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(ァクァヨァ゚ァ荅 ァ罘爰ユァヨァロァ罘荅モァレァ 00ァ ァ爰ンァヤァ-ァオァ筴ムァンァァ罘ワァ爰ロ ァァワァ爰ンァ爰ヤァレァ鬧ヨァ罘ワァ爰ロ ァ罘ヨァ荅レ03, ァウァムァ゙ァムァ筴ム, ァイァ爰罘罘レァ) 0806ィェィーィ ィコィー: 06000608ィケ 08ィ 0807ィコィィィェ 0002ィェィー08 07060502090401 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィィヲ 603000, 04060909ィィ07, 01ィィ03ィェィィィヲ 0106090006080601, ィョ05. 080608060502ィェィコ06, 17aィC17 ィー0205.: +7 831 433 38 47 ikar_research@mail.ru 08ィェ010802ィヲ 080609ィ 0502ィェィコ06 405030, 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェ, 0805ィャィ ィー04, ィョ05. 00ィ 01ィーィ ィェ000609ィ, 1109ィC3 ィー0205.: +7 727 246 29 11 +7 701 570 25 60 +7 777 339 10 35 +7 700 910 05 32 akoval69@mail.ru 08ィェィ ィー0605ィィィヲ 090209ィィィェ 06ィェ09ィーィィィーィョィー 040606050600ィィィィ 00ィィィェィィ09ィー020809ィー09ィ 06ィ 08ィ 040609ィ ィェィィ07 ィィ ィェィ ィョィコィィ 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェ, 0805ィャィ ィー04 ィー0205.: +7 3272 69 48 76 levin_saker@mail.ru 080502ィコ0902ィヲ 03ィ 0302ィェィコ0609 0002ィェィー08 09060102ィヲ09ィー09ィィ07 000006050006-0708ィ 05ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ 05ィコ06050600ィィ ツ0209ィコ06ィヲ 0902ィーィィ03 443045, 04060909ィィ07, 05ィ ィャィ 08ィ, ィ /07 8001 f_lynx@mail.ru 04020406ィャ02 05ィーィ ィーィケ07 06ィ 06ィ ィエィ 02ィー 01ィ ィェィェ0402 ィ 09ィー06080609, 070605ィョ ツ02ィェィェ0402 09 01060102 05ィコ09070201ィィ02ィィィヲ 2003ィC2006 0000. 0306010806ィ ィェ06 08ィ 0909ィャィ ィー08ィィ09ィ 02ィー0907 08ィ 0907080609ィー08ィ ィェ02ィェィィ02, ツィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィケ, 00ィェ0204010609ィ 07 ィ ィィ06050600ィィ07 ィィ 07ィィィーィ ィェィィ02 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ (Aquila chrysaetos), ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコィ (Aquila heliaca) ィィ 09ィー0207ィェ060006 060805ィ (Aquila nipalensis) 09 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコ06ィャ 080200ィィ06ィェ02. チィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィケ ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ 0607080201020502ィェィ 09 600ィC800 07ィ 08, ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコィ ィC 360ィC580 07ィ 08, 09ィー0207ィェ060006 060805ィ ィC 2936ィC3866 07ィ 08. 090208ィコィョィー 00ィェ020401ィィィー0907 0708ィ ィコィーィィ ツ0209ィコィィ ィィ09ィコ0506 ツィィィー0205ィケィェ06 ィェィ 09040906ィコィィ01 06ィ 080409ィ 01 ツィィィェィコ0609, ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコ ィC ィェィ 0102080209ィケ0701 ィィ 06070608ィ 01 090603, 09ィー0207ィェ06ィヲ 06080005 ィC ィェィ 0402ィャ0502, ィコィョ09ィーィ 01, 06070608ィ 01 090603 ィィ 06ィ 080409ィ 01 ツィィィェィコ0609. 00 0904090601ィコィ 01 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ 06ィー 1 0106 3-01 07ィー02ィェ020609, 09 09080201ィェ02ィャ (n=56) 1,86 タ0,48 07ィー02ィェ02ィ, 09 0904090601ィコィ 01 ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコィ ィC 1ィC3, 09 09080201ィェ02ィャ (n=15) 2,27 タ0,59 07ィー02ィェ02ィ, 09 0904090601ィコィ 01 09ィー0207ィェ060006 060805ィ 1ィC4, 09 09080201ィェ02ィャ (n=14) 2,36 タ0,84 07ィー02ィェ02ィ. 0209ィェ0609ィョ 08ィ 02ィィ06ィェィ ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ 090609ィーィ 09050706ィー 09080201ィェ02ィ 04ィィィ ィー09ィコィ 07 ツ02080207ィ 01ィ (Testudo horsfieldii) ィィ 030005ィー04ィヲ 09ィョ0905ィィィコ (Spermophilus fulvus), 0609ィェ0609ィョ 08ィ 02ィィ06ィェィ ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコィ 030005ィー04ィヲ 09ィョ0905ィィィコ ィィ 04ィャ02ィィ, 0609ィェ0609ィョ 08ィ 02ィィ06ィェィ 09ィー0207ィェ060006 060805ィ ィC 030005ィー04ィヲ ィィ ィャィ 0504ィヲ (Spermophilus pygmaeus) 09ィョ0905ィィィコィィ. 080506 ツ02090402 09050609ィ : 070208ィェィ ィー0402 01ィィィエィェィィィコィィ, 01ィィィエィェ0402 07ィーィィ0204, 06080504, ィ 0208ィコィョィー, ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコ, 09ィー0207ィェ06ィヲ 06080005, Aquila chrysaetos, Aquila heliaca, Aquila nipalensis, 08ィ 0907080609ィー08ィ ィェ02ィェィィ02, ツィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィケ, 00ィェ0204010609ィ 07 ィ ィィ06050600ィィ07, 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェ. 030609ィーィョ07ィィ05ィ 09 080201ィ ィコ02ィィ06 26.02.2011 00. 0308ィィィェ07ィーィ ィコ 07ィョィ 05ィィィコィ 02ィィィィ 23.03.2011 00. Abstract The paper is based on authors ッ data obtained during surveys in 2003ィC2006. It presents distribution, number, breeding biology and diet of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) and Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis) in the Aral-Caspian region in detail. The Golden Eagle population is estimated as 600ィC800 pairs, Imperial Eagle ィC 360ィC580 pairs, Steppe Eagle ィC 2936ィC3866 pairs. The Golden Eagle breeds almost only on high cliff-faces, the Imperial Eagle ィC on trees and electric poles, the Steppe Eagle ィC on the ground, bushes, electric poles and cliff-faces. The average brood size for the Golden Eagle is 1.86 タ0.48 nestlings (n=56; range 1ィC3), for the Imperial Eagle ィC 2.27 タ0.59 nestlings (n=15; range 1ィC3), and for the Steppe Eagle ィC 2.36 タ0.84 nestlings (n=14; range 1ィC4). The main prey for the Golden Eagle is the Russian Tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii) and Yellow Souslik (Spermophilus fulvus), for the Imperial eagle ィC also the Yellow Souslik as well as snakes, the diet of the Steppe Eagle consists generally of Yellow and Little Sousliks (Spermophilus pygmaeus). Keywords: raptors, birds of prey, eagles, Golden Eagle, Imperial Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, Aquila heliaca, Aquila nipalensis, distribution, population status, breeding biology, Kazakhstan. Received: 26/02/2011. Accepted: 23/03/2011. 0009020102ィェィィ02 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコィィィヲ 080200ィィ06ィェ, ィェ0209ィャ06ィー0807 ィェィ ィョィェィィィコィ 05ィケィェ0609ィーィケ 05ィ ィェ0103ィ 00ィー0609, ィーィョ08ィィ09ィーィィ ツ0209ィコィョ06 0708ィィ090502ィコィ ィー0205ィケィェ0609ィーィケ ィィ ィ ィコィーィィ09ィェィョ06 ィェ0200ィー02- ィィ 00ィ 04060106ィ 04 ツィョ, 0106 09ィィ01 070608 0709050702ィー0907 0601ィェィィィャ ィィ04 0905ィ ィ 06 ィィ04ィョ ツ02ィェィェ0401 09 0608ィェィィィー06050600ィィ ツ0209ィコ06ィャ 0705ィ ィェ02. 03ィョィ 05ィィィコィ 02ィィィィ 0706 08ィ 0907080609ィー08ィ ィェ02ィェィィ06, ツィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィィ, 00ィェ020401060906ィヲ ィ ィィ06050600ィィィィ ィィ 07ィィィーィ ィェィィ06 0608050609 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコ060006 080200ィィ06ィェィ 0708ィ ィコィーィィ ツ0209ィコィィ 06ィー09ィョィー09ィー09ィョ06ィー. 03ィョ09ィー04ィェィィ 0308ィィィコィ 0907ィィ07 ィィ 0308ィィィ 08ィ 05ィケ07 06ィ 090502010609ィ 05ィィ09ィケ ィ 09ィー0608ィ ィャィィ 09 08ィ ィャィコィ 01 0005ィー0207ィェ06ィヲ 0708060008ィ ィャィャ0403 0002ィェィー08ィ 07060502090401 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィィヲ (01. 0106090006080601, 04060909ィィ07) ィィ 0002ィェィー08ィ 09060102ィヲ09ィー09ィィ07 000006050006-0708ィ 05ィケ09ィコ06ィヲ 05ィコ06050600ィィ ツ0209ィコ06ィヲ 0902ィーィィ03 (05ィ ィャィ 08ィ, 04060909ィィ07), 07080602ィコィーィ 0009ィ 0506ィ ィ ィェ 09 04060909ィィィィ ィィ 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェ0203 06ィェ09ィーィィィーィョィーィ ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィ07 0906ィコ06050609 (Falcon Research Institute, Carmarthen, Introduction During surveys in the Aral-Caspian region authors of the paper paid the special attention to the eagles as a species determining distribution of many other raptor species in a territory and being a precise indicator of feeding conditions in a region. Extensive data were obtained and results of data processing are presented in the paper. Methods The region under consideration occupies the extensive area in the Western Kazakhstan (within the state borders) between Caspian and Aral Seas with a territory of 250 thousands km 2 (fig. 1). That territory was surveyed in 2003ィC2006.

