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SEMBRA I KOSECHÁ EDISHON 02, YANÜARI & FEBRÜARI 2021 NOS EKONOMIA MESTER DI UN PUSH, NOS HENDENAN MESTER DI TRABOU Minister Zita Jesus-Leito Pènel solar mas i mas ta hunga un ròl den bida kotidiano Darick Jonis SYNTROPIC FARMING Thiago Gimenez Barbosa Hydroponics maximizes land use and crop productivity Ms. Jessica Churaman & Mr. Nkosi Felix

INTRODUKSHON SERA KONOSÍ KU E MAGAZINE Riba inisiativa di Institute for Professional Excellence (IPE) i Ministerio di Salú, Medioambiente i Naturalesa a kuminsá na prinsipio di aña 2020 ku kursonan pa forma interesadonan ku ke profundisá den plantashon, pero riba un base modèrno pa surti efektonan finansiero ekonómiko eksitoso i riba un base duradero. 2

INTRODUKSHON Kerido lektor di Sembra i Kosechá, Na kuminsamentu di e aña nobo (2021) ta nesesario deseá tur kursista, otro partisipantenan aktivo den e trayektonan di Institute for Professional Excellence (IPE) i tur stakeholder, un aña nobo ku un grado haltu di satisfakshon i felisidat, fruta di esfuersonan inkansabel pa kambionan riba un futuro no muchu lehano. Ohalá ku durante e aña nobo aki gran parti di e aspirashonnan keda realisá i ku alabes tur e akshonnan entamá te asina leu lo sirbi komo un base sólido pa mas éksito. Minister di Salubridat, Medioambiente i Naturalesa, señora Zita Jesus Leito den e magazine aki ta bini na palabra pa apoyá i hasi e yamada kaluroso na tur ku lesa e di dos edishon di Sembra i Kosechá, pa sea konsiente ku e trayekto di IPE ta unu pa brinda oportunidatnan ekselente sin limitashon. Tur esnan ku ke eksplorá áreanan di produkshon nobo, modèrno i prometedor, ta kordialmente bon bini pa ta ekselente den un òf mas sentido. Profesor Wayne Ganpat di University of the West Indies a formulá den un kuadro kompakto e importansia di e pasonan ku Kòrsou a tuma pa medio di e trayektonan di IPE. E dosentenan di e kursonan di hydroponics I & II señora Jessica Churaman i señor Nkosi Felix gustosamente a kompartí nan eksperensia ku bosonan ku a partisipá na e kurso i workshopnan ku a tuma lugá bou di nan enkargo, pa alabes duna algun rekomendashon práktiko kon sigui atendé ku e materia. Miembronan di e bestür di IPE, esta señor Geomaly Martis i señor Darick Jonis a para ketu na e esensia, rason i direkshon di e trayektonan di IPE. Sin duda ta trata aki di un trayekto vishonario ku lo por redundá den un Kòrsou ku konsientemente a hasi uzo di su potensialnan pa avansá, adaptando na prosesonan mundial sumamente importante. Otro dosente den persona di señor Thiago Gimenez Barbosa a refreská e memorianan pa loke ta e importansia di e método di syntropic farming. Finalmente ta nesesario yama atenshon pa e hecho ku Sembra i Kosechá tin e firme propósito di sirbi komo un revista intermediario di renombre ku ta akapará informashonnan relevante riba e trayektonan ku IPE a entamá. Alabes Sembra i Kosechá tei pa duna espasio na kursistanan pa kompartí nan pensamentu, eksperensia i deseonan. Kiko di importansia ta tumando lugá den nos region di Karibe i Latinoamérika pa loke ta trata e diferente temanan konserní? Na unda tin kurso, seminario, kongreso i otro enkuentronan relevante programá pa tuma lugá, anto kon ta pará ku e merkado? E revista aki lógikamente ta bai tene kuenta ku e puntonan aki tambe. Gustosamente e invitashon pa lesa i tuma bon nota di edishon nr. # 2 di Sembra i Kosechá, e promé pa aña 2021. =E.A.R= 3


