( = 男 性 A = 女 性 A = 女 性 B) No. 1 Hello, sir. I m Gina Lincoln. I m here to pick up the birthday cake I ordered. OK, Ms. Lincoln. Your cake is right he

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準 2 級 リスニングテスト 原 稿 ただいまから, 準 2 級 リスニングテストを 行 います これからお 話 しすることについて 質 問 は 受 けま せんので,よく 注 意 して 聞 いてください このテストには, 第 1 部 から 第 3 部 まであります 英 文 はそれぞれ 一 度 だけ 読 まれます 第 1 部 では, 例 題 を 一 題 放 送 します 放 送 の 間 メモをとってもかまいません では, 第 1 部 のテストから 始 めます これは, 対 話 を 聞 き,その 最 後 の 文 に 対 する 応 答 として 最 も 適 切 なものを 選 ぶ 形 式 です 第 1 部 の 例 題 を 聞 いてください 対 話 とそれに 続 く 応 答 が 一 度 だけ 読 まれま す Would you like to play tennis with me after school, Peter? I can t, Jane. I have to go straight home. How about tomorrow, then? 1 We can go today after school. 2 I don t have time today. 3 That will be fine. 皆 さんは, 今 の 問 題 の 答 えを 一 つだけ 選 びます ここでは 3 が 正 しい 答 えですから, 解 答 用 紙 の 例 題 のところに 3 がマークされています では, 実 際 の 問 題 を 放 送 しますので, 用 意 してください 問 題 は No. 1 から No. 10 まで 10 題 で, 解 答 時 間 はそれぞれ 10 秒 です では, 始 めます 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 1 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会

( = 男 性 A = 女 性 A = 女 性 B) No. 1 Hello, sir. I m Gina Lincoln. I m here to pick up the birthday cake I ordered. OK, Ms. Lincoln. Your cake is right here. Can I get you anything else? No, just the cake, please. 1 Sure. It will be ready next Tuesday. 2 Sure. That will be $25. 3 Sure. These cakes look expensive. No. 2 What are you cooking for dinner tonight, honey? I m going to make paella. It s a popular Spanish dish. Wow. What do you use to make it? 1 We should go to Spain sometime. 2 Seafood, vegetables, and rice. 3 I work at the international market. No. 3 Hello? Hi, Gregory. This is Juliana. You called me this morning? Yeah. I wanted to ask if I could borrow your science textbook before the test tomorrow. 1 Sure, I ll borrow yours. 2 No, that test was really hard. 3 Sorry, but I need it to study. No. 4 What are you reading, Carl? It s a book about the history of Russia. Oh. I didn t know you were interested in history. 1 Yeah, it s my favorite subject. 2 Yeah, here s your book. 3 Yeah, I finished my homework. 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 2 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会

No. 5 Mom, can I go with you to the supermarket? Sure. Is there something you d like to get? Actually, I d like to try making pasta sauce. 1 OK. I was there yesterday. 2 OK. I ve made it already. 3 OK. I ll show you what you need. No. 6 Have you finished your report for English class, Eve? Yeah. I finished it yesterday. Wow. You wrote it really fast. 1 Well, it wasn t very long. 2 Well, I went there today. 3 Well, I m taking a different class. No. 7 Gellman s Electronics Superstore. Hello. Something is wrong with my washing machine. Could you send a repairman here to look at it? OK, ma am. What s the matter with it? 1 It s making a loud noise. 2 It s silver and black. 3 It was repaired yesterday. No. 8 Are you going to join the soccer club at school, John? I was going to, but now I don t think so. But I thought you loved playing soccer. 1 I went to school yesterday. 2 I want to try a new sport. 3 I have a game tonight. 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 3 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会

No. 9 Hi. Do you need any help? Well, I m looking for some new sunglasses. Are any of these on sale? Yes. These are now only $100. Would you like them? 1 No, it s really hot outside today. 2 No, we re going on vacation soon. 3 No, that s still too expensive. No. 10 Excuse me, driver. Is this the bus for Old Wellington? Yes, sir. There are three stops in Old Wellington, though. I m going to the Wellington Art Museum. 1 OK, the bus is crowded today. 2 OK, get off at the first stop. 3 OK, it s a nice day for a walk. 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 4 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会

続 いて, 第 2 部 です これは, 対 話 を 聞 き,その 質 問 に 対 して 最 も 適 切 な 答 えを 選 ぶ 形 式 です 対 話 と 質 問 は 一 度 だけ 読 まれます この 問 題 には 例 題 はありません 問 題 は No. 11 から No. 20 まで 10 題 で, 解 答 時 間 はそれぞれ 10 秒 です では, 始 めます No. 11 Why do you practice playing the guitar so much, Bianca? My dream is to become a rock musician someday, so I have to practice every day. Do you write your own songs, too? Not yet. Now, I just play famous songs. I want to start writing songs soon, though. Question: What does Bianca do every day? No. 12 Carl, one of my customers, Mr. Lee, said he sent me a fax, but I can t find it. Have you seen it? No, I haven t. Hmm. He said in his e-mail that he sent it at noon. Well, call him and ask him to send it again. Make sure he has the right fax number, too. Question: What does the man advise the woman to do? No. 13 Your cooking class is my favorite class at school, Mr. Green. Thank you, Debra. Have you ever made any of the dishes for your parents? Yeah. I made them some vegetable soup for dinner once. They liked it a lot. That s nice. You should make dinner for them more often. Question: What does the teacher tell Debra to do? No. 14 Welcome to Benson s Toy Shop. How can I help you? Hi. Do you sell any toys from the movie Space Race? My son s a big fan, and he collects everything related to it. His birthday s next month, and I d like to get him something. Sure. We have lots of Space Race toys. We also have models, posters, and other goods. Great. Can you show me where they are? Question: Why is the woman at the store? 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 5 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会

