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1 Perl print("hello, Bioinformatics!\n"); $ perl 1 2 print("hello, Bioinformatics!\n"); $ perl 3 4 3 Perl Perl Perl Perl print("hello, Bioinformatics!\n ); print("hello, Bioinformatics!\n ); $ perl $ perl 5 6

2 #!/usr/bin/perl Perl #!/usr/bin/perl Perl print("hello, Bioinformatics!\n ); $ perl print("hello, Bioinformatics!\n"); $ perl 7 8 "Hello, Bioinformatics!\n print() Hello, Bioinformatics! 29 ATG n 9 10 n r t my $name = Itoshi ; print("hello, $name!\n"); $ perl Itoshi 11 12

3 29 ATG n my $box my $box = boy my $name = Itoshi ; print("hello, $name!\n"); my $name = Itoshi ; print("hello, $name!\n"); $ perl Itoshi $ perl Itoshi my $name = Itoshi ; print("hello, $name!\n"); $ perl Itoshi /

4 my $height = 1.63; my $weight = 58; my $bmi = $weight / ($height * $height); print $bmi n ; my $height = 1.63; my $weight = 58; my $bmi = $weight / ($height * $height); print $bmi n ; $ perl $ perl $a + $b $a - $b $a * $b $a / $b $a % $b $a++ $a-- $a**$b $a $b my $height = 1.63; my $weight = 58; my $bmi = $weight / ($height * $height); my $fat_index; if ($bmi >= 25) { $fat_index = 1; else { $fat_index = 0; print Your BMI: $bmi n ; print Your Fat index: $fat_index n ; $ perl if else if my $height = 1.63; my $weight = 58; my $bmi = $weight / $length * $length my $fat_index; if ($bmi >= 25) { $fat_index = 1; else { $fat_index = 0; print Your BMI: $bmi n ; print Your Fat index: $fat_index n ; $ perl 23 24

5 elsif! if ($bmi >= 25 and $bmi < 30) { $fat_index = 1; elsif ($bmi >= 30 and $bmi < 35){ $fat_index = 2; elsif ($bmi >= 35 and $bmi < 40) { $fat_index = 3; elsif ($bmi >= 40) { $fat_index = 4; else { $fat_index = 0; $ perl $a == $b $a eq $b $a!= $b $a ne $b $a < $b $a $ $a <= $b $a $b $a > $b $a $b $a >= $b $a $b $a and $b (&&) $a $b if $a or $b ( ) $a $b $a not $b $a $b genelist.txt DNA9 gagcctaaggtttagggaggtcgtggtactttacgtaaggagtcagaaacgggcctcggt DNA6 ctaaggtgggtgtgtagtggtacgtggtactaaggtgggtgtgtagtggtactaaggtgt DNA3 atgcctgaggggcctcggtgtttagggtcctgggagcctaacggtcgtggtactttaccc DNA4 ctcggtgtttagggaggagcctaaggtaaggtcgtggtactttacgcagtcagaaacggg DNA8 gtcgtggtactttacaaggtatcggtgtttagggaggagcctaggagtcagaaacgggcc DNA1 ctttgtgggctcctgcaagtgccaggcgctgaaggagcctaaggtaaggagtcagaaacg DNA2 gcgtagagtcccttggtggaaggtgggtgtgtaggcagcagaggttaacagaaatctcag DNA7 gttagggaggagcggggtactttacgcctcggtgttctaaggtaaggagtcagaaacgtc DNA5 gggtgtgtataatggagtcgtggtacttcagaggttaacagaaatctcaggtccctaggt $ cat genelist.txt 29 30

6 #!/usr/bin/perl $ perl genelist.txt while #!/usr/bin/perl while $ perl genelist.txt #!/usr/bin/perl <> = 1 1 $line while 1 $line while 1 $line while $ perl genelist.txt undef ( ) while #!/usr/bin/perl $ perl genelist.txt my ($file) $ perl genelist.txt 35 36

7 ( ) my ($file) $ perl genelist.txt = ( boy, ) $box[0] my ($file) my ($first_box, $second_box) $first_box: boy $second_box: $ perl genelist.txt my ($file) open = my ($file) <>1 $ perl genelist.txt $ perl genelist.txt 41 42

8 Perl 3 while: open my ($file) push(@lines, $line); print "$lines[1]\n"; my ($file) push(@lines, $line); print "$lines[1]\n"; $ perl genelist.txt $ perl genelist.txt push push(@box, boy ) = ( boy, ) $box[0] $box[1] my ($file, $index) push(@lines, $line); print "$lines[$index]\n"; $ perl genelist.txt

