student in Brazil. 7 月に日本に来て 8 月から大原専門学校で日本語の授業がはじまりました たった 1 ヶ月間でしたが 先生方が優しくて 楽しんでいろんなことを学ぶことができました 新しい単語 日本の文化 書道 茶道 花道 着付け ( 浴衣 ) 手品 着物を着て踊り 宮崎県の観光

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Miyazaki International Exchange Report みやざき発国際交流レポート This Issue s Writer ( 県では 国際協力及び国際交流の一環として ブラジルに移住し作者についてた宮崎県出身者の子弟 ( 日系人 ) を受け入れ 県内の大学 専門的研 Name: Cristiane Tashiro 究機関等に留学してもらう県費留学生受入事業を実施しており 平成 From: São Paulo, Brazil 23 年度は1 名を受け入れました Now: 2011-12 Prefectural Funded 今回の みやざき発国際交流レポート では 平成 23 年度県費留 International Student 学生が作成した 本県での留学生活についてのレポートを掲載しま名前 : 田代クリスチアーネす ) 出身 : サンパウロ州 ブラジル現在 :23 年度の県費留学生 (* To promote international cooperation and exchange, the Miyazaki Prefectural government accepts and funds the children of Miyazaki natives that immigrated to Brazil to study at universities and specialty research centers in Miyazaki Prefecture as international students. In 2011 one student came to study in Miyazaki under this program. This week s Miyazaki International Exchange Report was written by 2011 s program participant and describes her study abroad experience in Miyazaki.) 私は田代クリスチアーネひろみと申します 22 歳の日系ブラジル人です 祖父母と父は約 50 年前に宮崎県小林市須木から移民としてブラジルのサンパウロ州ピエダーデ市に移住しました そのおかげで県費留学生として宮崎県に来ることができ 宮崎産業経営大学にお世話になりました ブラジルではまだ大学生で 生産工学を学んでいます Sou Cristiane Hiromi Tashiro, tenho 22 anos de idade, descendente de japoneses nascida no Brasil. Meus avôs juntamente com meu pai, os quais moravam em um bairro chamado Sukison na cidade de Kobayashi na Província de Miyazaki, vieram como imigrantes ao Brasil aproximadamente há 50 anos e se estabeleceram no Estado de São Paulo, na cidade de Piedade. Por essa razão, pude vir à província de Miyazaki como intercambista pela Prefeitura para estudar na faculdade Sangyou Keiei. No Brasil ainda estou cursando Engenharia de Produção. My name is Cristiane Hiromi Tashiro. I am a 22 year old Brazilian of Japanese descent. Around 50 years ago my grandfather and father immigrated to Piedade, São Paulo, from Suki, Kobayashi, in Miyazaki Prefecture. Because of this, the Miyazaki Prefectural government funded my study in Miyazaki as an international student at Miyazaki Sangyo Kei University. The school s faculty and staff really helped me during my time here. Currently, I am continuing my studies of industrial engineering as a college

student in Brazil. 7 月に日本に来て 8 月から大原専門学校で日本語の授業がはじまりました たった 1 ヶ月間でしたが 先生方が優しくて 楽しんでいろんなことを学ぶことができました 新しい単語 日本の文化 書道 茶道 花道 着付け ( 浴衣 ) 手品 着物を着て踊り 宮崎県の観光名所などを見ることもできました 短い間でしたが 先生方にとても感謝しています いろいろ教わり 忘れられないほどいい思い出になりました ある先生から自転車までいただいたことも忘れられません 私の毎日の足になりました 心から感謝しています No primeiro mês, em Agosto, comecei a frequentar aulas de japonês na escola profissionalizante Ohara. Durou apenas um mês, mas os professores foram muito gentis, e pude aprender as coisas com muito proveito. Palavras novas, cultura japonesa, caligrafia japonesa, arte do chá, montar arranjo de flores (ikebana), o modo de vestir roupa japonesa (yukata), mágica, dança japonesa com kimono, pude conhecer vários lugares turísticos e famosos da Província de Miyazaki graças aos professores. O período foi curto, mas me ensinaram muito, estou muito feliz e agradeciada por tudo, foi uma lembrança inesquecível. Um dos professores me presenteou uma bicicleta, o qual foi meu meio de transporte do dia a dia, que também tornou-se inesquecível, estou profundamente agradecida. I came to Japan in July, and in August my Japanese classes started at Oohara Vocational School. My teachers were very kind, and