The Influence of Jane Eyre upon A World of Girls by L. T. Meade Satomi KASHIO Abstract This paper deals with the influence of Jane Eyre upon L. T. Mea

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The Influence of Jane Eyre upon A World of Girls by L. T. Meade Satomi KASHIO Abstract This paper deals with the influence of Jane Eyre upon L. T. Meade's popular novel, A World of Girls. In the school in the story, Jane Eyre is banned, that is to say, the book has become a sort of a meta-text. By comparing these two novels, the reason why Meade took up Jane Eyre especially in her work comes to light. In Chapter 1, the effect of Christianity upon the formation of the heroine's personality is taken into consideration. Chapter 2 treats the meaning behind the banning of Jane Eyre being read in the school. Through the argument, the possibility that the ban has hidden implication becomes clear, which is, Meade's suggestion to the young girls that they should read Jane Eyre. Jane's strong individuality, passion and morality give the readers the courage to live through the time of "The Odd Women". Chapter 3 deals with the role of un-english characters of the gypsies in the novels. The ambiguity of their portrayal gives a complicated flavour to the stories. In conclusion, being "a daughter of Jane Eyre" is the ideal which Meade intended to show to her readers. Key Words : 1. A World of Girls 2. Jane Eyre 3. The effect of Christianity 4. a banned book 5. gypsy