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ANTENATAL EXPOSURE FOLLOWING THE CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT: NEUROPSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS 08010603010806080905010203 02090907 チ03010603 00050903020506000603 080008040606 0108 チ030401020904090505080207 080605: 0103070402030506090608060406 チ0305080603 08050303080604 S.A. Igumnov 1, V.V. Drozdovitch 2 1 Belarusian State Pedagogical University,Department of Psychology,Minsk,Belarus 2 Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research - "Sosny",Branch "Institute of Power Engineering Problems", Minsk, Republic of Belarus 05.08. 0600ィョィャィェ0609 1, 00.00. 02080604010609ィィ ツ 2 1 0902050608ィョ0909ィコィィィヲ 000609ィョ01ィ 0809ィー0902ィェィェ04ィヲ 070201ィ 000600ィィ ツ0209ィコィィィヲ ィョィェィィ09020809ィィィー02ィー,ィコィ 00020108ィ 0709ィィ0106050600ィィィィ,00ィィィェ09ィコ,090205ィ 08ィョ09ィケ 2 02ィ ィイ0201ィィィェ02ィェィェ04ィヲ ィィィェ09ィーィィィーィョィー 05ィェ02080002ィーィィ ツ0209ィコィィ01 ィィ 07010208ィェ0401 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィィヲ - "050609ィェ04", 06ィー01020502ィェィィ02 "06ィェ09ィーィィィーィョィー 070806ィ 0502ィャ 05ィェ02080002ィーィィィコィィ", 00ィィィェ09ィコ, 04020907ィョィ 05ィィィコィ 090205ィ 08ィョ09ィケ Abstract Ten years follow-up investigation of intellectual development of 250 persons from Belarus exposed in utero following the Chernobyl accident and a control group of 250 persons from non- and slightly contaminated regions has been conducted. Neuropsychiatry and psychological examinations were performed among persons of both groups at the age of 6-7, 10-12, and 15-16 years. Mean antenatal internal dose to thyroid arising from the intake of 131I among persons of exposed group is 390 タ550 mgy (maximal dose - 4100 mgy), in control group - 35 タ65 mgy. Mean antenatal external dose among persons of exposed group is 10 タ13 mgy,maximal dose - 91 mgy. At the age of 6-7 years the persons in the exposed group had a mean Full Scale IQ lower than the control group (89.6 タ10.2 vs 92.1 タ10.5,p=0.007). At the age of 10-12 years there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (94.3 タ10.4 vs 95.8 タ10.9,p=0.117). Positive dynamics of intellectual development in persons of both groups has been observed up to age of 15-16 years (98.7 タ10.2 ィィ 99.5 タ10.5,p=0.171). No statistically significant correlation was found in exposed group between individual thyroid dose as well as individual antenatal external dose and IQ at the different ages. In both groups we notice a positive moderate correlation between IQ of persons and the educational level of their parents. We conclude that probably a significant role in the genesis of borderline intellectual functioning and emotional disorders in the exposed group of persons was played by unfavorable social-psychological and social-cultural factors. Keywords: Chernobyl accident, exposure in utero, intellectual development, borderline intellectual functioning,emotional disorders INTRODUCTION 0000030203010603 Antenatal exposure of the thyroid gland to ionizing radiation is one of the factors that might unfavorably influence on the intellectual development. Radiation affecting of the thyroid gland leads to involvement of other endocrine glands in the pathological process through the thyroid-hypophysis-hypothalamus system (Lyaginskaya A.M. et al.,1992). Among the unfavorable psychosocial factors capable to affect the mental health of children there are to be taken into account the effects of forced relocation or adaptation to new conditions of living in areas exposed after the contamination. These factors lead to psycho-emotional stress in parents,and affected family relations (Kolominsky Ya.I., Igumnov S.A., 1995). Thus in estimating the influence of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident on the psychological development of persons,it is necessary to take into account both ante- and postnatal irradiation,nonradiation burdening exogenous and psychosocial factors (Nyagu A.I. et al., 1996). The present study was concerning the clinical- 08ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ0602 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ02 ィエィィィー0609ィィ01ィェ06ィヲ 030205020404 (0204) 0709050702ィー0907 00ィ ィコィー060806ィャ, 0907060906ィ ィェ04ィャ 06ィコィ 04ィ ィーィケ ィェ0200ィ ィーィィ09ィェ0602 0905ィィ07ィェィィ02 ィェィ ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ0602 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ02. 0006040102ィヲ09ィー09ィィ02 ィェィ 0204 08ィ 01ィィ06ィィ0406ィー06070609 ィヲ0601ィ ィャ060302ィー 0709ィィィーィケ0907 ィェィ ツィ 05ィケィェ04ィャ 040902ィェ06ィャ 0906090502 ツ02ィェィィ07 09 07ィ ィー06050600ィィ- ツ0209ィコィィィヲ 07080602020909 ィィ 0108ィョ00ィィ01 05ィェ0106ィコ08ィィィェィェ0401 0302050204 ツ02080204 09ィィ09ィー02ィャィョ 0204-00ィィ070600ィィ04-00ィィ0706ィーィ 05ィ ィャィョ09 (090700ィィィェ09ィコィ 07 08.00. ィィ 0906ィ 09ィー.,1992). 05080201ィィ ィェ02ィ 05ィ 00060708ィィ07ィーィェ0401 0709ィィ0106090602ィィィ 05ィケィェ0401 00ィ ィコィー06080609, 0907060906ィ ィェ0401 06ィコィ 04ィ ィーィケ 0905ィィ07ィェィィ02 ィェィ 0709ィィ01ィィ ツ0209ィコ0602 040106080609ィケ02 0102ィー02ィヲ, ィェ0205ィケ0407 ィェ02 ィョ ツィィィー0409ィ ィーィケ 05000002ィコィー04 0904ィェィョ030102ィェィェ06ィヲ ィャィィ0008ィ 02ィィィィ ィィ05ィィ 0708ィィ0907060906ィ 0502ィェィィ07 ィコ ィェ060904ィャ ィョ09050609ィィ07ィャ 03ィィ04ィェィィ ィェィ 070609ィー08ィ 01ィ 0903ィィ01 ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィ0701. 06ィーィィ 00ィ ィコィー060804 0708ィィ09060107ィー ィコ 0709ィィ010605ィャ0602ィィ06ィェィ 05ィケィェ06ィャィョ 09ィー08020909ィョ ィョ 080601ィィィー020502ィヲ ィィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェィィ06 0902ィャ02ィヲィェ0401 0904ィ ィィィャ0606ィーィェ060302ィェィィィヲ (08060506ィャィィィェ09ィコィィィヲ 08.09.,0600ィョィャィェ0609 05.08.,1995). 0308ィィ 060202ィェィコ02 0905ィィ07ィェィィ07 チ0208ィェ06ィ 0405ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ ィェィ 0709ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコ0602 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ02 05ィィ02, 0706010902080003ィィ010907 0906040102ィヲ09ィー09ィィ06 09 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ06ィャ 070208ィィ060102, ィェ0206ィ 010601ィィィャ06 ィョ ツィィィー0409ィ ィーィケ ィェ02 ィー0605ィケィコ06 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ0602 ィィ 070609ィーィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ0602 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ02 ィィ ィェ0208ィ 01ィィィ 02ィィ06ィェィェ0402 06ィー070006ィエィ 06ィエィィ02 00ィ ィコィー060804, ィェ06 ィィ 0709ィィ0106090602ィィィ 05ィケィェ0402 00ィ ィコィー060804 (010700ィョ 08.06. ィィ 0906ィ 09ィー.,1996). 108

