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9-11 20 nonepisodic angioedema associated with eosinophilianeae 27 chronic actinic dermatitis 31 drug-induced hypersensitivity syndromedihs 35 neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitissweet 39 43 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 pemphigoid nodularis 51 55 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childhoodlamina lucida type 59 lupus erythematosus tumidus 63 microscopic polyangiitis 67 rheumatoid vasculitis 71 SneddonSjögren 75 implantation dermatosis 79 1 83 X 85 89 96 107 112 N 117 119 121 Vol.25, No.9 133 147 67 148 159 pacemaker dermatitis 167 blistering distal ductylitis 171 juvenile temporal arteritis with eosinophilia 175 systemic sclerosisnodular scleroderma 179 Job 183 acne inversa 187 191

195 tufted angioma 199 postmenopausal frontal fibrosing alopecia 203 coccygeal pad 207 eruption of lymphocyte recovery 211 multicentric Castleman s disease 214 infantile perianal pyramidal protrusion 219 striaelike epidermal distension 221 2 223 225 238 254 259 Trichophyton tonsurans 263 277 55 278 286 dermoscope 293 black dot ringworm 297 301 lichen aureus 305 309 313 317 321 325 329 white sponge nevus 333 337 341 345 349 353 355 367 39 380 EBM 385

387 388 friction dermatosis 392 403 54 404 411 419 421 trichoadenoma 423 trichoblastoma427 mucoepidermoid carcinoma 431 435 mucinous carcinoma of the skin 439 443 445 447 angioleiomyoma 451 infantile myofibromatosissolitary type 455 459 463 467 471 475 Hansen 477 2 490 494 Paul Langerhans100 500 506 511 513 20Vol.26, No.1 515 531 532 538 inflammatory vitiligo 543 547 551

linear porokeratosis 555 fibrillar IgA typeduhring 559 563 567 571 Netherton 575 579 583 subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 587 ATLL 591 595 599 603 605 t 615 634 644 649 651 Vol.26, No.2striaelike epidermal distension erythema gyratum repens Vol.26, No.3 EBM EBM 653 671 67 672 682 687 695 699 703 707 711 715 717 719 723 727 731 735 739 743 747 Bowen 751 755

757 766 50 776 780 785 787 Vol.26, No.4 EBM790 803 804 809 817 alkylamine 821 825 829 833 occupational protein contact dermatitis 837 841 845 849 853 857 861 865 869 873 875 881 897 907 917 0.03 926 0.3mg 928 930 937 939 E Vol.26, No.6SR 940 953

954 960 963 scratch dermatitis 967 971 975 979 983 987 991 DIHS 995 999 1003 1007 1011 1015 4 1019 1023 1025 1042 1047 30105 1055 1984200320 1060 1066 1071 1073 Paget Vol. 26, No.4 1Bowen 1075 1095 1097 1103 Pinkuseccrine poroma 1111 nodular hidradenoma 1115 Merkel 1119 dermal duct tumor 1123 so-called mixed tumor of the skin 1127 nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis 1131 1135 aggressive angiomyxoma 1139 MRIliposarcomaspindle cell lipoma 1143 solitary neurofibroma 1147 1151 blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome 1155

1159 hemangiopericytoma 1163 accessory scrotum 1167 1171 1173 1184 1719872003 1194 1 1204 1206 1211 1213 QOL 1215 2004 1229 103Dermatology Week 2004 1230 20 1241 1249 1253 1257 1261 hepatoma 1265 C 1269 1273 B 1277 1281 Gianotti-Crosti 1285 Vibrio vulnificus 1289 1293 1297 SLE 1301 neonatal hemangiomatosis 1305 diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis 1309 1313 y 1315 1327 2 1338 1342 1348 1350 1352

1367 Gottron 1369 Mycobacterium marinum 1375 HIV 1379 BLHansen 1383 1387 Kaposi 1391 1395 Rendu-Osler-Weber 1399 Buerger 1403 1407 1411 1415 Ehlers-Danlos 1419 Osler 1423 1427 1429 1440 3 1450 1454 1459 1461 E 1464 1477 1478 Bowen 1485 1489 1493 1497 Woringer-Kolopp 1501 w 1505 w 1509 giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 1513 1517 1521 sclerotic fibroma 1525 multicentric reticulohistiocytosis 1529 low-grade myxofibrosarcoma 1533 1537 1541 1543 1545 IT 1552

