30周 年 の 実 績 と と も に 新 た な る ア ミュ ー ズ の 創 造 へ Amassing 30 years of experience and striving to create a new Amuse Tradition and innovation With 30 years

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Amuse Inc. 11/12F Shibuya Infoss Tower, 20-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8570 Japan 2008.6

30周 年 の 実 績 と と も に 新 た な る ア ミュ ー ズ の 創 造 へ Amassing 30 years of experience and striving to create a new Amuse Tradition and innovation With 30 years of experience and achievements as the driving force, the new Amuse Group is committed to the continuous creation 伝承と革新 of high quality entertainment that lets everyone share delight in the future. 30年間の蓄積と成果を力に 新 た な る ア ミュ ー ズ グ ル ー プ は あらゆる人 々 が 喜 び を 共 有 できる 良 質 の エ ン タ ー テ イ ン メ ント を こ れ か ら も 創 造 し 続 け て ま い り ま す T o p M e s s a g e ご あ い さ つ With amusing mind at the center of our business philosophy, we will create a business framework for Amuse アミューズマインドにこだわることで アミューズのカタチを創っていきます 代表取締役社長に就任して あっという間に1年が過ぎました 会社創立30周年という節目の年に創業者である大里洋吉から受け取った バトンを 次の世代へつなげていく その役目を着実に果たしていくことが 私に与えられた使命であると考えています 所属アーティストに目を向けてみると 30年間ずっと一緒に走り続けているサザンオールスターズをはじめとして 富田靖子 三宅裕司 I was appointed Representative Director and President in the year that marked the 30th anniversary of Amuse, an important milestone in our history. Since then, one year has passed very quickly. Having inherited the business from Yokichi Osato, the founder of Amuse, I am convinced that my mission is to pass the baton to the next generation and to fulfill the responsibilities steadily. As an entertainment agency, we are very proud of the many artists who have stayed with us for so many years: Those artists represented by the Southern All Stars, who have always been hand-in-hand with us and been our successful partner for more than 30 years. Other artists include Yasuko Tomita, Yuji Miyake, Eri Fukatsu, Goro Kishitani, Yasufumi Terawaki, Masaharu Fukuyama, and BEGIN. Fortunately, young artists with the potential to support Amuse for the next generation have debuted over the past few years. Additionally, auditions were successfully held as part of the 30th anniversary events, and these will bring us a bright future. In addition, four companies have become new members of the Amuse Group over the past year. I believe that the scope of our business is steadily expanding. We, at the Amuse Group, aim to offer high quality entertainment directly to our customers. At the same time, I believe that one of the most important missions for each member company of the Amuse Group is to inherit the mind that Amuse has cultivated. Thirty years will have passed this October since the foundation of Amuse. Now, the synergy within the Amuse Group is most promising. Amid these, I am fully convinced that tradition and innovation, which I announced as the key company policy when I assumed my current position, will facilitate the creation of a new business framework for Amuse. We look forward to meeting your expectations and appreciate the support for the Amuse Group in the future. 深津絵里 岸谷五朗 寺脇康文 福山雅治 BEGINなどなど 長いお付き合いをさせていただいているアーティストがたくさんいます そして ここ何年かで 次のアミューズを支えてくれる可能性を持った若者たちがデビューを飾り 30周年記念のオーディションも大成功し 明るい 希望を持てる状況になってきています その中で若手のアーティストをひと組挙げるとすれば やはりPerfumeでしょう 楽曲はもちろんですが 彼女たちのライブこそアミューズ が培ってきたノウハウが生かされ これまでのアイドルとの差別化ができていると自負しています 彼女たちはまさしく アミューズが創るア イドルのカタチを具現化してくれたと言えます そして この1年間で 4つの会社が新たに私たちのグループに加わりました 確実に 仕事の間口は広がってきています 私たちはアミューズ グループとして 良質なエンターテインメントをお客様に直接お届けすることを目指していきますが 各々の会社において これまでアミューズ が培ってきたマインドを伝承していくことが もっとも重要なことのひとつだと考えています この10月に会社創立30年を迎えますが グループ間のシナジーも大いに期待できる現在 代表取締役社長就任のときに掲げた 伝承と 革新 がアミューズの新しいカタチを創り出していくと確信しています 今後のアミューズグループにご期待をいただきたく ご支援下さいま すようよろしくお願いいたします Representative Director and President 1 Tatsuro Hatanaka 代表取締役社長 畠 中 達郎 2