13psychological estimation if intellectual progress in children exposed to antenatal exposure to ionizing radiation after the Chernobyl NPP accident. Reconstruction of individual radiation doses of antenatal exposure on thyroid and whole body external irradiation was held under study conduction with application within further clinicaldosimetry analysis. Igumnov, Drozdovitch / International Journal of Radiation Medicine 2004, 6(1-4): 108-115 01ィ 09ィー0607ィエ0202 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィ02 0706090907ィエ02ィェ06 ィコ05ィィィェィィィコ06-0709ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコ06ィヲ 060202ィェィコ02 ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ060006 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ07 0102ィー02ィヲ,0706010902080003ィィ010907 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ06ィャィョ 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ06 090905020109ィー09ィィ02 ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ ィェィ チ0208ィェ06ィ 0405ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ 080605. 00 01060102 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィ07 0609ィョィエ0209ィー090502ィェィ 0802ィコ06ィェ09ィー08ィョィコ02ィィ07 ィィィェ01ィィ09ィィ01ィョィ 05ィケィェ0401 010604 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 ィィ ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07,ィコ06ィー06080402 ィ 0405ィィ ィィ09070605ィケ040609ィ ィェ04 09 01060102 ィコ05ィィィェィィィコ06-010604ィィィャ02ィー08ィィ ツ0209ィコ060006 ィ ィェィ 05ィィ04ィ. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY * prospective investigation of the intellectual development at the age of 6-7 years till age 15-16 years among persons exposed in utero following the Chernobyl accident; * comparative analysis of the data obtained as a result of the clinical and psychological investigation and dosimetry data; * investigation of the role of unfavorable socialpsychological and social-cultural factors stipulated by the Chernobyl accident and its consequences in the genesis of the disturbances of intellectual development of exposed children. MATERIALS AND METHODS Participants 05080208 チ06 060505090302020008010608 * 070806090702ィコィーィィ09ィェ0602 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィ02 ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ060006 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ07 05ィィ02, 0706010902080003ィィ010907 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ06ィャィョ 06ィ 05ィョ- ツ02ィェィィ06 09 080204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィー02 ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ ィェィ チ0208ィェ06ィ 0405ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ 080605, 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 06ィー 6-7 0106 15-16 0502ィー; * 0908ィ 09ィェィィィー0205ィケィェ04ィヲ ィ ィェィ 05ィィ04 01ィ ィェィェ0401, 070605ィョ ツ02ィェィェ0401 09 01060102 ィコ05ィィィェィィィコ06-0709ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコ060006 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィ07, ィィ 010604ィィィャ02ィー08ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ01 01ィ ィェィェ0401; * 060202ィェィコィ 080605ィィ ィェ02ィ 05ィ 00060708ィィ07ィーィェ0401 0709ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ01 ィィ 090602ィィィ 05ィケィェ06-0102ィャ060008ィ 00ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ01 00ィ ィコィー06080609, 06ィ ィョ090506090502ィェィェ0401 チ0208ィェ06ィ 0405ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ ィ 09ィ 08ィィ02ィヲ ィィ 0202 07060905020109ィー09ィィ07ィャィィ, 09 070806ィィ090106030102ィェィィィィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェィィィヲ ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ060006 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ07 ィョ 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ0401 0102ィー02ィヲ. 000806030406080904 06 000306020204 07 ツィ 09ィーィェィィィコィィ ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィ07 The exposed group was of 250 persons, born between May 1986 and February 1987. During the Chernobyl accident their pregnant mothers lived in the highly contaminated settlements where 137 Cs soil deposition densities ranged from 555 to 18,500 kbq m -2. The control group was formed by random selection and consisted of 250 persons had been born between May 1986 and February 1987. Their mothers had constantly lived in settlements with low and mild contamination (from 2 to 200 kbq m -2 of 137 Cs). The distribution of persons according to sex and the period of gestation at the time of the Chernobyl accident is given in table 1. Also there were no relevant distinctions of social status of parents of persons belonging to the exposed and control group. 02ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェィ 07 0008ィョ0707ィ 090609ィー060705ィ ィィ04 250 05ィィ02, 0806030102ィェィェ0401 09 070208ィィ0601 09 ィャィ 07 1986 0706 00020908ィ 05ィケ 1987 000601ィ 06ィー ィャィ ィー020802ィヲ, ィコ06ィー06080402 ィェィ ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ ィェィ チ0208ィェ06ィ 0405ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ 080605 07080603ィィ09ィ 05ィィ ィェィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィィ08ィョ02ィャ0401 ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィ0701 09 ィョ080609ィェ02ィャ 137 04ィ 00080704ィェ02ィェィィ07 0706 ツ09 Cs 555-18500 ィコ09ィコ ィャ -2. 0806ィェィー080605ィケィェィ 07 0008ィョ0707ィ ィ 0405ィ 09000608ィャィィ080609ィ ィェィ ィャ02ィー060106ィャ 0905ィョ ツィ ィヲィェ06ィヲ 0904ィ 0608ィコィィ ィィ 090609ィー060705ィ ィィ04 250 0102ィー02ィヲ, 0806030102ィェィェ0401 09 070208ィィ0601 09 ィャィ 07 1986 0706 00020908ィ 05ィケ 1987 000601ィ. 0601 ィャィ ィー0208ィィ 070609ィー0607ィェィェ06 07080603ィィ09ィ 05ィィ 09 08ィ ィヲ06ィェィ 01 09 ィェィィ04ィコィィィャ ィョ080609ィェ02ィャ 08ィ 01ィィ06ィ ィコィーィィ09ィェ060006 04ィ 00080704ィェ02ィェィィ07 (2-200 ィコ09ィコ ィャ -2 0706 137 Cs). 04ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ02 0102ィー02ィヲ 09 04ィ 09ィィ09ィィィャ0609ィーィィ 06ィー 070605ィ ィィ 090806ィコィ 000209ィーィ 02ィィィィ 09 ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ ィェィ チ0208ィェ06ィ 0405ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ 080605 0708020109ィーィ 090502ィェ06 09 ィーィ ィ 05ィィ0202 1. 02ィー09ィョィー09ィー090609ィ 05ィィ ィーィ ィコ0302 010609ィー06090208ィェ0402 08ィ 0405ィィ ツィィ07 09 090602ィィィ 05ィケィェ06ィャ 09ィーィ ィーィョ0902 080601ィィィー020502ィヲ 0102ィー02ィヲ 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ ィィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ0707. AGE AND SEX DISTRIBUTIONS OF PERSONS OF EXPOSED AND CONTROL GROUPS 04080503040302030903010603 090600 0205010200010207 06 0802010604020905010207 0104070303 0302 0303040602020800 0103050608000606 06 03020907 Gestation Number of persons in Comparison between period, exposed group control group groups, p weeks male female total male female total in gender total 0ィC7 35 24 59 38 32 70 0.57 0.26 8ィC15 29 24 53 28 24 52 0.93 0.91 16ィC25 29 27 56 30 28 58 0.99 0.83 > 25 33 49 82 32 38 70 0.50 0.24 Total 126 124 250 128 122 250 0.86 6モ1 TABLE 1 06080909060008 1 109

Estimation of the period of gestation at the time of the Chernobyl accident was based upon the inferred first day of the last menstrual period and has been calculated with the modified formula of Schull et al. (1988). The mean duration of gestation was assumed as 280 days (assayed since the last menstrual cycle onset). The day of birth was obtained by interview with the mothers of the persons. To obtain the age after fertilization, 14 days have been subtracted from the term of gestation at the time of the Chernobyl accident. 050806ィコ 000209ィーィ 02ィィィィ 09 ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー チ0208ィェ06ィ 0405ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ ィコィ ィーィ 09ィー08060004 0904 ツィィ09050705ィィ 0706 ィャ0601ィィ00ィィ02ィィ080609ィ ィェィェ06ィヲ 000608ィャィョ0502,0708020105060302ィェィェ06ィヲ W. Schull et al. (1989), 07ィョィー02ィャ 0904 ツィィィーィ ィェィィ07 ィィ04 280 09ィョィー06ィコ (09080201ィェ0707 07080601060503ィィィー0205ィケィェ0609ィーィケ ィ 020802ィャ02ィェィェ0609ィーィィ, ィィ04ィャ020802ィェィェィ 07 0906 01ィェ07 ィェィ 09ィーィョ070502ィェィィ07 070609050201ィェ020006 ィャ02ィェ09ィー08ィョィ 05ィケィェ060006 02ィィィコ05ィ ) 070208ィィ0601ィ 090802ィャ02ィェィィ ィャ020301ィョ ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー06ィャ ィコィ ィーィ 09ィー08060004 ィィ 01ィ ィー06ィヲ 0806030102ィェィィ07 0802ィ 02ィェィコィ. 0604 090806ィコィ ィ 020802ィャ02ィェィェ0609ィーィィ 09 ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ 04ィ ィー02ィャ 0904 ツィィィーィ 05ィィ 14 01ィェ02ィヲ 010507 09ィェ020902ィェィィ07 07060708ィ 09ィコィィ ィェィ 090802ィャ07 ィャ020301ィョ ィェィ 09ィーィョ070502ィェィィ02ィャ 070609050201ィェ020006 ィャ02ィェ09ィー08ィョィ 05ィケィェ060006 02ィィィコ05ィ ィィ 0609ィョ050702ィィ02ィヲ 09 060705060106ィー09060802ィェィィ02ィャ 07ィヲ0202ィコ0502ィーィコィィ. Dosimetry Thyroid doses from iodine intake were reconstructed on the basis of results of 131 I activity direct measurements in thyroid (if such data were available from measurements held in mothers of children included in the study),or from an 131 I environmental transfer model adapted to the local Belarusian conditions (Drozdovitch V.V. et al., 1997). The regional-specific values were received for the following radio-ecological parameters according to the respective local conditions: (a) ratio between activities of 131 I and 137 Cs in ground deposition; (b) initial interception of 131 I by vegetation; (c) elimination rate of 131 I from grass and milk due to airing and growth; and (d) transfer factor for 131I from grass to cow's milk. Model was validated with the received results validity estimation for 292 settlements where average thyroid radiation doses calculated according to the model were compared to the values of direct 131 I activity measurements in thyroid gland (Gavrilin Yu.I. et al.,1999). For 95% of these settlements the results of the radio-ecological model and the measurements agree within a factor of 2.5 (Drozdovitch V.V.,1999). Thyroid doses for persons exposed in utero were estimated from results of individual thyroid radiation dose estimates for the mother, and from a transfer coefficient from maternal radiation dose to the fetal one with taking into account the period of gestation at the time of exposure (Zvonova I.A., Balonov M.I., 1993). To estimate the individual thyroid doses the following information about the life-style of the mother during the iodine period was obtained by personal interview: (a) consumption rates of fresh milk and diary products; (b) origin of consumed foodstuffs; (c) cessation