CONTENTS 3 Juniper SDN/Contrail 10 Junos Automation 12 ware 13 VC/VCF/Junos Fusion QFX 22 /QFX 26 MX 34 PTX 40 ACX 42 SRX 44 Junos Space 5

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1 Your ideas. Connected. Junos Product Guide Vol.12 Juniper SDN/Contrail Junos Automation ware VC/VCF/Junos Fusion QFX /QFX MX PTX ACX SRX Junos Space &

2 CONTENTS 3 Juniper SDN/Contrail 10 Junos Automation 12 ware 13 VC/VCF/Junos Fusion QFX 22 /QFX 26 MX 34 PTX 40 ACX 42 SRX 44 Junos Space 54 & Juniper Networks CONTENTS

3 SDN Junos Space Contrail SRX Junos SDK NorthStar Controller vsrx Junos Space SDK WANDL IP/MPLS View Junos Spotlight Secure Sky ATP MX JSA vmx QFX PTX ACX (Junos Space SRX5000 /QFX MX2000 Juniper Networks 03

4 Juniper SDN SDN(Software Defined Network) CO/ エッジクラウド 集中型クラウドデータセンター サービス レイヤ サービス提供の迅速化 仮想マシン() / NFV /NFV /NFV /NFV ブロードバンド ネットワーク レイヤ ビジネス NFV GW ルーター NFV ネットワーク最適化 パス設定 フェイルオーバー モバイル 物理ネットワーク アクセス サービスエッジ コア Connect Everything. Empower Everyone. OS Junos OS ネットワークにイノベーションを提供し続けるジュニパーの戦略 04 Juniper Networks Juniper

5 MetaFabric IT MetaFabric Any Orchestration and App/Software SDN, Contrail and OpenContrail SDN, Contrail and OpenContrail Virtual Physical Virtual Physical Virtual Physical Virtual Physical Virtual Virtual Switching Routing Routing Switching Corporate Data Center Backup Date Center Satellite Data Center 分散するデータセンター / クラウド環境を単一化 シンプル 容易な導入と利用 スマート 時間の節約とパフォーマンスの向上 オープン 柔軟性の最大化 Public Cloud Any Physical Network QFX Series Series SRX Series MX Series Virtual and Physical Security Primary Data Center - Private Cloud Single Pane of Glass Management Routing MX Series QFX Series Series Switching EVPN VPLS MPLS MX Series SRX Series QFX Series Series Virtual and Physical Security SRX Series Virtual and Physical Security Public Cloud MetaFabric TM Architecture Secondary Data Center Any Virtual Network Any Server, AnyStorage, Any Hypervisor Unified, secure, reliable network MetaFabric MetaFabric MetaFabric 弾力性 完全な自動化 オンデマンド Network Director Security Director Virtual Director シンプル オープン スマート 物理および仮想セキュリティ ARCHTECTURE Secure Analytics SRX Series vsrx 適応力シームレスな拡張インテリジェント ロックインのない幅広い選択肢 標準準拠のプロトコル プログラマビリティ I Pファブリックの拡張 SDN コントローラのフェデレーション 物理環境 仮想環境をシームレスにカバーするセキュリティ 相関分析 文脈判別型ネットワーク セキュリティ インテリジェンス Q F X シリーズ アクセススイッチ ( To R ) NSX Layer2 ゲートウェイ E X920 0 コア / アグリゲーションスイッチ NSX Layer2 ゲートウェイ NSX Layer3 ゲートウェイ M X シリーズルーター WAN ゲートウェイ NSX Layer2 ゲートウェイ NSX Layer3 ゲートウェイ ユニバーサル SDN ゲートウェイ Juniper Juniper Networks 05

6 Series MX SRX Series 大規模 / データセンター向けファイアウォール Series SRX Series P44 MX Series MX Series Access Point SRX Series MX Series 大規模向けルーティング MX Series P34 WAN Series SRX Series 中小規模向ファイ SRX S Access Point Series SRX Series 06 Juniper Networks

7 A WAN データセンターファブリック QFX Series P22 10GbE/40GbE/100GbE IP Fablic QFX スイッチング Series P16 1GbE/10GbE POD MX Series SRX Series vmx Series vsrx QFX Series MX Series QFX Series QFX Series VIRTUAL CHASSIS FABRIC/ 10GbE POD vsrx vmx QFX Series vsrx vmx QFX Series QFX IP Fabric SDN VXLAN Overlay vsrx vmx Series MIXED 1GbE/10GbE POD VIRTUAL CHASSIS FABRIC QFX Series Junos Space Series QFX Series P54 vmx vsrx B Series QFX Series MX Series SRX Series Junos Space けルーティング アウォール eries P44 SRX Series Access Point WAN MX MX Juniper Networks 07

8 DC A TCO MX MPLS/VPLS データセンター A MPLS/ VPLS 4200 によるラック間接続 データセンター内サーバーラック データセンター B メインルーター ロジカルシステム ロジカルシステム T 2 (SINET5)100G SINET5 100GbE Junos MX480 Junos SINET5 WANルータ MX480 学術情報メディアセンター コアスイッチ 9214 DDoS 対策装置 ファイアウォール 9214 学内サーバー 4600 認証基盤 3300 大学キャンパス 各建物フロアスイッチ 3300 約 330 台 別地区 G 1G 10G コアスイッチ 4600 フロアスイッチ G 08 Juniper Networks

9 網幹LANMPLS 清算システム基DC1 DC O Internet NOC1 Chassis Cluster MX240 QFX3500 NOC2 1 DCI 1 SRX3400 MX80 MPLS/VPLS MX240 MPLS/VPLS 2 L2 MPLS/VPLS BCP 4200VC 3300VC 1 Data Center Interconnect 2 Virtual Private LAN Service QFX5100VC 4300VC DC1 DC2 DC3 Headquarter DC4 DC5 DC6 T T ( ) アクセスポイント 1 プライマリーサイト MX 証券会社利用者 参加者接続 LAN 外部接続 LAN 売買システム相場報道システム清算システム基 T メンテナンス保守ベンダー リモートアクセス LAN アクセスポイント 2 参加者接続 LAN WDM 網 10G 低レイテンシー (1 ミリ秒以下 ) 幹LANバックアップサイト売買システム 証券会社利用者 外部接続 LAN リモートアクセス LAN 相場報道システム Juniper Networks 09

10 SDN / Contrail Juniper Networks Contrail SDN シンプル のネットワーク プ ト ルを 仮想ネットワークと物理的ネットワークを接続 ープン イパーバイザーや ートウェイや ーケスト ーションシステ に ルチベン 動 パブリック プライベートや イブリッドクラウドに し に仮想ネットワークを オーケストレータから 作成リクエストを受けて変換 翻訳し ネットワークの割当を行う V M のネットワーク プロビジョニングや 動作を維持するため ネットワーク エレメントと通信 OPENCONTRAIL コントローラー Configuration Control Analytics リアルタイム解析エンジンが ネットワーク構成要素のデータを収集 蓄積 解析 物理ネットワークの構成変更を行うことなく仮想ネットワークを作成可能 vrouter Hypervisorが動作している物理サーバー vrouter: 仮想化されたルーティング エレメントがローカルのコントロール プレーン フォワーディング プレーンをサーバーホストに提供 物理ネットワーク WAN Internet ゲートウェイ BMS BMS BMS QFX5100 など OVSDB/VXLANが動作する物理スイッチ G W: M X シリーズなどのルーターやスイッチが GW として機能 ソフトウェア GW を必要としないためスケールとパフォーマンスを改善 物理サーバーを仮想ネットワークに動的に参加させることが可能 Contrail ユースケース プロダクト OpenStack と連携する IaaS, SaaS インフラ OpenStack Network Plug-in Cloud Orchestrator プライベートクラウド パブリッククラウド サーバー仮想化環境とベアメタルサーバー間の接続 間通信の可視化とセキュリティ Contrail Contrail Cloud NFV, Service Chaining SDN Controller Gateway ルータ Access Core 動的に仮想アプライアンスとネットワークを接続 物理アプライアンスも含めたチェイニング 物理ルータ (Gateway) と連携したアプリケーションやユーザー単位でのトラフィックステアリング Contrail 仮想アプライアンス vsrx MXシリーズ物理アプライアンス SRXシリーズ Public Cloud Gateway Private Cloud VPN WAN VPN Private Cloud クラウド間接続 MPLS/VPNと連携した複数クラウドサイトの接続 プライベートクラウドとパブリッククラウドの接続 キャンパスネットワークをプライベートクラウドと接続 SDN Controller Contrail Gateway MX シリーズ QFX シリーズ 10 Juniper Networks SDN/Contrail

11 Contrail Networking クラウドネットワーキング Contrail のネットワーク機能のみをご提供します 仮想ネットワークサービス 各種オーケストレータと連携 OpenStack ware ESXi / vcenter IBM CO 既に運用中のオーケストレータに仮想ネットワーク機能を追加する場合や オーケストレータはサードパーティ製をご利用頂くようなケースを想定しています オーケストレータとの接続は プロフェッショナルサービスをご利用いただけます Contrail Cloud クラウドオーケストレーション Contrail Networking に加えて オーケストレータ (OpenStack *1 ) サーバー管理 分散ストレージをご提供します オーケストレータとインテグレーション済みです セットアップや 他システムとのインテグレーションには プロフェッショナルサービスをご利用いただけます *1 2015/12 現在 Icehouse Juno をサポート 今後 Kilo Mitaka に対応予定 / VXLAN トンネル L 3 ゲートウェイ :M X シリーズ vrouter エージェント TOR スイッチ :QFX シリーズ WAN Internet コントロールプレーン :BGP (L3VPN / EVPN) コンフィグ :XMPP / Netconf 仮想ネットワーク コントロールプレーン :EVPN (BGP) コンフィグ :OVS-DB/XMPP / Netconf 既存ネットワークとの相互接続 TORスイッチに vrouterエージェントをインストールすることで VLANベースのネットワークと Contrailで構築したクラウドを接続できます L3ゲートウェイ経由で オーバーレイネットワークから WAN / Internetへ接続します 実績のあるハードウェア弊社製品と組み合わせて構築できます TOR :QFXシリーズ L3ゲートウェイ :MXシリーズ 仮想ネットワーク VNF 1 VLAN Green 2 3 各種ハイパーバイザー 4 VLAN Blue 仮想アプライアンス対応 VNF:vSRX vmx その他 3rdパーティ製品 ベアメタルサーバー TORスイッチのご利用 および L3ゲートウェイのコンフィグ機能をご利用頂く場合は 別途ライセンスが必要となります 詳しくはお問合せください Contrail OpenContrail SDN SDN SDN/Contrail Juniper Networks 11

12 Junos Automation 3 ZTP ansible Orchestration Contrail OpenStack OpenFlow ware オーケストレート 構築 運用管理 構築 ZTP Ansible OpenClos 機器追加 / 移動 Chef Puppet Ansible PythonEZ 監視 / 監査 Service Now Netconf/DMI J-Vision SNMP/Events Junos Automation Stack Junos Automation Stack Junos AnsibleIT JET YANG AutomationSDN Simplicity Python Scripts Ansible Ruby Scripts Puppet Chef JSNAP JET API * PyEZ Framework RubyEZ Library Python / SLAX THRIFT NETCONF XML-RPC Junoscript REST CLI Chassis Data Plane (PFE) jvision SNMP Sensor RO *JET(Juniper Extension Toolkit) Flexibility JunosPython Commit On-box Automation (JUNOS16.1) JUNOS op / event / Configuration commit Python script XSLT/SLAX script Config OP Event On-Box-Automation Off-box Automation (JUNOS11.4) PyEZ* Python JUNOS JUNOS Python shell single operation point Python Script 操作 マネージメントサーバー (Linux/FreeBSD/Windows ) Off-Box-Automation Junos Python 12 Juniper Networks Junos Automation