You name it, we have it: All the entertainment, here at Amuse Group. As the total entertainment corporation, the Amuse Group continues to create high quality entertainment that enables all the people to share enjoyment and excitement, including artists and our employees. Our core businesses include the following three major areas: artist management business centering on artists activities; media visual business to plan, produce, and sell visual contents; and contents business to manage, maintain, and leverage the rights generated by our day-to-day business activities. By joining forces and creating synergy within the Amuse Group (11 subsidiaries and 2 affiliates), we look to strength our corporate basis as a total culture-producing entertainment group, breaking the barrier of being just a talent agency. G R O U P W O R K Domestic Overseas Future Business Plan The Amuse Group has laid out a business plan to further expand each one of its businesses to secure and develop a new source of profits for the future while enhancing group synergy. By utilizing the know-how and accomplishments obtained from the cycle shown in the following diagram and enhanced functions, we also plan to create a positive spiral. Reinforcement of advantage and development of new source of profits for the future. Integration of production and sales Artist Management Production of concerts and theatricals with the activities of the artists Television, radio, and commercial appearances Management of fan clubs and sales of a variety of goods and products Production of record masters and management of copyright A-Sketch INC. Online distribution and management of music and production of records Contents Management of master rights and copyright of old music Utilization of films and visual images TAMURA MUSIC FACTORY Inc. Production of Music Software Masters AZEAL Inc. Artist management, production of records, and music management Ayers Inc. Music Software Planning TAISHITA Label Music Co., Ltd. Production, manufacturing, management and online distribution, etc. of music software Master Production Distribution of Music Software Market Research China Korea Beijing Geishin Theatrical Art Production, Ltd. Discovering and Training Artists, Overseas Market Research and Development U.S.A. Copyright Management Synergy Music Visual Stage/Event Other Development and Procurement Artist Management-2 Consolidation, discovery, and promotion of new artists Production and Creation Artist Management-1 Development of music business Media Visual Sales Expansion of titles by harnessing and leveraging group synergy Artist Management-3 Development of contents without depending on artists under our management Aggressive exchange with other industries Fostering of new business Management and Secondary Use Contents Promotion of the secondary use of our intellectual property rights Media Visual Production of programs for TV and other media Production and distribution of films Purchase, production, and sales of film videocassettes and DVDs Others AMUSE SOFT ENTERTAINMENT INC. Production, manufacturing, and sales,etc. of visual software. Amuse CineQuanon Inc. Movie Theater Management J-Feel Inc. Training and consulting business for corporate and individual customers Brussels Co., Ltd. Deployment of Belgian beer bars, import business, and wholesale business Distribution of Visual Software Distribution of Visual Software Visual Production U.S.A. Planning/Production of Visual Contents About plan of each business Artist Management Business (1) Development of music business Through Azeal Inc., an artist management and music production company, and A-Sketch Inc., a music online distribution company jointly established with KDDI Corporation, we plan to roll out music distribution services to as many people as possible in a manner that meets and anticipates the needs of the times. (2) Consolidation, discovery, and promotion of new artists We continue to conduct Amuse auditions regularly to promote the discovery of new artists. (3) Development of contents We continue ongoing efforts to actively develop contents that do not completely rely on inhouse artists (characters, original stages, and invited overseas stages). Media Visual Business While rolling out contents with reduced risk, we plan to improve our portfolio with synergistic titles, including original works and those casting our own artists. Contents Business We are committed not only to the management of our rights (intellectual property) generated by the above-mentioned businesses, but also to their full application. Fostering of new business In collaboration with J-Feel Inc., a human resources development company, we will focus on fostering our new business by developing new contents through synergy. Consolidated Subsidiary Subsidiary Affiliate 3 4

