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1 Font BackColor cmdcoloradd BackColor Caption Font FE FE FE Review manual, M.R.Lindeburg, Professional Publications,Inc.(2002) Sample problems

2 1. What is the binary (base-2) representation of (135) 10? (A) (B) (C) (D) Solution: (135) 10 = ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (135)10= [ same as ] Answer is C. 2. What is the base-10 equivalent of the binary number ? (A) 18 (B) 30 (C) 46 (D) 47 Solution: = 46 Answer is C. 92

3 3. What is the octal (base-8) equivalent of the binary number ( )2? (A) (109) 8 (B) (155) 8 (C) (550) 8 (D) (660) 8 Solution: Since 8 = 2 3, separate the bits into groups of three bits, starting with the least significant bits. Add leading zeros if necessary for consistency Convert each group of three bits into its octal equivalent (1) 8 (5) 8 (5) 8 The octal equivalent is 155. Answer is B. 4. What operation is typically represented by the following program flowchart symbol? (A) input-output (B) processing (C) storage (D) branching Solution: Branching, comparison, and decision operations are typically represented by the diamond symbol. Answer is D. (1) 16 [ ]

4 (2) [ ] (2) (3) 0.25 [ ] ,2-2, (1) (2) 0.125= (3) 0.25 =

5 Web Btu Web inch(in) inch(in) cm inch(in) inch(in) cm lb ( kg) gal ( m 3 ) B.t.u cal= J 95

6 180 9 f = c + 32 = c Netscape Navigator P Internet Tools Netscape Communicator Netscape Navigator Yahoo 96

7 inch feet gal B.t.u. (1) in cm (2) 10.0 ft m 5 (3) F - (96 32) = (4) K (5) cal J (6) 4.50 B.t.u cal

8 98

9 (1) 20 in cm (2) 100 mile/hr km/hr (3) 0 F - (4) K (5) kwhr - J (6) 1 B.t.u - cal 1) 2) Excel 3) Excel.xls VBex1_0_1.xls VBex1_0_1.xls 4) Excel Visual Basic 99

10 VBex1_0_1.xls VBex1_0_1.xls Excel Sheet1 Visual Basic Excel Sheet1 Visual Basic 100

11 Sub convert_ex1_0_1() Dim n As Integer Dim x(10) As Double Dim factor(10) As Double n = 5 ' factor(i) "E5 E9" 5,5) (9,5) For i = 1 To n factor(i) = Cells(4 + i, 5) Next i ' "B5 5,2) x(1) = Cells(5, 2).Value ' factor(i) For i = 2 To n x(i) = factor(i) * x(1) Next i ' x(i) =factor(i)*x(i) "B6 B9" 6,2) (9,2) For i = 2 To n 101

12 Cells(4 + i, 2).Value = x(i) Next i End Sub 6) Visual Basic Web Net Net VB Excel.xls VBex1_0_1.xls VBex1_0_1.xls Sheet1 VB VBex1_0_2.xls VBex1_0_1.xls Excel Sub convert_ex1_0_1() Sub convert_ex1_0_2() Excel Sheet1 VBex1_0_2.xls Excel Sheet1 Excl sheet 102

13 sheet VB convert_ex1_0_2 OK 103

14 sheet sheet convert_ex1_0_2 Excel.xls VBex1_0_1.xls VBex1_0_2.xls Sheet1 VB VBex1_0_3.xls VBex1_0_2.xls Excel Sub convert_ex1_0_2() Sub convert_ex1_0_3() Excel Sheet1 VBex1_0_3.xls Excel Sheet1 VB Excel Sheet1 VB Excl sheet 104

15 Macro1 ResetCalc1 OK 105

16 Delete Excel ResetCalc1 VB Sub ResetCalc1() '' ResetCalc1 Macro ' : 2005/3/21 : Mishima 106

17 Application.Run " VBex1_0_3.xls!convert_ex1_0_2" Range("B6:B9").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("F6").Select End Sub Excel Sheet1 Excl sheet sheet 107

18 VB ResetCalc1 OK sheet sheet ResetCalc1 VBScript Web 108

19 m in <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=x-sjis"> <meta name="generator" content="microsoft FrontPage 2.0"> <title>uc1 </title> </head> <body> <p><script language="vbscript"> Dim factor(5),inp,inputvalue factor(1) = 1 ' m to m. factor(2) = ' m to in. factor(3) = ' m to ft. 109