13Raptor Research Raptors Conservation 2011, 22 93 Contact: Igor Karyakin Center of Field Studies Korolenko str., 17aィC17, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, 603000 tel.: +7 831 433 38 47 ikar_research@mail.ru Andrey Kovalenko Vahtangova str., 11bィC3, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 405030 tel.: +7 727 246 29 11 +7 701 570 25 60 +7 777 339 10 35 +7 700 910 05 32 akoval69@mail.ru Anatoliy Levin Institute of Zoology Ministry of Education and Sciences Almaty, Kazakhstan tel.: +7 3272 69 48 76 levin_saker@mail.ru Aleksey Pazhenkov The Volga-Ural ECONET Assistance Centre P.O. Box 8001, Samara, Russia, 443045 f_lynx@mail.ru UK) ィィ 07080602ィコィーィ 0706 090407090502ィェィィ06 080506 ツ02090401 0608ィェィィィー06050600ィィ ツ0209ィコィィ01 ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィヲ 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェィ 0809090602ィィィ 02ィィィィ 09060108ィ ィェ02ィェィィ07 ィ ィィ0608ィ 04ィェ0606ィ 08ィ 04ィィ07 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェィ (0805ィャィ ィー04, 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェ). 00 01060102 08ィ ィ 06ィー04 060805ィ ィャ ィョ01020507050609ィケ 060906ィ 0602 09ィェィィィャィ ィェィィ02, ィコィ ィコ 09ィィ01ィ ィャ, 060708020102050706ィエィィィャ 08ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ02 ィャィェ0600ィィ01 070208ィェィ ィー0401 01ィィィエィェィィィコ0609 0706 ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィィ, 0709050706ィエィィ010907 070609ィーィ 09ィエィィィコィ ィャィィ 070609ィー080602ィコ 010507 0906ィコ06050609, ィ ィーィ ィコ0302 ィィィェ01ィィィコィ ィー0608ィ ィャィィ ィコ0608ィャ060906ィヲ 09ィィィーィョィ 02ィィィィ 09 080200ィィ06ィェ02. 00 080204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィー02 ィ 0405 0906ィ 08ィ ィェ 0106090605ィケィェ06 06ィ 03ィィ08ィェ04ィヲ ィャィ ィー0208ィィィ 05, 080204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィー04 06ィ 08ィ ィ 06ィーィコィィ ィコ06ィー0608060006 0708020109ィーィ 090502ィェ04 09 ィェィ 09ィー0607ィエ02ィヲ 09ィーィ ィーィケ02. 0002ィー0601ィィィコィ 04ィ 0909ィャィ ィー08ィィ09ィ 02ィャ04ィヲ 09 09ィーィ ィーィケ02 080200ィィ06ィェ 04ィ ィェィィィャィ 02ィー 06ィ 03ィィ08ィェィョ06 ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィ06 09 05ィ 07ィ 01ィェ06ィャ 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェ02 (09 ィ 01ィャィィィェィィ09ィー08ィ ィーィィ09ィェ0401 0008ィ ィェィィ02ィ 01 000609ィョ01ィ 0809ィー09ィ ) ィャ020301ィョ 08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコィィィャ ィィ 0808ィ 05ィケ09ィコィィィャ ィャ060807ィャィィ 070506ィエィ 01ィケ06 250,0 ィー0409. ィコィャ 2 ィィ 050203ィィィー, 070802ィィィャィョィエ0209ィー0902ィェィェ06, 09 0406ィェ02 07ィョ09ィー04ィェィケ, 070605ィョ07ィョ09ィー04ィェィケ ィィ 0607ィョ09ィー04ィェ02ィェィェ0401 09ィー020702ィヲ (08ィィ09. 1). 00 08ィ ィャィコィ 01 080200ィィ06ィェィ 09 01ィ ィェィェ06ィヲ 09ィーィ ィーィケ02 ィャ04 ィェ02 08ィ 0909ィャィ ィー08ィィ09ィ 02ィャ 00ィョ00060103ィ 0804 ィィ 0708ィ 0906ィ 02080203ィケ02 06ィャィ 04, ィーィ ィコ ィコィ ィコ 05ィーィィ ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィィ 09ィョィエ0209ィー0902ィェィェ06 06ィー05ィィ ツィ 06ィー0907 0706 09ィー08ィョィコィーィョ0802 05ィ ィェ0103ィ 00ィー0609 06ィー 07ィョ09ィー04ィェィケ ィィ 070605ィョ07ィョ09ィー04ィェィケ 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコィ, 0709ィー0608ィーィ ィィ 0308ィィィ 08ィ 05ィケ07. 0201ィェィ ィコ06, 0908ィ 09ィェィィ09ィ 07 070607ィョ050702ィィィィ 0608050609, ィャ04 0708ィィ090601ィィィャ 01ィ ィェィェ0402 ィィ 0706 05ィーィィィャ ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィ07ィャ, 020905ィィ 06ィェィィ ィィィャ0206ィー0907. 040200ィィ06ィェ 06ィ 090502010609ィ 050907 09 ィ 0708020502ィCィャィ 02 04ィィ09. 1. 08ィ 08ィーィ 0708ィィ080601ィェ0401 0406ィェ 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコ060006 080200ィィ06ィェィ. Fig. 1. Nature zones of the Aral-Caspian region. A total length survey routes was 15654 km. For 4 years of research 31 study plots with a total area of 1098.49 km 2 were set up (fig. 2). Breeding territories of the eagles were discovered during vehicle and pedestrian routes which were planned in habitats preferred the species ィC usually along different cliff-faces, along narrow ravines, power lines, and sand edges. The activity was aimed at the search of nests and registration of birds. The territories where nests of the eagles (either living or empty but occupied) or pairs have been recorded, were recognized as breeding territories. As the possible breeding territories we considered the registrations of the displaying adult birds. Discovered breeding territories of the eagles were mapped. The population calculation was performed using GIS-software (ArcView 3.2a, ESRI, CA, USA) (Karyakin, 2004) based on the map of typical habitats (cliff-faces) obtained through the verification of Landsat ETM+ satellite images and analysis of 1:500000 scale topographic maps. A total length of cliff-faces in the region is 8065.02 km as well as in study plots is 1768.9 km. Following the geographical location and the dominating type of rock (chalky, limy or clay), all cliff-faces of the region were divided into 10 groups: clifffaces of the Shagyray Plateau, northern cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau (including the Donyz-Tau cliff-faces), western cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau, southern (chalky) cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau and calck cliff-faces of Aktau, the Aral cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau, cliff-faces of the Aral Sea, cliff-faces of Mangyshlak Peninsula, cliff-faces of depressions of the Kinderli- Kayasanskoe Plateau (Karagie, Kaundy, Basgurly, Zhazgurly Northeastern clifffaces of the Kinderli-Kayasanskoe Plateau, Kolenkeli and Zheltau Cliffs. The diet studies were based on an analysis of remains of preys in nests and pellets. A total of 880 prey remains and 125 pellets were analyzed. The cameral treatment of the nonspatial data was carried out using MS Excel 2003 and Statistica 6.0 software. The factual data were represented as ーthe mean タ standard deviation ア (00 タSD). The normality tests for the parameter distribution were performed using the ShapiroィCWilk ッs W test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov & Liliefors test for normality.

