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class: name: Do not open until 2109 800 numbers of Cambridge University staff and students participated in the "Letters to the Future" project as part of its 800th anniversary celebrations. Their messages, which relate to subjects ranging from climate change and global recession to the progress of the current series of what is unknown, were sealed and stored on Thursday, November 19th in front of Queen Elizabeth. Each writer has also been given a certificate to pass down to future generations. In 2109, anyone who has a certificate will be able to get back a message from their ancestor in exchange for it. Each message was personal and secret, but many of those taking part were happy to discuss the broad themes they wrote about. When the people with the certificate read the letters, they will be able to compare what they will learn from the letters with what they will have learned in school and from the news. The Letters to the Future project will leave a legacy to members of the University and the Cambridge community as a whole when they come to celebrate its 900th birthday in 2109." Questions Read the passage and answer the three questions below. Q1.What is the name of this project? Q2. Who can get back the letters from their ancestors in 2109? Q3. What will the people be able to do after reading the letters? 引 用 :http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/newspublishing/detail.php?news=153 から 改 訂

Letter to my Future Self Dear 23-year-old Takeo, Hi Takeo, are you in good health? How does your face look? Do you have a job? If you re reading this letter, you probably live in a great palace, just kidding! 10 years from now, I think you will already have graduated from university and become an architect. Maybe you will have married or will have met someone special. What will you been building now? Many high buildings will have been built after 10 years. Please build houses which many people will want to live in. Hope things are going well for you. Best regards, 13-year-old Takeo

class: name: <format> Letter to my Future Self Dear 27-year-old, Hi, are you in good health? How does your face look? Do you have a job? If you re reading this letter, you probably live in a great palace, just kidding! 10 years from now, I think you will already have graduated from university and become A. Maybe you will have married or will have met someone special. What will you been B? C Hope things are going well for you. Best regards, 17-year-old

Words Box A architect / teacher / flight attendant / fire fighter / police / dancer / writer / scholar / scientist /hair dresser / professor / officer / idol / actor / actress / detective / astronaut / engineer / photographer / musician / poet / politician / accountant / doctor / nurse / cook B build / teach / play / watch / study / help / show / research / dance / write / invent / discover / serve / make.. C example: Many high buildings will have been built after 10 years. Please build houses which many people will want to live in. Note