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Abstract In Japan elderly unattended households are increasing. Elderly people mental and physical capabilities decline in aging. Memory decline makes it difficult for the elderly to live independently. For example, while recalling the item's location in the room, elderly keeps looking for it, etc. In such a case, elderly needs help from others such as caregivers. However, elderly couples or unattended households are increasing, so it is difficult for them to recall the items' locations. Therefore, in this study, I develop an application to help finding locations of items for elderly using a smartphone. For elderly to use the application, I researched requirements for the elderly to facilitate the use of a smartphone. Classifying requirements gotten from the research, and I decided to put a priority on color schemes. And, I selected points of considerations on using an application, such as font size, screen transition, and so on. Following these constraints and I developed an application which filled requirements for elder people. Additionally, I developed two other applications. One application loosely fulfills the requirements, and the other is overly deviated from them. I compared three applications with experiment. The experiment result shows that the application which loosely fulfilled the requirements is effective for elderly people.