1394 030208ィェィ ィー0402 01ィィィエィェィィィコィィ ィィ ィィ01 060108ィ ィェィ 2011, 22 0604ィョ ツ02ィェィィ02 070208ィェィ ィー0401 01ィィィエィェィィィコ0609 04ィィ09. 2. 07 ツ00ィーィェ0402 070506ィエィ 01ィコィィ (0909020801ィョ) ィィ ィャィ 080308ィョィー04 (09ィェィィ04ィョ). Fig. 2. Study plots (upper) and transects (bottom). 2003ィC2006 0000. 02ィ ィエィ 07 070806ィー070300ィェィェ0609ィーィケ 05ィコ09070201ィィ02ィィ06ィェィェ0401 ィャィ 080308ィョィー0609 090609ィーィ 09ィィ05ィ 15654 ィコィャ (3832 ィコィャ ィC 09 2003 00., 5975 ィコィャ ィC 09 2004 00., 977 ィコィャ ィC 09 2005 00. ィィ 4870 ィコィャ ィC 09 2006 00.). 00 2003 00. ィョ01ィ 050609ィケ 06ィ 090502010609ィ ィーィケ 11 070506ィエィ 0106ィコ 06ィ ィエ02ィヲ 070506ィエィ 01ィケ06 2194,95 ィコィャ 2. 00 2004 00. 07060902ィエィ 050609ィケ 6 070506ィエィ 0106ィコ 0708060305060006 000601ィ, 3 ィィ04 ィコ06ィー06080401 ィ 0405ィィ 070605ィェ0609ィーィケ06 06ィ 090502010609ィ ィェ04. 0009020006 04ィ 000601 ィ 040506 0609ィャ06ィー0802ィェ06 18 070506ィエィ 0106ィコ (09 ィョ ツ00ィー06ィャ ィェ06090401) 06ィ ィエ02ィヲ 070506ィエィ 01ィケ06 8162,70 ィコィャ 2. 00 2005 00. 09 0308ィィィ 08ィ 05ィケ02 ィ 040506 04ィ 05060302ィェ06 3 070506ィエィ 01ィコィィ 06ィ ィエ02ィヲ 070506ィエィ 01ィケ06 196,43 ィコィャ 2. 00 2006 00. ィョ01ィ 050609ィケ 06ィ 090502010609ィ ィーィケ 5 070506ィエィ 0106ィコ 06ィ ィエ02ィヲ 070506ィエィ 01ィケ06 905,32 ィコィャ 2. 05ィ 4 000601ィ ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィィヲ ィ 0405ィ 06ィ 090502010609ィ ィェィ 31 ィェ02 07020802ィコ080409ィ 06ィエィ 070907 ィョ ツ00ィーィェィ 07 070506ィエィ 01ィコィ 06ィ ィエ02ィヲ 070506ィエィ 01ィケ06 1098,49 ィコィャ 2 (08ィィ09. 2). 01ィェ02040106090402 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィィ 0608050609 09040709050705ィィ09ィケ 09 01060102 ィ 09ィー06ィャ06ィ ィィ05ィケィェ0401 ィィ 070203ィィ01 ィャィ 080308ィョィー0609, ィコ06ィー06080402 0705ィ ィェィィ080609ィ 05ィィ09ィケ 0706 00ィェ020401060708ィィ000601ィェ04ィャ 010507 09ィィ010609 ィ ィィ06ィー0607ィ ィャ ィC 070802ィィィャィョィエ02- Results Status of species Only three species of eagles ィC the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) and Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis) are proved as breeding species in the Aral-Caspian region. Data about the Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) breeding (Zaletaev, 1968) have been recognized as an error, because Zaletaev confused the Spotted Eagles with Steppe Eagles (Karyakin, Levin, 2008). Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Distribution and Population Numbers In the Aral-Caspian region, the Golden Eagle is recorded only in rouged terrains mainly in the regions near the Caspian Sea ィC Mangistau mountains, Mangyshlak peninsula, and cliff-faces of the Usturt plateau. Unfortunately despite of many surveys carried out in the Aral Sea region we have not recorded the Golden Eagle breeding. We found it breeding to the north of the Shagyray plateau in the Mugodzhary mountains (Karyakin et al., 2007), in flood forests in the or and Ural river basins, however separate breeding pairs are recorded far apart up to the Guberlya upland, and the species breeding in the steppe zone seems to be occasional. A total of 187 adults (older than 2 years) in 123 territories were recorded during our surveys in the Aral-Caspian region. We found 115 breeding territories (105 ィC on the model plots, including 100 ィC on cliff-faces), nests were discovered in 100 breeding territories (186 nests including old nests) (fig. 3). Pairs were registered in 10 breeding territories, single adults ィC in 3 territories (displaying males ィC in 2 cases and the alarmed female in one territory) and the fledgling bad flying ィC in one territory (the nest was not being searched due to lack of time). Thus, the breeding was proved in 82.11% cases in a total number of bird records (n=123). The census of eagles has shown that in different types of cliff-faces the density varied from 1.90 to 6.94 pairs/100 km, averaging 6.0 pairs/100 km of cliff-faces throughout the region. The highest values of density are noted for the chalk cliff-faces of the Mangyshlak peninsula ィC 3.41ィC11.80, averaging 6.94 pairs/100 km of cliff-faces, and the Kinderli-Kayasan plateau ィC 1.44ィC13.93, averaging 6.76 pairs/100 km of cliff-faces (table 1). Such high density is connected with the territory having an abundance of sites suitable for eagles nesting ィC many

13Raptor Research Raptors Conservation 2011, 22 95 チィィィェィコィィ 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコィ ィィ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ060006 0705ィ ィー06. 0806ィー06 06. 08ィ 0807ィコィィィェィ. Cliff-faces of the Mangyshlak Peninsula and Kinderli-Kayasan Plateau. Photos by I. Karyakin. 09ィー0902ィェィェ06 09010605ィケ 06ィ 0804090609 08ィ 0405ィィ ツィェ060006 ィーィィ07ィ ィィ, 09 ィャ02ィェィケ0302ィヲ 09ィー020702ィェィィ, 09010605ィケ 09ィ 0209 (ィョ04ィコィィ01 060908ィ 000609), ィコ0806ィャィコィィ 070209ィコ0609 ィィ 05ィィィェィィィヲ 050502ィコィー08060702080201ィ ツィィ (090603). 04ィ ィ 06ィーィ ィ 0405ィ ィェィ 0708ィ 090502ィェィ ィェィ 0706ィィ09ィコ 00ィェ000401 ィィ 080200ィィ09ィー08ィ 02ィィ06 07ィーィィ02. 000209ィーィ, 0708ィィ000601ィェ0402 010507 ィョ09ィー0806ィヲ09ィー09ィ 060805ィ ィャィィ 00ィェ000401, 0609ィャィ ィー08ィィ09ィ 05ィィ09ィケ 09 0607ィーィィィコィョ (ィ ィィィェ06ィコ05ィィ 8 チ30, 12 チ50) 09 020205ィケ06 06ィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェィィ07 00ィェ02040106090401 070609ィー080602ィコ ィィ05ィィ 07ィーィィ02 ィェィ 0708ィィ09ィ 01ィ 01. 00 01060102 070203ィィ01 ィャィ 080308ィョィー0609 0609ィャィ ィー08ィィ09ィ 05ィィ09ィケ ィーィ ィコ0302 070601ィェ0603ィィ07 ツィィィェィコ0609 ィィ 06090407ィィ ィェィ 07080201ィャ02ィー 06ィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェィィ07 0609ィーィ ィーィコ0609 07ィィィエィィ ィィ 070600ィ 0106ィコ. 0006 ィャィェ0600ィィ01 0905ィョ ツィ 0701 ツィィィェィコィィ 070806010601ィィ05ィィ09ィケ 070203ィコ06ィャ 070609020801ィョ ィィ05ィィ 0706ィェィィ04ィョ, 05ィィィ 06 ィィ 070609020801ィョ, ィィ 0706ィェィィ04ィョ 0008ィョ070706ィヲ ィィ04 2-01 ツ0205060902ィコ. 030601 00ィェ020401060904ィャィィ ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィ ィャィィ 07060108ィ 04ィョィャ0209ィ 06ィー0907 ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィィ, ィェィ ィコ06ィー06080401 06ィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェ04 00ィェ000401ィ 0608050609 (05ィィィ 06 03ィィ050402, 05ィィィ 06 07ィョ09ィーィョ06ィエィィ02, ィェ06 ィ ィ 06ィェィィ08ィョ02ィャ0402 07ィーィィ02ィ ィャィィ), 0909ィー0802 ツ02ィェ04 ィー06ィコィョ06ィエィィ02 0904080609050402 07ィーィィ0204. 08 090604ィャ0603ィェ04ィャ 00ィェ020401060904ィャ ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィ ィャ ィャ04 0708ィィ08ィ 09ィェィィ09ィ 02ィャ ィィ06ィェィケ09ィコィィ02 0909ィー0802 ツィィ 0904080609050401 07ィーィィ02, ィェ020601ィェ06ィコ08ィ ィーィェ06 080200ィィ09ィー08ィィ080609ィ 0903ィィ010907 ィェィ 0601ィェ06ィヲ ィィ ィー06ィヲ 0302 ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィィ. 00040709050702ィャ0402 00ィェ02040106090402 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィィ 0608050609 ィコィ 08ィーィィ080609ィ 05ィィ09ィケ, 01ィ ィェィェ0402 09ィェ0609ィィ05ィィ09ィケ 09 09080201ィョ 010605 (ArcView 3.2a, ESRI, CA, USA), 000102 ィィ 070806ィィ04090601ィィ050907 08ィ 09 ツ00ィー 06ィ ィエ02ィヲ ツィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィィ high sheer cliffs with numerous niches and ledges. The average nearest neighbour distance is 6.44 タ4.23 km (n=86; range 1.5ィC23.8 km; E x =3.17, median=5.48; mode=3.55 km) (table 2). In the Mangistau mountains the breeding density was 3.52 pairs/100 km 2 while the nearest neighbour distance was 3.13ィC 8.42 km, averaging 5.84 タ2.65 km. Taking into account the average density (6.0 タ1.1 pairs/100 km of cliff-faces) and the total length of cliff-faces in the Kazakhstan part of the Aral-Caspian region (8065.02 km) we can project at least 395ィC573 pairs, on average 484 pairs of eagles to breed in the region. Similar values (363ィC503, on average 433 pairs) have been obtained as a result of calculations for different types of cliff-faces (table 3). In the Mangistau mountains, with the density being 3.52 pairs/100 km 2 and the total area of 956 km 2, about 33ィC34 pairs of eagles are projected to breed. Apart cliff-faces we can only project eagles breeding, but no more than 20 pairs. Considering the mentioned above, we can state that at least 416ィC557 pairs of Golden