Completed Amuse Studio (a recording studio) in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Established Amuse Inc. in Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. (paid-in capital 5million yen). Established Arm Communications Inc. in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. (company name changed to Geishin Publishing Inc. in January 1996, and to Amuse Books Inc. in June 1997). Established Publisher House Amuse Inc. a music production company, in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Changed company name of Amuse Cinema City Inc. to Amuse Cinema Inc. Established Amuse Cinema City Inc., a cinema film Moved head office to Higashi 3 chome, Established Amuse Hong Kong Ltd. in Hong Kong. production/distribution company, in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. (company name changed to Amuse Cinema Inc. in October 1990). Established Amuse Culture Inc. through joint investment with Culture Convenience Club Co., Ltd. Acquired Brainstorm Music Inc. in California, U.S.A. Established Biz International Inc. through a merger between subsidiaries Publisher House Amuse Inc. and Amuse Cinema Inc. Established Amuse America Inc. in NewYork, U.S.A. Completed lesson studio in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Established Kirei Inc. in California, U.S.A. Established Amuse Video Inc., a video software production/sales company, in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo (company name changed to Amuse Pictures, Inc. in October 2000). MANAGEMENT Established Ayers Inc. through joint investment with Bandai Co., Ltd. Changed company name of Amuse Video Inc. to Amuse Pictures, Inc. with the expansion in visual business. Affiliate Amuse CineQuanon Inc. (est. July, 1995) opens movie theater CINE AMUSE EAST & WEST in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Made Ayers Inc. a subsidiary through acquisition of additional shares. Established Beijing Geishin Theatrical Art Production, Ltd., in Beijing. Established Amuse Korea Inc. in Korea. Moved head office to Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Changed company name of Geishin Publishing Inc. to Amuse Books Inc. Merger of three U.S. subsidiaries into Kirei Inc. Micro Sonic System Inc. (pro forma surviving company) acquires Amuse Inc. (actual surviving company), changing its name to Amuse Inc. Established Amuse Sales, Inc. as an affiliate of Established RE-WIND RECORDINGS Inc. through joint Amuse Pictures, Inc. investment with Victor Entertainment, Inc. Participates in theatrical group Super Eccentric Theater (Leader: Yuji Miyake). Invites off-broadway musical MAMA, I WANT TO SING, which attracts an audience of 110,000. Dai-fukkatsu-sai by the Southern All Stars registers an attendance of 500,000. Produces Asahi Broadcasting s Odoroki Momo no Ki 20th Century. Plans Act Against AIDS (AAA) Campaign. Co-distributed film The English Patient wins 9 Academy Awards. BUSINESS Opens live house Morning Moon in Sendai. Produces Aiko, 16 (starring: Yasuko Tomita). Best New Actress Award winner in the Japan Academy Awards and the Yokohama Film Festival. Registered an attendance of 3.5 million with its tenth film production, Inamura Jane Reg. Kitaro s World Tour (37 performances in 37 cities, and at the Izumo Shrine), draws an audience of 200,000. Releases Twin Peaks on video from Amuse Video Inc. Releases Act Against AIDS Special Single, Kiseki no Hoshi, by Keisuke Kuwata and Mr. Children. The Southern All Stars Hotaru California in Yokohama draws an attendance of 160,000 in 