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2 ( )$("canvas").drawarc({strokestyle:"red", x:100, y:100, radius:20, start:0, end:360); drawline(x1:, y1:,... xn:, yn:) drawline n 2 n 3 x1: y1: xn: yn: rounded:ture strokedash:[ ] startarrow:, endallow: ture arrowangle:, arrowradius: ( )$("canvas").drawline({strokestyle: blue, endarrow:true, arrowradius:20, x1:10, y1:20, x2:50, y2:100, x3:70, y3:40); drawrect(x:, y:, width:, height:) drawrect x: y: width: height: cornerradius: ( )$("canvas").drawrect({fillstyle: red, x:300, y:140, width:300, height:150); drawpolygon(x:, y:, radius:, sides:, (rotate:)) drawpolygon x: y: radius: sides: rotate: concavity: ( )$("canvas").obj.drawpolygon({fillstyle: green, x:50, y:100, radius:30, sides:3, concavity:0.5); drawtext(x:, y:, fontstyle:, fontsize:, text: ) drawtext fontstyle: fontsize: text: align center, left, right start x,y end x,y baseline middle, top, hanging, alphabetic, ideographic, bottom fliparctext: true fontfamily: ( )$("canvas").drawtext({strokestyle: blue, strokewidth:1, x:150, y:30, fontsize:20, text: ); drawimage(source:, x:, y:) drawimage source: : : HTML width: height: scale: swidth: sheight: sx: sy: cropfromcenter: ( )$( canvas ).drawimage({source: images/fish.jpg, x: 150, y: 150); drawquadratic(x1:, y1:, cx1:, cy1:, x2:, y2:) drawquadratic 2 x1: y1: 2 cx1: cy1: 2 x2: y2: 2 2

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5 mousemove mouseover canvas mouseout canvas dragstart drag dragstop dragcancel canvas ( )dragstart, drag, dragstop, dblclick $("canvas").drawarc({layer: true,draggable: true, bringtofront: true,fillstyle: "green", x: 150, y: 150,radius: 50, dragstart: function() {layer.fillstyle="blue", drag: function(layer) {layer.fillstyle="red", dragstop: function(layer) {layer.fillstyle="yellow", dblclick:function(layer){layer.fillstyle="black" ); ( ) $.jcanvas.defaults.layer = true; $("canvas").drawarc({ fillstyle: blue,x: 150, y: 150,radius: 50,draggable:true, name:"rei",drag:function(){$("canvas").removelayer("link");drawlink();); function drawlink(){ var ai = obj.getlayer("rei"); $("canvas").drawrect({ fillstyle: red, x:ai.x+100, y:ai.y+100, width: 100, height: 100,draggable: false,name:"link"); drawlink(); ( ) $.jcanvas.defaults.layer = true; obj.drawline({ strokestyle: "black", strokewidth: 1, x1:10, y1:200, x2:200, y2:30, x3:390, y3:200, draggable: false, name: "link" ); obj.drawarc({fillstyle: "blue", radius:6, x:200, y:30, draggable:true, 5

6 name:"vertex", drag:function(layer){ var sen=obj.getlayer("link"); sen.x2=layer.x; sen.y2=layer.y; ); 3. clearcanvas() rotatecanvas(x:, y:, rotate: ) x: y: rotate: scalecanvas(x:, y:, scalex:, scaley: ) x: y: scalex: scaley: scalecanvas(scale:2).drawrect translatecanvas(translate:) translate: translatey: detectpixelratio(function(ratio)ratio ) restorecanvas( ) getcanvasimage ( ) Base64 PNG, jpg JPEG setpixels( ) 4. creategradient( ) createpattern( ) getcanvasimage( ) Base64 geteventhooks( ) measuretext( ) jcanvas.extend( ) 5. shadowblur:

7 shadowcolor: shadowstroke: shadowx:, shadowy: x y scalex:, scaley: x y canvas opacity: bringtofront: ture false restrictdragtoaxis: x y null disableevents: ture false intangible: ture false visible: ture false autsave: ture false crossorigin: drawimage canvas, anonymous, use-credentials draggroups: indegrees: true false intangible: true false maxwidth: drawtext r1:,r2: null r1 r2 7

8 respectalign: drawtext true x y false x y translatex:,translatey: translatex translatey strokejoin: miter bevel round miterlimit: miter imagesmoothing: ture false compositing: source-over, source-in, source-out, source-atop, lighter, destination-over, destination-in, destination-out, destination-atop, copy, xor, mask: ture ccw: ture false intersects: ture false

9 0.6. (20 ) (25 ) CPU CPU CPU CPU (5 ) PC obj.drawimage({ draggable: true, 9

10 source: dengen.jpg, x:50, y:70, width: 100, height: 100, fromcenter: false, rotate:180, dblclick:function(layer){ layer.width=400*yoko/1680; layer.height=150*yoko/1680; obj.drawtext({ strokestyle:"black", fillstyle:"black", strokewidth:1, x:210,y:20, fontsize:30, text:"", name:"setsumei4");, dragstart:function(layer){omx=layer.eventx;omy=layer.eventy;, drag:function(layer) {kaki(layer);, dragstop:function(layer){ if(-40<=layer.rotate && layer.rotate<=40){ layer.rotate=0;; if(yoko*50/1680<=layer.y<yoko*781/1680 && yoko*476/1680<=layer.x<=yoko*1245/1680){ //pc if(yoko*595/1680<=layer.y<yoko*748/1680 && yoko*511/1680<=layer.x<=yoko*911/1680){ // if(-10<=layer.rotate%360 && layer.rotate%360<=10){ if(layer.width==400*yoko/1680 && layer.height==150*yoko/1680){ // den(); if(layer.rotate%180){ dg(); else{ obj.removelayer("eo"); ); 10

