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B シリーズ :Bare etal ホスト OS - ゲスト OS ソフトウェア / ハードウェア相互運用性マトリクス 注意 シスコ製品をご使用になる前に 安全上の注意 (www.cisco.com/jp/go/safety_warning/) をご確認ください 本書は 米国シスコ発行ドキュメントの参考和訳です リンク情報につきましては 日本語版掲載時点で 英語版にアップデートがあり リンク先のページが移動 / 変更されている場合がありますことをご了承ください あくまでも参考和訳となりますので 正式な内容については米国サイトのドキュメントを参照ください また 契約等の記述については 弊社販売パートナー または 弊社担当者にご確認ください このドキュメントには シスコまたはシスコのパートナー またはその両方によってテストされ 検証された Unified Computing System のコンポーネントと設定の相互運用性マトリクスを記載しています サポートされたハードウェアおよびソフトウェアの参照用に使用してください このマニュアルの構成は 次のとおりです 対象読者 (P.2) Baremetal: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス (P.2) ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス (P.5) Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス (P.14) B2 ブレードサーバ B25 ブレードサーバ B44 ブレードサーバ (P.65)

対象読者 B2 ブレードサーバ B25 ブレードサーバ B44 ブレードサーバ スイッチ相互運用性マトリクス (P.39) コンポーネントマトリクス (P.39) ストレージアレイ相互運用性マトリクス (P.39) Baremetal: 制限事項 (P.31) Baremetal: 確認済みの問題点 (P.31) ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 確認済みの問題点 (P.313) 関連資料 (P.314) 対象読者 このドキュメントは シスコの販売担当者 サポートエンジニア 専門サービスパートナー およびデータセンター環境における Unified Computing System の設計および導入に対して責任を持つシステム管理者が使用することを目的として作成されています Baremetal: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス 表 1 は Unified Computing System ブレードサーバがサポートしているオペレーティングシステムのリストです 表 1 オペレーティングシステム ブレードサーバ オペレーティングシステム ベンダー 注記 B2 Windows Enterprise Edition with icrosoft B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V B2 icrosoft icrosoft icrosoft icrosoft 2

Baremetal: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステムベンダー注記 B2 Windows 23 Service icrosoft Pack 2 B2 Windows 23 R2 icrosoft 32bit B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server Novell 11 sp1 64 bit B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 Red Hat 64 bit B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit Red Hat B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit Oracle B44 Windows Enterprise Edition with icrosoft B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V icrosoft icrosoft icrosoft B44 icrosoft B44 Windows 23 Service icrosoft Pack 2 B44 Windows 23 R2 icrosoft 32bit B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server Novell 11 sp1 64 bit B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 Red Hat 64 bit B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit Red Hat B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit Oracle B25 Windows Enterprise Edition with icrosoft B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V icrosoft 3

Baremetal: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステムベンダー注記 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V icrosoft icrosoft B25 icrosoft B25 Windows 23 Service icrosoft Pack 2 B25 Windows 23 R2 icrosoft 32bit B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server Novell 11 sp1 64 bit B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 Red Hat 64 bit B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit Red Hat B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit Oracle 4

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス 表 2 は Unified Computing System ブレードサーバがサポートしているオペレーティングシステムのリストです 表 2 オペレーティングシステム ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server / icrosoft/icrosoft B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server / icrosoft/icrosoft B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft 23 Service Pack 2 B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft 23 R2, Datacenter x64 B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft 23 R2, Standard x64 B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /SUSE Linux icrosoft/novell Enterprise 11.1 64bit B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Redhat Enterprise icrosoft/redhat Linux 5.6 64bit B2 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Redhat Enterprise icrosoft/redhat Linux 6.1 64bit B2 ESXi 4.1/ Service Pack VWare/icrosoft 1 B2 ESXi 4.1/ VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 VWare/icrosoft 5

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1/SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit VWare/Novell B2 ESXi 4.1/Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B2 ESXi 4.1/Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B2 ESXi 4.1 / Service VWare/icrosoft Pack 1 B2 ESXi 4.1 / Service VWare/icrosoft Pack 1 B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Datacenter VWare/icrosoft x64 B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Enterprise VWare/icrosoft x64 B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 4.1 /SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 VWare/Novell 64bit B2 ESXi 4.1 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B2 ESXi 4.1 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B2 ESXi 5./ Service Pack VWare/icrosoft 1 B2 ESXi 5./ VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft 6