IT IT IT 1567 4 1574 1578 better 1583 1585 1588 erythema 1 5 8 SLE10 12 13 14 17 20 23 24 DIHS 26 28 EEM 30 MPO-ANCA 31 32 33 34 TENLyell 35 Stevens-Johnson 36 SLE 38 39 Sweet 40 REM 41 42 erythema gyratum repens 43 Sjögren 44 48 50 erythema annulare centrifugum Darier 53 54 erythema papulatum centrifugum 56 58 60 64 66 necrolytic migratory erythema 69 70 Hansen 71 72 erythema chronicum migrans73 Sweet 74 75 SLE 76 Still 78 80 Stevens-Johnson 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90 HIV 91 B 92 erythema chronicum migrans 93 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 109 110 113 114 115 inflammatory vitiligo 116 118 120 122

126 129 132 135 138 139 64 2 490 159 809 833 747 acne inversa 187 neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis Sweet39infantile myofibromatosissolitary type 455 67 672 634 345 132 703 747 58 129 MRIliposarcoma spindle cell lipoma 1143 1151 dermoscope 293 313 682 445 accessory scrotum 1167 1257 IT 1552 67 148 617 845 225 595 10111395Hansen 71HIV 91 1261 1015 1257Gottron1369 1395 467 Still78 pacemaker dermatitis 167BL Hansen13831387 616 multicentric reticulohistiocytosis 1529 595 711 ITIT 1567 SLE 1301 459 309 615 erythema chronicum migrans 73 235 neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis Sweet39

790 567 102 w 1505 coccygeal pad 207 1297 B 1277 892 355 systemic sclerosisnodular scleroderma 179 286 1217 66 juvenile temporal arteritis with eosinophilia 175dermal duct tumor 1123SLE 77 325 pacemaker dermatitis 167 6821253 1489 987 991 817 1159 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 869 Hansen 477 M367 0.03 926 110 Vibrio vulnificus1289 897 129 1497 1047 1411 Pinkuseccrine poroma 1111Bowen1485giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 151329erythema gyratum repens 43 4975125 EEM 30 34 19 43 1293 pacemaker dermatitis 167 angioleiomyoma 451 149321Sweet 40 96 917 alkylamine 821 tufted angioma 199 471 421 979 130 930 14 1273 SneddonSjögren 75Gianotti-Crosti 1285Sjögren44 105138 547 nodular hidradenoma 1115 Stevens-Johnson82

1440 IT 1563 471 443 833 Vol.26, No.1 518nodular hidradenoma 1115 striaelike epidermal distension 221 349so-called mixed tumor of the skin 1127 301 SLE 1301 1415 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childfood lamina lucida type 59 841Ehlers-Danlos1419SLE 10 12 17Sjögren45 48 5167114 lupus erythematosus tumidus 63 subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 587 954 301 striaelike epidermal distension 221 349 682so-called mixed tumor of the skin 1127 Ehlers-Danlos1419 1411 134 265392 494657 791 907940 1080 11841216 1322 1589 20 90 124 139 occupational protein contact dermatitis 837 511 coccygeal pad 207 515563 implantation dermatosis 79 118 Netherton575 pemphigoid nodularis 51 894blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome 11551297 3339 86 white sponge nevus 333 895 374 571 766 579 375 766 1440 1025 1537 723 195 1047 infantile myofibromatosissolitary type 455 coccygeal pad 207 1253 alkylamine 821 1261 1578 / 1322 809 pacemaker dermatitis 167