Prólogo Nos a kuminsá un aña nobo ku hopi perspektiva. E anhelo mas grandi ta, pa nos tur por disfrutá di un bon estado di salú i asina sigui perseverá. Nos ekonomia mester di un push, nos hendenan mester di trabou i huntu nos mester lucha pa adelanto di nos pais. Laga nos pensa grandi. Ban pone mas atenshon na nos sektor di agrikultura, krio di bestia i peska i konsientisá nos hendenan i asina krea nos mes berdura i fruta i yega asina pa eksportá. Esaki lo krea kuponan di trabou pa nos mes hendenan i ta alsa nos sentido síviko. Na abo ku ta aktivo kaba den e sektor aki di plantamentu, krio di bestia i peska, no deskurashá, sigui perseverá, trabou duru ta paga. Abo ku ta den duda ainda pa dal e paso pa drenta e sektor aki, tuma un kurashi, e ta bale la pena. Komo minister di Salubridat Públiko, Medio Ambiente i Naturalesa, ami Zita Jesus-Leito ke enkurashá boso tur ku ta den e sektor aki i komunidat kompletu, pa nos ban uni i hiba nos isla na un nivel mas haltu den produkshon di nos mes kuminda. Mi ta deseá boso tur hopi éksito, sabiduria, union, pas, energia i prosperidat. Zita Jesus-Leito, MBA Minister di Salubridat, Medio Ambiente i Naturalesa 5


Mundu a bini ta desaroyá último añanan di un forma aselerá. E desaroyo aki ta bon pa motibu ku e ta krea un ekonomia nobo i duradero. Pero manera tur desaroyo, e desaroyo aki, kombiná ku e globalisashon ku ta tumando lugá, ta trese kuné retonan den diferente área. Un di e áreanan ku sigur lo wòrdu afektá ta e área di trabou i empleo. Den e kuadro aki nos mester realisá ku tin trabounan nobo ku lo keda kreá, pero na mes momento tin tipo di trabounan ku lo stòp di eksistí. Tur esaki den kuadro di aplikashon di teknologia nobo. Netamente pa e motibu aki tambe, IPE lo entamá diferente kurso den área di teknologia nobo. E meta di e kursonan aki no ta solamente pa amplia e kursistanan su konosementu, pero tambe pa prepará e kursistanan pa por ehersé e trabounan nobo. Den e kuadro aki, riba tèrmino kòrtiku, lo desaroyá e siguiente kursonan: Instalashon i mantenshon di pènel solar Pènel solar mas i mas ta hunga un ròl den bida kotidiano komo parti di suministro di energia. Esaki kiermen ku mester di konosementu di instalashon i mantenshon di e pènelnan ku ta birando mas nesesario. Esaki no tabata un tipo di trabou eksistente, pero awendia ta birando mas i mas eminente. Instalashon i reparashon di fibra óptiko Ántes nos mundu di telekomunikashon tabata basa riba 2 waya fini di koper meskos ku nos instalashon di koriente. Awendia mas i mas ta apliká fibra óptiko den telekomunikashon. Fibra óptiko ta nada mas ku un fibra di glas (silica) òf plèstik ku no ta mas diki ku un drachi di kabei, ku ta transmití lus. E lus aki ta representá e informashon digital ku mester wòrdu transmití. Awendia ku mas frekuensia ta apliká fibra óptiko. E tipo di trabou aki no ta unu nobo pero ta unu ku mas i mas ta den demanda i ku mester di kapasidat i konosementu spesial pa por ehersé e trabounan. Asina por menshoná diferente otro tipo di trabou ku ta nesesario den e mundu modèrno ku IPE lo bini ku kursonan pa por kapasitá nos mes hendenan pa nan por hasi e trabounan di e mundu modèrno na e nivel profeshonalisá ku nos semper a brinda. Darick Jonis 7