No. 15 Winners Sports Store. Hi. I d like to buy several basketballs for my team. Can you tell me how much they cost? I m sorry, ma am, but we only have two basketballs left. Shall I order some for you? No, I ll just call another store. I need them right away. Question: What will the woman do next? No. 16 Honey, did you burn this frying pan? Yeah, sorry. I was going to tell you. I didn t turn off the stove when I finished cooking lunch. The pan is completely black. You re lucky the house didn t burn down. I know. I ll be more careful next time. Question: What mistake did the man make? No. 17 Oh no! We missed our bus. The movie s going to start in 15 minutes. Well, there s no subway station around here. Should we get a taxi? No. If we hurry, we might be able to walk to the movie theater in time. It s not that far. You re right. Taxis are expensive anyway. Let s go. Question: How will the couple go to the movie theater? No. 18 Excuse me. How much does it cost to rent a canoe? It s 19 dollars an hour. But all the canoes are being used right now. A bigger boat is 25 dollars an hour. My son and I would rather use a canoe. How long will we have to wait? Probably about 15 minutes. You can take a seat over there. Question: What does the woman want to do? No. 19 Hello. Dorothy speaking. Hi. It s Adrian. I just wanted to know what time your party starts tonight. At eight. I ve been cooking all day, so there s a lot of food. Oh, that sounds great. I ll see you tonight, then. Question: Why did Adrian call Dorothy? 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 6 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会

No. 20 Excuse me. I can t find my notebook. I think maybe I left it somewhere in this library. Oh, someone found one 10 minutes ago. What does yours look like? It s small and brown, and it has my name written on it Emma Charles. Yes, that s the one we have. Here it is. Question: What problem did the girl have? 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 7 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会

続 いて, 第 3 部 です これは, 英 文 を 聞 き,その 質 問 に 対 して 最 も 適 切 な 答 えを 選 ぶ 形 式 です 英 文 と 質 問 は 一 度 だけ 読 まれます この 問 題 には 例 題 はありません 問 題 は No. 21 から No. 30 まで 10 題 で, 解 答 時 間 はそれぞれ 10 秒 です では, 始 めます No. 21 Attention, soccer fans. We are very sorry about today s delay. The rain has now stopped, and the game will start in a few minutes. The field is now ready, and the players will come out soon. Please sit down and get ready for the game. Thank you. Question: Why is this announcement being made? No. 22 Yesterday, the drama club at Tom s school performed a play. Tom s friend Melissa was the star, and her acting was great. Everyone cheered loudly for Melissa at the end of the performance. Tom thinks he would like to act in a play, too, so he plans to become a member of the drama club. Question: What is one thing we learn about Tom? No. 23 Tarsiers are animals that look like monkeys and live in Asian countries such as the Philippines. They are small and are known for their large eyes. Tarsiers do their hunting at night, and their large eyes help them to find things to eat in the dark. They usually eat things like ants, spiders, and butterflies. Question: What is one thing that we learn about tarsiers? No. 24 Everyone, thank you for all your hard work last month. You really practiced hard, and all the parents said that they enjoyed the music last night. I think it was our most successful concert ever. I know that you re tired from practicing every day, but please don t forget that we re playing in the city music festival next month. Question: What is one thing the speaker says to the band members? No. 25 On Sunday, the morning weather report said it would be sunny, so Peter decided to go hiking. He went without a jacket and was enjoying the sunshine. However, in the afternoon, there was a strong wind, and Peter began to feel very cold. Next time he goes hiking, he will take a jacket, even if it is sunny. Question: What problem did Peter have on Sunday? 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 8 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会

No. 26 Paul wanted to take a short trip to visit his family in California, but he was busy at work. One day, he talked to his co-worker Maria about his problem. She offered to do his work for a few days. Paul was able to take some time off, and he bought Maria a nice gift to thank her for helping him. Question: How did Maria help Paul? No. 27 Every weekend, Robin plays badminton at the sports club near her house. Last week, she got a new badminton racket, and she was excited about using it in a match. But when she got to the sports club, it was closed for repairs. She was sad because she will not be able to play until next week. Question: Why was Robin sad this weekend? No. 28 Randy is a college student, and he loves computers. He has been playing video games since he was a child, and last year he made a website with information about new games. It has become very popular, and now he enjoys writing about video games even more than he enjoys playing them. Question: What did Randy do last year? No. 29 On Friday evening, Nick went to a friend s party. He had fun listening to music and talking to his friends, but unfortunately he had to leave early. He works early in the morning, and he needed to get up at 4 a.m. the next day. He hopes he will be able to stay longer at the next party he goes to. Question: Why did Nick leave the party early? No. 30 The famous American writer Mark Twain had a very tough time when he was a child. His father died, and the family became poor. Mark had to start working to get money for his family, so he quit school when he was 12. Although he never graduated from school, he was able to become a great writer. Question: What is one thing we learn about Mark Twain? では 時 間 です 筆 記 用 具 を 置 いて 答 えの 記 入 をやめてください 受 験 者 の 皆 さんは 試 験 監 督 者 が 指 示 を 出 すまでは 席 を 離 れないで 静 かにお 待 ちください それでは 試 験 監 督 者 は 問 題 冊 子 と 解 答 用 紙 を 集 め 受 験 者 数 との 数 の 一 致 を 確 認 してから 試 験 終 了 の 合 図 を 出 してください 2014 年 度 第 2 回 検 定 一 次 試 験 ( 準 2 級 ) 9 公 益 財 団 法 人 日 本 英 語 検 定 協 会