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5 級リスニングテスト 原稿 ただいまから 5 級リスニングテストを行います これからお話しすることについて質問は受けませんので よく注意して聞いてください なお リスニングテスト放送中に音飛びや騒音があった場合は 発生した問題のトラックに戻し やり直します しかしながら 万が一 教室監督者が気づか




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C. S2 X D. E.. (1) X S1 10 S2 X+S1 3 X+S S1S2 X+S1+S2 X S1 X+S S X+S2 X A. S1 2 a. b. c. d. e. 2


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20 want ~ がほしい wanted[-id]want to 21 her 彼女の, 彼女を she 22 his 彼の, 彼のもの he 23 how どのように, どうなのか, どれくらい how to <How!> How many? How much? How long? How ol





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< D8291BA2E706466>

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目次 1. レッスンで使える表現 レッスンでお困りの際に使えるフレーズからレッスンの中でよく使われるフレーズまで 便利な表現をご紹介させていただきます ご活用方法として 講師に伝えたいことが伝わらない場合に下記の通りご利用ください 1 該当の表現を直接講師に伝える 2 該当の英語表現を Skype


2 次の英文を 内の指示に従って書き換えなさい (1) My father has already come home. 否定文に (2) You have studied English since last year. 下線部を尋ねる疑問文に (3) Tom has been to Okinaw

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ポイント 1 文型の意義? The ship made for the shore. She made a good wife. I will make a cake for her birthday. make (SVC) (SVO) S V X = [ ] 5

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1 ( ) 1 1 ( ) 1!! Shinji Akematsu 1

【 】年【 】組【 】番 氏名【            】


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1 放 送 を 聞 いて, 次 のA~Dの 問 題 に 答 えなさい A 放 送 される 英 文 と 問 いを 聞 いて, 問 いに 対 する 答 えとして 適 切 な 絵 を 選 ぶ 問 題 No. 1 ア イ ウ エ No. 2 ア イ ウ エ No. 3 ア イ ウ エ B 放 送 される 対

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Basic Skills in Reali zing Easy-to-understand English Instruction


未来形 1. 次の ( ) の中から 正しい語句を選び で囲みなさい (1) Ian will ( go / goes ) to Chicago next Tuesday. (2) He ( will / is going ) to finish his work at five. (3) It w

[ 基本 1] 次の英文の後ろに [ ] の語句を入れて be going to を使った未来形に転換し それを 和訳しなさい 1. He studies science. [tomorrow morning] 2. You learn judo in Japan. [next year] 3. I


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<4D F736F F D208BB38DDE5F F4390B394C52E646F6378>

(c) 例 文 4 You can t be hungry. You ve just had dinner. ( 君 はおなかがすいているはずはない 食 事 をしたばかりだから ) 可 能 性 を 表 す can は, 肯 定 文 では でありうる という 意 味 である 例 文 4のよう に, 否

(Microsoft Word - \203e\203L\203X\203gMagi)

6年生用教材(Unit7 - Unit9)


3 級リスニングテスト 原稿 ただいまから,3 級リスニングテストを行います これからお話しすることについて質問は受けませんので, よく注意して聞いてください なお リスニングテスト放送中に音飛びや騒音があった場合は 発生した問題のトラックに戻し やり直します しかしながら 万が一 教室監督者が気づかない場合は速やかに手を挙げてお知らせ願います このテストには, 第 1 部から第 3 部まであります 英文は第 1 部では一度, 第 2 部と第 3 部では二度ずつ読まれます 第 1 部では, 例題を一題放送します 放送の間メモをとってもかまいません では, 第 1 部のテストから始めます これは, イラストを参考にしながら対話を聞き, その最後の文に対する応答として最も適切なものを選ぶ形式です 第 1 部の例題例題の絵を見てください 対話とそれに続く応答が一度だけ読まれます I m hungry, Annie. Me, too. Let s make something. How about pancakes? 1 On the weekend. 2 For my friends. 3 That s a good idea. 皆さんは, 今の問題の答えを一つだけ選びます ここでは 3 が正しい答えですから, 解答用紙の例題のところに 3 がマークされています 問題は No. 1 から No. 10 まで 10 題で, 解答時間はそれぞれ 10 秒です 以上 説明が終わりましたので 今から 3 級の No.1 を開始します 2018 年度第 1 回検定一次試験 (3 級 ) 1 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

( = 男性 A = 女性 A = 女性 B) No. 1 Is that our new manager? Yes, he just started today. He looks young. 1 We finished early. 2 I think he s about 40. 3 I went there. No. 2 Mrs. Robinson, what s our homework? Read page fifty-six in your textbook. Anything else? 1 I understand. 2 You did well. 3 That s all. No. 3 One ticket for the six o clock show, please. I m sorry. That show is sold out. When is the next one? 1 We sell popcorn. 2 That ll be $10. 3 It starts at nine. No. 4 Where s Mom? She s outside working in the garden. I ll go and help her. 1 That s nice of you. 2 At the bookstore. 3 These flowers are beautiful. No. 5 Let s go out for dinner tonight. Sounds great. Where do you want to go? 1 Yes, I do. 2 The new Mexican place. 3 I went last night. 2018 年度第 1 回検定一次試験 (3 級 ) 2 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

No. 6 Hi, Mom. Hi, Tony. Has your baseball game finished? Yes. Can you pick me up? 1 Yes, it s in your room. 2 Sure, I ll be there soon. 3 Wow! That s great news. No. 7 When does the train leave? In half an hour. OK. I m going to look around the bookstore. 1 Yeah, I took the bus. 2 OK, I ll wait here. 3 Right, it s in my bag. No. 8 May I help you, sir? Yes, what kind of pies are these? Pumpkin. They re very delicious. 1 I ll take two, please. 2 Right, I just got here. 3 Wow, you re very busy. No. 9 Do you have any plans today? No. Why don t we go jogging, then? 1 Yes, every weekend. 2 No, I was too nervous. 3 OK, let s go before lunch. No. 10 What are you doing, Tim? I m writing a report for my science class. How long will it take? 1 I m almost finished. 2 She s a good teacher. 3 It s about spiders. 2018 年度第 1 回検定一次試験 (3 級 ) 3 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

