平成 31 年度 チャレンジ型 英 語 じ 注 意 事 こう項 あいず 1. 試験開始の合図があるまで 開かないこと 2. 問題は 1 7 までで 14 ページにわたって印刷してあります ぬかんとくページが抜けるなどしていた場合には 試験監督の先生に申し出ること 3. 解答は すべて解答用紙に記入し

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< D8291BA2E706466>

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平成 27 年度 中学校第 2 学年英語調査票 組出席番号氏名 注 意 1 放送による合図があるまで, 中を開かないでください 2 調査票は,1 ページから 9 ページまであります 3 先生の指示があったら, 最初に, 組, 出席番号, 氏名を書いてください 4 答えは, 解答用紙にはっきりと書いて


(Microsoft Word - H24 \211p\214\352\225\\\216\206.doc)


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Unit 8-1 目標関係代名詞 ( 主格 ) を理解する! date 月日 基本文 1 私はアメリカに住んでいるおじがいます I have a uncle who(that) lives in America. 2 私は日本製の車を持ってます I have a car which(that) wa

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20 want ~ がほしい wanted[-id]want to 21 her 彼女の, 彼女を she 22 his 彼の, 彼のもの he 23 how どのように, どうなのか, どれくらい how to <How!> How many? How much? How long? How ol



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平成 31 年度 英 語 じ 注 意 事 こう項 あいず 1. 試験開始の合図があるまで 開かないこと 2. 問題は 1 7 までで 14 ページにわたって印刷してあります ぬかんとくページが抜けるなどしていた場合には 試験監督の先生に申し出ること 3. 解答は すべて解答用紙に記入し 座席番号 受験番号 氏名をもれな く 正確に記入すること 4. 答えは全て 1234 から選び 解答用紙の をぬりつぶします 答える 時には問題番号をよく見てマークすること 5. 問題冊子の表紙にも 座席番号 受験番号 氏名を必ず記入すること 座席番号 班 番 受験番号氏名

1 例にならって 次のイラストが表す英単語を 1234 の中からひとつずつ選び その らん番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい 1 cat 正解 例 2 dog 3 bird 4 rabbit 1 lion 1 2 monkey 3 rabbit 4 bear 1 chair 2 2 table 3 clock 4 bed 1 farmer 3 2 dentist 3 scientist 4 pilot 1 soccer 4 2 baseball 3 basketball 4 volleyball 1

5 6 7 8 9 10 1 river 2 sea 3 hill 4 lake 1 hospital 2 bakery 3 restaurant 4 station 1 letter 2 picture 3 homework 4 stamp 1 flower 2 leaf 3 forest 4 mountain 1 jacket 2 socks 3 sweater 4 skirt 1 house 2 tunnel 3 tower 4 bridge 2

2 次の問いに答えなさい [ 問 1] 例にならって C と D の関係が A と B の関係と同じになるように D に入る らん最も適切な語を1234の中からひとつずつ選び その番号のマーク欄を ぬりつぶしなさい A B C D 1 father 例 girl ( 女の子 ) sister ( 姉妹 ) = boy ( 男の子 ) 2 mother 3 brother 正解 4 niece 11 six June = ten 1 September 2 October 3 November 4 December 12 big small = tall 1 short 2 old 3 new 4 high 13 pencil notebook = chalk 1 textbook 2 dictionary 3 blackboard 4 telephone 14 morning breakfast = evening 1 lunch 2 food 3 dinner 4 fork 3

[ 問 2] ひとつだけ種類のちがう単語があります 例にならって それを 1234 らんの中からひとつずつ選び その番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい 例 : 1 tomato 2 juice 3 coffee 4 milk 正解 :1 (1 だけが野菜 他はすべて飲み物 ) 15. 1 guitar 2 radio 3 violin 4 piano 16. 1 milk 2 water 3 cake 4 tea 17. 1 leg 2 knee 3 foot 4 face [ 問 3] 例にならって ( ) 内に入る最も適切な単語を 1234 の中から らんひとつずつ選び その番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい 例 : one ( 1 too 2 toe 3 two 4 toy ) three 正解 :3 18.good ( 1 bad 2 better 3 nice 4 worse ) best 19.day ( 1 week 2 minute 3 second 4 hour ) month 20.beginning ( 1 top 2 inside 3 middle 4 behind ) end 4

