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160 34 1445 101 7. 508 851 8. 508 288 9 17 908 9. 508 4 159

64 161 10.514 1751 11. 516 218151 26. 528 12. 519 509 13. 522 38 14.525 473 15. 525 867 158

162 16. 526 1108 17.527 235 18. 527 19. 527 575 20.527 733 157

64 163 21. 528 279 22. 528 734 21. 23. 528 24.528 842 25. 528 544 26.528 218151 156

164 11. 516 27. 528 757< > 798 557 28. 528 717 29. 529 233 30. 530 552 31. 536 199 32.537 657 155

64 165 33.537 1363 2646 780 34. 537 638 35. 537 1706 36. 537 1020 37. 540 16.526 38. 541 1651 154

166 39. 541 261 40. 546 1260 41. 546 1342 548 42. 371 43. 549 674 44. 551 29 45.551 839 520 153

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184 Study of Authority in Iwade - shinobu 3 8, Reizeikebon Hiroshi Yokomizo As previous study about the authority of representation of waka on Iwade - shinobu, Iwade - shinobu Monogatari Honmon to Kenkyu Ogi Takashi, Kasama shoin, 1977, Kamakura jidai monogatari shusei bekkan Ichiko Teiji, Misumi Youichi, Kasama shoin, 2001, is beneficial. This note is intended to be with reference to these studies, looking for a new authority Waka representation, assembled them. In which for each authority, pointed out that in the order of progression of the story. This is the first time, it is expected to be published sequentially. 135