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1 StiLL StiLL Excel VBA IT Excel StiLL StiLL! Excel2007 StiLL -- --

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3 VBA VBA ' VBA Public Sub SampleProgramDAO1() Dim SheetName As String Dim strname As String SheetName = "Sheet2" ' With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName).DropDowns(1) strname =.List(.Value) End With If SampleProgramDAOFunc(SheetName, 7, 2, _ "SELECT * FROM WHERE ='" & strname & "'", 0) = True Then ' MsgBox strname & "", vbexclamation, "" End If End Sub VBA VBA VBA ' If DataCount > 0 Then ' With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName) '.Range(.Cells(Y, X),.Cells(65535, X + rstpubs.fields.count - 1)).Value = "" With.Cells(Y, X) For lngcol = 0 To rstpubs.fields.count - 1.Offset(0, lngcol).value = rstpubs.fields(lngcol).name Next lngrow = 1 Do While (Not rstpubs.eof) And (lngrow <= DataCount) For lngcol = 0 To rstpubs.fields.count - 1.Offset(lngRow, lngcol).value = rstpubs.fields(lngcol).value Next SetGuage lngrow / DataCount * 15 StiLL StiLL StiLL 18 SQL ' VBA Public Sub SampleProgramDAO2() SampleProgramDAOFunc "Sheet2", 7, 2, "SELECT * FROM ", 0 End Sub ' DAO Function SampleProgramDAOFunc(SheetName As String, Y As Long, X As Integer, _ SQL As String, Limit As Long) As Boolean Dim strname As String ' Dim rngcell As Range, lngrow As Long, lngcol As Long Dim wrkodbc As DAO.Workspace Dim dbspubs As DAO.Database Dim rstpubs As DAO.Recordset Dim DataCount As Long ' On Error GoTo Sub_Err ' ResetGuage UserForm1.Show DoEvents Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'ODBCDirect Workspace Set wrkodbc = DAO.CreateWorkspace(" ", "admin", "", dbuseodbc) 'Database Set dbspubs = wrkodbc.opendatabase(" ", dbdrivercomplete, True) 'Recordset Set rstpubs = dbspubs.openrecordset(sql, dbopensnapshot, dbrunasync) ' Set rstpubs = dbspubs.openrecordset(sql, dbopendynaset, dbrunasync) 'Set NewQRY = db.createquerydef("", QString) ' rstpubs.movelast DataCount = rstpubs.recordcount rstpubs.movefirst ' RecordCount If DataCount = -1 Then DataCount = 0 Do While Not rstpubs.eof DataCount = DataCount + 1 rstpubs.movenext Loop rstpubs.movefirst End If ' Limit Limit (Limit =0 ) If Limit > 0 And DataCount > Limit Then DataCount = Limi lngrow = lngrow + 1 rstpubs.movenext Loop End With End With End If ' rstpubs.close dbspubs.close wrkodbc.close Set rstpubs = Nothing Set dbspubs = Nothing Set wrkodbc = Nothing ' ResetGuage UserForm1.Hide Application.ScreenUpdating = True SampleProgramDAOFunc = True Exit Function Sub_Err: ' ResetGuage UserForm1.Hide Application.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox "" End Function VBA 137 ' Private Sub SetGuage(n As Integer) Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To n UserForm1.Controls("D" & Trim(i)).BackColor = &H DoEvents Next i End Sub ' Public Sub ResetGuage() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 15 UserForm1.Controls("D" & Trim(i)).BackColor = &HE0E0E0

4 StiLL!! :!!

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6.1 工 程 管 理 (ネットワーク 工 程 表 ) 159 VBA( 実 行 結 果 例 ) 出 力 結 果 シート 出 力 結 果 を 図 に 描 くと 下 図 のようになる. 図 6.3 ネットワーク 工 程 表 ( 出 力 結 果 より 作 図 ) 158 第 6 章 施 工 管 理 エクセル 例 題 6-1 ネットワーク 工 程 表 の 作 成 図 6.2 に 示 すネットワーク 工 程 表 の 作 業 時 刻, 余 裕 時 間 等 を 計 算 し,クリティ カルパスを 求 める. 図 6.2 ネットワーク 工 程 表 VBA( 実 行 結 果 例 ) データ 入 力 シート * A~K の 各 作 業 の 開 始 ノード(イベント), 終

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