2 days. Holds Act Against AIDS charity concerts simultaneously in Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand. TSUNAMI, the Southern All Stars single, tops 3 million in sales. Their album Ballad 3 the album of love tops 2.5 million. Southern All Stars performs a concert in Chigasaki. Amuse CineQuanon s co-distributed film Shuri registers 1 million viewers. Porno Graffitti s 1st album Romantist Egoist posts over 350,000 copies in sales. Masaharu Fukuyama s new single Sakurazaka sells over 2.3 million copies. Produces Asahi Broadcasting Corporation s Sekai Tsukai Densetsu! Unmei no Dadadadan! Produces TBS s Jodan Street. Keisuke Kuwata starts the KUWATA BAND. Grammy nomination for Kitaro s The Light of the Spirit. Produces Heisei Meibutsu TV Miyake Yuji no Ikasu Bando Tengoku (commonly called Ikaten ), sparking the subsequent band boom. The Southern All Stars performsits first overseas concert at Beijing Capital Gymnasium. Produces TV Tokyo s Mogra-Negra. In a first for China and Japan, the large-scale television series drama Tokyo no Shanghai-jin is co-produced with Shanghai Denshidai and broadcast at 60 broadcasting stations in China, including Shanghai, registering 31.3% in ratings in the Shanghai area on average, and a maximum rating of 60% in the entire country. D-LIVE, a pioneer in a new genre of the theatrical business, starts. Produces Bindume no Jigoku Bottled Neck by Chikyu Gorgeous theater company (Goro Kishitani, Yasufumi Terawaki). Southern All Stars debuts. H2O debuts. Spectrum debuts. ARTISTS Juicy Fruit debuts. Kitaro signs contract with Amuse America Inc. Masaharu Fukuyama debuts. Starts management of Hisahiro Ogura. BEGIN debuts. Starts management of Goro Kishitani. Starts management of Yasufumi Terawaki. Starts management of Bakufu Slump. THE Tonnanshapei debuts. 135 debuts. Eri Fukatsu debuts. Yoshie Okuyama debuts. Mirai Yamamoto debuts. Contracts with BEYOND, rock-band in Starts management of Toshihide Tonesaku. Hong Kong. Yoshinori Okada debuts. Starts management of Syu Yamamoto. Starts management of Terumi Yoshida. Starts management of Oji Hiroi. SIAM SHADE debuts. Starts management of Takako Katou. Risa Sudou debuts. Yuka Itaya debuts. Starts management of Takeshi Kaneshiro. Porno Graffitti debuts. COLOR (Buzy) debuts. Starts management of Tiara. PaniCrew debuts. 5 Yasuko Tomita debuts. Yuki Matsushita debuts. 6

Made Amuse Sales, Inc. its subsidiary through acquisition of shares by Amuse Pictures, Inc. Listed on the Osaka Securities Exchange NASDAQ Japan on September 20th. MANAGEMENT Established Sprite Entertainment Inc., a CG/film production company, in Hawaii, U.S.A. 25th anniversary of establishment. Listed on Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on March 24th. Changed company name of Amuse Sales, Inc. to Amuse Software Entertainment Inc. with the expansion in visual business. Amuse CineQuanon Inc. opens the second movie theater, Amuse CQN, in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Sumio Matsuzaki becomes president. Acquired of shares of Koma Stadium Ltd. Listed on First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on March 1. Established TAISHITA Label Music Co., Ltd. through joint investment with Victor Entertainment, Inc. Tatsuro Hatanaka assumed the post of Representative Director and President. Established J-Feel Inc. for training and consulting business for both corporate and individual customers. 