735 1181 1217 88 ITIT 1553 107 1411 94 Woringer-Kolopp1501 1184 Woringer-Kolopp1501 81111 443MRI liposarcomaspindle cell lipoma 1143solitary neurofibroma 1147 1151 463 126 rheumatoid vasculitis 71 multicentric Castleman s disease 214 547 erythema chronicum migrans 93 122 917 421 1206 571 869SLE 13011415 137 841 1007 658 7801216 1466 1588 766 1387 619Vibrio vulnificus1289 1261 226 Hansen 477 735 1184 1082 463 Vol.26, No.2striaelike epidermal distension654 Merkel1119 so-called mixed tumor of the skin 1127 1517 Ehlers-Danlos1419 120 Osler1423 Bowen751 Bowen751 2 490960 112 w 1505 313 nodular hidradenoma 1115 55 979 1135 719 881 EBM 385 853999 1327

C 1269 white sponge nevus 333 Job 183 20 DIHS 995 Sjögren46 50 776 435 multicentric reticulohistiocytosis 1529 622 435 Osler1423 329 435 567 52 chronic actinic dermatitis 31 Bowen 751 IT 1554 80 463 861 227 1281 Netherton575 104 435 white sponge nevus 333 547 1541 Gianotti- Crosti1285 diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis 1309 pemphigoid nodularis 51 eruption of lymphocyte recovery 211 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 853 857 y 1315 1541 Buerger1403 black dot ringworm 297 368 1537 1407 723 SneddonSjögren 75Job 183dermoscope 293Gianotti-Crosti 128584 98103 112121 845 1293 341 634 100 239 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childfood lamina lucida type 59 1077 345 occupational protein contact dermatitis 837 systemic sclerosisnodular scleroderma 179 Vibrio vulnificus1289 634 mucoepidermoid carcinoma 431 8251003 1257HIV 1379 731 605

1135 337linear porokeratosis 555Netherton575aggressive angiomyxoma 1139 579 nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis 113185 885 Vol.25, No.9 133 435 blistering distal ductylitis 171 551 43 445fibrillar IgA typeduhring559 563987 991low-grade myxofibrosarcoma 1533 67 1261 19567 672 Vol.26, No.2 striaelike epidermal distension6531bowen 1081 Merkel1119 239 321 3370 1316 trichoadenoma 423 so-called mixed tumor of the skin 1127 739 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childfood lamina lucida type 59Rendu-Osler-Weber 1399 1159 Still78 735 96 369 785 695 trichoblastoma 427 321 419 N117 239 20 516 623 1464 682 723 ITIT 0.51555 trichoadenoma 423 linear porokeratosis 555aggressive angiomyxoma 1139 707 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childfood lamina lucida type 59 39380 inflammatory vitiligo 543 865 55 Vol.26, No3EBM EBM658 Vol.26, No.41079 low-grade myxofibrosarcoma 1533 1025Merkel 1119 drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome DIHS 35 23 1489 Kaposi1391 nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis 1131 599 717 9831984 200320 1060

731 trichoadenoma 423 829 960 1184 121 147Trichophyton tonsrans263 671 711715 EBM792 917Vol.26, No.6SR941 2004 122920 1241 1429 1589 alkylamine 821 349 1317 133 123 825 50 infantile perianal pyramidal protrusion 219 195 B 1277 1047 necrolytic migratory erythema 69 erythema annulare centrifugum Darier 53 1324 459 black dot ringworm 297 1324 345 1025 diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis 1309 236 711Paget1078 24 649erythema papulatum centrifugum 57 fibrillar IgA typeduhring 559 nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis 1131 IT 1559 463 white sponge nevus 333 341 463 lupus erythematosus tumidus 63 309 629 99 1326-11345 869 727 tufted angioma 199551 325 731 blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome 1155 IT 1561 1293 122 126132 991 Hansen 477 neonatal hemangiomatosis 1305 0.3mg 928 w 1509