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B2 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B2 ESXi 5./SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit VWare/Novell B2 ESXi 5./Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B2 ESXi 5./Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B2 / Redhat/icrosoft B2 / Redhat/icrosoft B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 23 Service Pack 2 B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 23 R2, Datacenter x64 B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 23 R2, Standard x64 B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft B2 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft B2 /SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit Redhat/Novell B2 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit B2 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server / B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server / B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Redhat/Redhat Redhat/Redhat icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft 7

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft 23 R2, Datacenter x64 B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft 23 R2, Standard x64 B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /SUSE Linux icrosoft/novell Enterprise 11.1 64bit B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Redhat Enterprise icrosoft/redhat Linux 5.6 64bit B25 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Redhat Enterprise icrosoft/redhat Linux 6.1 64bit B25 ESXi 4.1/ Service Pack VWare/icrosoft 1 B25 ESXi 4.1/ VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1/SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit VWare/Novell B25 ESXi 4.1/Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B25 ESXi 4.1/Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B25 ESXi 4.1 / Service Pack 1 VWare/icrosoft 8

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B25 ESXi 4.1 / Service VWare/icrosoft Pack 1 B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Datacenter VWare/icrosoft x64 B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Enterprise VWare/icrosoft x64 B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 4.1 /SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 VWare/Novell 64bit B25 ESXi 4.1 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B25 ESXi 4.1 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B25 ESXi 5./ Service Pack VWare/icrosoft 1 B25 ESXi 5./ VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B25 ESXi 5./SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit VWare/Novell B25 ESXi 5./Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B25 ESXi 5./Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B25 / Redhat/icrosoft B25 / Redhat/icrosoft 9

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B25 /Windows 23 Service Pack 2 B25 /Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 B25 /Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B25 /Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 B25 /Windows B25 /Windows B25 /Windows B25 /Windows B25 /Windows B25 /SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit B25 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit B25 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server / B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server / B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows 23 Service Pack 2 B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/Novell Redhat/Redhat Redhat/Redhat icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft icrosoft/icrosoft 1

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Windows icrosoft/icrosoft B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /SUSE Linux icrosoft/novell Enterprise 11.1 64bit B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Redhat Enterprise icrosoft/redhat Linux 5.6 64bit B44 icrosoft Hyper-v server /Redhat Enterprise icrosoft/redhat Linux 6.1 64bit B44 ESXi 4.1/ Service Pack VWare/icrosoft 1 B44 ESXi 4.1/ VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1/SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit VWare/Novell B44 ESXi 4.1/Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B44 ESXi 4.1/Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B44 ESXi 4.1 / Service VWare/icrosoft Pack 1 B44 ESXi 4.1 / Service VWare/icrosoft Pack 1 B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Datacenter VWare/icrosoft x64 B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Enterprise VWare/icrosoft x64 B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft 11

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B44 ESXi 4.1 /Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 4.1 /SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 VWare/Novell 64bit B44 ESXi 4.1 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B44 ESXi 4.1 /Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B44 ESXi 5./ Service Pack VWare/icrosoft 1 B44 ESXi 5./ VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows 23 Service Pack 2 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows 23 R2, Standard x64 VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./Windows VWare/icrosoft B44 ESXi 5./SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit VWare/Novell B44 ESXi 5./Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit VWare/Redhat B44 ESXi 5./Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare/Redhat B44 / Redhat/icrosoft B44 / Redhat/icrosoft B44 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 23 Service Pack 2 B44 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 23 R2, Datacenter x64 B44 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B44 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 23 R2, Standard x64 B44 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft B44 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft B44 /Windows Redhat/icrosoft 12

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 日本語オペレーティングシステム相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバオペレーティングシステム ( ホスト OS/ ゲスト OS) ベンダー注記 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 /Windows /Windows /SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit /Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit /Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/icrosoft Redhat/Novell Redhat/Redhat Redhat/Redhat 13

