other month other thing 東京中学定期試験予想問題 month other sing 中 1 英語標準 other thing 2 month early month sing 教科書 p 学習日 12 月 4日 other learn thing other

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【 】年【 】組【 】番 氏名【            】


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(4) Yuko will open the box. (1) to a new Lucy buy bike wants. (2) like math doesn t Jane study to. (3) is dream a doctor to my be. (1) (2) hobby (3) t



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Read the following text messages. Study the names carefully. 次のメッセージを読みましょう 名前をしっかり覚えましょう Dear Jenny, Iʼm Kim Garcia. Iʼm your new classmate. These ar

5 Tennis is all over the world. These rooms used every day. Tofu in America. My house last year. Those cars in our country. These pictures were Yuki.

STEP 02 Memo: Momijigari and New Year s in Japan About Momijigari in Japan About New Year s in Japan Others Questions to your Pen Pal STEP 03 Final: W

1 ( ) 1 1 ( ) 1!! Shinji Akematsu 1

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[ 基本 1] 次の英文の後ろに [ ] の語句を入れて be going to を使った未来形に転換し それを 和訳しなさい 1. He studies science. [tomorrow morning] 2. You learn judo in Japan. [next year] 3. I




1986 NHK NTT NTT CONTENTS SNS School of Information and Communi

英語の女神 No.9 過去進行形の疑問文 学習 POINT 1 You were studying English. ( あなたは英語を勉強していました ) は 過去進行形の文です 過去進行形の文には 必ず be 動詞の過去形 was または were が使われているので 疑問文は今までと同じように



<4D F736F F D208BB38DDE5F F4390B394C52E646F6378>

Basic English Words



GOT7 EYES ON YOU ミニアルバム 1. ノハナマン What? I think it s stuck ノマンイッスミョンデェヌンゴヤ Yeah モドゥンゴルジュゴシポソ Yo baby ノワオディトゥンジカゴシポ everywhere ナンニガウォナンダミョンジュゴシポ anythin

عزيزي المتقدم

<4D F736F F D A A838B B96E291E82E646F63>





2 次の英文を 内の指示に従って書き換えなさい (1) My father has already come home. 否定文に (2) You have studied English since last year. 下線部を尋ねる疑問文に (3) Tom has been to Okinaw


thg 東京中学定期試験予想問題 or 中 英語 thg 2 教科書 p. 02-23 学習日 2 月 4日 learn thg thg learn 名前 得点 / 83 点 thg or thg ll 次の下線部のが同じときには learn, 異なるときには をつけなさい learn ll ( 各 点 ) () thg (2) thg learn ll learn ll (3) thg (4) learn ll learn ll (5) our learn ll ll our (7) daughter (8) ll questi our our daughter stati questi our daughter our daughter stati 2 次の語を ( ) 内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい ( 各 点 ) questi questi () year our daughter stati our daughter stati (2) y questi year questi (3) thg our daughter stati y daughter stati (4) day year questi year thg questi (5) g y daughter stati y day stati year thg uncle questi year thg g (7) y day es stati y day (8) year thg g miss year thg g (9) y day enjoy y day (0) year thg g thg g () y day museum day (2) thg g ll g (3) day (4) g learn (5) llar (6) lookg (7) (8) has (9) see () like (2) pick (22) love wait st - - 中 英語 A

pick pick pick love love (23) wait (24) wait wait st st (25) say st 2 TEAS_22_8_6 5 (26) say say take 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (27) take take 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (28) brg 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 brg brg (29) 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (30) 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 talk 7 9 5 (3) 2 TEAS_22_8_6 talk talk start 7 9 2 TEAS_22_8_6 5 start start get 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 3 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい (各点) get get eat 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 () eat eat 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (3) 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (5) 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (7) 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (9) 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 () 7 9 (3) 2 TEAS_22_8_6 5 (5) 7 9 2 TEAS_22_8_6 5 (7) 7 9 5 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (9) 2 TEAS_22_8_6 5 7 9 9 5和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 7 9 9 和訳 和訳 8 和訳 5 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 9 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (2) 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (4) 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (8) 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (0) 7 9 9 和訳 和訳 8 (2) 和訳 (4) 8 9 2 TEAS_22_8_6 5 (6) 和訳 7 9 9 5和訳 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (8) 8 7 9 9 5和訳 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 () 7 9 9 5和訳 7 9 5 和訳 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (2) (22) 7 9 9 5和訳 7 9 5 和訳 2 TEAS_22_8_6 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (23) (24) 7 9 9 5和訳 7 9 5 和訳 2 TEAS_22_8_6 8 2 TEAS_22_8_6 (25) (26) 7 9 和訳 7 9 和訳 (27) (28) (29) (30) (3) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) 4 次の (各2点) 内の語を並べかえて 日本語に合う英文を作りなさい () five five 3 five France 3 five France five France five France five France - 2 - 中1英語A