747 1517 Ehlers-Danlos1419 506 766 mucinosis carcinoma of the skin 439 747 1007 trichoblastoma 427 337 23 aggressive angiomyxoma 1139 55inflammatory vitiligo 543 865 1327 multicentric Castlemans disease 214 445 447 y REM4160 103Dermatology Week 2004 1230 2394 829 1075 15131 Vibrio vulnificus1289 1517 so-called mixed tumor of the skin 1127 599 BLHansen1383 Vibrio vulnificus1289 Hansen 477 ITIT 1562 blistering distal ductylitis 171tufted angioma 199551 Bowen1485 8134 mucinosis carcinoma of the skin 439 1097 421 979 134 1011 1047 630 731 907 239 727 719 723 917 1493TENLyell 35Stevens-Johnson36 89 519 1015 121 277white sponge nevus 333 341 605 8031367Buerger 1403 MRIliposarcoma spindle cell lipoma 1143 solitary neurofibroma 1147 459 tufted angioma 199 lupus erythematosus tumidus 63 18 28Still79 sclerotic fibroma 1525 31182 95 97 tufted angioma 199 SneddonSjögren 75Job 183Gianotti-

Crosti128562 63 1273 463 743 mucoepidermoid carcinoma 431Stevens-Johnson37 chronic actinic dermatitis 31 96 1321 BLHansen1383 865 599 1003 negative628 subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 587 329 234 solitary neurofibroma 1147 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 Osler1423 Netherton575 scratch dermatitis 967 10421454 373 nodular hidradenoma 1115 25 141 96 Rendu-Osler-Weber1399 626 30 1051055 diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis 1309 1521 1 12042 133813483 14504 1574 Osler1423 547 1459 583 937 345 893 trichoadenoma 423 829 MRIliposarcoma spindle cell lipoma 1143 rheumatoid vasculitis 71 1076 1176 multicentric Castlemans disease 214 917 fibrillar IgA typeduhring 559 341 Buerger1403 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childfood lamina lucida type 59 1066 1178 644 TATLL 591 707 313 IT IT1560 102 dermoscope 293804 109 309 neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis Sweet39 DIHS 995 443

1440 121 angioleiomyoma451 699 861 90759 1211 103 70 83 91 83 121 2 223353 475531603 755873 10231095 11711313 14271543 erythema 1 multicentric Castlemans disease 214 Netherton575 1177 Bowen751 731 747 1179 1151 571 inflammatory vitiligo 543 1071 1315 DIHS 27 563 43 Kaposi1391 1440 1440 1007 707 hemangiopericytoma 1163 multicentric Castleman s disease 214 321 419 884 1545 435 1545 621 MRIliposarcoma spindle cell lipoma 1143 systemic sclerosisnodular scleroderma 179 lichen aureus 305 875 435 Gianotti- Crosti1285 309 599 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 883 89 hemangiopericytoma 1163 Mycobacterium marinum 1375 20 SLEDLE 367 neonatal hemangiomatosis 1305 599 13 140 897 lichen aureus 305 766 w 1505 w 1509 9 136

1047 1719872003 1194 Vibrio vulnificus1289 917 703 tufted angioma 199 132 1184 1517 erythema papulatum centrifugum 56 Kaposi1391 135 infantile myofibromatosissolitary type 455 731 435 254 solitary neurofibroma 1147 1077 463 E 1465 subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 587 886 1342 mucoepidermoid carcinoma 431 119 121259387 403459513 651656 787939953 1073Pinkuseccrine poroma 11111213103 Dermatology Week 2004 123013501461 1477Bowen1485giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 15131585SLE 1129EEM 303234 42erythema gyratum repens 43 4961Sweet 7475B92 108113 125 nodular hidradenoma 1115 Rendu-Osler-Weber1399 1545 low-grade myxofibrosarcoma 1533 463 1151 471 accessory scrotum 1167 DIHS 26 rheumatoid vasculitis 71 345 447 227 1387 897 809 766 Mycobacterium marinum 1375 Mycobacterium marinum 1375 Pinkuseccrine poroma 1111giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 1513 106 1174 443 329 crush syndrome887 519 1175 1353 Kaposi1391 69989 54

