新丸ビル とん吉 にて some kind of meals including main dish, Tonkatsu 鎌倉八幡宮にて at the Kamakura-Hachiman shrine 長谷寺にて at Hase-temple

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Mr Jesus Artur who is working now at STE (SHOTIC EUROPA Indústria de Alumínio, Lda.) at Vendas Novas in Portugal came to Japan for business at Kitakata-city in Japan. He enjoyed three days holiday to visit many traditional locations attended by Mr. Yaeo Suzuki. 日本橋にて at the Nihonbashi-bridge along Ginza-street ヤングホリイを訪問 at leather-company in Tokyo http://www.sukumo-leather.com

新丸ビル とん吉 にて some kind of meals including main dish, Tonkatsu 鎌倉八幡宮にて at the Kamakura-Hachiman shrine 長谷寺にて at Hase-temple

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歌舞伎座 Kabuki-Theater 歌舞伎座へ行く前に 築地の中卸売場を見学した アルツールは非常に興味を持ち写真を撮りまくった We visited Huge Market at TSUKIJI at morning. Mr. Artur surprized much. He took many pictures.

源平布引滝実盛物語 ( さねもりものがたり )The tale of SANEMORI (2014 年 6 月 9 日昼の部二幕 ) Program & date: AM 2 nd drama on June 9 th, 2014 Actors, only men due to traditional rule 斎藤実盛 : 仁左衛門 ( 尾上菊五郎 ) SANEMORI SAITO: JINZAEMON (KIKUGORO ONOE) 葵御前 : 魁春 ( 中村梅枝 ) AOI GOZEN: KAISYUN (BAISHI NAKAMURA) 瀬尾十郎 : 彌十郎 ( 市川左團次 ) JYURO SEO: YAJYURO (SADANJI ICHIKAWA) 太郎吉 : 千之助 ( 尾上左近 : 初舞台 ) TAROKICHI: SENNOSUKE (SAKON ONOE) 九郎助 : 亀蔵 ( 市村家橘 ) KUROSUKE: KAMEZO (KAKITSU ICHIMURA) 小よし : 家橘 ( 市川右之助 ) KOYOSHI: KAKITSU (UNOSUKE ICHIKAWA) 小万 : 秀太郎 ( 尾上菊之助 ) KOMAN: SYUTARO (KIKUNOSUKE ONOE) 平安全盛の時代 The Era was a HEIAN-golden period (running from 794 to 1185 A.D.). 琵琶湖のほとりにある九郎助夫妻の家に 斎藤実盛と瀬尾十郎が詮議のために訪れる Mr. SANEMORI SAITO and Mr. JYURO SEO visit Mr. KUROSUKE and his wife s house close by BIWA-lake in order to examine them. この家には 源氏再興を目指しながらも命を落とした木曽義賢の妻で 臨月の葵御前が匿われており 実盛と瀬尾の目的は 産まれてくる子の検分だったのです The wife of Mr. YOSHIKATA KISO who finished his life even he triggered to restore the HEIKE-clan was hid in this house by whom Mrs. AOIGOZEN to being the last month of pregnancy. Their target to seek her was examining on hers baby which is a male or a female. 追い詰められた九郎助夫婦は 一計を案じ さきほど拾ってきた白旗を掴んだ女の片腕を葵御前が産んだと差し出します Mr. KUROSUKE-couple who were drove into the counter concerned about an idea and they presented one arm grasped white flag (YAEO SUZUKI, translator note: white flag corresponds to GENJI-clan, red flag corresponds to the HEIKE-clan) just before the child TAROKICHI picked up it. それに憤った瀬尾が去ってゆくと 残った実盛は白旗を守るため 小万と名乗る女の片腕を斬り落としたと語り始め Mr. JYURO SEO resented to been knowing this fact, then, after he went away his house alone, Mr. SANEMORI SAITO who stayed in there began to confessed that I cut one of arm of a women named Mrs. KOMAN in order to protect the white flag. 斎藤実盛は 生締 と呼ばれる歌舞伎の代表的な役柄で 智勇を兼ね備えた武将として描かれている Mr. SANEMORI SAITO is a representative role of the KABUKI so called as NAMAJIME. He was described as a general having both of mental power and courage. 義太夫狂言の魅力に溢れた舞台をご期待ください 入場時配布されたパンフレットより Please expect to audit excellent drama to be filled with attraction of GIDAYU-KYOGEN (translator note: a script was written for NINGYO-JYORURI only and dramatized for KABUKI). I quoted from pamphlet and translated from Japanese to English.

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盆栽展示の催し Exhibition of BONSAI at MEIJI-shrine

盆栽 Bonsai

東京都庁 &45 階の展望台 Tokyo Metropolitan Governance Office and a view from 45 th Floor