(2) years AnnKoreathree years AnnKoreathree edmuseum. (3) years AnnKoreathree edmuseum. lphsaabout lot. years AnnKoreathree edmuseum. lphsaabout lot. (4) years AnnKoreathree edmuseum yearkyo?. lphsaabout lot. years AnnKoreathree edmuseum yearkyo?. n ttaroschoolwalk. lphsaabout lot. years AnnKoreathree edmuseum yearkyo? (5). n ttaroschoolwalk. lphsaabout lot. years AnnKoreathree fivebobyears a live? edmuseum yearkyo?. n ttaroschoolwalk. lphsaabout lot. years AnnKoreathree fivebobyears a live? edmuseum yearkyo? like. sg whyso much? n ttaroschoolwalk. lphsaabout lot. years AnnKoreathree fivebobyears a live? edmuseum yearkyo? like. sg whyso much? n ttaroschoolwalk. lphsaabout isbecausebeautifulit. lot. years AnnKoreathree fivebobyears a live? edmuseum yearkyo? like. sg whyso much? n ttaroschoolwalk. lphsaabout isbecausebeautifulit. lot. years AnnKoreathree fivebobyears a live? (7) like edmuseum yearkyo?. whyupfargetes? sg whyso much? n ttaroschoolwalk. lphsaabout isbecausebeautifulit. lot. fivebobyears a live? like edmuseum yearkyo?. whyupfargetes? sg whyso much? lphsaabout n ttaroschoolwalk. takes walk heabecause morng. isbecausebeautifulit. lot. fivebobyears a live? like yearkyo? whyupfargetes? sg whyso much? (8) lphsaabout n ttaroschoolwalk. takes walk heabecause morng. isbecausebeautifulit. lot. fivebobyears a live? like yearkyo? had igiri bror morng. whyupfargetes? sg whyso much? n ttaroschoolwalk. takes walk heabecause morng. isbecausebeautifulit. fivebobyears a live? yearkyo? had like igiri bror morng. whyupfargetes? sg whyso much? n ttaroschoolwalk. prettya. takes walk heabecause morng. isbecausebeautifulit. (9) fivebobyears a live? had like igiri bror morng. whyupfargetes? sg whyso much? n ttaroschoolwalk. prettya. takes walk heabecause morng. umbrella isbecausebeautifulit. fivebobyears a live? had like igiri bror morng. whyupfargetes? sg whyso much? prettya. takes walk heabecause morng. umbrella isbecausebeautifulit. fivebobyears a live? like had igiri bror morng. schoolbror whyupfargetes? (0) sg whyso much?. prettya. takes walk heabecause morng. umbrella isbecausebeautifulit. like had igiri bror morng. schoolbror whyupfargetes? sg whyso much?. prettya. umbrella whatmari takes walk heabecause morng. isbecausebeautifulit. say n? had igiri bror morng. schoolbror whyupfargetes?. prettya. umbrella whatmari takes walk heabecause morng. () isbecausebeautifulit. say n? had igiri bror morng. schoolbror whyupfargetes?. prettya. umbrella whatmari takes walk heabecause morng. say n? had igiri bror morng. schoolbror whyupfargetes?. prettya. umbrella whatmari takes walk heabecause morng. say n? had igiri bror morng. (2) schoolbror. prettya. umbrella whatmari takes walk heabecause morng. say n? had igiri bror morng. schoolbror. prettya. umbrella whatmari say n? had igiri bror morng. schoolbror. prettya. (3) umbrella whatmari say n? schoolbror. prettya. umbrella whatmari say n? schoolbror. umbrella whatmari say 7n? schoolbror. whatmari say 7n? schoolbror. whatmari say - 3 7- n? 中 英語 A