1396 030208ィェィ ィー0402 01ィィィエィェィィィコィィ ィィ ィィ01 060108ィ ィェィ 2011, 22 0604ィョ ツ02ィェィィ02 070208ィェィ ィー0401 01ィィィエィェィィィコ0609 09ィィ01ィ (08ィ 0807ィコィィィェ, 2004). 01ィ 0609ィェ060902 08ィ 09ィー0806090401 ィコィ 08ィー 00 1:500000 ィィ ィコ0609ィャ0609ィェィィィャィコ0609 Landsat ETM+ ィ 0405ィィ 0706010006ィー06090502ィェ04 0902ィコィー0608ィェ0402 090506ィィ 06ィ 0804090609, ィェィ 06ィ ィエィョ06 070806ィー070300ィェィェ0609ィーィケ ィコ06ィー06080401 070807ィャ06 05ィコ09ィー08ィ 070605ィィ080609ィ 05ィィ09ィケ 01ィ ィェィェ0402 0706 ツィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィィ 0608050609, 070605ィョ ツ02ィェィェ0402 ィェィ ィョ ツ00ィーィェ0401 070506ィエィ 01ィコィ 01. 02ィ ィエィ 07 070806ィー070300ィェィェ0609ィーィケ 06ィ 0804090609 09 080200ィィ06ィェ02 090609ィーィ 09ィィ05ィ 8065,02 ィコィャ, ィ 070806ィー070300ィェィェ0609ィーィケ 06ィ 0804090609 ィェィ ィョ ツ00ィーィェ0401 070506ィエィ 01ィコィ 01 ィC 1768,9 ィコィャ. 0306 09090602ィャィョ 0002060008ィ 00ィィ ツ0209ィコ06ィャィョ 08ィ 09070605060302ィェィィ06, ィ ィーィ ィコ0302 0706 0106ィャィィィェィィ080609ィ ィェィィ06 ィー060006 ィィ05ィィ ィィィェ060006 ィーィィ07ィ 06ィ ィェィ 0302ィェィィィヲ (ィャ020506090402, 08ィ ィコィョ0302 ツィェィィィコ06090402 ィィ05ィィ 0005ィィィェ07ィェ0402), 090902 06ィ 08040904 080200ィィ06ィェィ 070601020502ィェ04 ィェィ 10 0008ィョ0707: 06ィ 08040904 0705ィ ィー06 01ィ 000408ィ ィヲ, 0902090208ィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー (09ィコ0506 ツィ 07 ツィィィェィコ 0206ィェ0404-06ィ ィョ), 04ィ 07ィ 01ィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー, 0603ィェ04ィヲ (ィャ0205060906ィヲ) ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー ィィ ィャ020506090402 06ィ 08040904 08ィコィーィ ィョ, 0808ィ 05ィケ09ィコィィィヲ ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー, 06ィ 08040904 0308ィィィ 08ィ 05ィケ07, 06ィ 08040904 070605ィョ0609ィー080609ィ 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコ, 06ィ 08040904 0907ィ 01ィィィェ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ060006 0705ィ ィー06 (08ィ 08ィ 00ィィ02, 08ィ ィョィェ0104, 09ィ 0900ィョ080504, 04ィ 0400ィョ080504), 090209020806090609ィー06 ツィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ060006 0705ィ ィー06, 06ィ 08040904 08060502ィェィコ0205ィィ ィィ 040205ィケィーィ ィョ. 07 ツ00ィーィェ0402 070506ィエィ 01ィコィィ 09 2003ィC2004 0000. 04ィ ィコ05ィ 010409ィ 05ィィ09ィケ ィーィ ィコィィィャ 06ィ 08ィ 0406ィャ, ツィー06ィ 04 ィコ ィコ06ィェ02ィョ 0706050209060006 09020406ィェィ 2004 00. 060109ィ ィーィィィーィケ 090902 0008ィョ070704 06ィ 0804090609 09 080200ィィ06ィェ02. 06ィコ09ィー08ィ 0706050702ィィ07 ツィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィィ 0608050609 090205ィ 09ィケ ィィィャ02ィェィェ06 ィェィ ィー02 0008ィョ070704 06ィ 0804090609, ィェィ ィコ06ィー06080401 06080504 ィョ ツィィィー0409ィ 05ィィ09ィケ. 05ィ 070802010205ィ ィャィィ 06ィ 0804090609 06080504 ィョ ツィィィー0409ィ 05ィィ09ィケ ィェィ ィ 09ィー06ィャ06ィ ィィ05ィケィェ0401 ィャィ 080308ィョィーィ 01, ィェィ ィェ02060008ィ ィェィィ ツ02ィェィェ06ィヲ 070605060902 (08ィ 0807ィコィィィェ, 2004), 05ィィィ 06 ィェィ 070506ィエィ 01ィコィ 01. 06ィコ09ィー08ィ 0706050702ィィ07 09 ィーィ ィコィィ01 Eagles breed in the Aral-Caspian region within the administrative borders of Kazakhstan, that is similar to our previous estimations at 400ィC500 pairs (Levin, Karyakin, 2005). The number of entire population of the Golden Eagle including cliff-faces in the territory of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan can be estimates as 600ィC800 pairs. Basing on the analysis of distribution of breeding pairs between Aral and Caspian Seas two large breeding groups have been distinguished ィC ーMangyshlak ア and ーNorth Usturt ア (fig. 6), which in addition were different in main prey species and dates of breeding. The post-breeding population number is estimated as 2000ィC2500 individuals in the Aral-Caspian region. Breeding As mentioned above, the main nesting habitats for the Golden Eagle in the Aral- Caspian region are different types of cliffs and precipices, generally within the zone of the Usturt plateau cliff-faces (mostly in the Caspian Sea region), as well as the rocky gorges of the Mangistau mountains (Western and Eastern Karatau). Among the discovered nesting sites (n=115) the sites on the chalk cliff-faces predominated ィC 60.0%, alternative sites were on shell cliff-faces ィC 27.83% and the least number of sites (6.09%) were recorded on the clay cliffs (fig. 7). Also we found 3.48% pairs breeding in the rocky gorges of the Mangistau mountains, 1.74% pairs ィC in a flat clay semidesert close to the zone of cliff-faces and 04ィ 0405ィィ ツィェ0402 ィーィィ0704 0005ィィィェ07ィェ0401 ツィィィェィコ0609 ィェィ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ06ィャ 0705ィ ィー06, 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコ02 ィィ 0709ィー0608ィー02. 0806ィー06 06. 08ィ 0807ィコィィィェィ. Different types of clay cliff-faces distributed in the Mangyshlak Peninsula, Kinderli- Kayasan and Usturt Plateaus. Photos by I. Karyakin.

13Raptor Research Raptors Conservation 2011, 22 97 0002ィー0601ィィィコィ 090407090502ィェィィ07 00ィェ000401 04ィ ィコ0506 ツィ 02ィー0907 09 0609ィャ06ィー0802 07060101060107ィエィィ01 010507 ィィ01 ィョ09ィー0806ィヲ09ィー09ィ ィャ0209ィー 09 070806ィーィィ09060706050603ィェ0401 ィー06 ツ02ィコ ィェィ ツィィィェィコ02 (0909020801ィョ) 05ィィィ 06 ィィ04-070601 ツィィィェィコィ (09ィェィィ04ィョ). 0806ィー06 06. 08ィ 0807ィコィィィェィ. The technique of nest searching is based on the survey of suitable for nesting habitats from different places on clifffaces (upper), or from under cliffs (bottom). Photos by I. Karyakin. 0905ィョ ツィ 0701 0609ィョィエ0209ィー09050705ィ 09ィケ ィェィ 06ィ ィエィョ06 070506ィエィ 01ィケ ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィィ, 0706 ィコ06ィー060806ィヲ 070806050200ィ 05ィィ ィャィ 080308ィョィー04, 05ィィィ 06 ィェィ ィー02 ィ ィィ06ィー060704, 09 ィコ06ィー06080401 ィ 0405ィィ 04ィ 05060302ィェ04 070506ィエィ 01ィコィィ. 03ィィィーィ ィェィィ02 ィィ04ィョ ツィ 050609ィケ 07ィョィー00ィャ 0607080201020502ィェィィ07 09ィィ01060906ィヲ 0708ィィィェィ 01050203ィェ0609ィーィィ 0609ィーィ ィェィコ0609 030208ィー09 09 00ィェ000401ィ 01 ィィ 08ィ 04ィ 0608ィ 070600ィ 0106ィコ. 00 06ィ ィエ02ィヲ 09050603ィェ0609ィーィィ 08ィ 0406ィ 08ィ ィェ06 125 070600ィ 0106ィコ ィィ 0609ィャ06ィー0802ィェ06 880 0609ィーィ ィーィコ0609 07ィィィエィィ, 0607080201020502ィェ06 1093 06ィ ィイ02ィコィーィ 07ィィィーィ ィェィィ07. 00ィ ィー02ィャィ ィーィィ ツ0209ィコィ 07 06ィ 08ィ ィ 06ィーィコィ 01ィ ィェィェ0401 0609ィョィエ0209ィー09050705ィ 09ィケ 09 MS Excel 2003 ィィ Statistica 6.0. 020507 0904ィ 060806ィコ 0607080201020507050609ィケ 09080201ィェ0202 ィィ 09ィーィ ィェ01ィ 08ィーィェ0602 06ィーィコ0506ィェ02ィェィィ02 (M タSD), 0708ィィ 0908ィ 09ィェ02ィェィィィィ 0904ィ 060806ィコ 08ィ 0909 ツィィィー0409ィ 05ィィ ィコ06050000ィィ02ィィ02ィェィー ィコ06080802050702ィィィィ 03ィィ080906ィェィ, 09 ィ ィェィ 05ィィ0402 08ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ07 ィィ09070605ィケ040609ィ 05ィィ ィコ08ィィィー0208ィィィィ 080605ィャ060006080609ィ -05ィャィィ08ィェ0609ィ ィィ 01ィ 07ィィ0806-07ィィ05ィコ09ィ. 040204ィョ05ィケィーィ ィー04 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィィヲ 05ィーィ ィーィョ09 09ィィ010609 020507 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコ060006 080200ィィ06ィェィ 09 ィコィ - ツ0209ィー0902 00ィェ02040107ィエィィ010907 09ィィ010609 0608050609 09070506ィーィケ 0106 0902080201ィィィェ04 0909 09ィー060502ィーィィ07 0708ィィ090601ィィ05ィィ09ィケ 3 0.87% ィC in sands. It should be noted, that eagles inhabiting cliff-faces of Western and Northern Usturt, which is mostly clay, prefer to nest on cliff-faces with outcrops of shell cliffs, even if they occur as a very narrow layer above the clay stratum and form the overhangs. We are analyzing only 112 nests (100 active and 12 old nests) of 186 nests discovered. It is connected with the fact that on suitable cliff-faces (often in the specific cirques) the nests of Golden Eagles of different ages are located close to each other in adjacent niches and/or ledges of different levels (usually no far than 50 m from each other). During filling in the database the old nests in such nest aggregations were recorded, but their parameters were ignored, and the information only about active nest was input in the database. Among 112 nests 110 (98.21%) were located on cliffs and rocks and only 2 (1.79%) ィC on metal electric poles (fig. 8, 9). Analyzing the nest locations on cliffs (n=110) we have revealed that nest built in the upper part of a cliff predominated ィC 70.0%. Alternative nest location is in the middle part of a cliff ィC 23.64%, and the least number of nests (6.36%) was located in the bottom part (fig. 10). At the nesting on open ledges, the wall behind the nest always dominates, but its height may be only 1ィC1.5 ィャ. Generally cliff-nesting eagles (n=110) built their nests in niches ィC 71.82% (fig. 11). Also birds place their nests on open ledges (18.18%), ledges protected by overhangs (7.27%), and very seldom on a bush growing on the open ledge (2.73%). The height of nest placed on cliffs depends on a height of cliff-faces, which are used as a nesting site, and ranges from 2 to 120 m above the bottom of a cliff. Generally eagles prefer to nest at a height lower than 50 m, and about a half of surveyed pairs (52.73%) were recorded to nest at a height ranging between 10 and 30 m (fig. 12). The average height of nest location is 23.74 タ20.52 m (n=110; E x =5.49, median=20; mode=20 m). As a rule, the Golden Eagle ッs nests are rather large constructions made from branches and twigs of saxaul, tamairisk and caragana, however we found rather small nests: in the Mangyshlak peninsula the sizes of nests varied very much ィC from 1ィC1.5 at height on the open ledges to almost complete absence of nest construction on niches (only several twigs symbolized such nest). In the Aral-Caspian region Golden Eagles

1398 030208ィェィ ィー0402 01ィィィエィェィィィコィィ ィィ ィィ01 060108ィ ィェィ 2011, 22 0604ィョ ツ02ィェィィ02 070208ィェィ ィー0401 01ィィィエィェィィィコ0609 09ィィ01ィ : ィ 0208ィコィョィー (Aquila chrysaetos), ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコ (Aquila heliaca) ィィ 09ィー0207ィェ06ィヲ 06080005 (Aquila nipalensis), 0708ィィ ツ00ィャ, 010507 ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコィ ィィ 09ィー0207ィェ060006 060805ィ 0603ィェィ 07 0008ィ ィェィィ02ィ 00ィェ0204010609060006 ィ 0802ィ 05ィ 070806090601ィィ05ィ 09ィケ ツ02080204 0902090208 0709ィー0608ィーィ ィィ ィェ02 04ィ 0109ィ ィー0409ィ 05ィ 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコ (0202ィャ02ィェィーィケ0209, 1951; 08060802050609, 1962). 00.05. 05ィ 0502ィーィ 0209 (1968) 09ィェ0009 09 0907ィィ0906ィコ 00ィェ02040107ィエィィ010907 09ィィ010609 080200ィィ06ィェィ ィィ ィ 0605ィケ03060006 070601060805ィィィコィ (Aquila clanga) ィェィ 0609ィェ0609ィ ィェィィィィ 0909ィー0802 ツ ィィ 0106ィ 04 ツィィ 07ィーィィ02 ィェィ 05ィ 07ィ 01ィェ06ィャ ツィィィェィコ02 0709ィー0608ィーィ. 0306040302, ィェィ 0609ィェ0609ィ ィェィィィィ 05ィー06ィヲ ィィィェ000608ィャィ 02ィィィィ, 0709ィー0608ィー 09ィコ0506 ツ00ィェ 09 ィ 0802ィ 05 070601060805ィィィコィ 09 08ィ 04ィ 0109ィーィ ィェ02 06.06. 01ィ 0908ィィ05060904ィャ (01ィ 0908ィィ050609, 1999; Gavrilov, Gavrilov, 2005). 0201ィェィ ィコ06 ィョィコィ 04ィ ィェィィ02 ィェィ 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 070601060805ィィィコィ ィェィ 0709ィー0608ィー02 0709050702ィー0907 0709ィェ06 0603ィィィ 06 ツィェ04ィャ. 06ィョ03ィコィィ 07ィーィィ02, 0106ィ 04ィー0401 09 40 ィコィャ 06ィー 00ィ ィェィ ィー04, 0607080201020500ィェィェ0401 00.05. 05ィ 0502ィーィ 020904ィャ ィコィ ィコ ィ 0605ィケ03ィィ02 070601060805ィィィコィィ ィィ 0108ィ ィェィィ0903ィィ020907 09 ィャィョ040202 000107 070601 ィェ06ィャ0208ィ ィャィィ R-79651, 79650 ィィ 79649, 09 80-01 0000. 070208020607080201020502ィェ04 03.01. 08060803ィョィェ060906ィヲ ィコィ ィコ 09ィー0207ィェ0402 06080504 (08ィ 0807ィコィィィェ, 090209ィィィェ, 2008). 01ィ ィャィィ ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィ07 05ィ 07ィ 01ィェ060006 0709ィー0608ィーィ 010609ィーィ ィー06 ツィェ06 010608060306 06ィ 090502010609ィ ィェィ 09 2003ィC2006 0000. ィィ 070601060805ィィィコ 04010209ィケ 0909ィー0802 ツ02ィェ 05ィィ03ィケ 0601ィェィ 030104 ィェィ 0708060500ィー02 ィェィ 01 ツィィィェィコィ ィャィィ 040205ィケィーィ ィョ 22 ィャィ 07 2004 00., 09 ィー06 090802ィャ07 ィコィ ィコ 09ィー0207ィェ06ィヲ 06080005 0106ィーィケ ィィ 080201ィコ06, ィェ06 090900 0302 00ィェ020401ィィィー0907 ィェィ ツィィィェィコィ 01 0706 090902ィャィョ 05ィ 07ィ 01ィェ06ィャィョ 0709ィー0608ィーィョ ィィ 09 ィ 0605ィケ0306ィャ ィコ0605ィィ ツ0209ィー0902 ィャィィ0008ィィ08ィョ02ィー ツ02080204 0705ィ ィー06 (090209ィィィェ, 08ィ 0807ィコィィィェ, 2005). 050502010609ィ ィー0205ィケィェ06, 09 ィェィ 09ィー0607ィエ0202 090802ィャ07 ィャ0603ィェ06 0006090608ィィィーィケ 06 010609ィー06090208ィェ06ィャ 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィィィ 09 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコ06ィャ 080200ィィ06ィェ02 ィー0605ィケィコ06 ィー080001 09ィィ010609 0608050609 ィC ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ, ィャ0600ィィ05ィケィェィィィコィ ィィ 09ィー0207ィェ060006. 090208ィコィョィー (Aquila chrysaetos) 04ィ 0907080609ィー08ィ ィェ02ィェィィ02 ィィ ツィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィケ 00 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコ06ィャ 080200ィィ06ィェ02 ィ 0208ィコィョィー 08ィ 0907080609ィー08ィ ィェ00ィェ 05ィィ03ィケ ィェィ ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィ0701 09 010609ィーィ ィー06 ツィェ06 09ィィ05ィケィェ06 070208020902 ツ00ィェィェ04ィャ 080205ィケ020006ィャ, 070802ィィィャィョィエ0209ィー0902ィェィェ06 09 0308ィィィコィ 0907ィィィィ ィC 00060804 00ィ ィェ00ィィ09ィーィ ィョ ィェィ 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコ02 ィィ ツィィィェィコィィ 0705ィ ィー06. 00 0308ィィィ 08ィ 05ィケ02, ィェ0209ィャ06ィー0807 ィェィ 080701 05ィコ09070201ィィ02ィィィヲ, ィ 0208ィコィョィー ィェィ 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィィィ ィェィ ィャィィ ィェ02 06ィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェ ィェィィ ィェィ ツィィィェィコィ 01 0902090208ィェ0202 0808ィ 05ィケ09ィコ060006 ィャ060807, ィェィィ ィェィ ツィィィェィコィ 01 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー 09010605ィケ 090209020806-04ィ 07ィ 01ィェ060006 0706ィ 02080203ィケ07 0808ィ 05ィケ09ィコ060006 ィャ060807. 0906ィー07 ィ 0208ィコィョィー 00ィェ020401ィィィー0907 ィェィ 0705ィ ィー06 01ィ 000408ィ ィヲ, 08ィ 09070605060302ィェィェ06ィャ 0909020006 05ィィ03ィケ 09 100 ィコィャ 04ィ 07ィ 01ィェ0202 (03ィ 0302ィェィコ0609, 080608030209, 2006). 01ィ 0808ィ 05ィケ09ィコ06ィャ ツィィィェィコ02 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ ィ 040506 ィィ04090209ィーィェ06 09 0704ィ 02ィコィィ09ィーィ ィェ02 09 ィェィ ツィ 0502 0909 09ィー060502ィーィィ07 (000605 ツィ ィェ0609, 1912; 05ィ 08ィョ01ィェ04ィヲ, 1916), 0601ィェィ ィコ06 0906090802ィャ02ィェィェ0402 01ィ ィェィェ0402 09 05ィー06ィヲ ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィィ 0706 0708ィィ09ィョィー09ィー09ィィ06 09ィィ01ィ 06ィー09ィョィー09ィー09ィョ06ィー (00ィィィー0806070605ィケ09ィコィィィヲ ィィ 0108., 1987; 2009). 