13 ware Software-Defined Data Center ware ware NSX ware NSX ware NSX API ware NSX NSX QFX5000 NSX 2 QFX5000 ware NSX2 ITaaS VLAN Virtual Chassis Virtual Chassis Fabric NSX2 1. Virtual Chassis/ Virtual Chassis Fabric 2. IP Clos IP Fabric BGP 3. IP & Clos IP Fabric & VC/VCF BGP MX3D 9200 QFX10000 VXLAN MX 9200 QFX10000 NSX2 VXLAN NSX/VXLAN QFX5000 QFX10000 MX/9200 VXLAN L2 Yes Yes Yes VXLAN L3 No Yes Yes VXLAN to MPLS No No Yes Standalone, VC, VCF Standalone Standalone ware Juniper Networks 13

14 VC/VCF/Junos Fusion Virtual Chassis(VC) 101 Virtual Chassis Virtual Chassis Leaf Spine-Leaf Spine-Leaf QFX3500 QFX3600 QFX VC 4200/4500/ / /QFX3500/3600/ GbE C C 4VC Spine-Leaf 10 member VCF Spine: QFX5100 Leaf:4300, QFX3500, QFX3600, QFX5100 Virtual Chassis In-Band Ring VC Virtual Chassis Leaf member 4300 QFX Juniper Networks VC/VCF/Junos Fusion

15 QFX 1 L2/L3 Fabric(VCF) Junos Fusion Scale 64 Junos Fusion Datacenter 10/40G 1GbE Aggregation Device QFX10000 Spine Satellite Device QFX5100, 4300 Junos Fusion Enterprise Leaf Aggregation Device 9200 Satellite Device 2300, 3400, 4300 Satellite Device Cluster In-Band QFX3600 QFX5100 VC/VCF/Junos Fusion Juniper Networks 15

16 TCO (Virtual Chassis:VC) L3 VRRP STP L3 L LAG km * 24/48 Po SFP-10GE-ZROptics A 4300 B D 4300 C Junos HA Junos OS L2/L3 GRES(Graceful Routing Engine Switchover) NSB, NSR / RE RE GRES (Graceful Routing Engine Switchover) Juniper Networks

17 2300-C C/ C 10GbE GbE VC Junos Fusion Enterprise(JFE) (SD) GbE 240GbE 10VC Junos Fusion Enterprise(JFE) (SD) Series C (10 ) /48(10/100/1000BASE-T) F(SFP ) 40GbE4300 VC/VCF Junos Fusion Junos Fusion Enterprise(JFE) GbE/40GbE 2 10GbE 40GbE4600 Junos ISSU ( ) VC 4600 ハイパーバイザー上で動作する Junos Junos (Master) PFE control Junos (New Version Junos) PFE control F Kernel F 4300 x86 Hardware PFE Junos Fusion Enterprise JFE 9200 Aggregate Device4300/3400/2300 Satellite Device 1 (SD )AD Zero Touch Provisioning; ZTP /QFXZTP Junos config AD AD SD 4300/3400/2300 SD 4300/3400/2300 ADシングル構成 ADデュアル構成 /QFX シリーズ 管理ネットワーク 工場出荷状態の QFX/スイッチを管理ネットワークに接続するだけ 管理ネットワーク上のスイッチ DHCPサーバーからIPアドレスを (3400など ) 取得し サーバーから config/junos をダウンロード EzZTP DHCP サーバー HTTP サーバー Juniper Networks 17

18 10GBase-X - 10GBase-X: 2(SFP+) - / C C C 2300-C 2200 () (cm) (1U) (1U) (1U) 2200-C-12T-2G:2.09kg 2200-C-12P-2G:2.9kg 2300-C-12T:2.47kg 2300-C-12P:3.17kg T-4G:2.7kg T-4G-DC:2.7kg P-4G:3.6kg T-4G:3.6kg P-4G:4.5kg - 40Gbps( ) - 28 Gbps 64 Gbps 21 Mpps 47 Mpps :77Mpps :56Gbps :104Gbps :42Mpps :24 10/100/1000Base-T :48 100Base- 2(SFP) 2(SFP) 4(SFP) FX/1000Base-X(SFP) PoE V/ V 2200-C-12T-2G:30W AC 2200-C-12P-2G:30W AC V/ V 2300-C-12T:40W AC V/ V T/48T-4G:100W AC PoE V/ V 2200-C-12P-2G:180W AC V/ V 2300-C-12P:170W AC V/ V P/48P:550W AC OS Junos Junos Junos sflow sflow sflow MAC 16,000 16,000 16,000 ( ) 9,216 9,216 9,216 IPv4 / 6, Prefixes, 4,000 Host Routes / 1,000 6,500 / 0 VLAN 1,024 2,048 1,024 ARP 2,000 1,024 2, ( ) 0 95% 0 95% 0 95% 18 Juniper Networks

19 40GBase-X:2(QSFP+) / () (cm) T (1U) P (1U) (1U) (1U) T:3.29kg P:4.49kg T:4.6kg T-DC:4.5kg P:5.3kg T:4.9kg T-BF:4.9kg P:5.8kg T:5.9kg T-DC:5.9kg P:6.3kg T:6.1kg T-AFI:6.1kg P:6.6kg Series 80Gbps( ) 80Gbps( ) 160Gbps( ) :128Gbps :128Gbps :176Gbps :288Gbps :336Gbps :250Mpps :95Mpps :95Mpps :130Mpps :214Mpps 10/100/1000Base-T 100Base- FX/1000Base-X(SFP) :28 (244 ) :28 (244 ) :52 (484 ) :28 (244 ) :52 (484 ) 4(SFP) 4(SFP) 4(SFP) 10/40GBase-X 10GBase-X:4(SFP+) 10GBase-X:4(SFP+) 10GBase-X:4(SFP+) PoE V/ V T:65W AC T-DC: -36V -72V 100W DC V/ V T/48T/48T-BF:100W AC T-DC: -36V -72V 100W DC V/ V T/48T/48T-AFI:150W AC T-DC: -36V -72V 150W DC PoE V/ V P:450W AC V/ V P:550W AC P:900W AC V/ V P:600W AC P:920W AC OS Junos Junos Junos sflow sflow sflow MAC 16,000 16,000 32,000 ( ) 9,216 9,216 9,216 IPv4 / 500 Prefixes, 4,000 Host Routes / 1,000 8,000 14,000 Prefixes, 36,000 Host Routes / 2,000 VLAN 2,048 4,096 4,093 ARP 1,024 4,000 8, ( ) 0 95% 0 95% 0 95% Juniper Networks 19

20 F F () (cm) (1U)/ (1U) (1U) T:7.5kg T-DC:7.5kg PX:8.16kg F:7.3kg F-DC:7.3kg T:7.8kg T-DC:7.8kg PX:8.61kg 4300 ( FAN ): 5.9 kg 4300 (1FAN 2):7.3 kg 350 W AC:1.1kg 715 W AC :1.1kg 1100 W AC:1.1kg 550 W DC:1.1kg Fan :0.15kg 8.8kg(1 ) 128Gbps( ) 320Gbps( ) 480Gbps( ) 10/100/1000Base-T 100Base- FX/1000Base-X(SFP) 714Mpps10GBase-X 100/1000/10000 Base -T 40GBase QSFP :88Gbps :136Gbps :65Mpps :101Mpps :448Gbps :496Gbps F:464Gbps :333Mpps :369Mpps F:345Mpps : :28 (244 Gbps) (244 ) : :52 (484 Gbps) (484 ) /48: 1000Base-X:4 28(244 Gbps ( SFP) ) F: 100/1000Base-X: () 10GBase-X2(2 10Gbps) 10GBase-X /48:10GBase-X:4( SFP+) F:10GBase-X:12(4+8: SFP+) /48:40GBase-X: 4(QSFP+ ) F:40GBase-X:4(2+2: QSFP+ ) 100GBase CFP / PoE V/ V T/48T/24F:320W AC T-DC/48T-DC/24F-DC: -36V -72V 190W DC PoE V/ V PX/48PX:930W AC PoE V/ V T/48T/48T-AFI/32F:350W AC T-DC/48T-DC-AFI/32F-DC: 550W DC PoE V/ V P:715W AC P:1100W AC 960Gbps OS Junos Junos Junos sflow sflow sflow 8 12(8 unicast and 4 multicast) 8 MAC 32,000 64,000 32,000 ( ) 9,216 9,216 9,216 IPv4 / 16,000/8,000 16,000/8,000 10,000/4,000 VLAN 4,096 4,093 4,096 ARP 16,000 64,000 8, ( ) 0 95% 0 95% 0 95% T:48 (32) F:16 () F:48 (32) T:16 () F:48 (32) T:16 () T:48 (32) F:16 () T:4() F:4() 650W AC/DC F :174W 1(8 10Gbps SFP+) 195W 2(8 10Gbps SFP+)215W T :330W 2(8 10GT)413W 20 Juniper Networks

21 () (cm) (1U) 9.9kg 960Gbps( ) 1.44Tbps 8208: (14U) 8216: (21U) 8208 :41kg 68kg 85kg 129kg 8216 :73kg 123kg 126kg 220kg 8208: 6.2Tbps 8216: 12.4Tbps 9204: (5U) 9208: (8U) 9214: (16U) 9204 : 31.0kg 58.1kg 9208 : 40.1kg 74.2kg 9214 : 92.3kg 158.8kg 9204:3.2 Tbps 9208:9.6 Tbps 9214:13.2 Tbps T: 40 Gbps F: 40 Gbps PL/ TL:40 Gbps XS: 240 Gbps XS-40P/8200-2XS-40T:80 Gbps QS: 120 Gbps T/48T-ES/48F/48F-ES:96Gbps C-8XS: 240 Gbps XS/8XS-ES/40XS/40XS-ES:160 Gbps 260 Gbps QS; 240Gbps F-M(Macsec) 1.07Bpps 8208: 960Mpps 8216: 1.92Bpps PoE/Non-PoE 96 PoE GBase-X 8216 : (2410G) 1 8(8200-8XS) 72(2440G 40G Breakout cable) 8208 : /100/1000Base-T - 40(24) 768 PoE/Non-PoE 192PoE+ 48( T) 2.4:1 48 ( TL/48PL) 8208 : Base- 40(24) 8216 : 768 FX/1000Base-X(SFP) 48 1 ( F) 8208 : : ( XS) / 9204: : : : : : : : : /1000/10000 Base -T GBase QSFP+ 12(440G) : : :72 100GBase CFP :6 9208: :20 650W AC/DC 10G (10G-USR) 8 10GE (10G-USR) 40G40G-SR44 40G 40G-SR F-AFO : 279W F-AFI : 285W F-DC-AFO : 392W F-DC-AFI : 320W V/ V : 1,200W AC/2,000W AC(1 6,000W 10,000W ) -48V: 3,000W DC/ 200V-240V: 3000W AC(1 15,000W ) OS Junos Junos Junos sflow sflow IPFIX sflow 12(8 unicast and 4 multicast) 8 8 MAC 288, ,000 1,000,000 ( ) 9,216 9,216 9,216 IPv4 / 128,000prefixes, 208,000 host routes /104, ,000/100,000 1,000,000/100, :-40 to -72 V DC: 2400W V AC: 1167W V AC: 2050W 2,199W(DC), 2,421W(AC) 9208: -40 to -72 V DC: 4100W V AC: 3501W V AC: 4100W 4,388W(DC), 4,831W(AC) 9214:-40 to -72 V DC: 8200W V AC: 8200W 9,534W(DC), 9,318W(AC) 256,000 VLAN 4,091 4,096 32,000 ARP 48, , , ( ) 0 95% 0 95% 0 95% Series Juniper Networks 21

22 QFX5000 VC/VCF/IP Fabric QFX5100 QFabric Node (VC) (VCF) VCFVC 1 IP 1 Config 1 Spine Leaf QFX5100 VxLAN L2 QFX5000VxLAN Encapsulation ware NSX OpenContrailSDN (OVSDB) EVPN IP FabricL2 SDN Controller + VxLAN OPEN CONTRAIL EVPN + VXLAN QFX5100TISSU (Topology Independent ISSU) QFX5100 Junos Junos ( ) Junos (Master) PFE control QFX5100 TISSU Junos (New Version Junos) PFE control Linux Kernel x86 Hardware ASIC OS Junos Junos 22 Juniper Networks QFX5000

