Sony Pictures Television Media Production & Promotion vice president, Edward Zimmerman 23, 24 本 書 掲 載 のエピソードを 収 録 した DVD の 商 品 情 報 6 VOL.4 1,480 v

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Sony Pictures Television Media Production & Promotion vice president, Edward Zimmerman 23, 24 本 書 掲 載 のエピソードを 収 録 した DVD の 商 品 情 報 6 VOL.4 1,480 v

UNIT 1 朝 スティーヴンス 家 の 台 所 お 母 さんのサマンサが 弟 アダムの 世 話 で 忙 しい ため かまってもらえないタバサは 大 むくれ 会 話 の 決 まり 文 句 1. That does it. 2. Say hello to Mr. Anderson for me. 3. Good luck. Vocabulary Check 本 文 で 用 いられている 次 の 単 語 について 辞 書 で 調 べて 下 記 の 表 を 完 成 させよう ( 品 詞 と 意 味 については 本 文 中 で 用 いられているもののみ 記 載 している ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 fly feed fold certainly difficult share UNIT 1 接 続 詞 < 許 可 >の 表 現 3

... 朝 スティーヴンス 家 の 台 所 サマンサがアダムにミルクを 飲 ませている タバサが 入 ってくる あごにばんそうこうを 貼 っている タバサ: Mommy. サマンサ: How s your chin? タバサ: It s better. サマンサ: That s good. Maybe the next time I tell you you re too young to fly, you ll pay attention to me. タバサ: Mommy, can we go to the play park this afternoon? サマンサ: Oh, not today, sweetheart. I have a lot to do. タバサ: But I wanna go to the play park! サマンサ: So do I, sweetheart, but I told you I have too much to do. I have to finish feeding Adam, and I have to give him his bath, put him down for his nap, and then there are diapers to fold. タバサ: Why can t Esmeralda do all that? サマンサ: Because Esmeralda isn t here, and because Mommy should do those things. ダーリンが 入 ってくる ダーリン: Sweetheart, I just finished the revisions on the Nickerson Account and I ve got a meeting with them at 2:00, so I better run.(アダムに)see you at dinner, big fellow. タバサ: May I have an ice-cream cone? サマンサ: Certainly, as soon as I m through feeding Adam. タバサ 魔 法 でアイスクリームを 出 して 食 べ 始 める サマンサ それを be through ing 取 り 上 げる サマンサ: That does it, young lady. You know you re not supposed to do things like that. タバサ: But you said I could have an ice-cream cone! ダーリン: And Mommy also said she d get it for you right after Adam finished his lunch. タバサ: That s not fair! ダーリン: Sweetheart, don t you understand you have to share Mommy now that you have a little brother? 文 法 5 too to do pay attention to So do I. 10 have to do 15 文 法 have got = have I better = I had better 20 プラスワン 文 法 会 話 be supposed to do プラスワン 25 文 法 文 法 30...

... タバサ: May I go to my room now? ダーリン: I thought you wanted an ice-cream cone. タバサ: I don t want it any more. ダーリン: Then you can go to your room and stay there. タバサ 台 所 を 飛 び 出 す ダーリン: Women start to get difficult early in life, don t they? サマンサ: Well, really! She ll be all right. I ll look in on her later. ダーリン: I better run. サマンサ: Mm-hmm. プラスワン not any more 文 法 プラスワン 35 start to do look in (on ) 40 ダーリン サマンサにキスをして 出 て 行 こうとする サマンサ: Say hello to Mr. Nickerson for me and good luck. ダーリン: Thanks, honey. ( 出 て 行 く ) サマンサ: (アイスクリームをもてあまして)Oh, well. 会 話 文 法 thanks = thank you アイスクリームをなめるサマンサを アダムがじっと 見 上 げる サマンサ: You want a bite too? You want a bite? It s cold. アダム アイスクリームをなめて 顔 をしかめる... 注 6 play park= 12 nap= 12 diaper= 13 Esmeralda= 16 revision= 16 the Nickerson Account= UNIT 1 接 続 詞 < 許 可 >の 表 現

文 法 のポイント 接 続 詞 1 接 続 詞 節 主 語 述 語 動 詞 節 節 接 続 詞 2 2 接 続 詞 等 位 接 続 詞 and, but, or, for, so He went to the dance, but I stayed home. I was tired, so I went to bed early. I went to bed early, for I was tired. 従 属 する 節 を 導 く 接 続 詞 従 属 接 続 詞 ) though, as, since, when, if If it is fine tomorrow, I ll go fishing. He went to the dance but I stayed home. 2 節 If it is fine tomorrow, I ll go fishing. If 節 主 節 as long [far] as as soon as in case (the) next time no matter how what, when, where now that once so that may (can) 6

本 文 の 英 語 で 確 認 しよう 1. The next time I tell you you re too young to fly, you ll pay attention to me. the next time the 4-5 2. I will give you an ice cream as soon as I m through feeding Adam. 21 3. Mommy also said she d get it for you right after Adam finished his lunch. 25 4. Don t you understand you have to share Mommy now that you have a little brother? 28-30 5. I just finished the revisions on the Nickerson Account and I ve got a meeting with them at 2:00, so I better run. 16-18 6. Say hello to Mr. Nickerson for me and good luck. 41 従 属 接 続 詞 節 He passed the exam because he studied very hard これも 知 っておこう 従 属 接 続 詞 that 1. Mommy also said (that) she d get it for you. 25 2. Don t you understand (that) you have to share Mommy? 28 that 従 属 接 続 詞 said understand 目 的 語 節 Mommy also said (that) she d get it for you. 等 位 接 続 詞 and, but, or 語 語 句 句 Then you can go to your room and stay there. 34 UNIT 1 接 続 詞 < 許 可 >の 表 現 7

次 の 語 または 語 句 を 並 べ 替 えて 日 本 語 の 意 味 を 表 す 英 文 を 作 ろう 1. Please { me, next, call, time, Singapore, to, you, come }. 2. I { to, overslept, because, I, school, run, have to }. 3. My father { arrived, as soon, at, he, went, the lavatory, the station, as, to }. 4. He { right, the party, left, after, you, to, came }. 5. You { that, you, an adult, now, make, should, your own living, are }. 8

プラスワンポイント < 許 可 >の 表 現 Can I? May I? Could I? Do Would you mind if? Yes, you may can. / Yes, of course. / Certainly. Yes, you could might. 本 文 の 英 語 で 確 認 しよう 1. May I have an ice-cream cone? 20 2. But you said (that) I could have an ice-cream cone! 24 3. May I go to my room now? 31 < 許 可 >を 求 める 意 味 の 例 文 とその 和 訳 を 手 持 ちの 辞 書 から 書 き 写 そう 1. Can I? 2. May I? 3. Could I? 4. Do you mind if? UNIT 1 接 続 詞 < 許 可 >の 表 現 9

続 きのあらすじ 魔 女 の 起 源 hagazussa (hag zussa ) (wicca) witch 2001 ) 10