0602ィャ ィェ02 ィャ02ィェ0202, 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 start to breed in January, this period is characterized by active courtship display. Dates of it are very protracted due to asynchronic breeding of different pairs, that is a common feature for a desert population of eagles. The egg laying is spread across the period since 15 January in the south part of the region (Kinderli-Kayasan plateau, Mangyshlak) and 1ィC5 February ィC in the north (Northern Usyurt, Shagyray). Clutches are recorded in March up to late April in the south part of the region and up to late May ィC in the north. The latest clutch, consisting of only fresh egg was seen on the north cliff-faces of the Usturt plateau on 5 May, 2006. Such large difference in dates of egg laying depends on spring and local food conditions in the breeding territories. Taking into account that the main part of the Aral-Caspian population is located in the Mangyshlak peninsula, South Usturt and Kinderli-Kayasan plateaus, in the Aral-Caspian region the most egg laying seems to be in the period between 26 January and 14 February. Eggs of first clutches are being hatched in the south of the region since the beginning of Mart (1ィC3 March), in the north ィC in late March (21ィC23 March). The most hatching is recorded at the period between 12 and 30 March. The fledging period may be spread up to the beginning of August, in the north ィC up to 20 August. In 2004, we surveyed the earliest fledglings in Mangyshlak on 5 May and in the northern cliff-faces of Usturt ィC on 25 May. The end of the fledging period in the main part of population in Mangyshlak, Souther Usturt and Kinderli-Kayasan plateau is recorded in dates 16 May ィC 3 June. About 50% broods fledge in late May. Nestlings in latter broods fledge in June ィC August, until late August. But so latest dates are seldom. Depending on weather conditions dates of breeding may be different across the years, and the egg laying may start earlier for 2 week or later for 2ィC3 weeks comparing with the average dates (3ィC5 February). We surveyed 112 active nests in 2003ィC 2007 (including nests visited repeatedly the next year): lost clutches or broods were recorded in 6 nests (5.36%), 21 nests (18.75%) were repaired and occupied, but the breeding was not recorded at the moment of survey and 85 nests (75.89%) contained living clutches and broods, 64 of them were visited to determine the clutch and brood size. A total 8 nests with clutches were surveyed (4 nests with living clutches and 4 ィC

13Raptor Research Raptors Conservation 2011, 22 99 06ィー010205ィケィェ0401 07ィ 08 09070605ィェ02 090604ィャ0603ィェ06 ィェィ ィコィ 04ィ 0109ィコ06ィヲ ツィ 09ィーィィ ツィィィェィコィ, 000102 09 2005 00., ィ 05ィィ04 0008ィ ィェィィ0204 09 0704ィ 02ィコィィ09ィーィ ィェ06ィャ, ィェィ ィ 050601ィ 05ィ 09ィケ 07ィ 08ィ 07ィーィィ02 (08.00. 000603ィコィィィェ, 05ィィ ツィェ0602 090606ィ ィエ02ィェィィ02). 01ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ ィェィ 06ィ 03ィィ08ィェ0401 08ィ 09ィェィィィェィ 01 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー 010609ィーィ ィー06 ツィェ06 0905ィョ ツィ ィヲィェ06. 04ィ ィェ0202 ィ 040506 ィョ09ィーィ ィェ06090502ィェ06 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 ィ 05ィィ04 ィコ0605060102ィ 07 ツィコィョ01ィョィコ (080609ィーィィィェ, 1956). 00 ィェィ 09ィー0607ィエ0202 090802ィャ07 ィェィ 0709ィー0608ィー02 07ィ 0804 ィ 0208ィコィョィー0609 00ィェ02040107ィー0907 ィェィ 06070608ィ 01 09040906ィコ06090605ィケィーィェ0401 05ィィィェィィィヲ 050502ィコィー08060702080201ィ ツィィ (090603), 0601ィェィ ィコ06 09060902080302ィェィェ06 ィェ0208ィ 09ィェ06ィャ0208ィェ06 (08ィ 0807ィコィィィェ ィィ 0108., 2004). 000604ィャ0603ィェ06, 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ ィェィ 06070608ィ 01 090603 ィC ィェ06090602 010507 0709ィー0608ィーィ 07090502ィェィィ02 ィィ 0708ィィ09ィェ020902ィェ06 07ィーィィ02ィ ィャィィ 09 ィ 06050202 090609ィー06 ツィェ0401 080200ィィ06ィェ0609. 00 ツィ 09ィーィェ0609ィーィィ, 09 0804040405ィコィョィャィ 01 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ ィェィ 06070608ィ 01 090603 09ィーィ 0506 06ィ 04 ツィェ04ィャ 07090502ィェィィ02ィャ ィョ0302 09 ィコ06ィェ0202 70-01 ィC ィェィ ツィ 0502 80-01 0000. 0909 09ィー060502ィーィィ07 (09ィ ィェ060902ィェィコ06, 08ィ 01ィョ05ィェィ 04ィ 080609, 1983). 0502090208ィェ0202 0705ィ ィー06 01ィ 000408ィ ィヲ 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 ィョ09ィーィ ィェ06090502ィェ06 09 00ィョ00060103ィ 08ィ 01 (08ィ 0807ィコィィィェ ィィ 0108., 2007), 09 0706ィヲィャ02ィェィェ0401 050209ィ 01 ィャ0205ィコ0609060706 ツィェィィィコ0609 ィ ィ 090902ィヲィェィ 0208ィィ ィィ 0708ィ 05ィ, 0601ィェィ ィコ06 09070506ィーィケ 0106 01ィョィ 020805ィィィェ09ィコ060006 ィャ0205ィコ0609060706 ツィェィィィコィ ィ 0208ィコィョィー 00ィェ020401ィィィー0907 06ィー010205ィケィェ04ィャィィ 07ィ 08ィ ィャィィ, ィョ01ィ 0500ィェィェ04ィャィィ 0108ィョ00 06ィー 0108ィョ00ィ ィェィ ィ 0605ィケ03ィィ02 08ィ 0909ィー0607ィェィィ07 ィィ 09 02020506ィャ 09 09ィー0207ィェ06ィヲ 0406ィェ02 020006 08ィ 04ィャィェ060302ィェィィ02 ィェ0609ィィィー 0905ィョ ツィ ィヲィェ04ィヲ 01ィ 08ィ ィコィー0208. 05ィ 070208ィィ0601 ィィ09090502010609ィ ィェィィィヲ 09 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコ06ィャ 080200ィィ06ィェ02 ィ 09ィー0608ィ ィャィィ 0909ィー0802 ツ02ィェ06 187 ィ 0208ィコィョィー0609 09ィーィ 080302 2-01 0502ィー ィェィ 123 ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィ0701, 090407090502ィェ06 115 00ィェ02040106090401 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコ0609 (105 ィC ィェィ 070506ィエィ 01ィコィ 01, 09 ィー06ィャ ツィィ090502 100 ィC ィェィ ツィィィェィコィ 01), ィェィ 100 00ィェ02040106090401 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィ 01 06ィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェ04 00ィェ000401ィ 0608050609 (186 00ィェ000401, 09 ィョ ツ00ィー06ィャ 09ィーィ 080401, 04ィ ィェィィィャィ 0903ィィ010907 08ィ ィェ0202) (08ィィ09. 3). 01ィ 10 00ィェ02040106090401 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィ 01 0909ィー0802 ツ02ィェ04 07ィ 0804 04ィィ09. 3. 01ィェ02040106090402 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィィ ィ 0208ィコィョィー0609 (Aquila chrysaetos). Fig. 3. Breeding territories of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). 090208ィコィョィー (Aquila chrysaetos). 0806ィー06 06. 08ィ 0807ィコィィィェィ. Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). Photo by I. Karyakin. with lost ones), the average clutch size was 1.75 タ0.71 eggs (range 1ィC3). Unfortunately these data are not valid for the region because the most found clutches were late. A total of 56 nests contained broods (54 living and 2 lost); the average brood size was 1.86 タ0.48 nestlings (range 1ィC3). We found the third unfertilized egg in four nests with broods comprised of 2 nestlings and the second unfertilized egg in 5 nests with broods consisted of only nestling. Considering those data we can project the average size of early clutches as 2.02 タ0.49 eggs. Almost all the living broods (n=54) consisted of 2 eggs (75.93%) (fig. 13). All the broods comprised of 3 fledglings were observed for 7ィC12 days before they flying out the nest, then we can assume the breeding to be successful. We have observed no cases of cannibalism in the Golden Eagle broods and not recorded nestlings died through starvation. The lost broods seemed to be a result of death of an adult in the pair. Unfortunately we have no sufficient data on the breeding success and can estimate it on the base of the ratio of successful and empty nests during the period of 2 weeks before the fledglings flying out the nest. Depending on food and spring conditions up to 90% pairs can not breed in some regions, that were observed in the Norther Usturt in 2003 00 and in the Souther Usturt in 2006. However throughout the region more than 50% pairs were noted to breed. And the main reason of the Golden Eagle non-breeding is the decrease in numbers of the Great Gerbil (Rhombomys opimus)