while it was only for one month, I was able to have fun while learning a lot. I learned new Japanese vocabulary and was able to experience Japanese culture such as shodo (Japanese calligraphy), tea ceremony, yukata fitting, and dancing in kimono. I was even able to visit tourist spots in Miyazaki. While I only studied here for a short time, I am very grateful to my teachers. They taught me a lot, and I made memories that are too wonderful to forget. One of my teachers even gave me a bicycle, which I will never forget. I am really thankful for that bicycle; it became my primary means of transportation while in Miyazaki. 大学が始まってからは 毎日忙しく過ごしました はじめは不安でしたが ある程度日にちが経って 友達ができ 先生方にも優しくしていただき いろんなことを学ぶことができました 生産管理論 環境学 経済学 ファイナンス数学 人事管理論などを半年ほど勉強することができました Após o início das aulas na faculdade, os dias ficaram corridos. No início foi difícil, mas ao passar os dias fiz várias amizades. Os professores foram gentis e dedicados, onde pude aprender matérias ligadas a Administração na Produção, Meio Ambiente, Economia, Matemática Financeira, Teoria da Gestão de Recursos Humanos, durante um semestre. I became very busy after classes at the university began. At first I was worried, but

after a little time passed I made friends and was able to learn a lot from my kind instructors. For about 6 months I studied production management, environmental studies, economics, finance statistics, human resources management etc. 10 月に3 日間父が宮崎に来県しました 父は福岡県に働きに来ていたので1 年半ぶりの再会でした 再会の喜びもありましたが それ以上に南十字星の会の方々や南米を語る会の方々が父を歓迎し もてなしてくれたことにとても感謝し 喜びをおぼえました 久しぶりの再会だったので父と一緒にたくさんのものを見て そしてたくさんのことを話すことができてとても幸せでした Em Outubro, meu pai veio fazer uma visita em Miyazaki por três dias, o qual esteve trabalhando na Província de Fukuoka. Foi um reencontro após um ano e meio. Além da alegria do reencontro, as pessoas da Associação Minami Jyujisei e da Associação Nambeiwo Kataru o recepcionou com uma festa, por essa razão senti uma alegria imensa e estou muito grata. Foi um encontro após muito tempo, e juntamente com meu pai tive a oportunidade de conhecer vários lugares e conversar sobre vários assuntos, o que me deixou muito feliz. In October my father came to Miyazaki for three days. My father has been working in Fukuoka Prefecture, so this was my first time to meet with him in a year and a half. While I was happy to meet with him again, I was even more moved by the members of the Southern Cross and the South American Discussion Group who welcomed and greeted my father. As it was my first time to meet with my father in a long time, I was happy that we were able to see and talk about many things together. 山口県に研修生として来ているいとことその他数人と広島 宮島 長崎を見物して たくさんの文化的な建物などを見学することができました 沖縄を少し旅した帰りに3 回目の山口県訪問の機会があり その時は留学生やいとこの大学の先生と一緒に1 日バスツアーに参加できました 山口県を回りテレビ局などを見学しました 最後には 山に登りキノコ狩りをしたり森林浴をしたりキャンプ食を作ったりしました 山口の自然を肌で感じることができ とても充実した1 日になりました そして何よりたくさんの新しい出会いがあり本当にうれしかったです 一生の思い出になりました Em companhia de meu primo que estava estagiando na Província de Yamaguchi entre outros, visitamos Hiroshima, Miyajima, Nagasaki. Pudemos ver diversos prédios e monumentos históricos. Retornando de Okinawa, tive a oportunidade de voltar para a Província de Yamaguchi, pela terceira vez, nessa ocasião com os amigos intercambistas de meu primo e seus professores da faculdade, tomamos o ônibus e participei de uma excursão de um dia. Circulando pela Província de Yamaguchi, visitamos a emissora de televisão (KDDI). Por fim, escalamos a montanha, apanhamos cogumelos, e cozinhamos ao ar livre sentindo a brisa e o ar puro montanha. Eu pude apreciar a natureza de Yamaguchi, foi um dia extremamente