23 QFX5000 QFX C QFX5100 QFX Q QFX3008-I QFabric Interconnect QFX3100 QFablic Director QFX5100 & QFabric Node QFX5200 QFX3008-I QFabric Interconnect QFX3100 QFabric Director ( ) (cm) QFX S: QFX T: QFX Q: QFX S: (2RU) QFX C: x 4.37 x QFX Q: x 8.8 x QFX3008-I: (21RU) QFX3100: (2RU) QFX S: 9.9kg QFX T: 11.2kg QFX Q: 9.8kg QFX S: 14.74kg QFX C:10.8kg QFX Q:15.4kg kg 8.69kg QFX S/48T: 1.07Bpps QFX Q: 1.44Bpps QFX S: 1.44Bpps QFX S/48T: 1.44Tbps QFX Q: 2.56Tbps QFX S: 2.56Tbps 2.4 Bpps QFX3000-G: 40 Tbps 3.2 Tbps QFX S: 48 1/10GbE SFP(24x SFP-T) 6 40GbE QSFP Breakout cable 10GbE 72 10GbE SFP QFX T: /1GbE/10GbE 6 40GbE QSFP Breakout cable 10GbE 24 10GbE SFP QFX Q: 24 40GbE QSFP 8 40GbE QSFP ( module 2 ) Breakout cable 10GbE 96 10GbE SFP GbE SFP ( module ) QFX S: 96 1/10GbE SFP(48 SFP-T) 8 40GbE QSFP Breakout cable 10GbE 104x10GbE SFP+ QFX C: 32 x QSFP+/QSFP28 QSFP+ Breakout cable 10G :128 x SFP+ QSFP28 Breakout cable 25G :128 x SFP28 50G : 64 QFX Q: 64 x QSFP+ 32 x QSFP28 QSFP+ Breakout cable 10G :128 x SFP+ QSFP28 Breakout cable 25G :128 x SFP28 50G : Gbps QSFP+ (QFX3500/3600 ) mgmt QFX Series ( ) () (): AC V 50/60 Hz AC V DC-36-72V DC V QFX C ( /): QFX S (/) 150W/215W 380W/480W QFX T () 335W QFX Q ( /): QFX Q (/) 161W/295W 600W/675W QFX S () 200W () AC V / 240V () 6,420W () 4,620W () AC V () 476W () 220W OS Junos Junos Junos Junos QoS / LAG VLAN / ACL / (L2 over VLAN) 12 ( 8 4) :4 VLAN :4 :4 : 10 ( 8 2) MAC 288, , ,000-1,536,000 ( ) 9,216 9,216 IPv4/ 128,000 () 120,000 16,000() 128, ,000/ 52,000 16,000 VLAN 4,095 4,096 FCoE/FC FCoE DCB(Data Center Bridging) ARP 48,000 32, C C 5 40 C C C C ( ) 0 95% 5 95% 5 95% 5 95% LX4 (JNP-QSFP-40G-LX4) QFX40G(OM4/LC) 40Gbps 40G QFX5000 Juniper Networks 23

24 QFX10000 Spine ASIC SpineQFX10000 QFX10000 Spine ASIC RIB/FIB 10GbE 40GbE 100GbE 400GbE GRE, MPLS L3VPN, EVPN OVSDB+VXLAN Juniper Contrail ware NSXSDN Junos Junos ISSU (In-Service-Software Upgrade) ISSU Spine : QFX10000 Leaf: QFX5000 データセンターデータセンター EVPN データセンター コア + DC 間接続 QFX10000 アクセス QFX5000 QFX10000 QFX10000 QFX5100/QFX5200 VXLAN L2/L3 EVPN+VXLAN EVPN+MPLS IEEE802.1BR Junos Fusion Data Center Multi-tier MC-LAG IP Fabric Junos Fusion Overlays Virtual Network 24 Juniper Networks QFX10000

25 QFX10000 QFX Q QFX Q QFX10008 QFX10016 QFX Q QFX Q QFX10008 QFX inch 2RU 2RU 13RU 21RU ( ) kg 31kg 127kg( ) 202kg( ) 223kg( ) 383kg( ) 1Bpps 2Bpps 16Bpps 32Bpps 2.88Tbps 5.76Tbps 86.4Tbps 172.8Tbps ( ) 1 10GE GE GE 12 () AC V /DC V () 1,000W, 3,412 BTU/hr () 800W, 2,730 BTU/hr 10GE GE GE 24 () AC V /DC V () 1650W, 5630 BTU/hr () 1,350W, 4606 BTU/hr 10GE 1,152 40GE GE 240 () AC V /DC V () 13,747W, 46,877 BTU/hr OS JUNOS JUNOS JUNOS JUNOS 48 / LAG VLAN / ACL / (RSPAN/ERSPAN) 48 / LAG VLAN / ACL / (RSPAN/ERSPAN) 48 / LAG VLAN / ACL / (RSPAN/ERSPAN) 10GE 2,304 40GE GE 480 () AC V /DC V () 28,677W, 97,789 BTU/hr 48 / LAG VLAN / ACL / (RSPAN/ERSPAN) QFX Series QoS 8Queue 8Queue 8Queue 8Queue MAC 256, ,000 1 million 1 million ( ) 9,216 9,216 9,216 9,216 IPv4 / 1Million(RIB)/256k(FIB) 128kGroup 1Million(RIB)/256k(FIB) 128kGroup 1Million(RIB)/256k(FIB) 128kGroup 1Million(RIB)/256k(FIB) 128kGroup VLAN 4,000 (16,000 roadmap) 4,000 (16,000 roadmap) 16,000 16,000 MPLS IPv4 L3VPNs 4,096 4,096 4,096 4,096 VXLAN(VNID) 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 Data Center Bridging Priority-based flow control(pfc) IEEE 802.1Qbb Enhanced Transmission Selection(ETS) IEEE 802.1Qaz Data Center Bridging Exchange Protocol(DCBX), DCBx FCoE, and iscsi type, length, and value (TLVs) FCoE link aggregation group(lag) active/active Priority-based flow control(pfc) IEEE 802.1Qbb Enhanced Transmission Selection(ETS) IEEE 802.1Qaz Data Center Bridging Exchange Protocol(DCBX), DCBx FCoE, and iscsi type, length, and value(tlvs) FCoE link aggregation group(lag) active/active Priority-based flow control(pfc) IEEE 802.1Qbb Enhanced Transmission Selection(ETS) IEEE 802.1Qaz Data Center Bridging Exchange Protocol(DCBX), DCBx FCoE, and iscsi type, length, and value(tlvs) FCoE link aggregation group(lag) active/active Priority-based flow control(pfc) IEEE 802.1Qbb Enhanced Transmission Selection(ETS) IEEE 802.1Qaz Data Center Bridging Exchange Protocol(DCBX), DCBx FCoE, and iscsi type, length, and value(tlvs) FCoE link aggregation group(lag) active/active ARP 144, , , , ( ) 5 95% 5 95% 5 95% 5 95% 1 Q5 ASIC QFX10000 Q5 Forwarding ASIC Q5 ASIC 1Tbps MAC I/O DDR3 DDR4 I/O Speed 200Gbps JuniperHybrid Memory Cube(HMC) Q5 ASIC HMC DDR4 17% 84% The Juniper Q5 ASIC Hybrid Memory Cube HMC DDR4 HMC 90 2 ASIC PIN 2, W 49W 12,750mm 2 1,922mm 2 QFX10000 Juniper Networks 25

26 /QFX SFP/SFP+/XFP 2200-C 2300-C SFP-1FE-FX - SFP-1FE-FX-ET - SFP-1FE-LH - SFP-1FE-LX - SFP-1FE-LX40K - SFP-FE20KT13R15 - SFP-FE20KT15R13 - SFP-1GE-LH - SFP-1GE-LX - SFP-1GE-LX40K - SFP-1GE-SX - SFP-1GE-SX-ET - SFP-1GE-T - SFP-GE10KT13R14 - SFP-GE10KT13R15 - SFP-GE10KT14R13 - SFP-GE10KT15R13 - SFP-GE40KT13R15 - SFP-GE40KT15R13 - SFP-GE80KCW SFP-GE80KCW SFP-GE80KCW SFP-GE80KCW1530 SFP100Base-FX1310nm 2km (MMF) SFP100Base-FX1310nm 2km (MMF)LC 2200-C SFP100Base-LH1550nm 80km(SMF) SFP100Base-LX1310nm 10km(SMF) SFP100Base-LX1550nm 40km(SMF) SFP100Base-BX TX1310nm/RX1550nm 20km (SMF) SFP100Base-BX TX1550nm/RX1310nm 20km (SMF) SFP1000Base-LH (GbE) 1550nm 70km(SMF) SFP1000Base-LX (GbE) 1310nm 10km(SMF) SFP1000Base-LX (GbE) 1310nm 40km(SMF) SFP1000Base-SX (GbE) 850nm 550m (MMF) SFP1000Base-SX (GbE) 850nm 550m (MMF)LC 2200-C SFP1000Base-T10/100/1000CAT5 100m SFP1000Base-BX (GbE) TX1310nm/RX1490nm 10km (SMF) SFP1000Base-BX (GbE) TX1310nm/RX1550nm 10km (SMF) SFP1000Base-BX (GbE) TX1490nm/RX1310nm 10km (SMF) SFP1000Base-BX (GbE) TX1550nm/RX1310nm 10km (SMF) SFP1000Base-BX (GbE) TX1310nm/RX1550nm 40km (SMF) SFP1000Base-BX (GbE) TX1550nm/RX1310nm 40km (SMF) SFP CWDM 1470nm 80km (SMF) SFP CWDM 1490nm 80km (SMF) SFP CWDM 1510nm 80km (SMF) SFP CWDM 1530nm 80km (SMF) 26 Juniper Networks /QFX

27 /QFX 2200-C 2300-C SFP-GE80KCW1550 SFP CWDM 1550nm 80km (SMF) - SFP-GE80KCW1570 SFP CWDM 1570nm 80km (SMF) - SFP-GE80KCW1590 SFP CWDM 1590nm 80km (SMF) - SFP-GE80KCW1610 SFP CWDM 16100nm 80km (SMF) - SFP-10GE-DAC-1M SFP+10 (GbE) (twinax )1m - SFP-10GE-DAC-3M SFP+10 (GbE) (twinax )3m - SFP-10GE-DAC-5M - SFP-10GE-DAC-7M - SFP-10GE-ER - SFP-10GE-LR - SFP-10GE-LRM - SFP-10GE-SR - SFP-10GE-USR SFP+10 (GbE) (twinax )5m SFP+10 (GbE) (twinax )7m SFP+10GBase-ER10 (GbE) 1550nm 40km(SMF) SFP+10GBase-LR10 (GbE) 1310nm 10km(SMF) SFP+10GBase-LRM10 (GbE) 1310nm 220m (MMF) SFP+10GBase-SR10 (GbE) 850nm 300m (MMF) SFP+10GBase-USR(UltraShortReach )10 (GbE)850nm (OM1 10m OM2 20m OM3 100m) Series QFX Series - SFP-10GE-ZR SFP+10GBase-ZR10 (GbE) 1550nm 80km(SMF) - XFP-10GE80KDWDM XFP10GBaseDWDM C-band50Ghz(ITU-T G.698.1) 80km(SMF) - XFP-10GE-ER XFP10GBase-ER10 (GbE) 1550nm 40km (SMF) - XFP-10GE-LR XFP10GBase-LR10 (GbE) 1310nm 10km (SMF) - XFP-10GE-SR XFP10GBase-SR10 (GbE) 850nm 300m (MMF) - XFP-10GE-ZR XFP10GBase-ZR10 (GbE) 1550nm 80km (SMF) - QSFP-40GE-DAC-50CM QSFP+40 (twinax)50cm passive JNP-QSFP-40G-LR4 JNP-QSFP-DAC-5M QFX-QSFP-40G-SR4 QFX-QSFP-40G-ESR4 QSFP+40GBase-LR nm 10km(SMF) QSFP+40 (twinax)5m passive QSFP+40GBase-SR nm 150m (MMF) QSFP+40GBase-ESR nm 300m(400m) OM3(OM4) (MMF) JNP-QSFP-40GE-IR4 Juniper QSFP+40GBase-IR nm 2km (SMF) JNP-QSFP-4X10GE-LR JNP-QSFP-40G-LX4 CFP-100GBASE-SR10 CFP-GEN2-100GBASE- LR4 QFX-QSFP-DAC-1M QFX-QSFP-DAC-3M QSFP+40GBase-LR, 10GBASE-LW 10GBASE-LR 1310nm 10km (SMF) Juniper 40G-LX4 QSFP+ 4 2km(SMF)100m(OM3,MMF)150m(OM4,MMF) CFP 100GBase-SR nm 100m (OM3,MMF) CFP 100GBase-LR km (SMF) QSFP+40 (twinax)1m passive QSFP+40 (twinax)3m passive JNP-1G-SX-8PACK SFP 1GBase-SX 8 JNP-1G-T-8PACK SFP 1GBase-T 8 JNP-10G-SR-8PACK SFP+10GBase-SR 8 /QFX Juniper Networks 27