13100 030208ィェィ ィー0402 01ィィィエィェィィィコィィ ィィ ィィ01 060108ィ ィェィ 2011, 22 0604ィョ ツ02ィェィィ02 070208ィェィ ィー0401 01ィィィエィェィィィコ0609 04ィィ09. 4. 0806080802050702ィィ07 090407090502ィェィェ0401 00ィェ02040106090401 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコ0609 ィ 0208ィコィョィー0609 09 070806ィー070300ィェィェ0609ィーィケ06 ィャィ 080308ィョィー0609 09 08ィ 04ィェ0401 ィーィィ07ィ 01 00ィェ02040106090401 ィ ィィ06ィー06070609. Fig. 4. Correlation between known breeding territories of the Golden Eagle and lengths of routes across breeding habitats. 07ィーィィ02, ィェィ 3-01 ィC 0601ィィィェ06 ツィェ0402 0904080609050402 07ィーィィ0204 (09 0109ィョ01 0905ィョ ツィ 0701 ィー06ィコ0609ィ 0903ィィィヲ 09ィ ィャ0202 ィィ ィェィ 0601ィェ06ィャ ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコ02 ィC ィ 02090706ィコ06ィィ0903ィ 070907 09ィ ィャィコィ ) ィィ ィェィ 0601ィェ06ィャ ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコ02 ィェィ ィ 050601ィ 050907 0705060106 0502ィーィ 06ィエィィィヲ 090500ィー06ィコ (00ィェ02040106 09 05ィー06ィャ ィャ0209ィー02 ィェ02 ィィ09ィコィ 05ィィ ィィ04-04ィ 05ィィィャィィィーィ 090802ィャ02ィェィィ). 06ィ ィコィィィャ 06ィ 08ィ 0406ィャ, 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィ02 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ 070601ィー090208030102ィェ06 0708ィィ 0909ィー0802 ツィ 01 09 07ィーィィ02ィ ィャィィ (n=123) 09 82,11% 0905ィョ ツィ 0209. 080605ィィ ツ0209ィー0906 090407090502ィェィェ0401 00ィェ02040106090401 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコ0609 ィ 0208ィコィョィー0609 010609ィーィ ィー06 ツィェ06 ツ00ィーィコ06 ィコ0608080205ィィ08ィョ02ィー 0906 09ィー020702ィェィケ06 06ィ 090502010609ィ ィェィェ0609ィーィィ 00ィェ02040106090401 ィ ィィ06ィー06070609 (r=0,92, p<0,08). 08ィェィ 05ィィ04 00ィェ000401 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ 09 08ィ 04ィェ0401 ィーィィ07ィ 01 00ィェ02040106090401 ィ ィィ06ィー06070609 0706ィコィ 040409ィ 02ィー 010609ィーィ ィー06 ツィェ06 08ィ 09ィェ06ィャ0208ィェィョ06 ィコィ 08ィーィィィェィョ 0909ィー0802 ツ ィェィ 09090201 ィーィィ07ィ 01 ツィィィェィコ0609, 04ィ ィィ09ィコ0506 ツ02ィェィィ02ィャ 0005ィィィェ07ィェ0401 (08ィィ09. 4). 05090704ィ ィェ06 05ィー06, 09 07020809ィョ06 06 ツ02080201ィケ, 09 ィー02ィャ, ツィー06 ィェィ 0005ィィィェ07ィェ0401 ツィィィェィコィ 01 ィャ02ィェィケ0302 06ィー090209ィェ0401 09ィー02ィェ, 0708ィィ000601ィェ0401 010507 ィョ09ィー0806ィヲ09ィー09ィ ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ ィャィィ 00ィェ000401. 07 ツ00ィー ィ 0208ィコィョィー0609 0706ィコィ 04ィ 05, ツィー06 ィェィ 08ィ 04ィェ0401 ィーィィ07ィ 01 ツィィィェィコ0609 ィィ01 070506ィーィェ0609ィーィケ 09ィ 08ィケィィ08ィョ02ィー 06ィー 1,90 0106 6,94 07ィ 08/100 ィコィャ, 090609ィーィ 09050707 09 09080201ィェ02ィャ 0706 080200ィィ06ィェィョ 6,0 07ィ 08/100 ィコィャ 06ィ 0804090609. 00ィ ィコ09ィィィャィ 05ィケィェ0402 0706ィコィ 04ィ ィー0205ィィ 070506ィーィェ0609ィーィィ 01ィ 08ィ ィコィー0208ィェ04 010507 ィャ020506090401 06ィ 0804090609 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコィ ィC 3,41ィC11,80, 09 09080201ィェ02ィャ 6,94 07ィ 08/100 ィコィャ 06ィ 0804090609 ィィ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ060006 0705ィ ィー06 ィC 1,44ィC13,93, 09 09080201ィェ02ィャ 6,76 07ィ 08/100 ィコィャ 06ィ 0804090609 (ィーィ ィ 05. 1). 00040906ィコィ 07 070506ィーィェ0609ィーィケ ィェィ 0506ィコィ 05ィケィェ0401 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィ 01 09090704ィ ィェィ ィェィ 070807ィャィョ06 09 09040906ィコ06ィヲ 09ィー020702ィェィケ06 00ィェ020401060708ィィ000601ィェ0609ィーィィ ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィィ ィC ィャィ 0909ィ 09040906ィコィィ01 06ィー090209ィェ0401 09ィー02ィェ 09 ィ 0605ィケ03ィィィャ ィコ0605ィィ ツ0209ィー0906ィャ ィェィィ03 ィィ 07060506ィコ, ィョ0106ィ ィェ0401 010507 ィョ09ィー0806ィヲ09ィー09ィ 060805ィ ィャィィ 00ィェ000401. 01ィ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー ィェィ ィェ0209ィコ0605ィケィコィィ01 070506ィエィ 01ィコィ 01 ィ 0208ィコィョィー ィェ02 06ィ ィェィ 08ィョ0302ィェ (09 0609ィェ0609ィェ06ィャ ィーィ ィャ, 000102 06ィー09ィョィー09ィー090609ィ 05ィィ 07060101060107ィエィィ02 06ィ 08040904). 06ィ ィャ 0302, 000102 06ィェ ィ 0405 ィェィ ィヲ0102ィェ ィェィ 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィィィ, 070506ィーィェ0609ィーィケ 09ィ 08ィケィィ080609ィ 05ィ 06ィー 2,34 0106 9,14, 090609ィーィ 09050707 09 09080201ィェ02ィャ 6,05 07ィ 08/100 ィコィャ 06ィ 0804090609 ィィ05ィィ 6,65 07ィ 08/100 ィコィャ 06ィ 0804090609 ィ 0204 ィョ ツ00ィーィ ィー020808ィィィー0608ィィィヲ, ィェィ ィコ06ィー06080401 ィ 0208ィコィョィー ィェ02 ィェィ ィヲ0102ィェ ィェィ 00ィェ0204010609ィ ィェィィィィ. 030609050201ィェィィィヲ 0706ィコィ 04ィ ィー0205ィケ 0708ィィィ 05ィィ03ィ 02ィー0907 ィコ ィーィ ィコ060906ィャィョ ィェィ 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコ02 ィィ and Yellow Souslik (Spermophilus fulvus) in those regions, where the Russian Tortoise (Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii) and Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) are absent or their numbers are little, however insignificant part of the population breeds in those regions. Diet The analysis of remains of prey species in the Golden Eagle nests in the region (n=478 in 32 nests) has shown the Russian Tortoise (41.21%) predominating. It is connected with the fact that the tortoise shells remain in and under the nest for a long time unlike the remains of small mammals. However the analysis of remains and pellets collected in 12 nests have shown another results ィC see table 4 and fig. 14. In this case (n=420) the Russian Tortoise also predominates (27.38%), but another significant prey species in the diet is the Great Gerbil (22.38%), bones of which are numerous in pellets, but its carcasses are infrequent in the nests. Another alternative prey species are the Yellow Souslik (16.9%), Chukar Partridge (12.4%), East-Four-lined Ratsnake (5.48%) (Elaphe sauromates) and Tolai Hare (3.33%) (Lepus tolai) Thus, the Golden Eagle diet in the Aral- Caspian region consists primarily of the Russian Tortoise, East-Four-lined Ratsnake, Chukar Partridge, Yellow Souslik, Great Gerbil and partly Hares. Tortoise, Great Gerbil, Yellow Souslik and Chukar Partridge are the main prey species, and East-Four-lined Ratsnake and Tolai Hare may be recognized as alternative prey. The diets of eagles in the north and south parts of the region have some differences (fig. 15). In the Northern Usturt (n=102) tortoises are not recorded in the diet, which consists of the Yellow Souslik (48.04%) and Ratsnakes (21.57%) ィC mainly the East-Fourlined Ratsnake ィC 14.71%. In the south of the Aral-Caspian region (Mangyshlak, Southern Usturt, Kinderli-Kayasan plateau) (n=318) the dist consists of tortoises (36.16%) together with the Great Gerbil (29.56%) and Chukar Partridge (15.41%), while the portions of the Yellow Souslik and Ratsnakes are insignificant, however are recorded almost in all surveyed nests. The Mangistau mountains Western and Eastern Karatau) is the unique territory, where the Chukar Partridge dominates in the diet of eagles ィC up to 53.57% (n=28). The diet depends also on the season. The Great Gerbil and Chukar Partridge seem to

13Raptor Research Raptors Conservation 2011, 22 101 06ィ ィ 05. 1. チィィ090502ィェィェ0609ィーィケ ィィ 070506ィーィェ0609ィーィケ ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ (Aquila chrysaetos) ィェィ 06ィ 080409ィ 01 ィョ ツ00ィーィェ0401 070506ィエィ 0106ィコ. 01ィョィャ0208ィ 02ィィ07 070506ィエィ 0106ィコ 090606ィー0902ィー09ィー09ィョ02ィー ィェィョィャ0208ィ 02ィィィィ ィェィ 08ィィ09. 2. Table 1. Number and density of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) on cliff-faces on the plots. Numbers of plots are similar to ones in the fig. 2. チィィィェィコィィ Cliffs 00020506090402 06ィ 08040904 08ィコィーィ ィョ Chalky cliffs of the Aktau range 0703ィェ04ィヲ 08ィコィーィ ィョ ィィ 060908ィ 00 08ィエ04ィ ィ 09 Southern Aktau and Aschybas ravine 00020506090402 06ィ 08040904 08ィコィーィ ィョ Chalky cliffs of the Aktau range 030506ィエィ 01ィコィィ Plots 030806ィー070300ィェィェ0609ィーィケ 06ィ 0804090609 (ィコィャ) Length of cliffs (km) 010601 / Year 01ィェ02040106090402 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィィ Breeding territories 030506ィーィェ0609ィーィケ (07ィ 08/100 ィコィャ 06ィ 0804090609) Density (pairs/100 km cliffs) 4 71.9 2003 7 9.74 5 34.7 2003 4 11.53 20 29.3 2004 1 3.41 2, 23 93.2 2004 11 11.80 1, 24 289.7 2004 13 4.49 03-0609 00ィ ィェ00040305ィ ィコ / Mangyshlak Peninsula 518.8 2003ィC2004 36 6.94 0703ィェ04ィヲ (ィャ0205060906ィヲ) ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー Southern (chalk) cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau 6 55.6 2003 5 9.00 05ィ 07ィ 01ィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー Western cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau 0502090208ィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー Northern cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau 7 80.5 2003 4 4.97 8, 22 142.8 2004 8 5.60 10 34.5 2003 2 5.80 11 24.6 2003 0 0 9, 21 120.4 2004 11 9.14 31 64.9 2006 5 7.71 32 9.2 2006 0 0 33 42.7 2006 1 2.34 34 20.3 2006 0 0 