of consumption of locally produced foodstuffs; (d) place of residence at the time of accident; (e) migration during April-May 1986; (f) stable iodine prophylaxis, etc. Antenatal external doses from radionuclides deposited onto ground were reconstructed also for persons of the exposed and control group. Reconstruction has been performed based on the values of dose rate in uterus per unit of radionuclide deposition density (Jacob P. et al., 1988), radionuclide composition in fallout measured in different 020604ィィィャ02ィー08ィィ07 02060404 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 06ィー 070609ィーィョ070502ィェィィ07 ィヲ0601ィ ィ 0405ィィ 0802ィコ06ィェ09ィー08ィョィィ080609ィ ィェ04 ィェィ 0609ィェ060902 080204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィー0609 070807ィャ0401 ィィ04ィャ020802ィェィィィヲ 020006 ィ ィコィーィィ09ィェ0609ィーィィ 09 0204 (020905ィィ 05ィーィィ ィィ04ィャ020802ィェィィ07 ィ 0405ィィ 07080609020102ィェ04 010507 ィャィ ィー020802ィヲ 05ィィ02, 09ィコ0506 ツ02ィェィェ0401 09 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィ02) ィィ05ィィ ィィ09070605ィケ04ィョ07 ィャ06010205ィケ 07020802ィェ0609ィ 131 I 09 06ィコ08ィョ03ィ 06ィエ02ィヲ 0908020102, ィ 01ィ 07ィーィィ080609ィ ィェィェィョ06 ィコ ィャ0209ィーィェ04ィャ ィョ09050609ィィ07ィャ (Drozdovitch V.V. et al.,1997). 040200ィィ06ィェィ 05ィケィェ06-09070202ィィ00ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ02 04ィェィ ツ02ィェィィ07 ィ 0405ィィ 070605ィョ ツ02ィェ04 010507 09050201ィョ06ィエィィ01 08ィ 01ィィ0605ィコ06050600ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ01 07ィ 08ィ ィャ02ィー080609 ィャ06010205ィィ: 1) 06ィーィェ060302ィェィィ02 ィ ィコィーィィ09ィェ0609ィー02ィヲ 131 I ィコ 137 Cs 09 090407ィ 0102ィェィィ0701; 2) 00ィ ィコィー0608 ィェィ ツィ 05ィケィェ060006 ィョ01020803ィ ィェィィ07 131 I 08ィ 09ィーィィィー0205ィケィェ0609ィーィケ06; 3) 09ィコ06080609ィーィケ 06 ツィィ09ィーィコィィ 08ィ 09ィーィィィー0205ィケィェ0609ィーィィ 06ィー 131 I ィィ04-04ィ 070806020209090609 09040902ィー08ィィ09ィ ィェィィ07 ィィ 080609ィーィ ; 4) ィコ06050000ィィ02ィィ02ィェィー 07020802010601ィ 131 I 09 ィャ060506ィコ06 ィコ0608060904. 020507 090208ィィ00ィィィコィ 02ィィィィ ィャ06010205ィィ ィィ 060202ィェィコィィ 010609ィー06090208ィェ0609ィーィィ 070605ィョ ツィ 02ィャ0401 080204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィー0609 010507 292 ィェィ 09020502ィェィェ0401 07ィョィェィコィー0609 07080609020102ィェ06 0908ィ 09ィェ02ィェィィ02 09080201ィェィィ01 010604 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204,08ィ 0909 ツィィィーィ ィェィェ0401 0706 ィャ06010205ィィ, ィィ 060202ィェ02ィェィェ0401 0706 080204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィーィ ィャ 070807ィャ0401 ィィ04ィャ020802ィェィィィヲ ィ ィコィーィィ09ィェ0609ィーィィ 131 I 09 0204. (Gavrilin Yu.I. et al., 1999). 020507 95% ィェィ 09020502ィェィェ0401 07ィョィェィコィー0609 080204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィー04 08ィ 09 ツ02ィーィ 0706 ィャ06010205ィィ ィィ 0706 070807ィャ04ィャ ィィ04ィャ020802ィェィィ07ィャ 09060005ィ 09ィョ06ィー0907 09 070802010205ィ 01 00ィ ィコィー0608ィ 2,5 (Drozdovitch, V.V. 1998). 02060404 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 010507 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ06 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ0401 05ィィ02 060202ィェィィ09ィ 05ィィ09ィケ ィェィ 0609ィェ060902 080204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィー0609 0802ィコ06ィェ09ィー08ィョィコ02ィィィィ ィィィェ01ィィ09ィィ01ィョィ 05ィケィェ0401 010604 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 010507 ィャィ ィー020802ィヲ ィィ ィコ06050000ィィ02ィィ02ィェィー0609 07020802010601ィ 06ィー 01060404 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 ィャィ ィー0208ィィ ィコ 01060402 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 07050601ィ 09 ィョ ツ02ィー06ィャ 090806ィコィ ィ 020802ィャ02ィェィェ0609ィーィィ 09 ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 (Zvonova I.A., Balonov M.I., 1993). 020202ィェィコィョ ィィィェ01ィィ09ィィ01ィョィ 05ィケィェ0401 010604 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 070806090601ィィ05ィィ ィェィ 0609ィェ0609ィ ィェィィィィ 01ィ ィェィェ0401 06ィ 08ィ 04ィ 03ィィ04ィェィィ ィャィ ィー0208ィィ 09 ィー02 ツ02ィェィィ02 ィヲ0601ィェ060006 070208ィィ0601ィ,070605ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 07ィョィー02ィャ 0702080906ィェィ 05ィケィェ0401 06070806090609: 1) ィコ0605ィィ ツ0209ィー0906 0706ィー0802ィ 050702ィャ060006 ィャ060506ィコィ ィィ ィャ060506 ツィェ0401 07080601ィョィコィー0609 2) ィィ09ィー06 ツィェィィィコィィ 0706ィー0802ィ 050702ィャ0401 07080601ィョィコィー0609; 3) 01ィ ィーィ 070802ィコ08ィ ィエ02ィェィィ07 ィョ0706ィー0802ィ 0502ィェィィ07 07080601ィョィコィー0609 07ィィィーィ ィェィィ07 ィャ0209ィーィェ060006 070806ィィ0409060109ィー09ィ ; 4) ィャ0209ィー06 03ィィィー0205ィケ09ィー09ィ 09 ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ; 5) 0702080202040104 09 ィー02 ツ02ィェィィ02 ィ 0708020507-ィャィ 07 1986 00.; 6) ィヲ0601ィェィ 07 07080600ィィ05ィ ィコィーィィィコィ ィィ 0108. 020507 05ィィ02 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィヲ ィィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ0707 ィ 0405ィィ ィーィ ィコ0302 0802ィコ06ィェ09ィー08ィョィィ080609ィ ィェ04 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ0402 01060404 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 06ィー 08ィ 01ィィ06ィェィョィコ05ィィ010609, 090407ィ 0903ィィ01 ィェィ 070609020801ィェ0609ィーィケ 0706 ツ0904, 09 ィィ09070605ィケ040609ィ ィェィィ02ィャ 04ィェィ ツ02ィェィィィヲ ィャ06ィエィェ0609ィーィィ 01060404, 0706000506ィエ02ィェィェ06ィヲ ィャィ ィー0208ィィィェ09ィコ06ィヲ ィャィ ィーィコ06ィヲ,ィェィ 0201ィィィェィィ02ィョ 070506ィーィェ0609ィーィィ 04ィ 00080704ィェ02ィェィィ07 (Jacob P. et al.,1988),090606ィーィェ060302ィェィィィヲ 08ィ 01ィィ06ィェィョィコ05ィィ010609 09 090407ィ 0102ィェィィ0701 09 08ィ 04ィェ0401 080200ィィ06-110