28 /QFX 2200-C C EFL 2200-C 2300-C -24-AFL -24-EFL T/P T/P T/P/F/PX SKU T/P T/P T/P T/P SKU 4550-AFL 4550 IS-IS, BGP, MPLS -48-AFL -48-EFL T/P T/P T/P/F/PX F SKU T/P T/P T/P T/P SKU EFL T/24P F-EFL F EFL T/48P AFL T/24P F-AFL F AFL T/48P 4600-AFL QFX-MACSEC-ACC MACsec -QFX-MACSEC-AGG 4550 MACsec 8208-AFL AFL AFL AFL AFL XRE200-AFL 8200 XRE200 XRE200 -XRE200-AC 8200 AC -XRE200-DC 8200 DC CBL--PWR-C13-JP AC Japan(12A/125V 2.5m) CBL--PWR-C19-JP AC - Japan(16A/250V m) CBL--PWR-C19-JP110V AC - JP 110V(NEMA A/125V 2.5m) CBL--PWR-C19-JPL AC - Japan Locking(16A/250V L m) CBL-M-PWR-RA-JP AC Power Cord, Japan(NEMA LOCKING), C19, 20A/250V, 2.5m, Right Angle CBL-PWR-C19S-162-JP Power Cord, AC, Japan, NEMA 6-20 to C19, 16A/250V, 2.5m, Straight 9214 CBL-PWR-C19S-162-JPL Power Cord, AC, Japan/US, C19 at 70-80mm, 16A/250V, 2.5m, Straight, Locking Plug 9214 CBL-PWR-RA-JP15 AC Power Cable: JIS A/125V 2.5m length for Japan, Right Angle 9204/ 9208 CBL-PWR-C15M-HITEMP-JP Power Cord, AC, Japan, C15M, 15A/125V, 2.5m, Straight plug to straight high temp C15M (EFL)(AFL) () (AFL) (EFL) () BGP v4/v6, IS-IS, MPLS IPv4/v6 OSPFv4/v6, IGMP, PIM, VRF-Lite, Q-in-Q, OAM(802.1ag) STP, VLAN, LAG, LLDP/MED, RIP, IPv4/IPv6, IGMP, sflow, PVLAN, 802.1x, 802.3ah,, Network Director, J-Web 2 28 Juniper Networks /QFX

29 2200-C C PWR-AC2K AC 2000W/220V(1200W/110V) (AC) 8200-PWR-AC3K AC 3000W/220V (AC) 8200-PWR-DC2KR DC 2000W/-48V 8200-PWR-DC3KR DC 3000W/-48V JPSU-150-AC-AFI W AC JPSU-150-AC-AFO W AC JPSU-150-DC-AFO W DC JPSU-600-AC-AFO W AC JPSU-920-AC-AFO W AC -PWR-190-DC 4200/ W DC -PWR-320-AC 4200/ W AC( ) -PWR3-930-AC -RPS-PWR-930-AC 4200/3200 -RPS-PWR-930-AC 930W AC PoE+( ) (RPS); RPS W AC 1 JPSU-350-AC-AFO W AC ( ) JPSU-350-AC-AFI W AC ( ) JPSU-715-AC-AFO W AC ( ) JPSU-1100-AC-AFO W AC ( ) JPSU-550-DC-AFO W DC ( ) JPSU-550-DC-AFI W DC ( ) -XRE200-PWR-250-AC XRE200 AC (250W) XRE200 Series QFX Series -XRE200-PWR-560-DC XRE200 DC (560W) XRE200 JPSU-650W-AC-AFI 650W AC 4550/4600, QFX3500/3600/5100 JPSU-650W-AC-AFO 650W AC 4550/4600, QFX3500/3600/5100 JPSU-650W-DC-AFI 650W DC 4550/4600, QFX3500/3600/5100 JPSU-650W-DC-AFO 650W DC 4550/4600, QFX3500/3600/5100 PWR-MX DC-R 2400W DC Power Supply, Redundant 9204/ 9208 PWR-MX AC-R 2520W AC Power Supply, Redundant(Note: AC power cords are sold separately) 9204/ 9208 PWR-MX AC-R 4100W AC Power Supply, Redundant(Note: AC power cords are sold separately) 9214 PWR-MX DC-R 4100W DC Power Supply, Redundant UM-4SFP -UM-2X4SFP -UM-2X4SFP-M -UM-2XFP 4200/ G SFP ( ) 4200/ G SFP+/4 1G SFP MACSec G SFP+/4 1G SFP 4200/ G XFP ( ) -UM-4X4SFP T/24P/48T/48P 4 1GbE/10GbE SFP+ -UM-2QSFP F 2 40GbE QSFP+ -UM-8X8SFP F 8-port 1GbE/10GbE SFP EM-8XSFP Port 10G SFP+ Expansion Module(optics sold separately) 4550-EM-8XT port 100M/1G/10G BaseT Expansion Module 4550-EM-2QSFP port 40GbE Expansion module(optics sold separately) 4550-VC1-128G 4550, 128G Virtual Chassis module(vc Cables sold separately) QFX-EM-4Q 4 QSFP+ports expansion module for 4600 and QFX Q 4600-EM-8F 8 port SPF+/SFP expansion module for 4600 and QFX Q VC -CBL-VCP-50CM 4200/4500/ m VCP () -CBL-VCP-1M 4200/4500/4550 1m VCP -CBL-VCP-3M 4200/4500/4550 3m VCP -CBL-VCP-5M 4200/4500/4550 5m VCP 4200-FANTRAY () 4300-FAN 4300 fan spare with Front-to-Back Airflow 4300-FAN-AFI 4300 fan spare with Back-to-Front Airflow 4500-FANTRAY-BF () 4500-FANTRAY-FB () 4550-FANMODULE-AFI 4550 (PSU side to Built in Port Side air flow) /QFX Juniper Networks 29

30 /QFX 2200-C C FANMODULE-AFO 4550 (Built in Port Side to PSU side air flow) QFX5100-FAN-AFI Fan module for back to front airflow QFX5100-FAN-AFO Fan module for front to back airflow 6210-FAN FAN-S FAN-S FFANTRAY-MX240-HC-S MX240 High Capacity fantray, Spare 9204 FFANTRAY-MX480-HC-S MX480 High Capacity fantray, Spare 9208 FFANTRAY-MX960-HC-S MX960 High Capacity fantray(upper or lower), Spare XRE200-FANTRAY XRE200 USB RE-USB-1G-S RE USB / RE-USB-2G-S RE 2GB USB / RE-USB-4G-S RE 4GB USB / P /100/1000BASE-T PoE T /100/1000BASE-T RJ F Base-X/1000BASE-X SFP XS-40P XS-40T XS 40 PoE+1000Base-T RJ BASE-X SFP 2 10GbE SFP+ 40Gbps ( ) Base-T RJ BASE-X SFP 2 10GbE SFP+40Gbps ( ) 40 1GbE/10GbE SFP/SFP+(SFP/SFP+ ) XS-ES 40 10GbE SFP F F-ES FX/1000Base-X SFP (SFP ) FX/1000Base-X SFP (SFP ) PL 48 PoE+10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45 20Gbps T 48 10/100/1000Base-T RJ T-ES 48 10/100/1000Base-T RJ TL 48 10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45 20Gbps XS XS-ES 8 10GbE SFP+ (SFP+ ) 8 10GbE SFP+ (SFP+ ) XS 32-port 10GbE SFP+ line card; requires SFP+optics sold separately F 40-port 100FX/1000Base-X SFP line card; requires SFP optics sold separately T 40-port 10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45 line card QS 4-port 40GbE QSFP+line card; optics sold separately QS 6-port 40GbE QSFP+or 24-port 10GbE SFP+ combo line card; optics sold separately C-8XS 2-port 100GbE CFP 8-port 10GSFP+line card; optics sold separately -XRE200-1GE-4F XRE G SFP () -XRE200-1GE-4T XRE /100/1000 Base-T RJ-45 IO 30 Juniper Networks /QFX

31 2200-C C VC -CBL-VCP-50CM 4200/4500/ m VCP () -CBL-VCP-1M 4200/4500/4550 1m VCP -CBL-VCP-3M 4200/4500/4550 3m VCP -CBL-VCP-5M 4200/4500/4550 5m VCP 3400-FAN-AFI 3400 (back-to-front airflow) 3400-FAN-AFO 3400 (front-to-back airflow) 4200-FANTRAY () 4300-FAN 4300 (front-to-back airflow) 4300-FAN-AFI 4300 (back-to-front airflow) 4550-FANMODULE- AFI 4550-FANMODULE- AFO 4550 (PSU side to Built in Port Side air flow) 4550 (Built in Port Side to PSU side air flow) QFX5100-FAN-AFI QFX5100 (back-to-front airflow) QFX5100-FAN-AFO QFX5100 (front-to-back airflow) 8208-FAN-S FAN-S FFANTRAY-MX240-HC-S MX FFANTRAY-MX480-HC-S MX FFANTRAY-MX960-HC-S MX XRE200-FANTRAY XRE200 Series QFX Series 2300-C-MGNT-MNT 2300-C 2300-C-RMK 2300-C 2300-C-CBL-GRD 2300-C F F-ES FX/1000Base-X SFP (SFP ) FX/1000Base-X SFP (SFP ) T 48 10/100/1000Base-T RJ T-ES 48 10/100/1000Base-T RJ XS XS-ES XS F 8 10GbE SFP+ (SFP+ ) 8 10GbE SFP+ (SFP+ ) 32 10GbE SFP+ (SFP+ ) FX/1000Base-X SFP (SFP ) T 40 10/100/1000Base-T RJ QS 40GbE QSFP+(QSFP ) QS C-8XS F-M 6 40GbE QSFP+ or 24-port 10GbE SFP+ (QSFP/SFP+ ) 2 100GbE CFP 8 10GSFP+ (CFP/SFP+ ) 40 MACSec 100FX/1000Base-X SFP (SFP ) 9200-MPC MPC(MIC) T-MIC MIC40 10/100/1000 GbaseT RJ-45(full-slot) XS-MIC MIC10 10GbaseX(Half-slot) F-MIC MIC20 GbaseX(Half-slot) -XRE200-1GE-4F XRE G SFP () -XRE200-1GE-4T XRE /100/1000 Base-T RJ-45 IO /QFX Juniper Networks 31

32 /QFX Hot-aisleCold-aisle /FAN AFIAFO xxx(Front-to-Back): /FAN 3300-xxx-BF(Back-to-Front):/FAN QFX5100 QFX5100-xxx-AFO(Front-to-Back): /FAN QFX5100-xxx-AFI(Back-to-Front):/FAN Back BF AFO Back AFI Front Front xxx(Front-to-Back): /FAN 3400-xxx-AFI(Back-to-Front):/FAN Back AFI QFX5200 QFX5200-xxx-AFO(Front-to-Back): /FAN QFX5200-xxx-AFI(Back-to-Front):/FAN AFO Back AFI Front Front xxx-AFO(Front-to-Back): /FAN 4300-xxx-AFI(Back-to-Front):/FAN AFO Back AFI Front xxx-AFO(Front-to-Back): /FAN 4550-xxx-AFI(Back-to-Front):/FAN AFO Back(PSU side) AFI Front(Port side) xxx-AFO(Front-to-Back): /FAN 4600-xxx-AFI(Back-to-Front):/FAN AFO Back(PSU side) AFI Front(Port side) 32 Juniper Networks /QFX