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス 表 3 は B2 ブレードサーバがサポートしている統合型ネットワークアダプタのリストです 表 3 B2 ブレードサーバ ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 + 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 14

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 15

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 16

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 17

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 18

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 19

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B2 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 2

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 21

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 22

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 23

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 24

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B2 Windows with Service Pack 1 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 icrosoft Hyper-V 4.2a9 25

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8..2.8 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Windows with Service Pack 1 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 26

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 icrosoft Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8..2.8 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Windows with Service Pack 1 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 27

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 icrosoft Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8..2.8 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Windows with Service Pack 1 4.2a9 28

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 icrosoft Hyper-V 4.2a9 B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8..2.8 2.73.397. 4.2a9 29

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS B2 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B2 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.73.397. 4.2a9 3

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス 表 4 は B25 ブレードサーバがサポートしている統合型ネットワークアダプタのリストです 表 4 B25 ブレードサーバ ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 31

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 32

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 33

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 34

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 35

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 36

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2.(1t) 2.(1t) B25 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 37

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 38

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 39

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 4

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 41

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B25 Windows with Service Pack 1 4.2a9 B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 icrosoft Hyper-V 4.2a9 42

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8..2.8 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Windows with Service Pack 1 4.2a9 B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 43

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 icrosoft Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8..2.8 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Windows with Service Pack 1 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 44

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B25 icrosoft Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.2..96 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8.2..87 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B25 Windows with Service Pack 1 4.2a9 45

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 icrosoft Hyper-V 4.2a9 B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8..2.8 2.73.397. 4.2a9 46

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B25 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit p 2.73.397. 4.2a9 B25 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.73.397. 4.2a9 47

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス 表 5 は B44 ブレードサーバがサポートしている統合型ネットワークアダプタのリストです 表 5 B44 ブレードサーバ ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) 48

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) 49

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2..(1t) 2..(1t) 5

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) 51

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows with Service Pack 1 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Datacenter without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) 52

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Enterprise without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 28 Standard without Hyper-V with Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card icrosoft Hyper-V 2.1..11 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Windows 23 R2 32bit 2..1.3 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 1.. 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.4..145 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Virtual Interface Card Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.5..1 2..(1t) 2..(1t) 53

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Virtual Interface Card Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.4..145 2..(1t) 2..(1t) B44 Windows with Service Pack 1 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 icrosoft Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 54

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.2..96 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8.2..87 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows with Service Pack 1 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 55

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 icrosoft Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.2..96 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8.2..87 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows with Service Pack 1 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 56

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 icrosoft Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.2..96 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8.2..87 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows with Service Pack 1 2.(1t) 2.11a2 57

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 icrosoft Hyper-V 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.2..96 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 8.2..87 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 2.(1t) 2.11a2 58

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 8.3.18 2.(1t) 2.11a2 B44 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 59

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 6

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 61

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows with Service Pack 1 1.2.13 2.14 62

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Windows 28 Datacenter Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Enterprise Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Windows 28 Standard Edition x64 service pack 2 without Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 icrosoft Hyper-V 1.2.13 2.14 B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 sp1 64 bit 8.3..8.11.-k4 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 63

Baremetal: アダプタ相互運用性マトリクス ブレードサーバ アダプタベンダー オペレーティングシステム アダプタコード /BIOS 注記 B44 Redhat Enterprise linux 6.1 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 B44 Oracle linux 5.6 (RAC) 64 bit 1.2.13 2.14 64

表 6 は B2 ブレードサーバがサポートしている統合型ネットワークアダプタのリストです ( 注 ) これらのブレードサーバはすべてシスコが販売しています ( 注 ) ホスト OS を通じた 外部ネットワークへのゲスト OS の接続性をテストし を確認しています 65

表 6 B2 ブレードサーバ B2 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed 66

B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B2 () (7.3.3) 1.2.13 B2 () 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.2.13 67

B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.2.13 B2 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.2.13 B2 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 68

B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 69

B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 7

B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 71

B2 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed 72

B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. passed B2 () B2 () B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 73

B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard B2 () Windows B2 () Windows B2 () Windows B2 () Windows B2 () Windows B2 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit B2 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit B2 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 74