13territories, and individual behavior of mothers after the accident. The last one included: (a) residence place at the time of accident; (b) migration within period since the accident till childbirth; (c) type of dwelling; (d) time spent outdoors. Igumnov, Drozdovitch / International Journal of Radiation Medicine 2004, 6(1-4): 108-115 ィェィ 01 ィィ 01ィ ィェィェ0401 06ィ 06ィ 08ィ 0402 03ィィ04ィェィィ ィャィ ィー0208ィィ 0706090502 ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ: 1) ィャ0209ィー06 03ィィィー0205ィケ09ィー09ィ 09 ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ; 2) 0702080202040104 09 ィー02 ツ02ィェィィ02 0706090502ィ 09ィ 08ィィィヲィェ060006 070208ィィ0601ィ 0106 0806030102ィェィィ07 0802ィ 02ィェィコィ ; 3) ィーィィ07 0401ィ ィェィィ07, 09 ィコ06ィー060806ィャ 07080603ィィ09ィ 05ィ ィ 020802ィャ02ィェィェィ 07; 4) 090802ィャ02ィェィィ, 07080609020102ィェィェ06ィャ ィェィ 06ィーィコ0804ィー06ィャ 09060401ィョ0102. Psychological examination The intellectual development of these persons was examined by means of psychological testing using the modified Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - WISC-III-UK (Wechsler D., 1992). We also applied clinical-psychological and socialpsychological methods: studying of microsocial surrounding of persons and comparative analysis conduction of the education level of their parents (i.e. incomplete secondary,secondary,special secondary and higher education). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Dosimetry For 64 persons from the exposed group and for 72 persons from the control group a zero thyroid dose from 131 I mother's intake was estimated. It is mainly due to the fact that gestation age of the fetus at the time of the accident was less than 10 weeks and there was no uptake of 131 I by undeveloped thyroid. The mean internal thyroid doses from 131 I were estimated to be 390 タ550 and 35 タ65 mgy in exposed and control group respectively, medians of distributions in both groups - 230 and 14 mgy respectively. In exposed group the maximal individual internal antenatal thyroid dose was 4,100 mgy. The mean doses from external exposure to fetus of 10 タ3 mgy and 0.2 タ0.4 mgy were estimated in exposed and control group, accordingly. Medians of external thyroid dose distribution in exposed and control group were 6 and 0.1 mgy respectively. Among persons of the exposed group the maximal individual external antenatal thyroid dose was 91 mgy. IQ test results At the age 6-7 years persons of the exposed group had a lower mean full-scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ) compared to the control group (89.6 タ10.2 vs. 92.1 タ10.5,p=0.007). We found that persons of the exposed group had a relatively more cases of a low average range of full-scale IQ (IQ=80-89) as compared to the control group (92 persons (36.8%) vs. 66 persons (26.4%) in control group, P=0.012). Clinically the children having low average level of intellectual norm were characterized by moderate disorders of cognitive processes,poor motivation to school education and lack of intellectual prerequisites (active attention, short-term memory, constructional functions, etc.). There were no statistically significant differences between mean IQs 0309ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコ0602 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィ02 06ィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ0602 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ02 060202ィェィィ09ィ 05ィィ 07ィョィー02ィャ 0709ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコ060006 ィー0209ィーィィ080609ィ ィェィィ07 0706 ィ 01ィ 07ィーィィ080609ィ ィェィェ06ィヲ 09020809ィィィィ 01ィコィ 0504 0002ィコ09050208ィ 010507 ィィ04ィャ020802ィェィィ07 ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィ 0102ィー02ィヲ (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-WISC-III- UK) (Wechsler D., 1992). 0609070605ィケ040609ィ 05ィィ ィーィ ィコ0302 ィコ05ィィィェィィィコ06-0709ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ02 ィィ 090602ィィィ 05ィケィェ06-0709ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ02 ィャ02ィー060104: ィィ04ィョ ツ02ィェィィ02 ィャィィィコ0806090602ィィィ 05ィケィェ060006 06ィコ08ィョ0302ィェィィ07 ィィ 0908ィ 09ィェィィィー0205ィケィェ04ィヲ ィ ィェィ 05ィィ04 06ィ 08ィ 040609ィ ィー0205ィケィェ060006 ィョ080609ィェ07 080601ィィィー020502ィヲ (ィェ0204ィ ィコ06ィェ ツ02ィェィェ0602 09080201ィェ0202, 09080201ィェ0202, 09080201ィェ0202 09070202ィィィ 05ィケィェ0602,090409030202 06ィ 08ィ 040609ィ ィェィィ02). 04030507090506080604 06 02090507040203010603 020604ィィィャ02ィー08ィィ07 020507 64 0102ィー02ィヲ ィィ04 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 ィィ 010507 72 0102ィー02ィヲ ィィ04 ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 0802ィコ06ィェ09ィー08ィョィィ080609ィ ィェィ ィェィョ050209ィ 07 010604ィ 09ィェィョィー0802ィェィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 131 I. 06ィー06 06ィ ィョ090506090502ィェ06,09 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィャ,ィー02ィャ 00ィ ィコィー06ィャ, ツィー06 090806ィコ 000209ィーィ 02ィィィィ ィェィ ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ ィェィ チ080605 090609ィーィ 09050705 ィャ02ィェ0202 10 ィェ02010205ィケ ィィ ィェ02 ィ 040506 070609ィーィョ070502ィェィィ07 08ィ 01ィィ06ィ ィコィーィィ09ィェ060006 ィヲ0601ィ 09 ィェ0208ィ 0409ィィィーィョ06 0204 07050601ィ. 05080201ィェィィ02 01060404 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 131 I 09 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィヲ ィィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ0707ィ 01 090609ィーィ 09ィィ05ィィ,090606ィー0902ィー09ィー0902ィェィェ06,390 タ550 ィャ0108 ィィ 35 タ65 ィャ0108,ィャ0201ィィィ ィェ04 08ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ07-230 ィィ 14 ィャ0108. 05080201ィィ 05ィィ02 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 ィャィ ィコ09ィィィャィ 05ィケィェィ 07 ィィィェ01ィィ09ィィ01ィョィ 05ィケィェィ 07 070802ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェィ 07 010604ィ 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 090609ィーィ 09ィィ05ィ 4100 ィャ0108. 