続いて, 第 2 部です これは, 対話を聞き, その質問に対して最も適切な答えを選ぶ形式です 対話と質問はそれぞれ二度くり返されます この問題には例題はありません 問題は No. 11 から No. 20 まで 10 題で, 解答時間はそれぞれ 10 秒です では, 始めます No. 11 Look outside, Grandpa! The ground is all white! Yes. It snowed a lot yesterday. What about today? It s going to be sunny. Question: What was the weather like yesterday? No. 12 Jenny, can we talk today about next week s school trip? How about this afternoon? Sorry, I have a piano lesson. OK. I ll call you tonight around eight. Question: When will Jenny call the boy? No. 13 Is that your pencil case on the floor, Mary? The one under the desk? No, mine is in my bag. Whose is it, then? I don t know. Let s take it to the school office. Question: Where is Mary s pencil case? No. 14 Jimmy, have you started writing the history report yet? No. Remember, it has to be ready by Friday. Thanks. I ll start it tonight. Question: What will Jimmy do tonight? No. 15 Is there any dessert today, Mom? Yes. I made an apple pie. Can I have some now? No, Bob. You have to wait until dinnertime. Question: What does Bob want to do now? 2018 年度第 1 回検定一次試験 (3 級 ) 4 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

No. 16 Excuse me. Are there any more trains that go to Berkshire today? No. There aren t any buses, either. Oh no. I really need to go there today. You ll have to go by taxi. Question: What should the woman do? No. 17 This black coat looks nice and warm. You should buy it. It s $400. That s too much. You re right. Let s find something cheaper. Question: Why won t the man buy the black coat? No. 18 How often do you work at the Chinese restaurant? Twice a week. Do you enjoy it? Yeah. The other staff are really nice, and I love Chinese food. Question: What are they talking about? No. 19 Are you interested in baseball? No, but my dad is. He always watches it on TV. My mom and dad don t like sports at all. I don t, either. Question: Who is interested in baseball? No. 20 Have you ever been abroad? Yes. I ve been to Singapore twice and India once. Wow. How long did you stay in India? For three weeks. Question: How many times has the man been to India? 2018 年度第 1 回検定一次試験 (3 級 ) 5 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

続いて, 第 3 部です これは, 英文を聞き, その質問に対して最も適切な答えを選ぶ形式です 英文と質問はそれぞれ二度くり返されます この問題には例題はありません 問題は No. 21 から No. 30 まで 10 題で, 解答時間はそれぞれ 10 秒です では, 始めます No. 21 Last month, Tim got first prize in a writing contest at school. He wrote a story about the rain forest in Brazil. Next week, his story will be in the school newspaper. Question: What happened last month? No. 22 My parents like going out together. Tonight, they ll have dinner at a restaurant. After that, they ll go to a concert. This Saturday, they ll meet their friends for lunch. Question: When will the boy s parents go to a concert? No. 23 Julie will visit Japan next month. It ll be her second time. Last year, she stayed with a family in Kyoto for three months. This time, she ll visit for two weeks. Question: How long did Julie stay in Japan last year? No. 24 Mark wanted to see a baseball game yesterday. When he got to the stadium, there were no more tickets. He decided to have lunch at a restaurant, and then he went home. Question: What did Mark do yesterday? No. 25 Attention, passengers. The next plane to Houston will leave in 20 minutes. People flying to Houston should go to Gate A5 now. The flight to Chicago will be late because of bad weather. Question: Where is the woman talking? No. 26 Nancy is thinking of becoming a farmer in the future. Today, she s going to ride her bike to the library and borrow some books about plants and farm animals. Question: What will Nancy do today? No. 27 Tomorrow is my husband s birthday. I won t have time to cook breakfast for him, so I asked my daughter to do it. She s going to make French toast. That s my husband s favorite. Question: What did the woman ask her daughter to do? 2018 年度第 1 回検定一次試験 (3 級 ) 6 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

No. 28 Many people thought Simon would play tennis in junior high school because his mother was a famous tennis player. But Simon joined the soccer club. In high school, he wants to try volleyball. Question: Which club did Simon join in junior high school? No. 29 Ken went to Sarah s party last night, but he left early. He had a terrible stomachache. He didn t say goodbye to Sarah when he left, so he ll call her this morning. Question: Why did Ken leave Sarah s party early? No. 30 I work at a bank. I enjoy my job, but it takes me two hours to get from my house to my office. I want to move to an apartment closer to my office. Question: What is the man s problem? では 時間です 筆記用具を置いて答えの記入をやめてください これにて試験終了となります 公正なる試験実施にご協力いただきありがとうございました 質問がある方は ただちに試験監督者にお申し出ください 試験監督者に連絡いたします これより最終の受験者数を確認してください その後 解答用紙を回収し枚数の確認を行ってください なお 問題冊子は回収しません 受験者数と解答用紙の枚数の一致を確認してから 解散の指示を出してください 受験者の皆さんは 身のまわりをよく点検し 忘れものがないように注意してください 受験者の皆さんが退室するときは 別の教室が試験中の場合もありますので 声を出さず 会場出口まで静かに退出してください それでは 解散の指示を出すまで静かにお待ちください 2018 年度第 1 回検定一次試験 (3 級 ) 7 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会