B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 75

B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 76

B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 77

B2 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) B2 (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed 78

B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B2 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 79

B2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 8

B2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 81

B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 82

B2 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 83

B2 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.1..11 2.(1t) B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed 84

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 passed B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 85

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 86

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 87

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 88

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 89

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 831.k1.28.1-1vmw 5.3.6 B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed 9

B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed 91

B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 92

B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 93

B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 94

B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 95

B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 96

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 97

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) 98

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 99

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 11

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 12

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 13

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 14

B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 2.8a4 B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) 15

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) 16

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) 17

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 18

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 19

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 11

B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.4..21 2.(1t) B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 111

B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 112

B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 113

B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 114

B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 115

B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 116

B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 B2 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 91.K1.1-14 VW 5.3.15(49 117

B2 () VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. 118

B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise w 2.73.397. 119

B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. 12

B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. 121

B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. 122

B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. 123

B2 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) w 2.73.397. B2 VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) 124

B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.5..7 2.(1t) 125

B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 126

B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 127

B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 128

B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 129

B2 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..7 2.(1t) B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 13

B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 131

B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 132

B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 133

B2 () (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 134

B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (4.29.. 5. 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 6.1-k 1.2.13 135

B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () 6.1-k 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 136

B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 137

B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 138

B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 139

B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.2.13 B2 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 14

B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 141

B2 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B2 () 1.2.13 B2 () 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 B2 () Windows 1.2.13 142

B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B2 () 1.2.13 B2 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B2 () 1.2.13 B2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) 143

B2 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) 144

B2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (6-8- 11-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) 145

B2 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) 146

B2 (7-3- 2-/ ) 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) 147

B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.5..1 2.(1t) 148

B2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B2 1.5..1 2.(1t) 149

表 7 は B25 ブレードサーバがサポートしている統合型ネットワークアダプタのリストです 表 7 B25 ブレードサーバ B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed 15

B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 passed B25 () 1.2.13 B25 () 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 1.2.13 151

B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.2.13 B25 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.2.13 B25 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 152

B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 153

B25 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 154

B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 155

B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. passed 156

B25 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. passed B25 () B25 () B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard B25 () Windows B25 () Windows B25 () Windows B25 () Windows 157

B25 () Windows B25 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit B25 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit B25 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit B25 () (6-8-1 1- B25 () (6-8-1 1- B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1- B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1- B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1- B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-158

B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- B25 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1- B25 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1- B25 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1- B25 () (7-3- 2-159

B25 () (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- B25 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-16

B25 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2- B25 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2- B25 (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed 161

B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B25 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) 162

B25 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) 163

B25 (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) 164

B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) 165

B25 Windows (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-2.1..11 2.(1t) B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed 166

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed 167

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 passed B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 168

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 169

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 17

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 171

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 vmw 5.3.6 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed 172

B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 173

B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 174

B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 175

B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 176

B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 177

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 178

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) 179

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) 18

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) 181

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) 182

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 183

B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 184

B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 185

B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 186

B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 187

B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 188

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 189

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 19

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 191

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 192

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 193

B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2- 2.8a4 B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) 194

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) 195

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) 196

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) 197

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) 198

B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-1.4..21 2.(1t) B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 199

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 2

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 21

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 22

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 23

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 24

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. 25

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 w 2.73.397. 26

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. 27

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. 28

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. 29

B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2- w 2.73.397. B25 VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) 21

B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) 211

B25 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) 212

B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) 213

B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (6-8-1 1-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) 214

B25 VWare ESXi 5. (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) 215

B25 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit (7-3- 2-1.5..7 2.(1t) B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 216

B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 217

B25 () (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 218

B25 () (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (7-3- 2- 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 219

B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1-k 1.2.13 22

B25 () 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1-k 1.2.13 221

B25 () 1-k 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 222

B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () (6-8-1 1- 1.2.13 B25 () (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 223

B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 224

B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () (7-3- 2- 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 225

B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () (4.29.. 5. 1.2.13 B25 () 1.2.13 B25 () 1.2.13 226

B25 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Windows 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B25 () 1.2.13 B25 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B25 () 1.2.13 227