proveitoso. Além disso, tivemos diversos encontros e fizemos várias amizades, me senti muito feliz, ficará marcado para sempre. I was also able to go sightseeing and see many cultural buildings in Hiroshima, Miyajima, and Nagaski with my cousin, who is studying as a research student in Yamaguchi, and several other international students. After returning from a short trip to Okinawa, I made my third visit to Yamaguchi prefecture and went on a one day bus tour with my cousin and the other study abroad students professors. I was able to travel around Yamaguchi Prefecture and visit the inside of a television studio. Finally, we hiked a mountain, collected mushrooms, enjoyed forest bathing, and made camp food. It was a very fulfilling day, and I was able to feel the nature of Yamaguchi Prefecture on my skin. More than anything else, however, I was happy to have been able to meet so many new people. The memory of this day will be with me forever. 11 月には 宮崎で南十字星の会 (* 宮崎県のブラジル親善団体 ) の即売会のお手伝いに行きました たくさんのお客さんとふれあうことができました こんなに宮崎に人がいたのかと思うくらいたくさんの人が来ていました 私はソーセージサンドウィッチの チョリパン と ブラジリアンコーヒー の販売のお手伝いをしました お客さんがたくさんきてどんどん売れたので楽しかったです Em novembro, participei do evento e auxiliei nas vendas da Associação Minami Jyujisei. Onde tive a oportunidade de manter contato com vários clientes. Admirei com a presença de tantas pessoas, que mal pude acreditar que havia tantas pessoas em Miyazaki. Estava responsável pela venda de pão com linguiça [choripan] e do café brasileiro. Como havia muitos clientes, as vendas foram ótimas e me diverti muito. In November I went to help with the Southern Cross Group s sales exhibit. I was able to interact with the many customers that came to our exhibit. So many people turned out that I wondered, Were there always this many people in Miyazaki? At the exhibit I helped sell choripán (a sausage sandwich) and Brazilian coffee. This event was a lot of fun, and we had a lot of visitors and sold lots of food. 年末年始は大忙し 暮れの行事をやっと終えても年明けにはまだまだしなければいけない ことや楽しいことがたくさんありました A virada do ano foi muito corrida e, mesmo tendo encerradas as atividades, ainda há muito o que fazer. I was extremely busy throughout the end and beginning-of-year holiday period. Even after finally finishing the end-of-year rituals and routines, I still had a lot of things to do

and fun to have before the New Year. 12 月には大学の冬休みが始まり 2 日間日光に行きました ブラジルの研修生や留学生 だけでなくほかの国の留学生にも会うことができ みんなでクリスマスパーティーをしまし た いろんな話や他の人の留学中の体験などを聞き とてもいい時間になりました Em dezembro, iniciaram-se as férias de inverno da faculdade e passei dois dias em Nikko na Província de Tochigi. Além dos estagiários e intercambistas brasileiros, tive a oportunidade de conhecer intercambistas de outros países e fizemos uma festa de Natal. Pude ouvir as experiências de outros intercambistas e trocar idéias em vários assuntos e assim passamos um tempo muito agradável. After my university s winter vacation started, I visited Nikko for 2 days in December. Here I not only met research and international students from Brazil, but I was also able to meet international students from other countries. We all had a Christmas party together. I had a really nice time chatting with the other students and hearing about their study abroad experiences. そして 12 月 25 日からは神奈川県に住んでいるおじさんのうちでゆっくり過ごしました おじさんのうちで親戚を集めてクリスマスパーティーをしたり 親戚のみんなと年越しパーティーをしたりしました 東京 横浜 その他をまわったりしながら毎日楽しい日々を過ごしました おじさんが働いている会社の祭りに行くこともでき