33 QFX 5100 QFX 5200 QFX QFX QFX Q-PFL QFX Q Premium Feature License SDN: Contrail/ware NSX Integration, VXLAN, OVSDB, EVPN-VXLAN QFX Q-AFL QFX Q Advanced Feature License Advanced Feature License + BGP, ISIS, MPLS QFX Q-PFL QFX Q Premium Feature License SDN: Contrail/ware NSX Integration, VXLAN, OVSDB, EVPN-VXLAN QFX Q-AFL QFX Q Advanced Feature License Advanced Feature License + BGP, ISIS, MPLS QFX10008-PFL QFX10008 Premium Feature License SDN: Contrail/ware NSX Integration, VXLAN, OVSDB, EVPN-VXLAN QFX10008-AFL QFX10008 Advanced Feature License Advanced Feature License + BGP, ISIS, MPLS QFX Q QFX C QFX S-6Q JNP-QSFP-100G-SR4 JNP-QSFP-100G-LR4 QFX port 40GbE QSFP+ / 12-port 100GbE QSFP28 line card QFX port 100GbE QSFP28 / 24-port 40GbE QSFP+ line card with 6 100GbE QSFP28 ports QFX port 1/10GbE SFP/SFP+line card with 6 40GbE QSFP+ / 2 100GbE QSFP28 ports QSFP28 100GBASE-SR4 Optics for up to 100 m transmission over parallel multimode fiber(mmf) QSFP28 100GBASE-LR4 Optics for up to 10 km transmission over serial single-mode fiber(smf) Series QFX Series JNP-QSFP-100GCWDM QSFP28 100GBASE-CWDM4 Optics for up to 2 km transmission over serial SMF JNP-QSFP-40GE-IR4 QSFP+ 40GBASE-IR4 40 Gigabit optics, 1,310 nm for up to 2 km transmission on SMF JNP-QSFP-40G-LR4 QSFP+ 40GBASE-LR4 40 Gigabit optics, 1,310 nm for up to 10 km transmission on SMF JNP-QSFP-40G-LX4 QSFP+ 40GBASE-LX4 40 Gigabit optics, 100 m(150 m) with OM3 (OM4) duplex MMF fiber JNP-QSFP-4X10GE-IR QSFP+ 40GBASE Optics, up to 1.4 km transmission on parallel single mode(4x10gbe long reach up to 1.4 km) QFX-QSFP-40G-SR4 QSFP+ 40GBASE-SR4 40 Gigabit optics, 850 nm for up to 150 m transmission on MMF QFX-SFP-10GE-ER SFP+ 10GBASE-ER 10-Gigabit Ethernet optics, 1,550 nm for 40 km transmission on SMF QFX-SFP-10GE-LR SFP+ 10GBASE-LR 10-Gigabit Ethernet optics, 1,310 nm for 10 km transmission on SMF QFX-SFP-10GE-SR SFP+ 10GBASE-SR 10-Gigabit Ethernet optics, 850 nm for up to 300 m transmission on MMF QFX-SFP-10GE-USR SFP+ 10-Gigabit Ethernet ultra short reach optics, 850 nm for 10 m on OM1, 20 m on OM2, 100 m on OM3 multi-mode fiber QFX-SFP-1GE-LX SFP 1000BASE-LX Gigabit-Ethernet optics, 1,310 nm for 10 km transmission on SMF QFX-SFP-1GE-SX SFP 1000BASE-SX Gigabit-Ethernet optics, 850 nm for up to 550 m transmission on MMF QFX-SFP-1GE-T SFP 1000BASE-T Copper transceiver module for up to 100 m transmission on Cat5 (PFL)(AFL) QFX () (AFL) (PFL) () BGP v4/v6, IS-IS, MPLS SDN: Contrail, Vmware NSX Integratoin, VXLAN, OVSDB, EVPN-VXLAN STP, VLAN, LAG, LLDP/MED, RIP, IPv4/IPv6, IGMP, sflow, PVLAN, 802.1x, 802.3ah,, Network Director, J-Web /QFX Juniper Networks 33

34 MX 20Gbps80Tbps MX 520Gbps 100GE 80Tbps QoS Junos OS Trio (MPLS/VPLS, Logical System, QoS) NAT IPsec VPN SDN ready JUNOS - MPC7/8/9 400G ASIC 1.6Tbps(100G x 16port) MIC LED MPC7E MPC8E MPC9E 34 Juniper Networks MX

35 MX5 MX80 MX104 MX240 SDN MX SDN(USG) SDN VXLAN MPLSoverGRE NVGRE EVPN OVSDB BGP L2 L3 SDN-to-WAN SDN-to-SDN SDN L2 USG - IPSDNSDN L3 USG - IPSDNSDN SDN USG - WAN USG - WAN MX シリーズ vswitch 仮想サーバー L2 USG vswitch 仮想サーバー SDN USG vswitch クラウド基盤仮想サーバー WAN USG L3 USG MX Series vswitch ADC IDP ベアメタルサーバー L2 USG クラウド基盤 L3 USG L 4 7 仮想サーバー ネットワーク サービス MPLS EVPN/VPLS 2 L2/L3VPN MX Series Series MX Series Series 1 2 DB1 DB1 1 2 データセンター 1 データセンター 2 MX Juniper Networks 35

36 MX MX5 MX10 MX40 MX80 MX104 MX5 MX10 MX40 MX80 MX104 40Gbps( ) 80Gbps( ) 120Gbps( ) 160Gbps( ) 160Gbps( ) 55 60Mpps 55 60Mpps 55 60Mpps 55 60Mpps 55 60Mpps MIC G 0 0 2() 8(4 4 ) 12(4 8 ) 1G ( )(cm) (2U) (2U) (2U) (2U) (3.5U) :13.7kg :13.7kg :13.7kg :13.7kg 14.5 kg / V /376W AC V /320W DC V /376W AC V /320W DC V /376W AC V /320W DC V /376W AC V /320W DC ( ) V /450W AC V /400W DC MIC MX5 MX10 MX40 MX80 MX104 MX240 MX480 MX960 MX2010 MX2020 MIC3-3D-10XGE-SFPP MIC with 10x10GE SFP+ interface, Optics sold separately. MIC3-3D-1X100GE-CFP MIC with 1x100GE CFP interface, Optics sold separately. MIC3-3D-1X100GE-CXP MIC with 1x100GE CXP interface, Optics sold separately. MIC3-3D-2X40GE-QSFPP MIC with 2x40GE QSFP+ interface, Optics sold separately. MIC-3D-16CHE1-T1-CE 16 port channelized T1 / channelized E1(down to DS0) MIC, RJ48 connector MIC-3D-16CHE1-T1-CE-H MIC-3D-16CHE1-T1, Circuit emulation, Temperature Hardened MIC-3D-1OC192-XFP 1 port OC192/STM64 MIC, (Requires a pluggable XFP optics module, Sold separately) MIC-3D-20GE-SFP 20x10/100/1000 MIC for MX, requires optics sold separately MIC-3D-20GE-SFP-E MIC-3D-20GE-SFP, enhanced(mac SEC & TIMING PHY) MIC-3D-20GE-SFP-EH MIC-3D-20GE-SFP-Enhanced & Temperature hardened MIC-3D-2XGE-XFP 2x10G MIC for MX, requires optics sold separately MIC-3D-40GE-TX 40x10/100/1000 RJ-45 full height MIC(fixed optics) MIC-3D-4CHOC3-2CHOC12 MIC-3D-4COC3-1COC12-CE MIC-3D-4OC3OC12-1OC48 Low density multirate MIC - Channelized, 4 port channelized OC3 / 2 port channelized OC12(down to DS0) MIC, (Requires a pluggable SFP optics module); Requires license S-MX80-Q when used on MX80 platform Multirate Circuit Emulation MIC, 4 port channelized OC3/STM1(down to DS0) or 1 port channelized OC12/STM4(down to DS0) CE MIC, Port 0 can be configured for OC12 which disables ports 1-3(Requires a pluggable SFP optics module) Low density multirate MIC, 4 port non-channelized OC3-OC12 / 1 port non-channelized OC48 MIC, (Requires a pluggable SFP optics module) MIC-3D-4XGE-XFP 4x10G MIC for MX, requires optics sold separately. Only supported on MX-MPC2 line cards MIC-3D-8CHDS3-E3-B MIC-3D-8CHOC3-4CHOC12 MIC-3D-8DS3-E3 MIC-3D-8OC3-2OC12-ATM MIC-3D-8OC3OC12-4OC48 8 port channelized DS3(down to DS0) / non-channelized E3 MIC, 75 ohm minismb(requires CBL-DS3-E3-M-S to be ordered separately); Includes S-MIC-3D-8CHDS3 to support DS3 Channelization(down to DS0); Requires license S-MX80-Q when used on MX80 platform High density multirate MIC - Channelized, 8 port channelized OC3 / 4 port channelized OC12(down to DS0) MIC, (Requires a pluggable SFP optics module); Requires license S-MX80-Q when used on MX80 platform 8 port non-channelized DS3 / non-channelized E3 MIC, 75 ohm minismb(requires CBL-DS3-E3-M-S to be ordered separately); Requires S-MIC-3D-8CHDS3 to support DS3 Channelization(down to DS0) Multirate ATM MIC, 8 port non-channelized OC3/STM1 or 2 port non-channelized OC12/STM4 ATM MIC, Ports 0,4 can be configured for OC12 which disables ports 1-3, 5-7, Requires license S-MX80-Q when this MIC is used on MX80, (Requires a pluggable SFP optics module). High density multirate MIC, 8 port non-channelized OC3-OC12 / 4 port non-channelized OC48 MIC, (Requires a pluggable SFP optics module) MIC-4COC3-1COC12-CE-H MIC-4COC3-1COC12-CE, Temperature Hardened MIC6-100G-CFP2 MPC6 MIC w/2 port 100GE CFP2 with OTN MIC6-100G-CXP MPC6 MIC w/4 port 100GE CXP MIC6-10G MPC6 MIC w/24 port 10GE SFPP MIC6-10G-OTN MPC6 MIC w/24 port 10GE SFPP with OTN MS-MIC-16G Multi Service - MIC with 16G for MX MIC-MRATE 12 PORT QSFPP MULTIRATE MIC 36 Juniper Networks MX