Nos mundu ta kambiando, Kòrsou ta kambiando. Si nos ke mantené konekshon ku e kambionan ku ta tumando lugá, nos mester hasi tur loke ta nesesario i na tempu pa nos profeshonalnan por keda den konkordansia ku kambionan rondó di nos. Hopi di e kambionan aki ta wòrdu okashoná dor di desaroyonan den siensia i teknologia. E kambionan ku ta surgi tin efekto grandi riba nos sistema di enseñansa i tambe riba nos merkado laboral. Sierto fishi i trabounan ta disparsé, pero fishi i trabounan nobo ta presentá. Tin asta fishinan bieu ta bini bèk, pero den un otro bachi. Aki IPE ke hunga un ròl di importansha pa Kòrsou. Pa duna un man pa prepará nos hendenan den e trabounan di futuro ku defakto tei kaba. Trabounan ku ta bini bèk pero den un bachi nobo, ta trata aki di agrikultura, peska i tambe kostura. Trabounan kompletamente nobo ta prinsipalmente den teknologia, manera seguridat di sistemanan tékniko, teknologia di informashon, eksperto riba ret modèrno di energia. Aki ku e pèrspektiva ku nos profeshonal lokal por traha pa kompanianan internashonal sin tin mester di emigrá. IPE ta kere tambe ku mester krea mas empresario liber na Kòrsou. Ménos hende mester wak gobièrnu komo un doño di trabou lógiko manera ántes tabata e kaso tambe ku nos refineria òf nos bankonan. Mas i mas bo ta ripará ku e nesesidat di trahadónan ta bahando einan tambe, atrobe pa motibu di desaroyonan den teknologia. Na e mes momentu IPE ke krea mas kooperashon entre empresarionan, fomentá e importansia di traha den forma di kooperativa. No ta e intenshon di IPE pa bira un instituto ku ta bai sòru pa tur preparashon profeshonal. IPE ta buska e koperashon ku institutonan i empresarionan lokal i internashonal ya establesé pa prepará i ofresé kurso i entrenamentu. IPE ta fasilitá promoviendo preparashon pa trabounan di futuro bou di hendenan ku ta buska trabou i profeshonalnan ku ke kambia di ramo. IPE ta kordiná pa e instituto òf empresario wòrdu atraé i e entrenamentu tuma lugá. Tambe kaminda ta posibel IPE ta yuda empresarionan nobo den e promé lunanan ku fasilidat i guia profeshonal pa subi e chèns pa nan logra den e ramo ku nan a skohe. Den e trayekto di coaching ta yuda partisipantenan registrá nan negoshi, yuda ku plan di negoshi i den trámitenan ku institutonan finansiero pa logra finansiamentu. Geomaly Martis 8


DEAR FRIENDS SYNTROPIC FAMILY It is already 2021 and Murilo and I are very happy that in 2019 we had the chance to go to Curaçao and run our first Syntropic Workshop. What a paradise that you guys live on, an island in the Caribbean, a place very close to the tropics and the Amazon forest, it was supposed to be lush and abundant. I saw in people s eyes the desire to see and live on an abundant island full of nutritious food. Words that I remember from some participants in the workshop are: It s hard to grow food on Curaçao, there is no forest on the island, we don t have enough water to grow food, more than 90% of the food on the island comes from other countries, we can only grow cactus, and not much grows on the island. So we knew that we could change the paradigms and the reality of lack of organic, nutritious and healthy food on the island. CLICK HERE FOR OUR VIDEO MESSAGE The first workshop had around 40 people who were very hungry for the knowledge and very excited to apply what they learned on their own properties. The first Syntropic System implemented at Daniel s place was so great, from barrow land we transformed the place into a mini food oasis, a place with no organic matter turned into a factory of life, all kinds of plants producing so much food and requiring so little irrigation that people really paid attention and believed that it was possible to grow organic, nutritious and diversity of food in Curaçao. After that we had the plan to come back in 2020 and implement more systems and teach other workshops but COVID-19 came and the world shut down and Thiago Gimenez Barbosa many counties went on lockdown. There was another reason to learn how to grow food on the island of Curaçao and more than 40 people already knew at that point that it was possible and some had already started on their own land. Thanks to the Ministry of Health, Environment and Nature, especially to Alvin Daal who believed in our work and decided to run a series of online workshops for the participants who had already implemented a system after the first workshop or had land and intention to start to implement a syntropic system on their land. The results of these workshops were incredible, so many people really invested their time and learned the ins and out of a very complex system. We as teachers are very proud of you guys, but as you know it doesn t stop there, we have to keep on planting and learning from your own systems, Syntropic Farming is 5% planning and implementation and 95% management (there we learn the best lessons) managing the systems already in place and learning from Nature, the best teacher ever. Murilo and I are looking forward to going back to the island soon to help you to manage the systems already in place and implement many more syntropic systems and putting systems in place that would produce food for everyone so we can have a healthy and happy community. Best of 2021 Thiago Gimenez Barbosa 10

Ms. Jessica Churaman Mr. Nkosi Felix CLICK HERE FOR OUR VIDEO MESSAGE The hydroponics training workshops conducted in 2020 was an initiative started through a collaboration between the Institute of Professional Excellence (IPE) and the Faculty of Food and Agriculture (UWI) aimed to improve food security which has become most important following the Covid-19 pandemic. This was part of a drive by the government of Curaçao and IPE to educate, empower and support the wider population to improve the workforce and create business opportunities since these are keyfactors for sustainable economic growth. This action by Curaçao has the potential to serve as a great model for the Caribbean region given their history of being a mass importer of agricultural goods. Instead of following this trend of imports, Curaçao has taken up the mantle to diversify their economy by investing into human capital in fields of agriculture and technology. Hydroponics combines both these areas since hydroponics uses technology to improve the effciency of crop growth. Therefore, using what you have learnt from these workshops you all are in a position to propel Curaçao towards food security with the potential to make this country another food basin for the Caribbean. The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of humanbeings. - Masanobu Fukuoka Participants selected for this program were punctual, enthusiastic and hungry for knowledge which made it a pleasure engaging with them. Although classes had to be adjusted to online teaching due to covid-19, class participation was entertaining and fun with students eager to apply what was taught to solve current issues facing Curaçao. We were also pleased with how well students interpreted in-class activities, takehome assignments and questions via email. Now, the participants have an important role which grows each day, make Curaçao food secure! 11