B25 (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Standard (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) 228

B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Linux 5.6 64 bit (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (6-8-1 1-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) 229

B25 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Standard (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Linux 5.6 64 bit (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (7-3- 2-1.5..1 2.(1t) 23

B25 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Standard (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) 231

B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Linux 5.6 64 bit (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 (4.29.. 5. 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter 1.5..1 2.(1t) 232

B25 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B25 1.5..1 2.(1t) 233

表 8 は B44 ブレードサーバがサポートしている統合型ネットワークアダプタのリストです 表 8 B44 ブレードサーバ B44 () 1.2.13 passed B44 () 1.2.13 passed B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 passed B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.2.13 passed B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 passed B44 () Windows 1.2.13 passed B44 () Windows 1.2.13 passed B44 () Windows 1.2.13 passed B44 () Windows 1.2.13 passed 234

B44 () Windows 1.2.13 passed B44 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.2.13 passed B44 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.2.13 passed B44 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.2.13 passed B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 235

B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.2.13 B44 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.2.13 B44 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 236

B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.2.13 B44 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.2.13 B44 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 237

B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.2.13 B44 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.2.13 B44 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.2.13 238

B44 () passed B44 () passed B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 passed B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 passed B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard passed B44 () Windows passed B44 () Windows passed B44 () Windows passed B44 () Windows passed B44 () Windows passed 239

B44 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit passed B44 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit passed B44 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit passed B44 () B44 () B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () Windows 24

B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit B44 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit B44 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit B44 () B44 () B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard B44 () Windows 241

B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit B44 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit B44 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit B44 () B44 () B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 242

B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () Windows B44 () SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit B44 () Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit B44 () Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit B44 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed 243

B44 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed 244

B44 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) passed B44 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) 245

B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) 246

B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.1..11 2.(1t) 247

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 () () Windows 23 R2, Standard Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 E 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 2.1..11 2.(1t) 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed 5.3.6 passed 248

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed 249

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 passed B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 25

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 251

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 252

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 () () () () () () () 72KR- E () 72KR- E () 72KR- E () 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows Windows Windows Windows SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 831.k1.28.1-1v mw 5.3.6 5.3.6 5.3.6 5.3.6 5.3.6 5.3.6 5.3.6 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed passed passed 253

B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. passed B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 254

B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 255

B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 256

B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. B44 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 257

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 72KR- E () 72KR- E () 72KR- E () 72KR- E () 72KR- E () 72KR- E () VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows Windows Windows SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 8.2..9.28 2.73.397. 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 258

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) passed 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 259

B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) 26

B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) 261

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 Windows 23 R2, Standard Windows Windows Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 262

B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 263

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 264

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 265

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 266

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 267

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 831.k1.28.1-1 4.3.1 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 268

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.8a4 269

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.8a4 27

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.8a4 271

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 2.8a4 272

B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.8a4 B44 () VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.8a4 B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) 273

B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) 274

B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) 275

B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) 276

B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 4.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.4..21 2.(1t) 277

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 71KR-Q () 71KR-Q () 71KR-Q () 71KR-Q () 71KR-Q () 71KR-Q () 71KR-Q () 71KR-Q () 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 4.1 VWare ESXi 4.1 Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 Windows 23 R2, Standard Windows Windows Windows 1.4..21 2.(1t) 1.4..21 2.(1t) 91.K1.1-14V W 91.K1.1-14V W 91.K1.1-14V W 91.K1.1-14V W 91.K1.1-14V W 91.K1.1-14V W 91.K1.1-14V W 91.K1.1-14V W 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 5.3.15(49 5.3.15(49 5.3.15(49 5.3.15(49 5.3.15(49 5.3.15(49 5.3.15(49 5.3.15(49 278

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 279

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 28

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 281

B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 B44 71KR-Q () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 91.K1.1-14V W 5.3.15(49 282

B44 () VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. 283

B44 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. 284

B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. 285

B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 2.73.397. B44 () VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 2.73.397. 286

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 () () () () () () () () () () VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 Windows 23 R2, Standard Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 5. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 2.73.397. 1.5..7 2.(1t) 287