37 MX240 MX480 MX960 MX2010 MX2020 MX240 MX480 MX960 MX2010 MX Tbps( ) 5.12Tbps( ) 10.56Tbps( ) 40Tbps( ) 80Tbps( ) 480Gbps( ) 480Gbps( ) 480Gbps( ) 1.6Tbps( ) 1.6Tbps( ) DPC/MPC MIC 1 MPC 2 1 MPC 2 1 MPC 2 1 MPC 2 1 MPC 2 100G G G G ( )(cm) (5U) (8U) (16U) (34U) (45U) :59.0kg :81.7kg :151.6kg :453.59kg :680.39kg V AC V DC V AC V DC V AC V DC V AC V DC V AC V DC ( ) MPC/DPC MX240 MX480 MX960 MX2010 MX2020 MPC-3D-16XGE- SFPP MPC-3D-16XGE- SFPP-R-B MX-MPC1-3D MX-MPC1-3D-Q MX-MPC1-3D-Q- R-B MX-MPC1-3D-R-B MX-MPC1E-3D MX-MPC1E-3D- P-B MX-MPC1E-3D-P- Q-B MX-MPC1E-3D-P- Q-R-B MX-MPC1E-3D-P- R-B MX-MPC1E-3D-Q MX-MPC1E-3D-Q- R-B MX-MPC1E-3D- R-B 16x10GE line card, price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features; requires SFPP optics sold separately 16x10GE line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features; requires SFPP optics sold separately 1xTrio Chipset MPC, port queuing, price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features 1xTrio Chipset MPC, per-ifl HQoS, 128K queues (max 64K egress); price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC1-3D-Q line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features MX-MPC1-3D line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features 1xTrio Chipset Enhanced MPC, port queuing, price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC1E-3D Line Card Bundle, Port Queuing, price includes 1588v2, Full scale L2/L2.5 and Reduced Scale L3 Features MX-MPC1E-3D-Q Line Card Bundle, per IFL HQoS, 128K Queues(Max 64K Egress), price includes 1588v2, Full scale L2/L2.5 and Reduced Scale L3 Features MX-MPC1E-3D-Q Line Card Bundle, per IFL HQoS, 128K Queues(Max 64K Egress), price includes 1588v2, Full Scale L3, L2 and L2.5 Features MX-MPC1E-3D Line Card Bundle, Port Queuing, price includes 1588v2, Full Scale L3, L2 and L2.5 Feature 1xTrio Chipset Enhanced MPC, per-ifl HQoS, 128K queues(max 64K egress); price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC1E-3D-Q line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features MX-MPC1E-3D line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features MX240 MX480 MX960 MX2010 MX2020 MX-MPC2-3D 2xTrio Chipset MPC, port queuing, price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC2-3D-EQ 2xTrio Chipset MPC, per-ifl HQoS, 512K queues; price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC2-3D-EQ- R-B MX-MPC2-3D-Q MX-MPC2-3D-Q- R-B MX-MPC2-3D-R-B MX-MPC2E-3D MX-MPC2E-3D- EQ MX-MPC2E-3D- EQ-R-B MX-MPC2E-3D-P MX-MPC2E-3D-P- Q-B MX-MPC2E-3D-P- Q-R-B MX-MPC2E-3D-P- R-B MX-MPC2E-3D-Q MX-MPC2E-3D-Q- R-B MX-MPC2E-3D- R-B MX-MPC3E-3D MX-MPC3E-3D- R-B MPC4E-3D-2CGE- 8XGE MPC4E-3D- 2CGE8XGE-IR-B MX-MPC2-3D-EQ line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features 2xTrio Chipset MPC, per-ifl HQoS, 256K queues (max 128K egress); price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC2-3D-Q line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features MX-MPC2-3D line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features 2xTrio Chipset Enhanced MPC, port queuing, price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features 2xTrio Chipset Enhanced MPC, per-ifl HQoS, 512K queues; price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC2E-3D-EQ line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features 2xTrio Chipset Enhanced MPC, 1588v2, port queuing, price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC2E-3D-P line card bundle, price includes 1588v2, per-ifl HQoS, 256K queues(max 128K egress), full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC2E-3D-P line card bundle, price includes 1588v2, per-ifl HQoS, 256K queues(max 128K egress), full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features MX-MPC2E-3D-P line card bundle, price includes 1588v2, full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features 2xTrio Chipset Enhanced MPC, per-ifl HQoS, 256K queues(max 128K egress); price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features MX-MPC2E-3D-Q line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features MX-MPC2E-3D line card bundle, price includes full scale L3, L2 and L2.5 features MPC3 with support for 100GE, 40GE and 10GE interfaces, L2.5 features, Optics sold separately. MPC3E with support for 100GE, 40GE and 10GE interfaces. Includes full scale L2, L3, L3VPN features. Optics sold separately. MPC4E with 2x100GE and 8x10GE ports. Price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features. Optics sold separately. MPC4E with 2x100GE and 8x10GE ports. Includes full scale L2/L2.5, L3 features and upto 16 L3VPN instances per MPC. Optics sold separately. MX Series * MX2000-LC-ADAPTER MX Juniper Networks 37

38 MX MPC/DPC MX240 MX480 MX960 MX2010 MX2020 MPC4E-3D-2CGE8XGE-R-B MPC4E with 2x100GE and 8x10GE ports. Includes full scale L2/L2.5, L3 and L3VPN features. Optics sold separately. MPC4E-3D-32XGE-IR-B MPC4E with 32x10GE SFPP ports. Includes full scale L2/L2.5, L3 features and upto 16 L3VPN instances per MPC. Optics sold separately. MPC4E-3D-32XGE-R-B MPC4E with 32x10GE SFPP ports. Includes full scale L2/L2.5, L3 and L3VPN features. Optics sold separately. MPC4E-3D-32XGE-SFPP MPC4E with 32x10GE SFPP ports. Price includes full scale L2/L2.5 and reduced scale L3 features. Optics Sold Separately. MPC5E-100G10G Intg. MPC, 2x100GE and 4x10GE ports MPC5E-100G10G-IRB MPC5E-100G10G bundle with 'IR' license MPC5E-100G10G-RB MPC5E-100G10G bundle with 'R' license MPC5E-40G10G Intg. MPC, 6x40GE and 24x10GE ports MPC5E-40G10G-IRB MPC5E-40G10G bundle with 'IR' license MPC5E-40G10G-RB MPC5E-40G10G bundle with 'R' license MPC5EQ-100G10G Intg. HQoS MPC, 2x100GE and 4x10GE ports MPC5EQ-100G10G-IRB MPC5EQ-100G10G bundle with 'IR' license MPC5EQ-100G10G-RB MPC5EQ-100G10G bundle with 'R' license MPC5EQ-40G10G Intg. HQoS MPC, 6x40GE and 24x10GE ports MPC5EQ-40G10G-IRB MPC5E-Q-40G10G bundle with 'IR' license MPC5EQ-40G10G-RB MPC5E-Q-40G10G bundle with 'R' license MX2K-MPC6E Mod. MPC, full scale L2/L2.5, reduced L3 MX2K-MPC6E-IRB MPC6E bundle with 'IR' license MX2K-MPC6E-RB MPC6E Bundle with 'R' License MX2000-LC-ADAPTER MX2000 Line Card Adapter, Spare MS-MPC-128G Multi Service - MPC with 128G for MX MPC7E-10G 40X10GE SFPP MPC7E-10G-IRB 40X10GE SFPP, LIMITED L3VPN MPC7E-10G-RB 40X10GE SFPP, FULL L3VPN MPC7E-MRATE 10G/40G/100G QSFP28 MPC7E-MRATE-IRB 10G/40G/100G QSFP28, LIMITED L3VPN MPC7E-MRATE-RB 10G/40G/100G QSFP28, FULL L3VPN MPC7EQ-10G-B 40X10GE MPC WITH SFP+, HQOS MPC7EQ-10G-IRB 40X10GE SFPP, LIMITED L3VPN, HQOS MPC7EQ-10G-RB 40X10GE SFPP, FULL L3VPN, HQOS MPC7EQ-MRATE-B 12XQSFP+/QSFP28 MPC, HQOS MPC7EQ-MRATE-IRB 10G/40G/100G QSFP28, LIMITED L3VPN, HQOS MPC7EQ-MRATE-RB 10G/40G/100G QSFP28, FULL L3VPN, HQOS MX2K-MPC8E 960GBPS, 2-SLOT MODULAR LINE CARD MX2K-MPC8E-IRB 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, LIMITED L3VPN MX2K-MPC8EQ-B 960G MODULAR, MX2000, HQOS MX2K-MPC8EQ-IRB 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, LIMITED L3VPN,HQOS MX2K-MPC8EQ-RB 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, FULL L3VPN, HQOS MX2K-MPC8E-RB 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, FULL L3VPN MX2K-MPC9E 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000 MX2K-MPC9E-IRB 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, FULL L3VPN MX2K-MPC9EQ-B 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, HQOS MX2K-MPC9EQ-IRB 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, LIMITED L3VPN,HQOS MX2K-MPC9EQ-RB 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, FULL L3VPN, HQOS MX2K-MPC9E-RB 1.6T MODULAR, MX2000, LIMITED L3VPN * MX2000-LC-ADAPTER 38 Juniper Networks MX

39 Virtual MX vmx vmx vmxos 1 Junos OS MX Junos Trio x86 Junos OS x86 x86 Virtual PFE Virtual TRIO Intel DPDK Guest OS(Linux) PCI Pass-through SR-IOV Virtual RE LC- Kernel RPD CHASSISD DCD SNMP Guest OS(JUNOS) Hypervisor x86 Hardware Virtual PE K /ware Central Office, Hub Site vmx National/Regional Data Centers vmx PE CPU Intel Nehalem CPU(For low-bandwidth) Intel Ivy-Bridge CPU(For high-bandwidth) 4 10GB MX Series Enterprise CPE CO Gateway Metro Network L2 switch L2 switch CPE Enterprise L3 PE Provider MPLS Network L3 PE Enterprise CO Gateway CPE vmx MX PE (MPLS VPN) IPSec VPN NIC Virt IO NIC (For low-bandwidth) [K ] XNET3 (For low-bandwidth) [ware ] SR IOV NIC (For high-bandwidth) VT-d [K ] L3 VPN/IPSec VPN L2VPN/VPLS/L2Circuit Virtual CPE( WAN ) K OS Virtualization ware Ubuntu 14.04LTS Linux generic QEMU-K MPLS L2 MPLSoGRE VXLAN IPSec Hypervisor ESXi 5.5 Update 2 Management Client vsphere 5.5 or vcenter Server Enterprise Enterprise vmx CPE vmx CPE Overlay: Group VPN, MPLSoGRE, VXLAN Provider MPLS network vmx CPE Enterprise vmx MX WAN MX Juniper Networks 39

40 PTX MPLS PTX GE/40GE/100GE MPLS IP シャーシあたり 2.88Tbps 28 8ポートの 10 0 G E パフォーマンス E x p r e sspl usベースのシリコンによるフルip 対応 PTX 1000 容易な展開 業界最小コアルータ わずか 2RUサイズ MPLS IX J U N O S : 15 年の OS + SDN ルーティングイノベーション SDN :25 年培われたIP/MPLS-TE GE(PTX3K), GE(PTX5K) トラヒック最適化アルゴリズム 24Tbps(PTX9k), 8Tbps(PTX3k), 2.88Tbps(PTX1k) Junos (ETSI) PTX 3000 PTX 5000 シャーシあたり 8Tbps, ラックあたり 32Tbps 1st Gen PTX5000と同等のパフォーマンスパケットパフォーマンス 統合された100G コヒーレント DWDM フル IPとしての役割と MPLSの機能の結合 シャーシあたり 24Tbps 業界最高クラスの高密度 10/100GE インターフェイスパフォーマンス 統合された100G コヒーレント DWDM フル IPとしての役割と MPLSの機能の結合 容易な展開 業界トップクラスの ギガビット当り低消費電力 PTX5000 と同じ PIC をサポート 容易な展開 業界トップクラスのギガビット当り低消費電力 36RU 19inchラックに搭載可能な Core Router J U N O S : 15 年の J U N O S : 15 年の PTX 3000 OS + SDN ルーティングイノベーション SDN : 25 年培われたIP/MPLS-TE PTX 5000 OS + SDN ルーティングイノベーション SDN :25 年培われたIP/MPLS-TE トラヒック最適化アルゴリズム トラヒック最適化アルゴリズム 40 Juniper Networks PTX

41 PTX PTX1000 PTX3000 PTX Tbps( ) 8Tbps( ) 24Tbps( ) SIB3 8Tbps 24Tbps SIB2 7.68Tbps SIB1 1.92Tbps 3.84Tbps FPC 8 8 PIC G G G ( )(cm) kg : kg :587.0 kg / V AC V DC 1.65kW PTX1000 PTX3000 PTX V AC V DC 5.4kW V AC V DC 17kW ( ) PTX MPLS LSR MPLS RSVP/LDP LSP PE/LER BGP RIB BGP FIB PE/LER ebgp Wireless LTE DC WAN Ethernet Transport RR PE/LER IS-IS/OSPF DWDM ibgp PTX Ethernet Transport PTX PTX Wireless LTE PE/LER DCI PTX3000 DC IPv4/v6 MPLS PE/LER IPFIX, urpf, SCU/DCU, BGP Flowspec DC2 PTX Peering AS1 AS2 AS3 DWDM PTX LSR Core ebgp DC1 PTX PTX RR PTX Spine IS-IS/OSPF ibgp Server Leaf Data Center PTX Juniper Networks 41