404SLE 1301 1415 1478 888 727 435 pemphigoid nodularis 51 1297 135 703 non episodic angioedema associated with eosinophilianeae 27 microscopic polyangiitis 67 Vol.26, No.4 791 1440 1103Kaposi1391 MPO-ANCA31 68 TATLL 591 707accessory scrotum 1167 232 64 317 467 nodular hidradenoma 1115 195 w 1505 3372 979 16 1541 58 64129 55 278dermoscope 293hepatoma 1265Gianotti- Crosti 128565 trichoadenoma 423 313 809 833 309 355 1249 dermal duct tumor 1123 1429 Ehlers-Danlos1419 435 SneddonSjögren 75 eruption of lymphocyte recovery 211 15131 Trichophyton tonsrans 263 228 845 postmenopausal frontal fibrosing alopecia 203 Job 183 mucinosis carcinoma of the skin 439 blistering distal ductylitis 171tufted angioma 199551 727 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childfood lamina lucida type 59 443MRI liposarcomaspindle cell lipoma 1143solitary neurofibroma 1147 1151 230 583 nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis 1131 703 309

317 975 occupational protein contact dermatitis 837 897 12531489 occupational protein contact dermatitis 837 86159 alkylamine 821 747 232 719 acne inversa 187 634 X 85 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome DIHS 35 1257 HIV1379 better1583 1497 w 1505 467 231 neonatal hemangiomatosis 1305 388infantile myofibromatosissolitary type 455 625 467 w 1509 963 SLE 76 Netherton575 1440 731 t 624 766 89 mucoepidermoid carcinoma 431 82587 687 89 889 547 SLE 1301 1415 20 1241 1407 1318 5572 119 Rendu-Osler-Weber1399 393 471 337 linear porokeratosis 555Netherton575 aggressive angiomyxoma 1139 301103 Dermatology Week 2004 1230 605 849BLHansen1383 309 532 195103 Dermatology Week 2004 1230multicentric reticulohistiocytosis 1529 126 494 Sjögren47 325 non episodic

angioedema associated with eosinophilianeae 27 54128 1253 1489 107115 acne inversa 187 1327 264682 QOL1215 917 817 447 1159 890 Bowen751 SLE 1301 337 juvenile temporal arteritis with eosinophilia 175 inflammatory vitiligo 116 127 Osler1423 Darier1319 67 148infantile myofibromatosis solitary type 455 94 1327 917 841 1011 301 695DIHS 995 1440 4 1019 mucoepidermoid carcinoma 431 diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis 1309 101 89 739 HIV1379 systemic sclerosisnodular scleroderma 179 1261 467subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 587 239 1293 dermoscope 293hepatoma 1265 TATLL 591 875 1327 1429 blistering distal ductylitis 171 IT IT1556 IT IT1557 Vol.26, No.1 517 620erythema gyratum repens654 355 91720 1241 757 1173 317 975 1541 975 96

699 766 411 882 Vol.26, No.41080 547 735 1407 135 897 743 postmenopausal frontal fibrosing alopecia 203 Ehlers-Danlos1419 1261 538 345 999 699 lichen aureus 305 hepatoma 1265 857 971 1076 1352w1505 11345 1011 1537 w 1509 microscopic polyangiitis 67 implantation dermatosis 79 1249 1497 Netherton575 scratch dermatitis 967 1042 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 IT IT1564 1253 1489 897 friction dermatosis 393 115 SLE 38inflammatory vitiligo 117 632 1429ITIT IT1565 907 355 191 B 1277 striaelike epidermal distension 221 349Vol.26, No.2striaelike epidermal distension653socalled mixed tumor of the skin 1127 BLHansen1383 1440 739 1159 58 Kaposi1391 1493 54 404 987 991 1281 Gianotti- Crosti1285 SLE 1301 599 1537 325

917 Paul Langerhans 100500 239C 1269 55 278841 Ehlers-Danlos1419 22 1440 999 766 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis 1309 1273 1081 angioleiomyoma 451 861 1493 567 471 drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome DIHS 35 723 313 89 1327 1415 1407 Paget371 567 accessory scrotum 1167 acne fulminans 1447 acne inversa187 967 aggressive angiomyxoma 1139 A 171 airborne contact dermatitis 20 656 435 47 60616263 5874849 699 Albright s hereditary osteodystropyaho459 757 alkylamine 821 849 849 853 837 991 139 987991 angioblastoma 199 angioedema with eosinophilia 27 angioleiomyoma 451 angiolipoma 1541 411 861 833861 971 804 ATLL 591 575 20171183317975983 AV309 7151293 1379 1265 682