11 function den(){ sweetalert(" "); ; function dg(){ sweetalert(" "); ; :450, :150 if PC 180 " " " " obj.drawimage({ draggable: true, source: hd.jpg, x:10, y:400, width: 150, height:150, fromcenter: false, rotate:180, dblclick:function(layer){ layer.width=170*yoko/1680; layer.height=50*yoko/1680; obj.drawtext({ strokestyle:"black", fillstyle:"black", strokewidth:1, x:240,y:500, fontsize:30, text:"hdd ", name:"setsumei5");, 11

12 dragstart:function(layer){omx=layer.eventx;omy=layer.eventy;, drag:function(layer) {kaki(layer);, dragstop:function(layer){ if(-40<=layer.rotate && layer.rotate<=40){ layer.rotate=0;; if(yoko/2 && tate/2){ //pc if(yoko*1059/1680&&tate*554/873){ //HDD if(-10<=layer.rotate%360 && layer.rotate%360<=10){ if(layer.width==170*yoko/1680 && layer.height==50*yoko/1680){ haad(); if(layer.rotate%180){ dk(); // else{ obj.removelayer("eo"); ); function haad(){ sweetalert("hdd "); ; function dk(){ sweetalert("hdd "); ; :200, :40 if PC HD 180 "HDD " "HDD " obj.drawimage({ draggable: true, source: memori01.jpg, x:1100, y:350, width: 70, height: 330, 12

13 fromcenter: false, rotate:180, dblclick:function(layer){ layer.width=20*yoko/1680; layer.height=300*yoko/1680; obj.drawtext({ strokestyle:"black", fillstyle:"black", strokewidth:1, x:1500,y:500, fontsize:30, text:" ", name:"setsumei1");, dragstart:function(layer){omx=layer.eventx;omy=layer.eventy;, drag:function(layer) {kaki(layer);, dragstop:function(layer){ if(-40<=layer.rotate && layer.rotate<=40){ layer.rotate=0;; if(yoko/2 && tate/2){ //pc if(yoko*817/1680&&tate*280/873){ // if(-10<=layer.rotate%360 && layer.rotate%360<=10){ if(layer.width==20*yoko/1680 && layer.height==300*yoko/1680){ aiu(); if(layer.rotate%180){ mm(); // else{ obj.removelayer("eo"); ); function aiu(){ sweetalert(" "); ; function mm(){ 13

14 sweetalert(" "); ; :20, :330 if PC 180 " " " " obj.drawimage({ draggable: true, source: videocard.png, x:1100, y:50, width: 500, height:140, fromcenter: false, rotate:180, dblclick:function(layer){ layer.width=200*yoko/1680; layer.height=20*yoko/1680; obj.drawtext({ strokestyle:"black", fillstyle:"black", strokewidth:1, x:1470,y:150, fontsize:30, text:" ", name:"setsumei2");, dragstart:function(layer){omx=layer.eventx;omy=layer.eventy;, drag:function(layer) {kaki(layer);, dragstop:function(layer){ if(-40<=layer.rotate && layer.rotate<=40){ layer.rotate=0;; 14

15 if(yoko/2 && tate/2){ //pc if(yoko*691/1680&&tate*434/873){ // if(-10<=layer.rotate%360 && layer.rotate%360<=10){ if(layer.width==200*yoko/1680 && layer.height==20*yoko/1680){ aii(); if(layer.rotate%180){ vc(); // else{ obj.removelayer("iueo"); ); function aii(){ sweetalert(" "); ; function vc(){ sweetalert(" "); ; :200, :20 if PC 180 " " " " CPU obj.drawimage({ draggable: true, source: cpu01.jpg, x:1100, y:230, width:100*yoko/1680, height:110*yoko/1680, fromcenter: false, rotate:180, name:"kakudo", 15

16 dblclick:function(layer){ obj.drawtext({ strokestyle:"black", fillstyle:"black", strokewidth:1, x:1550,y:260, fontsize:30, text:"cpu ", name:"setsumei3");, dragstart:function(layer){omx=layer.eventx;omy=layer.eventy;obj.removelayer("setsumei");, drag: function(layer) {kaki(layer);, dragstop:function(layer){ if(-40<=layer.rotate && layer.rotate<=40){ layer.rotate=0;; if(yoko/2 && tate/2){ //pc if(100*yoko/168&&110*yoko/168){ //cpu if(-10<=layer.rotate%360 && layer.rotate%360<=10){ ai(); if(layer.rotate%180){ cp(); else{ obj.removelayer("ueo"); ); CPU if PC CPU 180 "CPU " "CPU " 16

17 0.9. [1] :,,,. [2] :,,. 17

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