pp Hope in Adult Patients with Chronic Disease: Qualitative Study. Takafumi WAKITA (Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University) Noriaki KURITA ( De

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pp.17 33 Hope in Adult Patients with Chronic Disease: Qualitative Study. Takafumi WAKITA (Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University) Noriaki KURITA ( Department of Innovative Research and Education for Clinicians and Trainees (DiRECT), Fukushima Medical University Hospital) Naoto TOMINAGA ( Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, St Marianna University School of Medicine) Kinshi KATO ( Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine) Shinichi KONNO ( Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine) Shunichi FUKUHARA ( Department of Healthcare Epidemiology, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculth of Medicine Kyoto University) Yugo SHIBAGAKI ( Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of Internal Medicine, St Marianna University School of Medicine) Abstract To identify the sources of hope for patients with chronic disease, a semi-structured interview was conducted with patients middle-aged and older, whose disease types and levels of activities of daily living limitations varied. Six patience three with chronic kidney disease, one with rheumatoid arthritis, one with spinal cord injury, and another with lumbar spinal canal stenosis were interviewed by a psychologist and an internist. It was determined that their

18 sources greatly differed depending on individual circumstances, such as types and severity of disease, sources of joy and happiness, family structure, employment status, relationship with friends, etc. However, it also showed a stylization of hope dependent on individual experience; in other words, there was a tendency for patients to redefine their source of hope by setting attainable goals to match their limitations, or acknowledging what they have achieved and finding hope in maintaining their current state. We have determined that the sources of hope are comprised of two categories: foundation and process of finding hopeand specific goals and sources. The former consists of: stylization dependent on experience, method and will, use of external information, intrinsic foundation, and extrinsic foundation. The latter consists of: health, source of joy and happiness, family, and social connections. Key words: hope, chronical disease, qualitative study














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