05080201ィェィィ02 01060404 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 ィェィ 07050601 10 タ13 ィャ0108 ィィ 0,2 タ0,4 ィャ0108 ィ 0405ィィ 060202ィェ02ィェ04 010507 05ィィ02 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィヲ ィィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ0707. 000201ィィィ ィェィ 08ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ07 010604 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 090609ィーィ 09ィィ05ィ 6 ィィ 0,1 ィャ0108 010507 05ィィ02 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィヲ ィィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ0707. 05080201ィィ 05ィィ02 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 ィャィ ィコ09ィィィャィ 05ィケィェィ 07 ィィィェ01ィィ09ィィ01ィョィ 05ィケィェィ 07 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェィ 07 010604ィ 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 090609ィーィ 09ィィ05ィ 91 ィャ0108. 060209ィー04 ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ060006 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ07 00 6-7-0502ィーィェ02ィャ 09060408ィ 09ィー02 05ィィ02ィ 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 ィィィャ0205ィィ ィ 06050202 ィェィィ04ィコィィィヲ 09080201ィェィィィヲ 06ィ ィエィィィヲ ィコ06050000ィィ02ィィ02ィェィー ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ0609ィーィィ (IQ) 09 0908ィ 09ィェ02ィェィィィィ 09 ィコ06ィェィー08060502ィャ (89,6 タ10,2 ィィ 92,1 タ10,5; 08=0,007). 000407090502ィェ06 ィーィ ィコ0302 06ィーィェ0609ィィィー0205ィケィェ0602 07080206ィ 05ィ 01ィ ィェィィ02 0905ィョ ツィ 0209 "ィェィィ03ィェ020006 ィョ080609ィェ07 ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ06ィヲ ィェ0608ィャ04" (IQ=80-89) 09 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070702,09 0908ィ 09ィェ02ィェィィィィ 09 ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ (92 (36,8%) ィィ 66 0102ィー02ィヲ (26,4%),090606ィー0902ィー09ィー0902ィェィェ06; 08=0,012). 0805ィィィェィィ ツ0209ィコィィ 0102ィーィィ 09 "ィェィィ03ィェィィィャ ィョ080609ィェ02ィャ ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ06ィヲ ィェ0608ィャ04" 01ィ 08ィ ィコィー0208ィィ040609ィ 05ィィ09ィケ ィョィャ020802ィェィェ06ィヲ 04ィ 01020803ィコ06ィヲ 000608ィャィィ080609ィ ィェィィ07 070604ィェィ 09ィ ィー0205ィケィェ0401 070806020209090609, ィェィィ04ィコィィィャ ィョ080609ィェ02ィャ ィャ06ィーィィ09ィ 02ィィィィ ィコ 03ィコ0605ィケィェ06ィャィョ 06ィ ィョ ツ02ィェィィ06 ィィ ィェ02010609ィーィ ィー06 ツィェ04ィャ ィョ080609ィェ02ィャ 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ07 "07080201070609040506ィコ ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィ " (ィ ィコィーィィ09ィェ060006 09ィェィィィャィ ィェィィ07, ィコ08ィ ィーィコ06090802ィャ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 07ィ ィャ07ィーィィ, ィコ06ィェ09ィー08ィョィコィーィィ09ィェ060006 0708ィ ィコ09ィィ09ィ ィィ ィー.01.). 0102 090407090502ィェ06 09ィーィ ィーィィ- 111

of the exposed and control groups at the age 10-12 years (94.3 タ10.4 vs. 95.8 タ10.9, p=0.117), and at the age 15-16 years (98.2 タ10.7 vs. 99.5 タ10.5, p=0.171). Dynamics of IQ in persons of exposed and control group from the age of 6-7 years till the age of 15-16 years are given in table 2. 09ィーィィ ツ0209ィコィィ 010609ィー06090208ィェ0401 08ィ 0405ィィ ツィィィヲ 09080201ィェィィ01 IQ 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ ィィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ0707 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 10-12 0502ィー (94,3 タ10,4 ィィ 95,8 タ10,9; 08=0,117) ィィ 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 15-16 0502ィー (98,2 タ10,7 ィィ 99,5 タ10,5; 08=0,171). 02ィィィェィ ィャィィィコィ IQ 05ィィ02 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ ィィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ0707 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 06ィー 6-7 0106 15-16 0502ィー 0708ィィ09020102ィェィ 09 ィーィ ィ 05ィィ0202 2. DYNAMICS OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT IN PERSONS OF EXPOSED AND CONTROL GROUP FROM THE AGE OF 6-7, 10-12 AND 15-16 YEARS Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Exposed group 0206010800060808 070402000108 IQ 090600 0205010200010207 06 0802010604020905010207 0104070303 00 0002050408050603 6-7, 10-12 06 15-16 090306 Persons of group at the age of 66モ17 years 106モ112 years 156モ116 years* N % N % N % ン 90 (average and high average range) 125 50.0 177 70.8 206 84.1 80-89 (low average range) 92 36.8 56 22.4 28 11.4 70-79 (borderline intellectual functioning) 27 10.8 11 4.4 6 2.5 ワ 69 (exceptionally low range) 6 2.4 6 2.4 5 2.0 Control group ン 90 (average and high average range) 158 63.2 193 77.2 195 81.5 80-89 (low average range) 66 26.4 42 16.8 37 15.5 70-79 (borderline intellectual functioning) 22 8.8 10 4.0 3 1.3 ワ 69 (exceptionally low range) 4 1.6 5 2.0 4 1.7 Note. *Due to migration at the age 15-16 years 5 persons had left the exposed group and 11 persons had left the control group. 0308ィィィャ02 ツィ ィェィィ02. *0604-04ィ ィャィィ0008ィ 02ィィィィ 5 ツ0205060902ィコ 0706ィコィィィェィョ05ィィ 0609ィェ0609ィェィョ06 0008ィョ0707ィョ ィィ 11 ツ0205060902ィコ 0706ィコィィィェィョ05ィィ ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェィョ06 0008ィョ0707ィョ. TABLE 2 06080909060008 2 The distribution of IQ among persons of the exposed group for the gestational age at the time of the Chernobyl accident is given in table 3. No statistically significant differences in average IQ were found between subgroups. The distribution of average IQ among persons of the exposed group in relation to the thyroid dose from 131 I ranges is given in table 4. Subgroup of persons with thyroid doses over 1,000 mgy had relatively lower mean full-scale IQ compared to the entire exposed group at the age 6-7 years (86.5 タ7.4 vs. 89.6 タ10.2, p=0.162), at the age 10-12 years (90.0 タ7.9 vs. 94.3 タ10.4, p=0.066), and at the age 15-16 years (94.1 タ9.4 vs. 98.2 タ10.7, p=0.091). No significant correlation was also found in exposed group between individual thyroid dose from 131 I and IQ at the age of 6-7 years (r = -0.11; 08>0.1),at the age of 10-12 years (r = -0.21; 08>0.1),and at the age of 15-16 years (r = -0.29; 08>0.05) (figure 1). 