3 例にならって それぞれのイラストを表す英文として最も適切なものを 1234 の らん中からひとつずつ選び その番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい 例 1 This is a pig. 2 This is a mouse. 正解 3 This is a lion. 4 This is a tiger. 1 It is sunny. 21 2 It is rainy. 3 It is snowy. 4 It is windy. 1 It s a school. 22 2 It s a supermarket. 3 It s a post office. 4 It s a baseball stadium. 1 It s spring. 23 2 It s summer. 3 It s autumn. 4 It s winter. 1 He wants to sleep. 24 2 He wants to run. 3 He wants to eat food. 4 He wants to watch TV. 25 A B C 1 Mountain A is higher than C. 2 Mountain C is the highest. 3 Mountain A is lower than B. 4 Mountain B is the lowest. 5

26 27 1 She is a soccer player. 2 She is a doctor. 3 She is a dentist. 4 She is a pilot. Yesterday he 1 rode a train. 2 washed the dishes. 3 climbed a mountain. 4 bought flowers. 28 29 エミコカイトアイコレオケイスケ私ミオ 1 Mio is my mother. 2 Kaito is my brother. 3 Aiko is my sister. 4 Reo is my father. 1 The cat is next to the desk. 2 The cat is on the computer. 3 The cat is in front of the bag. 4 The cat is under the bed. Taro Emi Four friends went shopping. 1 Taro bought four socks. 30 Karen Ted 2 Emi bought a blouse. 3 Karen bought six pencils. 4 Ted bought two T-shirts. 6

4 次の対話文の ( ) 内に入る最も適切なものを 1234 の中からひとつずつ選び らんその番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい 31. A : What fruit do you like? B : ( ) 1 It s good! 3 My favorite is apples. 2 I don t like it. 4 I like yellow. 32. A : What day is it today? B : ( ) 1 It s July 10. 3 It s summer. 2 It s Friday. 4 It s 2 o clock. 33. A : Whose hat is this? B : ( ) Let s ask Yumi. 1 It s Tom s. 3 It s my hat. 2 It s a clock. 4 I don t know. 34. A : How tall is your brother? B : ( ) 1 He is 150 centimeters. 3 He is 15 years old. 2 He has two brothers. 4 He has 20 books. 7

35. A : Who is angry? B : ( ) 1 Ken did. 3 Tom is. 2 Emi does. 4 I do. 36. A : I have practiced the violin for ten years. B : ( ) 1 You are kind. 3 That s great. 2 No problem. 4 Yes, please. 37. A : I m looking for Sugamo station. Is it near here? B : ( ) 1 You re welcome. 3 It s over there. 2 Nice to meet you. 4 It s in the car. 38. A : How do you go to school? B : ( ) 1 It is sunny. 3 I am a student. 2 It is delicious. 4 I walk there. 8

5 次のお知らせを読んで 39 40 は質問の答えとして最も適切なものを 41 42 は文を 完成させるために最も適切なものを 1234 の中からひとつずつ選び その番号のマー らんク欄をぬりつぶしなさい West Beach Summer Fireworks Festival Event Schedule Saturday Sunday China U.S.A. France Japan 7 : 00 p.m. ~ 7 : 30 p.m. 8 : 30 p.m. ~ 9 : 00 p.m. 6 : 30 p.m. ~ 7 : 00 p.m. 8 : 00 p.m. ~ 8 : 30 p.m. The fireworks festival will be held on August 3 rd and 4 th. Please arrive thirty minutes before each show begins. If you would like to reserve a seat, please visit our website, or call 555-1234 before July 31 st. http://www.westbeachfireworks.com 9