20 factor(4) = factor(5) = ' m to yards. ' m to mi. Sub Convertform x1=val0.value val1.value=x1*factor(1) val2.value=x1*factor(2) val3.value=x1*factor(3) val4.value=x1*factor(4) val5.value=x1*factor(5) End Sub </script> </p> <h3> m [L]</h3> <h3> m </h3> <p> </p> <p> <input size="16" name=val0> m </p> <p> </p> <p> <br> </p> <table border="0"> <tr> <td><input size="16" name=val1></td> <td>m</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input size="16" name=val2></td> <td>in</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input size="16" name=val3></td> <td>ft</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input size="16" name=val4></td> 110

21 <td>yd</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input size="16" name=val5></td> <td>mile</td> </tr> </table> <table border="0"> <tr> <td align="center"><input type="button" value=" " onclick="convertform"></td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <hr> </body> </html> 111

22 Excel VBA Excel sheet VBA ) Excel sheet Visual Basic Editor Visual Basic Editor 112

23 UserForm1 2) UserForm1 MyForm Form Caption Form UserForm1 MyForm Caption Form 3) A 113

24 Label2 4) Label1 Label1 lbldate Label1 lbltime CommandButon1 cmdkakunin CommandButon2 cmdend CommandButon3 cmdunload 5) MyForm 114

25 Private Sub cmdkakunin_click() lbldate.caption = Date lbltime.caption = Time End Sub MyForm Private Sub cmdend_click() End End Sub Private Sub cmdclose_click() Unload MyForm End Sub lbldate.caption = Date lbltime.caption = Time lbldate lbltime End Unload MyForm Form Unload me 115

26 6) VB Sub ShowUserForm() MyForm.Show End Sub ShowUserForm Excel sheet Excel sheet 7) ShowUserForm Excel sheet Excl sheet 116

27 sheet ShowUserForm OK 117

28 sheet sheet ShowUserForm 8) sheet 9) sheet Excel sheet Sub WorkBook_Open VB ThisWorkbook 118

29 General Workbook Sub Workbook_Open() Sub End Sub MyForm.show Excel sheet Excel Excel vbmodeless Private Sub Workbook_Open() MyForm.Show vbmodeless End Sub 119

30 Excel VBA Excel VBA Excel VBA.Show Unload Me 120

31 Excel Show_DateTime_01.xls Excel Show_DateTime_01.xls Show_Select_01.xls Visual Basic Editor Visual Basic Editor MyForm VB MyForm MyForm 121

32 cmdselect, = 18 CommandButon1 cmdselect VB MyForm UserForm1 UserForm1 1 Labl1 122

33 UserForm1, Label1, CommandButton1, CommandButton2, CommandButton3 UserForm1 Question1Form Question1Form Label1 lblquestion CommandButton1 cmdyes CommandButton2 cmdno CommandButton3 cmdreturn MyForm Question1Form VB Question2Form Question2Form Question1Form Question1Form Question1Form Question1Form 123

34 Ctrl+A Question1Form Ctrl+C Question2Form Question2Form Question2Form Ctrl+V Question2Form Ctrl+A UserForm1 UserForm1 Question2Form Question2Form LblQuestion1 lblquestion2 CmdYes cmdyes CmdNo cmdno CmdReturn cmdreturn Question1Form 3) MyForm Private Sub cmdend_click() End End Sub 124

35 Private Sub cmdclose_click() Unload MyForm End Sub lbldate.caption = Date lbltime.caption = Time lbldate lbltime End Unload MyForm Form Unload me 4) VB Sub ShowUserForm() MyForm.Show End Sub ShowUserForm Excel sheet Excel sheet 5) ShowUserForm Excel sheet Excl sheet 125

36 sheet ShowUserForm OK 126

37 sheet sheet ShowUserForm 6) sheet 7) sheet Excel sheet Sub WorkBook_Open VB ThisWorkbook 127

38 General Workbook Sub Workbook_Open() Sub End Sub MyForm.show Excel sheet Excel Excel vbmodeless Private Sub Workbook_Open() MyForm.Show vbmodeless End Sub 128

39 Excel VBA Excel sheet VBA 6.1 Excel sheet1 Antoine Excel sheet Visual Basic Editor Visual Basic Editor 129

40 UserForm1 UserForm1 MyForm Form Caption Form 130

41 A 3) Label1 Label1 lblshowcondition Label2 lbldegree Label3 lblshowvp CommandButton1 cmdcalc CommandButton2 cmdend TextBox1 txttemperature1 Private Sub cmdcalc_click() Dim T(20) As Single, p10(20) As Single, xlnp As Single Dim A1 As Single, B1 As Single, C1 As Single ' Antoine A1 = Cells(3, 2) B1 = Cells(3, 3) C1 = Cells(3, 4) 131