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 Windows 23 R2, Standard Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 288

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 Windows 23 R2, Standard Windows Windows Windows Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 289

B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) 29

B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 B44 VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. Windows Windows Windows SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 1.5..7 2.(1t) 291

B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Windows 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 5.6 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 VWare ESXi 5. Enterprise Linux 6.1 64bit 1.5..7 2.(1t) B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 292

B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 293

B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 294

B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 295

B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 296

B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Windows -k 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit -k 1.2.13 B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit -k 1.2.13 297

B44 () -k 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 298

B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 299

B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows VS 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 3

B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 31

B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Windows 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 32

B44 () 1.2.13 B44 () Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.2.13 B44 () 1.2.13 B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) 33

B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) 34

B44 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) 35

B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 Ye 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) 36

B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 Service Pack 2 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Datacenter x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Enterprise x64 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 23 R2, Standard 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) 37

B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Windows 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 Linux 5.6 64 bit 1.5..1 2.(1t) B44 1.5..1 2.(1t) 38

スイッチ相互運用性マトリクス スイッチ相互運用性マトリクス 表 9 は Unified Computing System のファブリックインターコネクトモジュールをサポートするファイバ接続スイッチのリストです 表 9 スイッチ相互運用性マトリクス ファブリックインターコネクト 614XP 4-port Fabric Interconnect ベンダー ファブリック接続スイッチモデル スイッチファームウェア DS 95xx 5. (7), 5.2 (1) コンポーネントマトリクス 表 1 はコンポーネントマトリクスのリストです 表 1 コンポーネントマトリクス コンポーネント 518 chassis anager Driver Bundle B2 Blade server B25 Blade server B44 Blade server バージョン 2.(1t) 2.(1t) -b2xx-drivers.2..1f 2.(1t) 2.(1t) 2.(1t) ストレージアレイ相互運用性マトリクス 表 11 は Unified Computing System のアダプタがサポートしているストレージアレイモデルのリストです 39

Baremetal: 制限事項 表 11 ストレージアレイ SI 番号 ベンダー ストレージアレイモデル 1 サポート対象 ストレージベンダーのサポートリストを参照してください 2 サポート対象 ストレージベンダーのサポートリストを参照してください 3 HDS-USP V サポート対象 ストレージベンダーのサポートリストを参照してください 4 HDS- サポート対象 ストレージベンダーのサポートリストを 参照してください Baremetal: 制限事項 / / Palo のアダプタを使用した Windows 23 JOS のインストール中に問題が発生する B シリーズ用の Windows 23 32 ビットドライバがない Baremetal: 確認済みの問題点 1. ハードウェアのデフォルトモードで の WWPN 番号と の WWPN 番号が同一 (CSCty4553) 説明 a. ブレード B44 と の組み合わせおよびブレード B25 と 71KR の組み合わせでサービスプロファイルプールから VHBA を作成するのではなく CNA を搭載した B25 と B72KR-Q CNA を搭載した B44 で ハードウェアのデフォルトオプションを使用して VHBA を作成 b. ブレード B25 と HBA の組み合わせで表示される WWPN が ブレード B44 と HBA の組み合わせで表示される WWPN と同一 c. WWNN & WWPN の詳細の表示 d. アダプタの () e. HBA1-WWNN : 2:1::C:DD:16:2D:75 WWPN : 21:1::C:DD:16:2D:75 HBA2-WWNN : 2:1::C:DD:16:2D:77 WWPN : 21:1::C:DD:16:2D:77 f. アダプタの () g. HBA1-WWNN : 2:1::C:DD:16:2D:75 WWPN : 21:1::C:DD:16:2D:75 HBA2-WWNN : 2:1::C:DD:16:2D:77 WWPN : 21:1::C:DD:16:2D:77 ( 注 ) 両ブレードは同一シャーシでも同一クラスタでもありません この問題を解決するために S-2 bug(cscty4553) を発行しました 31

