CGI <CGI >.params[ < name> ][0] (sample.rb) require cgi puts "Content-type: text/html\n" formdata = value = formdata.params[ imputfile ][0]# filehandle = open("file.jpg", "w")# filehandle.write( filehandle.close (index.html) <form action="./sample.rb" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="imputfile" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> Mechanize Web <Mechanize >.get(<url>) require mechanize agent = p agent.get(" Mechanize <Mechanize >.user_agent_alias = < > require mechanize agent = 19 Programing..

20 -MYPEDIA Programingagent.user_agent_alias = Windows IE 7 # Mac Safari iphone p agent.get(" capybara-webkit Web (Javascript ) visit( <URL> ) require capybara-webkit include Capybara::DSL Capybara.current_driver = :webkit visit( ) # URL puts current_url # URL puts source # HTML capybara-webkit Web fill_in("<name >", :with => "< >") require capybara-webkit include Capybara::DSL Capybara.current_driver = :webkit visit( ) # URL fill_in("q", :with => "test") # find( input[name="btng"] ).click # input btng puts current_url # URL puts source # HTML capybara-webkit Web find( < >[< >] ).click 20 Programing..

21 -MYPEDIA Programingrequire capybara-webkit include Capybara::DSL Capybara.current_driver = :webkit visit( ) # URL fill_in("q", :with => "test") # find( input[name="btng"] ).click # input btng puts current_url # URL puts source # HTML capybara-webkit Web page.save_screenshot < > require capybara-webkit include Capybara::DSL Capybara.current_driver = :webkit visit( ) # URL fill_in("q", :with => "test") # find( input[name="btng"] ).click # input btng page.save_screenshot screenshot.png # puts current_url # URL puts source # HTML selenium Web (Javascript ) visit( <URL> ) require capybara require selenium-webdriver Capybara.current_driver = :selenium include Capybara::DSL visit( ) # URL puts current_url # URL 21 Programing..

22 -MYPEDIA Programingputs source # HTML # capybara-webkit <> result = ls puts result / %r< >< >< > astring = AAA/BBB/CCC astring =~ %r{/(.*)/} puts $1 /(?:< >)/ astring = "A-B" astring =~ /(?:[A-Z])-([A-Z])/ puts $1 /< >(?<< >>< >[^< >< >]*?\g<< >>*< >[^< >< >]*?)/ 22 Programing..

23 # BB /BB(?<paren>\([^\(\)]*?\g<paren>*\)[^\(\)]*?)/ =~ (AA(BB(CC(DD)(EE)FF)))) puts $~[:paren] < >=~/< >/m astring = "AAB\nBCC" astring=~/aa(.*)cc/m puts $1 raise "< >" if < > def division(a, b) raise "Error!!" if b == 0 # b 0 a / b puts division(3, 0) ( ) begin < > rescue < > 23 Programing..

24 begin a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b rescue a = "infinity" puts a ( ) begin < > rescue Exception < > begin a = 1 b = 0 c = a / b rescue Exception a = "infinity" puts a %Q< >< >< > 24 Programing..

25 -MYPEDIA Programingputs %Q{"test"} %q< >< >< > puts %q{ test } n < >.times{< >} 10.times{puts AA } require gem < > < > gem capybara, require capybara ftp <FTP >.get( < > ) ftp = ftp.connect( <> ) ftp.login( < >, <FTP > ) ftp.binary = true ftp.chdir( <> ) # 25 Programing..

26 -MYPEDIA Programingftp.get( index.html ) ftp.quit ftp <FTP >.put( < > ) ftp = ftp.connect( <> ) ftp.login( < >, <FTP > ) ftp.binary = true ftp.chdir( <> ) # ftp.put( index.html ) ftp.quit printf "\e[<>d" astring = "aaa" printf astring STDOUT.flush sleep(1) printf "\e[#{astring.size}d" # astring = "bbb\n" printf astring STDOUT.flush 2 26 Programing..

27 ruby -e < > ruby -e puts "test" gem sudo gem install < > sudo gem install capybara gem sudo gem update sudo gem install capybara gem sudo update_rubygems sudo gem install rubygems-update sudo update_rubygems 27 Programing..

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