39. What time will China s fireworks display begin? 1 At seven o clock a.m. 3 At seven o clock p.m. 2 At seven-thirty a.m. 4 At seven-thirty p.m. 40. When will the festival end on Sunday? 1 At seven o clock p.m. 3 At eight-thirty p.m. 2 At seven-thirty p.m. 4 At nine o clock p.m. 41. Japan will perform: 1 On July 31 st. 2 On July 3 rd. 3 On August 3 rd. 4 On August 4 th. 42. To reserve a seat, people should: 1 Visit the website. 2 Arrive thirty minutes early. 3 Go to the beach on August 3 rd. 4 Travel on July 31 st. 10

6 次の手紙は今日 ボブが日本の友人ユミに書いたものです その内容に関する質問の 答えとして最も適切なものを それぞれ 1234 の中からひとつずつ選び その番号の らんマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい Dear Yumi, December 25th Merry Christmas! How are you? Are you having a good weekend? I know that schools in Japan don t have a Christmas holiday, so you might have winter classes tomorrow. I won t go to school until January! I received a new bicycle this morning. My mother and father bought it for me. It is red. I will ride it in the park for two hours today. You will come to Canada next August. I m happy! I want to ride bicycles with you! I m looking forward to seeing you next year! Your friend, Bob 43. When did Bob get his bicycle? 1 Last year. 3 Yesterday. 2 Last week. 4 Today. 44. Who bought it for him? 1 His parents. 3 His brother. 2 His sister. 4 His friend. 45. What will Yumi do next summer? 1 She will go to Japan. 3 She will have winter classes. 2 She will visit Canada. 4 She will play with his dog. 11

7 次の英文を読んで あとの問いに答えなさい Hello, I m Jane. I want to tell you about my trip to Fukushima during my vacation last spring. I went there for two days. On the first day, I met my friend Wako and we drove to Fukushima. It took us three hours to get there. It rained all day. There was a *hot spring near the hotel. The water was hot. It was very nice! On the second day we visited *Aizu-Wakamatsu. The town was a lot smaller than Tokyo. First we went to a castle. It was beautiful. We saw many old things in the castle, such as pictures and clothes. We learned about history. I like history, so it was all interesting to me, but Wako does not like history. We also saw Japanese dancing near the castle. I want to try it one day. Next, we ate lunch at an old restaurant. The food was really delicious. Wako ate a lunch box and I ate *negi-soba. Negi is Japanese for spring onion. It is difficult to eat soba noodles with spring onion! Last, we visited an old house. I think it is a fun place for children to visit because there are many things to try. I tried *Japanese archery, but I am not good at it. I think everyone should visit Fukushima to experience Japanese culture! 注 *hot spring 温泉 *Aizu-Wakamatsu 会津若松市 *negi-soba ねぎそば *Japanese archery 弓道 12

[ 問 1] 次のイラストを出来事が起きた順に並べ替えたとき 正しい順番になるも らんのを下の1234の中からひとつ選び その番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしな さい 46. 1 あ え お う い か 2 あ い お う え か 3 お え あ い う か 4 お い あ え う か あ い う え お か [ 問 2] 次の質問の答えとして 47 49 は質問の答えとして最も適切なものを 50 は文を完成させるために最も適切なものを 1234 の中からひとつずつ らん選び その番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい 47.What is Jane talking about? 1 Her hobbies. 3 Her trip to Tokyo. 2 Her favorite music. 4 Her trip to Fukushima. 13

48.How was the weather on the first day? 1 It was sunny. 3 It was snowy. 2 It was rainy. 4 It was windy. 49.Why was the castle interesting to Jane? 1 Because the town was small. 2 Because the castle was ugly. 3 Because she likes history. 4 Because she ate a lunch box. 50.Jane thinks the old house is a fun place for children because: 1 There are many things to try. 2 You can see dancing. 3 The town is small. 4 The weather is rainy. 14