0305ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー / Usturt Plateau 595.3 2003ィC2006 36 6.05 08060502ィェィコ0205ィィ ィィ 040205ィケィーィ ィョ Kolenceli and Zheltau Cliffs 25 95.8 2004 2 2.09 チィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 01ィ 000408ィ ィヲ Cliff-faces of the Shagyray Plateau 27 53.9 2004 1 1.86 35 51.5 2006 1 1.94 0305ィ ィー06 01ィ 000408ィ ィヲ / Shagyray Plateau 105.4 2004ィC2006 2 1.90 0007ィ 01ィィィェィ 08ィ 08ィ 00ィィ02 / Karagie Depression 13 67.1 2004 4 5.96 08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコィィィヲ ツィィィェィコ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ060006 0705ィ ィー06 14 69.4 2004 1 1.44 Caspian seaside cliff-faces of the Kinderli-Kayasanskoe Plateau 0007ィ 01ィィィェィ 08ィ ィョィェ0104 / Kaundy Depression 15 34.9 2004 4 11.45 050209020806-090609ィー06 ツィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ060006 0705ィ ィー06 (ィョ09ィーィョ0704 08ィョ05ィ ィェ0104) Northern-eastern cliff-faces of the Kinderli-Kayasanskoe Plateau (Kulandy cliffs) 16 113.2 2004 6 5.30 17 31.2 2004 4 12.84 0007ィ 01ィィィェィ 04ィ 0400ィョ080504 / Zhazgurly Depression 18 14.4 2004 2 13.93 0007ィ 01ィィィェィ 09ィ 0900ィョ080504 / Basgurly Depression 19 24.9 2004 3 12.05 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ0602 0705ィ ィー06 355.1 2004 24 6.76 Kinderli-Kayasanskoe Plateau 0808ィ 05ィケ09ィコィィィヲ ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー 12 30.3 2003 0 0 Aral cliff-face of the Usturt Plateau 02ィ 08040904 07-0609ィ 08ィ 08ィ ィーィョ07 Cliff-faces of the Karatup Peninsula 26 19.3 2004 0 0 02ィ 08040904 0907ィ 01ィィィェ 0502090208ィェ060006 0308ィィィ 08ィ 05ィケ07 Cliff-faces of the Northern Aral Sea Region 02ィ 08040904 07-0609ィ 01ィョィ ィ 08ィーィ 08ィ ィョ Cliff-faces of the Shubartarau Peninsula 28 10.7 2005 0 0 29 9.6 2005 0 0 30 28.7 2005 0 0 0308ィィィ 08ィ 05ィケ02 / Aral Sea Region 98.6 2003ィC2005 0 0 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコィィィヲ 080200ィィ06ィェ 1768.9 (1670.4*) 2003ィC2006 100 5.65 (6.0*) Aral-Caspian Region * ィC ィ 0204 ィョ ツ00ィーィ 0308ィィィ 08ィ 05ィケ07 / without Aral Sea Region

13102 030208ィェィ ィー0402 01ィィィエィェィィィコィィ ィィ ィィ01 060108ィ ィェィ 2011, 22 0604ィョ ツ02ィェィィ02 070208ィェィ ィー0401 01ィィィエィェィィィコ0609 06ィ ィ 05. 2. 04ィ 0909ィー0607ィェィィ02 ィャ020301ィョ 00ィェ000401ィ ィャィィ 0906090201ィェィィ01 07ィ 08 ィ 0208ィコィョィー0609 ィェィ 070506ィエィ 01ィコィ 01. Table 2. Nearest-neighbor distances on study plots. 04ィ 0909ィー0607ィェィィ02 ィャ020301ィョ ィ 05ィィ03ィ ィヲ03ィィィャィィ 090609020107ィャィィ (ィコィャ) M タSD (lim) Nearest-neighbor チィィィェィコィィ / Cliffs 030506ィエィ 01ィコィィ Plots n distance (km) M タSD (lim) 08ィ 08ィ ィーィ ィョ / Karatau Mountains 3 3 5.84 タ2.65 (3.13ィC8.42) 00020506090402 06ィ 08040904 08ィコィーィ ィョ Chalk cliffs of the Aktau range 0703ィェ04ィヲ (ィャ0205060906ィヲ) ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー Southern (chalk) cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau 05ィ 07ィ 01ィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー Western cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau 0502090208ィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 0705ィ ィー06 0709ィー0608ィー Northern cliff-faces of the Usturt Plateau 0007ィ 01ィィィェィ 08ィ 08ィ 00ィィ02 Karagie Depression 08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコィィィヲ ツィィィェィコ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ- 08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ060006 0705ィ ィー06 Caspian seaside cliff-faces of the Kinderli-Kayasan Plateau 0007ィ 01ィィィェィ 08ィ ィョィェ0104 Kaundy Depression 050209020806-090609ィー06 ツィェ04ィヲ ツィィィェィコ 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ060006 0705ィ ィー06 (ィョ09ィーィョ0704 08ィョ05ィ ィェ0104) Northern-eastern cliff-faces of the Kinderli-Kayasan Plateau (Kulandy cliffs) 0007ィ 01ィィィェィ 04ィ 0400ィョ080504 Zhazgurly Depression 0007ィ 01ィィィェィ 09ィ 0900ィョ080504 Basgurly Depression 0808ィ 0506-08ィ 0907ィィィヲ09ィコィィィヲ 080200ィィ06ィェ Aral-Caspian Region 1, 24 12 6.24 タ3.89 (2.93ィC15.57) 2, 23 8 5.19 タ2.95 (2.04ィC9.86) 4 6 2.89 タ1.63 (1.68ィC6.03) 5 3 2.03 タ0.45 (1.52ィC2.35) 6 6 4.71 タ2.44 (1.68ィC7.98) 7 3 6.46 タ4.99 (3.55ィC12.22) 8, 22 8 8.40 タ7.15 (1.58ィC23.83) 10 1 7.68 9, 21 12 7.88 タ4.23 (2.67ィC16.58) 31 5 7.27 タ3.69 (2.58ィC12.09) 13 3 5.95 タ2.67 (3.02ィC8.24) 14 1 19.32 15 3 5.52 タ2.60 (2.66ィC7.72) 16 6 9.22 タ4.0 (5.91ィC15.39) 17 3 5.60 タ3.44 (1.66ィC8.02) 18 1 6.4 19 2 5.51 タ0.28 (5.31ィC5.70) 86 6.44 タ4.23 (1.52ィC23.83) 08ィィィェ01020805ィィ-08ィ 0709ィ ィェ09ィコ06ィャ 0705ィ ィー06, 0708ィィ ィー06ィャ, ツィー06 070506ィーィェ0609ィーィケ 08ィ 0907080201020502ィェィィ07 ィ 0208ィコィョィーィ 0706 ツィィィェィコィ ィャ ィェィ 0709ィー0608ィー02 ィ 06050202 08ィ 09ィェ06ィャ0208ィェィ 07. 06ィ ィコ ィコィ ィコ ィ 0605ィケ03ィィィェ09ィー0906 ツィィィェィコ0609 09ィィ05ィケィェ06 ィィ04080204ィ ィェ04 050600ィ ィャィィ, ィー06 070806ィー070300ィェィェ0609ィーィケ 06ィ 0804090609 09 070802010205ィ 01 00ィェ0204010609060006 ィョ ツィ 09ィーィコィ 07ィ 0804 ィ 0208ィコィョィー0609 ィャ060302ィー 090609ィーィ 090507ィーィケ 01020907ィーィコィィ ィコィィ0506ィャ02ィー080609, 09 ィー06 090802ィャ07 ィコィ ィコ 01ィィ09ィーィ ィェ02ィィ07 ィャ020301ィョ 00ィェ000401ィ ィャィィ 0906090201ィェィィ01 07ィ 08 06ィ 04 ツィェ06 ィェ02 070802090403ィ 06ィー 10 ィコィャ. 00 02020506ィャ 0706 080200ィィ06ィェィョ 08ィ 0909ィー0607- dominate absolutely in the Golden Eagle diet in January ィC March, and their numbers determine the occupancy of breeding territories and further breeding output. The numbers of both species are rather little in the north of Usturt and the main prey is a hare in spring, and Yellow Souslik ィC since the end of March. It seems that as a result of such poor diet, Golden Eagles inhabiting there are forced to breed with lower density and in latest dates, timing the hatching to the end of hibernation of Yellow Sousliks. Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) Distribution and Population Numbers Until the middle of 0909 century, the breeding range of the Imperial Eagle had not covered the Aral-Caspian region (Dementyev, 1951). Now the Imperial Eagle inhabit the entire Aral-Caspian region, however the most density is observed only in the northern part of the region ィC Northern Usturt, Shagyray plateau and adjacent depressions, and in the Aral Sea region as well. During our surveys carried out in the Aral- Caspian region we have encountered 128 birds over the age of 2 years in 55 territories, and discovered 51 breeding territories (30 ィC on the plots, including 28 ィC in the zone of cliff-faces), nests were found in all the territories (56 nests including old) (fig. 16). Thus, the Imperial Eagle breeding was proved in 92.73% events of birds encountered (n=55). Single birds were observed in 4 cases and were recognized as non-breeding, because encountered birds were under the age of 6 years. We managed to observe both birds in the pair in 40 cases. The age structure of pairs has shown a low mortality rate ィC both birds in the pair were adult in 37 cases (92.5%), and young birds recorded in 3 cases (7.5%) (3ィC5 years) (young males were in 2 pairs and female ィC in the pair). The census of eagles has shown that 56.86% discovered breeding pairs prefer to nest in the zone of cliff-face distribution. Others inhabit semi-deserts mostly in the north part of the Aral-Caspian region. Basing on those data we have calculated the population number in the region for the zone of cliff-faces and other territory separately. The average breeding density on clay and shell cliff-faces 3.34 07ィ 08/100 km of cliff-faces, ranging from 0.7 to 10.46 pairs/100 km (table 5). Apart the zone of cliff-face distribution the Imperial Eagle was encountered at 73.17% count transects with the average density