112 04ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ02 IQ 05ィィ02 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 09 04ィ 09ィィ09ィィィャ0609ィーィィ 06ィー 090806ィコィ 000209ィーィ 02ィィィィ ィェィ ィャ06ィャ02ィェィー ィ 09ィ 08ィィィィ ィェィ チ0208ィェ06ィ 0405ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ 080605 0708ィィ09020102ィェ06 09 ィーィ ィ 05ィィ0202 3. 05ィーィ ィーィィ09ィーィィ ツ0209ィコィィ 010609ィー06090208ィェ0401 08ィ 0405ィィ ツィィィヲ 09080201ィェィィ01 IQ ィャ020301ィョ 0706010008ィョ0707ィ ィャィィ ィェ02 ィェィ ィ 050601ィ 050609ィケ. THE DISTRIBUTION OF IQ AMONG THE PERSONS OF THE EXPOSED GROUP IN RELATION TO THE GESTATIONAL AGE AT THE TIME OF THE CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT 04080503040302030903010603 IQ 090600 0205010200010207 010407030304 00 0508000605060002050606 0206 0504020808 0103050608000606 0108 000200030106 080008040606 0108 チ080605 Gestational age, weeks Full scale IQ (mean タ SD) N 66モ17 years 106モ112 years 156モ116 years 06モ17 59 87.1 タ 12.1 91.8 タ 13.0 95.8 タ 13.0 86モ115 53 89.6 タ 8.8 95.4 タ 8.7 99.7 タ 9.4 166モ125 56 89.4 タ 9.8 94.0 タ 9.9 98.1 タ 10.0 > 25 82 91.5 タ 9.5 95.5 タ 9.6 99.1 タ 10.0 Total 250 89.6 タ 10.2 94.3 タ 10.4 98.2 タ 10.7 TABLE 3 06080909060008 3 04ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ02 ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ0401 0706ィコィ 04ィ ィー020502ィヲ 05ィィ02 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 09 04ィ 09ィィ09ィィィャ0609ィーィィ 06ィー ィョ080609ィェ07 01060404 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 131 I 0708ィィ09020102ィェ06 09 ィーィ ィ 05ィィ0202 4. IQ 05ィィ02, 01060404 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 ィコ06ィー06080401 070802090403ィ 06ィー 1000 ィャ0108, ィ 0405ィィ 06ィーィェ0609ィィィー0205ィケィェ06 ィェィィ0302, ツ02ィャ 0706 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070702 09 02020506ィャ, 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 6-7 0502ィー (86,5 タ7,4 ィィ 89,6 タ10,2; 08=0,162), 09 10-12 0502ィー (90,0 タ7,9 ィィ 94,3 タ10,4; 08=0,066) ィィ 09 15-16 0502ィー (94,1 タ9,4 ィィ 98,2 タ10,7; 08=0,091). 0102 090407090502ィェ06 09ィーィ ィーィィ09ィーィィ ツ0209ィコィィ 010609ィー06090208ィェ06ィヲ ィコ06080802050702ィィ06ィェィェ06ィヲ 04ィ 09ィィ09ィィィャ0609ィーィィ ィャ020301ィョ ィィィェ01ィィ09ィィ01ィョィ 05ィケィェ06ィヲ 01060406ィヲ ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 131 I ィィ IQ 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 6-7 0502ィー (r=-0,11; 08>0,1),10-12 0502ィー (r=-0,21; 08>0,1) ィィ 15-16 0502ィー (r=-0,29; 08>0,05) (08ィィ09ィョィェ06ィコ 1).

THE DISTRIBUTION OF IQ AMONG THE PERSONS OF THE EXPOSED GROUP IN RELATION TO THE THYROID DOSE RANGES 04080503040302030903010603 IQ 090600 0205010200010207 010407030304 00 0508000605060002050606 0206 02020504 0801060301080608090501020102 02090907 チ03010608 0204 TABLE 4 06080909060008 4 Thyroid dose range, Full scale IQ (mean タ SD) N mgy 66モ17 years 106モ112 years 156モ116 years 0 72 87.6 タ10.9 92.2 タ11.5 98.3 タ11.9 106モ1299 63 91.7 タ8.3 96.7 タ7.2 100.7 タ8.9 3006モ1599 62 89.18 タ9.7 93.9 タ10.6 98.9 タ9.9 6006モ1999 32 90.8 タ10.8 95.3 タ10.5 98.4 タ9.7 > 1000 21 86.5 タ7.4 90.0 タ7.9 94.1 タ9.4 Total 250 89.6 タ10.2 94.3 タ10.4 98.2 タ10.7 FIGURE 1. DEPENDENCE OF FULL-SCALE IQ FROM INDIVIDUAL THYROID DOSES FROM AT THE AGE OF 15-16 YEARS AMONG PERSONS OF EXPOSED GROUP 04060507010208 1. 0508000605060002050605 0209020609 06010603090903080607080905010409 0302080805080603090307 (IQ) 00 0002050408050603 15-16 090306 06 0601020600060207080905010207 02020504 0801060301080608090501020102 02090907 チ03010608 0204 020908 090600 0205010200010207 010407030304 The distribution of average IQ among the persons of the exposed group in relation to the external dose ranges is given in table 5. Subgroup of persons with the highest external antenatal doses (over than 30 mgy) has relatively lower mean full-scale IQ compared to the whole exposed group at the age 6-7 years (85.5 タ6.3 vs. 89.6 タ10.2; p=0.185), at the age 10-12 years (90.2 タ6.3 vs. 94.3 タ10.4; p=0.199),and at the age 15-16 years (92.4 タ9.4 vs. 98.2 タ10.7; p=0.057). At the same time,no statistically significant correlation was found in exposed group between individual external antenatal dose and IQ at the age of 6-7 years (r=-0.14),at the age of 10-12 years (r=-0.13), and at the age of 15-16 years (r=- 0.19). Figure 2 shows dependence of full-scale IQ from individual external antenatal doses at the age of 15-16 years among persons of exposed group. 04ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ02 IQ 05ィィ02 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 09 04ィ 09ィィ09ィィィャ0609ィーィィ 06ィー ィョ080609ィェ07 01060404 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 0706ィコィ 04ィ ィェ06 09 ィーィ ィ 05ィィ0202 5. 0306010008ィョ0707ィ ィィ04 11 05ィィ02 09 ィェィ ィィィ 06050202 09040906ィコィィィャィィ 010604ィ ィャィィ ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 (ィ 06050202 30 ィャ0108) 01ィ 08ィ ィコィー0208ィィ040609ィ 05ィ 09ィケ ィ 06050202 ィェィィ04ィコィィィャ IQ 09 0908ィ 09ィェ02ィェィィィィ 09 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070706ィヲ 09 02020506ィャ 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 6-7 0502ィー (85,5 タ6,3 ィィ 89,6 タ10,2 090606ィー0902ィー09ィー0902ィェィェ06; 08=0,185),09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 10-12 0502ィー (90,2 タ6,3 ィィ 94,3 タ10,4; 08=0,199) ィィ 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 15-16 0502ィー (92,4 タ9,4 ィィ 98,2 タ10,7; 08=0,057). 00 ィー06 0302 090802ィャ07, 09ィーィ ィーィィ09ィーィィ ツ0209ィコィィ 04ィェィ ツィィィャ06ィヲ ィコ06080802050702ィィィィ ィャ020301ィョ 010604ィ ィャィィ 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 ィー0205ィ 07050601ィ ィィ 0706ィコィ 04ィ ィー020507ィャィィ ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ060006 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ07 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 6-7 (r = -0,14), 10-12 (r = -0,13),ィィ 15-16 0502ィー (r = -0,20) 090407090502ィェ06 ィェ02 ィ 040506. 04ィィ09ィョィェ06ィコ 2 0706ィコィ 040409ィ 02ィー 04ィ 09ィィ09ィィィャ0609ィーィケ 06ィ ィエ020006 IQ 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 15-16 0502ィー 06ィー ィィィェ01ィィ09ィィ01ィョィ 05ィケィェ06ィヲ 01060404 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 010507 05ィィ02 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704. 113