1015 B 92 85 1399 black dot ringworm297 BLHansen 1383 blistering distal ductylitis 171 blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome 1155 1103 1143 Bowen 1485 751 991 Buerger 1403 C-ANCA 67 Candida albicans 89 567 C 1269 1269 C 1273 1019 960 chloroma 329 chondroid syringoma 421 865 chronic actinic dermatitis31 695960 72 695 695 circumscribed storiform collagenoma 1525 coccygeal pad 207 975 39 1419 515 195 682 cornoid lamella 555 1407 1269 cutaneous PN 249 20 1119 3990 12931379 579 325579 445 579 447 829 203 DDS 591529 1567 739 739 202122 118119 1567 dermal duct tumor 1123 dermoscope 293 dermatitis due to shiitake mushroom1060 264 979 diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis 1309 DIHS 9952627 DLST 532979 DNA 1103 345 337 drug-induced hypersensitivity syndromedihs 35 Duhring 559 EBM385 EB 1285 eccrine poroma 1111 Ehlers-Danlos 1419 954 579 encapsulated non-plexiform neurofibroma 1147 79 817 869 35 9899 1215 107115 543 eosinophilic spongiosis 599 0.3mg 928 861 alkylamine 821 eruption of lymphocyte recovery 211 erythema annulare centrifugum Darier 53 erythema chronicum migrans 93

erythema gyratum repens 43 erythema papulatum centrifugum 5657 1407 191 1951289 547 551 825 Exophiala jeanselmei 301 20 845 735 w 1167 445 inclusion wart286 845 1139 443 423 1289 w 1505 Vibrio vulnificus 1289 1509 1115 297 309 459 Gianotti-Crosti 1285 giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 1513 313 11591541 glomus tumor 247 735 833 1305 983 Gottron 1369 Gottron 1369 1375 granulocytic sarcoma 329 granuloma faciale 1447 699 559 GVHD 211 837 1293 Hailey-Hailey 243 hair nevus 1446 766 80475 107 727 1159 1445 Hansen 1383 71 477 1407 HCV 1265 hemangiopericytoma 1163 349 187 317 132133134 563 1011 hepatoma 1265 971 HHV-6 995 1403 419 1375 1194 1419 309 1369171819 421 459 1415 707 467 439 AV309 309 583 804 20 1493 532 1517 427463 1375 1155 1489

8 1391 HIV 91 HIV1379 47707 195 954 321 N 117 747 747 571 599114 HPV4/60/65 286 human seminal plasma allergyhspa 775 337 w 1505 804 79 987 1103 IgA 59 55 IL-6 214 implantation dermatosis 79 infantile myofibromatosissolitary type455 infantile perianal pyramidal protrusion219 inflammatory vitiligo543116117 555 89 1273 71 699 757 IT 1567 50776 711 107 1521 494 717 853 983 1301 9697 1387 1277 83 313 1011 735 Job 183 23 490 723 8889 333 juvenile temporal arteritis with eosinophilia 175 975 11 731735757 1119 85 1151 494849 711 991 682 102103 55 575 58770 5635859 666768 1309 1249125712611297 1011 1253 575 187 1015 55 1265 345 1103 1423 1115 1411 1529 1529154584 238 12811293 963 971 Kaposi 1391

71 42 1261 1448 790 591 13951423 591 451 199 11551309 PN 67 96097910151019 954 333 133 967 1277 122123124125 321 51 1007 1411 682 751 159 1505 159 159 159 erythema gyratum repens 654 1 12 960999 arciform 591 293804 301 845 100389 463467 435 435 435 1119 1257 1261 329 211 183 1 567 Dsg 599 1309 809 1449 1493 1441 1525 1415 471 861 861 11 875 219 727 751301 825 719 135136137 175 7151379 63 311261 715 1025 1517 1391 1253 286 595 B 1277 221 43 11875-11 lentinus edodes1055 lichen aureus 305 lichen purpuricus 305 linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childhood lamina lucida type59 linear porokeratosis 555 low-grade myxofibrosarcoma 1533 lupus erythematosus tumidus 63 erythema chronicum migrans73 113 211 DLST 532 723