30th Anniversary of the establishment of the company Incorporated Brussels Co., Ltd., a company that deploys Belgian beer bars, as a subsidiary. Established AZEAL Inc. to manage artists, produce records, and manage music. Established A-Sketch, a company jointly established with KDDI Corporation to conduct the label business, such as music distribution, record production, and music management. Releases Korean hit movie JSA. Distributed film Ryoki-teki na Kanojo becomes a single-theater hit. Masaharu Fukuyama performs in his first dome concert, drawing 180,000 fans in two days in Tokyo and Osaka Masaharu Fukuyama s single Niji / Himawari / Sore ga Subete sa, and album fukuyama masaharu MAGNUM respectively. COLLECTION SLOW simultaneously get first place in its first week on sale, a first for a male solo singer. Hosts Southern Fan no Katte ni 25 shu-nen Manatsu no Hihokan! in Odaiba. Produces Amuse 25th anniversary commemoration musical Futari. Invites HITACHI Wooo Marciel in a commemorative event for the 50th anniversary of Nippon Television Network Corporation and the 25th anniversary of Amuse Inc. Invited an equestrian opera Zingaro, draws Distributed film The Pianist wins the Palme D or in the Cannes International Film Festival, 68,000 people. BUSINESS and the 3 main categories in the Academy Awards, among other awards. Distributed film BioHazard tops 2.3 billion yen in box-office sales. Invited a rock musical WE WILL ROCK YOU, attracting an audience of 168,000. Holds First Amuse Artist Audition in Kyoto. Amuse Sales Inc. exclusively sells the official DVD & video of 2002 FIFA World Cup TM. Southern All Stars 2-album set, Killer Street sells over 1 million copies. Keisuke Kuwata s album ROCK AND ROLL HERO sells over 1 million copies. Produces Chikyu Gorgeous theater Claudia. Best album TOP OF THE POPS sells over 2 million copies. Keisuke Kuwata performs concerts in the 5 major domes nationwide. Porno Graffitti s best albums, PORNO GRAFFITTI BEST RED S and PORNO GRAFFITTI BEST BLUE S sells over two million altogether. Masaharu Fukuyama s Fukuyama Engineering the Golden Oldies gets first place in all-time album sales in the Japanese music cover album category. Enters into a business alliance with Creative Office CUE. Launches a new label Aer-born. Fukuoka-based theater company, Gingira Taiyo s, performes in Tokyo. Produces HUMANITY THE MUSICAL by Chikyu Gorgeous theater company Invites Tanguera, an Argentine tango musical group. Porno Graffitti performs its first stadium concert Yokohama Romance Porno 06 ~Catch the Haneuma~ The 9th Pornograffitti Live Circuit, Pornograffitti ga yattekita, an across-the-nation attracting an audience of 60,000 in 2 days at Yokohama Stadium. tour completes successfully. Perfume s second album Game appeares on Oricon s hit music charts for the first Hosts the open-air festival THE MUJINTO Fes. 2006 WOW!! Kohaku! Enta no Friend Park HeyHey time and wins 1st place. Station ni Tomarou! drawing 120,000 people in 2 days at Hamanako Garden Park. Southern All Stars performs its 30th anniversary live concert Movie Nada Sousou draws more than 2,500,000 viewers. Invites Korean musical, Winter Sonata, the Musical. FLOW performs its first live concert at Nippon Budokan. Invites rock musical WE WILL ROCK YOU in Japan again. Perfume performs its first live concert at Nippon Budokan. Invites an equestrian spectacle opera Zingaro Starts the service on the delivery site for Chakuuta Full (R) Amuse Mobile Full. Produces Honor Mamori Tsuzuketa Itamito Tomoni by TEAM NACS theater company. Inited Korean Comic Marshalarts Performance JUMP. Produces Sasayaki-iro no Anohitachi by Chikyu Gorgeous theater company. Holds the Amuse 30th Anniversary Nationwide Audition. Solicites for submission of plans for the Amuse 30th Anniversary Commemorative Project and selects the winner of the Grand Prix. Oshirikajiri Mushi, a song jointly developed between Amuse Software Entertainment Inc. and NHK Minnanouta, becomes a major hit. Produces a movie Little DJ Chiisana Koi no Monogatari. Starts management of Ayaka Komatsu. Starts management of Noriyasu Kunori. Starts management of Minoru Noda. Starts management of Yuta Hiraoka. Starts management of Ryoji Morimoto. Starts management of FLOW. Starts management of Juri Ueno. Atsushi Hashimoto debuts. Keisuke Koide debuts. Starts management of TEAM NACS. (Hiroyuki Morisaki, Ken Yasuda, Shigeyuki Totsugi, Yo Oizumi, Takuma Otoo). Starts management of Haruma Miura. 15th anniversary of Masaharu Fukuyama. 