その会社の社長に会うことができました 社長は私がちょうど1 歳の誕生日を迎えた時にブラジルに旅行で来ていたらしく なんと私の1 歳の誕生会にお祝いに来てくれていたらしいのです ブラジルは1 歳の誕生日を盛大に祝う風習があるので その際に当時の私と社長は一度会っていたのです 運命的なものを感じました 共通点もあったのでその日は楽しくみんなで過ごしました Após dia 25, passei dias tranquilos na casa de meus tios que residem na Província de Kanagawa. Reunimos parentes e familiares e realizamos a festa de Natal e passamos a virada do Ano juntos. Passei dias agradáveis visitando Tokyo, Yokohama entre outros lugares. Tive a oportunidade de participar de uma evento de verão (churrascada) da empresa onde meus tios trabalham, e também pude conhecer o presidente da empresa. Segundo ele, quando estava viajando pelo Brasil, pode participar da festa do meu primeiro aniversário. No Brasil, a festa do primeiro ano de vida é de costume ser comemorado em grande estilo, e nessa ocasião o presidente parece ter me conhecido. Senti que foi uma coisa do destino. Como tinhamos muitas coisas em comum, pudemos nos divertir. Foi um dia muito agradável. From December 25 th I stayed with my uncle who lives in Kanagawa Prefecture. We had a family Christmas party and New Year s party at his house. I spent my time traveling around Tokyo, Yokohama etc. and enjoyed each day. I also visited the company where my

uncle works and met with the company president. Actually, the president of my uncle s company was traveling in Brazil during the time of my first birthday. I was surprised to learn that he was even at my one year birthday party. In Brazil it is custom to throw a lavish party on a child s first birthday, and because of this tradition, I in a seemingly destined fashion had met the president of my uncle s company at my first birthday party. I had a good time with everyone, and it was nice to have something in common with the president. 2 月にはホンダロックで5 日間の実習をさせてもらい 本社 工場 支社などを見て回りました 色々なことについて学ぶことができました 注文から製品の配達までの流れを知ることができました 初めての現場の雰囲気を肌で感じることができました ブラジルでこの経験を生かしたいと思います 思ってもいないチャンスをいただき 幸せです 実際に他のところでは体験できないことでした Durante cinco dias estagiei na Honda Lock da Província de Miyazaki, e conheci as fabricas, Matriz, Filiais entre outros. Aprendi sobre diversas áreas, desde o pedido do cliente até a entrega do produto final. Pela primeira vez vivenciei novas experiências dentro da linha de produção. No Brasil quero implementar essa experiência nos meus futuros projetos. Estou muito grata por essa oportunidade que nem mesmo tinha imaginado, sem a qual nada disso teria acontecido. I received hands-on training for five days at Honda Lock and was able to visit the company s main offices, factories, branch offices etc. I was also able to experience what it is like to work on-site for the first time. I am very grateful for this unexpected opportunity, which I wouldn t have been able to have had anywhere else, and want to make use of this experience in Brazil. この留学のおかげで日本に住んでいる親戚に会うことができ 長い間会えなかった親戚やま だ会ったことのなかった親戚とも再会することができました この機会がなかったら一生会 うことができなかったかもしれません Graças a essa oportunidade pude reencontrar com os parentes (tios e primos) que residem no Japão, o qual não encontrava há anos, e alguns deles foram a primeira vez em que nos vimos. Se nao houvesse essa oportunidade, talvez nunca pudesse encontrá-los. Thanks to this study abroad opportunity I was able to meet with relatives living in Japan. I met family members that I hadn t seen in a long time as well as relatives that I had never met before. If not for this opportunity I probably would have never been able to meet some of these members of my family.