had igiri bror morng. takes walk heabecause morng. had igiri bror morng. prettya. (4) had igiri bror morng. prettya. umbrella prettya. umbrella schoolbror. (5) umbrella schoolbror. whatmari say n? atgrma sat schoolbror house. morng. whatmari say n? (6) atgrma sat house morng. whatmari n tplay say guitarsunday. n? atgrma sat house morng. n tplay guitarsunday. atgrma sat talkmr. after withschool? house morng. n tplay guitarsunday. atgrma sat talkmr. after withschool? house morng. 5 次の英文を,( ) 内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい afterno what? ( 各 2 点 ) n tplay guitarsunday. () atgrma sat talkmr. aunt. after withschool? house morng. afterno what? n tplay guitarsunday. atgrma sat study night. night talkmr. aunt. after withschool? house morng. afterno day. three what? n tplay guitarsunday. a (2) atgrma sat study night. night talkmr. aunt ken. after day. withschool? house morng. 7 afterno day. three what? n tplay guitarsunday. a Kaori atgrma sat study night. years night yes talkmr. aunt ken. after day. withschool? house morng. 7 (3). afterno day. three what? n tplay guitarsunday. a Kaori atgrma sat study night. years night yes talkmr. played aunt a comer ken. after day. night. withschool? house morng. 7. afterno day. three what? n tplay guitarsunday. a Kaori atgrma sat study night. years day? night yes (4) talkmr. played aunt a comer ken. after day. night. withschool? house morng. es. afterno day. three what? n tplay guitarsunday. a hair night? night Kaori study night. years day? night yes talkmr. played aunt a comer ken. after day. night. withschool? Saturday. two a es. afterno day. three what? n tplay guitarsunday. a (5) hair night? night night. years Tuesday. day? night yes talkmr. played aunt a comer ken. after night. withschool? Saturday. two a es. afterno three what? a hair night? night night. years Tuesday. day? night yes talkmr. played aunt a comer ken. after night. withschool? Saturday. two a es. afterno three what? a hair night? night night. years Tuesday. day? night yes played aunt a comer ken. night. Saturday. two a es. afterno three what? a hair night? night night. years Tuesday. day? night yes (7) played aunt a comer ken. night. Saturday. two a es. three a hair night? night Kaori study night. years Tuesday. day? night yes played a comer ken night. Saturday. two a es. three a hair night? night (8) Kaori years Tuesday. day? yes played a comer ken night. Saturday. two a es. hair night? night Kaori years Tuesday. day? yes played a comer night. Saturday. two a (9) es. hair night? night Tuesday. day? played a comer night. Saturday. two a es hair night? night Tuesday. day? (0) Saturday. two a es hair night? night Tuesday. Saturday. two a () Tuesday. - 4 - 中 英語 A