9 my ($file, $index) push(@lines, $line); print "$lines[$index]\n"; my ($file, $index) push(@lines, $line); print "$lines[$index]\n"; $lines[1] $ perl genelist.txt 1 $ perl genelist.txt push my ($file, $name) my %lines; $lines{$genename = $sequence; print "$name $lines{$name\n"; $ perl genelist.txt DNA my ($file, $name) my %lines; $lines{$genename = $sequence; print "$name $lines{$name\n"; $ perl genelist.txt DNA1 genelist.txt split DNA9 gagcctaaggtttagggaggtcgtggtactttacgtaaggagtcagaaacgggcctcgg DNA6 ctaaggtgggtgtgtagtggtacgtggtactaaggtgggtgtgtagtggtactaaggtg DNA3 atgcctgaggggcctcggtgtttagggtcctgggagcctaacggtcgtggtactttacc DNA4 ctcggtgtttagggaggagcctaaggtaaggtcgtggtactttacgcagtcagaaacgg DNA8 gtcgtggtactttacaaggtatcggtgtttagggaggagcctaggagtcagaaacgggc DNA1 ctttgtgggctcctgcaagtgccaggcgctgaaggagcctaaggtaaggagtcagaaac DNA2 gcgtagagtcccttggtggaaggtgggtgtgtaggcagcagaggttaacagaaatctca DNA7 gttagggaggagcggggtactttacgcctcggtgttctaaggtaaggagtcagaaacgt DNA5 gggtgtgtataatggagtcgtggtacttcagaggttaacagaaatctcaggtccctagg 53 54

10 genelist.txt DNA9 gagcctaaggtttagggaggtcgtggtactttacgtaaggagtcagaaacgggcctcgg DNA6 ctaaggtgggtgtgtagtggtacgtggtactaaggtgggtgtgtagtggtactaaggtg DNA3 atgcctgaggggcctcggtgtttagggtcctgggagcctaacggtcgtggtactttacc DNA4 ctcggtgtttagggaggagcctaaggtaaggtcgtggtactttacgcagtcagaaacgg DNA8 gtcgtggtactttacaaggtatcggtgtttagggaggagcctaggagtcagaaacgggc DNA1 ctttgtgggctcctgcaagtgccaggcgctgaaggagcctaaggtaaggagtcagaaac DNA2 gcgtagagtcccttggtggaaggtgggtgtgtaggcagcagaggttaacagaaatctca DNA7 gttagggaggagcggggtactttacgcctcggtgttctaaggtaaggagtcagaaacgt DNA5 gggtgtgtataatggagtcgtggtacttcagaggttaacagaaatctcaggtccctagg /PATTERN/ my ($file, $name) split(/p/, $s) index($s, $subs) substr($s, $subs, 5) chomp($s) chop($s) P$s $s $subs $s $subs 5 $s $s my %lines; $lines{$genename = $sequence; print "$name $lines{$name\n"; $ perl genelist.txt DNA () my %colors = ( leftbottom => white, righttop => orange ) my $white = $colors{ leftbottom my ($file, $name) my %lines; $lines{$genename = $sequence; print "$name $lines{$name\n"; $ perl genelist.txt DNA

11 5 if ($line =~ /tataa/) { print "$line 1\n"; else { print $line 0 n ; $ perl genelist.txt if if ($line =~ /tataa/) { print "$line 1\n"; else { print $line 0 n ; $ perl genelist.txt if ($sequence =~ /^atg/) { print "$line 1\n"; else { print "$line 0\n"; $ perl genelist.txt if ($sequence =~ /^atg/) { print "$line 1\n"; else { print "$line 0\n"; a a abc abc a* a 0 a+ a 1 a+? a ^ $. 1 [abc] abc [abcabc] abcabc [0-9] 0 9 [0-9 -] 0 9, - [^0-4] 0 4 d [0-9] w [a-za-z0-9_] s [ r t n f] D [^0-9] $ perl genelist.txt W [^a-za-z0-9_] S [^ r t n f] 65 66

12 while( my $line = <> ) { my($name, $sequence) = $name =~ s/dna/rna/; $sequence =~ s/t/u/g; print "$name\t$sequence\n"; while( my $line = <> ) { my($name, $sequence) = $name =~ s/dna/rna/; $sequence =~ s/t/u/g; print "$name\t$sequence\n"; $ genelist.txt 67 $ genelist.txt 68 while( my $line = <> ) { my($name, $sequence) = $name =~ s/dna/rna/; $sequence =~ s/t/u/g; print "$name\t$sequence\n"; 6 $ genelist.txt my %seqs; while(my $line = <>){ my ($name, $sequence) = $seqs{$name = $sequence; = = sort(@names); foreach my $name (@names){ print "$name\t$seqs{$name\n"; $ genelist.txt 71 my %seqs; while(my $line = <>){ my ($name, $sequence) = $seqs{$name = $sequence; = = sort(@names); foreach my $name (@names){ print "$name\t$seqs{$name\n"; $ genelist.txt 72

13 values(%a) value join( t / keys(%a) key unshift(@a, a ) pop(@a) a / each(%a) key value push(@a, a ) a foreach my %seqs; while(my $line = <>){ my ($name, $sequence) = $seqs{$name = $sequence; = = sort(@names); foreach my $name (@names){ print "$name\t$seqs{$name\n"; foreach $name foreach $name foreach $name foreach foreach $ genelist.txt () foreach (<>, open) ( ) (if) (while, foreach) (s//) 77 78

14 Perl 3 ( ) Perl ( ) Effective Perl () Perl ( ) 79 80

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