日本では私の家族の文化 しきたりを目で見ることができました 8ヶ月の短い間でしたけれど人生の勉強になりました 初めて国を出て 家族や友達と離れて一人暮らしを体験しました 2011 年のたった1 人の県費留学生でした 素晴らしい人生の教訓でした 慣れるまではちょっと大変でしたけれど日が立つにつれて慣れることができました 日本とブラジルの文化の違いがあるからです 今では日本に対して愛情を感じます 現在 ブラジル日系社会ではまだお年寄りを尊敬するようにと教えられています 日本の文化はとても素晴らしいです Aqui no Japão pude ver de perto a cultura da minha família. Oito meses parece ter sido pouco, mas nesse pouco tempo pude aprender muito sobre a vida, foi a primeira vez em que sai do país, morar sozinha, viver longe da família e amigos. Não é tão fácil como parece, aprendi me virar sozinha, além de tudo fui a única estudante bolsista de 2011. Foi uma grande lição de vida. No começo foi difícil me acostumar, pois os costumes são diferentes do Brasil, mas no dia a dia fui me acostumando, simplesmente amei o Japão. Percebi o quanto a cultura japonesa é forte, o quão são educados e respeitadores. Ainda hoje, há no Brasil japoneses idosos que cultivam essa cultura. During my stay in Japan I was able to see the culture and customs of my family. While my study abroad was only for the short period of eight months, it was a life learning experience. I left my home country for the first time and experienced living away from my family and friends. I was also the only prefectural international student that came to Miyazaki in 2011, which was a great learning experience. While the cultural differences between Japan and Brazil made it a little difficult to get used to life in Miyazaki, as time passed I became accustumed to my new life. I have now come to love Japan. Currently, Brazilians of Japanese descent are still taught to respect their elders. I think that this is a wonderful part of Japanese culture. 短い間でしたが いろんな人と交流ができてとても嬉しく思っております 一緒に楽しく過ごした時間は決して忘れないでしょう いろんな出会いができ 温かく迎えてくださった方々に深く感謝しています 先生方はじめ いろんなことを教えていただき 日本で学んだことを将来に役立てたいです O período foi curto, mas tive contato com vários tipos de pessoas e países e foi muito gratificante. Jamais esquecerei o tempo que passamos juntos. Tive vários encontros, e todos me receberam calorosamente, estou muito grata a todos. Inicialmente aos professores e a todos que me ensinaram, muito obrigada. Pretendo utilizar os ensinamentos do Japão de volta no Brasil. While it was only for a short time, I am very happy to have been able to meet and interact with so many people. I will never forget the fun times that I spent with everyone.

I am deeply thankful for the warm welcome that everyone gave me. I hope to be able to make use of what my teachers taught me and all that I learned in Japan in my future. 最後にお世話になった方々に感謝したいと思います 南十字星の会 南米を語る会 大学と日本語学校の先生方や友達 県庁 ホンダロックの方々にとても親切にしていただき 大変助かりました 私のために貴重な時間を割いていただき 本当にありがとうございました 心から感謝しています 将来また会えることを願っています この上ない経験を与えてくださった方々にとても感謝しています ありがとうございました Estou muito grata as pessoas que conheci, incluindo a Associação Minami Jyujisei, Associação Nanbeiwo Kataru, professores da faculdade e da escola japonesa, amigos, pessoas do governo da Província, Honda Lock, em geral todos foram muito gentis, se não fossem por eles, não sei o que seria de mim. Não deve ter sido fácil para alguns, de coração agradeço tudo o que fizeram por mim. Espero poder encontrá-los novamente no futuro. Agradeço as pessoas que me proporcionaram essa experiência única. Muito obrigada. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to those that helped me. I give my great thanks to the members of the Southern Cross Group and the Discussing South America Group, my teachers and friends at Miyazaki Sangyo Kei University and Oohara Vocational School, the Miyazaki Prefectural government, and the people at Honda Lock. I couldn t have succeeded in my study abroad without your help. Also, thank you for taking the time out of each of your busy schedules to help me. I am really grateful. I hope that we will be able to meet again. Thank you for giving me this unbeatable experience. 県費留学生体験記 Prefectural International Student Journal