We all have a responsibility to ensure future generations are better off than us. This is the purpose of the Sustainable Development Goals created by United Nations which highlights agriculture under Goal # 2 which is Zero Hunger. We employ that you construct hydroponic systems, grow crops and most importantly fail since through failure we truly learn. Curaçao can be considered in its infant stage of agricultural development which therefore, provides almost limitless market opportunities where all trained participants can benefit. However, to take advantage of this market space participants must not see each other as competition but remember the agribusiness system is not only focused on production but also the input sector and processing-manufacturing sector. Therefore, in order for one (1) sector to be successful there must be communication amongst all toward a greater goal that is, to reduce dependency on imports. As presented during our workshops, hydroponics can provide a multitude of benefits for both crop producers and consumers boosting domestic production resulting in the achievement of this goal. As we enter 2021, we are aware of the kaleidoscope of problems facing our countries which have magnified with the current Covid-19 virus. Yet, we strongly believe in viewing these problems as opportunities for innovation, so we employ the participants to continue their research and practice in the field of hydroponics. This will force us to create novel hydroponic system designs, growing methods and most importantly improve customer satisfaction. Exercise your green thumbs without fear of failure but an excitement to learn, share and develop your sector. Lastly, we would like to thank all the participants for taking this opportunity to attain new knowledge, IPE for spear heading this initiative, the government of Curaçao for their forward thinking and support for a food secure nation and the Faculty of Food and Agriculture for fostering innovative research such as Controlled Environment Agriculture. Happy New Year! Ms. Jessica Churaman & Mr. Nkosi Felix Hydroponics Instructors Hydroponics maximizes land use and crop productivity while reducing water use 12

ZEAL AND PASSION FOR FOOD SECURITY Prof. Wayne Ganpat (PhD) Leaders with keen foresight must always be acknowledged and held in high regard; for it is by their actions that much progress is made. Such is the case of the Government of Curaçao, which having noticed the state of the country with respect to food, took decisive action. I recall a visit to the University of the West Indies, Faculty of Food and Agriculture by the Hon. Minister of Agriculture and Health Affairs, Mrs. Zita Jesus Leito and her delegation to seek assistance to make Curaçao a food secure country, or at least, much less dependent on external sources for its food. The dynamism of Mr. Franklin Sluis, President of the Institute of Professional Excellence(IPE) and Mr. Giovanni King, Chief Operations Offcer of the Bureau Telecommunicatieen Post, fueled a unique collaboration between the IPE and the Faculty of Food and Agriculture, which resulted, in a very short time, of a plan for training and mobilization of resources to produce select vegetables under the hydroponic system. The collaboration with the government of Curaçao through its IPE was remarkable in two ways. Firstly, the issue of food insecurity that was being attended to, was broadsided by COVID-19. Curaçao was now faced with a double burden as most of the Caribbean. This twin impact left many countries scrambling to store up food supplies from external sources. While it was prudent of Curaçao to do the same, they fully activated their plans for national food security. As such, during the pandemic s early and most dangerous moments, the training continued full speed ahead virtually. The ingenious and adaptive facilitators at the FFA, Mr. Nkosi Felix and Ms. Jessica Churaman, quickly turned all their training and resource materials from in-country face to face mode to virtual mode. This was successful because of the support in Curaçao by a number of persons, Minister of Health, Environment and Nature, Mrs. Zita Jesus Leito, Mrs. Suzy Camelia-Römer, Mr. Alvin Daal, Mr. Curt Belfor, Darick Jonis and Geomaly Martes. The Faculty of Food and Agriculture looks forward to continuing its assistance to the people of Curaçao in other ways to help it significantly reduce its food import bill and even earn foreign exchange from exported food. The approach to the unique collaboration can serve as a model for any other country or organizations as they embark on food security initiatives. Zeal and passionate people when holding hands can do great things. A lesson for others! 13