42 ' T T(1) = txttemperature1.text ' xlnp = A1 - B1 / ((T(1) ) + C1) p10(1) = Exp(xlnp) / 760 * ' mmhg ' MPa lblshowvp.caption = " " & T(1) & " " _ & Val(Format(p10(1), "###.######")) & "[MPa] " End Sub Private Sub cmdend_click() End End Sub MyForm sheet1 Antoine A1 B1,C1 Cells(i, j) txttemperature1 txttemperature1.text T(1) xlnp Antoine p10(1) txttemperature1 VB Sub ShowUserForm() MyForm.Show End Sub ShowUserForm Excel sheet 132

43 Excel sheet ShowUserForm Excel sheet Excl sheet sheet ShowUserForm OK 133

44 sheet sheet ShowUserForm sheet

45 6.2 sheet Excel sheet2 Antone Antoine A B,C sheet1 sheet1 sheet1 135

46 sheet1 B18 sheet (I) 136

47 Delete Antoine sheet2 B B13 sheet1 A3 OK A3 Antoine sheet2 B B13 Antoine B B13 A3 Antoine sheet2 Antoine A1,B1,C1 137

48 ' ComboBox ' sheet2 "Antoine ' CompNum = Cells(17, 2) ' For k = 1 To CompNum NoComp(k) = Cells(k + 2, 1) CompName(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 2) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 2) = CompName(k) ' Antoine A1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 3).Value B1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 4).Value C1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 5).Value ' sheet1 " Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 3) = A1(k) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 4) = B1(k) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 5) = C1(k) Next k CompNum = Cells(17, 2) B17 A3 A4 A5 NoComp(k) NoComp(k) = Cells(k + 2, 1) "Antoine ". CompName(k) B3 CompName(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 2) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 2) = CompName(k) Antoine A1(k) B1(k) C1(k) "Antoine " " " A1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 3).Value B1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 4).Value C1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 5).Value 138

49 ' sheet1 " Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 3) = A1(k) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 4) = B1(k) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 5) = C1(k) " " Antone Antoine 11 MyForm sheet1 MyForm L10:M11 139

50 MyForm Private Sub cmdcalc_click() Dim CompName(10) As String ' Dim NoComp(10) As Integer ' Dim CompNum As Integer ' ' Dim T(20) As Single, p10(20) As Single, xlnp(20) As Single Dim rt(20) As Single, dt As Single Dim A1(10) As Single, B1(10) As Single, C1(10) As Single ' ' Application.StatusBar = " " ' Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' ' ' Worksheets(" ").Range("F2:K38,B3:E15").Select Selection.ClearContents Worksheets(" ").Range("A1").Activate ' ' ComboBox ' sheet2 "Antoine ' CompNum = Cells(17, 2) ' For k = 1 To CompNum NoComp(k) = Cells(k + 2, 1) CompName(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 2) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 2) = CompName(k) ' Antoine A1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 3).Value B1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 4).Value C1(k) = Worksheets("Antoine ").Cells(2 + NoComp(k), 5).Value ' sheet1 " Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 3) = A1(k) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 4) = B1(k) Worksheets(" ").Cells(2 + k, 5) = C1(k) Next k ' T 140

51 T(1) = txttemperature2.text ' T(11) = txttemperature1.text ' ' 10 dt = (T(11)- T(1)) / 10 For i = 1 To 10 T(i + 1) = T(1) + dt * i Next i ' ' ' For k = 1 To CompNum For i = 1 To 11 xlnp(i) = A1(k) - B1(k) / ((T(i) ) + C1(k)) ' mmhg p10(i) = Exp(xlnp(i)) / 760 * ' MPa Next i ' For i = 1 To 11 rt(i) = 1 / (T(i) ) Next i ' ' Cells( *(k- 1), 6) = CompName(k) For i = 1 To 11 Cells(1 + i + 13 *(k- 1), 7) = i Cells(1 + i + 13 *(k- 1), 8) = T(i) Cells(1 + i + 13 *(k- 1), 9) = p10(i) Cells(1 + i + 13 *(k- 1), 10) = rt(i) Cells(1 + i + 13 *(k- 1), 11) = xlnp(i) Next i Next k ' lblshowvp1.caption = " " & T(1) & " " _ & Val(Format(p10(1), "###.######")) & "[MPa] " lblshowvp2.caption = " " & T(11) & " " _ & Val(Format(p10(11), "###.######")) & "[MPa] " End Sub Private Sub cmdend_click() 141

52 End Sub End Excel Show_VP_Graph02,xls

53 143


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