723 743 104105 207 31 305 1273 804 1115 191 1285 325 687 Merkel 1119 1163 microscopic polyangiitis 67 1411 MRI 1151 983 mixed tumor 421 551 1493 12531399 187 MPO-ANCA 31 MRI 1143 1415 63 mucinous carcinoma of the skin 439 mucoepidermoid carcinoma 431 707 multicentric Castleman s disease 214 multicentric reticulohistiocytosis 1529 1497 687 Mycobacterium marinum 1375 3387 1509 myofibroblast 455 999 439 463 445 421 1042 1204133814501574 1111 necrolytic migratory erythema 69 1135 1135 mucoepidermoid carcinoma431 neonatal hemangiomatosis 1305 727 Netherton 575 1375 neutrophilic dermatosis 39 neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis39 nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis 1131 b 321 89865 89 133 1485 13951529 nodular hidradenoma 1115 nodular scleroderma 179 nonepisodic angioedema associated with eosinophilia NEAE27 non-langerhans cell histiocytosis 1529 857 547 731 NSE 1119 109 1173 occupational protein contact dermatitis 837 833 Osler 1423 lichen aureus 305 pacemaker dermatitis167 pagetoid reticulosis 5951501 paraneoplastic pemphigus 47 1387 829853999 pemphigoid nodularis 51 1007 1387 phaeohyphomycosis 301 pigmented wart 286 Pinkuseccrine poroma 1111 pleomorphic adenoma 1127 postmenopausal frontal fibrosing alopecia 203

pressure dermatitis167 prick test 869 845991 837 9831019 Protein C 27 protein contact dermatitis 809837841 Protein S27 0.03 926 pseudocyst of the auricle 769 1383 13 REM 41 Rendu-Osler-Weber 1399 571 86 1395 rheumatoid vasculitis 71 1297 ridged wart 286 1545 739 112 191 329 6465 1097 757 240 SCC 244 sclerotic fibroma 1525 scratch dermatitis 967 Still 7879 1281 ATLL 591 1155 341 1285 325 731 419 1173 221 857 1167 769 43 717849971983126127128 833861 817821845853857 825 817 809841 841869 sex worker 715 1135 1167 853 1269 1249 shiitake dermatitis 1055 96310551060 159 825 345 349583 583 9495 337 1007 pigmented wart 286 1541 1383 100101 1305 120121 1446 1493 1419 w 1509 687 983 219 849 715 747 682717837 833 865 751 817821845853857 11809 809 341 1411

1399 138! 187 47 293 110111112 471 505152 20 Sjögren 7558744454647 9071429 SLE 1301387677 SLE1011 Sneddon 75 so-called mixed tumor of the skin 1127 809 1151 solitary neurofibroma 1147 443 971 spider-web cell 1135 spindle cell lipoma 1143 Spitz 687 703 703 Sporothrix shenckii 703 7431415 317 1042 35 Stevens-Johnson syndrome 532 Stevens-Johnson 363782 striaelike epidermal distension 221653 subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosusscle587 EEM 30 5155129130131 809 954 Sweet 394074 systemic sclerosis 179 829 Bowen 751 341 1103 2829 825 141516 32 337 999 20 547 547 494 TENLyell 35 471 431 106107108 841 349 954 1115 1163 187 7071407 2425 Touton 1521 1513 841 trichoadenoma 423 trichoblastoma427 Trichophyton glabrum 297 Trichophyton tonsurans 804 1442 Trichophyton violaceum 297 1025 1297 tufted angioma 199 1537 999 1003 987 vascular spider 1249 Vibrio vulnificus 1289 white sponge nevus 333 widespread osteoma 459 widespread type DLE 1301 991 Woringer-Kolopp 1501

1505 85313 1273 355323454558081 DLST 979 1537 657 43551 975 51 747 532967 1139 719 1489 515 39 159 1301 214 767 595 349 567