TABLE 5 THE DISTRIBUTION OF IQ AMONG THE PERSONS OF THE EXPOSED GROUP IN RELATION TO THE EXTERNAL ANTENATAL DOSE RANGES 06080909060008 5 04080503040302030903010603 IQ 090600 0205010200010207 010407030304 00 0508000605060002050606 0206 02020504 0801060301080608090501020102 0001030101030102 02090907 チ03010608 External dose range, Full scale IQ (mean タ SD) N mgy 66モ17 years 106モ112 years 156モ116 years < 2.99 54 90.9 タ11.3 95.1 タ11.3 98.8 タ11.4 3.06モ15.99 70 91.2 タ9.9 96.0 タ10.8 100.0 タ10.9 6.06モ19.99 52 90.1 タ10.6 94.3 タ10.5 98.5 タ10.2 10.06モ129.99 63 87.0 タ9.4 92.2 タ9.5 96.7 タ9.9 > 30.0 11 85.5 タ6.3 90.2 タ6.3 92.4 タ9.6 Total 250 89.6 タ10.2 94.3 タ10.4 98.2 タ10.7 FIGURE 2. DEPENDENCE OF FULL-SCALE IQ FROM INDIVIDUAL EXTERNAL ANTENATAL DOSES AT THE AGE OF 15-16 YEARS AMONG PERSONS OF EXPOSED GROUP 04060507010208 2. 0508000605060002050605 0209020609 06010603090903080607080905010409 0302080805080603090307 (IQ) 00 0002050408050603 15-16 090306 06 0601020600060207080905010207 02020504 0801060301080608090501020102 0001030101030102 02090907 チ03010608 020908 090600 0205010200010207 010407030304 Family study In the exposed group we found a positive moderate correlation between the IQ of persons and the educational level of their parents - mothers (r=0.50; p<0.01) and fathers (r=0.52; p<0.01). A weaker correlation was found between the intellectual level of persons of the control group and the educational level of their parents - mothers (r=0.41; p<0.05) and fathers (r=0.42; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS 1. The positive dynamics of intellectual development in persons of exposed group has been observed at the age from 6-7 till 15-16. 2. No statistically significant correlation was found in exposed group between individual thyroid dose as well as individual antenatal external dose and IQ at the age of 6-7 years, 10-12 years, and 15-16 years. 3. Disorders of intellectual development in the exposed group of children were caused mainly by unfavorable social-psychological and social-cultural factors such as a low educational level of parents, break of microsocial contacts and difficulties of adaptation,which appeared in the wake of the evacuation and relocation from the contaminated areas. 0609090502010609ィ ィェィィ02 0902ィャ02ィヲィェ060006 06ィコ08ィョ0302ィェィィ07 00 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070702 09040709ィィ05ィィ 0706050603ィィィー0205ィケィェィョ06 ィコ06080802050702ィィ06ィェィェィョ06 0904ィ ィィィャ0609090704ィケ IQ 0102ィー02ィヲ 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 ィィ 06ィ 08ィ 040609ィ ィー0205ィケィェ060006 ィョ080609ィェ07 ィィ01 080601ィィィー020502ィヲ - ィャィ ィー020802ィヲ (r = 0,50; p<0,01 ) ィィ 06ィー020609 (r= 0,52; p<0,01). 0906050202 ィェィィ04ィコィ 07 ィコ06080802050702ィィ07 ィ 0405ィ 090407090502ィェィ ィャ020301ィョ ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ04ィャ ィョ080609ィェ02ィャ 05ィィ02 ィコ06ィェィー080605ィケィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 ィィ 06ィ 08ィ 040609ィ ィー0205ィケィェ04ィャ ィョ080609ィェ02ィャ ィィ01 080601ィィィー020502ィヲ (010507 ィャィ ィー020802ィヲ r = 0,41; p<0,01; 010507 06ィー020609 r = 0,42; p<0,01). 000400020204 1.06ィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ0602 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ02 05ィィ02 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070704 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 06ィー 6-7 0106 15-16 0502ィー 01ィ 08ィ ィコィー0208ィィ040609ィ 050609ィケ 0706050603ィィィー0205ィケィェ06ィヲ 01ィィィェィ ィャィィィコ06ィヲ. 2. 00 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070702 ィェ02 090407090502ィェ06 ィコ06080802050702ィィ06ィェィェ06ィヲ 04ィ 09ィィ09ィィィャ0609ィーィィ ィィィェ01ィィ09ィィ01ィョィ 05ィケィェ0401 010604 ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 06ィ 05ィョ- ツ02ィェィィ07 0204 ィィ ィ ィェィー02ィェィ ィーィ 05ィケィェ060006 09ィェ0203ィェ020006 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィィ07 ィィ IQ 09 09060408ィ 09ィー02 6-7 0502ィー,10-12 0502ィー ィィ 15-160502ィー. 3. 0209ィェ0609ィェィョ06 080605ィケ 09 070806ィィ090106030102ィェィィィィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェィィィヲ ィィィェィー02050502ィコィーィョィ 05ィケィェ060006 08ィ 0409ィィィーィィ07 09 06ィ 05ィョ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 0008ィョ070702 0102ィー02ィヲ ィィ0008ィ 05ィィ ィェ02ィ 05ィ 00060708ィィ07ィーィェ0402 0709ィィ0106050600ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ02 ィィ 090602ィィィ 05ィケィェ06-0102ィャ060008ィ 00ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ02 00ィ ィコィー060804, ィーィ ィコィィ02 ィコィ ィコ ィェィィ04ィコィィィヲ 06ィ 08ィ 040609ィ ィー0205ィケィェ04ィヲ ィョ08060902ィェィケ 080601ィィィー020502ィヲ, 010200ィィ02ィィィー ィィィェ000608ィャィ 02ィィィィ, 08ィ 04080409 ィャィィィコ0806090602ィィィ 05ィケィェ0401 ィコ06ィェィーィ ィコィー0609 ィィ ィー08ィョ01ィェ0609ィーィィ ィ 01ィ 07ィーィ 02ィィィィ, 090604ィェィィィコ03ィィ02 09 0708060202090902 0702080209020502ィェィィ07 ィィ04 070609ィー08ィ 01ィ 0903ィィ01 08ィ ィヲ06ィェ0609. 114

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