42 ACX 40GE 2.56Tbps Junos OS MPLS : T1 / E1 / 1GE / 10GE / 40GE IEEE , SyncEthernet LDP, RSVP, L2VPN, L3VPN, CESoPSN PoE+ SLA RFC2544, Y.1564, TWAMP ACX5048/5096 ACX500-O ACX500 ACX1000 ACX1100 ACX2000 ACX2100 ACX2200 ACX4000 ACX5048 ACX5096 Mobile Universal Access Residential Business 42 Juniper Networks ACX

43 ACX ACX500 ACX2000 ACX1000 ACX2100 ACX5048 ACX500-O ACX1100 ACX2200 ACX4000 ACX5096 ACX500 ACX500-O ACX500-O-POE ACX1000 ACX1100 ACX2000 ACX2100 ACX2200 ACX4000 ACX5048 ACX5096 6Gbps 10Gbps 30Gbps 60Gbps ACX5048 : 1.44Tbps ACX5096 : 2.56Tbps ACX500 : ACX500-O : ACX500-O-POE cm : ACX5048 : ACX5096 : Kg ACX500-DC : 3.9 ACX500-AC : 4.2 ACX500-O-DC : 5.0 ACX500-O-AC : 5.3 ACX500-O-POE-AC : 6.2 ACX500-O-POE-DC : 6.5 ACX1000 : 2.94 ACX1100 : ACX5048 : 9.9 ACX5096 : ACX500 : 65W ACX500-O : 55W ACX500-O-POE : 55W ACX1100 : 50W ACX1100-AC : 35W ACX1100-DC : 40W ACX2000 : 70W ACX2100-AC : 60W ACX2100-DC : 80W 150W MIC 2 ACX5048 : 350W SFP+ ACX5096 : 550W SFP % 0 95% 0 95% 0 95% 5 95% ACX T1/E1 1GbE Copper 1GbE combo 1GbE SFP 10GbE SFP+ 40GbE QSFP ACX500 4 PoE+ 3 2 ACX500-O 3 3 ACX500-O-POE 3 PoE+ 3 ACX ACX ACX PoE * ACX * ACX * ACX PoE * ACX * 6 ACX * 8 1GbE SFP ACX Juniper Networks 43

44 SRX SRX SRX SRX SRX 300GbpsSRX NFV(Network Function Virtualization) vsrx SRX Junos SRX IPSec VPN IPS URL UTM SSL Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Spotlight Secure & Junos Space Security Director SRX UTM () 2T IPS Web/ / C&C GEO-IP 1T, APT SRX G NAT SRX VPN SRX5400 SRX G vsrx 2.0 (Virtual SRX) SRX3400 SRX3600 One Junos 10G 1G SRX300 SRX320 SRX340 SRX345 SRX550HM SRX1500 SRX1400 SDK etc API Junoscript JUNOS 44 Juniper Networks SRX

45 SRX300 SRX1500 SRX5600 ( ) Web Web PC Spotlight Secure SRX PC C&C SRX PC C&C PC PC SRX ブ一ロ部様ッをなアクツ攻ーン撃攻撃者ルのチ社でウ内フネイァイルアッ 初回の攻撃 トアスン 標準的メールワ(チー SNS ウゲスクに 掲示板ォーパ侵 WEBサイトートム入ル成ウ功 攻撃基盤構築後の攻撃 ェ 指令サーバーとの交信イ型 新しいウイルスの)ダウンロード 収集した情報をベースにした攻撃 脆弱性修正多UTMはこれらの機能の複数を実装 Spotlight クラウド IP/URL フィード Security Director IP/URL フィード URLフィルタリング多段防御をくぐり抜けてIPS/IDS SRX インターネット 社内ネットワーク 統合セキュリティ管理ツールによるセキュリティ管理 IT 資産管理ツールによる端末管理 アンチウイルス ( エンドポイント型 ) C&C サーバー SRX SRX Series 1. SRX TCP/UDP IPS ( ) ( Worm Trojans exploits shellcode Scans ) ( Trojans ) SSL Spotlight Secure(GeoIP) 1 Sky ATP TCP/UDP AppSecure Web URL Spotlight Secure(C&C) C&C SRX Juniper Networks 45

46 SRX Sky Advanced Threat Prevention - Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Sky Advanced Threat Prevention : E : 1 3 (PDF MS Office ) (C&C) SRX インターネット外部ネットワーク 管理者 マルウェア等疑わしいファイル Sky Advanced Threat Prevention 既知の C&C サーバー SRX 上でコンテンツ ( ファイル ) 抽出 インラインブロック イベント (C&C 通信に該当 ) 管理設定 キャッシュ Inline Blocking Inspection Pipeline Manager Host Analyzer サービスポータル データフィード配信 (Spotlight Secure) コマンド & GeoIP その他のコントロール脅威情報 マルウェア検査 Static Cache Analysis Identified Malware ライセンス管理 複数のアンチウイルス Static Analysis エンジンによる ( ファイル構造等 ) チェック クラウド (AWS/Juniper) Log Hits 構成管理 API Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Behavioral Analysis Dynamic Analysis (Sandbox) サンドボックス 各フェーズにおいて評価値を割当て 後続のフェーズでより正確な評価値を決定 50 以上の振る舞い検知のトリックにより マルウェアをあぶり出す Indicators of Compromise レポーティング API 機械学習 Deception Spotlight Secure - SRX Spotlight Secure 1 Spotlight & (C&C) Junos Space Security Director SRX C&C SRX Spotlight GeoIP Spotlight SecureSRX (SIEM) CSIRT Spotlight Spotlight Secure Security Director Spotlight Secure 4 Security Director Juniper Networks SRX

47 (AppSecure 2.0) Web AppSecure2.0 ( : BitTorrent, Tor) 3,500 AppSecure AppID AppTrackAppFW AppQoS SSL Proxy SSL (AppSecure2.0) フロー処理 AppTrack Ingress セキュリティリスクの分析 振る舞い分析の改善 AppID 2.0 飛躍的に進化したアプリケーション可視化エンジン アプリケーション ID Egress セキュリティ脅威を緩和 AppFW SSL Proxy リスクのあるアプリをブロック SSL 通信を含むパケット検査 ユーザー独自のポリシー設定 AppQoS 重要なアプリの優先順位付け 重要性の低いアプリのレートを制限 IPS SRXGUI (Junos Space Security Director) Junos Space Security Director Web UTM IPS AppFW VPN NAT SRX GUI Security Director 15.2 / SRX Series SRX Juniper Networks 47

48 SRX イ クサービスアーキテク SRX で 用 の SRX (SPC SPC2) の の で のSRX5800で 2Tbpsの 用 (IOC) の 例 SRX5800で 20 の 100G 200 の 10G で イ クサービスアーキテク 200 SPC ュールの の でパフォーマンスを に FW/IPS/VPN スループ ト (Gbps) 50 トラフィ ク クスプレス パス SRX の 環境 ALG 4-7 IPsec の IOC で で 用 で の のの 用 の 利用 で コンテンツプロバイダ コンテンツプロバイダ コンテンツプロバイダ 金融取引環境での利用事例 金融取引アプリケーションにセキュリティを最適化 金融サービス プロバイダ 7-9 マイクロ秒以内の低遅延を実現 SRX SRX SRX 64 バイト 10G ワイヤーレートで 14MPPS のファイアウォールパフォーマンス 証券会社 A 証券会社 B 証券会社 C コンプライアンス準拠のために IPS などのレイヤ 7 のサービスは SPC で有効化 48 Juniper Networks SRX シリー

49 vsrx vsrx SRXware K 2vCPU 17Gbps1vCPU vcpu Gbps AWS DC vsrx UTM/IDS/IPS App AppID() VPN IPS AppFW() NAT Web AppQoS() AppTrack( ) (ware/k/contrail) X86 SRX Series vsrx vsrx CPU 2 ware K 4 GB vsrx version Junos OS 15.1X49-D15 Junos OS 15.1X49-D15 ware ESXi K 16 GB XNET3, SR-IOV Intel 82599NIC XNET3, SR-IOV Intel 82599NIC (UDP1514 ) 17 Gbps 13.5 Gbps (IMIX) 4 Gbps 3 Gbps (UDP512 ) 57 us 70 us IPsec(AES+SHA1) 800 Mbps 700 Mbps AppSecure(APP ) 4.5 Gbps 3.5 Gbps IPS 1.8 Gbps 1.4 Gbps 54,000 36, , ,000 SRX Juniper Networks 49

50 SRX SRX SRX300 SRX320 SRX340 SRX345 SRX550HM SRX1500 SRX300 SRX320 SRX340 SRX345 SRX550HM SRX1500,1 RU,1 RU,1 RU,1 RU,2 RU, 1 RU () 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 3 Gbps 5 Gbps 7 Gbps 9 Gbps (IMIX) 500 Mbps 500 Mbps 1 Gbps 1.7 Gbps 2 Gbps 5 Gbps IPS (NSS 4.2.1) 200 Mbps 200 Mbps 400 Mbps 600 Mbps 800 Mbps 3 Gbps AES256+SHA-1 / 3DES+SHA-1 VPN 300 Mbps 300 Mbps 600 Mbps 800 Mbps 1.0 Gbps 4 Gbps 64 K 64 K 256 K 375 K 375 K 2 M / ( TCP 3 ) 5,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 27,000 50,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 4,000 7,256 16,000 WAN/LAN 6 10/100/1000BASE-T + 2 SFP 6 10/100/1000BASE-T + 2 SFP 8 10/100/1000BASE-T + 8 SFP 8 10/100/1000BASE-T + 8 SFP 6 10/100/1000BASE-T 4 SFP 12 10/100/1000-T 4 SFP 4 SFP+ WAN/LAN PIM N/A 2 SRX Series Mini-PIM 4 SRX Series Mini-PIM 4 SRX Series Mini-PIM 2 SRX Series Mini-PIM, 6 GPIM or multiple GPIM and XPIM combinations 2 SRX Series Mini-PIM Security Intelligence () () () () Sky Advancded Threat Prevension () () () () () ( ) (cm) (kg) (PoE )/ 1.55(POE ) (1 / ) VAC () : 15.4 W VAC () : 27 W(PoE) 112 W(POE ) VAC () : 122 W VAC () : 122 W VAC 645 W(single/dual) () : 1050 W(, PoE) 750 W(, PoE) () : 85 W : VAC () : 150 W PoE 90 W 247 W W( ) ( ) % % % % % % ( ) 5 95 % 5 95 % 5 95 % 5 95 % 5 95 % 5 95 % 50 Juniper Networks SRX