Baremetal: 確認済みの問題点 環境 Blade CPU emory Adapter anager B 25 / B 44 CPU Intel Xeon X568 384 GB CNA [ 71KR], CNA [72KR] anager 2.(1t) 2. ハードウェアのデフォルトモードで と アダプタを使用する で WWPN 番号が正しく更新されない (CSCty1118) a. サービスプロファイルプールから作成する代わりに ハードウェアのデフォルトオプションで VHBA を作成 b. [ Inventory] -> [-VHBA] 詳細で WWPN が表示される c. [ ] -> [server] -> [VHBA] 詳細で WWPN が実際の WWPN 番号ではなくゼロで表示される 環境 Blade CPU emory Adapter anager B 25 / B 44 CPU Intel Xeon X568 384 GB CNA [ 71KR], CNA [72KR] anager 2.(1t) ( 注 ) リリース - 2.(1.189)A で障害 CSCty1118 を修正 解決し 確認しています 3. Palo// アダプタを使用する Windows 23 のインストール中に問題が発生する説明 a. サーバの中に CNA が正常に起動しない b. BIOS のインストールに失敗する c. ディスクの選択メニューで選択した LUN にインストールできない 環境 Blade Adapter anager Driver version OS version Storage LUN size 2 /25 /44 71KR / 72KR / 71KR / 72KR/ 2.(1t) 該当なし ハードウェアが W2k3 の 64 ビット版をサポートしないことを BU が確認 jp_win_srv_23_r2_standard_cd1 - JOS /USP/NetAPP/ 5GB LUN 311

Baremetal: 確認済みの問題点 ( 注 ) 1. インストールに必要なドライバは OS イメージには含まれていません 2. シスコのサイトにある ucs-bxxx-drivers.2..1f ドライババンドルを使用し 用の FNIC ドライバをインストールしてください 3. OS イメージに含まれているドライバを シスコまたは OS ベンダーのサイトからダウンロードし 更新してください 4. ドライバのビルド ucs-bxxx-drivers.2..1f にはドライバは含まれていません お手数をおかけいたしますが シスコのサイトからドライババージョン ucs-b2xx-drivers.1.3.1h,1.3.1f をダウンロードし 使用してください 5. Hyper-V は でテスト済みですが クラスタではなくスタンドアロンでのテストです 6. インストール中に [Customise Now] オプションを使用して FCoE & ISCSI パッケージを選択してください 7. Oracle Linux を使用する場合は サポートされるのは RHEL 互換カーネルのみです 312

ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 確認済みの問題点 ホスト OS - ゲスト OS: 確認済みの問題点 1. B44() に ESXi 5. をインストールできない 環境マトリクス Blade 2 /25 /44 Adapter anager anager 2.(1t) ESXi Version 5. ESXi 5. エラー ESXi 5.() のインストール中にネットワークアダプタのエラーになる 2. に ESXi 4.1 をインストールできない 環境マトリクス Blade 2 /25 /44 Adapter anager 2.(1t) storage, USP and ESXi Version 4.1 説明 からして ESXi 4.1 をインストールしようとすると次のエラーが発生 313

関連資料 関連資料 Data Center 相互運用性サポートマトリクス http://www.cisco.com/en/us/docs/switches/datacenter/mds9/interoperability/matrix/intmatrx.html ストレージ相互運用性マトリクス http://www.cisco.com/en/us/docs/switches/datacenter/mds9/interoperability/matrix/atrix8.html ストレージアレイ相互運用性マトリクス http://www.emc.com/collateral/elab/clariion-ax4-series-sm.pdf http://www.hds.com/assets/pdf/all-storage-models-for-cisco-ucs.pdf マニュアルの入手方法およびテクニカルサポート マニュアルの入手方法 テクニカルサポート その他の有用な情報について 次の URL で 毎月更新される What's New in Product Documentation を参照してください シスコの新規および改訂版の技術マニュアルの一覧も示されています http://www.cisco.com/en/us/docs/general/whatsnew/whatsnew.html What's New in Product Documentation は RSS フィードとして購読できます また リーダーアプリケーションを使用してコンテンツがデスクトップに直接配信されるように設定することもできます RSS フィードは無料のサービスです シスコは現在 RSS バージョン 2. をサポートしています and the logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of trademarks, go to this URL: www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between and any other company. (111R) 212 Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 212, シスコシステムズ合同会社. All rights reserved. 314