(2) She has cereal morng. morng see beautiful s Ms. Hara s garden day. She has cereal morng. morng a wderful time Ld. yes (3) see beautiful s Ms. Hara s garden day. She has cereal morng. box school. morng a wderful time Ld. yes see beautiful s or. Ms. Hara s garden day. She has cereal morng. box school. morng (4) a wderful museum time Ld tra.. yes see beautiful s or. Ms. Hara s garden day. She has cereal mor morng. day. box school. morng a wderful museum time Ld tra.. yes see beautiful watches s or. Ms. Hara s garden day. night. night She (5) has cereal mor morng. day. box school. morng a wderful. museum time Ld tra.. yes see beautiful s or. Ms. Hara s garden day. night. night mor day. box school. night. yes a wderful. museum time Ld tra.. yes (6) d baseball or. night. at. night mor day. box school. night. yes ast. museum tra. tea for breakfast day. d baseball or. night. at. night far mor day. night. night. yes (7) night ast. museum tra. tea for breakfast day. d okomiyak baseball night. Hiroshima. at. night far mor day. night. night. yes night ast. tea ys for breakfast that box. day. yes d okomiyak baseball night. Hiroshima. at. night far night. night. yes night ast. tea ys for breakfast that box. day. yes d okomiyak baseball Hiroshima. at. 6 次の英語を日本語に直しなさい The boy far said, llo. night. ( 各 2 点 ) night. yes night ast tea ys for breakfast that box. day. yes () d Ld okomiyak baseball four Hiroshima. at The boy said, llo.. far night. night looked ast at tea ys for breakfast night. that box. star day. Ld four yes okomiyak Hiroshima. Eri The far boy said, a lot llo. home about at Japanese ry night. year. night (2) looked at night. star ys that box. yes okomiyak Ld mor four Hiroshima.. Eri The boy said, a lot llo. about Japanese ry year. looked enjoy at ys that Korea? night. box. star Yes,. Ld mor four. yes (3) The boy said, Saori a lot llo. Japanese ry She year. re three looked at Korea? night. star Yes,. Why Ld know mor four so much. about Ld? The boy said, Saori a lot llo. Japanese ry She year. re three looked at ed re Korea? night.. star Yes,. (4) Why Ld know mor four so much. about Ld? Can The boy said, Saori a lot llo.? Japanese ry thanks. She m year. just lookg. re three looked at ed re Korea? night.. star Yes,. Why Ld know mor four so. srs about Ld? o? Yes,. Can The boy said, Saori a lot llo.? Japanese ry thanks. She m year. just lookg. re three (5) looked at Can ed try re? Korea? night.. star Yes,. Why ahead. Ld know mor four so. srs about Ld? o? Yes,. What s Can The boy said, Saori a lot llo. d day?? Japanese ry t s thanks. She m year. 8. just lookg. re three looked at Can ed try re? Korea? night.. star Yes,. Why ahead. Ld mor know mor four so. srs about Ld? rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. What s Can The boy said, Saori a lot llo. d day?? Japanese ry t s thanks. She m year. 8. just lookg. re three looked enjoy at Can ed a student try re or? Korea? night.. star Yes,. Why ahead. work for a bank. Ld mor know mor four so. srs about Ld? rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. job What s Can Saori a lot d work day?? Japanese for ry t s thanks. She m year. bank 8. just lookg. re three looked enjoy at Can ed a student try re or? Korea? night.. star Yes,. (7) Why ahead. work for a bank. mor know mor so. srs about Ld? rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. job What s Can Saori a lot d work day?? Japanese for ry t s thanks. She m year. bank 8. just lookg. re three enjoy Can ed a student try re or? Korea?. Yes,. Why ahead. work for a bank. mor know mor so. srs about Ld? rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. job What s Can When Saori d work day?? for t s thanks. She m bank 8. just lookg. re three (8) enjoy Can ed a student try re or? Korea?. Yes,. Why ahead. work for a bank. mor know so srs about Ld? rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. job What s Can When Saori d work day?? for t s thanks. She m bank 8. just lookg. re three Can ed a student try re or?. Why ahead. work for a bank. mor know so srs about Ld? rooms? o? Yes,. (9) she n t. job What s Can d work day?? for t s thanks. m bank 8. just lookg. Can ed a student try re or?. ahead. work for a bank. mor srs rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. job What s Can d work day?? for t s thanks. m bank 8. just lookg. Can a student try or? ahead. (0) work for a bank. mor srs rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. job What s d work day? for t s bank 8. Can a student try or? ahead. work for a bank. mor rooms? 9 she n t. job What s d work day? for t s bank 8. a student or work for a bank. mor rooms? 9 she n t. job work for bank a student or work for a bank. - 5 9- 中 英語 A job work for bank

ed re. Why know mor so much. about Ld? Can When Saori? thanks. She m just lookg. re three ed re Korea?. Yes,. Why know so srs about Ld? o? Yes,. Can When Saori? thanks. She m just lookg. re three () Can ed try re?. Why ahead. know so srs about Ld? o? Yes,. What s Can d day?? t s thanks. m 8. just lookg. Can ed try re?. ahead. mor srs rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. (2) What s Can d day?? t s thanks. m 8. just lookg. Can a student try or? ahead. work for a bank. mor srs rooms? o? Yes,. she n t. job What s d work day? for t s bank 8. Can a student try or? ahead. work for a bank. (3) mor rooms? she n t. job What s d work day? for t s bank 8. a student or work for a bank. mor rooms? she n t. job work for bank (4) a student or work for a bank. job work for bank (5) How study? use comer. Can ask time? Sure. t s five o clock. How study? use comer. What? m a teac. (6) Can ask time? Sure. t s five o clock. How had ast, an study egg? juice morng. use comer. What? m a teac. Can ask many time? children at Sure. t s five o clock. three How had ast, an study egg? juice morng. use comer. (7) What? m a teac. Can ask many time? children at Sure. t s five o clock. three How had ast, an study egg? juice morng. use comer. What? m a teac. Can ask many time? children at Sure. t s five o clock. three (8) had ast, an egg juice morng. What? m a teac. many children at three had ast, an egg juice morng. (9) many children at three 0 0 0 0-6 - 中 英語 A