15th anniversary of BEGIN. Starts management of Ryunosuke Kamiki. Starts management of Nana Rokusha. Starts management of Rea Ranka. Starts management of Yuriko Yoshitaka. Bahashishi debuts. Kimito Totani debuts. Starts management of Skoop On Somebody. Takeru Sato debuts. Starts management of junaida. ONE OK ROCK debuts. monobright debuts. Suzu Natsume debuts. Starts management of Rio Kanno. Starts management of Miki Kimura. Starts management of Saki Matsuda. 30th anniversary of Southern All Stars. Emi Tawata debuts. Starts management of Aya Kakisawa. ghostnote debuts. Starts management of F.O.H. (now Full Of Harmony). Riisa Naka debuts. Starts management of Ito Ogawa. Kaoru Hirata debuts. ARTISTS Starts management of Freeway High 2. Elena Mizusawa debuts. Starts management of Chizu Saeki. Starts management of Akihisa Souguchi. Starts management of Perfume. Starts management of Mika Takenaka. Winners of the 30th Anniversary Nationwide Audition: Starts management of Yukinojo Mori. 25th anniversary of Southern All Stars. Ruito Aoyagi debuts. Kurumi Shimizu / Shota Matsushima / Mitsue Banzai / Tomoya Kikuno / Naoto Ito / Saako Ohmura and Others. Starts management of wyolica. Starts management of Kaori Asoh. Dori Sakurada debuts. Yumika Tajima debuts. Tsuyoshi Hayashi debuts. Starts management of Kotaro Fukui. Starts management of Fukumi Kuroda. Mai Takahashi debuts. 7 Starts management of BOYSTYLE. 8

Name Address Established Capital Employees Business Domain Listing (Stock Code) AMUSE Inc. 20-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo October 16, 1978 1,587,825,000 yen 184 (234 in Amuse Group) This figure does not include part-time and temporary workers. 1. Promotion and management of celebrities, musicians, film directors, scriptwriters, athletes and intellectuals. 2. Production, contracting and promotion of music, film, theater, theatrical entertainment and speaking engagement. 3. Planning, production, contracting and copyrighting of radio and television programs, commercial films and jingles. 4. Planning, production, manufacturing, sales, rental and copyrighting of audio and visual software. 5. Invitation of overseas entertainers, musicians, film directors, scriptwriters, producers, athletes, intellectuals, etc. 6. Planning, sales, and right management of character goods. 7. Publication and distribution of such printed material as books and musical scores. 8. Operation of recording studios and lesson studios. 9. Advertisement agency. 10. Mail-order operations (e-commerce) and information services using the Internet. 11. Management, planning, and supervision of restaurants. Tokyo Stock Exchange, 1st Section 4301 Representative Director and President Representative Senior Managing Director Director Director Standing Auditor Auditor Auditor Auditor Tatsuro Hatanaka Yasuyuki Saito Rumiko Ichige Nobuyuki Soma Hiroaki Yokozawa Akio Sato Kunihiko Arai Toshifumi Oshima G r o u p C o m p a n y Domestic Subsidiary AMUSE SOFT ENTERTAINMENT INC. Production, manufacturing, and sales,etc. of visual software. Ayers Inc. Music Software Planning TAISHITA Label Music Co., Ltd. Production, management, management and online distribution,etc. of music software. A-Sketch INC. Established in April 2008 Distribution and management of music and production of records Amuse CineQuanon Inc. Movie Theater Management TAMURA MUSIC FACTORY Inc. Production of Music Software Masters Domestic Affiliate Overseas Kirei Inc.U.S.A. Copyright Management http://www.amuse.co.jp 9 AZEAL Inc. Established in April 2008 Artist management, production of records, and music management J-Feel Inc. Established in November 2007 Training and consulting business for corporate and individual customers Brussels Co., Ltd. Became a subsidiary in February 2008 Deployment of Belgian beer bars, import business, and wholesale business Beijing Geishin Theatrical Art Production, Ltd.(China) Discovering and Training Artists, Overseas Market Research and Development Amuse Korea Inc.Korea Discovering and Training Artists, Overseas Market Research and Development Sprite Entertainment, Inc.U.S.A. Planning/Production of Visual Contents