un, une, des. ce (cet), cette, ces. mon, n]a, mes. notre, nos. ton, ta, tes. vtre, vos. son. sa. ses. leur, leurs. je (j'). tu, il, elle, nous, vous,

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2 Tu me t6-16-pho-ne- dans I'a-pres-mi- en-tre deux heures et de- et trois heures. Z C'est -veil- -leux. -dent -table, 3 Tu vas au cin6-3 Avezmon sty- 3 Est-ce -cher? vous irez le cher- I'avez-vous la pre-midre 4 Tra- nuit. 4 Une vous plait.

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Research on pronunciation Kiyomi F'UKUDA (Department of,\{usic, Arara L,Lriye,rsit.r' of Educatiolt. Alara 630-8528. Japan) (Received April 27,20011 Whether F rench vocal music is srlng successfully or not depends on how precisely the voczrlist can pronounce the French lyrics. For the benefit of such vocalists, in this essay, based on Clamille Mauraue's report, "Advice for Japanese Vocalists Who Sing French Vocal Music." I esamine (1) the similarity and difference betweeu French and Japztnese pronunciation and (21 an effectivc way to pronoulrce French for Japanese vocalists. When French vocal music is sung, it is very important for the vocalists not only to grasp the dynamism of the music as a whole but also to understand the intonation. accent and rhyrne of the lyrics. This is the reiistln I quote from dictionaries. music scores and, in <lrder to refer to the liaison and movement of intonation, French conversation. Based on these factors, first I Look into lyrics as separate lrom the music. Through this process, we might be able to know how the conrposer listened to and felt about the lyrics. Then. we can find out how the lyrics' rhyme and intonation go together with their accompaniment and, at the sarne time, we can understand the lyrics more profoundly than before. The problem for Japanese is that it is difficult to get instructive materials ott F rench "sound." while we have a lot of literary works like translations and researches ort F rench literature, It is necessary for vocalists to acqtiire knowledge of the language in which the music is sttng. Japanese people generally are not good at recognizing and pronouncing French sounds, but once the:r get familiar with them. they can have the confidence to sing in F'rench. I write this essay because I think we need, along with the interpretation of the music itsell a guideline for the rules o{ pronunciation when vocalists sing French vocal music. KeyWords: pronunciation