51 SRX320/340/345/550HM SRX550HM SRX-MP-1SERIAL-R RoHS compliant 1 port Serial, MPIM form factor supported on SRX300 and SRX550 SRX-GP-8SFP 8-Port GE SFP G/XPIM for SRX Platforms SRX-MP-1T1E1-R SRX-MP-1VDSL2-R RoHS compliant 1 port T1E1, MPIM form factor supported on SRX300 and SRX550 RoHS compliant 1 port VDSL2, MPIM form factor supported on SRX300 and SRX550 SRX-GP-16GE-POE POE Ethernet Switch 16-port 10/100/1000Base-T XGPIM. Supports up to 16 ports POE. Double-High uses 2 GPIM Slots. 20Gbps or 1Gbps Slot Connection. SRX300-IPS-X 1/3 Year Subscription for Intrusion Prevention Signature Updates on SRX300 SRX550-S-SMB4-CS-R One year renewal security subscription for Enterprise - includes Sophos AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX 550 SRX300-CS-BUN-X 1/3 year subscription for Application Security, IPS, AV, URL filtering and Anti-Spam for SRX300 SRX550-W-EWF One year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering updates on SRX 550 SRX320-IPS-X 1/3 Year Subscription for Intrusion Prevention Signature Updates on SRX320 SRX550-W-EWF-3 Three year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering updates on SRX 550 SRX320-CS-BUN-X 1/3 year subscription for Application Security, IPS, AV, URL filtering and Anti-Spam for SRX320 SRX550-W-EWF-3-R Three year renewal subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering updates on SRX 550 SRX340-IPS-X 1/3 Year Subscription for Intrusion Prevention Signature Updates on SRX340 SRX550-W-EWF-5 Five year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering updates on SRX 550 SRX340-CS-BUN-X 1/3 year subscription for Application Security, IPS, AV, URL filtering and Anti-Spam for SRX340 SRX550-W-EWF-5-R Five year renewal subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering updates on SRX 550 SRX345-IPS-X 1/3 Year Subscription for Intrusion Prevention Signature Updates on SRX345 SRX550-W-EWF-R One year renewal subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering updates on SRX 550 SRX345-CS-BUN-X SRX550-IDP 1/3 year subscription for Application Security, IPS, AV, URL filtering and Anti-Spam for SRX345 1 Year License for IDP Updates for SRX550 SRX550-APPSEC-A-1 SRX550-APPSEC-A-1-R 1 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX550 1 year Subscription renewal for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX550 SRX550-IDP-3 3 Year License for IDP Updates for SRX550 SRX550-APPSEC-A-3 3 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX550 SRX550-IDP-3-R 3 Year Renewal Subscription for IDP Signature Service for SRX550 SRX550-APPSEC-A-3-R 3 year Subscription renewal for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX550 SRX550-IDP-5 5 Year License for IDP Updates for SRX550 SRX550-APPSEC-A-5 5 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX550 SRX550-IDP-5-R 5 Year Renewal Subscription for IDP Signature Service for SRX550 SRX550-APPSEC-A-5-R 5 year Subscription renewal for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX550 SRX550-IDP-R SRX550-S2-AS-3-R SRX550-S2-AS-5 SRX550-S2-AS-5-R SRX550-S2-AS-R SRX550-S-AV-3 1 Year Renewal Subscription for IDP Signature Service for SRX550 Three Year Renewal Subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-Spam Updates on SRX550 Five Year Subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-Spam Updates on SRX550 Five Year Renewal Subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-Spam Updates on SRX550 One Year Renewal Subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-Spam Updates on SRX550 Three Year Subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV Updates on SRX550 SPOT-CC-550-1Y SPOT-CC-550-1Y-R SPOT-CC-550-3Y SPOT-CC-550-3Y-R Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1 Year Subscription for 1 SRX550(Includes entitlem ent for 1Y to Spotlight Secure Connector) Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1 Year Subscription RENEWAL for 1 SRX550(Includes entitlement for 1Y to Spotlight Secure Connector) Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 3 Year Subscription for 1 SRX550(Includes entitlem ent for 3Y to Spotlight Secure Connector) Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 3 Year Subscription RENEWAL for 1 SRX550(Includes entitlement for 3Y to Spotlight Secure Connector) SRX Series SRX550-S-AV-3-R SRX550-S-AV-5-R SRX550-S-AV-R SRX550-S-SMB4-CS SRX550-S-SMB4-CS-3 SRX550-S-SMB4-CS-3-R SRX550-S-SMB4-CS-5 Three Year Renewal Subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV Updates on SRX550 Five Year Renewal Subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV Updates on SRX550 One Year Renewal Subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV Updates on SRX550 One year security subscription for Enterprise - includes Sophos AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX 550 Three year security subscription for Enterprise - includes Sophos AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX 550 Three year renewal security subscription for Enterprise - includes Sophos AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX 550 Five year security subscription for Enterprise - includes Sophos AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX 550 SPOT-CC-550-5Y SPOT-CC-550-5Y-R SPOT-LOCAL-550 SRX1500-IPS-X SRX1500-CS-BUN-X SPOT-CC-1500-XY Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX550(Includes entitlem ent for 5Y to Spotlight Secure Connector) Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 5 Year Subscription RENEWAL for 1 SRX550(Includes entitlement for 5Y to Spotlight Secure Connector) Spotlight Secure Connector, Security Intelligence Aggregation Service - SRX550(only required if used without Spotlight Secure cloud -based feed) 1/3 year subscription for intrusion prevention signature updates on SRX1500 1/3 year subscription for Application Security, IPS, AV, URL filtering and Anti-Spam for SRX1500 1/3 year subscription for Spotlight Secure Command and Control feeds on SRX1500 SRX550-S-SMB4-CS-5-R Five year renewal security subscription for Enterprise - includes Sophos AV, Enhanced WF, Sophos AS, AppSecure and IDP on SRX 550 SRX1500-ATP-X 1/3 year subscription for Sky Advanced Threat Protection on SRX1500 X 1 3 SRX Juniper Networks 51

52 SRX SRX SRX1400 SRX3400 SRX3600 SRX5400 SRX5600 SRX5800 SRX1400 SRX3400 SRX3600 SRX5400 SRX5600 SRX5800, 3 RU, 3 RU, 5 RU, 5 RU, 8 RU, 16 RU () 10 Gbps 30 Gbps 55 Gbps 65 Gbps 130 Gbps 320 Gbps 用 () Gbps 480 Gbps 1 Tbps (2 Tbps * Junos 15.1 IOC3 用 ) IMIX IPS (NSS 4.2.1) 5 Gbps 10 Gbps 20 Gbps 30 Gbps 65 Gbps 130 Gbps 3 Gbps 8 Gbps 15 Gbps 22 Gbps 50 Gbps 100 Gbps AES256+SHA-1 / 3DES+SHA-1 VPN 4 Gbps 8 Gbps 15 Gbps 35 Gbps 100 Gbps 200 Gbps 1,500,000 2,250,000/3,000,000 * 3,000,000 の で 2,250,000/6,000,000 * 6,000,000 の で 42,000, ,000, ,000,000 / ( TCP 3 ) 70, , ,000/270,000 * *270,000の / で 420,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 80,000 80,000 80, ()/3() 6()/6() /100/1000-T 6 SFP (GE ) 6 10/100/1000-T 3 SFP 3 10GSFP+ (XGE ) 8 10/100/1000-T 4 SFP 8 10/100/1000-T 4 SFP Security Intelligence Sky Advancded Threat Prevension () () () LSYS ( )(cm) (kg) 13.3( の ) 19.3( ) 14.7( の ) 34.1( ) 19.8( の ) 52.6( ) 58.1( ) 81.7( ) 151.6( ) V AC V DC (): 485 W(AC power) 485 W(DC power) : V AC V DC (): 1,100 W(AC power) 1,050 W(DC power) : V AC V DC (): 1,750 W(AC power) 1,850 W(DC power) : / V AC V DC (): 4,100 W : / V AC V DC (): 4,100 W : / V AC V DC (): 8,200 W : / ( ) 5 85 % 5 85 % 5 85 % 5 85 % 5 85 % 5 85 % 52 Juniper Networks SRX

53 SRX1400/3400/3600 SRX5400/5600/5800 SRX1K3K-NP-2XGE-SFPP 2 port 10GE SFP+ integrated NPC and IOC for SRX1K and SRX3K platforms, optics sold separately. SRX5K-MPC MPC for 100GE, 40GE, 10GE, 1GE MIC cards, Supported by JUNOS release 12.1X46-D10 onwards SRX3K-16GE-SFP 16x1GE SFP CFM for SRX3000, SRX1400 SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP MIC with 10x10GE SFP+ Interfaces, Requires SRX5K-MPC, Requires Junos release 12.1X46-D10 or greater, Optics sold separately SRX3K-16GE-TX SRX3K-2XGE-XFP 16x10/100/1000 Copper CFM for SRX3000, SRX1400 2x10GE XFP CFM for SRX3000, SRX1400, optics sold separately SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP SRX-MIC-20GE-SFP MIC with 1x100GE CFP Interface, Requires SRX5K-MPC, Requires Junos release 12.1X46-D10 or greater, Optics sold separately MIC with 20x1GE SFP Interfaces, Requires SRX5K-MPC, Requires Junos release 12.1X47-D10 or greater, Optics sold separately SRX-MIC-2X40G-QSFP MIC with 2x40GE QSFP+ Interfaces,Requires SRX5K-MPC, Requires Junos release 12.1X46-D10 or greater, Optics sold separately SRX5K-MPC3-100G10G SRX5K IOC3, 2x100GE and 4x10GE ports, Optics sold separately SRX5K-MPC3-40G10G SRX5K IOC3, 6x40GE and 24x10GE ports, Optics sold separately SRX1400-IDP-X 1/3/5 year IDP signature subscription for SRX 1400 SRX1400-S-AS-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-spam service on SRX1400 SRX3K-SVCS-OFFLOAD- RTU SRX3K-TREME-LTU License to enable services offload on to the Network Processor for fastpath for SRX3K platforms Expanded Performance and Capacity License for SRX3000 SRX1400-S-AV-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV service on SRX1400 SRX5K-IDP-X 1/3/5 Year license for IDP updates SRX1400-W-EWF-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering service on SRX1400 SRX5400-S-AS-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-spam service on SRX5400 SRX1400-APPSEC-A-X SRX1400-CS-BUN-X SPOT-CC-1400-XY SRX-1400-LSYS-X 1/3/5 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX1400 1/3/5 year subscription for AppSecure, IDP, EWF, AV and Anti-spam service on SRX1400 Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1/3/5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX1400 SRX1400 1/5/25 Incremental Logical Systems License SRX5400-S-AV-X SRX5400-W-EWF-X SRX5400-CS-BUN-X SRX5400-APPSEC-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV service on SRX5400 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering service on SRX5400 1/3/5 year subscription for AppSecure, IDP, EWF, AV and Anti-spam service on SRX5400 1/3/5 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX5400 SRX1K-SVCS-OFFLOAD- RTU License to enable services offload on to the Network Processor for fastpath for SRX1K platforms SRX5600-CS-BUN-X 1/3/5 year subscription for AppSecure, IDP, EWF, AV and Anti-spam service on SRX5600 SRX3K-IDP-X 1/3/5 year license for IDP updates SPOT-CC-5400-XY Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1/3/5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5400 SRX3400-S-AS-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-spam service on SRX3400 SRX5600-S-AS-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-spam service on SRX5600 SRX3400-S-AV-X SRX3400-W-EWF-X SRX3400-APPSEC-A-X SRX3400-CS-BUN-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV service on SRX3400 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering service on SRX3400 1/3/5 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX3400 1/3/5 year subscription for AppSecure, IDP, EWF, AV and Anti-spam service on SRX3400 SRX5600-S-AV-X SRX5600-W-EWF-X SRX5600-APPSEC-X SRX5600-CS-BUN-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV service on SRX5600 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering service on SRX5600 1/3/5 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX5600 1/3/5 year subscription for AppSecure, IDP, EWF, AV and Anti-spam service on SRX5600 SRX Series SPOT-CC-3400-XY Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1/3/5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX3400 SPOT-CC-5600-XY Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1/3/5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5600 SRX-3400-LSYS-X SRX3600-S-AS-X SRX3400 1/5/25 Incremental Logical Systems License 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-spam service on SRX3600 SRX5800-S-AS-X SRX5800-S-AV-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos Anti-spam service on SRX5800 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV service on SRX5800 SRX3600-S-AV-X SRX3600-W-EWF-X SRX3600-APPSEC-A-X SRX3600-CS-BUN-X SPOT-CC-3600-XY SRX-3600-LSYS-X 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Sophos AV service on SRX3600 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering service on SRX3600 1/3/5 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX3600 1/3/5 year subscription for AppSecure, IDP, EWF, AV and Anti-spam service on SRX3600 Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1 Year Subscription for 1/3/5 SRX3600 SRX3600 1/5/25 Incremental Logical Systems License SRX5800-W-EWF-X SRX5800-APPSEC-X SRX5800-CS-BUN-X SPOT-CC-5800-XY SRX5K-SVCS-OFFLOAD- RTU 1/3/5 year subscription for Juniper-Websense Enhanced Web Filtering service on SRX5800 1/3/5 year Subscription for Application Security and IPS updates for SRX5800 1/3/5 year subscription for AppSecure, IDP, EWF, AV and Anti-spam service on SRX5800 Spotlight Secure, Security Intelligence Cloud Service - Command & Control Feed - 1/3/5 Year Subscription for 1 SRX5800 License to enable services offload on to the Network Processor for fastpath for SRX5K platforms X LSYS-X (1,5,25) SRX Juniper Networks 53

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